EDA Agenda - 02/08/2023AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, February 8, 2023 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: President Steve Johnson, Vice President Jon Morphew, 011ie Koropchak- White, Hali Sittig and Councilmembers Lloyd Hilgart and Tracy Hinz (Treasurer) Staff: Executive Director Jim Thares, Rachel Leonard, Angela Schumann, Sarah Rathlisberger and Hayden Stensgard 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 6:00 p.m. 3. Annual Business Meeting a. Consideration of electing EDA Officers b. Consideration of reviewing EDA Bylaws c. Consideration of reviewing EDA Enabling Resolution d. Consideration of EDA Financial Statements and Fund Balance Information 4. Consideration of Additional Agenda Items 5. Consent Agenda a. Consideration of Approving Regular Meeting Minutes—January 11, 2023 b. Consideration of Approving Payment of Bills c. Consideration of Adopting Resolution 2023-01 Rescinding Purchase Agreement with Powersports, LLC (Moon Motors) for a 1.46 -acre parcel located at 9699 Fallon Avenue d. Consideration of Adopting Resolution 2023-02 Rescinding Land Sale Option Agreement with Washburn Computer Group connected to a 1.46 -acre parcel located at 9699 Fallon Avenue e. Consideration of Adopting Resolution 2023-03 Rescinding Preliminary Development Agreement (PDA) between Moon Motors, LLC for a 9.64 -acre parcel, Lot 1, Block 1, Otter Creek Crossing 7th Addition, located in Otter Creek Business Park for a potential warehouse development Regular Agenda 6. Economic Development Director's Report 7. Adjourn EDA Agenda: 02/08/23 3. Annual Business Meeting (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is required to hold an Annual Meeting each year to elect officers, make appointments as needed and consider Bylaw changes. The EDA's enabling resolution and Bylaws are attached for review. Staff would entertain any questions or requested clarifications on the documents; some items may require consultation with EDA legal counsel. The offices that need to be filled consist of President, Vice President and Treasurer. Staff can serve as the Secretary for recording meeting minutes. It should be noted that City Council EDA members may also serve as officers. Also attached for review and discussion is the 2022 Year End Financial reports of the EDA Fund(s). Al. Staff Impact: There is minimal staff time involved in preparing the staff report for consideration of the Annual Business Meeting. A2. Budget Impact: No expected budget B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to elect 2023 officers: as Vice President, and 2. Motion to table election of 2023 EDA Officers. C. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: as President, as Treasurer. 1. Motion to direct staff to prepare draft amendments to the EDA Enabling Resolution or Bylaws as follows: (amendments to the Enabling Resolution require a public hearing). 2. Motion of other. D. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 2 Staff defers to the EDA for appointment of officers. Currently, staff do not have any recommended amendments to the Enabling Resolution or Bylaws and defers to the EDA regarding Alternative Action C. E. SUPPORTING DATA: A. EDA Bylaws B. EDA Enabling Resolution C. EDA 2022 Year -End Financial Reports CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2012-021 AMENDED AND RESTATED RESOLUTION ENABLING THE CREATION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota ("City") as follows: Section 1. Background and Findings 1.01. The City is authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 to 469.1081 (the "EDA Act") to establish an economic development authority to coordinate and administer economic development and redevelopment plans and programs for the City. 1.02. By Ordinance No. 172, approved April 10, 1989 and codified in the City Code as Title II, Chapter 3 (the "Enabling Ordinance"), the City established the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority ("EDA"), for the purpose of coordinating and administering economic development activities in and for the City. 1.03. By resolutions approved on October 22, 2007 and January 14, 2008, the City transferred to the EDA the control, authority and operation of all projects administered by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello and adopted an Amended and Restated Enabling Resolution (the "Enabling Resolution"), which superceded the Enabling Ordinance in all respects. 1.04. The City Council has now determined to revise and clarify certain provisions of the Enabling Resolution by the adoption of this resolution. 1.05. The City Council has, in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Section 469.093, provided public notice and conducted a public hearing on the date hereof, at which all persons wishing to be heard were given an opportunity to express their views, concerning the modified Enabling Resolution. 1.06. This resolution constitutes an amendment and restatement of the Enabling Resolution of January 14, 2008, and supercedes such Enabling Resolution in all respects. Section 2. Enabling Authority. 2.01. The EDA was established pursuant to the EDA Act under the Enabling Ordinance as adopted April 10, 1989 and codified as Title II, Chapter 3 of the City Code, as amended and restated by this resolution. 2.02. The EDA shall be composed of 7 members to be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. 2.03. Two of the members shall be members of the City Council. The terms of office of the two members of the City Council shall coincide with their terms of office as members of the City Council. The remaining five (5) members shall be initially appointed for terms of one, two, three, four, and five years respectively. Thereafter, all non -Council members shall be appointed for six-year terms. 2.04. A vacancy is created in the membership of the EDA when a City Council member of the board of commissioners ends Council membership, when any member ends EDA membership prior to expiration of his or her term of office, on the day following the expiration of a member's term of office, or when a member is removed by the City Council subject to the terms of Section 2.07 hereof . A vacancy for this or any other reason must be filled for a new term or the balance of the unexpired term, as applicable, in the manner in which the original appointment was made. 2.05. All of the members who are not members of the City Council must be either residents of the City, business -owners in the City, or property -owners in the City. 2.06. All members shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council, subject to the terms of Section 2.07 hereof. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the Mayor with the confirmation of the City Council. 2.07. A commissioner may be removed by the City Council for inefficiency, neglect of duty, or misconduct in office. A commissioner shall be removed only after a hearing. A copy of the charges must be given to the commissioner at least 10 days before the hearing. The commissioner must be given an opportunity to be heard in person or by the counsel at the hearing. When written charges have been submitted against the commissioner, the City Council may temporarily suspend the commissioner. If the City Council finds that those charges have not been substantiated, the commissioner shall be immediately reinstated. If a commissioner is removed, a record of the proceedings together with the charges and findings shall be filed in the office of the City Administrator. 2.08. The City Council shall make available to the EDA such appropriations as it deems fit for salaries, fees, and expenses necessary in the conduct of its work. The EDA shall have authority to expend all budgeted sums so appropriated and recommend the expenditures of other sums made available for its use from grants, gifts, and other sources for the purposes and activities authorized by this resolution. Section 3. Officers and Meetings. 3.01. The EDA shall elect a president, vice president, treasurer, assistant treasurer, and secretary annually. A member must not serve as president and vice president at the same time. The other offices may be held by the same member. The other offices of the secretary and assistant treasurer need not be held by a member. 3.02. The EDA shall adopt rules and procedures not inconsistent with the provisions of this Enabling Resolution or as provided in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.096, and as may be necessary for the proper execution and conduct of its business. The EDA shall adopt bylaws and rules to govern its procedures and for the transaction of its business and shall keep a record of attendance at its meetings and/or resolutions, transactions, findings, and determinations showing the vote of each member on each question requiring a vote, or if absent or abstaining from voting, indicating such fact. The records of the EDA shall be a public record, except for those items classified by law as nonpublic data. 3.03. The EDA shall meet at least quarterly. Special meetings may be called by the president as needed. 3.04. All administrative procedures, including contract for services, purchases of supplies, and financial transactions and duties shall be outlined in the bylaws of the EDA. Section 4. Staff. 4.01. The Economic Development Director shall be designated as Executive Director of the EDA. 4.02. Subject to limits set by the appropriations or other funds made available, the EDA may employ such staff, technicians, and experts as may be deemed proper, and may incur such other expenses as may be necessary and proper for the conduct of its affairs. Section 5. Functions, Powers, and Duties. 5.01. Except as specifically limited by the provisions of Section 6 of this Enabling Resolution, the EDA shall have the authority granted it pursuant to the EDA Act. 5.02. The EDA shall manage the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (the "Fund") the purpose of which is to encourage economic development by making loans to private businesses. The EDA shall make loans to eligible businesses, and such loan(s) shall serve a public purpose as defined in the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund Guidelines (Fund Guidelines). The Fund Guidelines are hereby adopted by reference and included in the bylaws of the EDA. No changes to the fund Guidelines shall be made without approval of the City Council. 5.03. The EDA may be a limited partner in a partnership whose purpose is consistent with the EDA's purpose. 5.04. The EDA may issue general obligation bonds and revenue bonds when authorized by the City Council and pledge as security for the bonds the full faith, credit, and resources of the City or such revenues as may be generated by projects undertaken by the EDA. 5.05. The EDA may cooperate with or act as agent for the federal or state government or a state public body, or an agency or instrumentality of government or other public body to carry out the powers granted it by the EDA Act or any other related federal, state, or local law in the area of economic development district improvement. 5.06. The EDA may annually develop and present an economic development strategy and present it to the City Council for consideration and approval. 5.07. The EDA may join an official, industrial, commercial, or trade association or other organization concerned with such purposes, hold reception of officials who may contribute to advancing the City and its economic development, and carry out other appropriate public relations activities to promote the city and its economic development. 5.08. The EDA may perform such other duties which may be lawfully assigned to it by the City. All city employees shall, upon request and within a reasonable time, famish the EDA or its employees or agents such available records or information as may be required in its work. The EDA or its employees or agents may, in the performance of official duties, enter upon lands and make examinations or surveys in the same manner as other authorized City agents or employees and shall have such other powers as are required for the performance of official functions in carrying out the purposes of this resolution. Section 6. Limitations of Power. 6.01. The following limits apply to the EDA and its operation: (a) The sale of bonds or other obligations of the EDA must be approved by the City Council. (b) The EDA must follow the budget process for City departments in accordance with City policies, ordinances, and resolutions and the City charter. (c) Development and redevelopment actions of the EDA must be in conformity to the City comprehensive plan and official controls implementing the comprehensive plan. (d) The EDA must submit its plans for development and redevelopment to the City Council for approval in accordance with City planning procedures and laws. (e) Except when previously pledged by the EDA, the City Council may, by resolution, require the EDA to transfer any portion of the reserves generated by activities of the EDA that the City Council determines are not necessary for the successful operation of the EDA to the debt service funds of the city to be used solely to reduce tax levies for bonded indebtedness of the City. (f) The administrative structure and management practices and policies of the EDA must be approved by the City Council. (g) The EDA shall submit all planned activities for influencing the action of any other governmental agency, subdivision, or body to the City Council for approval. 6.02. The EDA may exercise all the powers under the EDA Act, including, but not limited to, the following; (a) all powers under the HRA Act. (b) all powers of a city under Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.124 to 469.134. (c) all powers and duties of a redevelopment agency under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152 to 469.165 for a purpose in the HRA Act or the EDA Act, and all powers and duties in the HRA Act and the EDA Act for a purpose in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152 to 469.165. (d) the authority to acquire property, exercise the right of eminent domain; make contracts for the purpose of redevelopment and economic development; serve as a limited partner in a partnership whose purpose is consistent with the EDA's purpose; buy supplies and materials needed to carry out development within the EDA Act; and operate and maintain public parking facilities. (e) the authority to issue bonds in accordance with the EDA Act and the HRA Act. (f) the authority to levy special benefit taxes in accordance with Section 469.033, subdivision 6 of the HRA Act in order to pay or finance public redevelopment costs (as defined in the HRA Act), subject to approval by the City Council in accordance with Section 469.033, subdivision 6. (g) all powers under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.474 to 469.179. 