City Council Agenda Packet 02-25-2008AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday February 25, 2008 — 7 p.m. Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2A. Approve minutes of February 11, 2008 Regular Council meeting. 2B. Approve minutes of February 11, 2008 Special Council meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying new hires and departures MCC, Finance and Liquor. B. Consideration of approving renewal of charitable gambling license for Land of Lakes Choirboys. C. Consideration of approving final plat for Union Crossings Third Addition, a commercial subdivision in a B-4 (Regional Business) District. Applicant: Ryan Companies US, Inc. D. Consideration of approving a request for simple subdivision, a request for conditional use permit for joint access in a B-4 (Regional Business) District. Applicant: Premier Bank. E. Consideration of approving a one day charitable gambling license for Monticello Youth Hockey program ATV raffle on March 14, 2008. F. Consideration of approving a one day charitable gambling license for Wright County Ducks Unlimited on May 5, 2008 at River City Extreme at 3875 School Boulevard. G. Consideration of approving credit card application for Holiday Gas Station. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing on proposed amendment making revisions to the 2008 fee schedule and approval of increase in sewer/water rates and ancillary fees. 8. Wright County Sheriff's Department 2007 Year -End Report 9. Consideration of request from Habitat for Humanity for waiver of fees. 10. Consideration of proposal from Wright -Hennepin Electric to update residential lighting system. 11. Consideration of pre -sale report: G.O. Sewer Revenue Refunding Bonds. Agenda Monticello City Council February 25, 2008 Page 2 12. Consideration of approving payment of bills for February. 13. Adjourn. Council Minutes: 2/11/08 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday February 11, 2008 — 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. A moment of silence was held to honor former State Representative Bob McEachern and Wilmar Oj akangas, former Monticello Mayor who had died. 2. Approve minutes of January 28, 2008 Regular Council meeting. Tom Perrault noted two corrections to the minutes. On Page 4, under item #5I the comments Tom Perrault made were made prior to the motion and not afterwards. On item #5J, Tom Perrault seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 28, 2008 MEETING. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Susie Wojchouski added the stop sign at 3rd Street and Brian Stumpf added the parking lot lighting at K -Mart. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. Susan Biasco, 19551207"' Street, Big Lake spoke to the Council about waiving the building fees for the Habitat for Humanity house which is being built off County Road 39 in the Sunset Ponds development. Gary Anderson, Building Official, said staff will be meeting to review this request for a waiver of fees. Susan Biasco stated that Gene Bauer donated a parcel of land for Habitat for Humanity of Central Minnesota. The group has been raising money to finance the construction of the house. Thrivent will give them a 65% grant for the house construction. At this time they are still $30,000 short of what is needed. In order to get the grant the housing must be completed by November. While they expect some donations of materials and labor, any fee reduction approved by the City would come off the $30,000. Clint Herbst suggested that when the group gets their figures finalized they should come back to the Council. Council Minutes: 2/11/08 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of waiving statutory liability limits for City insurance renewal. Recommendation: The Council moves that the City of Monticello does not waive the monetary limits on tort liability established by Minnesota Statute 466.04. B. Consideration of approving temporary liquor license for the Monticello Lions Club for the Riverfest Celebration. Recommendation: Approve a temporary liquor license for the Monticello Lions Club for the Riverfest Celebration on July 12-13, 2008. C. Consideration of amending union contract for establishing foreman position. Recommendation: Approve the Memorandum of Understanding with the requested changes which will amend the union contract to include the Foreman position. D. Consideration of approving credit card application with Target and Office Max. Recommendation: Approve the credit applications with Target and Office Max. E. Consideration of renewal of contract for Carefree Lawn Service. Recommendation: Approve the contract with Carefree Lawn Service for two years with a one-year extension based on the contract prices quoted with all three years being at the fixed rates. F. Consideration of final payment and acceptance of work for Street Reconstruction Project, City Project No. 2006-1. Recommendation: Accept the improvements and approve the final payment of $84,913.46 to Knife River contingent upon receipt of the final paperwork. G. Consideration of final payment and acceptance of work for Cedar Street/Dundas Road Improvements, City Project No. 2006-02C. Recommendation: Accept the improvements and approve final payment of $55,924.42 to Latour Construction, Inc. contingent upon receipt of the final paperwork. H. Consideration of adopting resolution supporting a joint application by Wright County and the City of Monticello for LCCMR funds. Recommendation: Approve submitting a letter to the DNR supporting the grant application submitted by the Wright County Parks Department to the Department of Natural Resources Local Grants Program for the proposed acquisition of the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park. I. Consideration of authorization to establish a part-time position for the Finance Department. Recommendation: Approve the creation of a new part-time payroll/finance clerk position to work no more than 20 hours per week and adjust the hours of the current part-time finance clerk to approximately 26 to 28 hours/week with no receptionist duties. J. Consideration of replacement of one ton service vehicle for Water and Sewer Department. Recommendation: Authorize the purchase of a new Ford F-450 from Monticello Ford in the amount of $26,585.87 excluding sales tax and to either trade the 1992 Ford F-350 and/or sell it to the public, and to purchase the fiberglass body and liftmore crane on the state bid from ABM Equipment in the amount of $10,858.00 2 6. Council Minutes: 2/11/08 and $11,662.00 respectively excluding sales tax; and to authorize the accessories listed in the cost detail at a total cost of $49,209.75 including all sales tax. K. Consideration of adopting resolution recognizing the Industrial Development Committee. Recommendation: Approve the proposed agreement and associated resolution recognizing the role of the Industrial Development Committee. L. Consideration to approve appointment of members to the Industrial Development Committee. Recommendation: Move to appoint members to the Industrial Development Committee as recommended by the IDC as follows: MEMBERS PROFESSION TERM Bill Tapper Industrial, Manufacturer December 2008 Jim Johnson Education December 2008 Patrick Thompson Service, Utility December 2008 Barb Schwientek Member -At -Large December 2008 Don Tomann Industrial, Manufacturer December 2008 Rich Harris Industrial, Manufacturer December 2009 Dick Van Allen Industrial, Manufacturer December 2009 Dan Olson Service, Insurance December 2009 Marshall Smith Health Care (Eff 4/2008) December 2009 Zona Gutzwiller Service, Lender December 2010 Wayne Elam Service, Contractor December 2010 Don Roberts Industrial, Manufacturer December 2010 Lynne Dahl -Fleming Service, Print/Marketing December 2010 Mike Benedetto Member -At -Large December 2010 Sandy Suchy Chamber of Commerce Standing Member BRIAN STUMPF MOVED THE APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGEND WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS #5H, #51 AND #5J. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Consideration of items removed from the consent aeenda for discussion. #5ILetter supporting Wright County's efforts to obtain $1,000,000 in LCCMR funding for the YMCA property. Clint Herbst explained that the funds generated from the lottery go to various environmental uses and the City/County has been approved for $1,000,000 for the possible purchase of the YMCA property. Tom Perrault stated he pulled this item because he is in opposition to the acquisition of the land. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE SUBMITTAL OF A LETTER TO THE DNR SUPPORTING A GRANT APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY THE WRIGHT COUNTY PARKS DEPARTMENT TO THE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LOCAL GRANTS PROGRAM FOR THE PROPOSED ACQUISITION OF THE BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES REGIONAL PARK. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. Wayne Mayer stated he understood that Tom Perrault was not supporting the proposal to acquire the YMCA property but by voting no Tom Perrault was in opposition to someone else other than 3 Council Minutes: 2/11/08 the taxpayers picking up the $1,000,000 of cost. Clint Herbst said people are adamant about having parks and trees in their area and the YMCA was filling a great need for the community providing ballfields as well as trails and lakes. UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. #SI Consideration of reducing Finance Department overtime hours. Wayne Mayer asked the Finance Director to review this item. Tom Kelly, Finance Director stated that the Finance Department staff has worked 771 hours of overtime. Some of this time was by the Accounts Payable Clerk where more time was required because of new requirements such as fraud prevention practices. The Finance Department is proposing to reduce the current Finance Clerk- position lerkposition from 30-32 hours week to 26-28 hours a week and take away the receptionist duties from this position. A new position would be created that would work 20 hours a week. Tom Kelly noted this position was not budgeted for in the 2008 budget but felt that the reduction in overtime hours would offset the cost of the new position. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE CREATION OF A NEW PART-TIME PAYROLL/FINANCE CLERK POSITION TO WORK NO MORE THAN 20 HOURS PER WEEK AND ADJUST THE HOURS OF THE CURRENT PART-TIME FINANCE CLERK TO APPROXIMATELY 26-28 HOURS/WEEK WITH NO RECEPTIONIST DUTIES. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Wayne Mayer asked for further clarification from Tom Perrault on his position on item #5H, the funding for the YMCA purchase. He asked if Tom Perrault understood that voting no was supporting that the City residents pick up the $1,000,000 in cost that the LCCR funds would have paid. Tom Perrault stated he felt the City was paying too much for the land which they were only proposing to use as park. He felt some of the land should be zoned for industrial and residential use. He questioned whether an additional 1200 acres of park land was needed. Plus the City's estimated $8,000,000 was only for land cost and did not include development costs. Susie Wojchouski felt Councilmember Perrault had to vote his beliefs and vote based on comments he received from constitutents. Clint Herbst responded that you can't always vote your position. You have to vote what is best for the City. He felt it was inappropriate for Councilmember Perrault to lobby against the proposal to acquire the YMCA. #SJReplacement of 1 -ton service vehicle for Water and Sewer Department. Brian Stumpf indicated that questions he had on this item had been answered by the Public Works Department. Once the new vehicle has been ordered the other vehicle will be put out for bids. If favorable bids are not received the vehicle will be traded in. The trade-in value of the old vehicle is $4,000. Tom Perrault asked if the cost for the hoist included installation and if the warranty for the vehicle still held if there was a hoist installed. Brian Stumpf asked about the size of the tank and was told it is a 30 gallon tank and not 13 as the agenda item indicated. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF A NEW FORD F-450 FROM MONTICELLO FORD IN THE AMOUNT OF $26,585.87 EXCLUDING SALES TAX AND TO EITHER TRADE THE 1992 FORD F-350 AND/OR SELL IT TO THE PUBLIC WHICHEVER OFFERS THE MOST VALUE TO THE CITY, AND TO PURCHASE THE FIBERGLASS BODY AND LIFTMORE CRANE ON THE STATE BID FROM ABM 11 Council Minutes: 2/11/08 EQUIPMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,858.00 AND $11,662.00 RESPECTIVELY EXCLUDING SALES TAX AND TO AUTHORIZE THE ACCESSORIES LISTED ON THE COST DETAIL WITH THE TOTAL COST INCLUDING ALL SALES TAX TO BE $49,209.75. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Consideration of approving contract for Fiber to the Premise Engineering Design and Construction Management. In the absence of the City Engineer, Cathy Shuman provided background information on this agenda item. She reviewed the process that the fiber optic committee took to reach their selection for the engineering firm. The committee reviewed the 8 RFP's and interviewed four firms. They were recommending that Council approve the contract with Spectrum Engineering. The contract costs were reviewed. It was pointed out that the hourly rate for inspection services was estimated at $66/hour and there would be approximately 500 plus hours of inspections. At the recommendation of the City Attorney the liability insurance for the contractor was increased from $2,000,000 to $5,000,000 which added an estimated $1,000 of cost to the project costs. Brian Stumpf asked if the City had a dollar figure on what funds had been pulled from reserves to fund the fiber optic costs thus far. He asked whether there was a fiber optic fund set up for tracking these costs and when the City Council would be seeing these reports. Tom Kelly said he hopes to be providing quarterly reports starting in March. The fiber optic fund would be shown as an enterprise fund. Brian Stumpf asked if the City has only been using liquor fund reserves to finance fiber optic costs. Tom Kelly said of the expenses that can be reimbursed, the funds have come from liquor store reserves. Susie Wojchouski asked what happens if the bonds don't sell. Tom Kelly said if the bonds don't sell then City must determine if they could go forward with the project and how they would pay for it. Cathy Shuman stated that Oppenheimer, the underwriter the City is working with, does not anticipate any problem with selling the bonds. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONTRACT WITH SPECTRUM ENGINEER TO PROVIDE ENGINEER DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION SERVICES FOR THE FIBER OPTICS NETWORK AT COSTS AS IDENTIFIED WITH APPROVAL CONTINGENT ON NO NEW ISSUES OR MAJOR CHANGES OCCURRING PRIOR TO SIGNING THE CONTRACT. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION WITH DISCUSSION. BRIAN STUMPF WANTED TO KNOW THE AMOUNT PULLED FROM THE LIQUOR STORE RESERVES THUS FAR. MOTION CARRIED. 5 Council Minutes: 2/11/08 8. Consideration of a request for amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance for the regulation of Grading and Erosion Control. This item was tabled at the request of staff as they felt there were provisions in the ordinance and in the process that need to be fine tuned. Once the revisions have been made they will be reviewed by the Planning Commission and then brought back to Council. 9. Consideration to review for appointment an ad hoc Natural Resource Inventory Selection and Review Committee and appoint a Council liaison to Committee. In January the Council authorized the preparation of an RFP for a Natural Resources Inventory. The RFP has been prepared and will be sent out with the proposals due back on April 1 st. Staff is requesting Council approve appointments to the ad hoc committee that will review and select a firm for the NRI. It is proposed the committee will consist of one member of the Council, Planning Commission and Parks Commission and various members of City staff. It is anticipated that the committee will be meeting 4-6 times. Brian Stumpf indicated that depending on meeting times, he would be willing to serve as the Council representative. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE APPOINTMENT OF AN AD-HOC NRI SELECTION AND REVIEW COMMITTEE AS PROPOSED AND TO APPOINT COUNCILMEMBER STUMPF TO SERVE ON THE COMMITTEE. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Added Items: Stop sign at 3rd Street and Maple Street. Susie Wojchouski noted that many motorists do not heed that sign. She wondered if there was something that could be done to make the sign more visible to the motorists. John Simola, Public Works Director, will check into it and he will request the Sheriff's Department to monitor the area. Lighting at K -Mart site. Brian Stumpf asked if a lighting plan was part of the site plan for the K -Mart site. He felt the area was very dark and he would like to have someone verify that the lighting is in compliance. 