Police Advisory Commission Agenda 06-23-1993• MONTICELLO Uffice of the City Ar~nrinistrator 250 East Broadway Monticello, MN 55.362-9245 Phone: (612) 29.5-2711. MEMO Metro: (612) 33.3-.5739 TQ: Police Commission Members Rick Wolfsteller Cit Administrator. I~~~ FRAM. Y DATE: June 21, 1993 RE: Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, June 23, 1993 This is just a note to let you know that the meeting scheduled for Wednesday, June 23, will include a tour of the Wright County Sheriff's Department, jail, etc. 'We will meet at city hall and then drive to the Sheriff s Department. if you have any questions, please let me know. • • MONTICELLO Office of the City AdTninistrator 250 East Broadway Monticello, MN .5.5362-924.5 Phone: (612) 295-2711 MEMO Metro: (612) 3.3.3-.5739 TO: Police Commission Members FROM: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administr to DATE: June 15, 1993 RE: Quarterly meeting--Wednesday, June 23, ].993 r 1 In discussing the upcoming quarterly meeting with Chairman Warren Smith, we have set Wednesday, June 23, at 7 p.m., as the date of our next meeting. While it does not appear that we have very many issues to discuss at this meeting, it may be beneficial to keep on schedule and meet, if only brie fly. At the previous meeting in March, an idea surfaced regarding the feasibility of setting up an awards program that, if I understand correctly, would be for the purpose of recognizing local citizens who may have benefited the community or the police department in regard to a police matter and thus deserving recognition. While I have not done any further research on such a program, possibly the commission members would. want to generally discuss the idea and receive input from the Sheriff's Department concerning the establishment of this program. Other than this specific topic, I did not have any direction from the City Council on any other issues they wanted the Police Commission to review at this time. As in the past, Sheriff Don Hozempa and/or Chief Deputy Don Iaindell have been invited to attend our brief Police Commission meeting. If any commission. member has a topic they wish to discuss, you may contact myself or Chairman Warren Smith prior to tihe meeting. • Monticello Police Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes March 3, 1993 1. A meeting of the Folice Advisory Committee was held on .Wednesday, March 3, 1993 at 7:OOpm 2. Member Present: Warren Smith Jirn Fleming Dave Gerads Rick Wolfstellar, City Administrator Brad FYle, councilmember Ex-Officio Representatives: Don Hozempa, Sheriff WG50 T. Dahmer, Deputy WCSO 3. Minutes of the meeting held June 24, 1992 were unanimously approved 4. Deputy Terry Dahmer made a presentation`to the commission on the D.A.R.E. program sponsored by the WC50. D.A.R.E. (Drugs,Awareness,Resistance,Education) originated in Los Angelas in 1983. A recent independent study claims that L.A. has seen a approximate 53d reduction in Drug Abuse. Tn Monticello the 6th graders go through the D.A.R.E. program far the first half of the school Year (Sept.-Jan.). Last year. 270 kids participated. When asked what the Police Comrnissidn could do to help,. the WCSO asked the Commission to write a letter to the County Commissioners thanking WCSO & Deputy. Dahmer and recommending continuation of the Program. Rick Wolfstellar volunteered to draft the letter and send it after reviewing it with Warren Smith. Other programs provided by the WCSO a 2hr Drunk Driving Awareness program, Drug Talks to Sr. High students, Halloween 5afetY, One on One sessions with students, Deputy Dahmer also makes himself available at parent - teacher conferences. Civic Organizations and Schools pay for services provided., Deputy Dahmer was told to contact the Monticello Police Commission if help is needed with any Program provided to the community. 5. 24 Hr. coverage was discussed. WCSO reported that 4119 calls for service were documented in 1991. In 1992 that number rose to 4588. A outside organization reviewed the WCSO and recommended that they have 1.3 officers per 100D population. This number means that the WC50 should have approximately 19 more officers than presently- rdingltoa5heriffaHozempa~erWrightoCountYtis constraints acco growing approximately 1000 per year. 6. Business security program is needed -- a meeting with the Chamber of Commerce and BerlYn Berkholtz should be set up. Businesses need to try to Prevent some problems themselves - locks upgraded etc. 7. Jim Fleming reappointed for 3 more years Jim Schmidt - appointment expires 1993 Warren Smith & Dave Gerads - appointments expire in 1994 8. The idea of an Award or Certificate of Appreciation was brought up. This certificate could be given to citizens or organizations that contribute somehow to the safety of Monticello and its citizens. 