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Police Advisory Commission Agenda 03-03-1993
• MONTTCELLO Office of the City Administrator Z50 East Broadway Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 29.5-2711 MEMO Metro: (612) .3.33.5739 TO: Police Commission Members FROM: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administra or / DATE: February 23, 1993 RE: Quarterly meeting--March 3, 1993 • Although we're falling behind on our schedule, our first meeting of the new year is scheduled for Wednesday, March 3, at 7 p.m. Part of the reason for the delay was that I was on vacation during the latter part of January when we would have normally met for the first time, and also there has not been an urgency to meet for lack of specific topics to discuss. The tentative agenda for this meeting is as follows. 1. Presentation and discussion of the D.A.R.E. Program (Drugs, Awareness, Resistance, Education) as sponsored by the Wright County Sheriff's Department--Terry Dahmer. 2. Discussion with Sheriff on haw the 24-hour coverage is working within the city of Monticello. Although our Police Commission ordinance does not specify that annual election of chairman, vice chairman, and secretary are necessary, the Police Commission may want to annually reaffirm or elect new individuals to these positions as warranted. One can also assume that as long as an individual's term has not expired, their position can remain in force until a vacancy occurs. As far as agenda background is concerned, I have very little information to provide in advance concerning the presentation that will be made by Mr. Terry Dahmer of the Wright County Sheriffs Department on the D.A.R.E. Program. Funding for this program is Police Commission Memo February 23, ].993 Page 2 primarily supplied by a tax levy through the Monticello School District along with contributions from various organizations, etc. Deputy Dahmer provides instructional services through the school system on a daily basis as an employee of the Sheriffs Department. As Police Commission members, l thought it would be interesting to receive some additional background on this program, the benefits we have seen, and the expected funding needs for future years. It is also anticipated that Sheriff Don Hozempa will be in attendance at our meeting to answer any questions the commission members may have concerning any police matters within the city. Since about the first of the year, the City has had 24-hour police coverage, and it may be an appropriate time to find out how this service is working and whether there are any changes planned in the deputy assignments and/or levels of service. Previously, some Council members have questioned whether the City is ever left unattended now that we have 24-hour coverage. For example, could ar does a deputy get called to respond to a call outside of the city, which may leave the city unprotected even though we're supposed to have 24-hour coverage? While l believe this could occasionally happen depending on the emergency situation, I believe the City also receives additional coverage from other deputies that we are not necessarily being charged for. These types of questions can be asked of the • Sheriff's Department for further background. If any commission member has any other topic you would like to see addressed at the meeting, I'm sure we'll have time to discuss other items of interest. If you believe any item needs additional research ahead of time, feel free to contact me, and I can try and obtain information prior to the meeting. AGENDA • REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO POLICE COMMISSION Wednesday, March 3, 1993 - 7 p.m. Chairperson: Warren Smith Members: Brad Fyle, David Gerads, Curtis Schmidt, Jim Fleming Guests: Sheriff Don Hozempa, Deputy Terry Dahmer 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of minutes of the meeting held June 24, 1992. ~5 ~, 3. Presentation and discussion of the D.A.R.E. Program (Drugs, Awareness, Resistance, Education) as sponsored by the Wright County Sheriff's Department--Terry Dahmer. 4. Discussion with Sheriff on how the 24-hour coverage is working with the city of Monticello. 5. New business. 6. Adjournment. . MONTIGELLO POLICE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes June 24, 1992 1. A meeting of the Police Advisory Committee was held on Wednesday, June Z4, 1992, at 7:00 p.rn. 2. Members Present: Warren Smith Curtis Schmidt Dave Gerads Rick Walfstellar, City Administrator Brad FYle, Councilmember Ex-Officio Representatives: Dqn Hozempa, Sheriff WCSO Don Lindell, Cheif Deputy WCSO 3. Minutes of the meeting held May 5, 1992 wars unanimously approved 4. Sheriff Hozempa and Cheif Deputy Lindell presented information for the committee to consider when making the decision for needed patrol hours. Some information presented: * Crime statistics that are published annually show that the number of crimes committed and the calls for service have dramatically increased in the last 4 Years. This increase can be attributed to many factors such as population growth and the gang influence moving in. * Response times during the non--contracting times can be. slew due t^ the large areas the deputies must cover. WCSO may only • have 4 deputies working at 6:OOa.m. (non-contracted time). *Problems at the schools, parks and speeding along our city streets could be handled