HRA Minutes 05-01-2002 . . . MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, May 1,2002 - 6:()() p.m. 505 Walnut Street - Bridge Room Comm i ssi oners Presen t: Chair Brad Barger, Vice Chair Steve Andrews, Dan-in Lahr, Dan Frie, and Bill Fair, Council Liaison Present: Brian Stumpf. Staff Present: Riek Wolfsteller and Ollie Koropchak. Guests: Steve Johnson, Kevin Heaton, and Kathy Froslie, Block 52. Mike Cyr, Front Poreh Assoeiates. I . Call to Order. Chair Barger called the HRA meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Consideration to approve the April 3, 2002 HRA minutes. STEVE ANDREWS MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE liRA MINUTES OF APRIL 3, 2002. DAN HUE SECONDED THE MOTION. ABSENT FROM THE APRIL MEETINCL FAIR ASKED "IF MCP STOOD FOR MONTICELLO COMMlJNITY PARTNERS?" WITH NO FURTHER QUESTIONS, CORRECTIONS, OR ADDITIONS, THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. " .J. Consideration of adding or removing items from the al2.enda. Add under 4.5: Consideration to approve assigning the Contract f(Jr Private Development hy and among Front Porch Associates, the liRA, and the City to First National Bank of Elk River. 4. Consent Agenda. A. Consideration to approve amending the Contraet for Private Redevelopment amonu, the liRA. Front Porch Associates, and the City or Monticello. Koropchak noted the all1cndments include language relating to the conveyance or land to Big Lake Lumher. not Front Porch Associates, and definition of the closing date. The City Council approved the amendments on April 22,2002. In review of the Agreement hetween Front Porch and Big L"ake Lumher, the BRA Attorney suggested Front Porch. . . . liRA Minutes - 5/1102 Big Lake Lumber. First National Bank of Elk River, liRA Attorney, and Koropchak 111eet to review the agreement rclativc to certain concerns. DAN fRIE MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE AMENDING TilE CONTRACT FOR PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT BY AND AMONG FRONT PORCII ASSOCIATES LTD, TilE I-IRA. AND TilE CITY SUBJECr TO A MEETINCi TO CLARIFY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS WITHIN THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN FRONT PORCII AND BIG LAKE LUMBER. BILL fAIR SECONDED TIlE MOTION AND WITH NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 4.5 Considcration to approve assignin!2: the Contract f()r Privatc Development hy and among Front Porch Assoeiates, LTD, the lIRA and the City to First National Bank of Elk River. The Assignmcnt of the Contract for Private Dcvelopment was prepared by First National Bank of Elk River and exccutcd hy Greg Holten. HRA Attorney Greenswcig reviewed the Assignmcnt and had no concerns. With the Contract being assigned to First National Bank. the pay-as-you-go installments are paid to the Bank, not Front Porch. 'fhe City Council will consider assigning thc Contract for Private Devclopment at the May 13, 2002, Council mccting. BILL FAIR MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE ASSIGNING TilE CONTRACT FOR PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT BY AND AMONG FRONT PORCH ASSOCIArES. L TO, TIlE liRA. AND THE CITY T'O FIRST NAT'IONAL BANK OF ELK RIVER SUBJECT TO A MEETING TO CLARIFY TIlE TERMS AND CONDITIONS WITHIN THE AGREEMENT BE'fWEEN FRONT PORCH AND BIG LAKI': LUMBER. DARRIN LAHR SECONDED THE MOTION AND WITH NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THI~ MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. Consideration to hear progress by Steve Johnson for potential redevelopment of Block 52. Koropchak inrormedllRA members of her conversations with froslie and Springborg following the April lIRA meeting and of the meetings held between O'Neill, Johnson, a potential tenant, and herself relative to Block 52. Steve Johnson inf'l1l'll1ed memhers, he and Kevin I Jcaton own the southerly portion or Block 52 fron1 Pine Street to Poirer, with the exception of the HRA lot, and are willing to reinvest and redevelop in Block 52. With Block 52 being an identified area for redevelopmcnt within the Rcvitalization Plan, Johnson submitted a copy of a proposal prepared by the McComb Group, LTD, and asked the HRA to participate with the costs of the analysis. The proposal, to conduct a development feasibility analysis for Block 52. 