Planning Commission Minutes 07-22-2002 (Special Meeting) . . . Members: ^bsent: Staff: MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday - July 22, 2002 5:30 P.M. Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten and Lloyd Hilgart Robbie Smith and Council Liaison Clint Herbst Jeff O'Neill and John Glomski I. Call to order. 2. Chair Frie called the meeting to order at 5 :30 p.m. and declared a quorum. Continued Public I learini! - Consideration of development stage planned unit development and preliminary plat allowing 11 sinde family residential units in the R-3 zoning district. Applicant: Central Minnesota Housing Partnership and the City of Monticello Jeff <YNeiIL Deputy City Administrator, presented the report regarding CMHP's application. He also advised that they had recently become aware of a miscalculation which results in 3 ft setbacks on the perimeter of the development. O'Neill advised that a 3 Il. setback is not sufficient. The Planning COl1lll1ission is asked to decide whether to table the item or move it forward to the City Council. O'Neill advised that City Planner Steve Grittman was not available to respond on this issue to advise what would be an acceptable setback. O'Neill provided some possible options to consider. One option was to drop the building size to 26ft. which gives a 12 Il. setback on the perimeter, although he stated he did not know if that would be acceptable as it may be too close to the lot line on Minnesota Street. If the side yard setback was dropped to 9 ft. and the buildings were left at 2& ft., there would be a 7 ft. setback. If an entire unit was dropped and the buildings were left at 28 ft., there would be a 17 ft. setback. O'Neill advised however that this affects the project dramatically and the City would possibly be asked to help out with cost. O'Neill stated CMIIP is looking at slab on grade with possible half basements. Chair Frie felt that the intended purpose of the meeting was to come up with a home sty Ie working within the confines of the site, and also to come up with a project that met or exceeded the concept of the original project. Frie felt that this should be brought forward -1- Special Planning COllllllission Minutes - 07/22/02 . so it could be presented to the City Council. O'Neill advised that the square footage of the homes would now be 936 sq. ft. instead of the original proposal of 1,008 sq. ft. which Dragsten stated he was not in favor of. There was discussion regarding the previous meeting and the direction given to the Planning Commission. There was some confusion as to the style of the units and Shari Ilarris, CMHP, stated they had met with contractors to come up with alternatives and they explored ramblers with basements as well as split levels, and went back to the slab on grade with partial basements. It was stated that slab on grade with full crawl space may keep them at the samc price without adding cost. The othcr two options had pushed them over the $90,000 cap, as well as eliminated landscaping and other amenities. Harris stated that they were proposing a 4 ft. erawl space going the full length ofthc home, and all mechanical would be placed there, which they werc hoping would get thcm to 3 bedrooms on the main level. O'Neill stated that once the mcchanical is put down in the crawl space there would be the full 936 sq. ft. upstairs for living spacc. . O'Neill questioned a previously proposed bump-out window in thc units which didn't show on the plan, but added that he does not know if that would add cxpense. Harris stated the contractor had a concern with spacing and therefore that was not included in the plans. O'Neill also statcd that there was no window proposed in the living rooln and wondered if there should be, and suggcsted that the Planning Commission could make a condition to add a window to thc living room side. They also discussed the height of the window in the bedroonl and it was noted that it was to code. Chair [orie opened the public hearing. Mike Cyr, MLC l1uilding & Remodeling, stated concerns with making sure that the value of the homes do not detract from the neighborhood homes which are valued at around $170,000. He also stated he was not opposed to the project, but he feels the homcs are small and he does not see families moving into them. lie also stated his opinion was that the 4 ft. crawl spacc was useless. Frie questioncd the cost difference of full basemcnts versus partial and also thc cost of bay windows and egrcss. There was discussion regarding the value of the homcs as well as a suggestion to extend thc 4 ft. crawl space along the cntire length of the home. O'Neill stated that the markct is there to put in a basemcnt, and if they raisc the price of the home they will still selL but Harris cannot exceed the $126,000 cost or they losc their funding and the people they arc trying to makc these homes available to wi II not be able to afford them. I '/oyd Hilgart stated it was his opinion that to add basemcnts would not add llluch more to the cost. Carlson felt that direction from the last mceting was that thesc would bc halfbasemcnts and O'Ncill stated that it was when thcy still thought they wcre at 2& ft. . They also discusscd the possibility of twin units which would eliminate the sidcyard issue, but Harris stated the TI F assistancc they were approved for states single family dctached, but also addcd that was bcfore they kncw about a