EDA Agenda 07-29-2003BLOCK 35 PRESENTATION ESIGNS AND C~[TNDING PACKAGE CONCEP 1 I7 July ?9, ?003 7:00 p.m. Welcome and Introductions -Bill Demueles. EDA Chair Purpose of the meeting -Bill Demet_iles, EDA Chair (Encourage questions and discussion during presentations) Design Concept (Before and After) -Steve Grittman, Northwest Associated Consultants * Allev * 'Trash Enclosures * Plaza * Cosmetic: Facade Improvements Public ParkinY.~ Lot Improvements and 'l'iming - .fohn Simola. Public Works Director Financial Package -Ollie Koropchak, Exocutive Director Broadway Assessments -hick W'olfsteller_ City Administrawr • Sumnrarizc and ne~ct step -Bill Demcules. EDA Chair. [' (This a proposal created and offered by the Monticello Economic Development Authority (E:DA) to foster a partnership with a portion of the owners of Block ~~.) BUCK 35 AND EDA PARTNERSHIP FINANC[AL PACKAGE USES OF FUNDS -Based on estimates. Common Area - Parking to rear of buildings, plaza, trash improvements (with sidewalk and curb) $ 7,000.00 Replace alley and add a second catch basis (W'ithout engineer fees or cost to slope private surface to match alley) $ X0,000.00 (En~~ineer fees/slopin~~) $ ?0.000.00 Block 3i Public Parkin~~ L.ot Impl-ovemcl,ts $ 30,000.00 COSI„CIiC I'acadc Improvements to rear of buildings Swiccichowski (Dino's) $ 1 ~.l OU.00 ~[unticello Lod~~e # 1 Ei (Vacu~u,~ Center) $ ? 1.1 OO.OU l.ucl, Je~~elcrs and (1'' National Bank of h.lk River) $ 17.100.00 Schnrid~r (previous Utfice Supple) $ 18.000.00 :~`~OStI) (l.ilw Ott1C.L') ~ 1O'lOO.~~ SchnelCler (V aCan[ Lot) Larsen I'ropertics (Carlson "travel/Carlson f\~7encv) $ ?0,00.00 Schn~idcr (Drapery Centel" and Pizza) $ 10.100.00 McCarty (Computer/Nle~ican (grocery) $ 16.700.00 Subtotal of Real- COSl,letlc Facade Improvenlel,ts $1?9.700.00 TOTAL. l!SL•;S U}.' FUNDS $30,700.00 • SO~~RCES OF FUNDS L [7A -Common Area $ 75.000.00 Alley $ 50.000.00 Engineer Fees/Sloping $ 20,000.00 Subtotal EDA Investment $115.000.00 City of~Monticello -Public Parking Lot Improvements Budget 2000 $ 10,000.00 Budget 2002 $ 20,000.00 Subtotal City Cnvestment $ 30,000.00 Business Owners -Rear Cosmetic Facade Improvements Swiecichowski $ 1 x.100.00 N[onticello Lodge # 16 $ ? 1,100.00 Loch Jewelers $ 17.00.00 SclvYeider $ 15,000.00 Larson Properties $ ?0.500.00 Schneider $ 10,500.00 McCarty $ 1 6.500.00 Subtotal Business ()~vners Investment $1?`).700.00 "TO"I':~L S(~IJRCES OF FUNDS $30-1,700.00 • SOME I3ENEFlTS OF FDA OFFER • 1. Custom friendly parking and plaza-like rear entrance. ?. Cosmetic Facade Design Benefits as outlined by Plamler Steve Grittman. ;. hoof and alley drainage issue resolved. 4. Multiple visual and exposed trash containers eliminated from rear entrance. 5. Ratio of Public Investment ($175,000) to Private (nvestment ($1?9,700.) 1.35:1.0 G. Availability of EDA Low Interest Loan. .7 • Block 35 Presentation July 29, 2003 • r r ~/~or d W-an~ ~, .~ ~s ~ocA Sc..l`F~•+~x-~ f 2 P6dc 0 ... LsIP ~ vs~' Su ~in ss A dress I~,n ~ S ~n r JI~P r~~2 ~t 1'~1 ~,~~ ~ c.r 1 ~~ ya cu u y~-1 Q o ~~, Lr~ boa ~~ rG(z ~ ~ w 1S.A~~ -~~p ~ __ 1~ ffi~ • 131oc1c 3S list of invites 13riara & Pam Thiclcpenny >470 - 142"`' St. N W Monticello Dr-. & Nancy McCarty 319 W. 3"' St. Monticello Dou ~ l~aren Schneider 3ox13S4 Monticello Larson Properties II PO Box 44G Monticello /Al Loch I'O Box 547 Monticello Domino's ~ Dennis Archer 10$ W. Broadway Monticello Grace Pedersora/Carlson Wagonlit Travel PO Box 177 Monticello Duane Carlson/Car-lson Agency PO Box. $ ] 1 Monticello Monticello Floral/Todd & Melissa Larson lOS W. 3`~ St. Monticello First National Bank/Kevin Weerers 14G W. Broadway Monticello /Moraticello Vacuum/Larry ~b-~(,~~ 1 SO W. Broadway Monticello Select Cyecare/.lame & Dave 'l~helcn 21.3 State; 14wy 2S S Monticello ~lo~aticello C'haraaber/Basic T'O 13ox ] 92 Moaaticel to eve Grittman/NAC S77S Wayzata Blvd., Suite S_5.5 St. Louis Parlc, MN S_541G Dr. Greg Dunn I'O Box 427 Monticello, MN SS362 /1Clonticello Lodge #1 G/Dayf Flatten 602 Vine Lane Monticello Jay & Sue Sifferle/Flickers 211 State Hwy. 2S S Monticello Craig usar wiecichowski/Dinos PO Box S3S Monticello Jin & Jill Agosto PO Box $9G Monticello EDA Meraabers -/~'~t ~~« F~iw~3 .left O"Neill, Rick Wollstell John Sinaola .-O~~ l~i i''C~CY1 ~iaa Caraapbell/1)AT •