Planning Commission Minutes 05-24-2004 (Special Meeting) . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, May 24th, 2004 5:30 P.M. Members: Council Liaison: Staff: Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, Lloyd Hilgart, Glen Posusta Jeff O'Neill, Matt Brokl - Campbell Knutson, and Angela Schumann William Spartz, Planning Commission member nominee Guest: 1 . Call to order. Chairman Frie called the special meeting to order at 5:30 PM. Chairman Frie stated that an error had been made on the Agenda cover, indicating a start time of 6:00 PM. In that regard, Chair Frie noted the absence of liaison Glen Posusta and the absence of Sunny Fresh representatives. . Chair Fire also noted the presence of William Spartz, the Planning Commission's nominated candidate lor the vacant Commission scat. His nomination is subject to Council approval. Frie indicated that Spartz would be able to add input, but is not a voting member until Council approval. 2. Public Ilearing - Consideration of a request for concept and development stage PUD allowing expansion of an oHice/industrial use in the CCl) district. Applicant: Sunny Fresh Foods. To allow time for Sunny Fresh representatives to arrive, Frie recommended that stall provide an overview of the report in order for Commission to proceed with questions for staff O'Neill reviewed the staff report, stating that Sunny Fresh is seeking approval of a PUD to allow expansion of their site onto the Methodist Church property and former Little Mountain Feed site. O'Neill stated that the applicants propose to construct a new office building on the site, and add parking space to the area. Because the site use is complicated by a mix of heavy truck traffic, employee parking, pedestrian circulation on and around the site, a power substation in the middle of the site, and a partially constructed City street (Linn Street), the site development plans require careful examination. . O'Neill commented that in the past, Sunny Fresh operations have raised issues with parking supply and parking distribution, light glare onto adjacent properties, conflicts between pedestrian and vehicular traHic, general site improvements and conditions, Planning Commission Minutes OS/24/04 . and aesthetic issues related to exposure of mechanical equipment to the City's rctail and civic core arca. O'Neill indicated that staff has considered these issues as a part of this request. O'Neill indicated that one of the primary issues is parking. The applicants suggest that cmployees must use the east side of the facility for employee entrances due to security and sanitation reasons inside the plant. As a result, getting employees from parking lots on the west to entrance points on the cast is a concern. This issue should be rcsolved as a part of this expansion. Overall, the parking supply is estimated to be anywhere from 13 spaces to more than 157 spaces deficient, depending on whether an employee count or a square footage count is used to estimate parking demand. The actual deficiency is probably in thc range of 40 to 60 spaces, based on observations by City staff~ and assuming that all (m-site parking is utilized. O'Neill relayed that stall's recommendation is that Sunny Fresh work toward resolution of this issuc by encouraging the full use of their existing lots as well as looking for other parking alternative. lfparking demands can not be met, Sunny Fresh should be prcpared to pay into the City's parking development fund if current City-provided space is relied on. . O'Ncill outlined staffs recommendations to enhance the facility's compatibility with the surrounding business and residential neighborhoods. Some of these items include improved screening; increased landscaping; paving of the gravel trailer storage area, which would improve aesthetics and site organization and would minimize dust created by a significant amount of vehicle traffic; and improvements to existing lighting. The City Planner has also requested modifications to the expansion building design which may be a point of discussion for the Commission. O'Neill noted that DA T had reviewed has reviewed this request and provided recommendations very similar to those of the City Planner. With these improvements, O'Neill indicated that the City should be able to find that the intent of its PUD ordinance - flexibility in application of zoning standards resulting in a project that is a substantive improvement over the basic zoning regulations. In this case, O'Neill cited that the applicant has received flexibility in parking requirements, waivers of building and parking lot or driveway setbacks in several areas, open truck and trailer parking in thc midst of a residential area, use of City right of way for private parking and circulation, and minimal use of curb and other parking lot improvements otherwise required by the Zoning regulations. . Frie inquired whcther Sunny Fresh was made aware of all of the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z, which vary slightly from those in the actual statIrcport. O'Neill indicated that Sunny Fresh had been provided with the full report. 