HRA Minutes 12-04-2002 . . . MINlJTI~:S MONTICELLO HOUSING AND RED[~VELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, December 4,2002 - 6:00 p.m. 505 Walnut Street - Bridge Room Commissioners: Absent: StaH: Chair Brad Barger, Dan Frie, Hill Fair and Council Liaison Brian Stumpf Darrin Lahr and Steve Andrews Rick Wolfsteller, Ollie Koropehak, and Lori Kraemer 1 . Call to Order. Chair Hrad Barger called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. and declared a quorum. 2. Consideration to approve the November 6,2002 liRA minutes. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BILL FAIR TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR liRA MEETING ON NOVEMBER 6, 2002. DAN FRIE Sl:<:CONDED Till:<: MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. 3. Consideration or addinl! or re1l1Oving items from the agenda. None 4. Consent Agenda. 5. Continued - Consideration to hear an update on the progress for redevelopment of a portion of Block 52 and 51. 5a. Consideration to approve entering into a Preliminarv Development Agreement with Steve Johnson for Phase I. Executive Director Ollie Koropchak advised the liRA that she had spoken with Steve Johnson earlier that day and he stated he would be meeting with Jim McComb that evening and he would be in contact with her. Koropchak again advised of the time line concerns regarding TIF and Johnson felt they could meet the time lines. lie also advised Koropchak that he would be in this week with the deposit and to sign the agreement. Johnson would also like to include Phase II in the preliminary agreement. Koropehak asked the HRA members to make a motion authorizing her to sign the preliminary agreement ancl accept the deposit, if they were in agreement. The benefit to including Phase II in the preliminary agreement is fiJr the I IRA to look at future public improvements as it would be more encouraging iJthe HRA knew there were private investments. Koropchak wi II also modify the agreement to state "negotiate" rather than "execute" in order to meet the time table for the public hearing. HR^ Minutes - 12/04/02 \ . A MOTION WAS MADE BY BILL FAIR TO APPROVE ENTERING- INTO A PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WITI-I STEVE JOIINSON FOR PI lASE I AND II OF THI,: BLOCK 52 MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT, PIIASE 11 SUBJECT TO TIME FRAMES, AND AUTHORIZE KENNEDY AND GRAVEN TO BEGIN PREP ARA TlON OF THE CONTRACT FOR PRIV ATE REDEVELOPMENT, CONTINGENT ON RECEIPT OF A DEPOSIT IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,000. DAN FRIE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5b. Consideration to hear proieet update bv Sawatzke. . Pat Sawatzke advised thc HRA membcrs that he has been working with the architect and builder, focusing on the proposal with the underground parking, as this option provides Inore river view. He stated that the estimated cost at this time for construction, tear-down and rebuild is $3.2 million and hc now needs to determine what kind ofrcvenues can be made. Sawatzke advised that this estimate includes parking, site grading and paving. lIe also advised that the buildings would have brick or stone fronts. Thc underground parking would provide for 1 space per residential unit and thcrc would also he storage lockers underground. Thc second and third i100rs would be residential with ground i100r being commercial. Hc stated that thc rental units would he approximately 1,000 sq. ft. with 2 bedrooms, and possihly 6 units pcr floor. Sawatzke added that the apartments would be only on one side of the bui Iding due to the physical size of the property as well as thc view of the rivcr. He stated this creates more wasted space in the corridors, but allows for each unit to have river views. Koropchak advised something that would he beneficial for thc HRA would be to look at expcnding some of their dollars and she asked Sawatzke at what point would he feel comfortable in signing a preliminary agrcement or a deposit. Sawatzke did not fcel he was ready for that at this time, but possibly in several months. They discussed parking as wcll and Sawatzke stated he had a different idea of parking than Steve Johnson did. He will bc interested in parking discussions as thcy develop. They cncouraged Sawatzke to proeccd and come hack. 5c. Consideration to hear summarv of parkin!! requircments for redeveloped arca. Koropchak stated that Jeff O'Neill and Steve Grittman calculatecl the amount of parking spaces needed for Steve Johnson's project, Phases I and II. They advised with Steve's Phase I & II plans and using the 60% rule, public parking lot, as well as parking on both sides of Walnut Street, Sawatzke's project should break even but Johnson may have to pay into the parking fund. Koropchak added that this will all need to be recalculated as Grittmal1 did not havc the square footage for the existing Block 51 at the time of the parking study. . 2 .. . . . HRA Minutes - 12/04/02 Koropchak advised that the HRA could considcr looking at TTF Dist. 1-22 bond money procccds which are left to spend, as well as public improvemcnts. She provided some options regarding parking as well. Bill Fair asked about the parking fund and she advised that thc City has been putting money into the parking fund, but she did not know how much, if any, was available. Rick Wolfsteller stated thcre was not vcry much in the fund as it has been expended already. Koropchak advised that John Simola mentioned that water/sewcr lines along Walnut St. would need replacing with a new project. Shc stated that if thc lIRA was interestcd in proceeding with any of those options, they may want a commitmcnt from the developers. A decision whether to open Walnut Street at River Street would need consideration, this would be a City Council decision. Bill Fair stated that there has to be commitments from the developers before the lIRA could look at their options for investment, stating the developer will steer the HRA. He askcd if the developcrs had looked at possibly a public corridor or pass-through on their block so that there was access to the opposite side, encouraging thc public to park where thcre is available parking and walk through the corridor. lIe addcd that this makcs it casier for the public to get in and out. Thcre was no further discussion. 6. Consideration to authorize paymcnt of lIRA bills. Therc was discussion on the overchargcs for the Front St. project for excavation. Rick Wolfsteller advised that it was not a lump sum bid, but that it was cstimatcd by thc cnginecr and the bid was based on that number. Wolfsteller stated that he agreed the amount should be owcd, howcvcr the question would be should thc enginccr havc studied this further prior to bids. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRAD BARGER TO PA Y THE $45.00 INVOICE TO KENNEDY AND CiRAVEN AND TABLE THE PAYMENT OF THE FRONT STREET SITE GRADING UNTIL FURTHER INFORMATION IS OI3'I'AINED. DAN FRIE SECONDED THl': MOTION. MCrnON CARRIED UNANIMOUSI,Y. 7. Consideration of Exccutive Director's Repol1. Koropchak provided thc report adding that regarding Tiff District 1-21, Mark Rutl had advised not to retirc that district. . Comp Plan Task Force will be meeting on Thursday. Collectcd final payment from Aroplax for tax deficiency 8. Committee Rcports. There were no reports. 9. Other Business. Therc was no other business. 3 ": . . . 10. Adjournment. H R^ Minutes - 12/04/02 A MOTION WAS MADE BY BILL FAIR TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7: 15 P.M. BRAD BARGER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. HRA Chair ~~0 m->-+- ~ lteem . er 4