City Council Minutes 01-12-1998MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 12, 1998 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Bill Fair, Clint Herbst, Brian StumpF, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 2. Apy~-oval of minutes. A. ~ymval of ,n ,tPS of hp .e~ilar, m _,Prkinu held Decemher A. 1997 A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD DECEMBER 8, 1997, AS WRITTEN. Motion carried unanimously. B. Annmv 1 of , as of ~h eye~~l meeting h ld D r 22. 19 7 A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD DECEMBER 22, 1997, AS WRITTEN. Motion carried unanimously. C. Councilmember Clint Herbst requested that the fifth paragraph be amended to reflect his opposition to the motion regarding the Municipal Board hearing scheduled for January 12, 1998. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD JANUARY 5, 1998, AS AMENDED. Voting in favor: Clint Herbst, Bruce Thielen, Bill Fair. Abstaining: Roger Carlson, Brian Stumpf. Motion carried. 3. Coneidrration of adding items to the a~gndp. None. 4. ('itizena o m n c/n tifons a a a d mpl~te. A. Mr. Doug Franks presented a petition including 653 names requesting that the City hold a referendum on building the community center/city hall and asked how many names were needed to bring the item to a Page 1 Council Minutes - 1/12/98 vote. He also stated that Councilmember Carlson should not vote on community center issues due to a conflict of interest. Mayor Fair accepted the petition and noted that Minnesota Statutes do not require a referendum by petition for lease revenue bonds. Ms. Betty Hayes asked what the Council intended to do with the petition since a referendum was not required. Mayor Fair responded that the issue before the Council at this time was to approve a community information meeting and that the petition would be addressed at the time Council votes on the community center proposal. Mr. Duane Carlson stated that the Council represents the people and that residents should have an opportunity to vote on a $10 million project. Mr. Bob Harwarth stated that he attended the HRA meeting on January 7 and noted that Monticello Township and Silver Creek Township residents are members of the task force and wouldn't be paying taxes an the communty center. He also stated that comments were made at the HRA meeting that the proposed site is not big enough far a community center. Mayor Fair thanked the citizens for their comments and noted that public comment will be taken at the community presentation on January 20 if the presentation and meeting are authorized by Council. 5. consent agenda. A. Recommendation: Adopt the resolution supporting Minnesota Department of Health study of mobile home parks. SEE RESOLUTION 98-1. B. of Monticello. Recommendation: Approve rezoning the 20.76-acre HIucas property, addressed 1980 River Street West, from R-3 (medium density residential) to R-2 (single and two_family residential) based an the finding that R-2 provides a mare compatible transition between neighborhoods and that the R-2 zoning district is consistent with the comprehensive plan. SEE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT N0.3p3. Page 2 Council Minutes - 1/12/98 C. Goenlan. Recommendation: Approve the conditional use permit to allow a commercial office in the PZM zone based on a finding that the proposed use would be compatible with the comprehensive plan for the area, subject to the following conditions: 1. A plan for landscaping and screening of the parking area from adjacent residential uses is provided, together with the appropriate landscape surety. 2. One of the existing 12-ft curb cuts and driveways is eliminated and the other is widened to a two-way, 24-ft wide driveway. 3. The Building Official certifies the structure as meeting the building codes applicable to commercial office buildings. J 4. An on-site surety in the form of a performance bond or letter of credit must be provided to the City guaranteeing that within two years of the City Council approval of this conditional use permit, concrete curb and gutter will be installed around all driveway and parking areas as required by ordinance. D. Recommendation: Approve the conditional use permit to allow erection of signs at 103 Pine Street, subject to the following conditions: 1. Only three wall signs and one pylon sign may be allowed. Only two wall signs maybe business identification signs and one wall sign may be a product identification sign. One pylon sign may be allowed, and that sign must be a product identification sign to include a listing of available products and services. 