2 HRA Minutes - 5/1102 . outlined of the objectives, work tasks and meetings, budget. and report purpose. Johnson explained the analysis would detennine building square footage; property values by building value versus income vaIue; project size to support debt; etc. froslie indicated her first option was a buy-out with consideration to rent or partner. fair asked Johnson and Heaton as to their contribution toward the $15,500 budget amount for the analysis. Johnson and Heaton both agreed to contribute $2,000 each. Lahr followed stating once we know the market, square tl10tage, parking, and kind of businesses; how are the tenants found or who finds the tenants? The two work tasks to determine the amount ofTIF created and to determine the eligible TIF expenditures are dupl ication of work completed by the HRA staff and its financiaI consuItant stated members. Andrews noted normally, the I-IRA works with developers who know the market, they come to the liRA stating this is what fits, and the HRA is not part of the marketing analysis. Additionally, Andrews noted that if the HRA participates, the completed report must be availabIe for use hy the community and not the exclusive rights of the developers, lenders, and other investors. fair was in favor of a master plan to redevelop the entire block. . BILL FAIR MADE A MOTION THAT STEVE JOlINSON AND KEVIN HEATON CONTRIBUTE $2,000 EACH AND THE HRA CONTRIBUTE $11,500 Of TilE NOT TO EXCEED $15.500 BUDGET FOR THE MCCOMB GROUP TO CONDUCr A DEVELOPMENT FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS FOR BLOCK 52 OF MONTICELLO WITH TI-IE COMPLE"rHD ANALYSIS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT. STEVE ANDREWS SECONDED THE MOTION. Discussion centered around the duplication of TIF anaIysis, Brad Barger made a rnotion to amend the motion deleting the TIF analysis tasks and $1,300. Bill Fair seconded the amendmcnt. After further discussion, Barger and Fair withdrew the motion to amend. THE MOTION CARRIED lJNANIMOUSL Y. Asked how long to complete the analysis, Johnson responded about 90 days. The HRA members requested a shorter completion time. 6. Consideration to authorize payment of April BRA bills. The I IRA discussed the need to shop around for a financial consultant or to increase the Tlf deposit of $5,000. Some members felt to increase the deposit would scare off some developers. Koropchak noted administrative costs which exceed $5.000 are billed the developer per the Contract for Private Development. Only if a project does not proceed and no deposit was made. is the HRA out any dollars. DAN FRIE MADE A MOTION AlJll-IORlZlNC PA YMFNT OF THE APRIL I IRA BILLS. SECONDED BY STEVE . 3 . . . HRA Minutes - 5/1/02 ANDREWS AND WIlli NO FURTHER DISCUSSION. TI-IE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Consideration of J':xecutive Director's Report. In addition to the written report, Koropchak intllrmed members that a for sale or lease sign has been posted at Lake Tool and according to the Wright County Auditor's Office, the second half of the 200 I property taxes are delinquent. Additionally IRTI has heen invoiced f'()r $1,514, the difference between the 11 I" deposit and the total administrati ve costs. Lastly, Koropchak noted that lJMC inJ'(mlled her that it is highly unlikely they will renlain in Corcoran. Other communities now heing looked at are Rockford, Rogers, Hanover. and CreenstieId. Barger announced he would golf as a guest of the Marketing Committee and Frie was golfing with his company. 8. Committee Reports. None. 9. Other Business. Mike Cyr. front Porch Associates, requested an aclditional $5,000 in TIF assistance. lhe aclditional dollars to recover some of the developer's cost to clear the title oi'thc vacated Vine Street public right-of-way. As you recall, there was an encroachment on the Vine Street puhlic right~of-way. The City Council was wiIIing to proceed with an ejectment process and reduced the land price from $83,000+ to $75,000. The completion time and the outcome of the ejectment process could not be guaranteed by the City. The developer proceeded to negotiate with the encroacher and to obtain a quit claim with no direction fronl the Council to pay. The liRA lelt perhaps there was a lot of speculation and did not consider the request. 10. Adjournment. BILL FAIR MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MA Y HRA MEETING. SECONDI':D BY DAN FRIE AND WITH NO FURTIIER BUSINESS. THE I1RA MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:00 P.M. ~ \<c)) 0 Q-9~_ Ollie Koropchak, Re~ 4