6.03. As provided in the EDA Act, it is the intention of the City Council that nothing in this resolution nor any activities of the EDA are to be construed to impair the obligations of the City or HRA under any of their contracts or to affect in any detrimental manner the rights and privileges of a holder of a bond or other obligation heretofore issued by the City, the EDA or the HRA. Section 7. Implementation. 7.01. The City Council will from time to time and at the appropriate time adopt such ordinances and resolutions as are required and permitted by the EDA Act to give full effect to this resolution. 7.02. The Mayor, the City Administrator, and other appropriate City officials are authorized and directed to take the actions and execute and deliver the documents necessary to give full effect to this resolution. 7.03. Nothing in this resolution is intended to prevent the City from modifying this Enabling Resolution to impose new or different limitations on the EDA as authorized by the EDA Act. ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Monticello on this 27th day of February, 2012. CITY OF MONTICELLO eel ze�l—1 Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: 1 z4 JeOW City Administrator BYLAWS OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ARTICLE I - THE AUTHORITY Section 1. Name of Authority. The name of the Authority shall be the "City of Monticello Economic Development Authority." Section 2. Office of Authority. The office of the Authority shall be at the City Hall in the City of Monticello, State of Minnesota, but the Authority may hold its meetings at such other place or places as it may designate by resolution. Section 3. Seal of Authority. The seal of the Authority shall be in the form of a circle and shall bear the name of the Authority and the year of its organization. Section 4. Establishment. The City of Monticello Economic Development Authority is established pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.090 to 469.108 1, as amended. ARTICLE II - THE COMMISSIONERS Section 1. Appointment, Terms, Vacancies, Pay, and Removal. Shall be in accordance with the Amended and Restated Resolution Enabling the Creation of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority dated October 22, 2007 and as it may be amended (the "Enabling Resolution"). ARTICLE III - THE OFFICERS Section 1. Officers. The Authority shall elect a president, a vice president, a treasurer, a secretary, and an assistant treasurer at the annual meeting. A commissioner must not serve as president and vice president at the same time. The other offices may be held by the same commissioner. The offices of secretary and assistant treasurer need not be held by a commissioner. Section 2. President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Authority. Except as otherwise authorized by resolution of the Board of Commissioners, the President and the Executive Director (the Assistant Treasurer, in the Executive Director's absence or incapacity) shall sign all contracts, deeds, and other instruments made or executed by the Authority, except that all checks of the Authority shall be signed by the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer. At each meeting the President shall submit such recommendations and information as he or she may consider proper concerning the business, affairs, and policies of the Authority. Section 3. Vice President. The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in the absence or incapacity of the President, including signing all contracts, deeds, and other instruments executed by the Authority; and in the case of the resignation or death of the President, the Vice President shall perform such duties as are imposed on the President until such 1 325599v9MN190-130 time as the Board shall select a new President. Section 4. Secretary. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings of the Board and shall maintain all records of the Authority. The office of Secretary may be held by the Executive Director upon approval thereof by the Authority. Section 5. Treasurer's Duties. The treasurer: (1) shall receive and is responsible for Authority money; (2) is responsible for the acts of the assistant treasurer; (3) shall disburse Authority money by any Authority -approved method, including without limitation check, wire transfer, or credit card; (4) shall keep an account of the source of all receipts and the nature, purpose, and authority of all disbursements; (5) shall file the Authority's detailed financial statement with its secretary at least once a year at times set by the Authority; and (6) shall prepare and submit an annual report describing the Authority's activities and providing an accurate statement of its financial condition to the City of Monticello by no later than one month following the annual meeting of the Authority. Section 6. Assistant Treasurer. The assistant treasurer has the powers and duties of the treasurer if the treasurer is absent or incapacitated. Section 7. Public Money. Authority money is public money. ARTICLE IV - EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR The City Administrator, or any other person designated in writing by the City Administrator and approved by a majority of the Board of Commissioners, shall be designated as Executive Director of the Authority. Section 1. Duties. The Executive Director shall have general supervision over the administration of the Authority's business and affairs subject to the direction of the Authority. The Executive Director in his or her own name and title shall keep the records of the Authority, shall act as recorder of the meetings of the Authority and record all votes, and shall keep record of the proceedings of the Authority in a journal of proceedings to be kept for such purpose, and shall perform all duties incident to the office. The Executive Director shall, with the President, sign all contracts, deeds, and other instruments executed by the Authority, and shall keep in sole custody the seal of the Authority and shall have power to affix such seal to all contracts and instruments authorized to be executed by the Authority. 2 325599v9MN190-130 Any person appointed to fill the office of Executive Director, or any vacancy herein, shall have such terms as the Authority fixes, but no commissioner of the Authority shall be eligible to serve as the Executive Director. ARTICLE V - MEETINGS Section 1. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings shall be held on the 2nd and 4d' Wednesday of each month. Section 2. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Authority shall be held in conjunction with the regular February meeting at the regular meeting place of the Authority. The August regular meeting shall include final fund balances reviewed at the Annual Meeting. Section 3. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Authority may be called by the President, two members of the Authority, or the Executive Director for the purpose of transacting any business designated in the call. All commissioners of the Authority shall be notified. Section 4. Quorum. At any meeting of the Authority, the presence of four commissioners shall constitute a quorum. If a quorum is not present at any meeting, those present shall have power to adjourn the meeting from time to time without notice other than announcement at such meeting until the requisite number of votes shall be present to constitute a quorum. At any such adjourned meeting at which a quorum is present, any business may be transacted which might have been transacted at the meeting as originally called. Any resolution, election, or other formal action of the Authority shall be adopted upon the affirmative vote of a majority of the Authority membership. Section 5. Rules of Procedure. Unless otherwise specified in the Enabling Resolution or in these bylaws, all meetings of the Authority shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts' Rules of Order revised. Section 6. Manner of Voting. The voting on all questions coming before the Authority shall be voice unless the President calls for a roll call vote. The yeas and nays shall be entered upon the minutes of such meetings. ARTICLE VI - EMPLOYEES; SERVICES; SUPPLIES Section 1. Employ. Subject to limits set by the appropriations or other funds made available, the Authority may employ such staff, technicians, and experts as may be deemed proper and may incur such other expenses as may be necessary and proper for the conduct of its affairs. Section 2. Contract for Services. The Authority may contract for services of consultants, agents, public accountants, and other persons needed to perform its duties and exercise its powers. Section 3. Legal Services. The Authority may use the services of the city attorney or 3 325599v9MN190-130 hire a general counsel for its legal needs. The city attorney or general counsel, as determined by the Authority, is its chief legal advisor. Section 4. Supplies. The Authority may purchase the supplies and materials it needs to carry out its function pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 to 469.1081. Section 5. City Purchasing. The Authority may use the facilities of its city's purchasing department in connection with construction work and to purchase equipment, supplies, or materials. Section 6. City Facilities, Services. The City may furnish offices, structures and space, and stenographic, clerical, engineering, or other assistance to the Authority. Section 7. Delegation Power. The Authority may delegate to one or more of its agents or employees powers or duties as it may deem proper. ARTICLE VII - POWERS Section 1. Functions, Powers, and Duties. Shall be in accordance with the Enabling Resolution. Section 2. Limitations of Power. Resolution. Shall be in accordance with the Enabling ARTICLE VIII - AMENDMENTS Section 1. Amendment to Bylaws. The bylaws of the Authority shall be amended by a majority vote of the Authority membership at a regular or special meeting. The amendments must be in written form. Section 2. Conflicts. In any instance where these bylaws are in conflict with the Enabling Resolution, the Enabling Resolution shall control. Section 3. Effective Date. These bylaws are effective upon their adoption by the Authority. Dated: August 14, 2019. Signed: President (Seal) Executive Director 4 325599v9MN190-130 Schedule of Assets, Liabilities, Deferred Inflows of Resources, and Fund Balances Economic Development Authority & Small Cities Development Program December 31, 2022 - Unaudited TIF 6 (d) TIF 19 TIF 20 (d) TIF 22 TIF 24 TIF 29 TIF 30 TIF 34 TIF 40 TIF 41 GAAP Total Total EDA General GMEF TIF Future Raindance MS Shores Prairie West Downtown St. Henry's Front Porch CMHP Interchange Briggs UMC Reconciliation EDA SCDP ASSETS Cash and investments $ 2,745,954 $ 937,668 $ - $ 18,001 $ - $ 104,172 $ 437,082 $ - $ - $ 78,500 $ 77,370 $ 6,506 $ - $ - $ 4,405,253 $ 767,787 Receivables Delinquent taxes 955 - - - - - 1,835 - - - - - - - 2,790 - Accounts 16,088 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16,088 - Intrafund receivable 124,149 - - 731,000 - - - - - - - - - (855,149) - - Prepaid items 2,362 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,362 - Notes receivable 127,246 306,497 - - - - - - - - - - - - 433,743 130,422 Land held for resale 2,006,336 163,200 2,169,536 TOTAL ASSETS $ 5,035,211 $ 1,244,165 $ $ 749,001 $ $ 104,172 $ 602,117 $ $ $ 78,500 $ 77,370 $ 6,506 $ $ (855,149) $ 7,041,893 $ 898,209 LIABILITIES Accounts and contracts payable $ 12,554 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 6,198 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 18,752 $ - Intrafund payable - - 45,363 - - - - - - 78,500 - 731,286 (855,149) - - Unearned revenue - - - - - - 163,200 - - - - - (163,200) - - Escrow deposits Total liabilities 12,554 45,363 169,398 78500 731,286 (1,018,349) 18,752 DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES Unavailable revenue - property taxes 955 1,835 2,790 FUND BALANCES Nonspendable 2,362 - - - - - - - - - - - 2,362 - Res[dcted - 1,244,165 - 749,001 - 104,172 430,884 - - - 77, 6,506 (731,286) 163,200 2,044,012 898,209 Assigned 5,019,340 - (45,363) - -- - - - - 4,973,977 - Total fund balance 5,021,702 1,244,165 (45,363) 749,001 - 104,172 430,884 - - 6,506 (731,286) 163,200 7,020,351 898,209 TO1 370 TAL LIABILITIES, AND FUND BALANCES $ 5,035,211 $ 1,244,165 $ $ 749,001 $ $ 104,172 $ 602,117 $ $ $ 78,500 $ 77,370 $ 6,506 $ $ (855,149) $ 7,041,893 $ 898,209 Required or Actual Decertification Date 12/9/203 12/31/2023 12110/2018 12/31/2024 12/31/2026 12/31/2029 12/31/2029 12/31/2022 12/31/2045 12/312030 TIF District Type Redevelopment Housing Redevelopment 1- housing& Housing Housing Housing Redevelopment Housing Economic (d) = decertified Redevelopment Dsvelopmerrt CITY OF MONTICELLO Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Other Financing Sources (Uses) Economic Development Authority & Small Cities Development Program For the Period Ended December 31, 2022 - Unaudited TIF 6 (d) TIF 19 TIF 20 (d) TIF 22 TIF 24 TIF 29 TIF 30 TIF 34 TIF 40 TIF 41 GAAP Total Total EDA General GMEF TIF Future Raindance MS Shores Prairie West Downtown St. Henry's Front Porch CMHP Interchange Briggs UMC Reconciliation EDA SCDP Rev Property taxes $ 388,292 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 388,292 $ Tax increments - - - - 41,053 - 296,000 59,835 36,119 16,895 220,840 49,559 - - 720,301 - Intergovernmental 375,547 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 375,547 - Charges for services - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Investment earnings (115,831) - - - - - - - - - - - - - (115,831) (30,286) Interest on loans 2,286 9,114 - - - - - - - - - - - (2,286) 9,114 3,873 Other revenues 831,566 831,566 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Total revenues 1,481,860 9,114 41,053 296,000 59,835 36,119 16,895 220,840 49,559 (2,286) 2,208,989 (26,413) Expenditures: Current Salary and wages 124,897 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 124,897 - Benefits 46,365 - - - - - - - - - - - - 46,365 - supplies 374 - - - - - - - - - - - - 374 - Professionalservices - legal 6,176 - - - 249 - 1,286 249 - 249 - 238 - 8,447 - Professionalservices - other 144,728 - - - - - - - - - - - 144,728 - LPV Insurance 1,668 - - - - - - - - - - 1,668 - Legal and general publications 203 - - - 48 48 48 48 48 8 6 48 - 635 - Property taxes 13,664 - - - - - - - - - - 13,664 - Marketing 26,766 - - - - - - - - - 26,766 - Dues and membership 8,091 - - - - - - - - - - 8,091 - Utilities 6,913 - - - - - - - - - - - 6,913 IT services 3,659 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3,659 - Travel and conferences 1,996 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,996 - Land adjustment to market - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Qualifying TIF expenditures - - - - 172,703 - 170,361 233,614 2 5 36, - - - - 842,752 Other expenditures 527,598 - - - - - - - - - - - - 527,598 - Excess increments - - - - - - 188,360 - - - - - - 188,360 - Interest on intrafund loans - - - - - - - - 2,286 - - - (2,286) - - PAYG Dayments to third parties 12,191 44,603 56,794 Total expenditures 913,098 173,000 48 372,246 233,911 230,083 38,622 48 44,651 286 (2,286) 2,003,707 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures 568,762 9,114 131 947 48 76 6 076 (193,964) (21,727) 220,792 4,908 (286) 205,282 (26,413) Other fnancinq uses Transfers in 4,900 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4,900 - Transfers out (197,925) (197,925) Total other financing sources (uses) 4,900 (197,925) (193,025) Net change in fund balances 573,662 9,114- (13 (48) (76,246) (174,076) (193,964) (21,727) 22,867 4,908 (286) - 12,257 (26,413) Fund balance at beqinninq of year 4,448,040 1,235,051 (45,363) *A001 13 104,220 507,130 174,076 193,964 21,727 54,503 1,598 (731,000) 163,200 7,008,094 924,622 Fund balance at end of year $ 5,021,702 $ 1,244,165 $ (45,363) $ 749,001 $ 04 172 $ 430,884 $ $ $ $ 77,370 $ 6,506 $ (731,286) $ 163,200 -$-:7 ,020,351 $ 898,209 Required or Actual Deceriffication Date12/9/2013 12/312023 12/102018 12/312024 11/112028 12/312029 12/312029 12,312022 12/312045 12,312030 TIF District Type Redevelopment sing Redevelopment Housing& Housing Housing Housing Redevelopment Housing Economic (d)=decertified 1 Redevelopment Development MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, January 11, 2023 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: President Steve Johnson, Vice President Jon Morphew, Hali Sittig, Councilmembers Lloyd Hilgart and Tracy Hinz Commissioners Absent: 011ie Koropchak-White Staff Present: Executive Director Jim Thares, Angela Schumann, Hayden Stensgard 1. Call to Order President Steve Johnson called the regular meeting of the Monticello EDA to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call Mr. Johnson called the roll. 3. Consideration of Additional Agenda Items None 4. Consent Agenda a. Consideration of Approving Special Meeting Minutes — November 22, 2022 b. Consideration of Aoorovine Regular Meeting Minutes — December 14. 