setback problem. It was -2~ Special Planning COlllmission Minutes - 07/22/02 . stated that this is a pun and setbacks can be flexible. Carol [-irkins, applicant for a CMIIP home, concurred with O'Neill to add a window in the living room. Harris also adviscd the Planning Commission on how the list of applicants is comprised and added that the majority ofthc applicants are local. Chair Frie thcn closed the public hearing. Hilgart discussed the possi bil ity of special tinancing for the first 5 units and earmarking the remaining 6 units for a mix, some with basemcnts, in a varicty of income level ranges. Harris stated it was a possibility, but thcy are trying to stay within the $30,000 income Icvel. Shc also advised that the financing is in place for the first 5 units already. Dragsten stated his concerns with maintenance, landscaping and irrigation, as well as his prefercnce f()f the 1,008 sq. ft. homes. Carlson agreed with llilgart' s idea of a mix of ranges and addcd that thc only way he would feel comfortable with 936 sq. ft. would bc with partial bascments and an egress window, as well as all landscaping and irrigation. [-rie asked ifthc Planning Commission felt comfortable with moving this item forward. Carlson asked if it was mandatory to do both preliminary and final stage at this timc and asked about condition 13 in the stair report where it stated pre-finished siding. It was clarified that it should state maintenance frce siding. . A MOTION WAS MADE BY RICHARD CARLSON TO RJ':COMMEND APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY STACH~ PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ALLOWING 1 I SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED TOWNHOMES WIlli THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. I~:stablishment of home owners association or other format for assuring long term maintenancc of the PLIO. The association or agreement/covenants must includc the f()llowing items. · Snow removaL · Mowing of common areas and maintenanee of landscaping. · Parking stalls, drive maintenance. · Regulations governing fences, storage buildings. Maintenance of exterior of building. B. Rcquircduse of maintenance fi'ec siding. C. Completion of all site improvements and home improvements as identified in the approvcd plans. D. Landscapcd plantings and/or screening fence to be provided along the western boundary of the site along with installation of landscaped plantings as shown in thc attached supporting documentation. . -3- Special Planning Comlnission Minutes - 07/22/02 . E. Landscaping plan should include installation of an irrigation system. I.'. Side yard lot lines to follow a building wall thus giving all side yard space to the homeowner opposite of the building wall (included in latest plat update). G. Approval of grading and drainage plans by the City '.:ngineer. H. Curb and gutter ineluded with the alley. I. Removal of existing driveways. .T. No accessory buildings. AS WEI J, AS THE CONDITION TI IAT THE UNITS BE 936 SQ. FT. WIllI PARTIAL FULL BASEMENT, EGRESS WINDOW, CRAWL SPACE ON lHE FRONT' PORTION OF THE UNIT, AND ALL LANDSCAPING AND IRRIGATION INCLUDED AS PART Of THE PROPOSAL. DICK FRIE SECONDED THE MOTION. . There was fUliher discussion by Hilgart that he preferred a full basement, not partial, and would be happy with a mix of units including basements. Dragsten stated he preferred the square footage to be 1,008 per unit. and would be more supportive of a full basement. Harris added that she would prefer they grant both preliminary and development stage approval as they have purchased the existing homes and would like to start removing them and move forward with the project. Carlson added that he was not in favor of the Planning Commission presenting the ideas to the developer as he felt it should be the other way around. frie then asked Dragsten and Hilgart if they needed to table the item at this time but they did not feel that was the way to proceed. RICI lARD CARLSON THEN AMEND[m IUS MOTION TO INCLUDE FINAL PLAT APPROV AL WITH THE CONDITION TIIA"r ALL REQUIREMENTS ARE COMPLETED. There was further diseussion regarding inclusion of basements and that CMHP may find that it would tit in their budget. Frie added that ifCMIIP tl1lmd that a full basement was feasible they could includc it at that point. Hilgart again asked Harris to consider procecding with 5 units with crawl spaces f<.)r storage at special financing and add basements to the remaining 6 units. Dragsten was not in favor stating he preferred the units to be 1,008 sq. ft. MUl'ION CARRIED 3 TO 1 WITH DRAGSTEN VOTING IN OPPOSITION. . -4- . . . Special Planning COIl1III ission Minutes - 07/22/02 O'Neill added that irthey are trying to create a design that fits the city and the neighborhood, possibly the City could reduce the price of the land, making a financial contribution to make the project work. Frie asked if it was possible to bring this to the City Council at their meeting to follow but O'Neill stated it would have to be at another meeting with CMHP requesting a reduction in the land price, and that typically this would be something they would present to the City Council in advance as he felt they needed to fl.xUS on the actual plan presented at this time. ') .) . Adjourn A MOTION WAS MADE BY RICHARD CARLSON TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:50 P.M. ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. r?M~~ ~)I~~ -5-