City Council Minutes 04-03-2023 SpecialMINUTES
Monday, April 3, 2023 — 5 p.m.
Academy Room, Monticello Community Center
Present: Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Tracy Hinz, Lee Martie, Sam Murdoff
Absent: None
Staff: Rachel Leonard, Jennifer Schreiber, Angela Schumann, Tom Pawelk, Liz Linrud,
Haley Foster, Matt Leonard, Mike Holland, Josh Berthiaume, Ron
Hackenmueller, Jim Thares
Others: Bolton & Menk — Andrew Dresser & Britton Jones
1. Call to Order
Mayor Lloyd Hilgart called the special meeting to order at 5 p.m.
2. Block 52 60% Plans Discussion and Direction
Rachel Leonard, City Administrator, gave a brief introduction on the project and vision
of the Downtown/Walnut Corridor. This included the Walnut Street preferred option,
guiding principles and costs. It was noted that Bolton & Menk were to present the 60%
plans and need clarification on items/cost to move forward to completion of the project.
Andrew Dresser and Britton Jones, Bolton & Menk, presented the 60% completed plans
to the City Council. In addition, members of the EDA, Planning Commission, and Parks
and Recreation Commission, were in attendance for comment. The presentation included
a project overview and components of the downtown improvements:
• Materials and furniture
• Signage
• Streetscape improvements
- Medians
- Walnut Street.
- River Street
• West Bridge Park Edge Options, which included a new ADA compliant entrance
on the southeast side of the park.
• Walnut Terrace
• Block 52 Side -Yard
• Downtown Gateway Plaza
Staff asked for feedback from the City Council regarding the project and total cost. There
are ways to cut the cost by phasing some items in the project or cutting items. There was
consensus of the City Council to proceed with the project as presented. Keeping ADA
entrance was a priority for the City Council.
City Council Special Meeting Minutes — April 3, 2023
The total estimated cost for the project is $10,667,609.54 with the City's portion being
$8,715,000. The developers offered alternatives for reducing the project. Alternate 1
would reduce by $200,000 and Alternate 2 by $500,000. Neither of these alternatives
would retain the new ADA access. The Council did not want either of the alternatives and
consensus was supportive of the $6 million project cost. They did, however, request that
staff look at ways to scale down slightly by looking at the pergola, signage and lighting,
which could be phased in later.
There was discussion of funding which included using fund balance and/or bonding for
the project.
The City Council also discussed the number of trees in the median. Public Works and
Parks noted the issue of snow removal and maintenance. Currently snow is plowed to the
medians and removed a day or two later. This would not be possible if trees were planted.
Councilmember Martie suggested an upgraded plantar design instead of trees. Most
Councilmembers suggested that there be an alternative way to plow snow in the
downtown area and this be included in the snowplowing policy.
As plans near completion, the City Council will make final decisions on the items
3. Adjournment
By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 8 p.m.
Recorder: Jennifer Schreib
City Council Special Meeting Minutes —April 3, 2023