City Council Minutes 12-08-1999 SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, December 8, 1999 _ 5 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: Brian Stumpf Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to ardor at 5:10 p.m. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller explained tlae purpose of the special meeting which is to discuss the City's proposed budget and tax levy for the year 2000. The public hearing provides residents an opportunity to comment on the City's budget. Rick Wolfsteller reviewed the process that was used to determine the 2000 budget. Initially the budget had been prepared using a 5% increase over the 1999 levy which provided a total levy of $4,848,611. At the last budget workshop the Council made same cuts to the proposed budget in order to keep the 2000 budget mare in line with what was approved for 1999. The cuts resulted in a budget increase of over 1999 of about 2% or approximately $91,000. Rick Wolfsteller reviewed the sources of revenue for the City and provided information an the impact the proposed 2000 levy would have on the taxes paid by city homeowners. Mayor Belsaas then opened the public hearing on the 2000 proposed budget and tax levy. Bret Gemlich from the YMCA spoke to the Council regarding the City's contribution to the YMCA. He stated that the City's contribution to the YMCA is used for youth development. Without this funding the youth. programs such as the after school program, youth counseling, and recreational therapy could be jeopardized. The area youth would lose a valuable resource if these programs are cut. Jason Bell spoke about his involvement in the YMCA program and how it benefitted him. Scott Peterson spoke of the value of the YMCA programs and urged continued funding for the programs. Tom McKinney, Executive Director of the Northwest Branch of the YMCA stated that the City's contribution to this program is a valuable investment for the youth of the area and lack of this type of programming may lead to less desirable youth activity and increased crime. Sharon Backstrorn also spoke on the value of the programs offered by the YMCA as did Jim Lindberg from the Monticello School District. Bruce Thielen asked what other entities such as the township and county contributed to the program. Mr. Gemlich indicated there was little in the way of financial contributions from other entities. Roger Belsaas noted that the program benefitted people outside tl--e city limits but was only supported financially by the city. Bruce Thielen explained that the City is taking a leadership role with the youth by providing the Community Center and its programs as well as providing an extensive park and trail system all of which provides activities far the area youth. Although the City cut their contribution to the YMCA and Community Education it did not mean that these programs did not have merit. Roger Belsaas added that he did not feel by slaking these budget cuts that the city was turning its back on the youth of the community. Duane Gates, Community Education Director and Patrice Bogart, Community Education Advisor spoke to the Council about the proposed cut in Community Education funding and submitted a memo to the City Council which outlined five areas impacted by the proposed cut. Roger Belsaas stated that he felt there was an aspect of unfairness in the City being asked to fund programs and activities of the school district which benefit the entire school district but are not supported by any other entities comprising the school district. Bruce Thielen stated that when the City first made the contribution to the school district it was because at that time there was no park system or recreation program in place. Now, however, the City has a park and trail system and a Community Center that will provide opportunities for the youth and the City is shifting the focus of its support. It was suggested by Clint Herbst that because of the short notice of the City's intention to eliminate funding, the City may want consider reinstating the funding for the YMCA and Community Education for the year 2000 with it being noted that the funding for these programs would not extend beyond the year 2000. The Council heard other comments of support for the YMCA programs including those of ,Tason Zachman who invited the Council to attend the after school sessions held at the YMCA facility on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. He felt this would be a good opportunity for the Council to see first hand the value of the program. ,1im Lindberg added that it is important to provide opportunities far youth but it is also important to seek their input on issues. Mayor Belsaas closed the public hearing. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE 2000 BUDGET AND THE TAX LEVY WITH THE CHANGES DISCUSSED BY THE COUNCIL WINCH INCLUDE REINSTATCNG THE $7,Sp0 CONTRIBU'I"ION TO THE YMCA AND TH1= $17,500 CONTRIBUTION TO COMMUNITY EDUCATION WITH THE NOTATION TI-lAT THE FUNDING IS FOR THE YEAR 2000 ONLY AND THE CITY WOULD EVALUATE AND ASSESS ANY REQUESTS FOR FUTURE F[rNDING. CUNT HERBS`I' SECONDED Tl-IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY WITI-1 THE FINAL COUNCIL VOTE ON THE 2000 BUDGET AND TAX LEVY TO TAKE PLACE AT THE DECEMBER 13, 1999 REGULAR MEETING. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED 'I'O ADJOURN AT 6: ] S P.M.. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary f' 2