Police Advisory Commission Minutes 03-05-1997Minutes
Special Meeting -Police Commission
Wednesday, March 5, 1.997 - 7 p.m.
Members Present: Dave Gerads, Liz DeMarais, Brian Stumpf, Bridget Baldwin,
Brad Fyle
Others Present: Wright County Sheriff's Deputy Steve Quill, Monticello
Trailblazers Duane Bistodeau and Dane Hasbrouck
Staff Present: Roger Mack, Street Superintendent, Wanda Kraemer, DST
1. r.
Chairperson DeMarais called the meeting to order and welcomed newly
appointed member Brad Fyle.
A motion was made by Commissioner Stumpf, seconded by Commissioner
Gerads, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held February 5, 1997•
Motion passed unanimously.
3. ~ i r i h n r cornmendatiQn_,~
n n r~ment nro~~r '1 i '
Wright County Sheriffs Deputy Steve @uill, Monticello Trailblazers Duane
Bistodeau and Dane Hasbrouck, and Roger Mack, Street Superintendent, met
with the Commission to discuss and route a snowmobile route through the city
It was agreed that because of the Highway 25 bridge crossing an established
route needed to be established and signed. The route will be from the Highway
25 Bridge, east on River Street to Ramsey, south on Ramsey to
5th Street, East on 5th Street to Washington Street, East on Washington Street
to 7th Street, East on 7th Street across property owned by St. Henry's Church,
Bondhus, and Dahlheimers to County Road 118, South on County Road 118 to
Chelsea Road, West on Chelsea Road to Oakwood Drive, South on Oakwood
Drive to the State Trail.
There was also a lengthy discussion on using Cedar St., which is one block west
of the Highway 25 bridge, to the railroad right-of--way. This route was favorable
because there is no residential housing along Cedar St. The committee's
concerns were the safety of crossing Broadway one block from Highway 25, cars
• parked along Cedar Street by the Senior Center, and not knowing if the railroad
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Special Meeting Police Commission - 03-OS-97
• right-of--way could be signed.
Dane Hasbrouck reported that Monticello has been a missing link in the state
signed trail system. When snowmobilers enter the city limits there is no
designated route through town which causes confusion on where they should
Hasbrouck and Bistadeau install the snowmobile route sign, orange signs with
directional arrows, in the Monticello area. The club will take responsibility to
sign the route and also to have the agreements signed by the private property
owners, 5t. Henry's, Dahlheimers, & Bondhus. Roger Mack stated the city could
provide signs that would have a map of the route and/or the signs that have
wording. On the west side of town there will be signs directing snowmobiles
from the state trail to the signed route through town. The signs in the City
limits along West County Road 75 will be removed because the trail is only
marked to Prairie Raad.
The main topic of the discussion was the portion of the snowmobile route along
River Street. This area is all residential, however, it is the only logical street to
use after crossing the bridge. A recommendation was made that City Council
allocate a portion of the 200 extra patrol hours far River Street at the beginning
of the snowmobile season to monitor the use.
The Commission recommended articles in the fall and winter City newsletter
and in the Times to inform residents and snowmabilers of the route through
town. The Sheriffs office will be working with all of the cities in Wright County
to develop a uniform snowmobile ordinance county-wide. Motion passed
4. AdlQUrn,
Wanda Kraemer
Development Services Technician
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