Planning Commission Minutes 10-28-2002 (Special Meeting)
Monda)! - October 28, 2002
6:00 P.M.
Melnhers Present:
S talT:
Dick Frie, Robbie Smith, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, I Joyd Hilgart and
Council Liaison Clint JIerbst
Jell O'Neill
I. Call to order.
Chair Frie called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and declared a quorum.
Tabled: Consideration of amendment to conditional use permit for planned unit
development allowing for expansion of truck parking, hulk LP storage, service bay
additions, pavinQ for hulk waste product transport sidewalks and landscaping. Applicant:
Sunny rresh Foods
./eff O'Neill provided the stafTreport stating that Fred Patch, Ollie Koropchak and Steve
Crrittman had met with Sunny Fresh representatives regarding the previous issues noted at
the special Planning Commission meeting on 10/14/02. Some of the concerns included
curb setback, storm water drainage issues, and the need for delineators on the cast side of the
parking lot. O'Neill stated stall felt there could he some allowance in regard to the curb
setbacks. It was noted that the site does not meet City standards for drainage and that there
would be overllow into the railroad ROW. O'Neill added that typically any site would be
asked to meet City standards and that City Engineer Bret Weiss had advised that this would
not add a great deal of expense to the applicant.
O'Neill advised that stall had not yet received employee counts, stating there is a greater
demand for parking with this expansion, and that there are strict requirements for parking in
the eeD. O'Neill listed the conditions for approval, noting that the Planning Commission
could require all or just a numher of the conditions. Ollie Koropchak, Economic
Development Director, stated that from the IDe's standpoint, they want to ensure
communication is up-front and all husinesses arc treated consistently.
Chair hie opened the public hearing. Frie asked T'im Sarracco, Sunny Fresh Foods, ifhe
was familiar with the list of conditions stated in the staff report and Sarraceo stated he had
received the memo from Steve Grittman, but had not seen the staff report. O'Neill then
went through the list of conditions with him and Sarraeco noted a concern with the request
for parking delineators on the east end, stating this would be difficult as they maintain their
garhage dumpster pick-up/drop ofT at that end. Their goal was to maximize employee
parking ancl that is why they asked for the curb line to be kept where it is at. He also stated a
concern with adding parking area which would make it difficult for snow plowing. They did
add more trees f()I' screening, hut they need to have egress to that building for trailers, stating
the trailers move in and out of that area approximately 6 times a week.
- 1-
Special Planning Commission Minutes - 10/28/02
In regard to the concern with storm water drainage and ponding, Mr. Dewey Gunnarson,
Meyer-Roblin, advised that they are proposing to extend the current 12" storm sewer line
wcst to the new building. He stated that with previous additions/expansions, the 12" was
approved by the City and they are anticipating the same with this expansion. He noted there
was not room for retention ponds. Gunnarson advised that they have crushed granite and
gravel surfaces, and right now the storm water is spilling into the railroad area and they are
diverting it to two ponding areas, the trailer storage and the auto parking areas. I Ie stated
that this is the best they can do at this time and rClnain cost effective for Sunny fresh. He
did state that thcy would bc willing to work with the eity Engineer on this concern. Frie
asked if they would be receptive to installing a larger pipe size and Gunnarson stated yes,
but questioned it as he stated typically it is not a good idea to fit larger pipe with smaller
existing pipes, but again stated thcy would work with the eity Engineer. Frie then asked
Sarracco if they were planning on providing staff with employee counts and he stated he had
them with him tonight.
'fhe Planning eommission then discussed concerns with hufTering, especially on the
eommunity eenter side, as well as the concerns with drainage. Sarraeeo added that they
have plans to improve the area, which is eity property, and they would continue to maintain
it all the way down the propcrty line. It was suggested that the City work together with
Sunny Fresh to address tree plantings and huffering. Frie advised that he had also
discovered that there was a very noisy cab parked at Sunny Fresh which was a concern of a
rcsident at the last meeting. Frie advised that Mr. Darnell had stated at the last meeting that
he would address that concern.
CI'hcre was further discussion that the incrcased curb setbacks were not necessary, but they
would request the applicant to add additional trees. Thcy asked that Sunny Fresh work with
statIon possibly staggering the trees. They werc also in favor ofremoving the condition that
a treatment plan for storm water run otlbe provided. O'Neill had advised that the City is
requiring all developmcnts in thc new areas of town to provide treatment systems, but there
is not space in the old part of town. He added that hoth Federal and State would cvcntually
put in place rules that the City would need to address. It was suggested that the City addrcss
the issue at that time. Frie asked that a photometric plan in full compliance with City
standards be listed as a condition for approval. O'Ncill did state that stalThad received a
lighting plan.
There was further discussion regarding a large privacy fence on the north side of the trailcr
storage area and that it did not make sense to request landscaping on the interior of that
fence as there would be no public visibility there. They also discussed the condition
regarding delineators and the need for them, but O'Neill stated that this is a typical standard,
although ifthere is found to be a reason to not have them, for maneuvering, etc., that should
be looked into. He added that the Planning Commission should discuss this further before
striking it hom thc conditions. There was no further discussion.
Special Planning Commission Minutes - 10/28/02
a. Anlendment to the site plan showing zero (0) setback as proposed by Sunny Fresh,
however site plan should show a staggered double row of pine plantings between the
pathway and the Sunny Fresh curb. If space does not allow for two rows between
pathway and Sunny Fresh curb, one of the two rows of pine plantings should be
placed on the Community Center side of the pathway.
b. Provide for additional parking island delineators at eastern end of each parking isle
unless delineator interferes with garbage truck movements.
c. Storm water plan should he designed to meet storm water design standards for
volume control.
d. Documentation regarding parking stall demand to he provided hy Sunny Fresh.
Sunny Fresh to comply with minimum standards for parking or provide funds to City
in accordanee with the City code.
c. Establishment ofa lieense agreement allowing Sunny Fresh to have use of the Linn
Street Right-of- Way.
Photometric plan must be provided that is in full eomplianee with City Ordinance.
3. Rohhie Smith stated that he had heen eontaeted regarding a eoncern with employees of
Towne Center parking in the parking lot as opposed to parking in the Liquor Store parking
lot. Clint Herbst advised that initially that was how the parking would be set up if there
became a prohlcm with parking in the Towne Center lot. It was also stated that this should
he a concern of the tenants.
Chair Frie asked O'Neill if the new swan sculpture at the Community Center was going to
he lighted. lie stated that he had received several calls requesting that it be lighted. frie
was advised that Kitty Baltos was working with the electrician to get the lighting installed.
4. Adiourn
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