HRA Minutes 03-26-2002 . . . MINIJTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Tuesday, March 26, 2002 - 6:30 p.m. West Prairie Conference Room - City Hall, 505 Walnut Street COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Vicc Chair Brad Barger. Steve Andrews, and Bill Fair and Council Liaison Brian Stumpf. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Chair Dan Frie and Darrin Lahr. STAFF PR.ESENT: Ollie Koropchak GUEST: Mike Cyr, Front Porch Associates I. Call to Order. Vice Chair Barger called the special HRA meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. Consideration to approve amending the Contract for Private Development among the HRA the City, and Front Porch Associates. LTD. Koropchak informed the commissioners that at the II RA meeting of March 6, 2002, the commissioners approved authorization to enter into the Contract for Private Development among the I-IRA, the City, and Front Porch. The motion included if the City is unable to clear title with Randy Ruff, the I IRA will reconsider the level ofTIF assistance. On March 6, the HRA agreed to a total TIF assistance of $163,000 ($105,000 flJr the Grubb parcel and $58,000 toward the vacated public streets.) The TIF assistance is the pay-as- you-go finance method at an annual interest rate of 7.25%. The semi-annual installments shall commence August 1, 2004 and are subject to certification that developer has paid for land, no debult has occurred, and a Certificate of Completion have been issued for at least 12 townhouses. The installments shall conclude February I, 2020. Construction shall commence May 1, 2002, with at least 6 townhouses completed by December 2002, an additional 6 completed by December 2003, and an additional six completed by December 2004, and the rell1aining R by December 2007. The minimum improvement means square footage of approximately 1,320 sq ft main levclliving space at a initial market value of $148,000. The developer must provide financial commitment for acquisition and construction costs and evidence of initial purchaser's income. Mike Cyr reviewed the increased costs to the project. Koropchak indicated Wolfsteller. O'Neill and Koropchak met and agreed to recommend increasing the amount of TIF assistance. liRA Minutes - 3/26/02 . The liRA is asked to consider amending the Contract as follows: First the City agreed to reduce the acquisition price of the vacated public streets from $83,574 to $75,000. Secondly, the level ofT1F assistance for the vacated public strcet increased from $5R,000 to $75,000. The TIF assistance for the Grubb property remains the same at $105,000. Lastly, TIF assistance is proposed to cover up to $27,700 of the sanitary sewer, water, and storm sewer trunk fees and up to $12,300 for curb and gutter associated with the development of the 18 units within the TIF district. The atl1cndnlent increases the level of pay-as-you~go '1'1 F assistance from $163,000 to $220,000. Commence and completion construction dates remain as originally approved. Koropchak continued: Given the TI F Cash Flow projects a tax increment of $221,181 NPV over 15 years, there is no need to extend the ending installment date. In other words, the district will decertify in 15 years from date of first tax increment collected as suggested by Ehlers and the HRA still retains the first 20O/C) of the annual tax increment. Secondly, the revised proforma includes the increased development costs and an increased selling price from $164,900 to $169,900 per unit. The revised protl.)!'ma shows a rate of return of R.5% with TIF and 3.5% without TIf. The acceptable return fl.)r housing development is between 7.5% and 10%. . The commissioners were updated on the action taken by the Planning Commission and City Council the night bef()re. The Planning Commission and Council approved the development stage planned unit development and preliminary plat subjeet to the City selling the vacated Vine Street to the developer. The Council approved cstablishing TIF District No. 1-29 and authorized cntcring into the Contract for Private Developmcnt between the HRA, the City, and Front Porch Associates subject to the City selling the vacated Vine Street to the developer. Within the Contract the City agrced to vacate and convcya portion of Vine, Seventh, and Minnesota Street. The Contract requires title insurance. The City is unable to guarantee clear title at this time and has started the process of cviction fl.)!' the encroachment on public property against Randy RufT. The process could take up to 6 to R months. Mr. Cyr inflmned the commissioners, Ron RufT would not extend the Purchase Agrecment behind the scheduled closing date of March 29,2002. A meeting bctwcen Randy Ruff, Mike Cyr, Mayor Belsaas, and Wolfsteller is scheduled fi)[ March 27 at 1 :00 p.m. to discuss and resolve the encroachmcnt issue. STEVE ANDREWS MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE AMr~NDING THE CONTRACT FOR PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT AMONG TIll,: lIRA, THE CITY, AND FRONT PORCH ASSOCIATES. LlD AS OUTLINED ABOVE. TI-IE MGflON SUBJECT TO TIlE CITY SELLING THE VACATED VINE STREET TO DEVELOPER CYR. BILL FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION AND WITI I NO FURTIIFR DISCUSSION, THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. . 2 . . . HRA Minutes - 3/26/02 ., .J. Adiounllnent. The special HRA lneeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. /JJ?J~ ~~...~<<~~ --',. liRA Vice Chair ., -,