2022 c. Consideration of Approving Payment of Bills LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO APPROVE THE JANUARY 11, 2023, REGULAR MEETING CONSENT AGENDA. HALI SITTIG SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. Regular Agenda 5. Consideration of Broadwav Parking Easement Snowalow Contract Uodate Executive Director Jim Thares provided an overview of the agenda item to the EDA and the public. Related to the EDA owned property on Block 36 downtown, the contract for snowplow services on that block changed to a new service provider and includes a significant price increase for the service. The EDA was provided an update on the situation, no action was taken on the item. 6. Economic Development Director's Report Mr. Thares provided an overview of the agenda item to the EDA and the public. No action was taken on the item. 7. Closed Meeting — Consideration of Recessing to Closed Session to Consider Offers or Counteroffers for the Purchase or Sale of Real Proaerty Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(c)(3) Properties: 1. PID: 155-249-001010 2. PID: 155-273-001010 3. PID: 155-248-001030 4. PID: 155-248-001020 5. PID: 155-248-001010 The EDA recessed into closed session following the completion of the item 6. 8. Adjourn TRACY HINZ MOVED TO ADJOURN THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MONTICELLO EDA. HALI SITTIG SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 7:22 P.M. EDA Agenda: 2/7/23 5b. Consideration of Approving Payment of Bills A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Accounts Payable summary statements listing bills submitted during the previous month are included for review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve payment of bills through January 2023. 2. Motion to approve payment of bills through January 2023 with changes as directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Accounts Payable Summary Statements Accounts Payable Transactions by Account CITY F User: Julie.Cheney Printed: 01/04/2023 - 4:57PM 3tjMSo!nti e ffo Batch: 00204.01.2023 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213-00000-220110 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHAR] TIF 1-44 Washburn POS Expansion L 12/31/2022 126607 443.50 213-00000-220110 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHAR] 21TOO 1 -Headwaters Apartment TIF - 12/31/2022 126607 1,885.80 213-00000-220110 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHAR] 21TOO 1 -Headwaters Townhome TIF 12/31/2022 126607 7,684.90 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:00000 10,014.20 213-46301-430400 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHAR] Moon Motors Warehouse Developmer 12/31/2022 126607 75.00 213-46301-430400 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHAR] General EDA- Nov 2022 12/31/2022 126607 220.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 295.00 213-46301-433100 DAVID BARTHOLOMAY 2023 Leadership Growth Group 01/10/2023 126587 600.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 600.00 213-46301-443300 WRIGHT COUNTY ECONOMIC E 2023 Membership Dues 01/10/2023 126622 3,401.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 3,401.00 213-46585-465110 LAXMI HOTEL INC Pay As You Go - 2nd Pmt 2022 - Inters 12/31/2022 126608 5,993.34 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46585 5,993.34 AP -Transactions by Account (01/04/2023 - 4:57 PM) Page 1 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Subtotal for Fund: 213 Report Total: Amount PO No 20,303.54 20,303.54 AP -Transactions by Account (01/04/2023 - 4:57 PM) Page 2 Accounts Payable Transactions by Account CITY F � User: Julie.Cheneyonti Printed: 01/19/2023 - 3:24PM effo Batch: 00205.01.2023 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213-46301-431993 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 2022 Economic Development Service: 12/31/2022 0 2,092.50 213-46301-431993 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC Downtown Redev Project - Nov 2022 12/31/2022 0 154.50 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 2,247.00 213-46301-443300 INITIATIVE FOUNDATION 2023 Endowment Contribution 01/24/2023 126646 2,390.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 2,390.00 213-46601-181300 MONTICELLO RV CENTER INC Refund Duplicate Loan Payment 01/24/2023 126659 749.69 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46601 749.69 Subtotal for Fund: 213 5,386.69 Report Total: 5,386.69 AP -Transactions by Account (01/19/2023 - 3:24 PM) Page 1 Accounts Payable Transactions by Account CITY F � User: 0l/1 2023 - onti effo hency Printed: 01/19/2023 - 11:50AM Batch: 00201.01.2023 Account Number Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213-46301-438200 CITY OF MONTICELLO 7256-004 - 130 Brdwy- Stormwtr 12/31/2022 0 26.25 213-46301-438200 CITY OF MONTICELLO 7256-007 - 103 Pine St- EDA 12/31/2022 0 0.00 213-46301-438200 CITY OF MONTICELLO 7256-008 - 112 River St. W EDA 12/31/2022 0 45.50 213-46301-438200 CITY OF MONTICELLO 7256-0010 - 101 Brdwy W-EDA 12/31/2022 0 0.00 213-46301-438200 CITY OF MONTICELLO 7256-0011 107 Brdwy W- EDA 12/31/2022 0 0.00 213-46301-438200 CITY OF MONTICELLO 7256-013 - 113 Brdwy W - EDA 12/31/2022 0 45.50 213-46301-438200 CITY OF MONTICELLO 7256-014 - 121 Brdwy W - EDA 12/31/2022 0 45.50 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 162.75 213-46301-443300 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYS EDAM - 2023 Membership (2) 01/15/2023 0 450.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 450.00 213-46301-443990 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYS Monti Chamber - Nov & Dec Lunches 12/31/2022 0 40.00 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 40.00 Subtotal for Fund: 213 652.75 Report Total: 652.75 AP -Transactions by Account (01/19/2023 - 11:50 AM) Page 1 Accounts Payable Transactions by Account User: Julie.Cheney Printed: 02/02/2023 - 1:38PM Batch: 00207.01.2023 Account Number " CITY O F onti effo Vendor Description GL Date Check No Amount PO No 213-46301-438100 XCEL ENERGY 51-13295413-8 - 103 Pine St 01/31/2023 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 213-46301-443990 DEMVI LLC Parking Lot Maintenance - Jan 2023 01/31/2023 Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301 Subtotal for Fund: 213 Report Total: The preceding list of bills payable totaling $26,556.84 was approved for payment. Date: 2/8/23 Approved by: Tracy Hinz - Treasurer 0 0.00 0.00 0 213.86 213.86 213.86 213.86 AP -Transactions by Account (02/02/2023 - 1:38 PM) Page 1 EDA Agenda: 2/7/23 5c. Consideration of Adopting Resolution 2023-01 Rescinding a Purchase Agreement with Powersports Services, LLC (Moon Motors) and Platinum Technologies, LLC connected to the proposed acquisition of Lot 1, Block 1, Oakwood Industrial Park, 3rd Addition (1.46 -acres), located at 9699 Fallon Avenue (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is asked to consider adopting Resolution 2022-30 rescinding a purchase agreement with Powersports Services, LLC (Moon Motors) for the acquisition of Lot 1, Block 1, Oakwood Industrial Park, 3rd Addition. Washburn Computer Group, 218 Chelsea Road, had previously expressed an interest in expanding its existing 33,000 square foot warehouse southward onto the 1.46 -acre vacant lot located at 9699 Fallon Avenue. The company had informed City staff and the EDA that this parcel would be a crucial component of its proposed 43,000 square foot facility expansion. Washburn proposed to use the vacant parcel as a truck staging, maneuvering, and loading area. The company further stated that a potential second phase building addition could also occur on the site in the future. In the spring of 2022, the City Council and the EDA approved establishing TIF District (1-44) to support Washburn's expansion proposal. In further supporting the Washburn proposal, at its October 12, 2022, meeting, the EDA approved entering into a purchase agreement for the 1.46 -acre parcel. The intent was for the EDA to hold the lot for Washburn, and concurrently enter into a Land Purchase Option Agreement with Washburn (also approved at the October 12, 2022, meeting). After that action, Washburn officials provided guidance to City staff regarding its expansion goals and timeline. They are now stating that they may want to broaden their facility needs and site options and affirm that a potential development timeline is not prior to 2025. The result is that the site may not be needed for Washburn's expansion proposal, thus making the EDA acquisition of the lot a moot action at this time. Moon Motors is asking $300,000 for the 1.46 -acre lot. It should also be noted that their goal has been to sell the property in 2022 or early 2023. In relationship to the sale of the 1.46 -acre parcel, the site broker has requested that the EDA consider Moon Motor's own potential warehouse development proposal. The desired site for this proposal is an EDA owned lot in Otter Creek Business Park, Lot 1, Block 1, Otter Creek Crossing, 71h Addition. EDA Agenda: 2/7/23 In discussions, the site broker has consistently requested that the sale of the 1.46 acre lot sale to the EDA be linked to concurrent EDA approval of a Preliminary Development Agreement (PDA) with Moon Motors. The PDA would reserve a 6 -acre +/- lot in Otter Creek Business Park exclusively for a future Moon Motors warehouse development. The linkage of these two geographically unrelated sites has been a complicating factor for both buyer and seller in confidently moving forward with acceptable agreements for both parcels. If the EDA rescinds the Fallon Avenue lot purchase agreement, Moon Motors will most likely market the 1.46 -acre parcel for sale. There is a possibility that the lot will be acquired by an entity other than Washburn in the short to mid-term time frame. Again, Washburn is aware of this situation and has stated to staff that is comfortable with that risk. Al. STAFF IMPACT: In-house and consultant staff time involved in the tasks related to the proposed rescinding of the purchase agreement for the 1.46 -acre lot include the Community Development Director, Economic Development Manager, and the EDA attorney. The primary tasks connected with this consideration include drafting the EDA Resolution rescinding the purchase agreement and preparation of a staff report. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The budget impact connected to rescinding the Fallon Avenue Lot Purchase Agreement are estimated to be legal fees in the amount $395 +/-. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve Resolution 2023-01 rescinding a Purchase Agreement with Powersports Services, LLC (Moon Motors) and Platinum Technologies, LLC connected with the acquisition of a 1.46 -acre industrial parcel located at 9699 Fallon Avenue in the amount of $300,000. 2. Motion to table consideration of Adopting Resolution 2023-01 for further research and/or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. It has recently been determined by Washburn that the 1.46 -acre parcel is not needed and may not ultimately be the best option for a Washburn expansion project and/or facility decision. City staff will continue to communicate with Washburn regarding its future facility needs and plans and update the EDA and/or bring action items forward in support of Washburn as needed. EDA Agenda: 2/7/23 :4 9 I►let 07_ACIV A. Resolution 2023-01 B. Purchase Agreement C. Parcel Aerial Photo D. Parcel Listing CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 2023-01 RESCINDING A PURCHASE AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, POWERSPORTS SERVICES LLC, AND PLATINUM TECHNOLOGIES, LLC BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners (the "Board") of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority") as follows: Back rg ound. 1.01. On October 12, 2022, the Board approved a Purchase Agreement (the "Purchase Agreement") between the Authority and Powersports Services LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company ("Powersports"), and Platinum Technologies, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company ("Platinum" and, with Powersports, the "Landowners"), pursuant to which, the Authority would acquire certain property (the "Property") located at 9699 Fallon Avenue in the city of Monticello, Minnesota from the Landowners for economic development purposes. 1.02. Pursuant to paragraph 8 of the Purchase Agreement, the date of closing on the Property shall be no later than November 30, 2022 ("Closing Date"). 1.03. The Purchase Agreement has not been executed by Powersports, Platinum or the Authority, the Closing Date has passed and the Purchase Agreement has expired. For the purposes of clarity, the Board now desires to rescind and revoke the Purchase Agreement. 