Parks Commission Minutes 07-19-2001 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, July 19, 2001 - 4:30 p.m. Members Present: Larry Nolan, Fran Fair, Nancy McCaffrey, Earl Smith and Rick Traver. Members Absent: Council Liaison Roger Carlson Staff: Gregg Engle, Parks Superintendent; Jeff O'Neill, Deputy City Administrator. 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Approval of minutes of the special meetinl: of Julv 9. 2001 and apDroval of the minutes of the re~ular meetinl: on June 21. 2001. RICK TRA VER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF JULY 9, 2001. FRAN FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. FRAN FAIR MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JUNE 21, 2001 REGULAR MEETING WITH A CLARIFICATION ON PAGE THREE THAT THE QUOTE OF $1,500 WAS TO REMOVE THE SECURITY LIGHT AT EAST BRIDGE PARK. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addinl: items to the a~enda. The Parks Commission was updated that the TEA 21 project for the bridge and pathway improvements had been awarded. 4. Citizens requests. None. 5. Consideration of addin~ Gillard Avenue from East County Road 39 to 95th Street to the Citv Pathway System and consider makine a recommendation that a feasibility study be ordered on the installation of the pathway at said location. The City received a petition from the property owners along Gillard Avenue requesting the City construct an off street trail along the street right-of-way. The petitioners stated the need for the trail because ofthe volume of traffic on the road and the high speeds at which the vehicles travel, the narrowness ofthe street and the number of residences in the area. If the area was being developed under current City standards, a sidewalk would be required as part ofthe development but this is a retrofit situation. The question the Park Commission needs to address is whether this I . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 7/19/01 segment of trail should be placed on the City's Trail/Pathway system. The cost split for the trail construction is determined by the City Council but has generally been 25%-75% split with the City picking up 75%. A layout ofthe trail system for that area was reviewed. It was noted that all homes are connected by a safe street to the pathway except for the Gillard Avenue which is not wide enough to handle pedestrian traffic safely. John Gurney, John Young and Karl Eiden representing the homeowners in the area addressed the Parks Commission making the following points: 1) Gillard Avenue is not wide enough to handle both vehicle and pedestrian traffic; 2) The speed at which vehicles on Gillard are traveling is excessive; 3) Alignment of Gillard presents hazards. The residents would like to see the pedestrian traffic moved off the road and Gillard Avenue widened. They indicated there was a 30' easement/right-of-way in front of the houses that would be available for pathway use. Gillard Avenue is a remnant of the township road system and does not meet current city design standards. Jeff O'Neill stated that when the road was paved a number of years ago, consideration was given to include construction of a pathway but this was eliminated because of the cost. John Gurney stated that when the road was improved he believed a base for the pathway had been put in. There was some discussion as to whether the trail should be placed in front of the houses or in the back. John Young felt it would be more costly to put the trail behind the houses since there is no easement and that would have to be acquired. He felt it was unlikely that the City could get all 17 property owners to agree to a pathway behind the houses. The residents also felt a trail behind the houses would not be used as much as one in front of the houses. Earl Smith stated that he was not against a feasibility study to determine the cost and location of a pathway but he didn't feel that would get to the problem which is the road design and the speeding problem. The residents responded that they had tried other options to solve the problem such as additional patrol but the problem still persists. Earl Smith asked whether the City would put in sidewalk or a pathway and was informed that decision would be made by the engineer. The sidewalk is 5' in width and the trail is 10'. FRAN FAIR MOVED TO HAVE GILLARD AVENUE FROM COUNTY ROAD 39 EAST TO 95TH STREET PLACED ON THE CITY'S PATHWAY SYSTEM AND TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT A FEASIBILITY STUDY BE ORDERED FOR THE P A THW A Y CONSTRUCTION. RICK TRAVER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of removinl: the trail section from the City Park/Outlot A. River Mill 6th Addition from the Comprehensive Park and Trail System for the City of Monticello. Jeff 0' Neill