HRA Minutes 02-07-2001 . MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AlJTIIORITY Wednesday, February 7,2001 - 7:00 p.m. 505 Walnut Street - Bridge Room Members Present: Chair Darrin I,ahr. Vice Chair Dan Frie, Brad Barger, and Steve Andrews Absent: Bob Murray and Council Liaison Brian Stumpf Officers: Treasurer Rick Wolfstellcr, Executive Director Ollie Koropchak. Deputy City Administrator Jeff (YNeill and Recorder Lori Kraemer. I. Call to Order. Chair Darrin Lahr called the meeting to order at 7 pm. 2. Consideration to approve the \-IRA minutes of January 3. 2001. A MOTION WAS MADE HY BRAD BARGER AND SECONDED BY STEVE ANDREWS TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR HRA MEETING OF JANUARY 3, 2001. Motion carried 3 to 0 with Dan Frie not yet present. . ., -, . 4. 5. 6. Consideration of adding or removing agenda items from the consent a!2:enda. None Consent Agenda. Consideration to address items added or removed from the consent agenda. N/ A. Consideration to hear update and to consider extendine. the effective date of the Preliminary Developrnent Agreement between Masters Fifth Avenue. Inc. and the liRA. Ollie Koropchak. Executive Director, provided her report regarding the agreement the HRA and Harry Fluth entered into on August 2. 2000, a 120-day exclusive right agreement which was effective through Deeelnber 2.2000. At a prior meeting another developer presented a rehab plan for an owner/occupied project on the Amoco site. The liRA elected to enter into the preliminary agreement with Fluth based on the concept presented. On December 6,2000. the BRA extended the effective date ofthc Preliminary Development Agreement to February 6. 2001. Brad Johnson asked to update the BRA on their process and based on the update, the [IRA would need to consider whether to extend the effective date or to seek other interested developers. Mr. Johnson was not able to attend the meeting. . Koropchak asked the BRA to consider questions for Johnson such as if he has purchase options on any of the properties, has he talked to effective property owner, and what role can the BRA play to expedite the process or to Jill the gap? - 1- I-IRA Minutes - 02/07/01 . Koropchak was contacted by another local developer who has been requested to prepare proposals for redevelopment of a couple of lots along Walnut Street and abutting Brad's concepts. Although interested in the idea of a comlnunity parking lot. he prefers this project to be a stand alone. This developer is also interested in TIF assistance. At this point, the BRA jinancial consultants have not been asked to run TIF cashl10w numbers. Pending on the TI F cashflow numbers, the level of"rIF assistance will be determined and the financial method determined (pay-as-you-go or up front). keeping in mind the four and five year rules and a target date for demolition of the Amoco site, no later than June 30, 2001. The effective date of the preliminary agreement means concepts, plans, and level of TIf assistance arc in place for execution of the Contract for Private Redevelopment. Johnson advised Koropchak that he does have a restaurant interested in 3,000 to 4,000 sq. n. He also has a concern with the City's requests for parking. Johnson advised that he was looking for a preliminary agreement regarding parking, getting together with the property owners adjoining this property as ajoint parking venture. . O'Neill states as long as the developer conforms to the ordinance it is not a planning issue until site plan is submitted. Costs would be the issue. O'Neill also stated that the City can't determine amount of parking until they know exactly what the developer wants to build. Johnson is looking for the City to pay for the parking lot and having the liRA help in acquiring the parcels. O'Neill states the City can provide at least half of the parking lot if Johnson would pay the $1 AOO per parking stall. O'Neill states the liRA should set up a list of items that Brad would have to answer by the next meeting before the HRA can make a decision. The members stated that they need Brad Johnson to tell them what he wants to do and submit a site plan and parking, and to let the HRA know what Johnson needs from them to make this project happen. A MOTION WAS MADE BY STEVE ANDREWS AND SECONDED BY DAN FRIE TO EXTEND TilE EFFECTIVE DATE FOR 30 DAYS. IF NO PLAN IS SUBMITTED AT END Of 30 DAYS, TilE HRA OPENS IT UP TO ANOTHER DEVELOPER. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Consideration of update and action relative to TIf District 1-22, North Anchor. 