2. Recission of Purchase Agreement. 2.01. The Authority rescinds and revokes the Purchase Agreement and the Purchase Agreement is hereby terminated and cancelled. 2.02. Authority officials and consultants are authorized to take any other actions necessary to carry out the intent of this resolution. Approved this 8th day of February, 2023, by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority. President ATTEST: Executive Director MN325\48\854211.v2 PURCHASE AGREEMENT 9699 Fallon Avenue, Monticello, Minnesota This Purchase Agreement ("Agreement") is made as of this day of October, 2022, by and between Platinum Technologies, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company ("Seller") and the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body politic and corporate under the laws of the State of Minnesota ("Buyer"). 1. PROPERTY. Seller is the owner of property located at 9699 Fallon Avenue in the City of Monticello, Minnesota (PID 155249001010), which is legally described on the attached Exhibit A (the "Property"). 2. OFFER/ACCEPTANCE. In consideration of and subject to the terms and provisions of this Agreement, Buyer offers and agrees to purchase, and Seller agrees to sell and hereby grants to Buyer the exclusive right to purchase the Property and any improvements thereon, together with all appurtenances. Personal property is not included in the sale of the Property. 3. PURCHASE PRICE FOR PROPERTY AND TERMS. a. PURCHASE PRICE: The total purchase price for the Property, representing the fair market value of the Property plus any compensation attributable to Seller's relocation benefits pursuant to paragraph 18 hereof, is: Three Hundred Thousand and 00/100ths Dollars ($300,000.00) ("Purchase Price"). b. TERMS: 1. EARNEST MONEY: Earnest money in the amount of Dollars ($ ) (the "Earnest Money") shall be deposited by Buyer into escrow with Old Republic Title Insurance Company ("Title") within 15 business days after this Agreement has been executed by both parties. The Earnest Money is refundable to the extent provided herein. 2. BALANCE DUE SELLER: Buyer agrees to pay the Purchase Price to Seller by check or wire transfer on the Closing Date (defined hereafter) according to the terms of this Agreement. 3. DEED/MARKETABLE TITLE: Subject to performance by Buyer, Seller agrees to execute and deliver to Buyer a Warranty Deed conveying marketable fee simple title to the Property, free and clear of any mortgages, liens or encumbrances other than matters created by or acceptable to Buyer, subject only to the following exceptions: Building and zoning laws, ordinances, state, and federal regulations; ii. Reservation of minerals or mineral rights to the State of 1 MN325-48-827926.v2 Minnesota, if any; and iii. Public utility and drainage easements of record which will not interfere with Buyer's intended use of the Property. 4. DOCUMENTS TO BE DELIVERED AT CLOSING BY SELLER. In addition to the Warranty Deed required at paragraph 3.b.3. above, Seller shall deliver to Buyer at closing: a. An affidavit from Seller sufficient to remove any exception in Buyer's policy of title insurance for mechanics' and materialmens' liens and rights of parties in possession; b. A "bring -down" certificate, certifying that all of the warranties made by Seller in this Agreement remain true as of the Closing Date; C. Affidavit of Seller confirming that Seller is not a foreign person within the meaning of Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code; d. Well disclosure certification, if required, or, if there is no well on the Property, the Warranty Deed given pursuant to paragraph 3.b.3. above must include the following statement: "The Seller certifies that the Seller does not know of any wells on the described real property;" e. Any notices, certificates, and affidavits regarding any private sewage systems, underground storage tanks, and environmental conditions as may be required by state or federal statutes, rules or regulations; f. A cancellation of the contract for deed that was entered into by Seller for the sale of the Property to Powersports Services LLC; and f. Any other documents reasonably required by Title (as defined in paragraph 6) or Buyer's attorney to evidence that title to the Property is marketable and that Seller has complied with the terms of this Purchase Agreement. 5. CONTINGENCIES. Buyer's obligation to purchase the Property is contingent upon the following: a. Approval of this Purchase Agreement by Buyer's governing body; b. Written findings by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello that the acquisition of the Property conforms to the City Comprehensive Plan; C. Buyer conducting environmental investigations on the Property and receiving reports that are satisfactory to Buyer; and d. Buyer's determination of marketable title pursuant to paragraph 6 of this 2 MN325-48-827926.v2 Agreement. Buyer shall have 30 days from the date of execution of this Agreement by Buyer and Seller to remove or waive the foregoing contingencies (the "Due Diligence Period"). These contingencies are solely for the benefit of Buyer and may be waived by Buyer. If Buyer or its attorney gives written notice to Seller that all contingencies are duly satisfied or waived, Buyer and Seller shall proceed to close the transaction as contemplated herein. If one or more of the contingencies is not satisfied, or is not satisfied within the Due Diligence Period, and is not waived by Buyer, this Agreement shall thereupon be void at the written option of Buyer, Buyer and Seller shall execute and deliver to each other documentation effecting the termination of this Agreement, and the Earnest Money shall be refunded to Buyer in full. Buyer shall also deliver to Seller copies of all documentation gathered during the Due Diligence Period, including without limitation all survey, environmental or soil tests. 6. TITLE EXAMINATION/CURING TITLE DEFECTS. Buyer will, at Seller's expense, obtain a commitment for title insurance ("Commitment") for the Property from Title. Buyer shall have ten business days after the later of execution in full of this Purchase Agreement or receipt of the Commitment to examine the Commitment and to deliver written objections to title, if any, to Seller, or Buyer's right to do so shall be deemed waived. Seller shall have until the end of the Due Diligence Period (or such later date as the parties may agree upon) to make title marketable, at Seller's cost. In the event that title to the Property cannot be made marketable or is not made marketable by Seller within the Due Diligence Period, then this Agreement may be terminated at the option of Buyer. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS. Buyer acknowledges that it has been authorized by Seller to enter the Property and conduct environmental investigations of the Property. Seller shall provide to Buyer any environmental reports or information concerning the Property in Seller's possession at the time of execution of this Agreement. Buyer hereby agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold Seller harmless from and against any and all losses, claims, causes of action, liabilities and costs of defense incurred by Seller arising out of the actions of Buyer, its agents, employees, contractors, or invitees in carrying out Buyer's environmental investigations, unless due to the negligence or willful misconduct of Seller or its agents, employees or contractors. 8. CLOSING DATE. The date of closing shall be no later than November 30, 2022, or such earlier date as is mutually agreed by the parties ("Closing Date"). Delivery of all papers and the closing shall be made through escrow with Title, or at such other location as is mutually agreed upon by the parties. All deliveries and notices to Buyer shall be made as provided in Section 16 of this Agreement. 9. POSSESSION/TENANTS. a. Possession. Seller agrees to deliver possession of the Property to Buyer on the Closing Date. b. Tenants. Seller represents there are not any tenants or third parties in possession 3 MN325-48-827926.v2 of the Property. The parties expressly agree and understand that Seller shall not enter into any third -party leases for any portion of the Property on or after the date of this Agreement. The parties agree that any personal property of Seller, remaining on the Property on the Closing Date shall become property of Buyer. 10. SELLER'S WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS. Seller hereby represents and warrants to Buyer and Seller will represent and warrant to Buyer as of the Closing Date that: a. Sewer and water. Seller represents that to the best of Seller's knowledge, the Property is connected to City sewer and water. b. Mechanics' Liens. Seller warrants that, prior to the closing, Seller shall pay in full all amounts due for labor, materials, machinery, fixtures or tools furnished within the 120 days immediately preceding the closing in connection with construction, alteration or repair of any structure upon or improvement to the Property caused by or resulting from any action of Seller. C. Notices. Seller represents that Seller has not received any notice from any governmental authority as to violation of any law, ordinance, or regulation in connection with the Property. d. Tenants. Seller warrants there are no tenants on the Property. e. Broker Commission. Commercial Real Estate Solutions (CRS) is Seller's broker in this transaction. Buyer is not represented by a broker in this transaction. Seller shall be responsible for paying any commissions or compensation due to Seller's broker as a result of this transaction. Seller warrants that as of the date of this Agreement, that with the exception of its agreement with Commercial Real Estate Solutions (CRS), there is no agreement in effect with any other broker, agent, or representative who shall be entitled to any commission in connection with this transaction. Buyer warrants that as of the date of this agreement, there is no agreement that Buyer has in effect with any broker, agent, or representative who shall be entitled to any commission in connection with this transaction. Each party agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the other party harmless from the claims of any broker, real estate agent or similar party claiming compensation through the indemnifying party. f. Condemnation. Seller has received no notice that there is any pending or, to the actual knowledge of Seller, threatened condemnation or similar proceeding affecting the Property or any portion thereof, and Seller has no actual knowledge that any such action is contemplated. g. Legal Proceedings. There are no legal actions, suits or other legal or administrative proceedings, pending or threatened, that affect the Property or any portion thereof, and Seller has no knowledge that any such action is presently contemplated. 4 MN325-48-827926.v2 h. Legal Capacity. Seller has the legal capacity to enter into this Agreement. Seller has not filed, voluntarily or involuntarily, for bankruptcy relief within the last year under the United States Bankruptcy Code, nor has any petition for bankruptcy or receivership been filed against Seller within the last year. i. Underground Tanks. To the best of Seller's knowledge, the Property does not contain any underground storage tanks of any size or description. j. Wells. The Seller certifies that the Seller does not know of any wells on the Property. k. Sewage Systems. Seller does not know of any individual sewage treatment systems on or serving the Property, or if any individual sewage treatment systems exist, Seller shall comply with all applicable statutory disclosure requirements regarding such individual sewage treatment systems. Seller's representations and warranties set forth in this paragraph shall be continuing and are deemed to be material to Buyer's execution of this Agreement and Buyer's performance of its obligations hereunder. All such representations and warranties shall be true and correct on or as of the Closing Date with the same force and effect as if made at that time; and all of such representations and warranties shall survive closing and any cancellation or termination of this Agreement, and shall not be affected by any investigation, verification or approval by any part hereto or by anyone on behalf of any party hereto. Seller agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold Buyer harmless for, from and against any loss, costs, damages, expenses, obligations, and attorneys' fees incurred should an assertion, claim, demand, or cause of action be instituted, made, or taken, which is contrary to or inconsistent with the representations or warranties contained herein. 11. BUYER'S ACKNOWLEGEMENT. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that, except as otherwise provided herein, having been given the opportunity to inspect the Property and review available information and documentation affecting the Property, Buyer is relying solely on its own investigation of the Property and review of such information and documentation. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that no representations or statements have been made by Seller in order to induce Buyer to enter into this transaction other than as expressly stated herein, and that Buyer has not relied upon any representations or statements other than as expressly stated herein. Buyer further acknowledges and agrees that, except as expressly provided herein, the sale of the property as provided for herein is made on an "as -is, where is" condition and basis with all faults and conditions (environmental and all other), and that Seller has no obligation to make any remediation, repairs, replacements, or improvements whatsoever. 12. CLOSING COSTS/RECORDING FEES/DEED TAX. At Closing, Seller shall pay: (a) prorated property taxes due and payable in the year of Closing through the Closing Date; (b) any special assessments levied against the Property and due and payable in the year of Closing; (c) the cost of any documents required to clear title or to evidence marketable title, including fees and charges to record such documents; (d) any operating costs of the Property up to the Closing Date; (e) one-half of all closing and escrow fees customarily charged by Title; (f) any transfer or 5 MN325-48-827926.v2 deed taxes due and payable in the year of Closing on and after the Closing Date; (g) Seller's broker's fees; (h) the cost of an initial title commitment and any title search and examination fees; and (i) Seller's legal and accounting fees. Buyer shall pay: (a) the costs of any environmental investigation, inspection, and/or survey costs ordered by Buyer; (b) costs of the title insurance premium and any endorsements; (c) recording fees and charges related to the filing of the Warranty Deed from the Seller; (d) prorated property taxes due and payable in the year of Closing on and after the Closing Date; (e) one-half of all closing and escrow fees customarily charged by Title; and (f) Buyer's legal and accounting fees. 13. INSPECTIONS. From the date of this Agreement to the Closing Date, Buyer, its employees and agents, shall be entitled to enter upon the Property to conduct such surveying, inspections, investigations, soil borings, and testing as Buyer shall elect. Buyer shall also be entitled to a general walkthrough inspection within five days of the Closing Date. Buyer shall immediately repair any damage caused by its inspection activities. 