Library Board Minutes 10-12-2005. y
Wednesday October 12, 2005 -- 4 p.m.
Members Present: Chris Anderly, Sandra Foster, Jacquelin Gordon and Dawn Grossingcr
Members Absent: Tom Parker and Council Liaison, Brian Stumpf
Others Present: Margo Askin, Librarian; Janet Bridgland, Theresa Anderson-Kentner,
And Mayuli Bales.
1. Call to Order.
In the absence of Chair Tam Parker, Acting Chair Jacquelin Gordon called the meeting to order
at 4:10 p.m. and declared a quorum present.
2. Introduction of new board members and guests.
Chris Anderly the new board member was introduced and representatives of the Latino
Outreach Committee were also introduced.
6. Latino Outreach Committee.
Janet Bridgland spoke regarding the outreach group's efforts both at the library and the high
school. She talked about the diversity in the community and the importance of
communication with the various ethnic groups. Mayuli Bales talked about the library being a
home for diversity. The value of the outreach program is integration of the community. She
talked about the Spanish reading program at the library and the benefits it provides the
participants. She also noted that the school has a tutoring program and that these types of
programs help close the language gap.
Margo Askin would like to have a computer set up with a language program such as the
Rosetta Stone, which is individualized language instruction. There was discussion on if the
program was set up, could the library get laptops which individuals could sign out. Chris
Anderly said a new laptop with wireless could be purchased from Dell for $400-$500.
It was also noted that seven area churches provide bilingual services. Discussion focused on
the library being the clearinghouse for the churches and other groups who are trying to reach
out to the families. Sandra Foster stated that a lot of high school students do volunteer work
such as reading at the bilingual program so that is another resource that would be available to
the library.
The committee talked about some of the cultural differences such as not having experience with
what a public library is and realizing that you can actually check out materials and not be
charged for them. Unc of the problems is trying to reach the migrant workers. To get a library
card you have to have an address. These workers are in an area for 3-S months and do not have
a permanent address. The other concern is getting current statistical data on the ethnic
population in the community. They also talked about having anon-circulation collection of
Spanish reading materials.
4. Building Project.
Since neither Tom Parker nor Fred Patch were present at the meeting, Margo Askin updated the
Library Board on the progress of the expansion project. She stated the primary concern was the
defects relating to the circulation desk. Ed Kodet, the architect, came out and rnet with staff
and Fred Patch to try to correct the situation. It was not certain whether Fred Patch had
authorized having the architect proceed with the work. It was suggested that Tom Parker
contact Fred Patch to ascertain whether the architect was directed to proceed based on the
revisions proposed.
Initially the City Council had authorized expenditures for shelving not to exceed $1.5,000.
Margo Askin reported that all the shelving had been ordered and they had not exceeded the
allotted amount. She will be getting an expenditure report from the Finance Department on this
portion of the project. The question remains as to what additional furnishings are needed.
Margo Askin indicated she would like to see a better grade of furniture in the solarium area.
The City's budget for 2006 has been set so if it was proposed to request funding for furniture in
2006 the funds would have to be taken from reserves. It was felt this was an item that could
be considered for the 2007 budget and a suggestion was made that at the March meeting of the
library Board there should be some preliminary discussion on budgeting for this or any other
items needed by the library.
5. Ordinance and operating guidelines review.
I'he Library Board was given a draft of an ordinance amendment which would hopefully
represent the current functions of the Library Board. Section 2.5.5 which dealt with the
of#icers and their duties was discussed and it was pointed out that this is something that would
normally be covered in an organization's by-laws. Since the Library Board does not have by-
laws it was felt this portion of the ordinance should remain in until such time as by-laws were
approved. In Section 2-5-4 it was suggested that language be added stating that the Laibrary
Board shall make a recommendation to the City Council on candidates for appointment to the
Library Board. Section 2-5-7 was changed to reflect the Library Board would have the
authority to make recommendations on budget matters in addition to other items listed.
7. Wireless Internet-TDS
Chris Anderly talked about the need to have wireless service at the library. With wireless
service available individuals could bring in their own computer and not tie up the library's
computers. The library would be a place where people could come in and work. Since they
wauld not be on Great River's server the users would not be as restricted as far as filtering. It
was proposed to have two access types; restricted and unrestricted. The librarian would change
the access code on a regular basis anywhere from every 30 minutes to every 2 hours. Marga
Arkin stated that with all staff I~as to do she would prefer a longer time frank for the access
code. Margo Arkin stated that "C'DS had talked about providing this service but as of yet she
has not heard back from them. (treat River Regional library sent out a position statement
which primarily leaves the use and development of wireless service up to the branch libraries.
Sandra Foster and Chris Anderly will work on developing a policy and procedure for wireless
9. December vacancies.
The terms of "I~om Parker and Dawn C7rossinger expire in December, 2005. Dawn Grossinger
suggested that with the number of capable people who expressed interest at the time the last
vacancy was filled, the board may wish to have one of them. serve on the board. It was noted
that although presently tl~erc is an individual on the board from the township area, it is not a
requirement that the board have a representative from the township.
~1']ac Library Board may schedule a brief meeting in December to review applicants for the
vacant position and make a rcconurtendation to the Council so that an appointment can be made
at the first council meeting in .Ianuary.
10. Adjourn.
Recording Secretary