10. Consideration of approving payment of bills for February. Brian Stumpf asked if the City was utilizing the purchasing policy that the Council recently adopted and Tom Kelly indicated that was the case. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Gary Anderson asked about getting input from the Council on the old bowling alley site. Council indicated that had been discussed earlier and direction was given to the Public Works Director. 2 Council Minutes: 2/11/08 11. Adiouirn. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 8 P.M. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary Council Agenda: 2/11/08 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday February 11, 2008 — 5:30 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Woj chouski. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order. Clint Herbst called the meeting to order at 5:30. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss options to be considered in resolving the title problem relating to the Cedar Street right-of- way. Jeff O'Neill provided a summary of the information presented at a previous meeting addressing this issue. Glen Posusta one of the affected property owners was present at the meeting. He stated he had a buyer interested in his property so he would like to get the title issue resolved in order that a possible sale could take place. Among the options the Council discussed were: 1) Providing financial assistance to Glen Posusta in his quiet title action; 2) Reimburse John Lundsten on the loss of land resulting from the result of a quiet title action; and 3) The City could take no action and allow the property owners to resolve the issue. In discussing financial assistance in the quiet title action, it was noted that the property owner and not the City must initiate the quiet title action. However, the City could make a determination on whether or not to offer financial assistance to defray the cost of the legal action. Glen Posusta said the issue comes down to the time line. Initially Glen Posusta contacted MnDOT in 2002. MnDOT said they would approve his request for the vacation of the property which they would turn back to the County who would turn it back to the City. Glen Posusta submitted to the Council a letter from John Lundsten to MnDOT written in 2003 requesting MnDOT give the land to him. The City's agreement with John Lundsten was signed in June of 2003 which was 9 months after Glen Posusta had contacted MnDot. Glen Posusta commented that the interesting item in the City's agreement with John Lundsten was that the City was proposing to obtain a quit claim deed from Amax Storage which was to be delivered John Lundsten. City Attorney, Joel Jamnik indicated that he would want the opportunity to fully review the file documents. Glen Posusta stated that the cost on his first quiet title action was about $4,000. Clint Herbst asked what happens once Glen Posusta initiates a quiet title action. Joel Jamnik replied that John Lundsten could legally contest the quiet title action. Joel Jamnik said neither Glen Posusta nor John Lundsten could plat their land without getting the quiet title action done on this parcel. By granting the quit claim the City was merely giving up any right the City had in this parcel and City was not warranting title in the property. However the quit claim deed increased John Lundsten's belief that he owns the entire parcel. Council Agenda: 2/11/08 Glen Posusta stated that the legal description of his abstract describes the property as going to the center line of the road. Joel Jamnik pointed out that no one can use the property until somebody does a quiet title action. The City could do nothing and wait until the title issue is resolved or the City could pay a share of the quiet title action costs. The City could make this offer on the share of the quiet title action costs to either Glen Posusta or John Lundsten. Wayne Mayer said he did not mind assisting in the cost to quiet title. Joel Jamnik did not recommend paying anything towards the quiet title action until the case was resolved. The City could agree to pay a certain percentage of the cost for the quiet title action. Joel Jamnik felt a contested quiet title action could be in the area of $5,000 or $1,50042,500 if it is not a contested case. From Glen Posusta's perspective, he has had already had to pay for one quiet title action so it would be more fair for the City to pay 50% up to a maximum of $3,000. If the costs exceed the maximum, the matter could come back to the City for reconsideration. Glen Posusta stated it was the actions of Rick Wolfsteller that resulted in Glen Pousta being put in this position. Joel Jamnik repeated that the City's action only released what interest the City had in the property. It was pointed out that Glen Posusta voluntarily ceased pursuing the quiet title action on the entire area. The little parcel of land was left out of the quiet title action because of John Lundsten's objection. The Council again discussed the City's level of financial participation. Wayne Mayer felt the City should pick up the initial filing cost and a certain portion of the related costs. Clint Herbst suggested the City pick up to $3,000 and then revisit the issue again if the cost exceeded the $3,000. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED THAT THE CITY PROVIDE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE UP TO $3,000 TO GLEN POSUSTA TO GO TOWARDS THE QUIET ACTION TITLE COVERING POSUSTA' S REMNANT PARCEL WITH THE CITY RETAINING THE ABILITY TO REVISIT THE ISSUE AT A LATER TIME. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Administrator O'Neill asked whether the City had to have a finding that would justify the assistance. Joel Jamnik stated that reviewing the history of the dispute has already occupied a significant amount of staff and council time and would require an additional number of hours on the part of staff and legal counsel, which provides sufficient legal justification for the Council to consider financial assistance. 2. Adi ourn. The special meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Recording Secretary K Council Agenda: 2/25/08 5A. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for MCC, Finance and Liquor Store. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC, Finance Department and Liquor store. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. A.1 BUDGET IMPACT: None A.2 STAFF WORK LOAD IMPACT; Until the positions are filled again, existing staff would pick up those hours. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hire/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. C. RECOMMENDATION: By statute the City Council has the authority to approve all hires/departures. There is no other recommendation but for the Council to exercise the authority given to them by state statute. D. SUPPORTING DATA: List of new employees. Name Birdsall Trevor Hayda, Jessica Berthiaume, Patricia Wilke, Mark Heins, Jamie Leonard, Rachel Anderson, Jeff (JD) Caouette, Zachry Flanigan, Gina Name Mastey, Paula Lemmens, Tirzah Gullickson, Megan Ikit��i�l Title Bldg Custodian Slide Attendant Clerk Clerk Guest Services Guest Services Climbing Wall Att Climbing Wall Att Guest Services Lead Department MCC/City MCC Liquor Store Liquor Store MCC MCC MCC MCC MCC TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Reason Department voluntary Finance voluntary MCC voluntary MCC employee council list.xls: 2/20/2008 Hire Date 02092008 PT 02082008 PT 02082008 PT 02072008 PT 02072008 PT 02062008 PT 02042008 PT 02042008 PT 02012008 PT Last Day 02152008 FT 02012008 PT 02012008 PT Class Class Council Agenda: 2/25/08 5B. Consideration of resolution approving renewal of charitable gambling license for Land of Lakes Choirbovs. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Land of Lakes Choirboys is requesting approval of the renewal for their charitable gambling license at Jala Peno Bar and Grill. They have submitted the attached financial report covering their lawful expenditures for their past license period. Prior to the State Gambling Control Board issuing a license, the City Council must pass a resolution approving or denying the application. Staff is not aware of any reason why Council would not allow the state to issue this license. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to approve the renewal of the charitable gambling license for Land of Lakes Choirboys to conduct charitable gambling activities at Jala Peno Bar and Grill. 2. Do not approve the resolution. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approving the resolution authorizing the issuance of the charitable gambling license be adopted. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution Financial Report CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2008-19 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A CHARITABLE GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, Land of Lakes Choirboys has submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for a charitable gambling license to conduct gambling activities at Jala Peno Bar and Grill at 530 Cedar Street; WHEREAS, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the application by Land of Lakes Choirboys for a charitable gambling license to conduct gambling activities at the Jala Peno Bar and Grill located at 530 Cedar Street is hereby approved and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the application. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 25th day of February, 2008. Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator LAND OF LAKES CHOIRBOYS GAMBLING OPERATIONS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2006 AND 2007 Gross Profit: Gross receipts - pull tabs Gross receipts - bar bingo Gross receipts - paddlewheel Prizes paid - pull tabs Prizes paid - bar bingo Prizes paid - paddlewheel Gross Profit State Taxes: Net receipts tax Combined receipts tax Gambling Control Board fee Gambling tax Total State Taxes Gross Profit After State Taxes Allowable expenses Net Profit After State Taxes Lawful Purpose Expenditures: Land of Lakes Choirboys Monticello organizations (see attached) Allowable portion of annual audit costs License fees Total Lawful Purpose Expenditures Less: 2% tax credit/refund Net Lawful Purpose Expenditures Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Profit Carryover - January 1 Profit Carryover - December 31 Year Ended Year Ended Dec. 31, 2006 Dec. 31, 2007 $ 2,041,219.00 $ 2,024,736.00 $ 42,966.00 62,549.00 900.00 4,020.00 (1,680,447.00) (1,652,921.00) (28,552.00) (43,616.00) (600.00) (3,350.00) $ 375,486.00 $ 391,418.00 $ (1,250.71) $ (65,610.38) (2,085.07) (55,014.36) (123,960.52) $ 251,525.48 $ (161,857.65) 89,667.83 $ 68,642.80 $ 31,389.84 2,050.00 600.00 102,682.64 $ $ 84,972.16 $ $ 4,695.67 $ 21,411.85 $ 26,107.52 $ (1,666.28) $ (67,561.54) (2,091.08) (53,204.45) (124,523.35) $ 266,894.65 $ (168,926.47) 97,968.18 $ 62,234.91 $ 55, 920.00 600.00 118,754.91 $ (20,116.37) 98,638.54 $ (670.36) $ 26,107.52 25,437.16 $ Totals 4, 065, 955.00 105, 515.00 4,920.00 (3,333,368.00) (72,168.00) (3,950.00) 766,904.00 (2,916.99) (133,171.92) (4,176.15) (108,218.81) (248,483.87) 518,420.13 (330,784.12) 187,636.01 130,877.71 87,309.84 2,050.00 1,200.00 221,437.55 (37,826.85) 183,610.70 4,025.31 21,411.85 25,437.16 LAND OF LAKES CHOIRBOYS DONATIONS MADE FROM GAMBLING OPERATIONS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2006 AND 2007 Organization Donations: Land of Lakes Choirboys: Total donations Less: allowances approved by City management for financial hardship: For fiscal year 09/01/2006 to 08/31/2007 Purpose Programming costs Total Land of Lakes Choirboys, net of approved allowances Monticello Donations: City of Monticello Monticello Community Center Monticello Community Center Monticello Fire Department Monticello Fire Department Monticello Fire Department Monticello School District Monticello School District Monticello High School Monticello High School Monticello High School Monticello High School Monticello High School Monticello Community Toys for Tots Monticello Arts Council Little Mountain Elementary School Pinewood Elementary School St. Henry's Catholic Church Monticello -Big Lake Nursing Home Monticello -Big Lake Nursing Home St. Benedicts Senior Community Monticello Polecats J.O.Y. Visitation Center Monticello Boys Scouts of America 4-H Miscellaneous Subtotal - Monticello Donations Riverfest for 2006, 2007, & 2008 Murals General donation Large saw for jaws -of -life Infrared camera Heavy lifting equipment Destination Imagination program Lacrosse program Scholarships for the arts Band - Percussion Theater Drumline Baseball program General facility donation Christmas gifts for needy children Sculpture Music Department donation Music Department donation Youth programs Patient van Muzak/video/DVD systems for patients Donation for chapel General donation General donation Eagle scout projects Milk cooler Other donations Add: City -approved allowances to Choirboys for financial hardship (see above) Total Monticello Donations, after approved allowances Total Donations Other Lawful Purpose Expenditures: Cost of annual audit License fees Total Lawful Purpose Expenditures Total % $ 135,878 (5,000) $ 130,878 60.0% $ 7,500 12,000 600 4,000 11,000 12,000 500 500 6,000 500 1,000 1,620 4,440 1,000 500 1,100 2,000 500 2,000 5,000 2,000 1,000 2,000 2,300 900 350 $ 82,310 5,000 $ 87,310 40.0% $ 218,188 100.0% 2,050 1,200 $ 221,438 Council Agenda- 02/25/08 5C. Consideration of a request for Preliminary and Final Plat for the proposed Union Crossings Third Addition, a commercial plat in a B-4 (Regional Business) District. Applicant: Rvan Companies US, Inc. (NAC) The Planning Commission heard this item at their February 6, 2008 regular meeting and recommended approval of the request as proposed. The Commission raised concern with the layout of Lot 3, and whether this lot would adequately support a commercial user. Staff clarified that a commercial user would function appropriately on this site with all required landscaping, parking, and drive aisles. The Commission asked staff to clarify if stormwater ponding would be required on the site. The applicant clarified that stormwater from the site would be routed to the regional pond adjacent to the interchange, as was approved with the overall Union Crossings PUD. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Ryan Companies has applied for Preliminary and Final Plat approval for Union Crossings Third Addition, a commercial subdivision consisting of three lots. The site is located south of 7th Street, west of Highland Way, and east of the St. Henry's Church property. The gross area of the site is 3.85 acres. The subject property is part of the existing Union Crossings Planned Unit Development. Comprehensive Plan. The subject site is guided for commercial land uses in the Comprehensive Plan. Zoning. The site is zoned B-4, Regional Business. The purpose of the B-4 regional business district is to provide for and limit the establishment of motor vehicle oriented or dependent commercial and service activities. ANALYSIS The applicant is proposing a commercial plat consisting of 3 lots on a 3.85 acre site. In a narrative submitted by the applicant, it is stated that the platting has been requested prior to any applications for Conditional Use Permits or development stage PUD to facilitate the sale of the lots. The site is part of the existing Union Crossings PUD and therefore, additional applications are expected prior to development. However at this time, only Preliminary and Final Plat approval are requested. Preliminary and Final Plat. The site is currently platted as Outlot C of Union Crossings. The applicant is proposing to plat the site as Block 1, Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Union Crossings Third Addition. Lot Requirements and Setbacks. No minimum lot area, lot width, or setback requirements apply to the B-4 District. Additionally, no structures have been sited on the proposed lots. For reference purposes, the following chart details the dimensions of the proposed lots: Lot Depth Lot Width Lot Area Lot 1 272 feet 232.21 feet 1.54 acres Lot 2 215 feet 249.76 feet 1.22 acres Lot 3 226 feet 543.37 feet 1.09 acres Any future buildings proposed for the site shall be evaluated on their own merit at the time of development to ensure that each lot will function properly with adequate space for required parking and landscaping. Access. Access to the lots has not been illustrated on the plat documents. Instead, staff anticipates that access points will be determined as each site develops. The width of each lot appears adequate to provide a curb cut setback of at least 40 feet from the intersection of two of more rights -of --way, as required in the Zoning Ordinance. As the plat abuts I-94, MnDOT approval is required. The applicant has submitted a letter from MnDOT, dated December 20, 2007, containing the following comments: 1. There can be no net increase in storm -water runoff from the development to the Interstate right-of-way. 2. A permit is required to perform work in the right-of-way, construct any entrances, or any change in use of an entrance. Grading, Drainage and Utilities. All comments relating to grading, drainage, and utilities will be addressed with any application for Development Stage Planned Unit Development. Recording. If the final plat is approved by the City Council, the subdivider shall record it with the Wright County Recorder within 100 days after said approval. If the subdivider fails to so record the final plat, the approval shall be considered void, unless a request for time extension is submitted in writing and approved by the City Council prior to the expiration of the 100 day period. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: The Planning Commission recommends alternative 1 below. Regarding the request for Preliminary and Final Plat approval for Union Crossings Third Addition, a commercial plat resulting in three lots, the City has the following options: 1. Motion to approve the Preliminary and Final Plat of Union Crossings Third Addition, subject to a finding that the proposed plat is consistent with the intent of the B-4, Regional Business District, and the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Motion to deny the Preliminary and Final plat, based on a finding that the proposed use is not consistent with the intent of the B-4 District. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The applicant is requesting approval of Preliminary and Final Plat for a three -lot commercial subdivision. The subject request is consistent with the intent of the B-4 District and the existing Planned Unit Development. All lots appear to be proposed in a manner that will adequately support commercial uses. Therefore, staff recommends approval of the Preliminary and Final Plat. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Exhibit A: Application Form Exhibit B: Preliminary Plat Exhibit Z: Conditions of Approval PLANNING AND PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT SERVICES AgriculturaltOpen Space 505 WALNUT STREET, SUITE I Residential PLANNING CASE NO. MONTICELLO, MN 55362 El Industrial City Hail: (763) 295-2711 Fax: (763) 295-4404 E -NI ail: Cominde0i, ci-montice o.mn-us TYPE OF APPLICATION BASE APPLICATION FEE (CHECK APPROMATE SOXor DaM) (FEESARECUUWUM 0 VARIANCE REQUEST 5500 for single family/S200 + S500 deposit for all others CONDITIONAL USE $200 per application --' review deposit 11 Conditional Use Permit 11 Planned Unit Development -Concept Stage Final stage PUD requires no application fecid eposit. 17 Planned Unit Development - Develop. Stage 0 Planned Unit Development - Final Stage 0 SUBDIVISION PLAT - 0 Sketch Plans Sketch Plan: S50 + review deposit Preliminary Plat Preliminary Plat: 5300 + review deposit Final Plat Final Plat: S50 0 SIMPLE SUBDIVISION 5200 -t- deposit (Based on number of multinj; 4ots) 0 REZONING /MAP I TEXT AMENDMENT S200 = deposit 0 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT S200 + deposit El SPECIAL MEETING 5350 Cl VACATIONS/OTHER 5125 DEPOSIT FROM BELOW S ZCK�W� TOTAL FEE & DEPOSIT TO BE PAID 4 ZMirols J Deposits are estimates only, based on expenses involved in reviewing application materials by City Staff and consultants; they are subject to modification. Consultant services are necessary as determined by City staff for Planner, Engineer, Attorney& other consultants. Applicant is responsible for all expenses related to application reivew. Deposits required as follows - C, I? IERC AL,DEVELOPMENT 0-3 acres $2,000 1 unit 5500 4-10 acres S6,000 2-10 units $150 per unit I I+ acres $10,000 It+ units $100 per unit PROPERTY ADDRESS) LOCATION: PROPERTY L EGA L D ESCR I PT ION: 1 CURRENT ZON ING: 0 AgriculturaltOpen Space 0 Residential Business El Industrial (CRECK APPROPM TE 80-Y & CIRCLEAPPROPRIATE DISTRICT) AO R1 RIA R2 112A R3 R4 R -PUD PzR PZM BI 132 B3 81 CCD 1-1 1 -IA 1-2 DESCRIBE REQUEST: 4 ;E 21'0 5r.4 4 70/Z r A' Ile -------- 02007 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. ELOPER: N COMPANIES US, INC. SOUTH 10TH STREET Y 300 VEAPOLIS, MN 55403 -492-4498 &MYO.T-A FWOOD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 112TH STREET NORTH E 206 CLOUD. MN 56304 -253-9495 Call 48 Hours GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Twin City Area 651-454-0002 Mn. Toll Free 1-800-252-1166 XM 12t d t N, k0od 6uvfo[. uic 3'701 14M SL N. Adls 206 9t. OWA Mt4 56303 1710ME 326453.4495 FAX 320-2S34M Westwood TOIL FREE 1d06 95 ZM44 ,f.- estw�i wwVtw 80.vadP:mm 1 h—by tha 11b pf t — pI I by —. adw .7 p..fraee Al .-a.doa m4 6d I— t ddr S—d LAW SURVEYOR udr dr Owe d 1b. 9b"/ f IOL—hL �A.[..9•sul�l�(JC�Gf�r� jvomeC �T a., /7.'_.1Gf • ZOO / 1Jorr No 19552 RYAM COMPANM M II�IC CNN. fornVAU 50 S—th T—a s� Swft Soo I -L-4-4 % i--v-r-6 MN 35403.= DMWW NHC mm m m m m m 6T1 -144-f000 td Ka—d OnwIK br/ddw 6TL49Z�'S000&. BUILDING LASTING RELATIONSHIPS W"AYANCOMPANIMCOM 4`x,4 �• �.� i. I P �,�• I �1• I �1• I 4l• _ _4 � 4p SEC m", :3 l i R. L — 25 — SEC. 13, T. 121 N., R. 25 W, VICINITY MAP No SCALE AREA SUMMARY: LOT 1: 1.54 ACRES/67,179 SO. FT. L 0 T 2• 1.22 ACRES/53,048 SCJ. FT. LOT 3.- 1.09 ACRES/47,697 SO. FT. x r" 0 50 100 150 LEGEND —sur-- SA NTARY SERER —STD-- STORM SENN —sur— WAMWAIN CURB & Gurm? 817UMMOJS SURFACE BEARINGS SHOWN ARE BASED ON THE PLAT OF UNION CROSSINGS Ego 33G Q3AI3038 Det, W l4/07 20032629.03PPFOIAW9 j UMON CROSSINGS THIRD ADDITION Preliminary Plat MondCYnO, 1411nne917ta AfWerfy I ne of /'YjtfAf UNlcfl CROSSING 4 Y✓. ry N c� G CS Fy A UNION CROSSINGS THIRD ADDITION / ANOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS / That .Ryon Companies U$ Inc, a Minnesota corporation, fee owner, and At & I Marshall & 19s/ey Sank, mortgagee of the following described property situated i7 the County of #fghL State of Minnesota. to wit- Outiot C. UVON t2tOSS/NGS according to the recorded plat thereof, and situate in iWight County, Mkmesata Have roused the some to be surveyed and platted as UNION CROSSINGS THIRD AL70111001 and do hereby donate and dedicate to the public for public use forever the d d d easements as shown on this plat for drainage and utility purposes ardy. ii�f lop in witness whereaf said Ryon Companies US Inc- a Minnesota corporation, has caused these presents to be signed by Its proper officer �� _r I, I� ( �`P i this day of 20 RYAN CLittPAN/ES USS � ( Its of • J_ v6 STATE OF ANNHESOTA COUNTY OF 4P I The foregokng knstument was acknowledged before me this day of 20 by , \ SEC- C;: ( ;� fns of Ryon Companies US Inc, a Minnesota oarparatkn, an behalf of the corporation. Signature Printed Name Notary Pub/k; County, Minnesota / . G ¢"J \ / 0 \ My cammisstoa Expires _ — in witness whereof mid M if I MarshaN R 1Ns/ey Bonk martgage4 has caused these presents to be signed by Its proper offker this day of 20 V �,fl \ SEC 13, T. 121 N., R. 25 W. M & I MAR.91ALL dr ILLSLEY SAW .. Oo \ MINITY MRP B its y NO SCALc' STATE ar M1NNESOU TY COUNTYOF fie foregoing knstument was acknowledged before me this day of 20 by Its of M B i Mo Shaff alt /Xa/ey Bonk an behalf of the bank Signature Printed Name Notary Public, Canty, Minnesota �D My CommLsakrn Explrea / vi aryry/ � LLs I hereby certify that i have surveyed and platted the property described an this plat as UN/fN! CROSSINGS IFNRD ADDITION,' that tib plat 6 a carnet vrtrv,wv J r�-rn,^;+rA rig;- - ~-� v�1V�,Jlf Yl7..: ,1 \r1 ` Z \ representation of the surrey, that ON distances are correctly shown m the plat in feet and hundredths of a foot: that ON monuments hors bear correctly placed ,n the ground as shown, or will be placed as required by the local government anti, and that the outside boundary /hes are correctly designated on the 7 c plat. and that there ore no wet land; as defined In MS SOS.OZ Subd f, or public highways to be designated other than as shown. r' \ Dom•' F<_,��� �'�4 //�\,i QO \ /1. IT! /"1 T OC // VVI, Gl.V ! � A Jerome a NTttst=k Land Surveyor K/r \ Minnesota License Na 19552 \ / rao OAE eo9ihjy/A� / `` \ STATE OF MINNESOTA �p The foregoing Surveyor's Certlficote was acknowledged before ma this _day of 20 _, by Jerome G NTffstock Land Sarre Minnesota License Na 19552 M • Signature Printed Name \ d ` ryry/ / Notary Publk; County Minnesota�V/ \\\ /`,, My Cammiss/arn Erpkes / x aTY PLANNING COWSSM This plot of UMON CROSSNtS THIRD AD017701V was approved by the Pfonning Commission of the City of Mantlad/o, Mkrnesoto at a meeting held _4_ -jl � \ \ U fin& day of 20 — — Chakmon i CfTY APPROVAL d \ This plat of UNION CROSS1NfS TMRD ADDi7ICH was approved and accepted in compliance with Minnesota Statutes Section 5OS.aT Subdivision 2 \ 0 , by the City Counci of the City of Mantkel/o. Minnesota at o meeting held this _day of -70 _. 50 0 50 100 150 Scale in feet Drainage and Utility Easements are shown thus: I t s-1 -1-- — t �i--- 6 II 12 12 1 (No Scale) Being 5 feet in width, unless otherwise indicated, and adjoining lot lined and 12 feet In width and adioinfng right-of—way Ifnes as shown on the plat. \ ;c 4 \ ClE \ c / COUNTY WG gWAY ENdNEER \4 sA .0 ' 4h d\ 6S?00 O The northwesterly lute of Out/ot C, UNION CROSSINGS, is assumed to bear South 27 degrees 22 minutes 25 seconds East. o Denotes 1/2 inch by 14 inch Iron monument set and marked by License No. 19551 0 Denotes found iron monument p Denotes access control This plot was recommandad far approval tib C ` COUNTY SURWrw \\ Examined and recommended for opprovul this COUNTY AtionuR Taxes paid for all yeas through year Mayor _ day of 20- - 0—_ day of 20 _ and transfer entered .this _ day of 20 —, COUNTY TREASURER I hereby certify that taxes payable in the year _ an lands herein descnbed are paid &,is, _ day of City Admkdstrotor NWght County HTghwoy Engineer wght County SLrveyor Motot County Auditor 20 _ Wight County Trecstu-r REGISTRAR OF iTTLES I hereby certify that the within plot was fled in this office this _ day of 20 J at o'clock _At.. and was My retarded h Cabinet Steeve as Document Number %%�y�{ n 4:i VR `xVC t( Cert. Na Val.. Page Larry A. Unger, Registrar of Titres /+'tWestwood 113338 i�lb Professional Services, Inc. Exhibit Z Conditions of Approval 1. The applicant shall record the plat with the Wright County Recorder within 100 days of approval or it shall be considered void. Council Agenda- 02/25/08 5D. Consideration of a request for Simple Subdivision and a Conditional Use Permit for Joint Access for Prairie Ponds Second Addition, a commercial Dlat in a B-4 (Regional Business) District. Applicant: Premier Banks. (NAC) The Planning Commission heard this item at their February 6, 2008 regular meeting and recommended approval of the request with the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. The Commission clarified that an access to Parcel A is possible off of the cul-de-sac, in addition to the proposed cross access. The Commission also clarified that a curb would be constructed along the common property line at such time as Parcel A develops. A representative for the applicant was present to clarify that the applicant was aware of the conditions of Exhibit Z, and had no objections. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Premier Bank is seeking approval of a Simple Subdivision for their property at 4134 Deegan Court. The property is currently platted as Lot 2, Block 1 of Prairie Ponds Second Addition. The applicant is also seeking a Conditional Use Permit for Joint Access. The subject site is located north of School Boulevard and east of Deegan Avenue and is 2.71 acres in area. The site is zoned B-4, Regional Business. Comprehensive Plan. The subject site is guided for commercial land uses in the Comprehensive Plan. Zoning. The site is zoned B-4, Regional Business. The purpose of the B-4, Regional Business district is to provide for and limit the establishment of motor vehicle oriented or dependent commercial and service activities. ANALYSIS Premier Bank is requesting approval of a Simple Subdivision to allow for a lot split of their property at 4134 Deegan Court. The site is currently platted as Lot 2, Block 1 of Prairie Ponds Second Addition. The applicant is proposing to subdivide a portion of the lot, 50,712 square feet (1.16 acres) in area. This parcel is identified at Parcel A, and is located on the northeast side of the site, adjacent to the Deegan Avenue cul-de-sac. The parcel containing the existing bank building, identified as Parcel B, is proposed to be 67,313 square feet (1.55 acres) in area after the subdivision. Lot Requirements and Setbacks. No minimum lot area, lot width or setback requirements apply to the B-4 District. For references purposes, this information has been provided for the proposed parcels. No buildings are proposed for Parcel A at this time, and therefore all setback information reflects the existing bank building on Parcel B only. Lot Area Lot Width Front Yard Setback Side Yard Setback Rear Yard Setback Proposed Parcel A 50,712 sf 134.65 feet N/A N/A N/A Proposed Parcel B 63,313sf 83.23 feet 163 feet 86 feet 75 feet Any future buildings proposed for Parcel A shall be evaluated on their own merit at the time of development to ensure that each lot will function properly with adequate space for required parking and landscaping. Access. The applicant has requested a Conditional Use Permit for shared access between the two resulting parcels. The proposed shared access location is located approximately 33 feet from the east side lot line. The curb cut between the two parcels is proposed to be 24 feet in width. No curb currently exists along the property line. Adjoining business properties may share full parking access of more than 24 feet with no curb barrier by Conditional Use Permit, provided that: 1. The required landscaping and island areas within the shared parking lot meet the combined minimum as required by this Ordinance. Comment: The applicant is proposing shared access, but not shared parking. According to the original landscape plan for the Premier Bank site, dated 5/31/2005, the proposed curb cut for the shared access will not interfere with any required landscaping on the existing site. 2. The parking lot meets the required setback at the perimeter of the parcels in question. Comment: The existing parking lot on Parcel B is consistent with the setback requirements. No parking lot has been illustrated on Parcel A at this time. Any future parking area on Parcel A will be evaluated on its own merit at the time of development through the CUP process. 3. The curb cut access locations to the parking lot(s) are approved by the City Engineer. Comment: The City Engineer has reviewed and approved the curb cut location. 4. A shared access and maintenance agreement is provided by the property owners and recorded against all subject properties. Comment: No such maintenance agreement has been provided as part of the application. This document will be required as a condition of any approval, and shall be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney. In addition to the conditions of approval, additional review will be required for Parcel A at such time as the site develops. As no development is currently proposed for Parcel A, full Conditional Use Permit review shall be required to accommodate the shared access arrangement on that parcel with any future user. Said review shall be required as a condition of approval. Snow Storage. The 5/31/2005 site plan for the Premier Bank site illustrates a snow storage area north of the site, on the proposed Parcel A. The proposed share drive will cut through this snow storage location. The applicant shall be required to show an alternate snow storage area on Parcel A, as that site develops. Grading and Drainage. A grading and drainage plan was approved for the site with the review of the Prairie Ponds Second Addition plat. Recording. In the event the subdivision is approved by the City Council, the subdivider shall record it with the Wright County Recorder within 100 days after said approval. If the subdivider fails to so record the subdivision, the approval shall be considered void, unless a request for time extension is submitted in writing and approved by the City Council prior to the expiration of the 100 day period. B. ALTER -NATIVE ACTIONS: The Planning Commission recommends alternative 1 below. Regarding the request for Simple Subdivision approval for of Lot 2, Block 1, Prairie Ponds 2nd Addition and a CUP for shared access, the City has the following options: 1. Motion to approve the request for Simple Subdivision of Lot 2, Block 1 Prairie Ponds 2nd Addition and a CUP for shared access, based on a finding that the proposed arrangement is consistent with the intent of the B-4, Regional Business District, and the Comprehensive Plan, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny the request for Simple Subdivision approval for of Lot 2, Block 1 Prairie Ponds 2nd Addition and a CUP for shared access, based on a finding that the proposed use is not consistent with the intent of the B-4 District. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Simple Subdivision as presented, subject to the conditions outlined below. Both lots are consistent with the performance requirements for the B-4 District. The applicant has not identified a user for Parcel A at this time and as such, further review of that parcel will be required with any future development. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Exhibit A: Site Survey Exhibit B: Landscape Plan 5/31/05 Exhibit Z: Conditions of Approval ; Z: �_ e -, �� � Request for Simple Subdivision and a Request for Condi- tional Use Permit for Joint Access A.yr+urru9i-900i,ilrvluLl4,.urol99 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY FOR PREMIER BANKS / BCsting L a ! Description el2i`M Per cel) Lot 2, Block 1, PRAIRIE PONDS SECOND ADDITION, according to the plat thereof on file and of / record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota r PARCEL A (Proposed leaol description) / That part of Lot 2, Block 1, PRAIRIE PONDS SECOND ADDITION, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota, lying northeasterly of the following described line: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Lot 2; thence South 18 degrees 33 minutes 51 seconds West, plat bearing, along the easterly line of said Lot 2, a distance of 308.11 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 71 degrees 26 minutes 09 seconds West, a distance of 140.00 feet; thence North 18 degrees 33 minutes 51 seconds East, a distance of 31.90 feet; thence North 05 degrees 23 minutes 09 seconds West, a distance of 27.57 feet; thence North 29 degrees 20 minutes 10 seconds West, a distance of 75.08 feet to the northwesterly line of said Lot 2 and terminating thereat. PARCEL B (Proposed legal description) That part of Lot 2, Block 1, PRAIRIE PONDS SECOND ADDITION, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota, iying southwesterly of the following described line: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Lot 2; thence South 18 degrees 33 minutes 51 seconds West, plat bearing, along the easterly line of said Lot 2, a distance of 308.11 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 71 degrees 26 minutes 09 seconds West, a distance of 140.00 feet; thence North 18 degrees 33 minutes 51 seconds East, a distance of 31.90 feet; thence North 05 degrees 23 minutes 09 seconds West, a distance of 27.57 feet; thence North 29 degrees 20 minutes 10 seconds West, a distance of 75.08 feet to the northwesterly line of said Lot 2 and terminating thereat. LEGEND 1' SANITARY S&$%R —,. — STORM SEWER — — WATERAM S4N17ARY MANHOLE CATCH &ASIN STORM MANHOLE )0 HnNW GATE VALVE DECIDUOUS TREE CONIF?OUS TIME ] SHRUB GROUND CONTOUR TELEPHONE RISER > ELECTRIC MANHOLE t UNDERGROUND PETROLEUM SIGN ( LIGHr POLE &?URINOUS SURFACE J CONCRETE SURFACE — J VICINITY MAP CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN NO SCALE j f A, 11'/?7TAVII I ;F �U �`OR'ROHJd ` 0 30 60 90 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET *DENOTES IRON MONUMENT SET • DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND • DENOTES 'X" CHISELED IN CONCRETE 1/25/08: REVISED BOUNDARY BETWEEN PARCELS A AND e� I hereby certify that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Dote R. rt L oh m � i6�� License No. 7439 MEYER ROHI,ZN, REVISIONS 1/2008 ENGINEERS—LAND SURVEYORS 1171 Hwy. 25N., Buffolo, MN 55313 Ph. (763) e82-1791 F-.. (763) 692-9492 DATE 11/12/07 DRAWN BY ' BOOK SHEET 1 OFI FILE NO. AAN PAGE I SHEETS 1 06121 OWNER: S 89°05'10" E "N\ - N #V PRENER —169.SO— LEGEND Notes- 9op0ogaphy" utnitle MARK NOV11 —Existing and proposed fie' r LOT LNE and features con be found on Sheets C2 2866 WHITE BEAR .0 & C3. MAPLEWOOD, MN 55% —Building dimensions are located In the Ph. (551) 777-7M." SET&ICK WE architectural plans provided by Architects Plus. —The landscape plan shown has not been BMMMUS SURFACE 1211 N Ng, prepared by a licensed landscape architect. -ff SURF 1=CR& ACE co 0 N o 90 z 'It to j BUILOING SE78ACK LIMES V V Z' 1 CL LL FEET (Typ.) 0WHIC SCALE IN j M •a: LU IT-15, - 0 DENOTES rRON MCWUML-NT 0 CC CL Ul (TYP.) UL WN -LEGAL DESCRIPTION co C) LQT-..Jf2. BLOCK I PRAIRIE PONDS WR)GHT COUNTY, Cl) LLJ ADDITION, WESOTA. a: ZONING CLASSIFICATION CL Lij j, (HIGHWAY BUSINESS) Al" yet ?�­, I y4g rA PARKING CALCULAT70NS 0) PR- OSED USE SHALL BE CLASSIFIED AS "OFFICE BUILDING" =3,600 S.F. X 3 STOR(ES=7,200 S.F-, lie TOTAL BUILDING AREA 4 (BASEMENT FOR STORAGE PURPOSES ONLY f�S -, '. j . -::'10,800 S,'F.-10%.=9,720 S.F. r *�,02 z 12 t2 Ae, Vg 1�z 51 cc'j (02 %k QR Ny ��.`t3+(9720 00)=51.6 I. r-,1 . ---':TOtAL PARKING SPACES RE .b QUIRED=52 b tit _e WOW (b V 01 cb -TOTAL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED=58 Its E � / k�r •� �.:t . � Nk Iv --PR6,POSED IMPERVIOUS AREA , g Cr IX MR= IMPERVIOUS AREA 49,128 OR 41-6Z TRASH I ENCLOSURE �_W TQTAL LOT AREA=118,025 S.F. �,A IMD ,etaX. • • -1,403 FT ta.. TREE-_RE0UIREMFN_TS M PRO -E -PERIMETER SIT (VADE)S)jA!zP SIGN R=15' -NORTHERLY PERIMETER DEFINED AS THAT AREA WHICH 30 FEET BEYOND SIDE AND REAR YARD ,'�''.`--SETBACK OF PARKING AREAS 21 137, "Cop, &W�e4ft 140.3-50=25 Nr ••w MINIMUM # OF MAJOR OR OVERSTORY TREES REQ.=28 ;;41 PRQRQSED # OF MAJOR OR OVERSTORY TREES=28 J, •v- wn, V Cq, '-k.'t •'A "j", -;T, A ;k z2e ---- -- gv- i-,, PLANT SCHEDULE L• ­It T SIZE 7YPE REMARKS SWR QTY Puwr me S�%M#P WTE 9B ov�R�TqRY TREE v. S 89014,00"N Cr. fiERWRIft 81 2 14� eB 'k �CM RURRUM CL a IST=A111 V I M 2 112' IAMIUN UNIMN BB Z jig IM ANSWCANA C) 2: 6.00'Nq SW INE EVE]EEE 12 8B AUSTRIAN PINE 61 IN, 'PUM MORA to 6-8, 98 z PINLIS STRORUS 00 6, 24' a r. AS ON PLANS CNAN YOM K, 0" M" 1 24, AS ON PLANS as �0 r NN GAR 'A"AL, N i 2V ca AS ON PLANS NN, CV Cb 3 30 IWAYFA _7REE 1 24' as AS ON PLANS I =vw LwrANA I RLE' NO. 051 1.0 1GOLDFLAME SPIREA I fa. CLa AS CH PLANS WSP"RAUEA X SWAALDA IMDA"r SZEA AS Off PLANS I 1jr H[PPONCA volluotm, Qa AS (W PLANS orle / 1 X LL P 100� NAEA =090' QQ AS OR PLANS D, C NNi4 1. Future de�el Co Exhibit omplia °Pment ndltjons 1�2 2 nce With the °f Parcel A s ofApprov P o hall al lines T he apple ca pOsed CUp require Of both t shall Prov' for shared X11 C°nditio 3 The Parcels ide a six, foot access nal Use Pew ease restoration o drainage and it review to e Ment shall bef anYprivate utility easement, ensure 4 The ap 1 at the expense dis long the subJect pr cant shall r e of the Prop due to inte�7or pro S oPerties P Ovide a shay Perty owner Work Within Pei�y The the drain Re subdivisi shared, and age corder I C ffc and all nec maintenance a and utility Office Within l c ary ease g'eement and r days ofaPprovs shall be recorded ecOrd it al, orded with t against all he W� ght County Council Agenda: 2/25/08 5E. Consideration of approving a temporary charitable gambling license for Monticello Youth Programs, Inc. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Monticello Youth Programs, Inc. has applied for a permit for a temporary charitable gambling license to conduct charitable gambling at River City Extreme at 3875 School Boulevard on March 14, 2008. In order for the State Gambling Control Board to issue this temporary gambling license, a resolution by the City either approving or denying the application needs to be submitted with their application. Mr. Trent Giffort from the group stated that the financial information relating to this event was contained in the report submitted with the annual renewal. Their license period runs from 1/1/2007 to 12/31/2008. He did indicate that the raffle revenues/expenditures were not broken out separately. The financial report is attached. In the past the City has not opposed these exempt gambling licenses for charitable events. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue the charitable gambling license to Monticello Youth Programs Inc. to conduct charitable gambling activities at River City Extreme, 3875 School Boulevard on March 14, 2008. 2. Do not approve the charitable gambling license request. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff is not aware of any reason why the Council would not allow the State to issue this gambling license. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution approving charitable gambling license. Financial Report CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2008-20 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A ONE DAYCHARITABLE GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, Monticello Youth Programs Inc. has submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for a one -day charitable gambling license to conduct gambling activities at River City Extreme at 3875 School Boulevard; WHEREAS, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the application by Monticello Youth Programs Inc. for a one -day charitable gambling license for March 14, 2008 to conduct gambling activities at River City Extreme located at 3875 School Boulevard is hereby approved and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the application. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 25`h day of February, 2008. Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator L c N .cc j J 0 m ,S 4) M • I 'd OLOS '°N Oil DVS A N3A31S Wdtr0 : l H '� l ');0 6 J VJ - r 1 -. ( -i1A- A L 1 V 1x 01 � :, 1 ►/ U 1 1'\E. I.. V 1 MONTICELLO YOUTH HOCKEY For Ail Sites From 1/1 "2005 to 12/31/2006 Date Check Written Number For 3/9/2005 3081 3/9/2005 3082 4/1/2005 3129 8/31/2005 3289 8/31/2005 3290 6/31/2005 3291 8131/2005 3292 8/31/2005 3293 8/31/2005 3294 8/31/2005 3295 8131/2005 3296 10/412005 3339 10/15/2005 3372 10120/2005 3374 10/30/2005 3379 10/30/2005 3380 11/30/2005 3418 11/30/2005 3419 11/30/2005 3420 11/30/2005 3422 1211/2005 3426 1/27/2006 3507 1/27/2006 3508 1/27/2006 3509 2/14/2006 3519 2/19/2006 3523 3/10/2006 .x562 4/1/2006 3599 4/3/2006 3602 4/3/2006 3603 4/3/2006 3604 4/312006 3605 7/31/2006 3771 11/112006 3885 Payee SCSU BUFFALO CIVIC CENTER CITY OF BUFFALO LUVERNE HOCKEY ASSN LUVERNE HOCKEY ASSN ST CLOUD YOUTH HOCKEY WSPYAA WSPYAA WAHC HCHA R&R SPECIALTIES PNLS MONTICELLO ICE ARENA US HOCKEY HALL OF FAME AST SPORTS HOCKEY ZONE EVELETH YOUTH HOCKEY MOOSE SHERRITT BUFFALO CIVIC CENTER HOCKEY ZONE MOOSE SHERRITT MOOSE SHERRITT BECKER ARENA PRODUCTS AST SPORTS MOOSE SHERRITT Description ICE TIME RENTAL ICE TIME RENTAL ICE TIME BILLS YOUTH HOCKEY EXP YOUTH HOCKEY EXP YOUTH HOCKEY EXPENSES YOUTH HOCKEY EXPENSES YOUTH HOCKEY EXPENSES YOUTH HOCKEY EXPENSES YOUTH HOCKEY EXPENSES YOUTH HOCKEY EXPENSES YOUTH HOCKEY EXPENSES YOUTH HOCKEY EXPENSES YOUTH HOCKEY EXPENSES YOUTH HOCKEY EXPENSES YOUTH HOCKEY EXPENSES YOUTH HOCKEY EXPENSES YOUTH HOCKEY EXPENSES YOUTH HOCKEY EXPENSES YOUTH HOCKEY EXPENSES YOUTH HOCKEY EXPENSES YOUTH HOCKEY EXPENSES YOUTH HOCKEY EXPENSES YOUTH HOCKEY EXPENSES YOUTH HOCKEY EXPENSES MOUND WESTONKA HOCKEY ASSOCI YOUTH HOCKEY EXPENSES STMA YOUTH HOCKEY AST SPORTS MOOSE SHERRIT ICE ARENA MOOSE SHERRITT ICE ARENA BECKER ARENA PRODUCTS JOHNSON BRUNS & CO MOOSE SHERRITT ICE ARENA MOOSE SHERRITT ICE ARENA Tota I of Total ®t Organization YOUTH HOCKEY EXPENSES YOUTH HOCKEY EXPENSES YOUTH HOCKEY EXPENSES YOUTH HOCKEY EXPENSES YOUTH HOCKEY EXPENSES AUDIT YOUTH HOCKEY EXPENSES YOUTH HOCKEY EXPENSES u o. I d U �. sage 1 Total 5937.50 9965.00 4890.00 250.00 250.00 525.00 500.00 500.00 575.00 550.00 3899.77 350.00 1575.00 400.00 2981.50 3210.96 475.00 10012.50 1530.00 69.58 17475.00 15262.50 1277.47 2718.79 15162.50 300.00 7000,00 5060.35 7100.50 14968.75 1377.50 2232.55 2437.09 4237.50 145057.31 145057.31 20:34:39 1014/2007 Mlnnssote Gambler Contribution Report Page 1 MONTICELLO YOUTH HOCKEY For All Sites From 4/1/2004 to 3/31/2005 Date Check Written Number Payee Description Total For 5125/2004 2687 STATE OF MINNESOTA 376.40 5126!2004 052604 UBI TAX REFUND -169.89 7/31/2004 1 UBI TAX REFUND REFUND -28311 8/15/2004 2772 WELLS FARGO UBI TAXES 1400.00 8/15/2004 2773 MINNESOTA REVENUE UBI TAXES 650.00 9/17/2004 2847 STARS HOCKEY OPERATING EXPENSES 30000.00 11/15/2004 2894 STATE OF MINNESOTA LICENSE FEES 600.00 12/20/2004 2970 JOHNSON BRUNS & CO AUDIT 2100.00 2128/2005 UNSOLD Tax Credit/Refund from Form -4936.02 3/9/2005 3081 SCSU ICE TIME RENTAL 5937.50 3/912005 3082 13UFFALO CIVIC CENTER ICE TIME RENTAL 9965.00 Total of 46638.48 Total of Organization 45638.48 u 18:77:1 6 1 217 212006 MinwAo- a Gambler e 'd 0/ 0� 'ON M MVS A N�A� 1 � NA�O : 1 9007 7 l 'a a6 Council Agenda: 2/25/08 5F. Consideration of approving a temporary charitable gambling license for Wright Countv Ducks Unlimited. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Wright County Ducks Unlimited has applied for a permit for a temporary charitable gambling license to conduct charitable gambling at River City Extreme at 3875 School Boulevard on May 5, 2008. In order for the State Gambling Control Board to issue this temporary gambling license, a resolution by the City either approving or denying the application needs to be submitted with their application. The financial report for the previous raffle is attached. In the past the City has not opposed these exempt gambling licenses for charitable events. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue the charitable gambling license to Wright County Ducks Unlimited. to conduct charitable gambling activities at River City Extreme, 3875 School Boulevard on May 5, 2008. 2. Do not approve the charitable gambling license request. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff is not aware of any reason why the Council would not allow the State to issue this gambling license. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution approving charitable gambling license. Financial Report CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2008-21 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A ONE DAYCHARITABLE GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, Wright County Ducks Unlimited has submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for a one -day charitable gambling license to conduct gambling activities at River City Extreme at 3875 School Boulevard; WHEREAS, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the application by Wright County Ducks Unlimited for a one -day charitable gambling license for May 5, 2008 to conduct gambling activities at River City Extreme located at 3875 School Boulevard is hereby approved and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the application. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 25th day of February, 2008. Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Authorized Bingo N Raffle Y N * Paddlewheel N * Tipboard N * Pull -tabs 86012-07-002 09-10-07 to 09-10-07 Expenses Including Gross Receipts Cost of Prizes Market Value Net Profit of Prizes q 66d -�3 Soy Distributor Name & License Number (only necessary if Paddlewheel, Tipbaord or Pull -Tabs are conducted) Date of Purchase CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER SIGNATURE AND DATE REQUIRED BELOW If Michael Kloubec is not the current Chief Executive Officer for your organization, please write the name of your new CEO in the space provided directly below. Be sure to have your new CEO sign and date the completed financial report. Print name of new Chief Executive Officer: ►" t ) & Wlct e 1 14.- 10 v 1J -e C I declare all financial information submitted to the Gambling Control Board is true, accurate and complete. t.�� ,..... ........ .KK.4x ...._.. r -Chief Executive Officer Signature - Date Signed Send the Completed Financial Report to: Gambling Control Board, Suite 300S 1711 W. Co. Rd. B, Roseville, MN 55113 or Fax to: (651)639-4032 (Do Not mail the original if you fax the report.). Ouestions: Contact Gretchen Rockenback at (651)639-4076 or gretchen.rockenback@gcb.state.mn.us. This form will be made available in alternative format (i.e. large print, Braille) upon request. For Board Use Only f Council Agenda: 2/25/08 5G. Consideration of approving credit card application for Holidav Gas Station. (TK) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In 2005 the City Council approved a policy covering credit card use. This policy requires Council approval of each vendor the City establishes a charge account with. Currently the Fire Department has a charge card with Holiday. The card remains at the Holiday Station and the fire department personnel sign off when a charge is made. The Community Center staff is requesting a credit card for their staff. This card will be held by the Community Center Director, Kitty Baltos, and will be released to appropriate MCC staff when needed. At the present time, MCC staff purchases their gasoline at Red's but since the Holiday Station is closer it would be convenient to make their gas purchases at Holiday Station. A.1 Budget Impact — None B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the credit card application for MCC with Holiday Station. 2. Do not approve the credit card application with Holiday Station. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of staff to approve the credit applications with Holiday Station for the MCC in accordance with state statutes and city policy requiring Council approval of credit applications. