Police Advisory Commission Minutes 08-16-1995MINCTrES
Wednesday, August 1B, 199b - 7 p.m.
Members Present: Warren Smith, Chair; Liz DeMarais, Public Relations; Brian
Stumpf, Councilmember; Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator
Also Present: Sheriff Don Hozempa
Members Absent: David Gerads, Jim Fleming
1. ~unroval of mjn,~~.
A motion was made by Brian Stumpf, seconded by Liz DeMarais, and
unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the special meeting of the
Police Commission held Wednesday, March 15, 1995.
2. Review of 1.996 police den~rtment budgel,,,,~;n~,, s~~,xact rate.
The Commission members reviewed the proposed 1996 contract rate that was
recently established by the Wright County Board. It was noted that the rate
far 1996 will be at $33 per hour versus $32 for 1995. In addition, it was
noted that the 1997 rate has also been established at $34.50 per hour.
The Commission members discussed the increase of $1 per hour proposed,
which amounted to approximately a 3.1°Xo increase. Sheriff Hozempa noted
that the County Board had originally wanted to increase each of the next two
years by $1.50 per year, and during the negotiations, the County Board had
agreed to keep the first year increase at $1 as the Sheriffs Department had
recommended. Commission members were also presented and reviewed a
cost comparison analysis of the contracting rate charge by both Carver
County and Anoka County as a comparison. From the information provided,
the Commission members felt the proposed rate of $33 an hour far 1996
appeared in line with the rates and increases proposed by other contracting
Commission members also discussed the current hours of coverage being
provided in the contract, which is at 9,176 hours annually. Sheriff Hozempa
noted that it appeared the contract hours are sufficient at this time but
recommended that the Police Commission again look at the hours of coverage
earlier in 1996 to determine whether an increase is warranted for future
contract years.
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Police Advisory Commission Minutes - 8/16/95
It was the recommendation of the Police Advisory Commission that the
contract rate proposed of $33 an hour for 9,176 hours be recommended to the
City Council for approval.
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned.
Rick Wolfstel
City Adminis ator
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