HRA Minutes 05-02-2001 . . . MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, May 2, 2001 - 7:00 p.m. 505 Walnut Street - Bridge Room Members Present: Chair Dan frie, Steve Andrews, Bob Murray and Council Liaison Brian Stumpf Members Absent: V ice Chair Brad Barger and Darrin Lahr Otlieers: Executive Director Ollie Koropchak and Recorder Lori Kraemer. Guests: Mike Cyr, MLC Building & Remodeling, Inc. 1. Call to Order. Chair Dan frie called the meeting to order at 7 pm. ') '-. Consideration to approve the HRA minutes of April 4. 2001. It was notcd thc motion of April 4 to appoint Stcvc Andrcws to the Monticello Community Center Advisory Board was subject to research of the ordinance establishing the Hoard. In doing the research, the ordinance established reads: Hoard members are appointed for three-year staggered terms. Bob Murray was appointed by the Council for a term ending December 2003. Also, the ordinance does not specify that a MCC member must be representative of the HRA. Therefore, A MOTION WAS MADE BY STEVE ANDREWS TO AMEND AND APPROVE THE MINUTES Of THE HRA MEETING OF APRIL 4.2001 TO READ: liRA COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS AS MCP - STEVE ANDREWS AND MARKETING COMMITTEE - BRAD BARGER. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY DAN FRIE. Motion carried with Bob Murray Abstaining. 3. Consideration to add or remove items from the agenda. Koropchak advised that Rich Cline was present to approach the HRA members regarding the house at 21 g Front Street. This was placed with \tenl 5 on thc agenda. 4. Consent Agenda. A. Consideration to approve the Certificate of Completion for Cedrus Creek Craftsman, Inc. . . . HRA Minutes - 05/02/0 I A MOTION WAS MADE BY STEVE ANDREWS AND SECONDED BY BOB MURRAY TO APPROVE THE CERTlnCA TE OF COMPLETION OF THE CONTRACT FOR PRIVATE REDEVELOPMENT HETWEEN THE liRA AND CEDRUS CREEK CRAFTSMAN, INC. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Consideration of update and action relative to a portion/whole of Blocks 54 and 64 all located within TI F District No. 1-22. · Ollie Koropchak, Executive Director. updated the members regarding the Prcliminary Development Contract which has been executed by Hans Hagen and noted that the $5,000 deposit fee was submitted. A project description was provided. WSH, Inc. has provided information relative to street elevations as requested. · Koropehak stated that the HRA did close on the Bostic property on Monday, Apri I 30, 200 I. llowever. to obtain legal or clear title, it is necessary to go through quiet title action. It appears we can get on the court calendar and still demolish after June 15. 200 I, and the seller is responsible f()r clear title. Public Works requested to check out undcrground fuel tank, 48-hour noticc of authorization obtained. Koropchak advised that they did do the testing and it appears to he okay. . Koropchak advised that they have not obtained a signed purchases agreement on the O'Connor property at this time. but a target date to close is set for May 31, 200 I, and the attorney has ordered thc abstract updated. Koropchak added that they arc hoping to reach an agreement but have not yct heard back ti-om Mr. O'Connor regarding his husiness (evidence of income tax). We received a counter-oiTer from O'Connor via his attorney rcquesting to remain in house another year, relocation benefits for his business, to move the house, and other items. Response: Planned closing date and possession date, May 31. 2001; business relocation compensation negotiated upon evidence of business income tax filed; and no to moving the house. Other minor adjustments made to the purchase agreement. Purchase price $130,352. . Rich Cline, City Public Works employce, inquired as to the possibility of acquiring and moving the O'Connor house to restore and fix-up. Koropchak advised the members that she and Chair Frie had previously made an executive decision to reaffirm the I-I RA' s direction to allow the iire department to use homes for test burn. The J IRA must kecp in mind the ohjectivc of a rcdevelopment district is to remove substandard structures, not move substandard structures. 2 HRA Minutes - 05/02/01 . Rich Cline approached the liRA members to reconsider their decision and stated that he had worked diligently to work on plans to get the house moved, had spoken to a mover who stated he would need 3 days to move the house, had gotten some estimated costs, and had initially wanted to bring a letter from his bank stating he has sufficient finances to acquire and move this house, but time did not permit this. He also stated he had spoken to a member of the Fire Department regarding their request to test burn all three houses and was advised that it would be acceptable to them to get two of the three houses. He also stated he felt this house was structurally sound enough to warrant moving. . Frie asked where Cline would propose to move the house to and he stated that it is not his intention to move it to another location in Monticello just to create another blight and also noting he has not found a lot in Monticello at this point but had been looking at possibly moving it to Clearwater, although he stated he would like to keep it in town and his intentions are to fix it up so it is not a blight. Frie stated that this had been discussed at the previous meeting and that they felt they didn't want to move the house due to a time line as well. Koropchak also provided inf()rmation from the owner's attorney asking to allow