7a). Consideration of update relative to execution of the Purchase and Lease Agreement between the liRA and the Carlson's. . Koropchak provided her report stating at the January I IRA meeting, the commissioners reviewed the prepared Purchase Agreement outlining the HRA 's counter-offer of $275,000 and acceptance letter from the Carlson's attorney. In January, the liRA also approved the Lease Agreement. The agreements \ivere forwarded to the Carlson's by their Attorney. -2- HRA M inutcs 2/07/0 I . Koropcbak noted that Mr. Carlson had apparently contacted Ken Helvey stating he would not be signing the agreement as he was upset over the relocation benefits. Koropchak reminded the members that Mr. Ilelvey initially contacted the Carlson's relative to their relocation rights and benefits and asked to meet; however, the Carlson's elected not to meet. Mr. Ilelvey called the Carlson's attorney on January 26 for an update. As of January 30, be had not heard from the attorney. Koropchak stated that based on the H RA . s motion to hold ofT with the appraisal of the raw land of the Carlson property by Rod Dragsten until execution of the Purchase Agreement by the Carlson's, the appraisal has not been ordered. Koropchak received information fi'om Attorney Greensweig on Tuesday which she provided to the members regarding requests by the Carlson's for revisions to the purchase agreement. The liRA members discussed each item and determined their response, advising Koropchak to make the changes and present back to Attorney Greensweig. . A MOTION WAS MADE BY STEVE ANDREWS AND SECONDED BY DAN FRIE n) ACCEPT TilE PURCIIASE AND LEASE AGREEMENTS WITH THE NOTED CIIANGES: Purchase Agrccment change: closing date frolll April 1,2000 to April 1,2001. Lease Agrcement changes: term of lease July 3 1,2002; Paragraph 9: rcplace "in any event" to "if due to gross negl igence of the City". Paragraph 12: do not delete "or perm it any other pcrs to use the housc", but can add "landlords consent shall not be unreasonahly withheld". AND TO AUTHORIZE THE CHAIR AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TilE RIGI IT TO NEGOTIATE (HilER MINOR CHANGES AND EXECUTE DOCUMENTS. Motion carried unanimously. 7b) Update on Bostic and O'Connor. O'Connor - Mr. Helvey was informed of the HRA's January 2001 motion: A counter- offer in the amount of $130,352 package deal to Mike O'Connor, possession date not later than Apri I 15. 200 I and to extend the null and void date to two weeks from date counter-offer presented. Counter-offer presented after execution of Purchase Agreement by the Carlson's. HRA noted acquisition otTer based on one of the highest offer by percentage. Koropchak advised that Mr. O'Connor had called Mr. Ilelvey to ask what's going on. Mr. Helvey has not proceeded per the liRA's direction. . Bostic - Mr. Helvey was informed of the HRA's January 2001 motion: A counter-offer in the amount of $1 09.400 package deal plus penalty to the Bostic, possession date not later than April 15,200 I. and to extend the null and void date to two weeks from date counter- olTer presented. Counter-offer presented aller execution of Purchase Agreement by the Carlson's. Wolfstellcr has estimated the pre-payment penalty at about $2,834. ., -,)- . . . 7c). 7d). liRA Minutes 2/07/01 Hans Ilagen Update. Koropchak provided a copy of an e-mail to and from Hans Ilagen, as well as provided estimates for improvements along Front Street. It was discussed whether the City would bc installing thc stubs on the sanitary sewer line at that same time - City is still discussing. Wolfsteller stated they had discussed assessment policies last fall but no decisions at this time. I loping to not have to assess for streets, did not talk a lot about utility replacements and still gathering information from other cities. Wolfsteller noted that in the next month he would like to see the Council come up with some direction, noting that the liRA would have to approach the Council and petition for a feasibility study - a 90 day process. Members asked if it would be most cost effective to have the same contractor put in the approximately 10 stubs at the same time. If the City is to replace the line, payment for serviccs may be directed to the developer or the HRA at that time. No action necessary at this time. Consideration to authorize Design Concept Drawings for Block 52. Koropchak noted that as we appear to have some interested developers for Block 52 and perhaps the Saine developer may not develop the entire designated area, it is very important that a concept be developed that maximizes the goals of the HRA and the Revitalization Plan whilc meeting the demands of the market. The concept wuuld include housing, office, commerciaL and/or restaurant options. The preliminary design concept drawings would consider necessary parking, landscaping, street development and its relationship to the othcr areas of the downtown/riverfront. Koropchak stated that although one developer approached her for lot sizes to do some preliminary drawings, shc thinks it's in the J IRA's best interest to have our City Planner Consultant prepare the drawings. This to avoid misleading anyone developer and kceps the window open ji)f the lIRA as to their choice of developers and concepts. The cost of the concepts would come from TI F District No. 1-22. This will help to keep us on track for thc June 30, 2002 date. An area/propcrty the members discussed included the Froslie property, as well as thcre being room for housing back on River Street. Koropchak states that it is encouraged to have drawings, etc. of these areas and to keep them updated noting what options they would like to see done. Darrin asked ifit was up to the developer's to do thc drawings, and possibly the liRA should do an RFP. Brad thought perhaps land should be purchased first before going out for RFP's. Another item that was advised to Koropchak was to have pictures available and keep property owners involved. Darrin staled pcrhaps we