Police Advisory Commission Agenda 10-20-1993•
Office of the City Aclminisrrator
250 East Broadway
Monticello, MN 55362-9245
Phone: (612) 295-2711 MEMO
Metro: (612) 333-57.39
TO: Police Commission Members; Don Hozempa and Don Lindell, Wright County
Sheriff s Department
FROM: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administra or
DATE: October $, 1993
Ii,E: Tentative date for quarterly meeting--Wednesday, October 20, 7 p.m.
While it does not appear that there are many pressing issues to discuss, it may be
beneficial. to keep an track and continue our quarterly meetings as Police Commission
members. It is my understanding that Chairman Warren Smith will be absent for this
meeting due to his commitment to visit Northern Ireland as part of the Rotary program.
I believe Mr. Jim Fleming is the Acting Chairman in Warren's absence and would be
chairing the meeting.
Possibly one item that could be discussed by the commission is the contract renewal for
1994. As proposed by Wright County, the contract will be increasing $2 an hour from
$28.50 to $30.50 in 1994 and an additional $1.50 to $32 in 1995. While I do not believe
the Police Commission as a group has much influence on the rates established by the
County, it may be something we can discuss with the Sheriff's Department
representatives who are again invited to attend our meeting.
In discussing previously the proposed increases for 1994 with Sheriff Hozempa, he did
note that the County Board now feels that the rate structure for contracting communities
now mare accurately reflects the cost of providing the service, whereas years ago there
was considerable debate on whether the County was charging enough fees to cover its
expenditures. In many cases, the rate of $30.50 per hour is still within line of other
* counties and, I believe, is still cheaper than many counties are charging far this service.
• Police Commission
October 8, 1993
Page 2
As part of the contract renewal, the commission members may want to also discuss with
the Sheriff's Department how the 24-hour per day coverage is working out and whether
there are any recommendations for changing any of the coverage hours currently in
effect. Totally, the City contracts for 9,17 hours annually, which is the equivalent of 24-
hours aday, 7 days a week, plus an additional 8 hours per day extra for Fridays and
Saturdays for 6 months of the year. Any changes to the total number of hours would
have to be reviewed by the Police Commission and a recommendation made to the City
Council for consideration.
If any commission member has any other topic they would like to discuss at the meeting,
the topic can be brought up at the meeting; or if you would like additional information or
research ahead of time, you may contact me at your convenience. Likewise, if anyone has
a problem with the scheduled date of October 20 at 7 p.m., please let me know, and it is
possible we can reschedule to another time.
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County Coardinamr
10 N.W. 2nd Street First District
Buffalo, Mirvtesota 55313-1193 PAT SAWATZKE
5ecor<d District
Tel: (b12) 68Z-7378 JACKRUSSEK
Metro: (612) 339-6881 Third District
1-800-362-3667 JUDIE ROSE
Fourth District
Fifth pistrict
July 7, 1993
(Albertville, Clearwater, Cokato, Delano, Hanover, Maple Lake,
Monticello, Montrose, Otsego, Rockford, South Haven, St. Michael
and Waverly)
Please be advised that the County Board of Commissioners, in cooperation
with the County Sheriff and County Attorney, has established rates for
contract patrol services for 1994 and 1995. The rate for 1994 shall be
$30.50/Hour. The rate for 1995 will not exceed $32.00/Hour.
As you're aware, the current contract states that municipalities must
notify the County in writing prior to August 15 regarding any change in
the number of hours to be contracted for in the coming year. Please
provide this information if you anticipate an increase or decrease from
current contract hours.
Once again, it is felt that by setting the rate for two years, juris-
dictions will be able to consider rates in their budget discussions
and analyze their particular contract needs.
Richard W. Norman
County Coordinator
cc: Don Hozempa, Sheriff
Wyman Nelson, Attorney
County Board
Equal Opportunity / Affirrrtatiue Action E'mpdoyer
Hourly Rate $26
Annual Contract Fee $238,576
1993 1994 1995
$28.50 $30.50 $32
$261,516 $279,868 $293,632
Services provided by Wright County Sheriff:
A) 24 hours per day, 7 days per week (8,760).
B) Additional 8 hours per day, Friday and Saturday, not to exceed 416 total
hours, assigned at discretion of scheduling authority.
SHERIFF.SUM: 10/8/93