the O'Connor's to rent the house after the closing date, but also noting they did realize the City was not willing to do this. Koropchak stated the Attorney's question was what is the City's intent of the house, stating the client's intent would be to moving the house to another property if the City would not be razing it. It was discussed that the liRA would have to advertise the house for sale if they so chose to which would involve a public hearing, and this would still have to be done by June 30, if at all possible. If the BRA's interest is still having the Fire Department test burn, the Building Oi1icial stated this may not be a good location due to the number oflarge trees and the need to preserve them. Murray asked Cline if he had determined the costs to bring the house up to code and he stated he had, and also that he does most of his own work. Again Cline stated that if there was a chance in moving the house out of there he would like to have a chance at doing so. Cline noted some savings in him moving the house rather than the City, noting the need to getting rid of all the debris if it cannot be burned. Koropchak's concern is that the O'Connor's had asked the same question and she had told them no. Brian Stumpf stated he was a little afraid of them going back to the Attorney at this time without the purchase agreement signed. The mcmbers felt it was prcmature to make a decision of this kind at this time. Frie stated the HRA could not act on this without a purchase agreement, stating the IIRA' s goal of . 3 HRA Minutes - 05/02/0 I . redevelopment, not buying and selling homes. Frie addcd that thc HRA may be able to look at this again at a later date. Murray stated that if this structure were to be made livable, it would be less expensive to renovate the house vcrsus building new. He also asked how long it would take to come to an agrcement with the O'Connor's and Koropchak advised they do not know at this time. Koropchak also stated that the Building 0t11cial had stated that the structure was substandard and therefore qualified for TIF assistance. Again, they stated that the house is structurally sound. The HRA asked Cline ifhe would be able to move on this in a short period of time ifit was the decision of the HRA to allow the house to be moved, and he felt he could, stating he would do what he could. Steve Andrews stated that Cline may be bidding against others at a public hearing, no guarantees, and he stated he understood that and was still interested. It was advised that this will be looked at again next month at the HRA's June meeting. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BOB MURRAY AND SECONDED BY STEVE ANDREWS TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION REQUESTING A LOAN FROM 'THE CITY TO ACQUIRE THE 218 FRONT STREET PROPERTY. Motion carried unanimously. . . Koropehak advised that she had talked with Larry Schlief about the lIRA's plan to pay-off the Contract for Deed for the property located at 3 Walnut Street. Assuming the BRA has a signed Purchase Agreement on the O'Connor property, the remaining principal balance as of August 2000 which is $61,619.43 would need to be paid. Public Works requested to cheek property after tenants left. The Public Works Department wants the garage as they re-roofed it, and also requestcd the furnace and water heater for Public Work's use as thcy are fairly new. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BOB MURRA Y AND SECONDED BY STEVE ANDREWS TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION REQUESTING A LOAN FROM TilE CITY 'TO PAY OFF THE CONTRACT FOR DEED ON THE 3 WALNUT STREET PROPERTY. Motion carricd unanimously. Koropchak stated she wi II put this item on the City Council agenda for May 14, 200 I. . Koropchak authorized Rod Dragsten to complete an appraisal of the raw land only on the Carlson property. This to establish a selling price of the raw land in anticipation of selling the land to the City in 2002. . 4 . . HRA Minutes - 05/02/01 . The feasibility Study authorized by the City Council for replacement of the water/sewer Jines and strect was acceptcd by the Council on April 23. However, the Council did not call for plans and specs as this as it may be prcmature without a signed Purchase Agreement on the O'Connor property. However, it appears staff may now view this as a development improvement and not a rcplacement improvement which means a differcnt assessmcnt policy. Cost $146,193.35 including 10 lot extensions. . Per Hans Hagen's project description it appears hc's looking for the HRA to demolish and this needs to be worked on. Timing with Fire Department is critical. Koropchak advised that generally the City does not provide building pads but a clean site. She notcd that Hagen is looking to the City to the demolitions and Koropchak has moved forward on drawing up the requests for proposals. This assumes demolishing the structures, not burning. Steve Andrews asked if this was indeed helping thc Fire Department by giving them these houses for burning and he stated absolutely. They again discussed the trees there and if they could be saved, Scott Douglas would have to look at this. Koropchak asked if the fire Department would be okay with I or 2, and he stated yes. They also discusscd asbestos and he stated that is worked out through Anoka Tech. Dan frie stated that the trees may be dcstroyed anyway when town houses arc put in but Koropchak stated that the trces near the apartment site would be saved as f~\r as she knew. She also said they would need c1canup after a burn as well and then request for proposal may need to be revised. Can address this at the June meeting. 