informed the Parks Commission that the City had received a petition from the residents on Mill Trail Lane requesting the City not to construct the trail segment through the outlot. They cited concerns about 1) Increase in noise level; 2) Loss oftrees; 3) Visibility from the freeway and 4) Loss of privacy. The Parks Commission reviewed the proposed layout of the trail in that area. The trail as proposed runs along the ridge line and into the wooded area. The Parks Commission addressed some of the issues raised by the residents. The trail would be in close proximity to only of the lots and the wooded area would provide privacy. The Parks 2 Parks Commission Minutes - 7/19/01 . Commission felt the loss of trees due to trail construction would be minimal. The trail would add value to their property as well as being an asset to the community. . The property owners reiterated their concern about the noise and the loss of privacy. The Parks Commission pointed out that the trail was situated so as to provide ease of access to the park. It is not just a pathway but an access to the park. Fran Fair asked if the trail was shown on the original plat. The residents stated that they were never informed of the location ofthe trail. If they had, they never would have purchased the lots. The Planning Commission stated it was important to get the trails built at the front end of the project rather than the end. Jason Penaz and Brian Butler emphasized that they were never informed of the location of the trail. They also added that they didn't want the activities that were associated with a trail such as noise, litter and people in their back yards. Jason Penaz felt that the location ofthe trail be set and potential lot owners informed of where the trail was going to be before they purchased their lots. Brian Butler stated the Parks Commission would be better off spending the money it would cost for trail construction to do something with the park so that people in the area would be more likely to use it. Gregg Engle clarified that park improvements are generally done according to a development plan and as funds are budgeted. Brian Butler also pointed out that the activity on the trail would make his dog bark and that would be another nuisance. Chair Larry Nolan stated that the trail would be unobtrusive as possible. Earl Smith stated that he understood the concerns of the individual property owners, the Parks Commission was thinking of the whole community and how to tie it all together. Brian Butler stated it was bad planning and the City and the developer should have informed the property owners about the trail location. Jeff O'Niell stated the City would work with the property owners to address their concerns and that maybe some pine trees could be planted on his property to act as a buffer. Earl Smith stated that the planting was not a recommendation of the Parks Commission. EARL SMITH MOVED TO LEAVE THE TRAIL SEGMENT FROM OUTLOT A, RIVER MILL 6TH ADDITION TO RIVER MILL PARK ON THE COMPREHENSIVE PARK AND TRAIL SYSTEM FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO AND TO REQUEST THE CITY COUNCIL TO AUTHORIZE A FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS TRAIL SEGMENT MINIMIZING THE NEGATIVE IMP ACTS TO THE HOMEOWNERS. THE CITY ENGINEER MAY, AT HIS DISCRETION, COMBINE THIS PROJECT WITH THE GILLARD A VENUE TRAIL SEGMENT FOR BIDDING PURPOSES. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Discussion of Park Tours. Gregg Engle stated that he felt the park tours and related discussions provided some good insight on park development. The Parks Commission set a date of August 13, 2001 at 2 p.m. for the next park tour. . 8. Discussion on Preliminary Parks Budeet 2002. Greg Engle submitted budget worksheets and provided information on the capital improvements 3 Parks Commission Minutes - 7/19/01 . program which he asked the Parks Commission to review. It will be discussed at the next meeting. It was suggested that John Simola, Public Works Director, also be present when the Parks Commission discussed the budget. Gregg Engle reviewed the various parks and what was proposed to be done noting the emphasis for park development would be on Pioneer Park, Community Center Park, West Bridge Park and Wildwood Ridge Park. The following is a brief listing of the proposed park work: . Ellison Park - Possibly some work on the bathroom. Fourth Street Park - Nothing Mississippi Park - Nothing River Mill - Still continue with the concept plan; get pathway in the interior of the park constructed so that park is ADA accessible. Gregg Engle stated that he would like to utilize some of the dedicated pathway funds for this. He estimated the cost at $12,000. Battle Rapids - Clean up/clearing only. Meadow Oaks - Pathway upgrade. Currently the pathway is 