9. The next meeting is Wednesday June 16th 1993 at 7:qq pm 10. Meeting ad]ourned 8:23pm ~J r ~ LJ Monticello Police Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes March 3, 1993 1. A meeting of the Police Advisory Committee was held on .Wednesday, March 3, 1993 at 7:OOpm 2. Member Present: Warren Smith Jim Fleming Dave Gerads Rick Wolfstellar, City Administrator Brad FYle, councilmember Ex-Officio Representatives: Don Hozempa, Sheriff WCSO T. Dahmer, Deputy WCSO 3. Minutes of the meeting held June 24, 1992 were unanimously approved 4. Deputy Terry Dahmer made a presentation`to the commission on the D.A.R.E. Program sponsored by the WCSO. D.A.R.E. (Drugs,Awareness,Resistance,Education) originated in Los Angelas in 1983. A recent independent study claims that L.A. has seen a approximate 53% reduction in Drug Abuse. In Monticello the 6th graders go through the D.A.R.E. program for the first half of the school Year (Sept.-Jan.). Last Year 27D kids participated. When asked what the Police Commission • could do to help, the WCSO asked the Commission to write a letter to the County Commissioners thanking WGSO & DeputY.Dahmer and recommending continuation of the program. Rick Wolfstellar volunteered to draft the letter and send it after reviewing it with Warren Smith. Other programs provided by the WCSO a 2hr Drunk Driving Awareness program, Drug Talks to Sr. High students, Halloween Safety, One an One sessions with students, Deputy Dahmer also makes himself available at parent - teacher conferences. Civic Organizations and Schools pay for services provided. Deputy Dahmer was told to contact the Monticello Police Commission if help is needed with any program provided to the community. 5. 24 Hr. coverage was discussed. WCSO reported that 4119 calls for service were documented in 1991. In 1992 that number rose to 4588. A outside organization reviewed the WCSO and recommended that they have 1.3 officers per 100D population. This number means that the WCSO should have approxirnatelY 19 more officers than presently. This is a unfeasable number due to budget constraints according to Sheriff Hozempa. Wright County is growing approximately 1000 per year. 6. Business security Program is needed - a meeting with the Chamber of Commerce and Berlyn Berkholtz should be set up. Businesses need to try to Prevent some problems themselves - locks upgraded etc. 7. Jim Fleming reappointed for 3 more Years Jim Schmidt - appointment expires 1993 Warren Smith & Dave Gerads -~ appointments expire in 1994 i ti 8. on was a The idea of an Award or Certificate of Apprec brought up. This certificate could be given to citizens or organizations that contribute somehow to the safety of Monticello and its citizens. 9. The next meeting is Wednesday June 16th 1993 at 7:00 pm 10. Meeting adjourned 8:23pm • • Monticello Police Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes March 3, 1993 1. A meeting of the Police Advisory Committee was held on .Wednesday, March 3, 1993 at 7:OOpm 2. Member Present: Warren Smith Jim Fleming Davy Gerads Rick Wolfstellar, City Administrator Brad FYIe, councilmember Ex--Officio Representatives: Don Hozempa, Sheriff WCSO T. Dahmer, Deputy WCSO 3. Minutes of the meeting held June 24, 1992 were uzianimouslY approved 4. Deputy Terry Dahmer made a presentation`to the commission on the D.A.R.E. Program sponsored by the WCSO. D.A.R.E. (Drugs,Awareness,Resistance,Education) originated in Los Angelas in 1983. A recent independent study claims that L.A. has seen a approximate 53o reduction in Drug Abuse. xn Monticello the 6th graders go through the D.A.R.E. program far the first half of the school year (Sept.-Jan.). Last year. 270 kids participated. When asked what the Policy Commission could do to help, the WCSO asked the Commission to write a letter to the County Commissioners thanking WCSO & Deputy, Dahmer and recommending continuation of the program. Rick Wnlfstellar volunteered to draft the letter and send it after reviewing it with Warren Smith. Other programs provided by the WCSO a 2hr Drunk Driving Awareness program, Drug Talks to Sr. High students, Halloween Safety, One on One sessions with students, Deputy Dahmer also makes himself available at parent - teacher conferences. Civic Organizations and Schools pay for services provided., Deputy Dahmer was told to contact the Monticello Police Commission if help is needed with any Program provided to the community. 5. Z4 Hr. coverage was discussed. WCSO reported that 4119 calls for service were documented in 1991. In 1992 that number rose to 4588. A outside organization reviewed the WCSO and recommended that they have 1.3 officers per 1000 population. This number means that the WCSO should have approximately 19 mare officers than presently. This is a unfeasable number due to budget constraints according to Sheriff Hozempa. Wright County is growing approximately 1000 per year. 6. Business security Program is needed - a meet].ng with the Chamber of Commerce and Berlyn Berkhpltz should be set up. Businesses need to try to prevent some problems themselves - locks upgraded etc. 7. Jim Fleming reappointed for 3 more years Jim Schmidt - appointment expires 1993 Warren Smith & Dave Gerads - appointments expire in 1994 8. The idea of an Award or Certificate of Appreciation was brought up. This certificate could be given to citizens or organizations that contribute somehow to the safety of Monticello and its citizens. 9. The next meeting is Wednesday June 16th 1993 at 7:D0 pm 10. Meeting ad]ourned 8:23pm •