Planning Commission Minutes 03-25-2002 . . . MINlJ'rES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, March 25,2002 - 6 p.m. Members Present: Chair Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, Roy Popilek, Robbie Smith and Council Liaison, Clint Herbst. Members Absent: Staff: None Fred Patch 1. Call to Order, 2. Chair Dick Frie called the meeting to order at 6 p.n1. and declared a quorunl present. Continued Public Hearine: Consideration of a request for approval of a development stage planned unit development and preliminary plat approval for Vine Place Townhomes. Applicant: Mike Crr/Front Porch Associates. Fred Patch presented the background information on the agenda item noting that the Planning Commission had originally considered this item at their March 11, 2002 meeting and tabled acting on it. Since Planning Commission consideration of the item, staff has met with the applicant and his engineer and have resolved many of the problems noted in the staff report and by the Planning Commission by shortening the structures. Fred Patch eXplained how private street access, building scparation, private street width, alley width, setbacks and other concerns were resolved. He noted that the width of the private streets had been increased from 20' to 22' from back of curb to back of curb, that through access in one dircction had been provided for and that the one way alleys arc now all through streets and the alleys have been widened to 14'. Although the building structure has been shortened by 6' the living space did not decrease. By shortening the structure. they were able to retain the original amount of living space and also allow fcwa longer parking space. The curb was also moved 5' from the property line. It was pointed out that Lot 9 and 19 will be owned by the homeowner's association. The right-of-way for Vine Street was an area of contention. Randy RutT is making a claim of ownership rights on l;2 of the Vine Street right-of-way lying south of West 6th Street going through the project area. Fred Patch stated that staff is recommending approval of the planned unit development and preliminary plat with the addition of contingency #d. Contingency #d calls for the City sale to the developer of that portion of Vine Street lying south of West 61h Street within the project area. The right-of-way property must he sold prior to the conditional use permit and preliminary plat being finalized. Chair ['rie asked about the status of the legal action. Fred Patch responded that the city attorney had initiated an ejectment proceeding to remove Randy Ruff from the right-or-way. . . . Special Planning Meeting - 3/25/02 Chair Frie then opened the public hearing. Kevin Stumpf, 706-61h Street West, Monticello spoke regarding the proposed development asking if that would impact his ability to subdivide his property into two buildable lots. Fred Patch answered that at this point he could not make that determination since the size and frontage of the Stumpf property was not known. Fred Patch and Kevin Stumpf wi II meet and determine whether the Stumpf property could be subdivided under the simple subdivision process. Chair Frie then closed the public hearing. In further discussion hy the Planning Commission, Richard Carlson questioned the alignment of the alley shown on the plan. He felt that it might be too tight for to the garages (Units 12 & 13) and might cause some problems. Fred Patch felt the maneuvering width of the alley was the same but agreed that the sharpness of the curve could be a problem and that staff could look at changing the alignment. Mike Cyr, the developer, noted that alleys were 14' wide and one way so the alley should be wide enough, but that he could look at changing the alignment of the curve of the alley. Chair Frie asked if the purchase of the Tucek property would have an impact on the Cyr development. Mike Cyr indicated it did not. Chair Frie also asked about the time frame for this project. Mike Cyr responded that the right-of-way issue would have to be resolved iirst but otherwise they would be starting as soon as possible. Chair Frie asked if Mike Cyr would advise the Planning Commission of the size and cost of the townhomes. Mike Cyr noted they are 1,370 sq. n. with a full size garage and the starting price j()r the units will be $169,000. Chair Frie noted that by continuing the public hearing it allowed the st<IfT, applicant and the Planning Commission to resolve the issues on this development. DICK FRIE MOVED TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY PLAT AND GRANT DEVELOPMENT STAGE APPROVAL, OF 'fHE VINE PLACE TOWNHOME PROJECT CONTINGENT UPON THE FOLLOWING: A. Final review of the landscaping plan by the City Planner. 13. Final review of the engineer plans by the City Engineer. C. Final review of the architectural design by the City Planner. D. The City's sale to the developer of that the portion of Vine Street right-of-way lying south of West 6th Street within the defined project area. RICHARD CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MUrION CARRIED UNANIMOllSL Y. Other Items: Chair Dick Frie noted that the residential design standards approved by the Planning Commission would not he presented to the Council until their April S, 2002 meeting. He also noted that the Auto Mall development by Shawn Weinand was being tabled. 2 . . . Special Planning Meeting - 3/25/02 Fred Patch reported that Milton Olson contacted hil11 with concerns about the construction into Marvin Road by the Weinand project. One ol"the requirements fl)r approval of the project was that the property owners with access onto Marvin Road agree to the proposed Marvin Road activity. Clint Herbst noted that Milton Olson had concerns about the water table on his property as well. Dick Frie questioned why he did not come to the public hearing or send a representative. The Planning Commission briefly discussed the Weinand project's use ol"Marvin Road. Dick Frie stated that he had gotten a number of calls and comments about the televising of the Planning Commission meetings and problems with the cable channel. ROY POPILEK MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 6:35 P.M. ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. ~~.,~-- Recording Secretary ,., .)