5' wide. This upgrade could be done in phases. Estimated cost $23,000. City Ballfields - Plant additional plantings and trees. Estimated cost $3,000. Pioneer Park - Parking lot and skating rink to be the focus with the understanding that the shelter would be constructed this year. Cardinal Hills - Nothing Country Club Park - Take out the volleyball court and install tether ball and rec basketball chute. Estimated cost $1,000. Balboul Park - Nothing Parwest Park - Nothing Hillcrest Park - Nothing Otter Creek Park - Nothing Wildwood Ridge Park - Park design similar to Cardinal Hills. Estimated cost $37,000. Water Tower Park - Clearing/grubbing and $2,000-$3,000 for wood chip trail. Gregg Engle then updated the Parks Commission on budget balances for 2001. The equipment purchases had come in under budget and that the present time the account balance is looking good. 9. West brid2e Park Landscape Wall Update. Gregg Engle had gotten a price for block from a local individual and the individual donated some lights. The lights are dome lights built inside the stone. Gregg Engle wanted to know ifthe lights were acceptable to the Parks Commission. The Parks Commission indicated it was. 10. East Bridee Park Construction/lrri2ation Update. . The staff is waiting for the electrician to remove the security lights. Work should be starting soon. 4 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 7/19/01 11. Parks Games Uvdate. The Community Education features a park and provides games/activities at the park. Parwest was the featured park. 12. Parks Discovery Pro2ram Uvdate. Pioneer Park was featured on July 18th and there was a very good turnout. The next park to be featured will be Meadow Oaks. 13. Pathway Update Reeional Trail Clearwater to Monticello. Representatives from the planning group want to corne before the City Council and get Council support for the regional trail concept. The Parks Commission had indicated their non-financial support of the project. The Parks Commission could not support using City funds for trails outside the City and that was why they committed no financial support to the project. The Parks Commission also discussed representation on the planning group. The consensus was because of time constraints, the Park Commission members did not feel they could not commit to working on the planning group. 14. Dutch Elm Report. Seventeen trees were tagged. Gregg Engle felt the City was getting a good handle on this noting that he had tagged over 200 trees in three years. 15. Maintenance Items. Staff had been working on the parks in preparation for the Riverfest celebration and had taken care ofthe clean up after the event. A lot of work is being done at the ballfields in preparation for the state baseball tournament which is being played in Monticello. Gregg Engle also reported that due to an injury to Leo Schroden, the Park Department will be short handed. Other Items: Gregg Engle reviewed with the Parks Commission the Lions shelter sketch which was prepared by Skip Sorenson. The design of the shelter was somewhat rustic western. Gregg Engle will be meeting with Skip Sorenson and Mike Lundquist on Tuesday to work out details. The following items were noted in the review: Roofing - Metal roofing is preferred but iftoo costly they would go with 30 year shingle. Lions would do this work. Cupolas - Gregg Engle asked for help in getting design information from the internet. Nancy McCaffrey will do so. Cupolas constructed of wood. Ceiling - Proposed to be vaulted. Soffit/Fascia - Proposed to be made of wood most likely douglas fir. 5 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 7/19/01 Beams - Proposed to be made of wood. Site Preparation - To be done by the Parks Department and other city staff. Cement Work - A couple of options here. Lions may have someone who could do it or otherwise Tom Moores would. Posts/Beams - Done by the Lions. Will be 9' in height instead of 8'. Footings - Poured by Park Department staff. Framing - Done by Lions. Concession Stand - stainless steel sink, counter work may be donated. Shelter will not be used for storage by the Lions. Trim work - Done by Lions. Floor - Prefer epoxy finish ifnot too costly. Larry Nolan asked about bathrooms. Gregg Engle stated that portable units would be brought in. The shelter size is 36'x 24'. It is hoped to have the prices firmed up by the first week in September. Lions believe the construction of the shelter could be done in two weekends. After the shelter is done, the emphasis for Pioneer Park will be on the parking lot, access to the shelter and lighting. 16. Adjourn. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 7:30 P.M. FRAN FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 00. J ~ rY'\ ~...A.,.,o 5 ~ <,1.....-. Recording Secretary 5 6