should talk to thc property owners first before doing any drawings. O'Neill advised that perhaps the City could define square footages, parking, things the -4- . . . I-IRA Minutes - 2/07/01 City \vouldlike to see done in certain areas. It was asked ifthere are any interested developers at this time and Koropchak stated that there is at least one, as well as Brad Johnson. Perhaps the HRA would like to have Steve Grittman advise where a good parking area would be in the City and work the plan backwards. Steve Andrews stated that the MCP has a plan that is somewhat like what the liRA members were discussing. Barger asked about some concepts that had been submitted previously that perhaps the City could look back at. Koropchak asked if the members were committed to expending the TI F dollars by 2002'? Dan Frie felt that the 11 RA should define areas in the City and go out f()r RFP' s, if this is what has to be done by July 01'2002. O'Neill again stated we should find out what the City would do for parking. Perhaps vaeating that part of River Street and using part of the park is another option regarding parking. Koropchak states that the demand for the market is what is going to drive the project. Barger stated the developer would know this as well. Dan Frie asked if the RFP could be done just in concept, then forward it on to the Parks Commission and City Council. The members felt that they should tirst talk to the property owners. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DAN FRIE AND SL':CONDED BY STEVE ANDREWS TO BEGIN DISCUSSIONS WITH PROPERTY OWNERS AND DRAW UP A DRAf'T REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Continued - Consideration to hear progress relative to research of purpose/objective and funding. for a scattered housing nroQram and a motion to approve nreliminarv concept for use of TI F assi stance. Koropchak provided the report stating staff and the HRA targeted sites within the older part of Monticello for the proposed scattered housing program for the purpose of replacing the current housing stock with higher valued homes. Previously, the area of 6th and Minnesota was identified as a substandard area; however, the area does not qualify for a redevelopment district because 70% of the parcels did not contain at least 15% improvements per parcel. As we began to work with Sheri Ilarris at the Central Minnesota Ilousing Partnership, Inc. (CMIIP) f()r possible funding options through the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MHFA) and with the funding application submission deadline of February 9, 2001. the area of 6th and Minnesota Street was targeted because of a preliminary concept and an interested builder. As it turns out that particular builder is not interested; however, he would sell his vacant parcel. Sheri I larris was unable to attend the meeting due to the weather. JelT CfNeil1 provided some intl)rmation from a meeting he recently attend with Koropehak and Harris, advising that to make the numbers work fl)r this project without the CMIIP's grant money, the density would have to be increased. -5- . . 9. . HRA Minutes - 2/07/0 I Koropchak advised that the HRA is asked to consider TIF funds to go toward this development. Goal is not to replace blight with junk. The proposed project is to build 1100 sq ft structures with 2 car garages which would possibly sell for approximately $115,000, which is considered aff(mlable housing. Money is coming from MHFA, Sheri would complete the grant application and be the agent purchasing the properties. Community revitalization fund is what the HRA would be looking at Ill]' aff()\"(Jable single j~lmi Iy housing - equal to or less than ~H)(Yt) of states median income. Funding being applied for is $500JlOO - 0% interest loan. Time line fi:)r expenditure of funds is 20 months from the time program documents are executed. The City Council waived permit & WAC/SAC fees. It was noted that there would he 9 houses on Minnesota Street and one on 6th Street. In order to fill the gap, the HRA is requested to create a TI F district. Koropchak states they can only get this project going with upfront financing. Koropchak also advised that the HRA consider waiving the $5,000 deposit fee as this is a non-profit organization. Lahr asked what would be the investment per unit from the City. As therc were some questions that could not be answered, thc liRA would like to get clarification from Harris befi:)re making a motion. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRAD BARGER AND SECONDED BY DAN FlUE TO TABLE ANY ACTION UNTIL TilE MARCH MEETING, WITH NO ENDORSEMENT AT THIS -riME. Motion carried unanimously. Consideration of a requcst from Springstec!, Inc. to make a presentation to the HRA. Koropchak reported that she had tnet with Paul Steinmen and a co-workcr of Springsted, Inc., and rcminded thc members that some years ago the company scrved as the City's linancial consultants and thcrcafter, the City joined with the HRA in use of Ehler's & Associates. About a year ago I requested consultant fees from thrce firms, one being Springsted. The liRA elected to stay with Ehler's because of the value of knowing the City and liRA's history_ hearing no expressed dissatisfaction and comparative fees. Springsted, I nc. has gone through some changcs and have a new f()CUS, they request an opportunity to market thcmselves to the HRA. The members advised Koropchak to invite Springsted to the March mecting. 