14. INSURANCE; RISK OF LOSS. a. If there is any loss or damage to the Property between the date hereof and the Closing Date, for any reason including fire, vandalism, flood, earthquake or act of God, the risk of loss shall be on Seller. If the Property is destroyed or substantially damaged before the Closing Date, this Agreement shall become null and void, at Buyer's option. At the request of Buyer, Seller agrees to sign a cancellation of Purchase Agreement. b. Following the Closing Date, the Buyer shall procure and maintain property insurance against the Property. Buyer shall assume all risk of damage or destruction to the Property following the Closing Date. 15. DEFAULT/REMEDIES. If Buyer defaults under this Agreement, Seller has the right to terminate this Agreement by giving written notice of such election to Buyer, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 559.21. Time is of the essence of this Agreement. The termination of this Agreement and retention by Seller of the Earnest Money will be the sole remedy available to Seller for such default by Buyer, and Buyer will not be further liable for damages. If Seller defaults under this Agreement, Buyer shall have the right (i) to terminate this Agreement and receive reimbursement of the Earnest Money, or (ii) to enforce and recover from Seller specific performance of this Agreement. The termination of this Agreement and reimbursement of the Earnest Money or the enforcement and recovery from Seller of specific performance of this Agreement shall be the sole remedies available to Buyer for such default by Seller, and Seller shall not be further liable for damages. 16. RELOCATION BENEFITS; INDEMNIFICATION. Seller acknowledges that in the event that Seller is eligible for relocation assistance and benefits, the Purchase Price includes compensation for any and all relocation assistance and benefits for which Seller may be eligible, including benefits for loss of going concern. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive closing of the transaction contemplated by this Agreement. 6 MN325-48-827926.v2 For purposes of this Agreement, "relocation assistance and benefits" shall have the meanings ascribed to them by the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act, 42 U.S.C. Sections 4601-4655 (the federal URA) and the regulations implementing the federal URA, 49 C.F.R. Sections 24.1-24.603. 17. NOTICE. Any notice, demand, request, or other communication which may or shall be given or served by the parties, shall be deemed to have been given or served on the date the same is personally served upon one of the following indicated recipients for notices or is deposited in the United States Mail, registered or certified, return receipt requested, postage prepaid and addressed as follows: SELLER: Platinum Technologies, LLC 219 Dundas Road Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Stephen J. Budd BUYER: City of Monticello Economic Development Authority 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Executive Director 18. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement, including exhibits attached hereto, and any amendments hereto signed by the parties, shall constitute the entire agreement between Seller and Buyer and supersedes any other written or oral agreements between the parties relating to the Property. This Agreement can be modified only in a writing properly signed on behalf of Seller and Buyer. 19. SURVIVAL. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law or court decision to the contrary, the provisions of this Agreement shall survive closing. 20. BINDING EFFECT. This Agreement binds and benefits the parties and their successors and assigns. 21. ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES; EXECUTION IN COUNTERPARTS. The electronic signature of the parties to this Agreement shall be as valid as an original signature of such party and shall be effective to bind the parties hereto. For purposes hereof, (i) "electronic signature" means a manually signed original signature that is then transmitted by electronic means; and (ii) "transmitted by electronic means" means sent in the form of a facsimile or sent via the internet as a portable document format ("pdf ') or other replicating image attached to an electronic mail or internet message. This Agreement may be simultaneously executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute but one and the same instrument. (The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank) 7 MN325-48-827926.v2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Agreement on the date and year above. Buyer: Seller: City of Monticello Economic Development Platinum Technologies, LLC Authority By: Its: President By: Its: Executive Director 8 MN325-48-827926.v2 By: [Name] [Title] EXHIBIT A Legal Description of the Property Lot 1, Block 1, Oakwood Industrial Park 3rd Addition, County of Wright, State of Minnesota Parcel ID: 155249001010 A-1 MN325-48-827926.v2 Beacon" Wright County, MN Overview Legend Roads --- CSAHC L — CTYCL — MUNICL — PRIVATECL — TWPCL Highways �- Interstate --- State Hwy -- US Hwy City/Township Limits ®c �t Parcels Torrens Parcel ID 155249001010 Alternate ID n/a Owner Address POWERSPORTS SERVICES LLC Sec/Twp/Rng 14-121-025 Class 234- INDS LAND & BLDGS 15608 COUNTY ROAD 7 NW Property Address Acreage n/a CLEARWATER, MN 55320 District 1101 CITY OF MONTICELLO 882 H Brief Tax Description Sect-14Twp-121 Range -025 OAKWOOD IND PARK 3RD ADDN Lot -001 Block -001 (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Date created: 10/6/2022 Last Data Uploaded: 10/6/2022 8:18:26 AM Developed by" Schneider GEOSAATIAL INFORMATION * Sale Price $300,000.00 * Lot is 1.5 Acres * Post Frame Building Allowed * Outdoor Storage Allowed with CUP * Wright County * PID 155-249-001010 2021 Taxes $2,594.00 * Zoned: 1-2 Industrial District * Businesses in Area Include: Dakota Supply Group, Washburn, Fleet Farm, UMC, Copperhead Industries, WSI Industries, McDonald's, Dairy Queen Grill & Chill, Pizza Ranch, Hoglund Bus Co., Holiday Station, General Rental, Best Western and more... MONTICELLO t.'' �k znifi Rnrr ,ry FO 1A?4kc 'AndaYer ,� Coon Rap: d r ! ej 1b, rt�i kiq Park • 1 r -+ Bearke Ply nxw1h x� � wauxto#4n w f:rn Minneapolis I Maplewood �• . r , FCIInAi r r . wiivr r Iilver untie Bloom {nglain Heighis Contact: WAYNE ELAM (763) 229-4982 WElam@crs-mn.com t t N't4• T, t ' p .. AL dUNOA tl W 3 Highway 55 West, Buffalo, MN 55313-4320 1 763-682-2400 1 info@crs-mn.com For Sale Industrial Land �Fallon Ave, Monticello 55362 � COMMERCIAL REALTY SOLUTIONS -wit NZr R :Si.. .tee - -♦ T` _ --• y, yam. _ G , .+ .. SITE - f y "'' r t t N't4• T, t ' p .. AL dUNOA tl W 3 Highway 55 West, Buffalo, MN 55313-4320 1 763-682-2400 1 info@crs-mn.com EDA: 02/08/23 5d. Consideration of Adopting Resolution 2023-02 Rescinding a Land Purchase Option Agreement with Washburn Computer Group, LLC for Lot 1, Block 1, Oakwood Industrial Park, 3rd Addition, (1.46 -acres) located at 9699 Fallon Avenue (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is asked to consider Resolution 2023-02 rescinding a land purchase Option Agreement with Washburn Computer Group, LLC for a vacant 1.46 -acre industrial parcel described as Lot 1, Block 1, Oakwood Industrial Park, 3rd Addition. The EDA approved an Option Agreement with Washburn Computer Group at its November 9, 2022, meeting. The three-year Option Agreement would allow Washburn Computer to reserve the 1.46 - acre parcel for its planned 43,000 square foot warehouse facility expansion through premium payments to the EDA. The total premium payments could have reached $80,000 ($50,000 for the initial payment and with renewals of $15,000 each for two renewals. Premium payments would be credited against the lot sales price of $300,000. The Option Agreement has not been executed by either party because the EDA has not yet closed on the land acquisition of site from Powersports, LLC (Moon Motors). Recently Washburn Computer Group provided project update information to City staff indicating that it is rethinking its range of strategies to achieve its facility space needs and/or potential future warehouse development timeline and objectives. With that additional background information, the EDA is also considering rescinding the Purchase Agreement with Powersports, LLC for the 1.46 -acre parcel under Item 5c. If the EDA approves rescinding the Purchase Agreement with Powersports for the lot, it has no rights to enter into a Land Option Agreement with Washburn for the lot. To ensure reduction of any outlier risks related to the Option Agreement, the EDA attorney advises that it also be rescinded by Resolution. Al. STAFF IMPACT: In house and consultant staff time involved in the tasks related to rescinding the Option Agreement include the Community Development Director, Economic Development Manager, and the EDA attorney. Tasks include drafting the Resolution and the staff report. No additional staff are needed to complete the property purchase work tasks. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The budget impact related to rescinding the unsigned Option Agreement with Washburn Computer is modest. An estimate of legals fees for this work is about $375.00 +/-. Those fees will be passed onto Washburn. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: EDA: 02/08/23 1. Motion to approve Resolution 2023-02 rescinding the land purchase Option Agreement with Washburn Computer Group, LLC for a 1.46 -acre industrial parcel located at 9699 Fallon Avenue. 2. Motion to table consideration of Adopting Resolution 2023-02 for further research and/or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. Rescinding the land purchase Option Agreement with Washburn is recommended by the EDA attorney to ensure legal liabilities are eliminated. The EDA has not closed on the 1.46 -acre parcel, and as such it has no right to enter into an Option Agreement for the land. A related item on this EDA meeting agenda also recommends rescinding the Purchase Agreement between the EDA and Powersports, LLC (Moon Motors) by Resolution (Item 5c.) for the 1.46 -acre lot. D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. Resolution 2023-02 b. Option Agreement 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 2023-02 RESCINDING AN OPTION AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND THE WASHBURN COMPUTER GROUP, INC. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners (the "Board") of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority") as follows: Back rg ound. 1.01. On October 12, 2022, the Board approved a Purchase Agreement (the "Purchase Agreement") between the Authority and Powersports Services LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company ("Powersports"), and Platinum Technologies, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company ("Platinum" and, with Powersports, the "Landowners"), pursuant to which, the Authority would acquire certain property (the "Property") located at 9699 Fallon Avenue in the city of Monticello, Minnesota from the Landowners for economic development purposes. 1.02. Pursuant to paragraph 8 of the Purchase Agreement, the date of closing on the Property was to be no later than November 30, 2022 ("Closing Date"). 1.03. The Purchase Agreement has not been executed by Powersports, Platinum or the Authority, the Closing Date has passed and the Purchase Agreement has expired without the Authority acquiring the Property. 1.04. The Authority and The Washburn Computer Group, Inc., a Minnesota corporation (the "Developer"), previously determined to enter into an Option Agreement (as revised, the "Option Agreement"), pursuant to which the Authority would grant the Developer the option acquire the Property from the Authority for a warehouse expansion project. 1.05. On October 12, 2022, the Board approved the Option Agreement. Thereafter, and prior to execution of the Option Agreement by either party, the Developer requested changed to the terms of the Option Agreement, which were subsequently reviewed and approved by the Board on November 9, 2022. 1.06. The Authority and the Developer no longer desire to proceed with the Option Agreement. The Option Agreement has not been executed by the Developer or the Authority. For the purposes of clarity, the Board now desires to rescind and revoke the Option Agreement. 2. Recission of Option Agreement. 2.01. The Authority rescinds and revokes the Option Agreement and the Option Agreement is hereby terminated and cancelled. 2.02. Authority officials and consultants are authorized to take any other actions necessary to carry out the intent of this resolution. Approved this 8th day of February, 2023, by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority. President ATTEST: Executive Director MN325\48\854532.v2 OPTION AGREEMENT THIS OPTION AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of , 2022 by and between the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body politic and corporate under the laws of the State of Minnesota (the "Seller") and The Washburn Computer Group, Inc., a Minnesota corporation (the "Buyer"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Seller is the owner of real property located the City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota, with an address of 9699 Fallon Avenue being legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Property"); and WHEREAS, the Buyer wishes to obtain an option to purchase the Property, as part of the Buyer's efforts to develop the Property into a warehouse expansion project; and WHEREAS, the Seller is willing to grant to the Buyer an option to purchase the Property under certain terms and conditions; and NOW, THEREFORE, the Seller and the Buyer have agreed to set forth their agreement regarding the Property pursuant to this Option Agreement, as follows: 1. Option. The Seller hereby grants to the Buyer an exclusive right and option to purchase the Property subject to the conditions set forth below (the "Option"). 