Parks Commission Agenda Packet 01-24-2008AGENDA PARKS COMMISSION January 24, 2008 - 4:30 p.m. `To enhance community pride through developing and maintaining city parks with a high standard of quality" 1. 2. 3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Call to Order and introduction of Parks Commission liaison, Brian Stumpf. Approve minutes of November 29, 2007 Parks Commission meeting. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Citizens comments and requests. Park Maintenance. Youth Hockey Association Agreement Update on filling Park Commission vacancy Other Business, if any Adjourn Park Commission Minutes: 11/29/07 MINUTES PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, November 29, 2007 - 4:30 p.m. "7"o enhance community pride through developing maintaining City parks with a standard of quality" Members Fresent: Gene Emanuel, Ben Hitter, Nancy McCaffrey, Larry Nolan, Rick Traver and Council Liaison, Tom Perrault. Members Absent: None Others Present: Tom Pawelk, Park Superintendent 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. A rove minutes of October 2S 2007 re ular Parks Commission meetin . The Sunset Ponds park development plan had been discussed at the October 25, 2007 meeting and Larry Nolan clarified that the field would be a grass field and would not be a formal ball field. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 25, 2007 REGULAR FARKS COMMISSION MEETING. BEN HITTER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a enda. Review of design proposal for the Sunset Fonds park was added to the agenda and discussed at this time. The play structure design was from Play World and was for ages 5 and above. Tom Pawelk noted a problem with the play structure at Hillcrest Park with the netted portion of the structure. The structure consists of swings, slide and crawling chamber. Everything comes off one point so the user doesn't have to get off the structure to get to another area of the structure. Color scheme is burgundy, green and browns which are more earth tones. The price for the structure if purchased in 200$ would be $52,79$.51. If purchased yet in 2007, it would be $50,207.70. The site for the play structure needs to be 55' x 80'. The developer still has to install the split rail fencing. Tom Pawelk will be getting some additional quotes on the play structure. 4. Citizens comments and re uests. There was no one who spoke under citizens comments or requests. The Forks Department staff was complimented for the good job they do on wood chipping. Park Commission Minutes: 11/29/07 5. Review ark conce t Tans for Featherstone Public Works site. The City recently purchased 20 acres of land across from the Monticello Township Hall for a future Public Works Facility. According the facility study, the City needs a minimum of 28 acres for the site and therefore needs to acquire an additional 8 acres. It is proposed that the additional acreage come from the Featherstone Development. Horst Grazer, the developer of the Featherstone Addition showed the location of the proposed Public Works site and also reviewed concept plans for the land to be purchased from the Featherstone Development. Acquiring the land from the Featherstone development will require them to redo the platting process but Horst Grazer indicated the City would waive the platting fees. The Public Works site will be fenced for security purposes and will be screened. Horst Grazer noted that the City owns a portion of the area since it was deeded to them as an outlot. The Parks Commission discussed the revised park land area. Horst Grazer stated he would be placing white corner posts to designate the park boundaries and to discourage encroachment into the park area. The total Featherstone development is 223 acres with 70 acres of it commercial/industrial uses. Tom Pawelk questioned the elevation on some of the lots noting that John Simola, Public Works Director indicated the City may have to reshape the pond. In exchange for removing Lots 36-39 located in the southwest area of the development, the developer will be allowed additional lots in northeast area of the development (Lots 31-35). Horst Grazer stated he may have to give up either Lot 60 or Lot 43 or 44 for access to the park from the development. Ben Hitter and Rick Traver felt Lot 60 would provide a better access point. In discussing how the park is developed, Horst Grazer stated he would not like to see any formal ball fields with lights as he thought it would devalue the land. He did not feel organized leagues would be appropriate for this site. He also stated he did not want a trail running along the back of the lots as he felt that would be intrusive. Nancy McCaffrey said the City likes to have a sign placed indicating this is a park site. Horst Grazer when the city comes up with a development plan they would include it in their project information even though the park may not be built immediately. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO ACCEPT CONCEPT PLAN #3 WITH THE DELETIONS OF LOTS 36-39 AND THE ADDITION OF LOTS 31-35 AND SQUARING OFF THE TRIANGULAR PIECE OF LAND BY LOT 59. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6. Park Maintenance. Tom Pawelk submitted a list of the work completed by the Parks Department staff. He reported vandalism that occurred at the various parks. He suggested that the Parks Department look at upgrading their surveillance system. Staff worked on getting the snow plowing equipment ready. He reported that YMCA visits by state legislators and finance people went well. Staff updated sidewalk and pathway measurements. Everything is ready at Swan Park for viewing of the swans. They are in the process of flooding the rinks and hiring rink attendants. Staff met with the Department of Health regarding the concessions facility at the ball fields. City will need to epoxy the floor, remove the walk-in Gaoler and make changes to the bathroom according to the Department of Health. A tree donated in memory of former Mayor, Roger Belsaas was placed in Ellison Park just east of the memorial. 2 Park Commission Minutes: 11/29/07 Gene Emanuel asked if there was going to a tree planting workshop in 2008. Tom Pawelk indicated that is being planned and a notice will be sent out in a future utility billing. Tom Fawelk asked if the Farks Commission felt there were any particular areas in need of additional trees. Ben Hitter suggested the Sunset Fonds area. Tom Pawelk stated a Dutch Elm disease tree inspection will be done in 2008. It was asked why the hockey assaciation does not pay any fee for maintenance of the rinks. Rick Traver noted that at one time the association used to flood the rinks and remove the snow. Tom Fawelk indicated the association no longer performs any of the maintenance or flooding. Tom Pawelk painted out that maintenance of the rinks takes a lot of time and he felt some fee should be charged to the hockey association. Tom Pawelk stated he has received a request to have a batting cage installed at Hillcrest Park. Gene Emanuel suggested it be placed on the west side of the diamond. 7. Expiring terms of Park Commission members: The terms of Ben Hitter and Rick Traver will expire in December, 2007. Rick Traver indicated he would be willing to serve another term. Ben Hitter stated he will be moving to Big Lake and therefore will not be able to serve. The vacancy will be listed on the City's website. S. Adiourn. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO AJDOURN AT 6 P.M. RICK TRAVER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 3