City Council Minutes 12-21-2022 SpecialMINUTES
Monday, December 21, 2022 — 4:30 p.m.
Academy Room, Monticello Community Center
Present: Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Lee Martie
Absent: Sam Murdoff
Staff: Rachel Leonard, Matt Leonard, Jim Thares, Angela Schumann, Tom Pawelk,
Sarah Rathlisberger, Ron Hackenimueller
1. Call to Order
Mayor Lloyd Hilgart called the special meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.
2. Downtown Traffic Analysis Summary & Proposed Street Design Options
The City Council met for a special meeting to discuss the Downtown Traffic Study
Results. Bolton and Menk, Inc. staff presented the study results to the City Council. The
traffic study looked at the following locations:
• Hwy 25 and 7th Street
• Hwy 25 and 6th Street
• Hwy 25 and 4th Street
• Hwy 25 and 3rd Street
• Hwy 25 and Broadway Street
• Hwy 25 and River Street
• Broadway Street and Walnut Street
• Walnut Street and River Street
• Cedar Street and River Street
Looking at these locations traffic was modeled using four scenarios which were as follows:
• Walnut Street connection to River Street
• Adding a traffic signal at 4th Street and Hwy 25
• Adding a traffic signal at 4th Street and Hwy 25 with the removal of the traffic
signal at River Street and Hwy 25
• Adding a traffic signal at 4th Street and Hwy 25 with the removal of the traffic
signal at River Street and Hwy 25 with the opening of River Street east at Cedar
The traffic study showed that adding a signal at 4th Street would provide relief and operational
efficiencies for the 7th Street and Hwy 25, and Broadway Street and Hwy 25 signalized
intersections and would provide benefits for Hwy 25 as well. The removal of the River Street
signal at Hwy 25 would provide minimal benefits to Hwy 25 but would affect downtown
City Council Special Meeting Minutes — December 21, 2022
Options were also presented for increasing pedestrian safety at the Walnut Street and
Broadway Street intersection primarily for pedestrians crossings Broadway Street. One option
was to reduce the number of lanes on Broadway Street to provide for the addition of center
refuge islands and the other option was to reduce lanes on Broadway Street and to prohibit
westbound left turn lanes on Broadway turning onto Walnut Street. Also, it was discussed
working with the county to potentially reduce Broadway to two -lanes west of Locust Street
since this section doesn't currently have traffic volumes to warrant a four -lane section.
There was consensus of the City Council to move forward and work with MNDOT on the
addition of a traffic signal at 4t" Street and Hwy 25 and to work with Wright County to prohibit
left turns off Broadway Street and Walnut Street to improve pedestrian safety. Also, there was
consensus to work with Wright County on reducing lanes on Broadway Street west of Locust
3. Adjournment
By consensus, the meeting was adjourned.
Recorder: Jennifer Schreib
City Council Special Meeting Minutes — December 21, 2022