2. The total area of signs to be erected on any wall of the building must not exceed 100 sq ft in area, and the pylon sign must not exceed 58 sq ft in area. Page 3 Council Minutes - 1/12/9$ 3. As a new sign is being erected an the south side of the building, the sign plan must be redesigned to develop signs for the south side of the building that are consistent in design, material, shape, and method of illumination. 4. Any future alteration of signs must be consistent with this conditional use permit. Prior to altering any signs, the property owner must apply for and receive a sign permit from the Zoning Administrator. The Zoning Administrator may find that the application is consistent with this conditional use permit and issue a permit for the alteration, otherwise the applicant must receive further amendment to this conditional use permit. E. Wig. Recommendation: Approve the zoning ordinance amendment to allow truck repair by interim use permit based upon the findings that the amendment would be consistent with the City's goals in the Trunk Highway 25 corridor and would be consistent with the intent of the B-3 zoning district. SEE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT N0.3Q4. F. ('on 'd r^ ion of Prim ,s n it llnwine oceration nfa Recommendation: Approve the interim use permit for operation of Danner Trucking in a B-3 zone based on the finding that the interim use permit allows the City to manage the current and future land use of the area, and the conditions attached to the permit would mitigate the potential negative impacts of an industrial use in the commercial district. Permit is subject to the following conditions: 1. Compliance with the terms of the ordinance amendment allowing trucking service as an interim use in the B-3 district. 2. Revision of the site plan to show adequate parking (or parking area) with appropriate improvements, including paving and curbing. 3. Revision of the site plan to show more than 6,pOQ sq ft of trailer parking area, with a gravel surface and a method of gravel containment. Page 4 Council Minutes -]./12/98 4. Submission of a land survey and site plan drawn to scale documenting adequate dimensions of the site to accommodate the proposed layout. 5. Submission of financial guarantees to ensure installation of all improvements as shown on the final site plan. 6. Execution of a development contract for the interim use permit indicating a specific termination date for the permit, signed by the City and the applicant. 7. Compliance with all building code requirements. $. The applicant must have control of the land area considered for the interim use and as depicted by the proposed site plan. G. Consideration of an ordinance amendi g Chapter 3+ Secl.~~~.2fFl' Qf Recommendation: Approve the ordinance amendment amending Title 1D, Chapter 3, Section 2[F], establishing regulations for the installation offences. SEE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO.3Q5. H. Recommendation: Approve becoming the fiscal agent for the Monticello Community Band grant application to the Central Minnesota Arts Board. I. - 14C' Wastewater Treatment_P_Iant~xp~n~iQn. Recommendation: Approve change order #9R and grant Adolfson & Peterson a 31-day extension for the completion of SBR Tanks 3 and 2 by February 1, 1995, completion of a temporary chlorine system by March 1, 1998, and completion of the administration building by January 2p, 1998. J. County. Recommendation: Approve the 1998 highway maintenance agreement with Wright County as presented. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS RECOMMENDED. Motion carried unanimously. Page 5 Council Minutes - 1/12/98 s. None. 7. -- Ts~ki~ng. Assistant Administrator Jeff Q'Neill reported that Bob Danner of Danner Trucking requested that the City vacate a portion of Marvin Road on the east side of Highway 25 to enable Danner Trucking to obtain a portion of land needed to develop the site as approved under banner's interim use permit. Under the proposed vacation, half of the right-of--way would become the property of Danner Trucking, and the other half would go to the City for future Dundas Road right-of way. In order to complete the site, Danner would also need to purchase the City half of the vacated property, along with the remnant parcel left after City acquisition of Dundas Road right-of--way. O'Neill noted that the City Attorney is working on obtaining title to the land area needed far Dundas Road through the condemnation process. Staff recommended approval of the vacation contingent on completion of the condemnation process for acquisition of Dundas Road right-of--way and contingent on development of an agreement between