Library Board Minutes 01-24-2008Minutes of the Library Board, City of Monticello
January 24, 2008
5:00 P.M.
Members present: Branch Manager Debra Luken, Tom Parker, Ralph Olsen, new
board member Sandra Lommel, Friends ofi the Library member Jacque Gordon,
and community member Jake Stacker.
Chair Tom Parker began the meeting by announcing his resignation from the
Board because of work commitments. He introduced Jake Stacken who lives in
Monticello township as a potential board member to replace him. At the present
time only one board member may be from the township. Ralph will check with the
city for mare information concerning this issue.
Debra resented the Janua 2008 Libra Re ort far the Monticello Branch
• Circulation has consistently increased for the last 5 years from under
100,000 to over 200,000. Patrons placing holds on books and Internet
station use has also increased significantly during that same time period.
• Monticello was one of 10 libraries to receive additional hours because of
increased usage. The Library now has 1 additional Branch Assistant and 9
additional hours of staff time.
• The City approved the request for four new armchairs in the periodical
area. Debra will place the order.
• Signs Plus of Monticello has not responded to the request for a proposal
for new signs for the Library.
• It is anticipated that Monticello will be a likely candidate for a selfWcheckout
terminal. The cost is $11,000 with the annual cast of maintenance
approximately $1,200 per year. The cost is the responsibility of the city
and the library. This equipment would allow the staff more time to assist
library patrons.
• The Monticello Branch will host a "Visit with Nancy Carlson", a popular
children's author, and Dia de Ios Ninos/Dia de los Libros during April.
• The Summer Reading Program will be "What's cooking in your library".
The summer program is well attended by the youth in the community with
over 500 participating last year.
Additional Business:
• Ralph volunteered to take over as Chairman for Tom Parker who is
leaving the board.
• Tom recommended that the Board begin thinking about expanding the
Library. Debra commented that there is a definite need to do this because
there is no room for additional book selves and more room is need for
programs that are offered. Board members stated that the architect
designed the remodeling of the building to allow for expansion and that the
city owns the land west of the building. Susie Wojchouski, the Council
representative to the Library board, will be contacted to obtain information
concerning the procedure for presenting the idea to the Council.
Friends of the Libra Re ort:
• Landscaping will be done in the spring with the remaining funds that were
collected for the "Come Read with Me" sculpture.
• Books for Babies: Free kits will be given to parents of infants born in 2008.
Friends are looking for grant money to subsidize this project.
• Programs scheduled for 2008 will be:
Family Board Game Night, Monday, January 29, 5:30 to 7:30
Genealogist Tom Rice, March 10
General Membership Meeting, Noel Labine, Storyteller, June 2008
• Annual Book Sales for 2008 -Books are donated by community members
April 12 & 14
September 20 & 22
Additional information regarding Friends projects:
-The group would like to zero in on adult programs. The family board
game night is in place of the previously sponsored Holiday program.
The game kit that will be used is from the GRRL. The event has been
publicized in the Monti Times, Community Ed brochure, library, and
Community Center.
-Provide incentives for the Summer Reading Program.
-Will consider helping to provide funding for the self-checkout terminal
if necessary.
Meeting adjourned at 5:45
Next meeting will be Monday, May 12 at 5:00 P.M. at the Public Library
Submitted by Sandra Lommel