HRA Minutes 04-04-2001 . . . MINUTES ANNUAL MEETING MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, April 4, 2001 - 7:00 p.m. 505 Walnut Street - Brid~e Room Members Present: Chair Darrin Lahr, Vice Chair Dan Frie, Brad Barger and Steve Andrews and Council Liaison Brian Stumpf. Bob Murray Absent: Officers: Treasurer Rick Wolfstcller, Executive Director Ollie Koropchak, and Recorder Lori Kraemer. Guests: Brad Johnson, Lotus Realty Services for EBF Properties, Barry Fluth John Komarek, Cedrus Creek Craftsman, Inc. Mike Cyr, MLC Building & Remodeling, Inc. 1. Call to Order Chair Frie called the meeting to order at 7: 1 0 p.m. 2. Consideration to approve the lIRA minutes of March 7. 200 I. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DAN FRIE AND SECONDED BY BRAD BARGER TO APPROVE THE MINU'rES OF THE MARCH 7, 200] HRA MEETING. Motion carried. 3. Consideration to add or remove items from the agenda. 17 A. Executive Director Koropchak added discussion on the housing study. Koropchak also introduced two representatives from Springsted who wish to be on the liRA agenda in May. 4. Consent Agenda. None 5. Consideration to hear an update from Planning relative to municipal and street parking within the downtown redevelopment area fCCD). .leffO'Neill, Deputy City Administrator, provided information regarding questions the lIRA had of parking in the downtown area, specifically the possible redevelopment of the Amoco site. O'Neill advised that the services of Steve Grittman, Planner Consultant for the City of Monticello, have been retained to address the municipal and street parking concerns within the CCD. Jon Glomski, City Intern, completed a survey of the public parking lots. O'Neill provided the results of the survey with the presentation to the I-IRA, advising that the survey was done during consistent time/days and fcnmd that at most times parking lots were relatively empty and with peak periods, no more then half . . . HRA Minutes - 04/04/01 of the stalls were used, noting a huge capacity of parking available near the Amoco site. Some parking is not the most convenient, but according to Grittman, it is his opinion that there is the capacity for developing the Amoco site and not create a parking problem. Another option fc)r parking would be to take funds from the developer and try to acquire rights to existing private parking areas by setting up joint parking, but even without that there looks to be ample parking space. O'Neill stated that parking does not appear to be a huge issue and details regarding finances still need to be worked out with the developer which would go through the City Council. SAC/WAC fees need to be discussed as well. City Council Liaison Brian Stumpf stated that regarding WAC/SAC fees, unless they are for a public purpose, they will not be waived pointing out the new Waste Water Treatment Plant needing to be paid off through SAC/WAC fees. There was no action required. 6. Continued - Consideration to extend the effective date of the Preliminary Development Agreement with Masters Fifth Avenue. Ine. and to agree to amount ofTIF assistance for Phase I or solicit other developers. Brad Johnson/Barry Fluth, Applicants. Koropchak noted that the members need to extend the preliminary development date if so wished or open it up to others. Also, she asked the members to state whether they were comfortable in giving the developer a level of TI F assistanee. Brad Johnson addressed the members again stating the most important part to any development would be the uses/sources. The largest risk is to the tenant and then the owner. As a developer, they are looking at 11 % to 12% return on cost, and stated they would like to continue working on their process. Regarding the parking, Johnson stated they have the potential to satisfy City requirements on possibly 3 lots which they would purchase and provide hard surfaces, stating they would be working with these owners to obtain the lots. If that did not work they would use the funds that the City would allocate to the developer to pay for parking. Johnson went through the financials once again, stating the gap is $35,000, Amoco being a pay as you go as it would generate enough TIF; as far as the SAC/WAC fees, they would work with the City and also asked if the liRA would like to help out with this stating the amount would be about $50,000 for SAC/WAC. This is above/beyond the dollars a tenant would have to pay. Again Johnson stated they are asking for participation from the I IRA so they can attempt to secure the Amoco site, subject to a Development Agreement and providing funds to the developer. Johnson