6. Consideration to summarize the direction of Citv Council for redevelopment of Block 52 and outline plan to proceed. . Koropchak noted that Jeff O'Neill had taken the minutes at that meeting and are not available at this time. She also thanked Dan fire and Steve Grittman for keeping the meeting on focus. The workshop provided a good exchange of information and discussion between key playcrs: property owners, potential developers, TI F counsel, planning, Council, and liRA. Summary of direction to liRA from Council: "Work with interested property owners. Not interested in condemnation. Appears good start. Procced with part or all of Block 52 as long range. Fvaluate progress at end of year for need to pursue Lcgislative extension.", meaning that Stevc Bubul had advised htat thcre are other communities that are in the same situation, not able to spend the II F dollars in that time frame & had gone to the I.egislature for an extension and Bubul felt it was a 50/50 chance. 5 . . . HRA Minutes - 05/02/01 Mayor - Not interested in reducing parking space. Go ahead with redevelopment. Mixed use of retail, office and housing OK. Herbst ~ Start with interested seller I ike Johnson. No reduction in parking. Stumpf - l:xplore all of Block 52. Not interested in eondemnation. Carlson - Agrees perhaps the useful life of the building are at end. Northwest corner parking lot not convenient loeation as a parking lot today. An improved plan for the use of the over~all existing public parking should be considered. Move forward. Parking was the big issue, in all likelihood anything done in that area would need extended property. His impression is that the city eouneil wants them to work with owners in that area who may be interested in redevelopment. Their feeling is that wc would use TIF for a start up but not neeessarily for all of it, to get a projeet going and thcn maybe private redevelopmcnt take over from there. Stumpf stated that maybe the cxisting owners have an idea of what they'd likc to see done in thc future with their property. Koropchak proceeded in calling property owncrs (some), left voice mails with scveraL no calls back yet, have arranged a meeting with the proposed project and some of the owners, have a party of who is interestcd in this project, what is owners flexibility in location and how they fit in/options. Frie stated that possibly at the next monthly mccting they would have more information. Pat Sawatzke, business owner, asked what the process is to get on the agenda and prescnt a project to the HRA. It was noted to Sawatzke by Dan frie that Koropchak had only contacted people on Block 52 at this point, some others have also stated thcy would like to discuss options. Frie stated questions that would bc asked such as what the property owner's interest is, are they willing to participate and would they like to meet. Sawatzkc states that possibly some private development would occur as a result of these meetings. He also appreciatcd that the members wcre listening to their concerns. Koropchak providcd an outline of the plan to proceed as follows: Who's in and who's out? ]. Fric and Koropchak to talk with interested party owners: Poirier, Johnson, and Heaton. 2. Call Barney Gustafson for meeting of interest. 3. Call others Kjellberg, Springborg, and Froslie. 4. Inter-gradc Cyr project. 7. Consideration to discuss advantages and disadvantagcs of merging the EDA and HRA. At a previous BRA meeting, the Executive Director's report indicated the Economic Development Goals for 2001 included thc City of Monticello to explorc combining the 6 HRA Minutes - 05/02/01 . powers of the HRA and EDA. The commissioners were asked at that time to give some thought about the idea for discussion at a later meeting. The EDA discussed the items at their annual meeting of April 24, 2001. A report oftheir discussion was presented. The following are advantages and disadvantages discussed by staff. Advantages Disadvantages Simplicity (one stop for developer.) Improves communication with Council assuming EDA would prevail. One less meeting for statIo EDA expand powers for development. Hopefully improves attendance. Less public participation. II RA has power to levy. Reduces checks and balances as was original reason. 1'IF more complex. Koropchak noted that she had spoken with Jeff O'Neill as staff. She advised that the EDA can own and rent, EDA can levy, but the HRA has more independence. She also noted the HRA is more complex, harder to understand. . EDA felt the meetings would get too long, even though it would cut the number of meetings down; discussed to improve attendance may change meeting time to 2 pm or 4 pm, asked Rick Wolfsteller to look into background of what was previously discusscd regarding a merge. Decision maker would be the Council. Dan frie stated hc felt the city council should do whatever they want, he has no feelings either way. Koropchak stated it may not just be what the individuals feel, but how does this all work, legal, mechanical. Frie also stated long agendas (my not make good decisions if meetings get too long). Murray asked why the I-IRA couldn't approach thc EDA by offering them properties thc lIRA fecls intcrested in, he also stated that if this was not for the same functions, they should not be combined. Koropchak advised of all the ditIerences. EDA was cstablished for setting