2. Option Price. The Seller hereby acknowledges receipt from the Buyer of the sum of $50,000.00 which shall constitute the option payment (the "Option Payment") hereunder. The Option Payment shall be non-refundable. In the event that the Buyer purchases the Property pursuant to this Agreement, the Option Payment 1 MN325\48\828379.v2 shall be credited against the Purchase Price payable for the Property as set forth in Section 5 below. In the event the Buyer does not purchase the Property pursuant to this Agreement, the Option Payment shall be retained by the Seller as consideration for granting the Option. 3. Option Period and Extension(s) of the Option Period. 3.1 The period during which the Option may be exercised by the Buyer (the "Option Period") shall commence upon 2022 and shall expire on , 2023. 3.2 The Buyer may extend the Option Period for up to two periods of 12 months each. Each 12 -month renewal Option Period shall require an additional $15,000 Option Payment by the Buyer to the Seller. If the Buyer so chooses, the extension of the Option Period may be done as one single 24 -month extension (one 24 -month Option Period with a $30,000 Option Payment by the Buyer to the Seller). The Option Period extension payments shall be non-refundable. In the event the Buyer purchases the Property pursuant to this Agreement, the Option Payments paid for the Option Period extension(s) shall be credited against the Purchase Price payable for the Property as set forth in Section 5 below. In the even the Buyer does not purchase the Property pursuant to this Agreement, the Option Payments paid for the Option Period extensions shall be retained by the Seller as consideration for granting the Option Period extension(s). The Buyer shall give the Seller at least 10 business days' written notice of its intent to extend the Option Period before the expiration of the Option Period and any subsequent extension. 3.2 If the Buyer does not timely exercise the Option or closing does not occur for any reason whatsoever other than the Seller's default hereunder, the Option shall lapse and the Option Payment and any Option Payments paid for Option Period extensions made shall be retained by the Seller as consideration for granting the Option and the Buyer shall have no further rights with respect to the Property. 4. Purchase Price. The total purchase price for the Property shall be $300,000.00 ("Purchase Price"). The Purchase Price, less the Option Payment and payments for the extension of the Option Period previously paid, shall be payable at closing. 5. Exercise of Option. This Option shall be deemed exercised if, within the Option Period, the Buyer gives written notice to the Seller of the Buyer's intent to exercise the Option. If the Buyer exercises the Option and the Seller defaults in any obligations under this Option Agreement, the Buyer shall have the right to enforce specific performance of this Option Agreement. 6. Title Matters. Promptly after exercising the Option, the Buyer shall obtain a commitment for an ALTA owner's title insurance policy. Within 10 business 2 MN325\48\828379.v2 days after receipt of the title commitment, the Buyer shall notify the Seller in writing of any objections to title, or the objections shall be deemed waived. The Seller shall have 30 days after receipt of the objections to cure the objections, during which period the closing will be postponed, if necessary. The Seller shall use all reasonable efforts to cure any objections. If the objections are not cured within such 30 -day period, the Buyer will have the option to either of the following: (i) terminate this Option Agreement by giving written notice to the Seller; or (ii) cure the objections at the Buyer's expense. If the Option Agreement is terminated due to the Seller's decision not to cure title objections or failure to cure title objections or any other default of the Seller, the Seller shall repay to the Buyer the Option Payment and any Option Period extension payments previously paid. 7. Due Diligence Investigation. - Commencing on the date that the Buyer exercises this Option, the Buyer shall have a due diligence period of 120 days ("Due Diligence Period") to make all such investigations as the Buyer, in its sole and absolute discretion, deems reasonable and necessary in determining the suitability of the Property for the Buyer's needs. All such investigations, reviews and approvals shall be at the Buyer's expense. 7.1. Right of Entry. During the Due Diligence Period, the Buyer shall have the right to enter upon the Property for the purpose of taking soil tests and borings, making surveys and maps and performing investigative work, including environmental testing and assessment, as the Buyer may deem necessary; provided, however, the Buyer shall indemnify, defend and hold the Seller harmless from any mechanics' liens or claims arising out of such investigative work by the Buyer. The Buyer may assign this right to a third party or parties at its sole discretion. 8. Contingencies. 8.1 If the Buyer exercises the Option, the Buyer's obligation to purchase the Property shall be contingent on the following: a. By the end of the Due Diligence Period, the Buyer has determined, in its sole and absolute discretion, that it is satisfied with the results and matters disclosed by the Buyer's investigation of the Property pursuant to Section 7 of this Agreement; b. On or before the closing date, the Buyer has obtained all government approvals required for the Buyer's intended use of the Property; and The condition of title being satisfactory to the Buyer following the Buyer's examination of title as provided in Section 6 of this Agreement. MN325\48\828379.v2 8.2 The contingencies set forth above are for the benefit of the Buyer and may be waived by the Buyer in the Buyer's sole discretion. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Option Agreement, a waiver of a contingency must be in writing to be effective. At the end of the Due Diligence Period, the Buyer will give written notice to the Seller of the contingencies that have been waived, satisfied, or neither waived nor satisfied. 8.3 If closing does not occur due to the failure of any of the above contingencies, the Seller shall be entitled to retain the Option Payment and any Option Period extension payments as provided in Section 3.2 of this Agreement. 9. Closing. 9.1 Closing Date. The closing shall occur within 30 days after the earlier of the expiration of the Buyer's 120 -day Due Diligence Period or the Buyer's written notice that the contingencies set forth in Section 9.1 have been either been waived or satisfied. 9.2. Documents to be Delivered by the Seller. The Seller agrees to deliver to the Buyer the following documents, duly executed as appropriate, at closing: a. A duly recordable quit claim deed for the Property conveying marketable fee simple title to the Property to the Buyer, free and clear of any mortgages, liens, or encumbrances other than matters created by or acceptable to the Buyer. Said quit claim deed shall include a reverter that requires the Buyer to complete minimum improvements on the Property within one year of the date of the closing as they will be defined in a Purchase and Development Agreement to be entered into between the Seller and the Buyer with respect to the development of the Property by the Buyer. b. A Purchase and Development Agreement to be entered into between the Buyer and the Seller that will govern the development of the Property by the Buyer. C. An affidavit from the Seller sufficient to remove any exception in the title policy for mechanics' and materialmens' liens and the rights of parties in possession; d. A completed Minnesota Well Disclosure Certificate, unless the quit claim deed includes the statement "the Seller certifies that the Seller does not know of any wells on the described Property;" e. Any notices, certificates, and affidavits regarding any private sewage systems, underground storage tanks, and environmental 4 MN325\48\828379.v2 conditions as may be required by Minnesota statutes or rules or city ordinances; f. An affidavit of the Seller confirming that the Seller is not a foreign person within the meaning of Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code; and g. Customary affidavits, certificates and such other documents as the Buyer reasonably may request to carry out the transactions contemplated under this Option Agreement. 9.3 Closing Costs and Adjustments. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Option Agreement, the costs of the purchase transaction shall be paid and allocated as follows: a. Title and Related Costs. The Seller shall pay all costs of the preparation of a title commitment, including the search and examination fees, and all recording fees and charges related to the filing of any instrument required to make title marketable. The Buyer shall pay all premiums required for issuance of a title insurance policy and any endorsements. All closing fees charged by the title company and any escrow fees charged by any escrow agent engaged by the parties in connection with this Option Agreement shall be split equally between the Buyer and the Seller. b. Deed Tax and Recording Fees. The Seller shall pay any state deed tax, conservation fee, or other federal, state, or local documentary or revenue stamps or transfer tax with respect to the warranty deed to be delivered by the Seller. The Buyer shall pay recording fees and charges related to the filing of the quit claim deed. C. Tests and Reports. The Buyer shall pay the fees of any surveys, soil tests, environmental assessments, inspection reports, appraisals, or other tests or reports ordered by the Buyer in connection with its purchase of the Property. d. Government Approvals. The Buyer shall pay all costs for obtaining government approvals that may be required in order to close on the Property or as required for the Buyer's intended use of the Property. At the Buyer's request, the Seller will join in any application for any government approval requested by the Buyer. e. Legal and Accounting Fees. Each party shall pay its own legal and accounting fees in connection with this transaction. 10. Real Estate Taxes and Assessments. 5 MN325\48\828379.v2 10.1 In the event Buyer exercises the Option, the parties shall pay and allocate real estate taxes and special assessments with respect to the Property as follows: a. The Seller shall be responsible for all real estate taxes, including any deferred real estate taxes, penalties, or interest, for the years prior to the year in which closing occurs. The Buyer and the Seller shall prorate as of the date of closing the real estate taxes for the Property that are due and payable in the year of closing. b. The Seller shall pay all special assessments levied against the Property as of the closing date, including special assessments certified for payment with real estate taxes and all deferred assessments. The Buyer shall assume payment of any special assessments that are pending but not levied against the Property as of the closing date. 11. Seller's Representations and Warranties. The Seller hereby represents and warrants to the Buyer, and the Seller will represent and warrant to Buyer as of the closing date that: 11.1 Title. The Seller has good, indefeasible, and marketable fee simple title to the Property. 11.2 Condemnation. There is no pending or, to the actual knowledge of the Seller, threatened condemnation or similar proceeding affecting the Property or any portion thereof, and the Seller has no actual knowledge that any such action is contemplated. 11.3 Defects. The Seller is not aware of any latent or patent defects in the Property, such as sinkholes, weak soils, unrecorded easements, and restrictions. 11.4. Legal Compliance. The Seller has complied with all applicable laws, ordinances, regulations, statutes, rules, and restrictions pertaining to and affecting the Property and the Seller shall continue to comply with such laws, ordinances, regulations, statutes, rules, and restrictions. 11.5 Legal Proceedings. There are no legal actions, suits or other legal or administrative proceedings, pending or threatened, that affect the Property or any portion thereof; and Seller has no knowledge that any such action is presently contemplated. 11.6 LegalCapacity. The Seller has the legal capacity to enter into this Agreement. The Seller has not filed, voluntarily or involuntarily, for bankruptcy relief within the last year under the United States Bankruptcy 6 MN325\48\828379.v2 Code, nor has any petition for bankruptcy or receivership been filed against Seller within the last year. 11.7 Leases. There are no third parties in possession of the Property, or any part thereof, and there are no leases, oral or written, affecting the Property or any part thereof. 11.8 Foreign Status. The Seller is not a "foreign person" as such term is defined in the Internal Revenue Code. The Seller's representations and warranties set forth in this Section 11 shall be continuing and are deemed to be material to the Buyer's execution of this Option and the Buyer's performance of its obligations hereunder. All such representations and warranties shall be true and correct on and as of the closing date with the same force and effect as if made at that time; and all of such representations and warranties shall survive the closing and any cancellation or termination of this Agreement, and shall not be affected by any investigation, verification or approval by any party hereto or by anyone on behalf of any party hereto. 12. Assignment of Option. The Buyer shall not assign this Option Agreement to a third party without the written consent of the Seller. 13. Notices. Any notice, demand, request or other communication which may or shall be given or served by the Seller on the Buyer or by the Buyer on the Seller, shall be deemed have been given or served on the date the same is hand delivered or the date of receipt or the date of delivery if deposited in the United States mail, registered or certified, postage prepaid, and addressed as follows: a. If to the Seller: City of Monticello Economic Development Authority 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Executive Director b. If to the Buyer: The Washburn Computer Group, Inc. 218 Chelsea Road Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: or such other address as either party may give to another party in accordance with this Section 13. 14. Brokers. The Seller represents and warrants to the Buyer that the Seller has not dealt with any brokers in connection with the transaction contemplated by this Option Agreement. The Seller agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold the Buyer harmless from the claims of any broker, real estate agent or similar party claiming 7 MN325\48\828379.v2 through the Seller. The Buyer represents and warrants to the Seller that the Buyer has not dealt with any brokers in connection with the transaction contemplated by this Option Agreement. The Buyer agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold the Seller harmless from the claims of any broker, real estate agent, or similar party claiming through the Buyer. 