stated they have been working with a restaurant chain with the building designed to be primarily restaurant/office (3500 sq. ft. of restaurant) and (2200 sq. ft. for olIice). Johnson informed the members that this possible tenant is an Italian style restaurant with the possibility of bringing in approx 1.5million dollars per year. Johnson stated it is an upscale restaurant with a small bar, as well as take out. The owner has successfully operated a restaurant in Minneapolis for the last] 0 years. Johnson stated it is their intent 2 . . . HRA Minutes - 04/04/0 I to go before the Planning Commission possibly in May. Koropehak reminded the memhers of a target date for the HRA to have the Amoco site demolished is hy June. Johnson asked that the lIRA extend their agreement for 2 months and would be looking for a preliminary design to be ready by then. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRAD BARGER AND SECONDED BY STEVE ANDREWS TO EXTEND TIll:: EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMEN'[ AGREEMENT TO JUNE 6, 2001 FOR PHASE I AND AGREED TO A LEVEL OF TIf ASSISTANCE AS FOLLOWS: PA Y-AS-YOU-GO TIf ASSISTANCE IN THE AMOUNT OF THE LESSER OF A) THE COST TO ACQUIRE THE AMOCO SITE AND DEMOLITION OF STRUCTURE, B) NOT-TO-EXCEED $166,800 OR C) THE AMOUNT OF THE "A V AILABI,E TAX INCREMENT" GENERA TED FROM THE PROJECT FOR THE DURATION OF THE LIFE OF THE DISTRICT. SUBJECT TO ACQUISITION AND DEMOLITION Of THE AMOCO SITE PRIOR TO OR ON JUNE 30, 2001 AND EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT FOR PRIV ArE REDEVELOPMENT BETWEEN THE HRA AND MASTERS FIFTH AVENUE, INC. THE UP~FRONT $35,000 SUBJECT TO NEGOTIATION. Motion earried unanimously. 7. Consideration to hear a preliminary design concept for redevelopment of the previous St. IIcnrv's propertv and approve preliminarv concept for use of TIF assistance. Koropchak introduced John Komarek, Cedrus Creek Craftsmans, Inc., who presented to the HRA members a preliminary design concept for redevelopment of the previous St. Henry's property. Komarek is looking for preliminary concept approval for use ofTIf assistance. Koropchak advised that at this stage, if the HRA approves the concept, the concept is then presented to the Council for approval and the level of TIF assistance occurs after execution of the Preliminary Development Agreement and $5,000 deposit. Komarek briefly described his concept plan and its similarity to his previous project at Prairie West, stating the Planning Commissions approval of his concept at their meeting the previous night.. He also stated he has been working with the Land of L,akes Choir on a private, for profit business campus, advising that at this stage it is important to first get all parties involved to agree upon what should happen in this arca. Komarek suggested that Block 28 be developed as a parking space/green space area with possibly a playground, freeing up the block across the street for redevelopment which would drive the TIF district with potentially 22 town houses that could fit in where the current parking lot is. Koropchak provided an aerial photo of the St. Henry's site and stated that redeveloping parking lots qualify for improvements in regard to establishing of redevelopment TlF district. Mark Ruff of Ehlers and Associates reviewed this as well and stated it does qualify for a redevelopment district in regard to the requirements of the 70% and 15% improvement rules. This also assumes the City Building 011icial can determine that more than 50% of the huildings (excluding outbuildings) are structurally 3 . . . HRA Agenda - 4/4/0 I substandard to a degree requiring substantial renovation or clearance. A building is not substandard if it complies with building codes or could be brought up to code at a cost of less than 15% of the cost of a comparable new building on the parcel. This determination must be made by an interior inspection unless access cannot be made to the structure or there is enough evidenee supporting that the building is structurally substandard. Komarek also noted the Planning Commissions concern with traffic patterns. He noted that with the parking lot being shifted north it would improve aeeess, actually giving three accesses into and out of the area. Komerak notes potential of acquiring existing homes as welL Time of aetual project could be 3 to 4 years to completion, adding that they could start moving dirt this fall if all goes well. O'Neill stated that the City will be looking at traffic details, parking, etc. Komarek states the biggest issue would be to get concept approval stating that it would cost approximately $600,000 to $700,000 for cleanup/demolition alone. The HRA members asked Komerak how Land of Lakes fit in to this project and he stated that they would potentially be the primary occupants if they were to participate. He also stated that there is a regional performing arts center looking into this building as well. Koropchak advised that the first thing to do is to define and qualify the boundaries of the Redevelopment District. Based on the estimated market values of the construction of 10 twin homes and 12 quads at $145,000 and $175,000 per unit respectively, the amount of tax increment was estimated. She also advised that these numbers are not cashflow numbers by Ehlers, nor should the HRA commit to a level ofTIF assistance at this time. Based on the project description to provide parking and playground area for the Land of Lakes project outside the proposed TIF district, the less 15% represents the amount of TI which can be spent outside the district. It was also questioned if Komarek had a right of first refusal from St. I Icnry's. Koropchak stated that the proposed project would provide a favorable eeonomic impact to the community, remove substandard struetures, and provide quality housing units. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRAD BARGER AND SECONDED BY DAN FRIE TO APPROVE PRELIMINARY CONCEPT fOR USE OF TIF ASSISTANCE FOR REDEVELOPMENT OF THE PREVIOUS ST. HENRY'S PROPERTY, SUBJECT TO BUILDING OFFICIAL DETERMINATION, AND RECOMMENDED BRINGING THIS CONCEPT FORWARD TO THE CITY COUNCIL. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Consideration of an update and action relative to a portion/whole of Blocks 54 and 64 all located within 'rlF District No. 1-22. Koropchak advised that the closing between the Carlson's and the HRA took plaee on Monday, March 26. Now that the HRA owns the property and the snow will soon disappear, she will contact Rod Dragsten to eomplete the appraisal of the land only as authorized by the HRA some time ago. The purpose of the appraisal is for the public hearing and future sale ofraw land to the City. 4 liRA Agenda - 4/4/01 . liRA GARAGE LEASE Koropchak advised that the HRA had a Garage Lease for 220 Front Street with the Carlson's. The rent was $5 per month and commenced in February 1999 and was extended in January 2000 expiring January 31, 2001. The HRA needs to make a motion to terminate the Lease. The Lease reads "The Authority or the Tenant may terminate the Lease at any time and for any reason, or f()r no reason at all, by providing not less than 30 days notice must be given and the tenant must remove all personal property from the premises within 15 days from the date notice of termination is given." A MOTION WAS MADE BY STEVE ANDREWS AND SECONDED BY DAN fRIE TO TERMINATE THE GARAGE LEASE BETWEEN TI IE liRA AND RICHARD E. CARLSON FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 220 FRONT STREET. THE 30- DAY TERMINATION NOTICE BEING MAY 4,2001 Wrn--I REMOVAL OF ALL PERSON PROPERTY WITHIN 15 OA YS THEREAFTER, OR NOT LA TER THAN MAY 19,2001. Motion earried unanimously. BOSTIC PROPERTY . Koropchak stated that Sandy Bostic had agreed to the counter-offer of the H RA for $109,400 plus prepayment penalty associated with an improvement loan. The penalty was estimated at a little less than $3,000. The Purchase Agreement states a closing date on or befiJre April 30, 200 I. Bostic requested retaining an outdoor shed, appliances, and the whirl-pool, Koropchak advised that she authorized Mr. Helvey to agree to this. It was first thought that if the closing date of April 30, 2001 is doable, the HRA would need to authorize an environmental test for the underground fuel tank which Koropchak would work with the Public Works Director; however, the HRA elected to address the tcsting after acquisition of the property A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRAD BARGER AND SECONDED BY DAN fRIE TO REQUEST A LOAN FROM THE CITY TO ACQUIRE THE PROPERTY AT 8 LOCUST STREET fOR $109,400 AT 6.5% FOR 15 YEARS. Motion carricd unanimously. O'CONNOR PROPERTY Within the counter-offer Purchasc Agreement, the seller had 10 days from date the counter-oiTer was presented to respond. As Mr. O'Connor got married and wcnt on a honeymoon, he obtained the legal scrvices of Attorney John Peterson as he would miss the lO-day notice to respond. Mr. Helvey believes he will accept the otTer. . HANS HAGEN HOMES 5 HRA Agenda - 4/4/01 . Koropchak stated that she and Mark RutT met with Hans Hagen earlier that day in terms of where we were at with acquisition - questioned his interest level, went over the stipulations, and stated Hagen was very interested