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. Council Agenda - 02/25/2008 7. Public hearing on proposed amendment making revisions to the 2008 Fee Schedule and approval of increase in sewer and water rates and ancillary fees. (J.S.) A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Based upon the city council request from a previous budget meeting, we have increased the sewer and water user fees or rates by an additional 15% for 2008. This change also takes into consideration the $0.02/100 cu. ft. of water used increase for placing the cost of boosted water pressure on the entire community versus only those properties using boosted water pressure. The 15% rate increases will help pay for planned improvements to the water and sewer systems which cannot be funded solely through the use of taxes or SAC & WAC and trunk charges. In addition to the sewer and water use rates increasing, some ancillary related charges have increased, primarily in the area of sewer cleaning and the use of water from hydrants and the rental of equipment used for obtaining water from hydrants. The Sewer Access Charge (SAC) and Water Access Charge (WAC) and related trunk charges have not been increased for 2008. All other increases will take effect January 1, 2008, and will be reflected in the bill received in April. a. Budget Impact: The increase in the sewer and water user rates of 15% for 2008 will have a neutral effect on the budget as these dollar amounts have already been included in the 2008 Budget. Should the water and sewer rates not be raised by 15% it will negatively impact the budget and result in a shortfall. b. Staff Workload Impact: Increasing the sewer and water rates will have a minor impact on staff workload. The only time necessary is to make the necessary changes to the programs for calculating the sewer and water rates. B. ALTERNATIVES: 1. The first alternative would be to approve the 15% increase in sewer and water user rates as shown on the enclosed fee schedule. This includes the changes to some of the ancillary charges relating to sewer & water such as equipment use. 2. The second alternative would be not to increase sewer & water user rates by 15% but to select a percentage less than 15%. 3. The third alternative would be not to increase sewer & water user rates for 2008. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is a staff recommendation that the City Council approve the 15% increase in sewer & water rates and increases to ancillary equipment rental as outlined in alternative A. This increase is needed for improvements to the water & sewer systems and has already been built into the 2008 Budget. Council Agenda - 02/25/2008 ID. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the new Fee Schedule with the new rates shown in red. Trail Fund: $248/per unit Variance: Setback Variance $500 for single family requests All Other Variances $20 + $500 deposit for all other requests PUBLIC WORKS Chipping: $30 + tax per 1/2 hour or part thereof for the first 2 hours. $60 + tax per 1/2 hour or part thereof for the next hour No more than 3 hours per year per property Construction Inspection (City or, Engineer) $76/hour Dutch Elm Disease Tree Removal City will be responsible for 1/2 of cost of removal up to $225/per tree; resident responsible for bal. cost plus tax Dutch Elm Replacement Tree at 1/2 cost $30 maximum credit each Rodding: 5230 $22001hour for one operator & machine S 115 $1.94/hour or part thereof for 2 operators, machine and pickup. Sweeping: $70 for first hour or portion thereof; $60/hour pro -rated thereafter. Includes operator. Vac/Sewer Jet 8 I QN/hour for one operator & machine X345 $399/hour for two operators & machine DAW"NACEUFORNIS: FEE SCHEDULE 6 in the subdivision shall be presumpti� e !d ' 1, 7rNGDATA as "reasonably commensurate." To estimate the population of the subdivision, a household :size of 3.5 persons per unit for single fam lyhomes and 2.5 persons per unit for attached housing shall be used. Cash: $3,500 per unit. Parking Fund (CCD District) $4,500 per stall Plat Subdivisions: $300 + de E2it as follows: 0-3 acres $2,000 1 unit $500 4-10 acres $6,000 2-10 units $150 per unit I 1+ acres $10,000 111+ units $100 per unit PUD's: Planned Unit Dev. $200 + deposit as follows: 0-3 acres $2,000 1 unit $500 4-10 acres $6,000 2-10 units $150 per unit 11+ acres $10,000 11+ units $100 per Unit Rezoning Request: $200 + Deposit (See plat/PUD Deposit Chart) Seasonal Outdoor Sales License: $150 per 60 day license Simple Subdivision $200 + Deposit (See plat/PUD Deposit Chart) Special Planning Commission Meeting $350 Street Vacation: $150 + Deposit (See plat/PUD Deposit Chart) Trail Fund: $248/per unit Variance: Setback Variance $500 for single family requests All Other Variances $20 + $500 deposit for all other requests PUBLIC WORKS Chipping: $30 + tax per 1/2 hour or part thereof for the first 2 hours. $60 + tax per 1/2 hour or part thereof for the next hour No more than 3 hours per year per property Construction Inspection (City or, Engineer) $76/hour Dutch Elm Disease Tree Removal City will be responsible for 1/2 of cost of removal up to $225/per tree; resident responsible for bal. cost plus tax Dutch Elm Replacement Tree at 1/2 cost $30 maximum credit each Rodding: 5230 $22001hour for one operator & machine S 115 $1.94/hour or part thereof for 2 operators, machine and pickup. Sweeping: $70 for first hour or portion thereof; $60/hour pro -rated thereafter. Includes operator. Vac/Sewer Jet 8 I QN/hour for one operator & machine X345 $399/hour for two operators & machine DAW"NACEUFORNIS: FEE SCHEDULE 6 SANITARY SEWER Sewer Rates: 1 st 500 cu. ft. Over 500 cu. ft. Sewer Rates: Special Cases S13,75 $11.96 minimum $2.47 $22-14 per 100 cu. ft. S 19.02 $1-6.54 x # of people in household Industrial Sewer Rates: 0-500 cu. ft. S13.75 $/minimum Over 500 cu. ft. $1.32-5.1100 cu. ft. BOD5: S.240 $�991ib. TSS: S.328&M/lb Testing $37.9-51set Actual costs + 10%g Sewer Connection Permit: Sewer and Water Combination Permit: Sewer Access Charge: Residential - Single Family All others per unit equivalent Trunk Sanitary Sewer Residential Unit Non -Residential STORM SEWER Trunk Storm Sewer Fees: (Net acre) Alternate Ponding Area -Commercial Alternate Ponding Area - Industrial Alternate Ponding Area - Residential WATER Hydrant Rates for Contractors: $75 $►fes (residential or commercial) $127 " (residential) S127 $449 -plus tax (commercial) $4,030/Unit $4,030/Unit $1,223/unit $3,065/per acre $3,245 $6,997 per acre $8,175 per acre $3,490 per acre 1. All contractors must obtain a permit from the Water Superintendent. The permit fee is $500. This permit will define the hydrant to be used and provides a tally sheet for water usage. 2. The following rates shall apply: A. -SW minimum billing for up to 500 cu. ft. or 3,750 gallons. $23 B. After the 3,750 gallons, the rate shall be $x." per 100 cu. ft. $22.31 or $249 per 1,000 gallons. $2.98 3. The following deposits shall be taken for use of City equipment (no exceptions): A. Hydrant Wrench $30.00 B. 2-1/2" fill hose $100.00 C. 1-1/2" fill hose with 2-1/2" adapter $50.09 $50.00 D. 2-1/211 hydrant meter $500.00 S1,000 E. 3/4" and small meter $100.00 F. Nozzle $50 If equipment is returned within 10 days of permit expiration in good condition, the full amount for water use and equipment wig ffet be fefimded. Less FII% per month on portion thereof for rent shall be refunded. (#1, #2 and #3 IS ALL TAXABLE IF COMMERCIAL) Trunk Water Charge: $907/Residential Unit $2,267 per acre non-residential DAWNACELTORMS: FEE SCHEDULE 7 Res. Water: 0-500 cu.ft.. 5004000 cf over 4000 cf Comm Water Rate, Mtr i 1 st 500 cu. ft. Over 500 cu. ft. $11.91 sio.29 5.741100 X100 cf (taxable if non -res.) ;5.841100 $43,1400 cf $11.91 &10=1S -minimum 5.74/100 &64400 cf Res., Twnhms &Comm Irrigation Water Rate I st 500 cu ft 513A6 -minimum Over 500 cu ft 5.841100 S.79,11 0 cf Nater Shut Off, then Turned On: Water Connection Permit: Water Access Charge: 1" line 1-114" line 1-112" line 2" line 3" line 4" line 6" line 8" line Water Main Tapping - New Services (i " only) Water Meters: 5/8" meter 3l4"" meter 1'" meter 1 112" meter 2" meter + up 1" Valves Water Availability Charge (For those who have city water available but choose not to hook up) DAtt NACELTOMIS: FEE SCHEDULE $27.77 $24.15 + delinquency (taxable if non -res.) $65 W (residential) S65 U -5 -plus tax (commercial) $33.06 $801 + materials $1,217 + materials $1,460 + materials $1,920 + materials $2,402 + materials $3,164 + materials $3984 + materials $5,231 + materials $250 each + materials $268.00 + sales tax $307.00 + sales tax $370.00 + sales tax $550.00 + sales tax Cost + $50+ sales tax $29.00 + sales tax (Billed in July) Council Agenda: 2/25/08 8. Wright Countv Sheriff s Department 2007 Year -End Report. (B.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Wright County Sheriff Gary Miller will present the 2007 year-end report for the City of Monticello. The year-end report summarizes the numbers and types of service calls that the Sheriff's Department responded to within the City during calendar year 2007, and presents these statistics in both tabular and graphical formats for ease of comparison and review. At the January 28th City Council meeting the Council approved the Wright County Sheriff s Department contract for 2008 — 2009, however the issue of whether to add an additional 4 hours per day to the contract was tabled. The Council made a motion that this decision would not be made until after the Council had the opportunity to review the 2007 year-end report with the Sheriff s Department and ask them questions. The information presented by Sheriff Miller tonight can therefore be used by Council to determine whether any additional hours should be added to the 2008 — 2009 contract. There is another option the Council can consider in place of requesting additional hours from the Sheriff s Department. This option would be to create a city -employed, part-time Community Service Officer (CSO) position that could assist the Sheriff's Department by tackling some of the more menial tasks thereby allowing the Sheriff's Department to take on additional higher-level tasks. A CSO is a non -sworn position that may or may not receive training through a Police Academy. A CSO can provide technical services in support of crime prevention, investigation and response, and can assist in maintaining law and order by supporting police officers in the areas of community relations, dispatch, patrol and traffic. This position could also evolve into a permanent, full-time position if need be. A CSO performs the basic duties of a police officer without the cost of utilizing a sworn police officer. Typical duties include, but are not limited to, the following: • Enforces traffic and parking ordinances. • Investigates non -injury and minor injury traffic accidents. • Directs traffic at accident scenes, fire scenes, construction sites, during parades, at schools (in absence of school crossing guards), etc. • Responds to and investigates traffic complaints. • Receives reports of commercial, residential and automobile burglaries, petty theft, found property, abandoned bicycles, missing persons, auto theft, and other crimes with no known suspects. • Assists in crime scene investigations. • Transports juvenile detainees. • Serves subpoenas. • Researches alarm calls. • Issues citations and sends out letters for false alarms. • Responds to Calls for Service and completes necessary written reports. • Responds to animal control emergencies. • Provides information, direction and assistance to the public. • Delivers materials and reports to meeting participants. • Recruits volunteers and reviews application materials. • Maintains volunteer records. Council Agenda: 2/25/08 As Council may recall, the 2008 — 2009 Wright County Sheriff s Department contract allows for 48 hours of police protection per day. The Wright County Sheriff's Department has indicated that 48 hours per day is adequate to allow them to continue to provide basic protection services in the near future, but should the City desire to request enhanced law enforcement services the Sheriff s Department would not be able to address such requests without additional hours, or without receiving assistance from the City in the form of a CSO. A.1 Budget Impact: If the City were to approve an additional 4 hours per day for the Wright County Sheriff's Department it would result in spending an extra $216 per day in 2008 ($54/hr) and $224 per day in 2009 ($56/hr). If a CSO position were to be created the City would have the flexibility of determining the number of hours required per week based on current needs. A.2 Staff Workload: Adding hours to the Wright County Sheriff's Department contract will not impact staff workload. However, if a CSO position is created this could reduce the workload of other City staff depending on the duties assigned to the CSO. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Increase the Wright County Sheriff's Department contract hours for the 2008 — 2009 contract period by hours per day effective 52008. 2. Table action on adding hours and direct staff and the Police Advisory Commission to research the creation and use of a part-time Community Service Officer. This research is to include a review of the need to add Sheriff's Department hours given the workload absorbed by the CSO. 3. Table action on this matter until a later date. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Council direct staff and the Police Advisory Commission to research the creation and use of a part-time Community Service Officer and to bring the results of this research back to the Council at a future meeting for discussion and possible approval of the position. Unless there is an overriding sense that additional patrol is needed at this time, staff believes that given the budget situation it might be better to hold off on adding patrol hours until the cost benefit of a CSO officer is known. It should be noted that the Police Advisory Commission's previous recommendation to add hours to the Sheriff s Department contract in 2008 was made without budget considerations. Their recommendation was intended to allow the Sheriff's Department more flexibility with planning their patrol routes and times and instituting other crime prevention activities. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Wright County Sheriff s Office 2007 Annual Report for the City of Monticello. 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 CU 3000 2000 1000 0 Wright County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Gary L. Miller City of Monticello Annual Report - 2007 Total Calls Reported Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Average 2003 &4-00 7 6.1 2 F ---I 2004 2005 Calls Reported 7771 7612 8400 8778 9164 8345 8-7-78 NMI, 2007 Wright County Sheriffs Office Sheriff Gary L. Miller City of Monticello Annual Report - 2007 Service Calls Type of Service Call 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Alarm 454 445 516 538 545 Harassment 153 146 151 181 190 Fire 84 92 130 96 108 Check Welfare 132 118 104 Ill 144 Medical/Deceased 444 448 494 544 546 Animal Complaint 100 91 140 131 137 Disturb Public Peace 191 189 182 212 244 House/Business/Area Check 45 38 51 51 45 Juvenile Complaint 297 237 229 234 232 Suspicious Incident 355 337 274 369 399 Citizen/Motorist Aid 101 103 101 117 106 Lost/Found Property 163 156 139 149 172 Total 2519 2400 2511 2733 2868 3000 2900 - 2868 - 2800 - 2733 3 2700 - •2600 - 25-19 2511 t 2500 Za. U) 2400 .50 2400 - 0 l'- 2300 - 2200 - 2100 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Wright County Sheriffs Office Sheriff Gary L. Miller City of Monticello Annual Report - 2007 Traffic Calls Type of Traffic Call 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Speeding 202 212 226 333 212 Careless/Reckless/No Insurance 22 19 0 204 163 Stop/Semaphore Violation 91 71 93 78 77 DAR/DAS/DAC 154 127 435 235 169 Drivers License Violations 68 83 73 117 102 Vehicle Registration 115 107 107 129 99 No Proof Insurance 241 223 124 16 195 Equipment Violation 34 31 66 10 52 D.U.I. 91 124 111 105 110 Miscellaneous Traffic 743 557 757 1078 1026 Total 1761 1554 1992 2305 2205 2500 - 2000 1500 1000 500 - 1761 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Wright County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Gary L. Miller City of Monticello Annual Report - 2007 Motor Vehicle Crashes Type of Crash 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Property Damage 245 217 285 245 275 Personal Injury 20 16 16 14 12 Car/Animal 13 14 13 8 14 Hit & Run 53 75 55 42 66 Fatality 0 1 0 0 0 Total 331 323 369 309 367 380 370 360 350 340 331 330 > 320 0 310 .., 0 300 290 0 280 270 2003 3-2-3 367 2004 2005 2006 2007 1550 1500 — E 1450 141 1 Ire Me cc CL 1350 0 17- HKITIM 1250 Wright County Sheriffs Office Sheriff Gary L. Miller City of Monticello Annual Report - 2007 Part I & 11 Crimes Crime Part 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Part I Crimes 466 439 444 500 625 Part 11 Crimes 956 990 983 848 905 Total 1422 1429 1427 1348 1530 1422 1429 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Wright County Sheriffs Office Sheriff Gary L. Miller City of Monticello Annual Report - 2007 Part I Crimes Part I Crime Murder Criminal Sexual Conduct Robbery A% gravated Assault Burqlary Larceny/Theft Motor Vehicle Theft Arson Total F -1 OR 600 � 0 I 500 E 400 ,4-1 (" C 300 L I M 0 4-j I 200 100 0 2003 439 2004 1 0 0 1 0 1 6 1 2 2 2 2 2 5 1 10 