Police Advisory Commission Minutes 12-20-1995MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO POLICE ADVISORY COMMISSION Wednesday, December 20, 199b - 7:00 p.m. Members Present: Liz DesMarais, Warren Smith, Brian Stumpf Also Present: Rick Walfsteller, Sheriff Don Hozempa, Deputy Jim Hudek Absent: Dave Gerards, Jim Fleming Call to order. Approval of minutes. A motion was made by Liz DesMarais, seconded by Brian Stumpf and unanimously agreed to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of the Police Commission held August 16, 1995. A< consider t,~ion„~f ~v,~iewin~- and recommending speed limit~nd tr. affic controls along School Boulevard. With the recent opening of School Boulevard between Highway 25 and Fallon Avenue, a major connecting route between Highway 25 and County Road 1.18 was now available. With the expected increase in traffic volume along this route, concerns were expressed by Superintendent of Schools, Shelly Johnson, that the speed limit along School Boulevard at the current 45 mph posted limit maybe too fast for conditions in that area. With the opening of a new section of School Boulevard, the City Council recently requested that MnDOT complete a traffic survey of the area for the purpose of establishing a safe and reasonable speed limit for the area between Highwaty 25 and Fallon Avenue. Previously, MNDOT had completed the speed limit survey for School Boulevard between Fallon Avenue and County Road 118 and established a safe and reasonable speed at 45 mph. In addition to the request, for MNDOT to complete a speed limit study, Public Works Director John Simola also., requested, along with the school superintendent, that the County Sheriff's Department conduct a traffic survey for the purpose of providing input and recommendations to be considered by the appropriate jurisdictions. Sheriffs Deputy Jim Hudek reviewed with the Police Commission the traffic survey results and recarnmendations he had observed. Based on his observation, the Sheriff s Department recommended the, following speed limit postings and traffic control devices. .. Page 1 Highway 25 east to County Road 117 - 40 mph County Road 117 east to Fallon Avenue - 30 mph Fallon Avenue east to County Road 118 - 3A mph Oakwood Drive from School Boulevard north - 45 mph to area where current 35 mph zone begins 1. Recommend installation of a 4-way stop sign at Fallon and School Boulevard. 2. Recommend installation of a 4-way stop sign at County Raad 117 and School Boulevard. After discussing the traffic survey in mare detail, the Commissioners acknowledged that there are valid concerns about speed, visibility and traffic flow along School Boulevard; especially with the presence of two schools along the route. After discussing alternatives, the following motion was made by Brian Stumpf, seconded by Liz DesMarais and unanimously approved to forward the recommendation to the City Council far consideration concerning traffic issues in and around School Boulevard. 1. It is recommended that a consistent speed limit be established far the entire length of School Boulevard from Highway 25 to County Road 118. Because of the presence of school children and the large number of current and expected residential developments along the route, the recommended speed limit should be 35 mph. In addition, it was recommended that the speed limit be reduced to 25 mph along the Schaal property when children are present. 2. The Commission members felt there are possible significant problems at the two intersections along the route; County Road 117 and School Boulevard, and Fallon Avenue and School Boulevard. The recommendation of the Commission is to have 4-way stop signs installed at both intersections. Emphasis should be given to the installation of a 4-way stop sign at Fallon and School Boulevard, as soon as possible, due to its proximity to Little Mountain Elementary School. 3. The Commission recommends that additional signage, including advance warning signs and a flashing warning light, be installed at the pedestrian crosswalk leading from the Cardinal Hills Development to Little Mountain School across School Boulevard. 4. If not already requested, MND~T should be contacted to provide additional signage indicating the School Boulevard location off of Highway 25. Page 2 5. Commission recommended to request MNDOT study of feasibility of lowering the speed limit to 30 mph along Highway 25 south of T-94 all the way to the city limits. Fi. Recommended that the appropriate authority consider lowering the speed limit to 45 mph along Oakwood Drive from 55 mph from the intersection of Oakwood Drive and School Boulevard to where the speed limit begins a 35 mph zone. 7. Request that the city consider installing a street light to illuminate the intersection of Highway 25 and School Boulevard. 8. Consider marking a crosswalk from the middle school across County Road 118 to the east. The Commission recognized that various jurisdictions are responsible for signage and speed limit controls depending an whether it is a county, state or city road. As far as the recommendation to install a 4-way stop sign on County Road ].17 and School Boulevard, if the County would not be agreeable to a stop sign at this time, it was recommended that the City consider installing warning signs along School Boulevard indicating that cross traffic does not stop. The above noted recommendations will be forwarded to the City Cauncil far consideration. If the City Council concurs with some or all of the recommendations, the concerns can be forwarded to the appropriate jurisdictions including MNDOT and Wright Caunty to be used as part of their traffic study to determine the appropriate speed limit along School Baulevard. ~ Consideration of recommendations for a.nuointments to Commission vac~~] es. Commission members were advised that the term currently occupied by Mr. Jim Fleming will expire December 31, 1995. If any member has an individual they want to recommend be considered by the City Council, this information should be provided to the City Administrator or the Chairman, Warren Smith. If the committee members cannot come up with an appropriate candidate, an advertisement seeking applicants will be placed in the Monticello Times. Meeting adjourned. Page 3