Parks Commission Minutes 08-15-2002
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Thursday, August 15,2002 - 4:30 p.m.
"To enhance community pride through developing and
maintaining city parks with a high standard of quality"
Larry Nolan, Fran Fair, Nancy McCaffrey and Rick Traver.
Earl Smith and Council Liaison, Roger Carlson.
Parks Superintendent, Adam lIawkinson
Deputy City Administrator, leffO'Neill
1. Call to Order.
Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. and declared a quorum present.
Approve Minutes of AUl!ust 1. 2002 regular Parks Commission meetinl!.
Consideration of addine items to the agenda.
4. Citizens Requests.
Discussion of park dedication credit - Autumn Ridl!e.
The Parks Commission at a previous meeting discussed the proposal for allowing a park dedication
credit for the Autumn Ridge Addition. The matter was requested to be placed on the Parks
Commission agenda for this meeting. Autumn Ridge is a private PUD with some play areas being
provided. T'he Parks Commission was asked to give park dedication credit for the play area in the
development. Shawn Weinand submitted a letter outlining his firm's feeling on the park dedication
requirements imposed by the city. A court case had set 10% park dedication fee as a reasonable
fee. The 100;;) of the land value is based on the value of the land at the time of platting. .leffO'Neill
stated the City's rate of $835/per unit is the cost per person for providing park services. Steve
Grittman, City Planner had provided .lefT O'Neill with some background on the court case.
According to Steve Grittman in the court case, setting the land value was not the key item but rather
Parks Commission Minutes - 8/15/02
having the park dedication fee based on the cost to satisfy the demand. Jeff O'Neill suggested the
Parks Commission might want to consider a study to determine what it takes to build a park system
and that cost would be used to establish a value for the dedication fee. Shawn Weinand stated that
he was merely pointing out how the 10% dedication fee originated. He realizes the City necds to
look at the long term but he felt a study to determine if the present park dedication fee was
reasonable was worth researching. Shawn Weinand noted that areas like Plymouth and Maple
Grove have higher park dedication fees but their land values are higher. He added that his firm had
put extra work into the land such creating breaks in the topography to make thc area more
appealing. He felt the parks they would build in the development would be of some value. The
issues relating to maintenance of the playground equipment could be regulated through the
homeowners association. He added that the powcr lincs take up approximately 2 acres of the
parcel. The estimated price for the units they arc building are about $140,000. The developers
want to make sure they arc competitive in the market and would appreciate any consideration the
Parks Commission would give their request.
Fran Fair pointed out that when the city installs playground equipment it has to meet certain design
standards and be ADA acccssible but a private party is not bound to those same standards. Shawn
Wcinand stated they are willing to put playground equipment in to ADA standards but they would
not be using the same playground equipment vendor as the City does. Fran Fair felt that cost of
building to city standards would bc higher which may otTset any credit given and that is something
the developer needs to consider. She felt that there was an advantage to the developer of not
having to comply with city design standards and the Parks Commission would not be put in a
position of setting a precedent. Rick Traver asked about reducing the fees since it was a planned
unit development. Jeff O'Neill stated you would not want to reducc the fees unless thcre was
something given somewhere elsc and you would havc to document it thoroughly. Jeff O'Neill stated
this could be worked out in the development and final stage PUD approval. Larry Nolan stated
that thc maintenance of the playground equipment is considerable and questioned who would makc
sure proper maintenance would be done. Shawn Weinand said that language could be added to the
association agreement covering that. The Parks Commission discussed legal implications for the
city and potential liability. Adam Hawkinson noted that Pioneer Park is only 2 blocks away so he
didn't think a park within the development would have a lot of value to the overall park system. He
asked whethcr the proposed park would be considercd a public park. Jeff O'Neill indicated it
would not be a public park. JcffO'Neill felt that if the park within the development rcduccd the
park development costs somewhere else then maybe credit could be given. The proposed
development does have a higher unit density per acre so thc park resources are nceded. Adam
I Iawkinson asked if a pathway has to be installed to take the children from this development to
Pioneer Park. .left' O'Neill replied that the internal pathways are funded by the developer and the
external pathways arc funded by the $220/per unit pathway fee. Rick Traver asked what internal
trails arc required. Shawn Weinand stated they are putting in 8' paths in lieu of sidewalk. Rick
Traver said they could consider giving credit for the cost difference between the 3' sidewalks and
the 8' pathways.
