Parks Commission Minutes 03-15-2001 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETIN(; - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, Mat'ch IS, 20(H - 4:30 p.m. Members Present: Nancy MeCarrrey. Larry Nolan. Earl Smith and Rick Traver. Members Absent: I:ran Fair. Stafr: Ciregg Engle. Park Superintendent JdT CrNeil1. Deputy City Administrator 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Approval of the minutes ofthe re2;ular meetin2; of Fcbruarv IS,200t. Gregg Engle noted corrections (()r costs listed under Itcml19 in the minutes fl.)!' backstop and basketball court t(l!" the River Mill Park. EARL SMITH MOVED T'O APPROVE TilE MINlrrES WITH THE CORRECTIONS TO THE COSTS LISTr:D FOR TIIF BACKSTOP AND BASKFTBALL COURT H)R RIVER MILL PARK. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lJNANIMOLISL Y. 3. Consideration of mlding items to the at!:enda. Pan1 Campbell"s presentation on the application 1'01' adopt-a-park for Fast Bridge Park by the Monticello COlllmunity Partners was added to the agenda. Pan1 Campbell brietly reviewed MCP's application t()r the East Bridge Park and noted that \vith this application they were proposing a second area of plantings. They had met with Gregg Engle and reviewed the planting area and the planting rnaterialthat would be used. It was noted that the area would have to be terraced bet()!T the plantings could be done. Gregg Engle informed the Parks Commission that with existing work load 1(11' the park starr it is unlikely that they would be able to do the terracing work in this area. Ilowever. hc had obtained a cost estimate II'om a landscaping linn t(l!" the work. TIll' estimate was $] .562.50 using the City's boulders or $2.125.00 with the landscaping tirlll providing the boulders. The company l'stimated the work would take about ((HII' days. The work would tentatively be scheduled rl)r April nrd-April 30th. L':ARL SMITH M()VED lO ACCEPT Till.: PRICE QUOTI': OF $2.125.00 FOR. Till.: TERRACING WORK IN EAST BRIDC;I.: PARK WllleI I WOULD INCLUDE Till.: COMPANY PROVIDINCi THE BOIII.I)LRS. RICK TRAVER SI'.CC)NDED TilL MOTION. MOTION (,ARR"~I) UNANIMOUSL Y. . . . Parks COnlmission Minutes - 3/15/0 I The Parks Commission discussed whcre the runds '"or the lcrraeing work would come rrom. Gregg Engle stated that there is $2.500 in the Adopt-A-Park Program \vhich could he used. These runds could also be used for Otter Creck and River Mill plantings and for the mastcr gardeners at Ellison Park. Pam Cilmpbell stated th,lt they estimilted the cost for the plantings ilnd other supplies for the Last Bridge Park at $94.3.76-$983.76. EARL SMITII MOVE~D TO ACCLPT THE ADOPT-A-PARK APPLICArION SlJBMITTr.:r) BY PAM CAMPBI-:,JJ" F()R MONTICELLO ('OMMUNITY PARTNERS FOR AN ESTIMATED TOTAL OF $983.76 WEIICII INeLUDES TI [I~ SECOND PLANTINCj ARLA. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED TlIF MOTION, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSI_Y. I':arl Smith ilsked about the trees at the East Bridgc Parle Gregg Lngle responded that those trees would be brought over to West Bridge Park and planted in the area of the Walnut Street parking. 4. Citizens Requests. None. 5. Discussion on West Brid2;c PHrk Phlvground. At the last meeting. catalogs of playground equipment vvere distributed for the Parks Commission review \.vith the idea of scleeting a playground structure that would be placed in the southwcst corner of the West Bridge Park. Gregg Engle was requesting a recommendation from the Park Commission members as to what kind of structure they would like to see there so that he could have some layouts ready for the next meeting. The consensus of the Parks Commission was that they would like a nautical theme. perhaps a stealnboat or river boat design. It is estimated that the structure would cost about $25.000 and it is proposed that it would be installed in October. Pam Campbell asked about power to the area. Gregg Engle stated that providing a power source was part of the overall long term improvement plan. Gregg Engle also stated thilt the modifications to the existing play structure would be done by park staff and is noted on their work schedule. 6. DNR Grant. Ciregg Engle reported that the City was not able to submit the Outdoor Recreation Grant application because the nceded permits fl'om the DNR and Corp or I':ngineers for the fishing pier overlook would not be processed by those agencies in time to rneetthe grant application deadline. Gregg Engle will continued to work on the grant application and get everything in place so that the application can be submitted for runding in 2002, It had been proposed that the grant funds vvould have helped fund the playground structure. bituminous trail and the fishing pier overlook, I . . . 