Planning Commission Meeting Minutes - 04/04/2023MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, April 4, 2023 - 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Paul Konsor, Andrew Tapper, Eric Hagen, Teri Lehner, Melissa Robeck Council Liaison Present: Charlotte Gabler Staff Present: Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman (NAC), Hayden Stensgard, Ron Hackenmueller 1. General Business A. Call to Order Chair Paul Konsor called the regular meeting of the Monticello Planning Commission to order at 6:08 p.m. B. Consideration of approving minutes a. Regular Meeting Minutes —March 7, 2023 ANDREW TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MARCH 7, 2023 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES. PAUL KONSOR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. C. Citizen Comments None D. Consideration of adding items to the agenda None E. Consideration to approve agenda TERI LEHNER MOVED TO APPROVE THE APRIL 4, 2023 REGULAR MEETING AGENDA. PAUL KONSOR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. 2. Public Hearings A. Consideration of a Request for Conditional Use Permit for Cross/Joint Parking_ Easement in the Broadway Sub -District of the Central Community District (CCDJ Applicant: City of Monticello City Planner Steve Grittman provided an overview of the agenda item to the Planning Commission and the public. The proposed shared parking area is behind the four southeastern properties of Block 51. In relation to the downtown improvement project currently in design phase, this Conditional Use Permit would allow that existing parking area to be redesigned within the City's overall improvement plans and be opened for public use. Mr. Grittman went through the conditions of approval located within Exhibit Z. Mr. Konsor asked if the four lots in question have one common owner. Mr. Grittman clarified that there are three separate owners for the four lots and those property owners would enter into an agreement with the City related to parking. Mr. Konsor asked if the City plans to pay for the costs of improvements as shown in the agenda. Community Development Director Angela Schumann confirmed. The City's investment in the parking lot improvements allow for the ability to enter into an agreement with the property owners, to not only allow cross parking between the owners of the properties, but also the public. Mr. Konsor asked if there were plans to install signage on or near the property to note it will be open to the public. Ms. Schumann confirmed. Andrew Tapper asked if any of the signage would reserve parking spaces in the lot for businesses on that block. Ms. Schumann clarified there are no plans for specific spaces to be reserved for the businesses on the block. Mr. Konsor asked if there are plans for the properties' trash areas. Ms. Schumann noted that the plans included in the agenda show a new, shared enclosure for those four properties. Mr. Konsor expressed concern regarding the new lot's availability to the public. Ms. Schumann clarified that the agenda item was directly related to the Land Use component of these improvements. The City's Zoning Ordinance requires a Conditional Use Permit to be obtained, prior to the subject properties and parties entering into the cross -easement agreement to share the parking. Teri Lehner asked if there was concern at a staff level, related to the accessibility of the lot following the improvements. Mr. Grittman confirmed though it is an existing condition, there is concern related to only one access to the parking area. Mr. Konsor opened the public hearing portion of the agenda item. Jill Agosto, 142 W. Broadway St., Monticello, MN 55362, asked for clarification on which parking lot was under consideration. Ms. Schumann clarified that the subject parking lot is on Block 51, on the northwest corner of Walnut Street and West Broadway Street. Mr. Konsor closed the public hearing portion of the agenda item. Mr. Tapper mentioned that this proposed arrangement should help alleviate the overall concern about parking availability in the downtown. Mr. Konsor reiterated his concern related to not having the easement agreement in place prior to approving the Conditional Use Permit, and the lack of assurance of the public's ability to use the lot. After a brief discussion related to Mr. Konsor's concern, Mr. Grittman noted that execution of the cross -easement agreement for public use could be added as a condition of approval. Mr. Konsor asked if a draft agreement was available, and whether there is language included in the agreement to allow for signing the lot as public parking. Ms. Schumann said that there is a draft agreement, and there is language within the agreement that allows for public use of the lot. Separately from the draft agreement, the City is working on a community sign plan that includes public parking areas all around the City to be signed as such. PAUL KONSOR MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC2023-131 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR CROSS/JOINT PARKING, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS IN EXHIBIT Z, WITH THE ADDED CONDITION THAT APPROVAL OF THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IS CONTINGENT ON EXECUTION OF THE CROSS -EASEMENT AGREEMENT, AND BASED ON THE FINDINGS IN SAID RESOLUTION. ANDREW TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. 3. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of finding that land acquisition of portions of Lots 11 and 12, Original Plat of Monticello, PID 155010051111, by the City of Monticello is in conformance with the Monticello 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Ms. Schumann provided an overview of the agenda item to the Planning Commission and the public. This proposed acquisition is in conjunction with the downtown improvements noted earlier. Acquiring this property would allow the City to complete necessary improvements adjacent to the subject property. In addition, some of the necessary grading will need to take place on the property itself. City ownership of the property would provide maximum flexibility towards that necessary grading. Mr. Tapper asked if the existing building and business operating on the property are expected to remain following the proposed acquisition. Ms. Schumann confirmed both will remain in place at this time. ANDREW TAPPER MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION PC-2023-14, FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN LAND, PORTIONS OF LOTS 11 AND 12, ORIGINAL PLAT OF MONTICELLO, PID 155010051111, BY THE CITY OF MONTICELLO IS CONSISTENT WITH THE CITY OF MONTICELLO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (MONTICELLO 2040 VISION + PLAN) TERI LEHNER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. B. Consideration of finding that land acquisition of portions of Lots 1, 2, 4 and 5, Block A, Original Plat of Monticello, PID 155010066010, by the City of Monticello is in conformance with the Monticello 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Ms. Schumann provided an overview of the agenda item to the Planning Commission and the public. The proposed acquisition is related to a potential expansion of East Bridge Park, as the subject parcel currently abuts East Bridge Park's parking lot. Mr. Konsor asked if the existing home on the site would be removed following the City's acquisition. Ms. Schumann confirmed that the home would be removed, though there are no plans or timeline for the removal. Mr. Konsor asked if this parcel would then also be rezoned. Ms. Schumann confirmed that rezoning would take place, as it is anticipated all parcels that make up East Bridge Park would be combined as one lot. Melissa Robeck asked if there was any consideration of the liability of having a vacant building, owned by the City, remain until the time of demolition. Ms. Schumann confirmed that concerns related to that have been considered and would directly affect the City's timeline for building removal. PAUL KONSOR MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION PC-2023-15, FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN LAND, PORTIONS OF LOTS 1, 2, 4 AND 5, BLOCK A, ORIGINAL PLAT OF MONTICELLO, PID 155010066010, BY THE CITY OF MONTICELLO IS CONSISTENT WITH THE CITY OF MONTICELLO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (MONTICELLO 2040 VISION + PLAN), ANDREW TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. C. Consideration of Community Development Director's Report Ms. Schumann provided an overview of the agenda item to the Planning Commission and the public. 4. Added Items None 5. Adiournment Teri Lehner moved to adjourn the regular meeting of the Monticello Planning Commission. Andrew Tapper seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:12 p.m. Recorded By: Hayden Stensgard� Date Approved: May 2, 2023 ATTEST: AAn4 unity Development Director