more efficiently by the 24 hr. coverage. * Three 8 hour shifts bring some continuity tq the operation. * Buffallo which presently has the coverage we are considering (24 hr. plus Fri. and Sat. evenings for 6 months) has a $515,000.00 police budget. City attorney fees are not included in this figure. WCSO will offer this coverage t^ the city of Monticello for $261,516.00 a difference of $253,484.00 * According to Sheriff Hozempa the city receives a monetary return (police aid) from the state. This amount is based on a formula using the number of hours contracted for. In 1991 it was approximately $19,000.00 5. A motion was made by Curtis Schmidt to accept the proposed coverage caf 9176 hours for 1993. Along with this the commission would check the coverage annually to consider if additional hours are needed. Motion was seconded by Davs Gerads and unanimously approved. A written recommendation will be prepared and sent to the city c©uncil. This recommendation will be presented at the July 13th 1992 city council meeting. 6. A concern over Deputy assignments and possibly rotating officers out of Monticello came to the attention of the city council at a recent meeting. According to Sheriff Hozempa L~ union contracts with the deputy personnel directs that senior officers have their choice of hours to work. Sheriff Hozempa maintains the right to locate the officers where he sees fit. As it stands right now, only the non-contract officers will be rotating. The city of Monticello's officers will be the same as they have been for now. 7. A concern was made that the stop sign at the intersection of Sandberg Rd and Oakwood Drive (by Wendy's) was missing. Rick Wolfstellar would contact the public works department to have this checked out. $. Before adjourning Sheriff Hozempa said he was disappointed that he wasn't called upon earlier to explain what was taking place within his department. He reiterated that either the Cheif Deputy or himself would gladly answer any questions we have at any time. We do not have to wait for a meeting to be called. 9. Meeting adjourned at $:25 p.m. r 1 LJ • MONTICELLO POLICE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes June 24, 1992 1. A meeting of the Police Advisory Committee was held on Wednesday, June 24, 1992, at 7:00 p.m. 2. Members Present: Warren Smith Curtis Schmidt Dave Gerads Rick Wolfstellar, City Administrator Brad Fyle, Councilmember Ex~Officio Representatives: Don Hozempa, Sheriff WC5O Don Lindell, Cheif Deputy WC5O 3. Minutes of the meeting held May 5, 1992 were unanimously approved 4. Sheriff Hozempa and Cheif Deputy Lindell presented information for the committee to consider when making the decision for needed patrol hours. Some information presented: * Crime statistics that are published annually show that the number of crimes committed and the calls for service have dramatically increased in the last 4 years. This increase can be attributed to many factors such as population growth and the sang influence moving in. * Response times during the non-contracting times can be slow due to the large areas the deputies must cover. WCSO may only have 4 deputies working at 6:OOa.m. (non_contracted time). *Problems at the schools, parrs and speeding along our city streets could be handled more efficiently by the 24 hr, coverage. * Three 8 hour shifts bring some continuity to the operation. * Buffallo which presently has the Coverage we are considering (Z4 hr. plus Fri. and Sat. evenings for 6 months) has a $515,000.00 police budget. City attorney fees are not included in this figure. WCS~ will offer this coverage to the city of Monticello for $261,516.00 a difference of $253,484.00 * According tQ Sheriff Hozempa the City receives a monetary return (police aid) from the state. This amount is based on a formula using the number of hours contracted far. In 1991 it was approximately $19,000.00 5. A motion was made by Curtis Schmidt to accept the proposed coverage of 9176 hours for 1993. Along with this the commission would check the Coverage annually to consider if additional hours are needed. Motion was seconded by Dave Gerads and unanimously approved. A written recommendation will be prepared and sent to the city Council. This recommendation will be presented at the JuIY 13th 1992 city Council meeting. 6. A concern over Deputy assignments and possibly rotating officers out of Monticello came to the attention of the city council at a recent meeting. According to Sheriff Hozempa • union contracts with the deputy personnel directs that senior officers have thezr choice of hours to work. Sheriff Hozempa maintains the right to locate the officers where he sees fit. As it stands right nnw, only the non-contract officers will be rotating. The city of Monticello's officers will be the same as they have been for now. 7. A concern was made that the stop sign at the intersection of Sandberg Rd and Oakwood Drive (by Wendy's) was missing. Rick Wolfstellar would contact the public works department to have this checked out. 8. Before adjourning Sheriff Hozempa said he was disappointed that he wasn't called upon earlier to explain what was taking place within his department. He reiterated that either the Cheif Deputy or himself would gladly answer any questions we have at any time. We do n©t have to wait for a meeting to be called. 9. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. i