10. Consideration to review fl)r input and approval the 2001 Economic Development Work Plan. Koropchak provided a copy of the first draft of goals of thc 2001 Economic Developmcnt Work Plan. The EDA provided input on January 30 and the Marketing Committcc reviewed it on February 2, 2001. Korpochak stated she would be evaluating the merits of the downtown revitalization plan I()r the next EDA mccting, also stating that they rnay also like to add to the goals that thc Planning Commission look at the Comprehensivc Plan again rcgarding annexation. -6- . HRA Minutes - 2/07/01 Koropchak asked thc memhers what they thought ahout the possibility of making the Industrial Developn1ent COInmittee an advisory committee and Darrin Lahr stated he was not in favor of this as people complain already that there are too many committees. Koropchak advised that she would like to research further, also noting the possibility of combining the HRA with EDA and would do some comparisons for pros and cons. Koropchak asked the members fl)r their feedback. Dan Frie advised that he would like to move up the time frame f'()[ C10ld Nugget to pursue this as industrial land. Brad Barger added inf'(mnation from the Marketing Committce stating thcir desire to purchase property f'()r industrial use. The mcmbers stated thcy would like to discuss the Gold Nugget parcel in greater detail at the March mceting. 11. Consideration to authorize payment of the monthlv II RA bills. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DAN FRIE AND SECONDED BY STEVE ANDREWS TO AUT! IORIIE PAYMENT OF THE MONTHLY HRA BIL,LS. Motion carried unanimously. . 12. Considcration of Executive Director's Report. Koropchak provided a report on the following: . a) GMEF No. 010 (Vector Tool) - Thc modifications to the Loan Agreement and other documents wcre draftcd and exccuted hy appropriate individuals at the closings on Novemher 29,2000. b) GMEF No. 017 ("[win City Die Castings) - Invoice for costs associated with LICC filing on equipment. UCC not filed. c) FDA Annual Mccting is schedulcd for April 24,2001 - attached a copy of minutes from a budget workshop of the city council on Novelnber 16,2000. Relative to the DMRF - will research a few parcels which receivcd DMRFs f()r a comparison of increased market value ovcr the years to see if the EDA investment is paying ofT. d) Integrated Recycling Technologies. Inc. - The Prospect Team visited this Rogers company. They are a auto catalyst refiner with 3 FT and 2 PT employees. He's looking to perhaps huild a 10,000 sq ft metal huilding on a 2-acrc parcel along Fallon Avenue. I Ic would add an additional 3-4 FT workers within 2 years. Wages between $35,000 to $50,000 annually w/o benefits. Looking for funding. c) Barger/I Iarwood - Looking to construct another 15,000 sq ft mctal building behind Vector Tool. This resulted after C. H. Holt Company called my office f'()r the need for anothcr 5,000 sq ft and B&B Metal Stamping need for additional space. Space may also accommodate a St. Cloud and Big Lake company. t) Red Wing Foods - Met with Charlie Pfeffcr. company, stafr and buildcr rclativc to construction of a 50,000 sq t1 precast building on 6 acres of land to the wcst of Twin City Die Castings. Rcd Wing Foods would takc 20,000 sq t1 and thc remaining for lease. Red - 7- . . . HRA Minutes - 2/07/0 I Wing Foods is a packager and distributor of gounnet foods with contacts to Byerly's, Lund's, Target etc. Price of land now $43.560 per acre. Plan to request T1F assistance. g) Old St. Henry's site - Preliminary new eoncept fl1f redevelopment of this site. h) HRA housekeeping - Will notify St. Hens in March of need for evidenee relative to lowlmoderate income and rent levels fiJr the qualified housing district. Next month will present the estimated market values for payable 2001 on the Prairie West redeyelopment area. Plan to write an article in the city newsletter on the success of that and the River Mill project as publiclprivate partnerships. Mississippi Shores reported their annual income and rental level report. Pay-as-you-go payments were mailed for February I. 2001. Attended the Ehler's TIF Seminar on February 1. i) Legislator Alert - Relative to pre-1990 TlF districts. I've written in opposition of the proposed file to League of Minnesota and our representatives. j) Copy of letters to RDI, Aroplax, and news articles. k) Lake Tool - still have not received any money. I) Info provided at the meeting regarding Wright Co Cities interest in doing countywide housing plan, would be specific for the City of Monticello by the MHF A - would cost about $500 per City for a plan - which is broader projects with different resources for affordable housing. The members stated no interest at this time. 13. Conunittee Reports: MCP - Steve Andrews - annual meeting was delayed, no set date at this time. 14. Other Business. None 15. Adiournment. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DARRIN LAIIR AND SECONDED BY STEVE ANDREWS TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 9:45 P.M. Motion carried unanimously. ~;;:?~ \.tRA (~1air ~r~~ -8-