City Council Agenda Packet 02-11-2008 SpecialAGENDA
Monday February 11, 2008 - 5 p.m.
Mayor: Clint Herbst
Councilmembers: Wayne Mayer, Tom Ferrault. Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski
1. Call to order.
2. Review of Lundsten/City Agreement governing Cedar Street Land Exchange.
3. Close.
Sp Council Agenda: 2/11/08
2. Review of Lundsten/Ci A reement overnin Cedar Street Land Exchan e.
Glen Posusta has indicated that he has a buyer that is very interested in purchasing his
property for development but he cannot close the deal because he does not have control of a
strategic remnant parcel that should be combined with his larger parcel. The only way he
can gain control of this remnant parcel is to go through a quiet title process which would be
disrupted by John Lundsten's assertion that he owns the remnant parcel. Glen Posusta
knows that eventually, even. with this disruption the land would became his and he will be
able to sell his property accordingly. However, there is added cast to him associated with
multiple and complicated quiet title action due to the City's action conveying the remnant
parcel via a quit claim deed to Lundsten. Glen Pasusta is requesting that the City assist him
in funding the quiet title effort in compensation for the City's role in creating this debate
over who owns the land. Glen Posusta has noted that while the quiet title is proceeding, the
City can determine whether or not it wants to compensate Lundsten for the remnant parcel
Joel Jamnik, legal counsel will be present at this special meeting to provide additional
background information, options available to the City and the estimated cost of a quiet title
action given the complexity of the case.