Police Advisory Commission Minutes 04-20-1994t
APRIL 20, 1994
1. A meeting of the Police Advisory Committee was held on
Wednesday, April 20, 1994 at 7:OOpm.
2. Members Present:
Warren Smith, City Councilmeer
Jim Fleming
Liz DesMarais
Dave Gerads
Rick Wolfstellar, City Administrator
Brad Fyle, Mayor
Ex-Officio Representatives:
Chief Deputy Lindell
3. Minutes of the meeting held January 26, 1994 were unanimously
4. Discussion took place on the establishment of "Awards Far Public
Safety". Under the heading "Areas that Benefit from Safety
Tips" - Safety in the Hame was added. Under the heading
"Organizations or Individuals Submitting Ideas" - Jim Fleming
volunteered to draft criteria to be used by these groups. Under
the heading "Award or Reward" -- the section on donations or
contributions from local merchants and merchants included in
paper was deleted. Under the heading "Haw Often and For How
Long" - it was decided that 4-6 awards per year be given out and
that they'd be given out once per year. These awards could
possibly be given out during Moniticelly River Fest. It was
also mentioned at this time that a separate award system for
emergency personnel could be set up if desired.
5. Discussions were held on the following topics:
A. Skateboard ordinances - St. Cl®ud
B. 3rd Street designation of thru street - 2 stop signs needs on
cross streets on West side if it is meant to be,
C. J. Fleming volunteered to contact Ruth Davids from Rockfsrd
to discuss their past experiences of having their own P.D.
- _.,,
6. Meeting adjourned at 8:3~pm.
Establish Awards F'or Public Safety
Areas that,..•Benefit F~Qm_ Safety Tins
Safety on the Streets
Safety in the work Place
Safety in Business (i.e. Movie Theatre)
Safety in the Schools
Safety in the Rome
_ ~.
Safety within Law Enforcement _ Tn need of computers etc. -
fundraisers? expl. MADD donating video equip.
r nixation r zndivid 1 S mi in Idea
Service Organizations "
School Classes
Employees/Employers - ,~.,
Law Enforcement Officials
Written criteria would be presented to these individuals describing
requirements necessary for nominations.
_Award or Reward
Plaque, Picture in the local paper -
Plaque, Pasture in the local paper along with a•gift certificate
Ride in the Monticello Parade - ~-.
H w ften and r How L n ~ -•
Nominations would be accepted at anytime. -~-
Four to six (4-6) awards would be presented yearly. •
Another award system could be set up for emergency personnel if
desired. ~ ~..