Parks Commission Minutes 12-19-2002
Thursday, Decemher 19,2002 - 4:30 p.m.
"To enIH"H~e eOllllllunity pride through developing and
maintaining city parks with a high standard of qU:llity"
Members Present:
Fran Fair, Nancy McCalTrey, Larry Nolan and Earl Smith.
Mernbers Absent:
Rick Traver and Council Liaison, Roger Carlson.
Staff Present:
Adam Hawkinson, Parks Superintendent and Jeff O'Neill, Deputy City
1 Call to Order.
Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present.
2. Approve Minutes of November 21. 2002 regular Parks Commission meeting.
Consideration of adding items to the agenda.
JeffCrNeill added an update on new developments on the City's perimeter and its impact on the
Comprehensive Parks and Pathways Plan. Since he had to leave early he asked that this be
addressed first.
It was brought up that the terms of Larry Nolan and Nancy McCaffrey expire in 2002. Both I,arry
Nolan and Nancy McCaffrey indicated their willingness to serve another term.
Added Items:
JelTO'Neill reviewed with the Parks Commission 16 properties that had petitioned for annexation to the
City. He explained the criteria for determining which parcels would be considered fC)1" immediate
annexation. The City considered the properties ready for immediate annexation as tbose properties that
had presented a preliminary plat or concept plan to the City and had utilities available to serve them. The
City and Monticello Township had agreed to a joint resolution approving the annexation of those properties
with the exception of the parcel known as the Chadwick property. The City's Comprehensive Parks and
Pathways Plan focused more on facilities within the City's boundaries. As the City extends further out
beyond its original boundaries it creates gaps in the plan. Since many of these parcels will he developing in
the next few months, the Parks Commission will be reviewing the preliminary plats as far as park dedication
and trail location. The Parks Commission needs to look at the areas proposed for immediate annexation
and see what facilities are needed in these areas and how the trail system should interconnect with what is
Parks Commission Minutes - 12/19/02
. JelTC),Ncill then reviewed each of the parccls for anncxation including the: 1) BruggemanlBauer property
along County Road 39; 2) Parkside at Meadow Oaks devclopment by Harold Shermer; 3) the FaIT
dcvelopment along County Road 18 (known as the Hermcs property); 4) Jim Shultz. property being
developed as the Fields of Hillside Hurst; 5 & 6) Ken Shultz property/Maplewood development. 'fhe
Parks Commission also looked at other properties in the area cast of TII 25 that had petitioned for
annexation to get an ovcrall view of how much area was proposed for development and possible idcas for
locations of parks.
In looking at this area thc Parks Commission was being asked to determine what kind of park t~lcilities were
needed to serve the potential dcvclopments as well as the location of thcm. In addition thc Parks
Commission would have to look at the trail layout and how the new developments would be connected to
thc cxisting pathway systcm. It was suggestcd that Stcvc Grittman, the City's Planner, should be involved
in this as it would require an amendmcnt to the City's COlnprehensive Parks and Pathways Plan. Earl Smith
notcd that as this area develops the City also has to considcr increascd staffing for the Parks Department.
The Parks Commission discussed going with larger parks rather than smallcr parks within each
developmcnt. Thc Parks Commission also discussed using power lincs as trail corridors. In the past few
years the City has gone away hom having trai Is located at the back of the lots and have placed the trai Is
closer to the roadways. Earl Smith didn't feel that the powcr line area ifused for trails should be given
credit towards the park dedication requircments.
The Parks Commission discusscd the possibility of acquiring 10-12 acres in this area to be used for ballfield
dcvelopment. Ballfield use would rcquire a good road access to the h1ci lity so that would be a
consideration in wherc thc fields should be situated. Adam Ilawkinson stated that 4 bal1ficlds and 2 soccer
fields vvould requirc approximately 16 acres. Parking for this size of ballfield complcx would be about
another 8 acres. Although the Parks Commission is looking for approximately 15 acres f()l" ballfield use
east ofTll 25, they are not waiving their intent of acquiring land in the area ofthc Schluender gravel pit for
ballfield use.
The Parks Commission, if weather permits, would like to physically view the development areas and walk
the power line corridors so that they could better plan the placement of parks and thc layout of trails !<Jr this
area. JelT O'Ncillleit the meeting at this time.
4. Citizens Reuuests.
Plav Structure Ideas - Groveland Development.
