Police Advisory Commission Minutes 07-24-1996MINUTES MONTICELLO POLICE ADVISORY COMMISSION . Wednesday, July 24, 1996 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Liz DeMarais, Brian Stumpf, Bridget Baldwin Members Absent: David Gerads Also in Attendance: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator; Chief Deputy Don Lindell 2. Consideration, of annointing Police Commission officers for.10~. With the recent resignation of Commission member Warren Smith, a vacancy occurred in the office of Chairman. By consensus of the Baard members present, Liz DeMarais was elected Chairman. It was also the consensus of the commission members that Brian Stumpf would act as Vice Chairman and Rick Wolfsteller wauld perform the functions of Secretary far the commission. 3. ('oncideration of rec^ewing,~he 7997 colic departmrnk hndg and nn Tact ISLE Commission members discussed the current contract hours and the proposed $34.50 per hour rate that had been established last year by the County Commissioners. It was noted that the proposed rate increase would amount to 4.5% and would bring the annual budget for 1997 to $316,572. Chief Deputy Lindell noted that deputies assigned to Monticello are seeing an increase in the number of calls for service during their shifts, which results in less time for the deputies to do discretionary items such as patroling specific areas or looking for speeders. Mr. Lindell felt that the City should soon consider looking at increasing the hours of coverage above the present 9,176 annually and possibly look at an allowance of 200 to 400 hours per year that could be used by the Sheriff s Department at their discretion when they feel it's warranted. It was noted that it wouldn't be necessary to set a specific number of hours per day or month that would be used by a deputy, but it would allow the Sheriffs Departrn,ent some flexibility in providing additional coverage when a problem arised or when the need was there. Mr. Lindell also noted that the department will soon be completing an evaluation of their contracting services and will be loaking at Monticello's `level of service to see if the amount of hours currently being provided is adequate .far the population and calls that are occurring. In all likelihood, `the recommendation in future years will be to increase the level of service as • ~ the population and area grow. Page 1 0 Police Commission Minutes - 7/24/96 • With commission members all recognizing the merits of adding additional discretionary hours to the contract, the discussion turned to the number of hours that should be recommended to the City Council for 1997. The discussion ranged from the amount recommended by Chief Lindell at 400 hours annually, which would amount to $13,800 or approximately an additional 4°7o increase, to starting with 200 hours for an annual cost of $6,900 and approximately a 2°Io increase. Commission member Stumpf felt it may be easier to get approval from the full Council on increasing the level of service if we recommended starting at a lower level and increasing the hours in future years as needed. Chairman DeMarais supported the recommendation of Chief Lindell for requesting consideration of an additiona1400 hours. After further discussion, it was the consensus of the commission members that an attempt be made by the Sheriff's Department to provide additional statistical data to support the requested increase in coverage and that options between 200 and 400 hours per year be given to the City Council for consideration at a future Council meeting as part of the 1997 budget process. 4. Miscellaneous discussions. . Commission members discussed the current traffic controls along School Boulevard and Fallon Avenue and recommended that the public works department investigate the feasibility of painting "stop ahead" on Fallon Avenue near School Boulevard as an additional means of advising motorists of the stop sign locations. It was also recommended that an upcoming issue of the City's newsletter contain an article again on the neighborhood watch program. Meeting was adjourned. r,l Vv ~--~. Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator Page 2