9 11 22 14 32 31 30 42 36 391 366 372 407 546 26 22 27 20 23 3 3 1 1 3 466 439 444 500 625 2005 2006 2007 Wright County Sheriffs Office Sheriff Gary L. Miller City of Monticello Annual Report - 2007 Part If Crimes Part 11 Crime Other Assaults Forgery/Counterfeit Theft/Fraud Stolen Property Crimes Criminal Damage Property Weapons Violations Other Sex Crimes Narcotics Family/Children D. U. 1. Liquor Law Violations Disorderly Conduct Other Total 1050 1000 990 9,56 950 900 j fC 850 - 800 - 750 - 2003 2004 9003 2004 2005 2006 2007 80 74 64 69 51 24 25 45 32 32 46 37 37 61 79 6 12 22 13 13 241 187 163 153 221 9 16 16 8 6 2 4 2 6 3 134 136 207 119 108 9 25 13 4 22 91 124 111 1105 110 80 96 91 61 50 72 65 63 86 80 162 189 149 131 130 956 990 983 848 905 905 848 2005 2006 2007 1100 - 1050 1000 CU 950 ca 900 0 850 Wright County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Gary L. Miller City of Monticello Annual Report - 2007 Criminal Arrests Type of Crime 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Part 1 84 82 76 ill 119 Part 11 650 763 765 613 611 Warrants 167 182 211 186 168 Total 901 1027 1052 910 898 910 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 City Council Agenda 2/25/08 9. Consideration to waive building permit fees for the proposed Monticello Habitat for Humanity home. (JO/AS/GA) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The coordinators of the Monticello Habitat for Humanity home project have formally requested that the City Council consider the waiver of fees associated with the building permit for the home. The City is in receipt of plan documents, upon which an estimate of permit fees has been based. The permit fee tabulation is attached for Council's reference. The tabulation represents an estimate of all City building permit fees for the project. In summary, the total building permit cost is $8,108.49. The permit cost is consist of two types of fees. The first type of fees includes items for which the City is required to submit payment to other entities, such as State surcharges, sales tax, the purchase of water meter, etc. This total for this building for these types of fees is $459.75. The second category of fees consists of those items for which the City itself incurs costs, such as plan review and SAC and WAC (Sewer and Water Access). The total amount of this group of fees is $7,648.74. This is the total amount that can be considered for waiving and is comprised as follows. Plan review fees that total $2,707.74 as follows: • Building Permit Fee • Plan Review Fee • Contractor License Verification • Plumbing Base Fee, Plumbing Fixtures • Mechanical Base Fee, Mechanical Fixtures SAC and WAC fees that total $4,941.00.. • SAC FEE 30% • SAC FEE 70% • Water Access Charge, Residential • Combined Connection Fee/Residential In the past, Council has been asked to consider waiving building permit fees (Monticello Girl's Softball concession stand). In such cases, Council has elected to waive only those fees related to City -specific costs. As a note, this home is proposed to be located within Sunset Ponds, in the R-1 portion of the plat. A Planned Unit Development is in place for Sunset Ponds. The Habitat home will still be responsible for meeting the PUD standards and all applicable zoning standards. At this time it is presumed that the building meets applicable standards but further checking will be required. 1 City Council Agenda 2/25/08 A.1 BUDGET IMPACT The final budget impact will be based on Council's decision on the amount of fees to be waived. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to authorize all or a portion of the City building permit related fees for the proposed Habitat for Humanity project up to $7,648.74 (Full amount of City costs). The precise amount to be determined in the motion. Motion based on a finding that the waiver supports the common ideal of decent, affordable shelter for all. 2. Motion to deny authorization of waiver of building permit fees for the proposed Monticello Habitat for Humanity home. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION No recommendation offered. It is up to Council to determine level of fee reduction that that is appropriate given the benefits to the community derived from supporting the common ideal of decent, affordable shelter for all. Joel Jamnik has noted that a reduction in fees is an allowable "expenditure" if such action is accompanied by a finding identifying the benefit of the expenditure to the community in terms of achieving a desirable community goal. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Habitat for Humanity - Request for waiver of fees B. Habitat for Humanity project literature C. Building Permit fee tabulation 2 February 11, 2008 City of Monticello and City Council Members Monticello City Hall 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear City Council Members: As a volunteer for Monticello Habitat home, as part of Central Minnesota Habitat for Humanity, 1 am writing to request the waiving of fees for the building permit for this home that will be built at 6720 94h Street Northeast. Since the summer 2007, community volunteers have been working to raise resources for this home that will be sold with a no -profit mortgage to future the Habitat homeowner Gomez family. We just had a very successful public community meeting on February 5t" where over 80 people attended to show their support. We hope to start building in spring of 2008. Since, 1989, Central Minnesota Habitat for Humanity has completed 48 homes in partnership with 48 homeowners. This home would be the first Habitat home ever built in Monticello. Habitat for Humanity has partnered in the past with the Cities of St. Joseph, Annandale, and Elk River, in the waiving of the building permit fees for Habitat Project. We request your membership to consider waiving the building permit fees as well. Thank you! If you have any question,-, or would like further information, please contact me at 763-295-8778 or 763-370-551`; You can also contact Anne Walters, staff person at Central Minnesota Habitat for Humanity at 320-656-8890 ext. 2. Respectfully, Gene Bauer Volunteer Job Site Supervisor l r �. � � � Mid 0 1•] - � � � y�n� � y}.Q{� �' co CDCD ct o ee a o - ` � O O �, � � pr *—` ►.1 As p'' O br K � � � tD O �! e* �, 0 co y'_ W �• O 4'i e -h ver �°.+ c�C a = C m CACMn co n ch ' ::• .F . •y�� �`' � � � �y � i�.I. O � � i �' � y O ice' C!1 n � �"'i RFs.,-•�,--_.A3 � � � b C!i'� � e -t � • �r ? ..: co "P-" � r+ �. CD �_ � � m jai In [CDS rn t� .y C9 C• (C i7! Q I cn 0 f9 w y 0 co co CD c co p GQ co ��..: is 11-0: ��� G p m (Fq m }'d t79 a O es co 0 W V pi rn co Cl+ Lo rry ►`�,r �"�, w ice' s� cD �.,, - `rte � /1 '"y''� �. IV 33ray H O W M � C' em. r%M > CD C)CD � 3 Co TCDD 4 y r -d �+}r� �i CD W CrQ CD 0 ° 5. C p w A o 0 CD n�:3 F z cr �--� �.,., a mAM) pop rrl � `D• cn INC `� C tri a0 00 0 00 O � a 0 a, tit rn r(0 z (rDn > }x.� O p O �• p � O �' Qn � [V ,fir:. :{!�,'[� i't ,=•ys z ►H�d+ � �i /ad En rri rri 5D lu rri ire h ulth z Y t • V Q z.� O 0 Ct1 0 0 0 m {•i; > 0 O O 0 + 0 �} PTJ5• n 91 n�rl �11 $4 ro n 15 0 6i Lel rn p CD s°c�n5.�- o n. m `,. ?�:' � � °•P e4 7' C•t �+ i. -per'' � � � e•F y � Q � �' �` M °"h y,,. c'° pCD c" W m m P p rP cD t i CD N--4 ��, Z y� k-,9 �. a ' \�� �tl*i,;••r.� � G� a, a r► � tr' � O � icy' e� °'CSS G � a0 `!� �i C,'^` �• AS e"f' � � �° it rp :T r+ r+ b e rn rn sit Ci' '4 as cs ,y CrQCD CD mP J:f S CD H ' K N. a t7 co p� ® [� ❑ 1-d � IN o �, a0 LIP CD CP CD ea Co • H �} b�E rr rte--�'•� CD c ti �• A� wit CIO / .4 CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT STREET MONTICELL09 MN 55362- (763) 295-3060 FAX: '(763) 2954404 PRINTED WITHOUT ISSUING 2/21/2008 ADDRESS : 112 3RD ST E PIN : 155010033070 LEGAL DESC : ORIGINAL PLAT : LOT 008 BLOCK 033 PERMIT TYPE BUILDING PROPERTY TYPE SINGLE FAMILY -DETACHED CONSTRUCTION TYPE : NEW CONSTRUCTION VALUATION : $ 166,667.86 WATER ACCESS CHARGE, RESI SAC UNITS APPLICANT GENE BAUER CONSTRUCTION 313 WEST BROADWAY P.O. BOX 728 MONI`ICELLO, MN 55362- (763) 295-5970 OWNER SPENCE,DAVID N &NANCY SCHERBER 112 3RD ST E MONTICELLO, MN 55362 1 WATER ME'T'ER I 1 AGREEMENT AND SWORN STATEMENT I agree that the work will be conducted in conformance with the ordinances of the City of Monticello and with the Minnesota State Building Code. I understand that the work will be in accordance with the plan that has been approved by the Building Official. I agree that any damage caused to public property including but not limited to curb, sidewalk, public utilities and signs will be repaired at my expense. Applicant Date Bldg Official Date PERMIT NO.: 2008-00061 DATE ISSUED: BUILDING PERMIT FEE PLAN REVIEW FEE STATE SURCHARGE, BLDG VAL SAC FEE 30% SAC FEE 70% WATER ACCESS CHARGE, RESI COMB CONNECTION FEE / RESI EXCAVATION FEE CONTRACTOR LICENSE VERIFICATION FEE ASSESSMENT SEARCH FEE UTILITY LOCATE FEE, RESI MN STATE SALES TAX (MTRI) `NATER METER I TOTAL SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR WORK OTHER THAN DESCRIBED ABOVE. 1 1,451.36 943.38 83.33 1,209.00 2,821.00 841.00 110.00 30.00 25.00 25.00 35.00 17.42 268.00 7,819.49 CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362- (763) 295-3060 FAX: (763) 295-4404 PRINTED WITHOUT ISSUING 2/21/2008 ADDRESS 112 3RD ST E PIN 155010033070 LEGAL DESC : ORIGINAL PLAT : LOT 008 BLOCK 033 PERMIT TYPE : PLUMBING PROPERTY TYPE : SINGLE FAMILY -DETACHED CONSTRUCTION TYPE : NEW CONSTRUCTION NUMBER OF PLUMBING FIXTURES 14 APPLICANT GENE BAUER CONSTRUCTION 313 WEST BROADWAY P.O. BOX 728 MONTICELLO, MN 55362- (763) 295-5970 OWNER SPENCE,DASIID N &:NANCY SCHERBER 112 3RD ST E MONTICELLO, MN 55362 AGREEMENT AND SWORN STATEMENT I agree that the work will be conducted in conformance with the ordinances of the City of Monticello and with the Minnesota State Building Code. I understand that the work will be in accordance with the plan that has been approved by the Building Official. I agree that any damage caused to public property including but not limited to curb, sidewalk, public utilities and signs will be repaired at my expense. Applicant Date I Bldg Official Date PERMIT NO.: 2008-00062 DATE ISSUED: PLUMBING BASE FEE, RESI PLUMBING FIXTURES STATE SURCHARGE, PLBG FIX TOTAL SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR WORK OTHER THAN DESCRIBED ABOVE. 45.00 126.00 0.50 171.50 CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362- (763) 295-3060 FAX: (763) 295-4404 PRINTED WITHOUT ISSUING 2/21/2008 ADDRESS 112 3RD ST E PIN 155010033070 LEGAL DESC ORIGINAL PLAT LOT 008 BLOCK 033 PERMIT TYPE : MECHANICAL PROPERTY TYPE : SINGLE FAMILY -DETACHED CONSTRUCTION TYPE : NEW CONSTRUCTION NUMBER OF MECHANICAL FIXTURES APPLICANT GENE BAUER CONSTRUCTION 313 WEST BROADWAY P.O. BOX 728 MONTICELLO, MN 55362- (763) 295-5970 OWNER SPENCE,DAVID N &.NANCY SCHERBER 112 3RD ST E MONTICELLO, MN 5 53 62 AGREEMENT AND SWORN STATEMENT I agree that the work will be conducted in conformance with the ordinances of the City of Monticello and with the Minnesota State Building Code. I understand that the work will be in accordance with the plan that has been approved by the Building Official. I agree that any damage caused to public property including but not limited to curb, sidewalk, public utilities and signs will be repaired at my expense. Applicant Date Bldg Official Date 8 PERMIT NO.: 2008-40063 DATE ISSUED: MECHANICAL BASE FEE, RESI MECHANICAL FIXTURES STATE SURCHARGE, MECH FIX TOTAL SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR WORK OTHER THAN DESCRIBED ABOVE. 45.00 72.00 0.50 117.50 Council Agenda - 02/25/2008 10. Consideration of proposal from Wright Hennepin Electric to upgrade residential lighting system. (J.S.) A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: In the summer of 2005, the City Planning Commission and the City Council approved modifications to our Street Lighting Policy to change the maximum spacing on our street lights from 7005 to 3505 and step up the minimum ornamental lighting fixtures from the Traditional fixture (light bulb in a box) to the Colonial fixture for Xcel Energy and from the basic M26-1 fixture to the Holophane RSL 350 fixture for Wright Hennepin Electric. The purpose of the upgrade was to develop a more uniform residential lighting system whereby the photo optics would present a wider, softer pattern on the city streets and sidewalks and throw very little light to the sky. In addition, street lights in new developments were to be placed on the sidewalk side where the sidewalk is only on one side of the street, or alternating sides where the sidewalk is on both sides of the street or not present at all. These changes were to talk effect for a residential lighting installed after May 23, 2005. We have been working with Xcel Energy for the past three years to come up with a maintenance program whereby we could upgrade the existing light fixtures and add more lights. At this time we have not been real successful in getting a program together with Xcel. We have been able to upgrade the lighting systems on each one of the core city projects by adding lights, and have received comments back from citizens that they have appreciated it. With Wright Hennepin Electric we have been somewhat more successful in developing an upgrade program for the existing lights and a plan to add lights to conform with the new standards. The success is primarily due to the small service territory that Wright Hennepin has, mainly on the eastern portion of our community. We have developed a proposal with Wright Hennepin Electric to upgrade the pre -2005 lighting fixtures and add lighting in the eastern portion of the River Mill Additions, River Forest Addition, Sandberg East Addition (including Gillard Avenue NE), and Sunset Ponds. The improvements are upgrades and additions to lighting in the previously referenced developments, including the change -out of 26 old fixtures to the new Holophane fixture and the addition of 21 new street lights, including poles and fixtures. The cost to upgrade the 26 fixtures is $595/fixture when retrofitted in groupings of 10 or more, and the total cost for the 26 fixtures would be $16,065. For the additional 21 street lights, the cost is $41,872.80. In many areas the cost of the light depends upon the location and the amount of wire and work involved installing the wire to service the lights. The average lighting cost per pole and fixture is $1,993.94. The total cost for upgrades and additional lights would be $57,937.80, and would be completed under City Project #2008-04C. a. Budget Impact: An amount of $100,000 was placed in the 2007 Public Works Street Lighting Budget for the purposes of upgrading fixtures and adding new lights to bring light separation distances up to our new standards. These funds are available for this project. Assuming the Wright Hennepin project comes in very close to the estimated cost, we would still have a balance of $42,000 from the 2007 Budget to continue working on the upgrade in the Xcel lighting district. b. Staff Workload Impact: As Public Works Director I have spent approximately 40 hours working on this particular project. I estimate another 20 hours during the project itself along with minimal inspection time from our construction inspectors. No Council Meeting - 02/25/2008 additional labor funds are needed for this work. B. ALTERNATIVES: 1. The first alternative would be to authorize the fixture upgrade for 26 lights and adding 21 new street lights, including poles and fixtures, in the River Mill Addition, River Forest Addition, Sandberg East Addition (including Gillard Avenue NE) and Sunset Ponds. The work is to be completed 'by Wright Hennepin Electric at an estimated cost of $57,937.80 and would be completed under City Project #2008-04C. The work would begin after the frost is out of the ground in late April or early May, and should be completed in early summer. 2. The second alternative would be to add the additional 21 street lights at a cost of $41,872.80 but not to upgrade the 26 existing fixtures. 3. The third alternative would be not to proceed with the lighting upgrade or the additional lighting at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the staff recommendation that the City Council consider moving forward with both the upgrade and existing lighting and adding of lighting in the subdivisions on the eastern portion of the community as outlined in alternative A. The change -out in fixtures will improve the lighting characteristics and the additional lighting will significantly improve the lighting where the gaps in lighting are now significant. By paying for the installation of the new lights and poles, the monthly charge will be at $6.35/month. For the older poles and light fixtures, which we are upgrading the fixture only, many of those remain at $13.50/month as the up -front costs for the wiring, poles and fixtures were not paid by the developer in the early years. Staff is also continuing to work on the new lighting systems for major projects such as School Boulevard, Chelsea Road West, East and East 7th Street. These major lighting projects will be completed using the franchise fee which will be available for use on projects after July 1, 2008. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of plans showing the fixture change -outs and additional poles and lights for all of the subdivisions; Copies of the Council Minutes and Planning Commission Minutes and agenda items regarding upgrading our existing lighting systems; Copy of the proposal from Wright Hennepin Electric for this project; Pictures of basic light and upgrade light. NSPy 6=1$AA-T2 4�3T ?1 fes. PPORTING F. 19 .. r "WV,ATA � f 1 - y----4 18 6-18i3A TP1 ;25T 4 M- _ a .. r 6-1 BAB -TRI 2 1350 F 40T ♦ s$s5 I 6-18BA-TP2 F 98� ST NE BATTLE RIDGE 2 1� 9866 tC °p ��„,�f� 3 i `�17 6412 ,� now s -r ,� i� T1 13 i Z �� ' 1 Q-Q1��C �t'S i - -•, 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1'1 4 3 2� 1 1, - 15 Lu 1A 5 -� 17 ca `. 3 `� I- 1 N +c1 `� 1_ �'''� 8 1 9801 I i 2 CCLLJ SANDBERG EAST 1 9795 m i J 14 15 _ _ 2 .976:9 9773 9775 191" r 1 1. ! � 9a0d 4 350 — / i kA {� �, 9780 �.'CF s 7 A C5 E ,% 3 63 :.L t - 2 9783 I �� ( 350 _f3tj 6446 / _ J — _ r 11 I .► 6-186A TG1T1 4 — -- — — .0 �5 9765 '� _ 9769 ,...� 'r � 350 64.93 65.9 ' � .�►�► RI1/r=32 FOREST D � � j 5 350 1 !_ �C • , t ♦ 6 5 _ — y` - 1 -- 9750 350 8 b41A 79 �V y ---�►. �--,-• 14 ,9753 r RIVER M . L �„X6449 6463 - ` 2; •� 9772 � % 9741 2 ` �' i5 •� 10 (` 2 1 RIV . MILL 3 �D 6431 1 „� 3 ,� / l 5 9739 � I / 9? 9739 I 6385 6401 6417 ' 1 2 �� 97741 9776 i` 6 r 2^ 3 1T4 E 6585 3 6740 91- 25 9 13 =0 Now mm 4'� ..,, 9725 � — � i4 1 T3 RIVER � i -� 1 JJ o � / 9716 / � � Z 4 �9�1 �� 8 � 6764 j •.. �* ¢¢ -f ' 6480 6504 s518 l j� J 6-18AC-TP14 06-'1 Q o I ti N 6439 2 6505 9689 � � ' 6551 6577 . Qp 5 . ^, � I 25T � / / � 7 � 9700 68 ¢ 9709 ' - f 2 > 6440 p 6493 i ' 1°691 ; ` 0 9693 96386 . c ` w .... �5 y v cn 9681 ' 0 12 M �` r3 0 i 3 Q Q r , �,.. 0 25�% -6 T13 ��► 11� 25 � 6438 = r �. 6598 x r—I / 6395 6433 f 6436 'n w 2 I / qmw am OM M 350 ` 9J 4 M\i,\- �! \ w j fi49 6588 9651 8 ' l / , �`'�►,! 0 16 ` 96c,1 / �!s / • 6434 ' 96 6577 6591 9 Z 17 5 / 6422 6498 9631 / J I ' 6596 �1 W / , / C 8 9594 y692 ' r 6553 ♦ 10 Q "15 �� 9 9598 11 12 13 93 J 6 � 9660 6739 6773 6813 1 14 � 9595 ALD EAGLE CT ' 15 9621 % j • — 1T8 f11 I 6-18BD-TC1 , 6548 ,� / 12 I is 3 ( T /I L. ,. 65�-�91 — — -� 1� . 6814 6871 ♦ — ' _ — ILL TRAIL LNC . f 9578 6572 6586 9552 952 9520 9518 `3 6740” 50 9570 /�'F 1 ♦ 3 526 9551 T12 9603 5 ` ,� 14 `� 15 6772 6816 6878 C 1%,1110 95 �7 9595 9541 9541 I ` 2� / i " � 21 1-% 10 95a .� .. M70U77 i 20 x 2Z RIVERI `FOREST DRIVE 1 — t 22 23 24 6-1 $AC-TP2 9527 2 9511 25T RI FOREST . 9525 19523 05,); 9519 f 9517 SANDBERG EAST F Wright -Hennepin 95TH ST NE Co O(Xf ► S Cooperative Electric Association �' _ �"�'� �.. �+ l,# 6800 ELECTRIC DRIVE ROCKFORD, MN 55373 7u,1 s � � : a� a : 6 7 6721 6735 ` �; �a 1 INCH EQUALS 288 FEET 95TH ST NE ...,_. ,. 1 6s7i 6566 HI IN Co 0106 5T - 6-17SC-T P1 6691 1 � � 6121 � 6735 7 ; s ,.�. � ... �.. �. � .� e..... >_. � - 6 � fi 1 67777 6753Jw% Tis 75uA A _3 � � PARK Mi 94TH' _ ,... „� 5, `�,� SNSET PONDS 2ND � 237 9488 i 4 � � �► �, 9418 � .�� to . �---�� 6738 67 s 6763 Tse '. $36 1 3 4 5 6 7 9dD6 6-17C13-TP1 ..1 P, s3i 6 6850 GOLDEN PON 4T2 g j y < FNr- OMS Y �A� G �iC) cVC_11 1D 11 2 w z 12 uj 13 0 14 15 16 17 18 N CGIZCB-TP2 06-17 Wright -Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association 6800 ELECTRIC DRIVE - ROCKFORD, MN 55373 1 INCH EQUALS 288 FEET Planning CommjsiWA �ic � �l u Frie asked if there are covenants in the GMHF developments. Klapp indicated that there would be, that they were requested as market rate buyers wanted in to the development. Grittman stated that the next step was for the sketch to be presented to the Council. After their reaction, GMHF could choose to make a formal application. 14. Consideration to review for recommendation a street liahtina policv. John Simola presented the original street lighting policy, which was passed in 1971 and modified in 1974 and 1989. Simola stated that he would like to see the policy modified to adjust the spacing and fixture styles. Simola summarized that all intersections, curves in the road, changes in grade and any other safety areas are lit. Beyond that, spacing in residential areas is a straight 700'. Simola noted that currently, developers have to upfront the cost of the wire, pole and fixture. Simola stated that he is seeking to update the policy to include a 350' spacing and switch fixture types, which he is researching. Simola stated that staff is seeking Commission's direction on this due to the new development angle. Simola stated that this policy would provide more uniform and better lighting in new residential areas. At some point, it would go back to Council for approval to retrofit other neighborhoods. . Simola asked the Commission for motion to amend. On Council on the 23dd. If Council approves, move forward. Posusta asked about light pollution. John said the idea is to light only the street; all fixtures are now cut off lighting with no glare. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER? TO RECOMMEND THAT THE REQUESTED CHANGES ARE MADE TO THE STREET LIGHTING POLICY. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER? MOTION CARRIED. 15. Adjourn. — MOTION TO ADJOURN BY COMMISSIONER? MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER? MOTION CARRIED. 16 Council Meeting - 05/23/2005 10. Consideration of changes to Street Li hg tiny Policy. (J. S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As directed by the City Council, Staff took this issue of lighting levels in the new developments to the Planning Commission along with the existing Street Lighting Policy to look at changes to improve the levels of lighting in those older and new developments. The City's Lighting Policy was first established by Resolution No. 144 in April of 1971. It was amended in January of 1974, and has served the City well for many years. With this policy the City has lighted all intersections of city streets with other city streets or public roads. Spacing of long stretches of street has been 700'. Mid -block lights were added where crosswalks existed or where other hazards were known. Street lights were put in hazardous areas such as sharp curves and significant changes in grade. The wattages have changed over a period of years and the type of lighting has changed but the basic policy has remained the same. Wattages have generally been able to be reduced due to the increased luminous of new lighting. In 1989, we added amodification to the Street Lighting Policy to include lighting cul-de-sacs or dead end streets in the existing part ofthe community by petition. In June of 1990, we amended our policy to have the developers pay for the installation of light fixtures, poles and underground wiring in new developments. This was primarily due to the skyrocketing monthly cost on the lights. When the installation and equipment costs were added to the electric and maintenance bills, the lighting costs doubled. By having developers payup front for these costs, the City lowered its monthly cost per 100 watt fixture to the $5/$6 range per month. I have reviewed our existing policy with both Xcel Energy and Wright Hennepin Electric. They both felt our spacing between lights was excessive at 700' and recommended a change to 3 50' spacing in residential areas. They recommended continuing lighting cu -de -sacs, changes in grade or direction and known pedestrian crossings. I presented this information at the last Planning Commission meeting and the Planning Commission approved the change to the 350' spacing between lights. It was also brought up that our lighting should be consistent in regard to which side ofthe street we light. I then discussed this with Xcel Energy and came to the conclusion that the following should apply to street light locations: when a street has a sidewalk on one side the light should favor the sidewalk side. When there are no sidewalks on the street or when sidewalks are located on both sides of the street the lights should alternate. Additionally, lighting projects such as Broadway, School Boulevard or Deegan Avenue in commercial areas do require engineering design work and light locations are generally placed around the many driveways and other access points and intersections. Consequently, those projects should still be continued to be designed separately. Additionally, one ofthe problems that we found in the developments is the lighting levels at the individual light locations. In 1991 the Citybegan allowing developers to have input into the type of lighting for their developments. The traditional fixture came as a replacement for the cobra head lighting due to the "look" and low cost. The traditional fixture from Xcel Energy or NSP at that time consisted of a.l 00 watt bulb Council Meeting - 05/23/2005 with four opaque glasses similar to the effect of having a nice light and pulling a shade down on all for sides of the light. Consequently, the light levels were reduced. Add to that the maintenance of those fixtures in later years was only for outage purposes; and the glass darkened with age and was almost impossible to clean. So again we lost more light levels. Looking at the photometrics of the old style lighting and the newer available step-up lighting from both Wright Hennepin and Xcel Energy it is clear that lighting levels can be greatly improved using the same wattage but using a step-up fixture. The step-up fixture for the Xcel Energy lighting would be the colonial fixture which has clearer glass and has much better lighting characteristics and is more uniform. The Holophane RSL 3 50 Series luminaire from Wright Hennepin is their step-up lighting. Two of these lights have been installed on River Forest Drive just west of Gillard Avenue. I pointed this out to the Council previously that they should stop and take a look at those lights in the evening and see if they feel the lighting is more uniform, softer and covers a greater area as the photometrics indicate. City Staff is proposing that on all new future developments we use the step-up lighting paid for by the developer and that we change themaximum spacing to 3 50'. We would also like to develop a finance plan whereby we could start replacing the older fixtures with the step-up lighting. There are only 44 fixtures in the Wright Hennepin district but there are several hundred in the Xcel Energy territory, so we will come back at a later date with a plan to update and replace those fixtures. We will also get a commitment from the two power companies to relamp, clean and maintain fixtures at an acceptable level. The upgrade cost per fixture from Wright Hennepin is $700 per fixture. I do not have an upgrade cost from Xcel as of yet. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to modify the existing policy to include a maximum of 3 50' spacing between lights in residential areas rather than the existing 700', and go to the step-up lighting for all new lighting installed after May 23, 2005, and to develop a plan with Xcel Energy and Wright Hennepin to regularly relamp, clean and maintain fixtures and poles, as well as to look at a replacement program to the step-up lighting. This would include consistent light locations as previously mentioned. 2. The second alternative would be to approve the new spacing of 3 50' but not to upgrade to better lighting. 3. The third alternative would be to modify the spacing to 3 50', to change to the upgrade lighting but not to look at a replacement program for the older fixtures. 4. The fourth alternative would be only to change to the 3 50' spacing between lights, not go to the upgrade nor develop a replacement program. 5. The fifth alternative would be a combination of the others or suggestions of the City Council. Council Meeting - 05/23/2005 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and Public Works Director that the City Council approve the changes in the policy to the spacing of 3 50' feet, to change to the updated lighting for all new lighting after May 23, 2005, to develop and maintenance and replacement program with both Xcel Energy and Wright Hennepin Electric as outlined in alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy. of Policy. Copy ofprevious changes to the policy. Copy of Planning Commission Minutes. Copies of the different types of lighting, both existing and upgraded lighting. Council Minutes - 5%23!05 P P 0 Fli Fly A Ult ' 10. Consideration of changes to the street Iighting volicv. Public Works Director, John Simola explained the proposed changes to the street lighting policy. These changes include changing the spacing from700 feet to 350 feet and being consistent on which side of the street the lights are placed. The recommendation is that if the street has a sidewalk on one side the lights should be located on the sidewalk side. If there are no sidewalks or sidewalks on both sides, the street lights should alternate. Another recommended change was to go with step up lighting for new lighting being installed and to look at establishing a program to replace the old lights in established area. It was felt that by going with the 350' spacing and using a better quality fixture it would provide better lighting in the area. John Simola reviewed the various types of fixtures utilized by Xcel Energy and Wright -Hennepin Electric. He also discussed establishing a program with the utility company wherein the City would go back into established developments and replace the existing lights with the upgraded lighting fixtures. Clint Herbst asked if the replacement program would go with 350' spacing. Wayne Mayer asked if the new style ligh would have better reflective capability. John Simola stated his understanding is that would be the case. John Olson from Wright -Hennepin Electric explained with the fixture being proposed there would be just a small amount of uplight. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO MODIFY THE EXISTING STREET LIGHTING POLICY TO INCLUDE A MAXIMUM OF 350' SPACING BETWEEN LIGHTS IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS RATHER THAN THE EXISTING 700' AND TO GO TO THE STEP-UP LIGHTING FOR ALL NEW LIGHTING INSTALLED AFTER MAY 23, 2005 AND TO DEVELOP A PLAN WITH XCEL ENERGY AND WRIGHT-HENNEPIN FOR REGULAR RELAMPING, CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE OF FIXTURES AND POLES AND TO LOOK AT A REPLACEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE STEP-UP LIGHTING. THE POLICY CHANGE WOULD ALSO INCLUDE CONSISTENT LOCATING OF LIGHTS WITH LIGHTS TO BE PLACED ON THE SIDEWALK SIDE WHERE THE SIDEWALK IS ONLY ONE SIDE OF THE STREET OR ALTERNATING SIDES WHERE THE SIDEWALK IS ON BOTH SIDES OF THE STREET OR THERE IS NO SIDEWALKS AT ALL. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Consideration of proposals for street liahtincr on School Boulevard and Deegan Avenue. Public Works Director, John Simola presented a sketch showing proposed street lighting for School Boulevard and Deegan Avenue. The lighting proposal called for streets lights on School Boulevard east of TH 25 to Edmonson Avenue; on School Boulevard west of TH 25 including 2 S U P �i"` ORTIN07 DA71A figWright -Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association 6800 Electric Drive • P.O. Box 330 • Rockford, MN 55373 Fax (612)477-3054 • Phone (612)477-3000 • 1-800-943-2667 Lighting Cost Estimate Project Location/ Description: The City of Monticello has requested a lighting fixture upgrades for the WH M26-1 fixture (Option 1). Additional lighting of interior streets will call for the need of new fixtures at specified locations (Option 2). Organization Responsible for Charges: Monticello Public Works Department 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: John Simola Option #1 Retrofit of existing M26-1 fixtures with 100 watt Holophane RSL 350 fixture on existing 15 foot Fiberglass pole. Price includes Fixture and labor installation. Assumes retrofit groupings of 10 or more. RSL 350 Post -top 100 watt HPS fixture, and installation unit cost $595.00 Option #1 Total Charge: $16,065.00 Option #2 RSL 350 Post -top 100 watt HPS fixture, 15 foot fiberglass pole, and installation line extension and 100 square feet of sod restoration per location. See attached detail for individual location unit prices. Option #2 Total Charge: $ 41,872.80 Signature: Prepared By: Wayne Bauernschmitt I agree to pay the actual construction cost for this project base on the above cost estimate. Final cost will be based on actual TIM construction cost, and will be invoiced after the work has been completed. State and Local Sales Tax apply. Winter Charge apply (11/15 -4/15) Signature: Prepared By: Wayne Bauernschmitt Date: February 19th, 2008 Prices are valid for 30 days Please sign and return one copy in the envelope provided. You may retain one copy for your records. Thank you! Monticello Street Lights Installation Sunset Ponds Light Total Cost 1 $1,738.80 2 $2,608.00 3 $1,782.00 4 $1,748.00 5 $2,048.00 6 $1,748.00 7 $1,748.00 8 $1,748.00 9 $1,758.00 10 $1,758.00 11 $1,748.00 12 $1,748.00 13 $1,748.00 14 $3,608.00 $27,536.80 River Mil / Rtver F°+ores Light Total Cost 1 $2,048.00 2 $2,048.00 3 $2,048.00 4 $2,048.00 5 $2,048.00 6 $2,048.00 7 $2,048.00 $14,336.00 Sub Total Sub Total $41,872.80 Grand Total S-Ul"PPORTING DATA Double King Fixture (located on Cedar Street) Wj g t Heunmepha Bask Town & Country Lght (located k River Forest/ Sunset Ponds) Upgrade light from VVHght IHfennnepk- Ho�ophane RSL 350 2 — located on River Forest Dr west of GMMrd) Council Agenda: 2/25/08 11. Consideration of Pre -Sale Report: G.O. Sewer Revenue Refunding Bonds. (TK) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City currently has principal of $9,168,564.14 outstanding on the $14,700,000 Clean Water Revolving Fund Loan for the Waste Water Treatment Plant. The interest rate on this loan is at 4.08%. With interest rate as low as they are today its is estimated the City could refinance this debt with interest rates of 2.40% up to 3.55% which would save the City approximately $380,000.00 over the remaining 10 years of the debt. Al. Budget Impact: The revenue source for past loan payments came from the City's sewer access fees and property taxes, however the last few years as part of the levy reduction the property tax levy was removed and only sewer access fees were used to repay this loan. By refunding this debt it would reduce future tax levies and transfers from the Sewer Access Fund around $380,000.00. A2. Staff Workload Impact: This action would have no impact on staff workload. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Accept the Pre -Sale Report as support of refinancing the Waste Water Treatment Plant Note. 2. Do not accept the Pre- Sale Report or support the refinancing the Waste Water Treatment Plant Note. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City staff supports, Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Pre -Sale Report: General Obligation Sewer Revenue Refunding Bonds from Ehlers. CITY OF MOINTICELLO, MINNESOTA PRESALE REPORT: GENERAL OBLIGATION SEWER REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS FEBRUARY 25, 2008 Proposed Issue: General Obligation Sewer Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2008 Purpose: To current refund the City's outstanding Clean Water Revolving Fund, Series 1997 loan with the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority prior to its stated maturity. Description: The Bonds are being issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 475, 444 and 115, for the purpose described above. Financing the Refunding requires a bond issue in the amount of $9,335,000. The proposed refinance plan consists of the sources and uses of funds attached to this Report. Term/Call Feature: Principal on the Bonds will be due on February 1 and August 1 in the years 2008 through 2018. Bonds maturing February 1, 2017, and thereafter will be subject to prepayment at the discretion of the City on February 1, 2016. Rating: The Bonds are expected to be rated by Moody's Investors Service at an "AT' level. The City will be attempting to purchase bond insurance to bring the rating to a "AAA" level. The City's concentration in its tax base has made bond insurance more difficult to obtain. Funding Sources: The Bonds are general obligations of the City and as such are secured by a pledge of the City's full faith, credit, and taxing powers. It is expected that the same sources of payment originally pledged to the prior bond such as sewer net revenues and taxes will pay for the bonds. ZI-4I Prepared by Ehlers - Leaders in Public Finance Discussion Issues: Principal payments maturing in 2009 through 2018 are structured to maintain level debt service in the amount of approximately $1,045,000 per year. The first principal and interest payment on the Bonds will be August 1, 2008, and semiannually thereafter on February 1 and August 1. The projected debt service and flow of funds are attached to this Report. Based on coupon rates of 2.40% to 3.55%, the savings of the refunding is expected to be around $380,000, after all fees and expenses. This savings is over 3% of the refunding principal. A minimum threshold for savings is typically 3% to 4% of the refunded principal. We will continue to monitor the market and the call dates for the City and alert you to any other future opportunities. Bank Qualified: The City will not designate the Bonds as "bank qualified tax-exempt obligations". Bank qualified status broadens the market and achieves lower interest rates. Arbitrage Rebate: With increasing short-term investment rates, IRS rules regarding the amount of interest that the City may earn on bond proceeds is more of a concern. Because the City is issuing over $5,000,000 for the calendar year, the City must spend the proceeds within 90 days to avoid needing to rebate or repay interest earned that is more than the interest rate on the Bonds. The excess interest earnings are known as "arbitrage". The City will also need to keep its debt service funds within IRS parameters to avoid penalties on carrying too high of a balance during the life of the Bonds. Prepared by Ehlers - Leaders in Public Finance Schedule: Pre -Sale Review: February 25, 2008 Distribute Official Statement: Week of February 25 Conference with Rating Agency: Week of March 3, 2008 Bond Sale: March 10, 2008 Estimated Closing Date: April, 2008 Estimated Call Date: April Attachments: Sources and Uses of Funds Proposed Debt Service Schedule Bond Buyer Index Resolution authorizing Ehlers to proceed with bond sale Ehlers Contacts: Financial Advisors: Bond Analysts: Bond Sale Coordinator: Mark Ruff (651) 697-8505 Todd Hagen (651) 697-8508 Diana Lockard (651) 697-8534 Debbie Holmes (651) 697-8536 Connie Kuck (651) 697-8527 The Official Statement for this financing will be mailed to the Council Members at their home address for review prior to the sale date. Prepared by Ehlers - Leaders in Public Finance Monticello, MN Proposed Current Refunding of $14,700,000 Clean Water Revolving Fund Loan (MPFA), Series 1997 Table of Contents Report Prior Oriqinal Debt Service Debt Service Schedule Sources & Uses Debt Service Comparison Current Refundinq Escrow 07 cur ref of Ser 97 $14. 1 SINGLE PURPOSE 1 2/19/2008 1 1:06 PM Monticello, MN $14,700,000 • • Fund Loan (MPFA), Series 1997 Prior Original Debt Service Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P+I Fiscal Total 02/20/2008 - - - - - 08/20/2008 354,107.53 4.080% 187,038.71 541,146.24 541,146.24 02/20/2009 361,331.43 4.080% 179,814.91 541,146.34 - 08/20/2009 368,702.59 4.080% 172,443.75 541,146.34 1,082,292.68 02/20/2010 376,224.12 4.080% 164,922.22 541,146.34 - 08/20/2010 383,899.09 4.080% 157,247.25 541,146.34 1,082,292.68 02/20/2011 391,730.63 4.080% 149,415.71 541,146.34 - 08/20/2011 399,721.94 4.080% 141,424.40 541,146.34 1,082,292.68 02/20/2012 407,876.27 4.080% 133,270.07 541,146.34 - 08/20/2012 416,196.94 4.080% 124,949.40 541,146.34 1,082,292.68 02/20/2013 424,687.36 4.080% 116,458.98 541,146.34 - 08/20/2013 433,350.98 4.080% 107,795.36 541,146.34 1,082,292.68 02/20/2014 442,191.34 4.080% 98,955.00 541,146.34 - 08/20/2014 451,212.04 4.080% 89, 934.30 541,146.34 1,082,292.68 02/20/2015 460,416.77 4.080% 80,729.57 541,146.34 - 08/20/2015 469,809.27 4.080% 71,337.07 541,146.34 1,082,292.68 02/20/2016 479,393.38 4.080% 61,752.96 541,146.34 - 08/20/2016 489,173.01 4.080% 51,973.33 541,146.34 1,082,292.68 02/20/2017 499,152.14 4.080% 41,994.20 541,146.34 - 08/20/2017 509,334.84 4.080% 31,811.50 541,146.34 1,082,292.68 02/20/2018 519,725.27 4.080% 21,421.07 541,146.34 - 08/20/2018 530,327.20 4.080% 10,818.67 541,145.87 1,082,292.21 Total $9,168,564.14 - $2,195,508.43 $11,364,072.57 - Yield Statistics Base date for Avq. Life & Avq. Coupon Calculation 4/01/2008 Averaqe Life 5.755 Years Averaqe Coupon 4.0800000% Weiqhted Averaqe Maturity (Par Basis) 5.755 Years Refunding Bond Information Refundinq Dated Date 4/01/2008 Refunding Delivery Date 4/01/2008 Ser 97 $14.7M MPFA Loan I SINGLE PURPOSE 1 2/19/2008 1 1:06 PM Monticello, MN Proposed Current Refunding of $14,700,000 Clean Water Revolving Fund Loan (MPFA), Series 1997 Debt Service Schedule Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P+I Fiscal Total 04/01/2008 - - - - - 08/01/2008 440,000.00 2.400% 92,526.67 532,526.67 - 08/20/2008 - - - - 532,526.67 02/01/2009 390,000.00 2.400% 133,510.00 523,510.00 - 08/01 /2009 395,000.00 2.500% 128,830.00 523,830.00 - 08/20/2009 - - - - 1,047,340.00 02/01/2010 400,000.00 2.500% 123,892.50 523,892.50 08/01/2010 405,000.00 2.600% 118,892.50 523,892.50 - 08/20/2010 - - - - 1,047,785.00 02/01/2011 410,000.00 2.600% 113,627.50 523,627.50 - 08/01/2011 415,000.00 2.700% 108,297.50 523,297.50 - 08/20/2011 - - - - 1,046,925.00 02/01/2012 420,000.00 2.750% 102,695.00 522,695.00 08/01/2012 425,000.00 2.800% 96,920.00 521,920.00 - 08/20/2012 - - - - 1,044,615.00 02/01/2013 430,000.00 2.850% 90,970.00 520,970.00 08/01/2013 435,000.00 2.950% 84,842.50 519,842.50 - 08/20/2013 - - - - 1,040,812.50 02/01/2014 445,000.00 3.050% 78,426.25 523,426.25 08/01/2014 450,000.00 3.050% 71,640.00 521,640.00 - 08/20/2014 - - - - 1,045,066.25 02/01/2015 455,000.00 3.150% 64,777.50 519,777.50 08/01/2015 465,000.00 3.150% 57,611.25 522,611.25 - 08/20/2015 - - - - 1,042,388.75 02/01/2016 470,000.00 3.250% 50,287.50 520,287.50 08/01/2016 480,000.00 3.250% 42,650.00 522,650.00 - 08/20/2016 - - - - 1,042,937.50 02/01/2017 490,000.00 3.400% 34,850.00 524,850.00 08/01/2017 495,000.00 3.400% 26,520.00 521,520.00 - 08/20/2017 - - - - 1,046,370.00 02/01/2018 505,000.00 3.550% 18,105.00 523,105.00 08/01/2018 515,000.00 3.550% 9,141.25 524,141.25 - 08/20/2018 - - - - 1,047,246.25 Total $9,335,000.00 - $1,649,012.92 $10,984,012.92 - Yield Statistics Bond Year Dollars $51,954.17 Averaqe Life 5.566 Years Averaqe Coupon 3.1739763% Net Interest Cost (NIC) 3.3177183% True Interest Cost (TIC) 3.3253835% Bond Yield for Arbitraqe Purposes 3.1631744% All Inclusive Cost (AIC) 3.4240518% IRS Form 8038 Net Interest Cost 3.1739763% Weiqhted Averaqe Maturitv 5.566 Years 07 cur ref of Ser 97 $14. 1 SINGLE PURPOSE 1 2/19/2008 1 1:06 PM Monticello, MN Proposed Current Refunding of $14,700,000 Clean Water Revolving Fund Loan (MPFA), Series 1997 Sources & Uses Dated 04/01/2008 1 Delivered 04/01/2008 Sources Of Funds Par Amount of Bonds Total Sources Uses Of Funds Total Underwriter's Discount (0.800%) Costs of Issuance Deposit to Current Refunding Fund Rounding Amount $9,335,000.00 $9,335,000.00 74,680.00 45,000.00 9,211,167.40 4,152.60 Total Uses $9,335,000.00 07 cur ref of Ser 97 $14. 1 SINGLE PURPOSE 1 2/19/2008 1 1:06 PM Monticello, MN Proposed Current Refunding of $14,700,000 Clean Water Revolving Fund Loan (MPFA), Series 1997 Debt Service Comparison Date Total P+I Net New D/S Old Net D/S Savings 08/01/2008 532,526.67 528,374.07 - (528,374.07) 08/01/2009 1,047,340.00 1,047,340.00 1,082,292.58 34,952.58 08/01/2010 1,047,785.00 1,047,785.00 1,082,292.68 34,507.68 08/01/2011 1,046, 925.00 1,046,925.00 1,082,292.68 35,367.68 08/01/2012 1,044,615.00 1,044,615.00 1,082,292.68 37,677.68 08/01/2013 _ 1,040,812.50 1,040,812.50 1,082,292.68 41,480.18 08/01/2014 1,045,066.25 1,045,066.25 1,082,292.68 37,226.43 08/01/2015 1,042,388.75 1,042,388.75 1,082,292.68 39,903.93 08/01/2016 1,042,937.50 1,042,937.50 1,082,292.68 39,355.18 08/01/2017 1,046, 370.00 1,046,370.00 1,082,292.68 35,922.68 08/01/2018 1,047,246.25 1,047,246.25 1,082,292.68 35,046.43 08/01/2019 - - 541,145.87 541,145.87 Total $10,984,012.92 $10,979,860.32 $11,364,072.57 $384,212.25 PV Analysis Summary (Net to Net) Net FV Cashflow Savings 384,212.25 Gross PV Debt Service Savings ..................... 305,069.99 Net PV Cashflow Savings 0) 3.163%(Bond Yield)..... 305,069.99 Continqencv or Rounding Amount .................... 4,152.60 Net Present Value Benefit $309,222.59 Net PV Benefit / $9,168,564 Refunded Principal... 3.373% Net PV Benefit / $9,335,000 Refunding Principal.. 3.313% Net PV Benefit / $9,640,069.99 PV Refunded Debt Service 3.208% Average Annual Cash Flow Savings .................. 32,017.69 Refunding Bond Information Refunding Dated Date 4/01/2008 Refunding Delivery Date 4/01/2008 07 cur ref of Ser 97 $14. 1 SINGLE PURPOSE 1 2/19/2008 1 1:06 PM Monticello, MN Proposed Current Refunding of $14,700,000 Clean Water Revolving Fund Loan (MPFA), Series 1997 Current Refunding Escrow Cash Date Rate Receipts Disbursements Balance 04/01/2008 - 9,211,167.40 9,211,167.40 - Total - $9,211,167.40 $9,211,167.40 - Investment Parameters Investment Model IPV, GIC, or Securitiesl Securities Default investment yield target Unrestricted Cash Deposit 9,211,167.40 Total Cost of Investments $9,211,167.40 Tarqet Cost of Investments at bond yield $9,211,167.40 Yield to Receipt - Yield for Arbitraqe Purposes 3.1631744% 07 cur ref of Ser 97 $14. 1 SINGLE PURPOSE 1 2/19/2008 1 1:06 PM d' M N r- O m w I` co lf) d- � � T- T- � d- c m 0 m 00 0 O N LL Im Resolution No. Council Member introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolution Providing for the Sale of $9,335,000 General Obligation Sewer Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2008 A. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City"), has heretofore determined that it is necessary and expedient to issue the City's $9,335,000 General Obligation Sewer Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2008 (the "Bonds"), to current refund the City's outstanding Clean Water Revolving Fund, Series 1997 loan with the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority prior to its stated maturity; and B. WHEREAS, the City has retained Ehlers & Associates, Inc., in Roseville, Minnesota ("Ehlers"), as its independent financial advisor for the Bonds and is therefore authorized to solicit proposals in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.60, Subdivision 2(9); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota, as follows: 1. Authorization: Findings. The City Council hereby authorizes Ehlers to solicit proposals for the sale of the Bonds. 2. Meeting; Proposal Opening. The City Council shall meet at 7:00 p.m. on March 10, 2008, for the purpose of considering sealed proposals for and awarding the sale of the Bonds. 3. Official Statement. In connection with said sale, the officers or employees of the City are hereby authorized to cooperate with Ehlers and participate in the preparation of an official statement for the Bonds and to execute and deliver it on behalf of the City upon its completion. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Council Member and, after full discussion thereof and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following Council Members voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Dated this 25t' day of February, 2008. City Administrator N:\1\4innsota\Monticello\2003.2008 Ref\Pre-Sale ReportMonticello.wpd x! xo 0> d (D N n CII 1 :�C"1 b \in IQ Ct{ r H N i b 7a O O TJ FR N i I rt \n (f1 H I LI N n to rr N 1 M x1 U] 00 01 Fl O 1 1 0 (D O li r O 1 H C; f- co :1n w d ro (D H (D Cr 1 i 0 U] n FJ• w rt H 0 l0 1 N N Fd 1 [I O j NFC n.• 1 t7 N o� y N ol-0 b w L- Hp- o �L=J (D n OD U) x n 0 131 n 3 0 x I n n (n til 0 cn FJ H1 H ct O 1 (D (D OD 1 n 1 0 i rfi x � � 0 1 \ b7 H 1 ro N- a � H C) H m x � b � U) w n ro n x w w N Cr Ol �rJ N (D H H C O � O F'- 0) � M0 m CC cn o n Pl�, vi Hb 00 OH �d(nn H CH n o FC ro � 0 Cl) ftl ro N x n0 Oz C F-] LTJ H �on ro t� 0r m0 C) ro �� �-- -�y --n dz �cnn H n7 ,t7 f✓ FJ it7 W id Du H m LTJ d N H n til H ro F I (n .on xZ ro� n� ,n 7"v x1 co ti H UJ H\N ro �ro rn HZ OO H n7 u w\ r'iJ N r r x ro o O O r-' w g O :d \' F H aD �dH '�7 H 0 r o�y �Od wM t7'> O cyn :d 0 U) H �o O til r� \ H O r Z tilPa H � CZ ODS n Otri Zm Nro OD W Z CA to H R� 0 !4 M O 0 A r O ed n m Ln n C m b r nJ Li] i� ci LoLr�J H Ln Cf) Cn LTJ ' o til ro t�7 H Z F-' H O Ul W F N N N N H W WF -'SAI -I N HWrAMOD0) J NN NF-'NN"F� Io JN 00N01 I -r P N NlDWLI) LI) ODWUl lDOD'DiAlO0l 000lO000Ul0Ul01Ul 4WO UlUlO N W O O NO -J HF- 00H '4-JLn0F-0 OIF-IPP- F-'01WMQJW OUlLn 000 O lIl ' Ul JIOJF-'F-10)J01 N\p0OWO 01JHP- rPbkD ODA DF -',D 000 000 O Fl F--3 n C C� C� Cnronnro CroroHroroHro Cro0 Cdro 3 C H tIJF-I 2 zZ mo>oo� L�x�Op xox m�u C:: mC� �o H n CA ZWHHHHHH ZZPdZZPO 'zoo�:0H0:2:0H ztrim 'ztil O Cl) n C) dn'lj17JIli roI'll I'll 0nynnH 0171'11n'Ili 'Ili ftj m lij7� 0�dCf) 0Cn'IJ n H 0 0 000000 0MFc s MFc o r O tr o 0>- of n Z �ox���� �� CO(f) �cncn C/)�;d ;d F-4 xJ cn ro r O ry 3 3 CnxFcntn� CCC CSC tIX :9C �d H m Z H F-3H0HH0 ynC)mC) C)mn H tli qmC) O n O:deZ d"�oporo 000000 0 Z �d Z .~d OH3 0x 'TJ �d Z ~3 H H LTJLTJLTJLTJLTJw HZXZZ3 H I F H F t1l F H i LTJ HHW Htd F til LTJ (D rHyHHHH'-3 r'71uD7J'=1Cf) rrrrrHt7lrrF- r35d r�dG) U) y t17 Z�>>>1>>1 OGOOZ Cf)m H H N 0rrrrrr dbddbH e Z lDH t17 cn r r tz) 0 u 0 0 ro ro ro O Z roHroroH ?o �d �d m ro r 'TJrn ro �d m �o tXJ F.� �d 0 t" u 00 to In O LTJ Cf) H Cn Cn C!] Cn 00 H ro Ul C) n:9 n ro O1 F--'I-'OIOIF-,HI-j NNNNN NNNNNNNNN H 71 pl O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O O N N O O lD HHNNF-'F--'H 01 01 O1 O1 O1 O1 O1OlO1mO1mO1O1 HH O1 01 H F' Q1 �A �A �A �A rA• FA rA FA rP �A iA �A �A �A �A �A �A .A �A iA � �A F--' �A � to � ,A C7 t3' !p W W lD w W W w Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul M Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul Ul lD Ul Ul H W R' (D J HNIPI �AF-'HN HHF-'F--'H F•-'HF-'F-'F'HF-'FJH Ln 4L. 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