Adam Hawkinson notcd that work is in process on a grant application to cover the play structurc for
the Groveland development. In the grant it says that all power lincs must be huried going into the
property. Adam Ilawkins talked to the person handling the grants and she suggested moving the
play area as far away from the power lines as possible. Adam Hawkinson revised the
development plan to show the play area and the hard court area switched about. Nancy McCaffrey
Parks Commission Minutes - 12/19/02
asked about moving the parking lot under the power line area. The slope of the land would prohibit
the parking lot from being moved cntirely under the power lines but it could be moved somewhat.
Adanl Hawkins stated that he submitted requests for application forms f()r grants on the following
projects: I) Fishing pier - East Bridge Park; 2) Groveland Park play structure; 3) East Bridge
pathway: 4) Landscaping - Bridge Park; and 5) Pathway along CR 1 g between Wildwood
development and School Boulevard. He has received thrce grant applications back at this time.
One of the requirements of the grant is that the City conducts a public hearing. The Parks
Commission discussed the time frame for holding the public hearing. If the publication requirernents
can be rnet, they would like to conduct the public hearings at the January 16th Parks Commission
rneeting with all five public hearings bcing conducted at that meeting. Originally the infl:mnational
meeting for the Grovcland park development was planned for that date but the Parks Commission
felt that should be moved to a later date.
Adam Hawkinson submitted sketches of three different play structurcs for the Parks Commission to
review that were in the price range budgeted. In addition to the play structurc. six swings would
also be included. 'The Parks Commission discussed some of the features thc structures had and
what features they fclt should be considered. A committee of Fran Fair, Nancy McCaffrey and
Adam Hawkinson was set up to select the play equipment fix this park.
P1U:k Maintenance Items:
Adanl I lawkinson submitted a list of the work completed for the month. He updated the Parks
Commission on the work at the Pioneer Park shelter. The Parks Commission discussed the
condition of the restrooms at Ellison Park. Admn Ilawkinson felt that the plumbing was okay but
the restroom building needed to be replaced. There were funds budgeted in 2()()4 for this work.
7. Updates:
A. Grant Applications ~ 'rhis had been discussed somewhat earlier in the meeting. While it was
pointed out that the state budget deficit may impact the state grant funds available, the
federal funds are there. One of the grant applications is for thc steps andlanc1scaping work
at Bridge Parle Even if the City does not gct the grant the condition of the steps requires
that something be done soon.
B. Jligh School Ballfield Lighting Cost ~ No int<mmltion on this.
1-94 Intcrchangc - Impact on athletic fields. Adam Hawkinson reported on a meeting he
had attended where the interehanges were discussed. An interchange is being proposed for
CR 75 in the area of Orchard Road that would impact the Xcel ballfield complex. This
interchange is proposed to be constructed within the next 7-9 years. There is also an
interchange proposed for the County Road 1 R/County Road 75 area that will impact
Freeway Fields. If constructed as proposed the interehange would take out:) homes, I
Parks Commission Minutes - 12/19/02
baIltield and 12 the soccer field. This interchange is proposed to be constructed within the
next six years. The Parks Commission felt that they should be planning t'()r more ballfield
development than 15 acres. There was a brief discussion on possible sites for ballfield
Entrance Signs - Nancy McCaffrey reported that the City took deliver of the entrance signs
and the signs will be installed in the spring. The signs look good and they were pleased with
the end product.
Other Items:
Adam Hawkinson reported that someone offered to pay for plantings that would run along the fence at
Riverside Cemetery. The plantings are proposed to be located bchind the existing fence. The Parks
Commission felt that the plantings may involve a lot ol'maintenancc for park staff. 'The Parks Commission
also discussed the condition of the fence at the cemetery. The road in front of the cemetery (River Street)
is proposed to be widened and a pathway installed. Earl Smith felt that if this is the case it may be best to
delay doing the plantings and replacing the fence until the street work is completed. Adam IIawkinson
stated he would talk to the donor and see if they would be interested in a different project such as the
landscaping and plantings around the flagpolc area.
Adanl I Iawkinson submitted a proposal for operation of the concession stand and maintenance of the
ba!lfields at the Xcel ballfield complex. The proposal calls f(H the City to take over the concession stand
and organizations using the field would be asked to help stafTthe stand and monitor the gates. The
associations would continue to be responsible for the cost of the lights on the fields they use. The City
would do all maintenancc of the fields. In addition the City would give $3,000 per ycar from concession
stand revenues to the various associations. 'The Youth Baseball association would have use of the
concession stand for their annual tournament. The Parks Commission discussed the financial information
about the eosts and revenues for the concession stand operation. lhis information will be submitted to the
City Administrator for his review.
8. Adjourn.
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