Planning Commission Minutes 03-06-2001 . . . MINUTES REGIJLAR MEF:'fING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday - March 6, 200 I 7:()() P.M. Mell1bers Present: Absent: Stalf: Robbie Smith, Roy Popilek. Vice Chair Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten and Council Liaison Clint Ilerbst Dick Frie JeITO'NeiIL Steve Grittll1an and Lori Kraell1er 1 . Call to order. 2. ... -) . Vice Chair Carlson called thc meeting to order at 7 PM. Approval or minutes of thc regular meetinl!, held February 6, 2001. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROD DRAGSTEN AND SECONDI~f) BY ROBBIE SMITII TO APPROVE TI-IE MINlJrrs OF TilE Fl.:BRUARY 6. 2001 PI.ANNING COMMISSION MEETINC;. Motion carried 3 to I with Roy Popik'k abstaining. Consideration of addin~ items to the al..',enda. Item 7B - Roy Popilek askcd for an update on the J. Morrell Trucking violations status. Item 7C - Jeff C),Neill to update commissioners on ordinance violations statuses. 4. Citizens comments. None 5. Consideration of a Development ~taL!e Planned Unit Development nx a townhouse proiect in Klcin Farms I.:states 2'''1 Addition. and consideration of approval of preliminary plat. Applicant: l~~wle Crest. Steve Urittman. City Planner. reported that the Planning Commission tabled action on Eagle Cn:st's Devclopment Stage PLJD at its February 111eeting. due to a nllll1ber of outstanding design issues. and the applicant's inability. to review staff COllHl1Cnts. Since that tirne, the applicant mct \vith stair and submitted a revised plan which llleets many of staffs recommendations. Grittman summarized previous commcnts and the applicant's response as listed in the starr rcport: The easterly access road should be moved to the cast boundary and loop around the end units: the western-most driveway should be continued around to loop back and connect with the westerly acccss road ( The upp/icont 's requested this chonge not he required. olul hul'(' ugreed 10 require trush pick-lljJ und t/wilhoxes to he locoted ulong Ihe loop rood. Stu/fugreed to slljJjJortthis - 1- . design, lrilh the condition thut residents ure t1wde (/H'm'e of this reqllirelr/enl. lhe dCl'('/ojJL'r urgued thut residents in the Ires tall' units wOllld prefc'r u "deud-end" dril'eH'lI)' It'ith less convcnienl service locotions, rut her tlwn the loop dril'e. S'to/rhus ogreed to occept this); The t\'.lO dead-end interior driveways in the quad-unit area should be continued to intersect with Farmstead Dr. (Jhe "deud-end" orrongement is retuined us I\'ith Note j, Ilnda the sume condilions. ,\"IUI/"lws ugreed to uccepllhis): All driveways and roads in the project must be paved and curbed: Provide additional visitor parking spaced throughout the development at a 111inimum ratio of one space per three units. a total extra parking supply or at least 21 spaces: Provide a 5 tiJot wide concrete sidewalk along Fannstead as shown on the plan li'om the trail connection on the east to the west boundary oCthe property at Edmonson Avenue; Significantly enhance landscaping within the foundation planting areas around the buildings, much more planting around the building is suggested where none is now proposed (J'his recommendutiolllwd not/wen met although ufier 111uch discussion alllOng the applicant and the comlnissioners, the upplicuntfelt they could meet stu/rs /'('(juirClnent): Enhance planting along the Farmstead Drive exposure with a buffer planting similar to that provided by Staffas an exhibit to this report (The uppliulIlt included ufew such enlUll1CClnenls, hut u suhstuntial increase I I '(!/lId he l1ecessm}' to 111eet I he cxpeclUt ionsfiir r U 1) designal ion .); Enhance planti ng in the bufferyard area along the north boundary: Provide increascd plant sizes over the east portion of the bufferyard: rinally. cluster mail box locations and identify trash receptacle locations consistent with postal and trash-relnoval requirements (The applicant has agreed to this requirement, and is l1"Orking ll'ith stal/aml the post olficefiir UPI)/'oIJriate locot ions). . The commissioners asked Grittman how extensive the landscaping needed to be and (lrittman stated that there are no certai n standards in our ord inances but that part 0 f the conditions ror granting a PlJD are that thcre be enhanced landscaping, At this time the applicant is showing significantly less landscaping which is not acceptable. Vice Chair Carlson opened the public hearing, Bill Gleason, I':agle Crest Northwest stated they relt they did add signilicant landscaping to enhance the project also noting that they are concerned as well that this be a .'supreme" development. They did, howevcr stnte that they \'.lill \'.lork with starf on adding landscaping. as well as size and locations. .felT CYNeill requested iVIr. Cileason to advise why they were al1cl\ved to have the 1 go drives instead, having the garbage and mail pick up at common sites. C;leason stated they did not want all the streets to be through streets. lie feels they have nice circulation having it dead-end. lie did state the owners may have a slight problern getting their garbage to a common spot but preCerred that to a through street with possibly increased traflic. O'Neill noted that there would bc up to possibly 12 units that would havc to carry their garbagc at least 100 n. Cileason stated that the buyers would be advised up-li\lI1t in thc association agreement. Gleason also