2 Planning Commission Minutes OS/24/04 . Frie questioned whether Sunny Fresh would be receptive to all oHice persons utilizing the Methodist and Little Mountain sites to park at that end. O'Neill indicated that would be most likely. Carlson inquired whether a conversation had ever taken plan regarding a possible move of Sunny Fresh from the existing site to an industrial area in the City. O'Neill noted that this area was always noted as industrial, noted on zoning plan. Sunny Fresh has continued to make improvements and invest in the site. Frie asked if Sunny Fresh would consider shuttling as a solution to parking issues. O'Neill stated that should congestion occur, that would be an option. However, it currently appears that there is enough parking available, but management of those spaces is key. Frie questioned if grandfathering resolves any issues indicated by staff. O'Neill stated that duc to the new application, Sunny Fresh is required to comply to the best of the existing use, although in some instances, staff has accommodated their cxisting sitc constraints. . Carlson askcd if concrete paving is neccssary. Carlson suggested crushed granite as a compromise due to cost prohibitive nature of paving such a large area. O'Neill indicated it could be if it is maintained. Carlson stated that he feels it is important f()r the City to be a good neighbor, as well. Carlson indicated that the City could partner with Sunny Fresh to improve landscaping on both sides and to utilize the west end of community center lot. Chair hie welcomed arriving Sunny Fresh representatives and Council Liaison Posusta. Frie opcned the pubic hearing. Don Roberts, Sunny Fresh Foods and David Linner, project architect, addresscd the Commission. Roberts stated that Sunny Fresh agrees with the rcport and conditions as listed for the most part. Some area, however, are a concern. Roberts indicated that Sunny Fresh continues to work on providing accessible parking options for staff and utilizing all of their parking areas. Frie recommended that Sunny Fresh administration could direct employees to use underutilized parking areas. . Frie asked Sunny Fresh about the possibility of implementing a shuttle service. Roberts indicated that it was definitely an option that they had in fact been considering. Posusta asked staff how the proposed Montessori school would impact parking potential on the Community Center lot. O'Neill stated it would have a minimal parking need and that other nodes of parking in the area exist for consideration. A brief discussion occurred ;-1 Planning Commission Minutes OS/24/04 . regarding the Walnut Street area as an option for parking. Linner stated that Sunny Fresh is also concerned about the condition that they screen the air condenser. It may not be feasible due to operation and safety reasons, to do so. However, Roberts stated that if there is a way to screen it, they will do so. Roberts indicated that Sunny Fresh would prefer not to pave the truck parking area due to the significant expense involved. Frie noted that the Commission had discussed this and are receptive to a crushed granite alternative, pending Council's approval on that matter. Roberts also noted that the City Planner had recommended an architectural style to match the original building. It is their preference to match the existing building. O'Neill and Commission agreed that allowing the expansion to match the existing building is the more reasonable and appropriate option. Roberts agreed that measures would be taken to eliminate light glare onto the street or adjacent properties. . In regard to the landscape requirements, Linner stated that there may not be enough room to add two rows of trees. O'Neill suggested that in that ease, a row could be shifted to the City side or the tree rows could be staggered. Hearing no further comments, Chair Frie closed the public hearing. Hilgart requested O'Neill's opinion on screening ofmechanieal equipment per outlined conditions. O'Neill indicated that DA T had made a similar recommendation. O'Neill stated that options for screening are available and that staff would work with Sunny Fresh to accomplish acceptable screening measures. Frie asked O'Neill if Sunny Fresh should be prepared to pay into city fund for parking, and whether that process had been done before. O'Neill stated that City would like to sit down and really determine the exact deficiency be1ure setting that number. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DRAGS TEN TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE INT'ENT OF THE PUD ORDINANCE IS MET THROUGII IMPROVEMENTS TO THE SITE AND BUILDING PI ,ANS, JUSTIFYING THE FLEXIBILITY FROM THE STRICT ZONING REGULATIONS AS NOTED IN THIS REPORT. THIS RECOMMENDATION IS SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS LISTED IN EXIIlBrr Z, MODIFIED AS FOLLOWS: . /. . I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. . 9. 3. Adjourn. Planning Commission Minutes OS/24/04 Addition of parking spaces, or payment into the City's parking fund for a space deficiency to be determined. Development of a reasonable screening measure on the east wall in order to screen roof-top equipment from the view of traffic on Walnut Street. Development of a pedestrian circulation pattern on the site, or on adjoining path and sidewalk, to increase the efficient use of west parking areas. Crushed granite on the semi-trailer storage area west of Linn Street to improve aesthetics, minimize dust, and improve site organization. Architecture on the new building that reflects the architectural style of the existing building. Replacement of lighting fixtures around the site to ensure that no light sources are visible from neighboring property or public rights of way. Double or staggered row of Coniferous trees screening trailer storage area per previous PUD approval. Adherence to applicable conditions from previous PUD approvals. Additional landscape plantings or trees buffering view of truck and vehicle parking from 4th street and adjoining residential neighborhood. MOTION SECONDED BY HILGART. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION TO ADJOURN BY CARLSON. MOTION SECONDED BY DRAGSTEN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . .)