Parks Commission Minutes 06-11-2001 Special . . . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Monday, June 11,2001 - 2 p.m. Members Present: Larry Nolan, Fran Fair, Nancy McCaffrey and Earl Smith. Members Absent: S tafT: Rick Traver; Council Liaison, Roger Carlson. Gregg Engle, Parks Superintendent 1. Call to Order. 2. Chair Larry Nolan called the special meeting of the Parks Commission to ordcr at 2 p.m. The purpose of the meeting was to look at specific parks and address issues concerning those parks and provide direction to the Parks Department. River Mill Park. Gregg Engle noted that the City had received some complaints from residents about the access to the River Mill Park. ^ number of residents have complained that the park users arc cutting across their yards to gain access to the park rather than use the designated pathway. The residents were also concerned that the new improvements to the park will generate more traffic coming to the park and aggravate the trespassing problem. A portion of the designated pathway system in that area is supposed to be constructed by the developer and a portion by the City. Earl Smith felt it was important that the Parks Commission put this before the Council so that there is some push to get the pathway constructed. The segments of pathway to be constructed are: 1) From the cul-de-sac of River Forest Drive between Lot I, Block 2 and Lot 15, Block I River Forest 2nd Addition extending to Gilliard ^ venue and, 2) Outlot B in River Forest Second Addition between Lot 1, Block :3 and Lot 7, Block 2 to River Forest Drive. Gregg Engle indicated that there would be a number of residents from the River Mill area in attendance at the next Parks Commission meeting in order to discuss the access problen1 at the park. EARL SMITII MOVED TO REQUEST Till.: COUNCIL TO REQUIRE TI-1E DI~VELOPER TO COMPLETE TilE TRAIL SEGMENTS AS REQUIRED BY THE DEVELOPERS AGREI':MENT AND TO BlJDOFT FOR TIIF COMPLETION OF THE CITY PORTION OF TilE PATIIW A Y. There was no second to the motion with Park Commission members withholding action on the motion until after they had physically inspected the park site and access to it. During the tour of the Ri ver Mill Park. Gregg Engle updated the Commission members on the construction taking place at the park and pointed out the areas where the pathway was to bc constructed. The Parks Commission discussed the River Mill Park and whether it was being . . . developed into a "community park" rather than a "neighborhood park". EARL SMITH MOVED TO REQUEST THE COUNCIL TO REQUIRE TI-IE DEVELOPER TO COMPLETE "('HE TRAIL SEGMENTS AS REQUIRED BY THE DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT AND TO BUDGET FOR THE COMPLETION OF TlIE CITY PORTION OF THE PATHWA Y AND TO DETERMINE WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF TlIE PATHWAY THROUGH OUTLOT A. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. The request of the Parks Commission will be presented to the Council at their next regular meeting. 3. Pioneer Park. The Parks Commission also toured Pioneer Park and discussed development of the park. Gregg Engle requestcd direction from thc Parks Commission regarding the wetland areas. Some of the rcsidents in the area want the arc a mowed. and others want it left in its natural state. In previous years the Parks Department had cut in a pathway around thc wetlands area. Gregg Engle stated that the ponding arca is an attractive nuisance for the kids in the area and onc of the reasons for originally mowing around the area was so that police patrols could more easily observe illegal or potentially dangerous activity taking place in the arca. The consensus of the Park Commission was that the trail should. be cut in but the balance of the wetland area be left unmowed. The Parks Commission noted the addition of the wooded area to the park land and discussed. possible future use of that area. The Parks Commission felt that thcy would concentrate on developing the existing park land bcfore they lookcd at doing anything with thc wooded. area. The Parks Commission generally discussed what typc of development they envisioned. for Pioneer Park. Some possibi lities include a bandshelL skating area, etc. The Parks Commission will discuss this more fully at a future meeting. Earl Smith also felt that the Parks Commission should discuss the concept of "neighborhood parks" and "community parks" and what amount of development each could sustain. Hc felt that some of the designated ncighborhood parks were being developed as community parks. 4. Adiourn. The tour was coneluded and the meeting was adjourncd at 3:40 p.m. _Q(\l~_~~~~ ______ Recording Secretary