Planning Commission Meeting Minutes - 02/07/2023 (Joint Workshop)MINUTES JOINT WORKSHOP MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION & CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, February 7, 2023 — 4:30 p.m. Bridge Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Paul Konsor, Andrew Tapper, Teri Lehner Commissioners Absent: Eric Hagen, Melissa Robeck Councilmembers Present: Mayor Lloyd Hilgart, Charlotte Gabler, Lee Martie, Tracy Hinz Councilmembers Absent: Sam Murdoff Staff Present: Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman (NAC), Hayden Stensgard, Ron Hackenmueller 1. Call to Order Mayor Lloyd Hilgart called the joint workshop of the Monticello Planning Commission and City Council to order at 4:34 p.m. 2. Joint Workshop Agenda A. Land Use Basics Overview Community Development Director Angela Schumann provided an overview of the workshop agenda and introduced consulting City Planner Steve Grittman of Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. (NAC), who provided a presentation covering land use basics. The topic of the workshop stemmed from a discussion at a prior Planning Commission meeting related to their workplan, and how City staff could assist with a base understanding of the land use process to the newly appointed Planning Commission and newly elected City Council. Steve Grittman presented on land use basics to the City Council, Planning Commission and public. Mr. Grittman covered topics such as the history of land use, meeting conduct, relevant definitions, land use process including timelines for agency action, and annexation. This presentation can be found on the Planning Commission agenda page on the City's website. On the topic of Variances and Conditional Use Permits, Mayor Lloyd Hilgart asked if Variances are considered more subjective, in terms of findings for a decision, than Conditional Use Permits, in terms of consistency with the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Grittman clarified that was correct, as Variances are used when practical difficulties of a given site creates an inability to meet the standards of the Zoning Ordinance. Whereas a Conditional Use Permit and its standards are more clearly defined within the Zoning Ordinance. On the discussion of Interim Use Permits, Planning Commissioner Andrew Tapper asked if enforcement is not carried out shortly after an IUP's time period is over, does that give the holder of the IUP any leverage to continue with what was temporarily allowed. Mr. Grittman clarified that though lack of enforcement in a case like that can happen, it would not hold up against the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Grittman highlighted that findings for approval or denial are typically initiated by City staff when it comes to decision making for the Planning Commission and City Council. Ms. Schumann added that if the recommendation by staff is different than the recommendation of the Planning Commission, the Planning Commission needs to state their findings for approval. Those findings would be included in the corresponding resolution and meeting minutes. Councilmember Gabler asked if it is necessary for Planning Commissioners who vote in dissent to state their reasons for voting against the recommendation. Mr. Grittman clarified that it is good for them to do so, though not necessary. It is more important for councilmembers to do so in that situation, rather than the Planning Commission. No action was taken on the item. 3. Adiournment By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m. /Z�� Recorded By: Hayden Stensgard Date Approved: March 7, 2023 ATTEST: Angela Schu flbnJCommunity Development Director