and would respond back with a preliminary agreement and fees within 10 days. Koropchak asked that at some time the liRA would authorize a request fi)f proposal for demolition, but Hagen stated he is willing to handle that with the HRA paying fiJr it and also knowing this would occur after the I Y" and before July 1 st. The lIRA agreed to have Hans Hagen do the demolition and requcsted Koropchak work with thc Public Works Director to verify compctitive pnces. SCHLIEF HOUSE 3 W ALNUf STREET/HOUSE LEASE Koropchak advised the HRA that on March 29 she made an executive decision to support the HRA' s motion of March 7 to accept the termination of the I louse Lease; however, we agreed to allow the two tenants to remain for one week (must vacate April 7, 20(1) at a cost of $21.66 per day or $151.66 plus utilities per the one-week lease agreement. HRA membcrs supported the executive decision. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS . Koropchak advised that the estimatcs from the City Engineer for replacemcnt of old clay water/sewer lines and street improvements was about $150,000 along Front Street between Walnut and Locust Street. The Mayor agreed with thc pending development of 10 new housing units, the probability ofthe clay pipes cracking upon new installation, and the City's plan to replace the lines within 5 years; it makes more sense to do it now. The Council needs to order a Feasibility Study and a City Assessment Policy needs to be developcd. The Feasibility Study for Front Street will be ordered April 9 hy the Council. DEMOLITION/REMOV AL The HRA needs to consider first if they wish to demolish the Schlief, O'Connor, and Bostic homes or advertise one or all the properties for sale for $1 or anothcr price, with the buyer assuming thc cost of moving. Secondly, ifit's the desire orthe HRA to demolish all the properties and lIRA garage, perhaps it's time to authorize preparation of the request for proposal for demolition. The HRA has on file the form used for demolition of the Hawkins house. It is the opinion of Mr. Helvey who has seen the interior of the homcs that the O'Connor home is the only one worthy ofretaining and moving. The next I-IRA meeting is May 2, 200 I, in which the HRA would authorize going out ft)!' proposals. This becomes quite close to the demolition deadline of Junc 30, 2001. . A MOTION WAS MADE BY DARRIN LAHR AND SECONDED BY STEVE ANDREWS TO AUTHORIZE TilE DEMOLITION OF THE BOSTIC, O'CONNOR, 6 liRA Agenda - 4/4/01 . SCHLIEF AND HRA STRUCTURES. Motion carried unanimously. Scott Douglas, Fire Chief, advised that the Fire Department may he willing to take a few of the houses for practice. 9. Consideration to review the survey of Block 52, hear a preli minary design concept f()r redevelopment ofa portion of Block 52 and approve preliminary concept for use ofTIF assistance or solicit other devclopers. Koropchak provided background information f()f Block 52 redevelopment that the North Anchor had looked at, the time-frame seems to be focusing on Block 52, as well as 64 and 54. At the March meeting, the HRA ratified the ordering of a survey for Block 52 at a cost of hetween $3,000 to $4,500 by Taylor Land Surveyors. Koropchak advised that the survey would need to be updated as elevations could not be completed due to snow, and also advising that the reason for ordering the survey was to identify property boundaries. The members were informed that Lahr and Koropchak had a meeting scheduled with Steve Johnson, property owner on Block 52, on March 9. Several property owners attended the March HRA meeting relative to concerns associated with replacement of the public parking lot which was assessed to them. . MIKE CYR Mike Cyr presented a concept for development of the public parking site with a 6,000 sq ft office huilding and future upgrade to the Kjellherg building. The structure included a second-noor office with underground parking/retail along River Street. The project has an owner and two tenants. The I IRA encouraged Cyr to continue work on his project. Koropchak stated that upon hearing the March concept for development of the public parking lot parccls only, Mr. Cyr was informed that to qualify for use ofTIF assistance, the project needs to include demolition (redevelopment). At least 90% of the increment must be used to finance the cost of correcting conditions that allow designation of redevelopment districts. This was the reason why III' assistance was not used f(w Sunny Fresh, Grimsmo Funeral Chapel, Lotus Mall, and proposed the proposed Town Centre. If the Kjellberg and/or Springhorg structure are included, we can qualify the