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Fran Fair stated that thc standards the City would impose could be more costly and even if the
developer did put in their own playground cquipment there would still bc a demand on other park
facilities. Adam Hawkinson pointed out that the park dedication fees go facilities such as hallfields
and hockey rinks as well as play equipment. With the proposed dcvelopment containing 169 homes
you could have approximately 170 children who would be using ballfields, socccr fields and ice
rinks. Adam Hawkinson statcd that in pricing the playstructure for the Rolling Woods Park, the
structure alone was $14,000 and that did not include installation cost, or fiber material. lIe felt in a
private park the developer could build it for less. The Parks Commission felt the it would be more
desirable to keep the park private. Parks Commission discussed a pathway credit instead of a park
credit or possibly a credit for the work done on the terrain. Shawn Weinand noted that they were
not required to do the work to change the terrain but chose to make that improvement. There is
one storm water pond which according to Jeff O'Neill would be maintained by the City since it is a
pati of a regional storm water holding pond. .Jeff O'Neill will look at the development plan and trail
to see if there is a way for the City to pay for part of the trail or build part ofthc trail and report
hack at the ncxt mccting.
Review of 2003 hudget.
Adam Hawkinson indicated the only change to what was discusscd at the last meeting was that they
are thinking about replacing the orange van.
Cost estimate for trail work - Paving of River Mill Trail.
Jeff O'Neill reported on a meeting with MnDOl regarding the realignment of the 1-94 bridge and
outlined 10 options to change the bridge area curve so that it is a safer curve. It was mentioned that
there is steel fatiguc in thc hridge structure itself. One option Jeff O'Neill discussed was to leave thc
arca as is but run the railroad tracks over the top of the traffic. In order to do this option MnDOT
would havc to kccp thc freeway opcn and in order to do that thcy would have to build a by-pass.
The by-pass most likely would be in the area whcre thc trail is located. If this happcns the trail
could bc prescrved but it would be on the crest. .Jeff O'Neill didn't think it was worth investing a
lot of matcrials on thc trail at this time. The MnDOT projcct is proposed for 2007. Somc
discussion on thc proposal's impact on thc park and trails and it was thought that thc City would gct
a delineation of the MnDOT projcct by February. Rick Traver mentioned that Earl Smith had
notice that an arca by the trail was not draining. They discusscd putting up somc signs so that
residcnts in the arca would know whcre thc trail would be going. Adam Hawkinson noted there
were somc dead trees that nccd to be removed and once the trai I was cut in they could put conbit
(concrctc/bituminous mixture) in. It was unlikely that anything would be happening as far as
blacktopping this segment of trail. Jeff O'Neill left at this point.
Coneeot plan - Grovehmd Park.
Adam Hawkinson did not have a dcvelopment plan prepared for this meeting.
Parks Commission Minutes - 8/15/02
Park Maintenance Items:
Adam Hawkinson submitted a list of the work completed. It was noted that the Parks staff had
worked in Otter Creek Park and Adam Hawkinson indicated that they had put money in the 2003
CIP flW pavers for a path that leads off the trail to bench. Because it is a popular park should some
consideration be given to install parking. The Parks Commission felt Otter Creek was suppose to
he a park for walking and that was why parking wasn't included originally.
Sports Associations - Discussion of policv for field use.
The Parks commission discussed the information from the League of Minnesota Cities regarding
sports associations. The Parks Commission felt this was something that should be studied further
and directed that it he placed on the next agenda. The Parks Commission discussed participant
fees and what maintenance is required flW the groups that use the facilities. Rogcr Pribyl from the
baseball association said they pay someone to take care of the fields and it didn't make any
difference to the association whether a contractor did the maintenance or the City did. Roger Pribyl
said if you charge a fee people will expect something in return so the City needs to bc specific in
what the fee will cover. It was felt the city should have an agrecment with each association that
uses thc facilities. Rogcr Pribyl suggested ifthcy charge for usc of the fields they should consider
basing it on a percentage formula of field usage. Larry Nolan felt the fee should be unitl)rm and the
liability issues need to be addressed. Rogcr Pribyl thought if the city was doing the maintcnance on
all the fields for all thc groups there would bc more uniformity in the maintenance.
U pdates/Reoorts.
Subcommittee meeting on fields -
Rick Traver rcported they met and came up with a couple of itcms: 1) 4th Street option flW
football field use is bcing put on hold; 2) City ballfields - Earl Smith talked to Xcel energy
about getting additional property for fields which he thought might take a year or so. Adam
llawkinson will draw a plan showing where the existing fields are and how maybe 2 or 3
more fields could be placed. If additional fields are added, there needs to be transportation
around thc fields. Rick Traver stated in the short term the Parks Commission would have
to give the softhall fields to the Monticello Youth Football program f<Jr use. It was hoped in
the next 5-10 years 2-3 additional fields would be developed. 3) There is a field being
farm cd right now adjacent to this site which was also considered. Earl Smith and Adam
Hawkinson felt that since most of the development is to the south that is where some fields
should he placed. Roger Pribyl felt the present fields were fine for baseball and the new
complex should he used for softball. The Polecats said the baseball field should be added
on to with an additional 1 0' on the left side and 20' on the right side. Property in the arca
of Kjellberg mobile home park was looked at. Another site that was considered (thc Gold
Nugget property) is currently a subject of litigation. Another suggestion was to look at land
on thc side of the river. In looking at acreage flw a complex that would contain 4 softball
Parks Commission Minutes - 8/15/02
fields, 2 youth football fields and 2 soccer fields it was thought about 30 acres ofland would
be needed. Rick Traver noted that according to the ordinance, sign age on ball fields was
B. Entrance signs - Nancy McCaffrey and Adam Hawkinson met regarding the initial
design of the sign and some related problems such as rusting. 'rhey came up with an
alternative and a sketch was submitted. The material looks like stone but is light weight and
is pre-cast. The preliminary sketch was taken to a vendor who said it could be done. The
estimated cost is $4,625 per sign with lighting and landseaping being extra. Nancy
McCaffrey and Adam Hawkinson looked at the west entrance sign and it appears there
would still be enough room at the loeation, however there would be more wires to work
around. The Parks Commission discussed since the proposal for the sign is more costly
how should it be approached as far as financing. Also they felt all 4 signs should be
purchased at once which would provide some savings as far as shipping, etc. There was
some discussion on whether to go with a 9' or 12' sign. Adam I lawkinson and Nancy
McCaffrey will meet again on this.
Pathway Alignment - Adam Hawkinson brought up that the project on Front Street had
started and the contractor on very short notice wanted to know the alignment of the
pathway. Adam Hawkinson directed that it be kept e10se to the curb line for right now. In
the future, a spur could be run off from the trail towards the rivcr and then maybe it could be
loopcd back. The trail will be asphalt and will start where the trail comes out of West
Bridge Park.
12. Consideration of rental of Otter Creck Park.
The Parks Commission was asked to consider whcther Otter Creek Park should be available tlW
residents to rent. The Parks Commission felt because of the limited amenities in the park and the
lack of parking, Otter Creek Park should not be rented.
Fran Fair asked about the pruning of the shrubs at East Bridge Park. In previous years the City allowed
them to use some of the City"s power equipment to do the pruning. It was her understanding that would not
be the case this year. Adam Ilawkinson suggested that if the group could be present and indicate what
needed to be pruned he would have a staff pcrson there to operate the equipment on cCl1ain dates. Fran
Fair stated their group would haul the trimmed material away.
Fran Fair also asked about the steps at East Bridge Park. Adam Hawkinson stated that the present steps
are in a very deteriorated condition. The city could go with new stcps, a combination of steps and pathway
or eliminate the steps altogether. There is $20,000-$25,000 in next years budget for this item.
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Adam Hawkinson submitted a handout on the Adopt-A-Park and emphasized the importance of giving
these volunteer groups recognition. There is money in the budget for this.
13. Adjourn:
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Recording Secretary. -\