up industrial loans, but from MN Statutes point, thcir powers can be greater. Steve Andrews qucstioned where thc push to merge was coming from. Koropchak advised that it came from when sitting down cach year and looking at the roles of the HRA and EDA with Jeff O'Ncill who had brought this matter up and felt it necded to be rescarched. O'Neill also had had some discussions with the previous chair and it rnay have come as a suggestion from him as well. Andrews stated this was talked about previously, but that it camc back now and he doesn't understand why. Koropchak advised that she necdcd commcnts showing she has cxplored and rescarched this matter to bring back to O'Nci11. Frie stated hc was willing to absorb the EDA, but Murray adviscd the length of the meetings again. Murray also asked if wc are duplicating efforts . 7 . . . HRA Minutes - 05/02/0 I and Koropchak stated no stating that the lIRA does TIF and redevelopment, the EDA handles industrial loans. Murray states if we are not duplicating any elTorts, we should keep them separate. Andrews states he does not want to have this item come back again and again, stating he is not interested, nor was anyone else. 8. Consideration to authorize payment of the monthly HRA bills. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BOB MURRAY AND SECONDED BY STEVE ANDREWS TO PAYMENT OF THE MONTHLY HRA BILLS. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Consideration of Executive Director's Report. Amoco site - Brad meeting with restaurant owner on Tuesday. Bjorklund selling price $170,000. Council accepted preliminary concept f()f use of l' IF. WAC/SAC to be assessed and parking yet to be addressed. Koropchak advised that this was brought up to the council, Brian Stumpf was upset that the WAC/SAC and parking had not been resolved. Getting closer. Also, John Simola stated someone had been doing some testing there. St. llenry's - Preliminary concept for use ofTIF accepted. Concerned about amount of TI F and number of years. (Number ofTIF District in City). Komarek working with St. Henry's. Council has concerns about this to keep a watch on the amount ofTIF we are doing, number of districts, feeling is that we arc getting quite a few TIF districts. Scattered Housing Grant - Word has been received that the Monticello application for a $500,000 grant from the MHf A was not awarded to Monticello. The intent is to re- submit the application at the next round of appl ications. She spoke with Shari who stated there were lots of applicants, basically ran out of moncy, she said we may do this fi:Jr first time home buyers and that if we would have stated that, it may have been a stronger application. Next round is in July, Shari has concerns about construction season, would definitely come back to the lIRA bef()J"e resubmitting. Small Machine Shop out of Eden Prairie - Three employees at $20 per hour without benefits. Looking to construct 8,000 to 10,000 sq ft metal/wood frame structure. Referred him to Lake Tool for land acquisition. Did not market "fIF, only loan program. They have 3 lots in the second addition, but heard that they may have sold one of them. St. Hens - St. Hens submitted the necessary infi:mnation as evidence for this TI F 110using District to rcmain a "Qualificd Housing District." This means there is no LOA Penalty or Local Match for the City. The 60-unit indcpendent facility has 39 units occupied with 24 8 . . . lIRA Minutes - 05/02/01 of those units meet the income and rent levels necessary for a qualified housing district. IRTI - Decision on Icnder not made. Final and preliminary plat on Council agcnda June 11,2001. Waiting on submission ofTIF Plan to Wright until further moved along. Frcedom Devclopment, Inc. - David Bell called and requested to be on the May HRA agenda f(}!" acquisition and TIF assistance for development of the Country Club Manor property. As you will recall, a few years ago he and David Hornig presented proposals to the City Council for development. This in response to the City's request f()r proposals. Bell requestcd TIF and Hornig did not. Neither project proceeded. Mr. Bell's current idea is to construct 75 - 80 owner-occupied market rate and affordable townhomes. Selling price $115,000-$120,000 for affordable units. At City site review, Administrator Wolfsteller indicated he had received two other telephone calls from developers interested in acquiring the property. At this point, no mention ofTIF. Mr. Bell was informed that Mr. Wolfsteller will request the City Council to authorize again going out for request f()r proposals. This scheduled for the May 14 Council meeting; therefore, it is premature for Mr. Bell to attend the HRA meeting. Given the Council's concern relative to the number ofTIF Districts, the HRA authorized a Housing Plan, and the interest of developers in the property; TIF may not bc the answer. Technically the HRA owns the property; however, previous I-lRA commissioners authorized the Council to manage and benefit from the property. Market rate affordable townhouses. 10. Committee Reports: MCP - Steve Andrews: Nothing to report MCC - Bob Murray: Things are going very well. Marketing is meeting this Friday per Koropchak; she also noted she had been to Big Lake earlier that day and they had asked for insight regarding downtown redevelopment. 11. Othcr Business. None 12. Adiournment. A MOTION WAS MADE BY STEVE ANDREWS AND SECONDED BY HOB MURRA Y TO ADJOURN THAT MEETING AT 8 PM. Motion carried unanimously. 9~if~_ HRA Chair a 9