Parks Commission Minutes 12-20-2001 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, December 20, 2001- 4:30 p.m. Members Present: Larry Nolan, Fran Fair, Nancy McCafTrey, Rick Traver, Earl Smith, and Council Liaison, Roger Carlson. Members Absent: None Staff: John Simola, Tom Grossnickle, Leo Schrodcn, Tom Pawelk and Jeff O'Neill. 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Approve minutes of November 15. 2001 Parks Commission meetine. The Parks Commission discussed the minutes. There were some items that were clarified: 1) Whether the Parks Commission or any other staff minutes had received copies of the Hockey Association newsletter; 2) Whether Earl Smith had been in contact with the Lions Club on Pioneer Parle There were also some typographical errors noted. FRAN FAIR MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES Of NOVl':MHER 15,200 I wrnl TI--IE TYPOGRAPHICAL CORRECf'IONS NOTED. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED TI IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. .lefT O'Neill asked that a discussion of general park plan development fiJr the southeast area be added to agenda. Fran fair also added the plantings for West Bridge Park to the agenda. Rick Traver also asked that an update on the Cemetery Comlllittee be added. Tom Grossnickle reported that the Parks Department staff has been trimming the trees at Riverside Cemetery and are about 2/3 done. Earl Smith asked that the Parks Commission keep in mind for future discussion the need for a recreation director. Added Item - Park Southeast Area: .Jeff O'Neill asked for Parks Commission direction and guidelines on park development in the southeast area of the city. He presented preliminary layouts for the proposed residential developnlents on the James Shultz and Kenneth Shultz properties. I-Ie noted that the properties lie within 1/4 Inile of the Rolling Woods park. The developers are proposing a park within cach development which they are proposing to be a private park fiJr use by the residents within the development. The developer is proposing to have the park constructed immediately and utilize it as an enhancement to aid in the marketing of the lots. A trai I was proposed in the interior of the Park Commission Minutes-12/20/0 I . development along the gas line easement, that would connect to water towcr parle Two key issues that Parks Commission direction was requestcd on was I) Loeation of the trail and 2) Public or private parks. In the review and discussion of the proposed developments, the Parks Commission felt that rather than a separate park in each development there should be one larger park serving the area. The Parks Commission was concerned that a number of smaller parks took morc lnaintenance time. The Parks Commission also felt that the parks should be public rather than private although they discussed the developer constructing the park and then turning it over to the City as a public parle . 'fhe Parks Commission discussed the proposed trail layout. John Simola noted that gas line easement extends 25' on either side of the gas main which runs through the interior of the proposed development. Thc Parks Commission felt it was important that the pedestrian traffic from the development be directed to the School Boulevard/County Road 18 area. If the trail is constructcd along the gas line then sidewalk or additional trail would need to be constructed to get the traffic to School Boulevard/County Road 18. The general consensus of the Parks Comlnission was to have the trail alignlncnt closer to the road rather than in the interior ofthc dcvclopment. Earl Smith asked if anything was being planned for the township road. Jeff O'Ncill indicated that improvements wcre being planned. Larry Nolan stated that while he liked the idea of utilizing thc gas line easement, he felt the trail should be aligned closer to the road because of safety concerns for those individuals walking to school. It was notcd that thcrc are no private parks within the City at the prcsent tirne. The Parks Commission stated that if the developers wanted to install a park in their dcvelopment, it must be a public park, must nleet ADA requirclncnts and lneet all the park dcdication requircments of the ordinance. Earl Srnith felt that lnaybc the Parks Commission should change their philosophy and look at larger parks in this area or maybe ballficlds. The park guidelines specify the 1/4 mile requirement. Thc Parks Commission discussed the problem with having numbers of small parks to dcvelop, especially since the city is behind with park development. Rick Traver liked the concept of having the developer install the park since the Parks Commission didn't have funds to dcvclop it immcdiately. Therc was somc gcneral discussion of the topography of the proposed developments what would bc the best alignment for the trai I. Jeff O'Neill will take back to the developers that the Parks Commission will accept two parks, only if they are contiguous and are developed along the trail and the developer can build the park so that it is in immediately and can be used as a marketing aid but that it would be turned over to the City and be a public park. Jeff O'Neill indicated that the developers were delayed in their planning so that the City could complete a study on the southeast area sanitary sewer capacity. This report has now heen cOlnplcted and the developers are planning that the developments will be ready to proceed by spring. Jeff O'Ncilllcft thc lnceting at this time. . 