Police Advisory Commission Minutes 10-02-1996MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO POLICE COMMISSION Wednesday, October 2, 199fi - 7 p.m. Members Present: Dave Gerads, Liz DeMarais, Brian Stumpf, Bridget Baldwin Others Present: Chief Deputy Don Lindell, Rick Wolfsteller 1. Annroval of minutes. The minutes of the regular meeting held Wednesday, July 24, 1996, were approved as presented. 2. nn id ration of r vi 'ng~:tatis i al i formation nn po i a . lls and e tablisline a n nda ion for ad ~tion 1 ho ,rc of c verag fors the rite 4'4llII{11~ Commission members discussed the recent approval by the City Council to add 200 additional hours to the police protection coverage total far the year 1997. It was noted that some discussion was held by the City Council on whether a specific schedule should be provided by the Sheriffs Department concerning when the additional hours would be used. Commission members were again informed by Chief Deputy Don Lindell that the Sheriffs Department would still rather have the flexibility of scheduling the additional hours throughout the year on an as-needed basis to combat specific problems that may arise during the year rather than setting a schedule in advance. Mr. Lindell noted that it certainly would be possible to simply add one shift on particular days during the month, but the department feels it would be more beneficial to the City of Monticello if the department was allowed to add the additional shifts as problems arise. It was suggested by Mr. Lindell that the Sheriffs Department would indicate monthly when the hours were used and for what specific purpose or reason they added the extra shift. This would provide the City with statistical data to determine the success of the additional hours and to possibly substantiate the need for adding additional hours in the future. It was recommended that the City Council be updated on the Police Commission's recommendation that the additional hours not be set in advance but be determined by the Sheriff s Department as needed throughout the year. • Page 1 Police Commission Minutes - 10/2/96 3. S?t,.~er discussion. Commission members briefly discussed the recent rash of carbon monoxide alarms that involve calls to the police department resulting in responses from the fire department to investigate. Tt was noted that the Wright County Fire Chiefs Association has recommended the Sheriffs Department establish a policy of not automatically calling the fire departments for each carbon monoxide inquiry but investigate as to whether the individual caller shouldn't be contacting the gas company first. Tt was noted by Chief Deputy Lindell that the Sheriff's Department is well aware of the large number of carbon monoxide calls that have been occurring and agrees that local fire departments should not automatically be required to respond to every call concerning these alarms. Meeting adjourned. ~~ ~_ ~ Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator • • Page 2