project for TIF assistance. . Cyr advised on the parking stating there would be 10 parking spots in the huilding for owners only, and advising that the revitalization plan allows f()r street parking to be counted as well. Mike stated he was looking f()r a consensus that the concept is viahle and the HRA is willing to work with them to redevelop. He has spoken to the majority of property owners on this block, and stated that Springborg is willing to work with him, but Kjellberg was not interested. Froslie is willing to sell as well, but with this project there is no need for that space at this time; Johnson stated interest but in a larger capacity, possihly forming a limited partnership and acquiring all buildings, then leasing back to the owners. Cyr states that this is not his plan for this project, he already has owners that would occupy at least 1/3 of this building. Cyr also stated it would not generate peak 7 HRA Agenda - 4/4/01 . parking demands, it would be spread out and available after hours and weekends. Cyr again advised that this fits into the redevelopment plan. Pat Sawatzke, resident and adjacent business owner to this proposed project, stated his objection to this project with concerns that the property is a public parking lot, funded by adjacent businesses and was built to support adjacent parking for these businesses. He is concerned with future businesses that would need more parking. lie noted the possibility of the sale of the existing "mini mall" and turning into office space which would generate more parking needs. Sawatzke felt that by allowing only one property to develop, it takes away other business's ability to develop. Would like to see HRA look further into this before making a decision. Kjellberg had a concern regarding opening up Walnut St for park user parking, but it was noted that it does not seem to be a concern of the City at this point. . Koropchak noted that LahrlSteve Johnson met regarding redevelopment in the area, noting his support of a global use of this block with all buildings involved. Lahr stated a more global development involving all owners and the City would be ideal, but Cyr stated again that this is the City's redevelopment plan and he has tenants and owners interested. On the global standpoint, the existing owners have only to ofTer what they have as a building, not capable of getting higher rents on their existing buildings. Dan Frie asked if Cyr' s project would work in another area such as Johnson's and Cyr stated no as there would be no river view, and that the proposed condos would be on the top f100r and could not be top f100r wherc Johnson's site is. Lahr, Johnson, and Koropchak met with the President/CEO of First National Bank of Elk River on Tuesday, March 27 upon the suggestion of Stevc Johnson. It appears the Bank has an interest in Monticello but at this time, no commitments for major investments. Cyr was going to meet with Steve Johnson on Thursday, March 29. Cyr expressed some interest ofa tenant for corner of Pine and Broadway. Shared parking was again brought up and Cyr stated that is the concept with his project. Mr. Pat 0' Donnell spoke to the members as well, stating that it has not been established that the view of the river would be blocked by this project, parking would be provided not taken away, and this is just an idea at this point and issues can be worked out. Lahr asked Koropchak if building on an empty lot would qualify for redevelopment and she stated that buildings would have to be acquired and demolished as well. . Rick Wolfsteller stated that the public parking lot was built in 1974, one of approximately 3 or 4; most of the property had to be acquired by the City, costs were assessed back to property owners in a 6 block area, and he doesn't believe that the individual property owners own this as it is a public lot. He also stated that he checked with the City Attorney, and on his opinion unless there was something on the deed noting it is parking lot only, improvement costs arc assessed to owners for a certain number of years. Wolfstellcr also added that the same formula for parking at this time is not what it was back in 1974. Bottom line would be to find out ifit's up to the City what happens with 8 . . . HRA Agenda - 4/4/0 I this parking and are waiting for opinion of the City Attorney. Koropchak reminded members of their time frame for TI F as well, and stated that if interested in keeping this project on line, they would need to go to the Council. They also stated that perhaps they should direct thc City Planner to look at parking /design, making sure it works for current owners