15. Binding Effect. This Option Agreement binds and benefits the parties and their successors and assigns. 16. No Partnership or Joint Venture. Nothing in this Option Agreement shall be construed or interpreted as creating a partnership or joint venture between the Seller and the Buyer relative to the Property. 17. Entire Agreement. This Option Agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties hereto with respect to the Property and supersedes all prior agreements or understandings between the parties with respect to the same. 18. Cumulative Rights. Except as may otherwise be provided herein, no right or remedy herein conferred on or reserved by either party is intended to be exclusive of any other right or remedy provided by law, but such rights and remedies shall be cumulative in and in addition to every other right or remedy given herein or elsewhere or existing at law, equity or by statute. 19. Amendment and Modification. No amendment, modification or waiver of any condition, provision or term of this Option Agreement shall be valid or have any effect unless made in writing, signed by the party to be bound and specifying with particularly the extent and nature of such amendment, modification, or waiver. Any waiver by either party of any defaults by the other party shall not affect or impair any right arising from any previous or subsequent default. 20. Severability. Each provision, section, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this Option Agreement is intended to be severable. If any provision, section, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this Option Agreement is determined to be illegal or invalid for any reason, such illegality or invalidity shall not affect the validity of remainder of this Option Agreement. 21. State Law. This Option Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of Minnesota. 22. Agreement to Run with the Land. This Agreement shall be recorded by the Buyer at its expense in the records of Wright County. This Agreement shall run with the land and is binding upon the Seller and its successors and assigns. MN325\48\828379.v2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Option Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first written above. SELLER CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By: Its: President By: Its: Executive Director STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2022 by and , the President and the Executive Director, respectively, of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic under the laws of the State of Minnesota on behalf of the Authority. Notary Public 9 MN325\48\828379.v2 BUYER THE WASHBURN COMPUTER GROUP, INC. Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2022, by the of The Washburn Computer Group, Inc., a Minnesota corporation on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public This instrument was drafted by: Kennedy & Graven, Chartered (SJS) Fifth Street Towers, Suite 700 150 South Fifth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 337-9300 10 MN325\48\828379.v2 EXHIBIT A Legal Description of the Property Lot 1, Block 1, Oakwood Industrial Park Yd Addition, County of Wright, State of Minnesota Parcel ID: 155249001010 A-1 MN325\48\828379.v2 EDA: 02/08/23 5e. Consideration of Adopting Resolution 2023-03 Rescinding a Preliminary Development Agreement (PDA) with Moon Motor Sales, LLC for EDA owned Lot 1, Block 1, Otter Creek Crossing, 7th Addition, 9.674 -acres, located in Otter Creek Business Park (OCBP) for a Warehouse Development Proposal (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is asked to consider Resolution 2023-03 rescinding a Preliminary Development Agreement (PDA) with Moon Motor Sales, LLC (Moon Motor) for Lot 1, Block 1, Otter Creek Crossing, 71h Addition for a warehouse development proposal which it approved its October 12, 2022, meeting. The 9.674 -acre parcel is located at the west end of Dalton Court (cul de sac) in OCBP. Moon Motors has been discussing its goal of identifying a suitable site for a new 40,000 to 60,000 square foot warehouse to service its growing retail dealership operations in the city since early 2022. The OCBP parcel is a desirable location as it is close to Moon Motors dealership located at 3613 Chelsea Road West. Staff recommends that the EDA rescind the PDA to eliminate confusion related to the PDA because after the approval of the PDA, Moon Motors' real estate broker verbally proposed new PDA terms and followed up with a written modifications to the PDA essentially nullifying the approved document. With rescinding the PDA, City staff and Moon Motors' broker can continue to discuss terms for a PDA that may be eventually be acceptable to both the EDA and Moon Motors. If that point is reached, a new PDA would be presented to the EDA for consideration of approval at a future meeting. Al. STAFF IMPACT: In house and consultant staff time involved in the tasks related to rescinding the approved PDA include the Community Development Director, Economic Development Manager, and the EDA attorney. Tasks include drafting the EDA Resolution and staff report. No other staff are needed to complete the tasks related to this item. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The budget impact from proposed PDA for the 9.764 -acre site is relatively modest. Legal fees are projected to be about $380.00 +/-. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve Resolution 2023-03 rescinding the approved Preliminary Development Agreement (PDA) with Moon Motor for a 9.764 -acre parcel described at Lot 1, Block 1, Otter Creek Crossing, 7th Addition, located in Otter Creek Business Park. EDA: 02/08/23 2. Motion to table consideration of Adopting Resolution 2023-03 for further research and/or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative 1. Due to a new PDA proposal from Moon Motors' broker, the EDA attorney advises that the approved PDA be rescinded to reduce confusion and risk. Rescinding the PDA does not prevent additional discussions of terms of a new PDA proposal that could be acceptable to both Moon Motors and the EDA. Based on a potential development timeline provided by the broker, it is believed that there is not an immediate deadline to reach an acceptable agreement. City staff have been in contact with the Moon Motors broker regarding the proposed rescinding action and will continue to communicate the EDA's objectives with the goal of concurring on a PDA that is mutually acceptable to both parties in the future. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2023-03 B. Preliminary Development Agreement C. Parcel Aerial Photo 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 2023-03 RESCINDING A PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND POWERSPORTS SERVICES LLC BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners (the "Board") of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority") as follows: Back rg ound. 1.01. The Authority owns certain property (the "Property") in the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City"). 1.02. The Authority and Powersports Services LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, or an entity related thereto or affiliated therewith (the "Developer"), entered into negotiations relating to the Developer's acquisition of the Property and the construction by the Developer of an approximately 40,000 square foot warehouse and light assembly on the Property (the "Development"). 1.03. The acquisition of the Property by the Developer was linked to the Developer's sale of certain other property located at 9699 Fallon Avenue in the City pursuant to a Purchase Agreement (the "Purchase Agreement") approved by the Board on October 12, 2022. The Purchase Agreement expired on November 30, 2022. 1.04. In connection therewith, on October 12, 2022, the Board approved a Preliminary Development Agreement (the "PDA"), providing for the future negotiation of a definitive purchase and development agreement that would have addressed (among other things) the sale of the Property by the Authority to the Developer and the Development. The PDA provided that the Developer would have exclusive rights to develop the Property for a period of I year with options to renew for 2 additional 1 year periods. Following approval of the PDA and prior to execution of the PDA by either party, the Developer requested changes to the terms of the PDA, which were subsequently discussed and rejected by the Board. 1.05. Unable to reach an agreement over the terms of the PDA with the Developer, the Board now rescinds and revokes the PDA. In addition, all subsequent requested changes and/or counteroffers whether communicated verbally or in writing to the Board or Authority staff are rejected. 2. Recission of PDA. 2.01. The Authority rescinds and revokes the PDA and the PDA is hereby terminated and cancelled. 2.02. Authority officials and consultants are authorized to take any other actions necessary to carry out the intent of this resolution. MN190\175\854210.v2 Approved this 8th day of February, 2023, by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority. President ATTEST: Executive Director MN190\175\854210.v2 PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 12th day of October, 2022, between the CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, a public body corporate and politic under the laws of the State of Minnesota ("Authority") and MOON MOTOR SALES, INC., a Minnesota corporation ("Developer"): RECITALS WHEREAS, the Authority owns certain property within the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City"), described in Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Property"); and WHEREAS, the Developer has proposed acquiring the Property and constructing an approximately 40,000 square foot warehouse facility thereon (the "Development"); and WHEREAS, the Authority has determined that it is in its best interest that the Developer be designated sole developer of the Property during the term of this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Authority and the Developer are willing and desirous to undertake the Development if (i) a satisfactory agreement can be reached regarding the Authority's commitment for any public assistance that may be necessary for the Development; (ii) satisfactory mortgage and equity financing, or adequate cash resources for the Development can be secured by the Developer; (iii) the economic feasibility and soundness of the Development can be demonstrated; and (iv) satisfactory resolution of zoning, land use, site design, and engineering issues, and other necessary preconditions have been determined to the satisfaction of the parties; and WHEREAS, the Authority is willing to evaluate the Development and work toward all necessary agreements with the Developer, if the Developer agrees to make the nonrefundable deposit described herein, which is intended, in part, to reimburse the Authority for its costs if the Development is abandoned by Developer or necessary agreements are not reached under the terms of this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual covenants and obligations set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: Section 1. Intention of Parties. It is the intention of the parties that this Agreement: (a) documents the present understanding and commitments of the parties; and (b) will lead to negotiation and execution of a mutually satisfactory Purchase and Development Agreement (the "Contract") prior to the termination date of this Agreement. The Contract (together with any other agreements entered into between the parties hereto contemporaneously therewith) when executed, will supersede all obligations of the parties hereunder. Section 2. Outline of Negotiations. Negotiations between the parties shall proceed in an attempt to formulate a definitive Contract based on the following: (a) the Developer's current proposal for the Development together with any changes or modifications required by the Authority; (b) such documentation regarding economic feasibility of the Development as the Authority and the Developer may wish to undertake during the term of this Agreement; and (c) other terms and conditions of this Agreement. The parties agree and understand that negotiations regarding the Contract will proceed as soon as reasonably practicable after the date of this Agreement, as sufficient details for the Development become available. shall: Section 3. Developer's Obligations. During the term of this Agreement, the Developer (a) Submit to the Authority a design proposal to be approved by the Authority showing the location, size, and nature of the proposed Development, including floor layouts, renderings, elevations, and other graphic or written explanations of the Development. The design proposal shall be accompanied by a proposed schedule for the commencement and completion of the Development. (b) Submit a cost estimate for the design and construction of the Development. (c) Submit a time schedule for all phases of the Development. (d) Submit to the Authority the Developer's financing plan showing that the proposed Development is financially feasible, and, to the extent Developer seeks public financial assistance in any form (including reduced land cost, waiver of fees, or tax increment financing), evidence that such assistance is reasonably necessary to make the Development financially feasible. (e) Furnish satisfactory financial data to the Authority evidencing the Developer's ability to undertake the Development. (f) Submit zoning, land use, platting and subdivision applications for the Development, as appropriate. (g) Undertake and obtain such other preliminary economic feasibility studies, income and expense projections, and such other economic information as the Developer may desire to further confirm the economic feasibility and soundness of the Development. (h) Provide any other information that the Authority may request. Section 4. Authority's Obligations. During the term of this Agreement, the Authority agrees to: 2 MN190\175\825108.v2 (a) Proceed to seek all necessary information with regard to the anticipated public costs associated with the Development. (b) Review zoning, planning and subdivision implications of the Development, as appropriate. (c) Analyze the Redeveloper's pro forma and estimate the amount and type of public financial assistance, if any, needed to make the Development feasible and authorized under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Section 5. Contingencies. It is expressly understood that execution and implementation of the Contract shall be subject to: (a) A determination by the City and the Authority, in their sole discretion, that any public financial assistance for the Development is feasible based on the projected sources available, and that financial assistance