stated that having a through street in that arca would have taken up almost all orthe green space. . -2- . . . Clint Ilerhst Council Liaison. stated that in allowing a PUD, the City should have an enhanced project and that having owners carry their garbage would hc an inconvenience. especially with the amount of snow we.ve seen lately and lllay have a problen1 finding a location f()r this. Herbst also had a concern with emergency vehiclcs getting through. but Gleason stated that with the dead-ends and turnaround parking, these are technically the owner.s driveways, stating it's the absolute best way to design this project and as f:lr as snow removal/pile up, this is actually a better situation by allowing areas for the snow to be piled. Gleason did state that it would be a possibility for them to put a walking path in to make it a little more convenient to hall garbage/recycling. Gleason added that they arc trying to rnake this affordable housing flJr lirst time home owners and that adding more roads, etc. would incrcase the costs. Bill Gleason stated that in other developments it is aetually the most eommon to have central pickup so that trucks arc not travelling up and down the street. noting it is safer. There was further discussion regarding the enhancement of the landscaping, as well as some of the commissioners noting their approval of the dead-end streets yet noting that this would be a trade off fl:)l' garbage/recycling having to be hauled to a eentrallocation. Gleason advised that Public Works did approve of the road designs after further review. as did the City l':ngineer. Also noted was that the fire departlllent would most likely work fron1 Farmstead Ave. Engineering has looked at it The public hearing was closed. A iVI0TION WAS MADE BY ROD DRACJSTEN AND SECONDED BY ROY POPILEK TO RECOMMEND APPROV AL ()F TilE DEVI~LOPMENT STACil~ PUD AND APPROVAL OF TilE PREI JiVllNAR Y PLAr. SUBJI::CT TO CONDITIONS MENTIONED IN TilE REPORT. INCIJJDING SICiNIFICANTL Y FNIIANCFD LANDSCAPING, AS WELL AS RECOiVIMENDATIONS ()l-' THE CITY ENGINEER AND PlJBLIC WORKS. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consideration of an amendlllent to the /oninv. Ordinance to permit increased size Il.lr frcestandinv. and electronic sil-'.ns. !\pplicant: Monticello Dodv.e. Steve Cirittman. City Planner. advised that iVIonticcllo Dodgc submitted a request which would allow fl.lr increased sign height area. and electronic display size I~)r freestanding signs. The proposed sign is approxilnately 750 square ICet in area. 40 feet in height and includes an electronic display that is approximately three times that of the current area allowance. Grillman advised the current regulations. noting that the current standards are an increased size for properties adjacent to freeway areas. O.Neill noted the sign features a digital display that is capable of shmving ..television-like.. images. The proposcd iVIonticello Dodge sign is I~lr in excess of the City.s current regulations. which already include a "bonus.. size provision for free\vay frontage. It rivals the size of -3~ . billboards which have been long restricted. Grittman stated that planning starr is unaware of eomparable sign allowances in other areas. The City's 200 square f()ot and 32 {l.)ot height standards are in line with many other metropolitan area communities, and exceed thc allO\vances of several. Finally. Monticello Ford installed a sign based on the new rcgulations adopted by the City just one year ago. i\ change to the regulation could be read to have an unequal impact on similar bLlsinesses in the same area and /oning district. O'Neill stated that the proposed sign would replace an existing billboard. Cirittman stated the concern would be that additional signage could take away Ji\)m City aesthetics, and particularly in this corridor. others would likely take advantage of this and \vould then become cluttered. Vice Chair Carlson opened the public hearing. Bill Rambow, Denny I Iccker Automotive Group, addressed the commission stating that they would be eliminating a billhoard that is eurrently there. /-Ie stated this is a state or the art sign which would also he available tl.lr the comnnrnity to use. Rambow provided another concept tl.lr a sign that may he rnore pleasing which was the same size as the previous concept. . It was asked by the planning commission that if the applicant knew of the current ordinance, why would they propose a sign that is in excess, and RambO\v responded that they would be eliminating the billboard which the City has been trying to accornplish. O'Ncill added that he did tell Mr. Rarnbow that he would need an amendrnent to the ordinance for such a sign, but he did ask Cirittman if there was any way this sign could be allcmed under a PlJD. If the PC liked the sign in this area, would there be a way to allow this, yet now allow a prolireration of these types of signs in this area. Carlson asked how the billboard had any erCcct on this particular application and again it was stated that it is the City's desire to remove all billboards and this could be viewed as a positive. Grittman stated that hillboards are not allowable now and are classilied as non-contl.mning. O'Neill asked if because it is an on-site advertisement could this be viewed as dillcrent than a billboard advertising for something else other than advertising ror a specific business at that location. . Cirittman