as well as new projects. Lahr asked if it was necessary to approve the preliminary design concept at this time and Koropchak stated the HRA eould table. Frie also stated his opinion on Mike's concept noting that there is interest in the North Anchor and this fits the plan, although it sees to fall short in two areas and maybe should encompass a larger area, going fwiher into the North Anchor. They stated this was a window of opportunity for redevelopment, being the TIF district around the downtown area has a limited life (June, 2002) and aftcr that time TIF dollars cannot be used. Barger stated this seems to fit the plan that Hoisington previous did as well, and feels like the developer is willing to work with others, working with the whole block could be an issue regarding time frame, and he agrecs to moving forward on the concept. Steve Andrews states time line is an issue but doesn't want that to be the reason for pushing forward. Barger asked if Cyr could purchase the property on options with the existing owners far future development and he stated it could bc a possibility. Window A MOTION WAS MADE BY STEVE ANDREWS AND SECONDED BY DAN FRIE TO TA8LE ANY ACTION UNTIL TllE SPECIAL MEETING WITII TilE liRA AND CITY COUNCIL ON APRIL 25, 2001 AT 6:30 PM. REQUESTED T1-IE CITY PLANNER ADDRESS THE PARKING ISSUE, SPECIfICALLY TO QUANTIFY THE PARKING IN THAT AREA. A DETAILED FORMAT FOR TilE SPECIAL MEETING SIIOULD BE DESIGNED AND THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS SI-IOULD BE INCLUDED IN THE DISCUSSIONS. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consideration to adopt a rcsolution requestin~ the City Council of the Citv of Monticello call for a public hcaring on the modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticcllo Redcvelopment Project No. I and establishment of the TI F Plan for TIF District No. 1-28. Koropchak advised that at the March 7 HRA mecting, the commissioners authorized entering into a Preliminary Development Agreement with Integrated Recycling Technologies, Inc. (IRTI) subject to council preliminary concept approval, lender commitment, and confirmation ofTIF Cashtlow runs by Ehlers. The Council approved the preliminary concept far use ofTlF and the $9,000 up-front LGA match on March 12, 2001. Steve Budd executed the Preliminary Agreement and deposited the $5,000 fee. Thereafter, Ehlers was contacted to begin preparation of the TlF District. 9 HRA Agenda - 4/4/01 . The HRA is requested to adopt requesting the City Council call for a public hearing date of May 21, 200 I. This allows time for the 30-day notiee for comment from the other taxing jurisdictions. A MOTION WAS MADE BY STEVE ANDREWS AND SECONDED BY BRAD BARGER TO ADOP'r A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF MONTICELLO CALL FOR A PUBLIC IIEARING ON TIlE MODIFICATION TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1 AND ESTABLISflMENT OF THE TIF PLAN fOR TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-28. Motion carried unanimously. 11. Consideration to approve the Certificate of Completion tl..1[ the Twin Citv Die Castings Company. Koropchak advised that the Certifieate of Completion is associated with the Private Development Contract between thc HRA, City, and Twin City Die Castings Company (TCDC). Initially the construction completion date for Phase I was June 1,2000. The completion date within the Contract was amended three times for a completion date of April 1,2001. . Koropchak provided a copy of a Temporary-Partial Certificate of Occupancy dated March 12,2001, from the Building Department. A permanent Certificate of Occupancy is to occur on or prior to May I, 2001, one month later than completion date within the Contract. Currently the company employs 14 of the of the committed 85 employees and operates as an aluminum facility not a magnesium faeility. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRAD BARGER AND SECONDED BY DAN FRIE TO APPROVE THE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION FOR TWIN CITY DIE CASTINGS COMPANY AS PER THE TEMPORARY-PARTIAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. Motion carried unanimously. 12. Consideration to approve the election of 11 RA o11icers for 2001 and approve thc appointmcnt of commissioners to committees. Koropchak advised that in accordance with the HRA Bylaws, the chair and vice-chair shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Board of Commissioners from among the Commissioners of the Authority and shall hold office for one year or until their successors are elected and qualified. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be appointed at the annual meeting of the Board of Commissioners hy the Commissioners. . At the annual meeting in 1998, the eommissioners discussed available time to volunteer and agreed to rotate the HRA otlicers among the commissioners suggesting the Vice- Chair move up to Chair. So being, the Vice Chair for 2000 was Dan Frie, therefore, 10 . lIRA Agenda - 4/4/01 Dan's name moves up to Chair for 2001. J n conversation with Dan, he prefers the election of the Chair be opened for discussion. The next in-line f(Jr Chair or Vice Chair is Brad Barger. Following is a list of names of the previous liRA Chairs and year served: Lahr Murray Andrews Barger 2000 1999 1998 1997 Rick Wolfsteller serves as the Secretary-Treasurer and delegates the recording of minutes to Lori Kraemer. Koropchak is employed as the I:xecutive Director. COMMITTEES . The HRA, annually or as need be, appoints a commissioner(s) to various committees. The only committee with By-Laws is the MCP, the others are established for a specific research or purpose. The MCP Bylaws read the various city commissions annuaIIy appoint their representative to the MCP Board of Directors. Lcngth of term is three ycars. Steve Andrews was appointed a three.year term in February 1998 following Al Larson's resignation; therefore, Andrews three-year term is up February 2001. Current committees and appointees: Steve Andrews - MCP Community Center Small Group - Bob Murray Marketing - Darrin Lahr/Brad Barger A MOTION WAS MADE BY STEVE ANDREWS AND SECONDED BY DARRIN LAHR TO NOMINATE AND ELECT DAN FRIE AS CHAIR AND BRAD BARGER AS VICE CHAIR ON THE HRA FOR YEAR 2001, AND APPROVE THE APPOINTMENT OF RICK WOLFSTELLER AS SECRETARY-TREASURER FOR 2001. Motion carried unanimously. Steve Andrews expressed interest on being on the Community Center Advisory Board. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DARRIN LAHR AND SECONDED BY BRAD BARGER TO APPROVE THE APPOINTMENT OF 'nlE FOLLOWING COMMISSIONERS: . Rob Murray Steve Andrews Brad Rarger MCP Community Center Advisory Board Marketing II . . . liRA Agenda - 4/4/0 I Andrews' appointment subject to verification of the ordinance establishing the Community Center Advisory Board (previously the Community Center Small Group). Motion carried unanimously. 13. Consideration to review and adopt the year-end financial reports for the II RA General Fund and TI F Fund. Rick Wolfsteller, Treasurer for the HRA, reported the 2001 year-end financial reports for the liRA General Fund and TIF Fund. Wolfstcller noted that $299,395 is in the general fund, non-restricted dollars, and that half of this money has been spoken for, but not expended at this time. Koropchak noted that the HRA is to shut down several of the districts. District 6 has increment and River Mill was dccertified, this should be paid back to the County. Standard Iron building up a reserve and may retire early to reduce City LGA penalty. A MOTION WAS MADE BY STEVE ANDREWS AND SECONDED BY DAN FRIE TO ACCEPT THE YEAR END REPORT AS SUBMITTED. Motion carried unanimously. 14. Consideration to authorize payment of thc monthlv HRA bills. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DAN FRIE AND SECONDED BY STEVE ANDREWS TO AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF TilE MONTHLY liRA BILLS. Motion carried unanimously. 15. Consideration of Executive Director's Report. * Koropehak provided a letter sent to H- Window, certified, stating that the HRA is not obligated to pay any further. *IDC will visit TCDC in April. Jobs/wages to report were available today and wages all there. * S 1. Ben's stated in August they wi II get reim bursement; one thing sti Il needed from them is a rcport on rcsidents regarding independent residents, a year from time of occupancy. *Scattered Housing - waiting for grant award - April 26. *Wolfsteller/O'NeiIllKoropchak are working with Chadwick, presented counter oIler, it is in thcir hands at this time. Wolfsteller also stated he does not feci they are close at this time. *Ryan Companies met Koropchak and are looking at industrial properties in communities that would put in larger businesses, could generate larger taxes. * I lousing Plan - Heidi Peper is looking to do housing plan for Wright Co., study would include vacancies, rental rates, ctc. Would be a time commitment on City's part as they 12 . . . I-IRA Agenda ~ 4/4/0 I would coordinate and advertise community meetings. $500 fee. *The BRA authorize the City's participation in this housing study for the $500 fee. 16. Committee Reports: No reports 17. Other Business. None 18. Adjournment. Meeting was adjourned at 10 pm. (j}aJ /~ HRA Chair ~ ~er 13