7. s. Parks Commission Minutes - 3/15/01 Nancy McCaffrcy rcportcd she had attended a grant writing workshop and they had clnphasizcd that with grant prognnns you should kccp applying and to get thc grant application submit ahcad of the dcadline if possibk. Grcgg Englc sl<lted thilt in the application !l.)r 2002 funding thcy would hc !l.)Cusing on the trail and fishing picr ovcrlook. Nancy McCaffrcy suggested whl'n thcy do thc park tour they should spend a little more time looking at thc arca that \vill be thc !l.)Cus of thc grant application. Pioneet" Park Shelter R.cview. Gregg Engle had not yet rcccived the drawings !()l' thc shcltcr from the Lions. A "Pionccr Day" has been scheduled for May:2. In conjunction with other activities. thc Lions \vill work with staff on thc clean up of the park. Grcgg Engle also noted that the wcck of July nrd had tl:ntativcly bccn schcduled for thc start of the shelter construction. Budc:et Review. Grcgg Fngle rcvicwcd thc park expenditurcs as of March 1 st. He notcd that thcy purchased a combined sccdcr. tillcr and aerator rather than going with separate pieces of cquipmcnt. lie also reportcd that Flanagan Sales submitted the low bid on the Meadow ()ak play structure. lhe play structurc has been ordered and work on thc Mcadow ()ak parK improvcments is scheduled f(lr July. The Parks Commission requested that City staff furnish <l report on thc park dedication/patll\vay fund. Jdf (fNcill statcd he would pruvide a rcport showing what dcveloPll1Cnts are collecting the pathway fees and thc cstimatl:d rcvcnue Ii'om each devclopmcnt. Gregg Engle also brought up thc line item in the Parks Dcpartment budget for Community Celebration. lie qucstioned whether the eity staff and city equipment couldn't be used to provide cleanup aftcr thc Riverfest celebration and that cost be taken li'om the $5,000 budgeted under Community Celebrations. Grcgg Fnglc will discuss this with John Simola. the Public Works Ui rector. 9. Parks Department Tt"ee Workshop and Distribution Dav. (iregg Engle reported that thc Trcc Workshops have becn schcduled for April 41h and April 71h. Thc trces have been ordered and pcople havc bccn lined up to assist with the rcgistration and the trcc distrihution. 10. City Balltil'ld Li2hts Ac:r:ecment. AgITcmcnts !l.)l" funding costs ofthc ballficld lights have becn submitted to the Polecats, the i\1untiCl'llo Bascball Association and the Monticello Soltball Association. " .J . Parks Commission MinulL's - 3/15/01 II. East Ikidc:e I'.ark In~ic:ation and Landscapc Dcsi2;n Revicw. Gregg Fnglc \\ill hl' gelling desigll inl(lrlllation from Nelson. Toro and Rainbird. It is hoped to start installation of the irrigiltion system around /\pril 20111. 12. Parks Dcpartmcnt 200 I Goals Rcvicw. (iregg Lnglc presented a listing of the goals and projects f(w the various parks and submitted it to the Parks COlllmission. The Parks Commission brielly discussed development of park lands obtained in recent subdivision developments and the ability of the park stan'to handle the current work load and also take on added tasks relating to development of new parks. Larry Nolan asked about the status of ISTEA Pathway/Bridge Project. Rick Traver reported on the meeting of the Cemetery Committee. Ill' expressed his concern about the long range funding for the cemetery maintenance. 13. Maintenancc Items. Gregg Engle reported: . a) The rinks were closed on Fehruary 261h. b) Ilcnnepin County Parks and the DNR have been monitoring the swan situation on Mississippi Drive. c) Boy Scouts have SOlne trees they would like to donate to the city. d) Sign f(lr Cardinal Hills park has been started. Other signs ten to be completed are the Last and West Bridge Park. Fallon Park and Battle Rapids Park. e) Field markings signs ((lr the ballliclds have been completed. Earl Smith asked if the Park Departlllent was planning on doing some burning this year. Cregg L:ngle indicated that they were and it would likely be done some time during April I Slh - April J0111. if weathcr permits. Ciregg Engle also reported that they are going to work in the Battle Rapids area so that they Cill1 get it mowed several times so that the native grasses have a better chance to COllle hack. It \vas suggested that the parks tour he donl' over two nights with one night being given to the ne\\ park land acquisition in the areas of Rolling v.,ioods. Wildvvood Ridgc and Ciroveland. . 4 . . . Parks Commission Minlltes - 3/1 5/01 loot Adjourn. 1-j\RL SMITH MOVED TO ADJ()IJRN AT 6 P.M. NANCY MCCAFFRL~Y SECC)NI)E[) TilE MOTI()N. MOTION CARRILD UN^N[~101ISI.Y. o~ ~__~S's.~~. Rccording Secretary )