is warranted based on the Developer's pro forma and any other information provided to the City and Authority. If the use of tax increment financing is considered, a determination by the City and the Authority, in their sole discretion, that the Development meets the requirements of an "economic development district" under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 through 469.1794, as amended (the "TIF Act"), and specifically, that the Development qualifies as a "economic development district" under Section 469.174, subdivision 12 of the TIF Act. (b) A determination by the Developer that the Development is feasible and in the best interests of the Developer. (c) A determination by the City Council of the City and the Board of Commissioners of the Authority that the Development is in the best interests of the City and the Authority. Section 6. Reimbursement of Costs. In the event that the Developer seeks public financial assistance for the Project, the Developer shall be solely responsible for all costs incurred by the Developer. In addition, the Developer shall reimburse the City and the Authority for Administrative Costs, as hereafter defined. For the purposes of this Agreement, the term "Administrative Costs" means out of pocket costs incurred by the City and the Authority attributable to or incurred in connection with the negotiation and preparation of this Agreement, the Contract, and other documents and agreements in connection with the Development, including without limitation all costs in connection with any planning approvals necessary for the Property and the cost of financial advisors, attorneys, engineering and planning and environmental consultants. Notwithstanding the foregoing, each party shall pay for its own costs incurred in connection with the negotiation and preparation of this Agreement. In order to secure payment of the Administrative Costs, the Developer shall deliver to the Authority cash or a certified check in the amount of $12,000, such delivery to occur upon delivery by the Developer of Developer's application for tax increment assistance. If at any one or more 3 MN190\175\825108.v2 times during the term of this Agreement, the Authority determines that Administrative Costs will exceed $12,000 and that additional security is required, the Authority shall notify the Developer of the amount of such additional security. Within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of this notice, the Developer shall deliver to the Authority the required additional security. The City and the Authority will utilize the funds delivered by the Developer to pay or reimburse themselves for Administrative Costs. Upon termination of this Agreement, the Authority will return to the Developer the funds paid by the Developer to the Authority pursuant to this Section 6, less an amount equal to the Administrative Costs incurred by the City and the Authority through the date of notice of termination. For the purposes of this paragraph, Administrative Costs are considered to be incurred if they have been paid, relate to services performed, or are payable under a contract entered into, on or before the date of the notice of termination. This Section 6 shall survive termination of this Agreement and shall be binding on the Developer regardless of the enforceability of any other provision of this Agreement. Section 7. Designation As Sole Developer of Property. The Authority hereby agrees that for the term of this Agreement it will not: (i) provide or enter into any agreement for the provision of financial assistance to any third party in connection with any proposed development within the Property; and (ii) negotiate or contract with any other party concerning the sale or development of the Property. During such period the Developer shall have the exclusive right to work with the Authority in negotiating a definitive Contract for the Property. The Developer may not assign its rights or obligations under this Agreement to any person or entity without prior written approval by the Authority. Section 8. Term of Agreement. This Agreement is effective for one (1) year from the date hereof. After such date, both parties may mutually agree in writing to extend this Agreement for an additional one (1) year and after that, again for a third and final year. After such date, neither party shall have any obligation hereunder except as expressly set forth to the contrary herein. This Agreement may also be terminated upon ten (10) days written notice by the Authority to the Developer if: (a) an essential precondition to the execution of a definitive Contract cannot be met; or (b) if, in the sole discretion of the Authority, an impasse has been reached in the negotiation or implementation of any material term or condition of this Agreement or the Contract; (c) or the Developer has failed to provide additional funds to pay for Administrative Costs in accordance with Section 6 hereof. 4 MN190\175\825108.v2 Section 9. Remedies. In the event that the Developer, its heirs, successors or assigns, fail to comply with any of the provisions of this Agreement, the Authority may proceed to enforce this Agreement by appropriate legal or equitable proceedings, or other similar proceedings, and the Developer, its heirs, successors or assigns, agree to pay all costs of such enforcement, including reasonable attorneys' fees. Section 10. Severability. If any portion of this Agreement is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of any remaining portion of the Agreement. Section 11. Amendment and Waiver. In the event any covenant contained in this Agreement should be breached by one party and subsequently waived by another party, such waiver shall be limited to the particular breach so waived and shall not be deemed to waive any other concurrent, previous or subsequent breach. This Agreement may not be amended nor any of its terms modified except by a writing authorized and executed by all parties hereto. Section 12. Notice. Notice or demand or other communication between or among the parties shall be sufficiently given if sent by mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested or delivered personally: (a) As to the Developer: Moon Motor Sales, Inc. 3613 Chelsea Road W. Monticello, MN 55362 (b) As to the Authority: Monticello Economic Development Authority 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Executive Director Section 14. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed simultaneously in any number of counterparts, all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. Section 15. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Minnesota. Any disputes, controversies, or claims arising out of this Agreement shall be heard in the state or federal courts of Minnesota, and all parties to this Agreement waive any objection to the jurisdiction of these courts, whether based on convenience or otherwise. Section 16. Indemnification. The Developer hereby agrees to protect, defend and hold the Authority, the City and their officers, elected and appointed officials, employees, administrators, commissioners, agents, and representatives harmless from and indemnified against any and all loss, cost, fines, charges, damage and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees, consultant and expert witness fees, and travel associated therewith, due to claims or demands of any kind whatsoever caused by Developer or arising out of actions of Developer with regard to (i) the development, marketing, sale or leasing of all or any part of the Property, including, without limitation, any claims for any lien imposed by law for services, labor or materials furnished to or for the benefit of the Property, or (ii) any claim by the state of Minnesota or the Minnesota Pollution 5 MN190\175\8251 os.v2 Control Agency or any other person pertaining to the violation of any permits, orders, decrees or demands made by said persons or with regard to the presence of any pollutant, contaminant or hazardous waste on the Property deposited or released by Developer; and (iii) or by reason of the execution of this Agreement or the performance of this Agreement. The Developer, and the Developer's successors or assigns, agree to protect, defend and save the Authority, the City and their members, officers, agents, and employees, harmless from all such claims, demands, damages, and causes of action and the costs, disbursements, and expenses of defending the same, including but not limited to, attorneys fees, consulting engineering services, and other technical, administrative or professional assistance incurred by the Authority and the City as a result of the actions of Developer. This indemnity shall be continuing and shall survive the performance, termination or cancellation of this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as a limitation of or waiver by the Authority or the City of any immunities, defenses, or other limitations on liability to which the Authority is entitled by law, including but not limited to the maximum monetary limits on liability established by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 466. 0 MN190\175\825108.v2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Authority has caused this Agreement to be duly executed in its name and behalf and its seal to be duly affixed hereto, and the Developer has caused this Agreement to be duly executed as of the day and year first above written. MOON MOTOR SALES, INC. By Its: CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By Its President By Its Executive Director 7 MN190\175\825108.v2 EXHIBIT A Description of Property The property located in the City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota legally described as: Lot 1, Block 1, Otter Creek Crossing 7t' Addition. A-1 MN190\175\825108.v2 ",,Beacon I tv Wright County, MN Date created: 10/6/2022 Last Data Uploaded: 10/6/2022 8:18:26 AM Developed by4"$ Schneider GEOSPATIAL nits P EDA Agenda: 02/08/23 6. Economic Development Director's Report (JT) A. Initiative Foundation Letter — See attached letter from the Initiative Foundation regarding 2023 EDA contribution in support of community and economic development programs. B. EDA Open Position Update — A notice has been posted on the City website announcing the open EDA position. If EDA members know of someone who may be interested in serving in this position, please feel free to pass the information on to them. https://www.government*obs.com/careers/monticello An interview schedule will need to be arranged, in late February, at a time of convenience for prospective applicants and the current EDA members. The EDA provides a recommendation to the City Council which then makes the final appointment to the EDA. C. Prospect List Update: Please see the updated Prospect List as Exhibit B. (320) 632-9255 405 First Street SE Little Falls, MN 56345 January 26, 2023 Jim Thares, Economic Development Manager City of Monticello 505 Walnut St, Stet Monticello, MN 55362-8822 Dear Jim, We have received the city of Monticello's EDA 2023 funding to support the work of the Initiative Foundation in Central Minnesota. Please extend our appreciation to your EDA board. Thank you! Together, we work to build strong local economies and vibrant communities. Your investment supports economic development through business financing activities designed to create living -wage jobs, diversify economies and leverage private sector investment. Communities are strengthened through signature leadership training and capacity building programs, grants to local units of government and nonprofit organizations, early childhood initiatives, and scholarships. This year, we will continue to help our communities with needs related to the COVID-19 crisis. This work will provide lasting impact on the health of the region and the future of rural Minnesota. We realize the past several years have been difficult, and we encourage you to reach out to us if we can be of any additional assistance. We truly value your partnership and your support. Sincerely, J(Ad_Zt Chid Matt Varilek Carl Newbanks President Director of Development CC: Rachel Leonard, City Administrator ifound.org 10 Powering Possible Equal opportunity tender. provider and employer. Date of Company Name Business Category Project Description Contact IL Retained lobs New lobs Total Investment 5/22/2018 Karlsburger Foods Food Products Mfg. Facilty Expansion 11/29/2018 Project Blitzen Precision Machining Exist Bldg or New Const. 3/28/2019 Project Nutt Co -Working Space Existing Building 5/9/2019 Project FSJP Light Mfg -Res. Lab New Construction 8/16/2019 Project Jaguar Office New Construction 1/20/2020 Project Panda v3 Service -Child Care New Construction 12/23/20- 6- Project TDBBST Industrial New Construction 30-22 $1,400,000 Active Search 22,000 sq. ft. 2/16/2021 Project Cold Industrial -Warehouse -Di New Construction 10,500 sq. ft. 0 stri $4,100,000 3/19/2021 Project Orion Warehouse-Distributi on New Construction 2/28/2022 Project Emma II Light Ind -Assembly New Construction 6/16/2021 Project UBAA Child Care Services New Construction or Exist 6/30/2021 Project Ecosphere Industrial Tech Mfg. New Construction 02/01/2023 Project BA710 Lt Assem-Distribute New Construction 6,500 to 7,000 sq. ft 0 10 $650,000 Building -Facility Retained lobs New lobs Total Investment Project Status New Construction 42,000 sq. ft. 40 $3,600,000 Active Search 2/7/2022 Project Shepherd III 20,000 sq. ft. +/- 42 10 to $4,500,000 On Hold Project Cougar Precision Machining -Mfg. 20 38 $4,700,000 Active Search 12,000 sq. ft. 10 $1,200,000 Concept Stage ? ? ? ? Concept stage 20,000 sq. ft. 0 20+/- $1,400,000 Active Search 22,000 sq. ft. 22 4 $2,700,000 Active Search 10,500 sq. ft. 0 21 $4,100,000 Active Search 10,000 to 15,000 sq. 0 9 $1,850,000 Concept Stage ft. 80,000 sq. ft. 0 21 $12,000,000 Concept Stage 832,500 sq. ft. 0 500 $125,000,000 Active Search 20,OOOsq. ff. 0 4 $1,350,000 Active Search 5,000 sq. ft. 0 14 to 19 $2,000,000 Act Search 1,000,000 sq. ft. 0 1122 $85,000,000 Act Search 7/29/2021 Project BA710 Lt Assem-Distribute New Construction 6,500 to 7,000 sq. ft 0 10 $650,000 Active Search 10/28/2021 Project Stallion Technology Servicer New Construction 42,000 sq. ft. 40 $3,600,000 Active Search 2/7/2022 Project Shepherd III Lt Assembly Distribution New Construction 75,000 sq. ft. 75 $10,500,000 Active Search 4/28/2022 Project Cougar Precision Machining -Mfg. New Construction 35,000 to 45,000 sq. ft. 38 $4,700,000 Active Search 8/11/2022 Project Sing Precision Machining New Construction 400,000 sq. ft. 0 500 $90,000,000 Active Search 10/28/2022 Project IAG Mfg. New Construction 300,000 sq. ft.? 0 50? $70 to $80,000,000 Active Search 11/9/2022 Project Tea Mfg New Construction 25,000 sq. ft. 55 20 $5,800,000 Active Search 12/13/2022 Project Love Mfg New Construction 250,000 130 $24,000,000 Active Search Contacts: M =02 YTD = 2