HRA Minutes 11-14-2001 . . . MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, November 14, 2001 - Meeting - 7:00 p.m. Workshop - 8:15 p.m. 505 Walnut Street - Bridge Room Commissioners: Chair Dan Frie, Vice Chair Brad Harger, Steve Andrews, Darrin Lahr, Bob Murray and Council Liaison Brian Stumpf Staff: Rick Wolfsteller, Ollie Koropchak, Jeff O'Neill and Lori Kraemer Guests: Jim McComb, McComb Group, Ltd; Steve Johnson, and Susie Wojehouski, Chamber Director Mike Cyr, MLC Building & Remodeling Mark Ruff, Ehlers & Associates, Inc. 1. Call to Order. ACTING (:IIAIR BRAD BARGER CALLED THE MEETING TO ORDER AT 7 PM. Chair Frie arrived shortly thereafter. 2. Consideration to approve the September 5, 2001 HRA minutes. A MOTION WAS MADE I3Y DARRIN LAIIR TO APPROVE TIlE MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 5. 2001 lIRA MEETING. BRAD I3ARGER SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consideration of addin!.! or removing items from the agenda. None 4. Consent A!.!enda. N/A 5. Consideration to approve endorsement and/or financial support flJr a Commercial Market Analysis and Development Potential Evaluation/McComb Group Ltd. Ollie Koropchak provided the staff report advising that some time ago she, Darrin Lahr and Steve Johnson met with First National Bank of Elk River to discuss interest in redevelopment of a portion of Block 52. Koropchak asked the II RA members to determine if they felt a market study was necessary for the sake of Block 52. or do we contact suggested developers to solicit bids based on a determined mixed-use and boundary'? Koropchak provided a summary of the 1996 market study conducted by Maxfield as part . liRA Minutes- 11/14/01 of the Hoisington Study, or the Downtown Revital ization Plan, advising that the II RA paid $RO,OOO for the I Ioisington Study. The MCP were the managers/administers of the Downtown Revitalization Plan and the HRA and EDA Commissioners provided the financial tools to carry out the redevelopment and development activities. The MCP conducted a second market study which Koropchak provided. Also provided was a draft copy of the Monticello Commercial Market Analysis and Development Potential Evaluation as prepared by McComb. Jim McComb was contacted by Steve Johnson and had previously met with Susie Wojouchski and Jeff O'Neill. Koropehak stated it was her understanding the Chamber Board endorsed the concept only. Some I DC mem bers felt commercial is driven by population and others stated the attached analysis was not about roof-tops but addressed whether the City was prepared fl1r commercial development. The IDC suggested the I-IRA and Planning Commission address the analysis. . The I IRA is being asked to endorse and/or to contribute financial support after determining the f(Jllowing: I. Does the analysis apply to the role of the HRA: rcdevelopment housing, and economic development? 2. Ilow does this study differ from thc Hoisington market study? Is the 1996 study outdated? 3. Will the analysis be useful to the l-IRA or City? Or will it be placed on the shel1'1 4. Is the cost negotiable? Steve Johnson addressed the HRA members and provided a brief summary of the reason l<Jr inviting Mr. McCombs to give a presentation. Jim McComb of the McComb Group addressed the lIRA providing a comparison to the Maxfield Research Group study that was done for Monticello 5 years ago. MeComb stated their firm would define the trade area and include that in the study and that they would also be looking at surrounding communities and obtaining their comprehensive plans 1<.11' inclusion in the study. The members asked McComb why the cost would be higher than the cost of the study for St. Michael and he stated that this study would be more involved. I-Ie stated the estimated fee for phase 1 would be $26,700, but that if the merchant survey could be done by someone other than their finn, the cost would be deducted from the study. lIe stated having someone else complete the merchant study not only saves money but also time. Phase 2 is estimated at $12,225. He stated the analysis for S1. Michael took approximately 3 months to complete and that approximately I month's time is to get the surveys out and processed. . Jeff ()"Neill stated that the City is in the process of updating the comprehensive plan and they are looking at a particular I-I zoned parcel that may be good for commercial. Jeff asked how this information would help shape the City's comp plan. McCombs stated that once the City understands square footages available, they can convert the building areas to land areas. 2 . . . HRA Minutes - 11/14/01 The liRA asked Susie Wojchouski if the Chamber would have monies available for funding this study and she stated that was not likely but that she would approach the Chamber Board at their next meeting for their input. She also stated that the Chamber's concerns are that once the study is completed will it be put to use. Rick WolfstcIler asked what St. Michael's intended use oftheir plan was and McComb stated it was for development and that the City ordered the study under the recommendation by it's planner. Brad Barger asked Brian Stumpf if it would be a good idea to bring this to the City Council and Stumpf stated to include the Planning Commission and HRA as well. Bob Murray stated he felt the City needs this type of study. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DARRIN LAHR TO TABLE THE ITEM AND DISCUSS IT AT THE WORKSlIOP FOLLOWING TilE MEETING. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY STEVE ANDREWS. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consideration to approve requested amount of TIF and reduction of initial deposit associated with the approved preliminary concept for establishment of a Housing: District. Mike Cyr. Applicant. Koropchak provided a briefreport advising the HRA of the City Council's decision from their 11/13/0 I meeting. Mike advised that he is not clear on the workings of up-front assistance. Koropchak stated if the H RA did pay-as-you-go, thc developer would have to seek private financing. Mark Ruff advised that Cyr would also accrue interest which may be enough but Cyr woulcl have to check into this. Dan frie asked what percentage of his buyers from his current project are at the median income stated in the report and Cyr stated none, that these are older people who pay cash. Cyr stated he would like to have a model in place by Spring. Cyr is asking the board if they would support the levcl of assistance with the information submitted. Koropchak suggestecl that Mark Ruff run the numbers. Cyr advised that he is not comfortable with fronting $5,000 just to run the numbers, but hc would be comfortable with $500. Koropchak advised that generally the money not used if a project does not go forward is returned to the applicant. DaITin Lahr stated he was comfortable with option 3 in the stafTreport if Ruffs numbers came in near Koropchak's. Cyr advised that he would need to close his deal by the end of the year for this project. Ruff stated that it would be better for the HRA to move forward rather than wait for numbers fi-om his office as Koropchak's numbers are typically correct. Koropchak asked Cyr to provide PID numbers fl.)r all parcels tl1r her to establish a TI F district. Wolfsteller proposed that possibly the assistance could be split, part pay as you go and part up~front. Also Wolfstcller questioned the guarantees for up- li'ont assistance and it was advised that there are assessment agreements, etc., and this is done when the homes are actually built and sold. The lIRA detennined that pay as you go would be the best. ., " . . . HRA Minutes - 11/14/01 A MOTION WAS MADE BY STEVE ANDREWS TO APPROVE PAY -AS- YOU-GO TIF ASSISTANCE IN THE AMOUNT OF $163,000, IS UNITS AT AN EMV OF $14S,410 PER UNIT AND INITIAL DEPOSIT OF $5,000; INTEREST RArE NEGOTIABLE, SUBJECT TO EXECUTION OF A PRIVATE REDEVELOPMENT CONTRACT BY FEBRUARY 6, 2002. BOB MURRA Y SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Consideration to award demolition and cleanup agreement for 8 Locust, 220 Front. 218 Front. and 3 Walnut Street. Koropchak proyided the report stating that at the September HRA meeting, the commissioners rejeeted the sole bid for cleanup of the 8 Locust, 220 Front, and 3 Walnut Street properties and upon possession of the 21 S Walnut Street property, authorized resubmitting a rcquest for proposal for demol ition and cleanup of the entire four parcels. The commissioners understand the Preliminary Development Agreement with Hans Hagen Homes expired October 2001. Mr. I lagen had requested a finished pad site at 95- 100% compaction. The commissioners suggested to resume discussion with Mr. Ilagen over the winter months. The" RA gained possession of the 21 S Front Strcet property on October 25, 2001. Decemher 20 and 21 have been set as the dates for the appointed commissioners to hold hearings concerning the value of the property. The request f<Jr proposal for demolition and cleanup of the four parcels was mailed to three contractors on October 29,2001. The bids were due November 13,2001, and completion of'the demolition and cleanup scheduled il)f no later than December 7,2001. All utilities were ordered to be capped and removed by November 9,2001. Koropchak advised an estimate of professional expenses from May through end of Septemher at approximately $13,500 relating to the O'Connor property. A Mcrf'ION WAS MADE BY DARRIN LAHR TO ACCEPT A BID OF $5,800 FROM SCI ILlJENDER CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR DEMOLITION AND CLEANUP OF S LOCUST STREET, 220 FRONT' STREFr, 21 S FRONT STREET, AND 3 WALNUT ST'REET PROPERTIES, DEMOLITION ON SITE. MOTION SECONDED BY STEVE ANDREWS. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Considcration to review costs associated with site preparation and to consider extcndin1! the effective date of the Preliminary Developmcnt Agreement between the liRA and I lans HalZen. Koropchak advised that based on the suggestion of the lIRA to continue discussion with 4 . . . IIR^ M inutcs - 11/14/01 Hans Hagen over the winter months, estimated costs for site preparation have bcen prepared. The costs associated with the replacement of Front Street and the water/sewer line was estimated at $147,136 by WSH, Inc. of which $11.461.12 was for stubs to the 10 lots. The replacement policy for the City is proposed at 25% assessed and 7YYo city. The Building Official estimated the costs for WAC/SAC, park dedication, and trail/pathway flJr 10 units at $47,600. The cost to prepare an RFP and the cost to complete the clean sitc to a finished pad site at 95-100% compaction and from its existing state to a finished pad site at 95-100% is being cstimated by WSB, Inc. The I IRA is asked to discuss and suggest a selling price for the entirc area or per lot. Koropchak briefly reviewed the previous II RA purchase of the Katzmarek property and that possibly they would choose to use the same scenario with the Carlson propcrty. Steve Andrews questioned replacing Front Street when all main parking/access is to the rcar of the homes. O'Neill adviscd that having the narrow road is good in that it slows traffic, and that Hagcn previously stated this narrow road defines a natural boundary. Brian Stumpf agreed and stated possibly discussing furthcr with Hagcn. The HRA also felt this would be a good topic for the Planning Commission to discuss. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DAN FlUE RECOMMENDING A SELLING PRICE OF $300,000 FOR TI IE ENTIRE NOI{fHERL Y ONE-HALF OF BLOCK 54, WITH TI IE OPTION OF ^ REDUCED SELLING PRICE OF $225,000 WITH SITE PREP WORK DONE BY DEVELOPER, AND TO APPROVE EXTENDING THE EFFECTIVE DAn.: OF THE PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WITH HANS HAGEN HOMES Tl IROUGH APRIL 2002. TI IE HRA WILL SOLICIT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FROM OTHER DEVELOPERS SHOULD HANS I IAGEN HOMES DECLINE THE HRA'S OFFER. DARRIN LAHR SECONDED TI IE MOTION. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Consideration of authorizing payment of September and October HRA bills. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BOB MURRA Y TO AUTHORIZE PA YMEN'l OF THE SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER HRA BlL,LS. BRAD BARGER SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consideration or Executive Director's ReDort. Koropchak provided the Exccutive Director's report adding that Shari Harris and Lisa of the CMIIP will bc presenting a report on the housing program at the December liRA rnccting. 5 . . . HRA Minutes - 11114/0] 11. Committee Reports: Marketing - Brad Barger advised that the Expo was held this past weekend; the IDC had a booth with quite a few Monticello industrics providing samples of their products. Koropchak advised that the marketing brochures had not yet arrived but they did receive a check from Xcell Energy. 12. Other Busincss. Chair frie had asked Koropchak to prepare an attendance sheet for the HRA members fix the year 2001 to date. Frie noted the importance of the liRA commissioners attendance at the monthly meetings and addcd that the commissioners need to assess their time and commitment to consistently attend thc meetings and may wish to reconsider their role as a commISSIOner. 13. Adjournment. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRAD BARGER TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 9:00 PM. DARRIN LAHR SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion carried unanimously. ~r?~ HRA Chair ~~ 6 . . . liRA WORKSHOP Wednesday, November 14,200 I Commissioners: Chair Dan Frie, Vice Chair Brad Barger, Steve Andrews, Darrin Lahr, Bob Murray and Council Liaison Brian Stumpf Staff: Rick Wolfsteller, Ollie Koropchak, JefT O'Neill and Lori Kraemer Guest Mark Ruff. Ehlers & Associates Does the HRA want to proceed with redevelopment of the downtown or Block 52? Executive Dircetor Ollie Koropchak provided a list of current activities within TI[< District No. 1-22. Recap tax incremcnt available to proceed and impact 5 year rule and $2 million dollar bond sold. Mark Ruff of Ehlers & Associates adviscd the effect of the sale of the bond and the 5 year rule. Still restricted on Block 52; limited in what kind of developer assistance. Koropchak asked Mark if the City needed to ask for a special legislation and Ruff stated no. Ruff advised to takc TIt' districts on a case by casc basis. Of the moncy available due to the 5 year rule, we arc limited to approximatcly 250/.). According to Mark Ruff the McComb's study is rcputable, not neccssarily needed for just Block 52 redevelopmcnt. O'Neill stated that the City Planner's firm could provide the typc of inkmnation that is needed for the comprehensive plan. Also noted was that if a largcr retailer came to town they would most likely do thcir own footwork and not necessarily rely on the City's study. It was thc consensus of the HRA mcmhers that they werc not interested in spending that type of moncy for the study as they felt it was not beneficial to the I-IRA. Koropchak also asked the HRA to decide if they were interested in proceeding with redevelopmcnt of Block 52. O'Neill added that he didn't feci the City should wait for a devcloper to approach them. but should prepare for the possibility and Ruff concurred that the City could land bank. Frie added that with the City's lot and thc parking lot, and the possibility of purchasing Springborg, Johnson, and Frosl ie they would alrcady have approximatcly 3/4 of the property. Ruff advised that they could bring in a "parade of developers", possibly two to four retail or other type of developers, and get their input. . . . It was the consensus of the HRA members that they were in agreement to proceed with a plan flW Redevelopment of Block 52 and were not opposed to having developers come in ancl submit their input and scout the properties on Block 52 for possible acquisition. The workshop meeting concluded at 10 PM. g~Ze HRA Chair ~I.-- 4.ftfl_/^,- ~ t.. )_ ~~ ~F'~ 2