advised the reason for an amendment versus a variance in this case, stating no hmdship could be fl.)lll1d fl.)]" <l variance. I Ie also stated that i r the pl'lI1ning commission wcre to try to regulate these signs to certain sitcs only, mayhe they would look at zoning this area to a car dealership zoned area which would then allow these types of signs. (fNeill stated that it is IJl'coming more important to have something to dnl\V people off the rree\vay and into Monticello. I Icrbst noted that the other businesses \vould most likely \velcome signage such as what is proposed to get people olTthe free\vay and into their businesses. Also, advertising for the community \vas a positive, although he did agree that the size dilTerence is too great. Carlson disagreed and stated that all businessl's in that area \vOLlld he allO\ved the saine size signage. Again mentioned was that the smallcr si/e of the Ford sign, but also stated that the location was very different bet\vcen -4- . . . Highway 25 and 1-94. especially in regard to speeds. The puhlic hearing was closed. A MCrrlON WAS MADE BY ROY POPILEK RECOMMENDINO DENIAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO TI IE SIGN RFUlJLATIONS. AND RI~QUIRE COMPLIANCE WITII THE CURRENT STANDARDS. There was no immediate second to the motion. with furthcr discussion by Rod Dragstcn stating to possibly table this item and research the size and location of the currcnt billboard in comparison to where the new sign would be placed. Carlson again stated he did not reel the billboard had any rclevance to this request. Robbie Smith statcd he was apprehensive of the size of the proposed sign but does agree that it could be larger than the 200' hecause of it's loeation on the Frceway. Rmnbow also stated that the Ford sign size would not accommodate what they need. adding that he would like to have thc planning cornmission consider a size somewherc betwcen what they are requesting and the City's standards. lkrbst added that if this sign application was allowed it would have to have the stipulation that it be top-of- the- line and he also didn't feel that the City would sec too lnany applicants that would be able to do the same. Rambow asked if the planning cOlnmission would eonsider tabling so they could mect with staff and come up with something in the middle. O'Neill also asked that staJTbe allowed to research this l"urther. Vice Chair Carlson asked if Popilek felt he wanted to rescind his motion and table t(lr rurther inl(ll"Imltion. but ancr further discussion. Popilek stated that his motion stood. Carlson stated that he would be intercsted in pursing this application and tabling f()r input fro1l1 starf and City Planner which may signilicantly change the issue at hane\. Popilek agreed that he would be interested in hearing from stair and City Planner. llerbst again added that the Ford sign is not rclevant to this application. The commissioners did add that they did not ICel it was bir to designate a eorridor 1(11' this particular issue. but lnost did agrcc that this sign could bring intraftic to othcr businesses as wcll. Popilek asked if staff could COlne baek with something better. but then slated that his motion stands. RICIIARD CARLSON SECONDED TIII~ MCrrION. Motion carried 3 to 1 with Rod Drngstcn voting in opposition. 7. Update on Walnut Strect/Sunnv r"resh parkin~. C1rittman stated stafr discussed this and slatcd they wanted to rcsearch and get the status on Sunny Fresh's project which is still in process. lIe did sl<lte that Sunny l'"resh did add parking when they constructed their addition. but that they are not yet linished yct so staff prercrs to wait and see what happcns to parking at that time. -)- . . . 713. Update on the J. Morrell Truckin~ violations. Roy Popilck asked if this iten1 could be put on next month's agenda. I Ie did stale that the planning commission did make a recommendation to City Council that this be looked at and (fNeill stated pictures were taken and a list oj"yiolations has been recorded, however they have not cOlnpared the sections of the codes that relate to these violations nor has a letter been written to the owner. O'Neill added that the City has hired an intern who may be able to assist. Popilek again slated that this is about the liJ'th or sixth time this issue has been asked to be addressed and O'Neill staled that next month would be line to haye this item back on the agenda, along with an update regarding Sunny Fresh parking. 7C. City Council A~enda O'Neill advised that there will he two ordinance amendments coming bell)re the City Council at their next meeting. accessory buildings and regulations on huilding designs in the B-3 district. Delays were due to City Planner being unable to attend the meetings. CrNeilI advised that the City had hired John CiIOlnski as an intern who has extensiye GIS training. stating that the County had just completed a parcel map of the City that we may obtain and Glomski will be working on this project. Robbie Smith asked about the quonset home on Elm Street and if it was occupied, stating he would like stalTto look into this blighted home as the door is standing open and could pose a hazzard. CrNl'ill stated he would reJer this on to the building orJicial. 8. Adiourn. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROBBIE SMITI I AND SECONDr]) BY ROD DRA(iSTFN TO ADJOURN TIll-: MEETIN(i AT 8:30 PM. Motion carried. ~ -6-