2 . . . Park Commission Minutes-12/20/0 I 4. Citizens requests. Leo Schroden and Tom Pawelk from the Parks Departmcnt were introduced at this time. 5. Presentation - Paul Kangas from Loucl.$ Associates. Nancy McCaffrey introduce Paul Kangas a landscape architect from Loucks Associates who was going to present signage information. The Parks Commission has discussed entrance signs to the city as well as signage for the eity parks. Mr. Kangas presented information on factors to consider in sign design. He noted that the budget was a primary factor but that there were other LlctorS sllch as what is the purpose of the sign, who it is directed to, site factors and design concerns including theme, lighting, colors, materials, that need to be considered as well. Mr. Kangas also brought sketches of signs for the Parks Commission to review. The Parks Conllllission discllssed whether entrance signs or one centrally located sign best achieved their goals. In the past the discussion had always focused on entrance signs with signs to be located on east and west County Road 75 and north and south 'fH 25. There was discussion on the specific sites for the signs and it was felt that the Parks Commission should focus on a thcme and select a design for the signs ancllet the landscape planner recommend specific sites for the placement of the signs. Paul Kangas said once a theme was selected it could always be adjusted to fit the specific site. Earl Smith asked for a ballpark figure fl.)!' the cost of a design study. Paul Kangas stated their firm could come up with three design options f(Jr the Parks Commission to consider at a cost of about $ I 500-$2000. The Parks Commission discussed funding for this study. Fran Fair stated that the MCP had funds available and that she would contact them about funding the study. The Parks Commission discussed setting up a comlnittee to work on the signage. Paul Kangas stated that if a committee was set up it works best if they are given authority to make decisions as it saves tinle and costs as far as number of meetings required. EARL SMITll MOVED TO I-lAVE NANCY MCCAFFREY CIIAIR THE COMMITTEE ON TlIE SIGNS AND TO I-lAVE FRAN FAIR SERVE ON IT ALSO. RICK TRAVER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. I n discussing the sign design, the Parks Commission felt the City's logo should be incorporated and they I iked the fencing element as shown in the design for the City of New 8righton shown in the brochurc. John Simola will provide information to the committee regarding state highway requirelnents on signage and topographic and aerial photos. Nancy McCafhey will bc the contact person for Paul Kangas. ., -) . . . Park Commission Minutes-l 2/20/0 I 6. Pioneer Park - Pn)1!ress Report. John Simola reported that thc roof for the shelter was to be put on this Friday and Saturday. Hi-Tech Roofing is installing a steel shingle roof and the firm also manufactures a steel cupola which would be less expensive that what the Parks Department had been looking at. John Simola said the Parks Commission would have to make a decision on the color. The green of the cupola doesn't identieal1y match the green of the roof so the company suggested going with a contrasting color such as white or tan. Parks Commission suggested that a cream or light beige color should be used. John Simola indicated that over the winter they would work on the design for the restrooms. He noted that neither the City Council nor the Lions were too excited about thc requirement that restrooms be made part of the shelter. While the Lions were not in a position to finance the addition of the restrooms they did not want to waive the food preparation capability of the shelter. The Parks Commission discussed whether the restroom requirement could be waived. If the restrooms are required the funds would have to come fi:om the 2002 budget which means some other improvement would have to be delayed. The Parks Commission directed Larry Nolan to talk to Fred Patch the building official about this requirement and ask ifhe would check with the state to see if there were exceptions for this requirement. 'Tom Grossnickle reported on some tree clearing work that was done at Pioneer Park. 7. Rink Maintenanee. John Simola reported that they had not yet had their meeting with the hockey association. Based on minutes and other Jile documents there was nothing that committed the city to flooding the hockey rinks. It was John Simola's feeling that the city should do snow removal and help prepare the rinks f<Jr use but that the flooding of the rinks should be the responsibility of the hockey association. After the meeting with the hockey association this issue will be revisited by the Parks Commission. John Simola also reported that the city's snowplowing policy had the pathways on a 36 hour cycle and the skating rinks on a 24 hour cycle. He felt that this should be reversed citing the J:ICt that many children use the pathways to get to school. He will be bringing this item to the Council in January. There are currently three rinks, two hockey and one general skating. The Parks Department have been flooding all three of them as well as brooming and blowing them. Tom Grossnickle stated that he didn't feel the water truck worked as well for flooding the rinks as the hoses did. The truck left a ripple eJTect and they didn't think it was time efficient. Earl Smith felt that they should try to meet with the hockey association and that the hockey association should be responsible fix flooding the rinks. When the meeting with the hockey association is set up, John Simola will contact Larry Nolan and Earl Smith. s. Memorial Plan/Donation Acknowledgment - Parks. Roger Carlson noted this came up at the last Council meeting. A bench that was donated to the parks was not markecl. When something is donated to the parks, they felt it should be 4 . . . Park Commission Minutes-1 2/20/01 acknowledged by marking it with a tag. The Parks Commission felt a plan similar to that adopted by the Cemetery Committee would be appropriate. The Parks Department would determine what kind of benches, or trees, etc would be acceptable. The individual could select from the items listed and donate the funds but the actual purchase and installation would be done by the Parks Department. The donation would be acknowledged by a tag or plaque. FRAN FAIR MOVED TO ACCEPT THE GUIDELINES OF TilE MEMORIAL PLAN ADOPTED BY TilE CEMETERY COMMITTEE TO USE FOR DONATIONS TO THE CITY PARKS. RICK TRA VER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lJNANIMOlJSLY. John Simola stated they will prepared a list of items that donors could select homo 9. Park Maintcnancc Itcms. Tom Grossnickle submitted a list of work items that were completed in Novell1ber. He noted that snow removal presented some problems since the ground was not frozen and as a result of a lot of sod was turned up by the plows. Earl Sll1ith asked about the fencing on Mississippi Drive. Tom Grossnickle reported that the fencing is a temporary solution not a permanent one. The fencing did accomplish keeping people away hom the swans and off private property. The Parks Commission felt that if trespassing was the concern then maybe the property owner should look at signage and/or fencing. 10. Listin2: of permitted volunteer activities on park land. John Simola asked that this be tabled until the next meeting. 11. Review of mark land for development. John Simola outlined the park dedication for the Groveland development. The Parks Commission discussed the use of the park but felt that the area should be toured before setting up a development plan for the park. .John Simola noted that area marked along the roads was sidewalk and the area marked at the baek of lots was trail. The Parks Commission also discussed possible sites that could be utilized for balIfielcls. .John Simola noted that commercial land does not count towards park dedication and excluding that the Groveland development met the 10% requirement of the ordinance. Larry Nolan suggested that there be a meeting to look at the park lands to be devcloped and to prioritize the list. 12. Park Superintendent Replacement - Update. .John Simo]a slated that over 60 applications had been received and they are in the process of reviewing them. Out of the applications received it will be narrowed clown to approximately ten candidates that will be interviewed. When the interviews have been set up .John Simola will let Larry Nolan know. Rick WoIL'iteller, .John Simola, Larry Nolan and .Jeff O'Neill will conduct the interviews. 5 . . . Park Commission Minutes-I2/20/01 13. Park Commission Members Term Expiration. It was noted that terms of Earl Smith and Rick Traver expire in 200 I. Both Rick Traver and Earl Smith indicated their willingness to serve another term. FRAN FAIR MOVED TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT EARL SMI'n I AND RICK TRAVER BE APPOINTED FOR ANOTHER THRE[~ YEAR TERM ON TII[~ PARKS COMMISSION. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED T[-IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Added Items: 1) Pedestrian Brid1!e: Bret Weiss, City Engineer, stated that the bridge is done except for fencing and that was suppose to erected this week. The only thing not completed is the railroad crossing which is the responsibility of the railroad. Larry Nolan suggested a ribbon cutting ceremony t()f the pedestrian bridge. John Simola raised the issue of gates /(lr the bridge. 39" is permitted but the city's equipment would not be able to fit through that so they will have to go to some kind of system where the gates could be removed. John Simola stated that signing will be really important so that snowmobilers realize that this a pedestrian pathway and not a snowmobile route. John Simola will get an idea hom the contraetor as to the completion date so that a ribhon cutting ccremony can be planned. 2) Plantin1!s for West Bridge Park: Fran Fair stated the group doing the plantings at East Bridge Park would consider doing the plantings at West Bridgc Park as well. They asked if they could get the arcas for the plantings so that they know how much to order. The group will submit a plan or list of species to bc used. Tom Grossnickle and John Simola explained a way to get the watering system set up tt)!" them. J) Cemete."y Committee: Larry Nolan thanked the Celnetery COll1ll1ittee tlW the work they did and felt they did a good job on the rules and regulations. Earl Smith encouraged the Park Department to ttJllow through on removing items from the cemetery grounds. Rick Traver presented the long tenn plan for cemetery maintenancc. These projects and priorities should be kcpt in mind during the budget proccss. Earl Smith asked irJ-lillside Cemetery and Riverside Cemetery could be treated the same. John Simola stated that bccause no burials took place in Ilillside, maintenance for that cemetery was in the parks budget. Rivcrside Ccmctery is supported by cemctery lot sales. It was noted that every year, the parks department replaces a number of stones in Hillside Ccmetery. 14. Adiourn. II0liday wishes were cxchanged. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 6:55 P.M. RICK TRAVER SECONJ)I~[) "rilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Sccrctary 6