Library Board Minutes 11-06-2007MINUTES
Tuesday Novembex 6, 2007 - 5 p.m.
Members Present: Janet Bridgland, Ralph Olson and Council Liaison Susie Wajchouski.
Members Absent: Tom Pazker, Chris Anderly and Claudia Tollefson.
Others Present: Debra Luken, Branch Manager and Joan Allen Regional Supervisor GRRL.
Since there was not a quorum of the Library Board present no official business could be
conducted. Debra Luken informed the Board that Chris Anderly submitted his resignation and
those present discussed possible candidates to replace hirn.
Debra Luken also informed the Board she had submitted the request for chairs to be included in
the 2008 budget and had contacted Signs Plus regazding a quote for signage.
Debra Luken, Recording Secretary
The Library had a busy and success summer! 510 children participated in our
Summer Reading Program, "Going Bananas at your Library". In addition, the
library offered ZZ events and story times during the summer months with a total
attendance of 1162. Library statistics are up! During the months of June
through September we circulated 6926 more items that we did in the same four
months of 2006. Our average monthly circulation for this time period was
18,$45 per month. Our Internet stations remain extremely busy, averaging 844
sessions a month. This figure doesn"t take into consideration the number of
patrons taking advantage of our wireless capabilities.
Monticello was one of the 10 libraries selected to receive additional hours for
2008. Libraries were chosen based on their "busyness" factor. Those factors
were based on numbers that are collected automatically by Horizon and are
considered valid and reliable. The "busyness" factors analyzed were checkins
per staff hour, checkouts per staff hour, contacts per staff hour, and holds per
staff hour. Unfortunately the amount of monies to be divided by the ten libraries
is only $30,000. Monticello's portion of this is $4,054. While we are extremely
happy to have been granted these extra hours, it will translate into 4.5 hours a
week. Not enough to be open additional hours but will allow us additional
coverage that is needed.
I have contacted Randy Salo of Signs Plus, (a local business) in regards to
providing new and much need signage for the Library.We have done a walk
through and determined the needs of the Library. He will be contacting me with
his proposal.
I submitted to the city of Monticello on May Z1, 2007 a request for 4 armchairs
at the cost of $2159 to be included in the 2008 budget. I also requested the
programming budget to be restored to $6700. Due to raising gas prices most
entertainers are additional monies far mileage.
Debra Luken
Branch Manager
Monticello Library