the City and Danner regarding sale of land to Danner. Mayor Fair opened the public hearing. Mr. Jim Fleming, attorney representing Bob Danner, noted that the question of title to an irregular parcel shown as being awned by the Minnesota Department of Highways is actually deeded to Mr. Mel Wolters, who is willing to sell a portion of the parcel in question to Mr. Danner and convey the rest to the City. Councilmember Herbst questioned whether it might be easier if Mr. Danner purchased the entire parcel and then swapped land with the City. Mr. Fleming agreed and did not think Mr. Danner would object to a land swap. Mr. Dean Rasmussen, owner of Glass Hut, asked if the Council intended to vacate Marvin Raad on the west side of Highway 25. Staff noted that the City considers vacations once an application for street vacation has been filed with the City. There being no further comment from the public, Mayor Fair closed the public hearing. Page 6 Council Minutes - 1/12/98 Mayor Fair opened the public hearing. Hospital Administrator Barb Schwientek reported that a purchase agreement between the School District and the Hospital District for land on the north side of CSAH 75 has been signed by the School Board, and access agreements are being prepared by the Hospital's attorney for private property owners who now use Hart Boulevard to access County Road 75. Schwientek requested that the Council consider granting the vacation of Hart Boulevard at no cost to the Hospital District since sewer and water easements would be retained, access far sludge trucks would be retained, water and sewer line replacement and enlargement would be completed during construction of District parking and building facilities, the City would receive building permit fees fvr the major buildings being constructed, no building could take place over the vacated street, and future maintenance of the street would be the responsibility of the Hospital. There being no further comment from the public, Mayor Fair closed the public hearing. Council discussed whether the fee for the vacated property should be waived or whether compensation is due to the City since compromises were made to accommodate the PUD. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller noted that the City has sold vacated property in the past and that the Hospital paid $0.61 per sq ft when a small portion was vacated to allow the canopy to be added to the clinic. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BILL FAIR TO APPROVE THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF HART BOULEVARD AS REQUESTED BY THE MONTICELLO-BIG LAKE HOSPITAL DISTRICT SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. APPROVAL OF THE FIRST PHASE FINAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT IS GRANTED IN UPCOMING MONTHS. B. THE HOSPITAL PROVIDES DOCUMENTATION OF ACCESS EASEMENT AGREEMENTS WITH NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS AS DISCUSSED IN THIS REPORT. C. THE CITY RETAINS UTILITY EASEMENTS OVER ITS UTILITIES AS RECOMMENDED BY CITY PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING STAFF. D. THE HOSPITAL EXECUTES ITS PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH - THE SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR LAND ON THE NORTH SIDE OF CSAH 75. Page 8 Council Minutes - 1/12/98 ~I~I l_~ E. THE CITY RECEIVES $0.61 PER SQUARE FOOT FOR ITS EXISTING FEE INTEREST IN HART BOULEVARD. F. THE CITY RETAINS AN ACCESS EASEMENT THROUGH HOSPITAL PROPERTY FOR ACCESS TO AND EGRESS FROM CSAH 75. Voting in favor: Bill Fair, Brian Stumpf, Bruce Thielen, Roger Carlson. Opposed: Clint Herbst. Councilmember Herbst agreed with vacating Hart Boulevard but felt the City should charge less than $0.61 per sq ft since the City will continue using a portion of the vacated area. Motion carried. 1 9. residential lots. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reported that the City obtained 151ots in the Meadow Oak Estates subdivision that were forfeited for nonpayment of taxes and special assessments. It was originally anticipated that the City would use two or three lots for pending and one for the entrance into the Eastwood Knoll development off of Meadow Oak Avenue, leaving 11 or 12 lots that could be sold. After further review, it appeared the City only needed one lot for ponding and one for the Eastwood Knoll entrance, which resulted in 131ats that could be sold for residential buildings. The 13 lots were advertised for sale through the bid process, and a package of information was mailed directly to builders and developers and other parties who had expressed interest in the lots in the past. Only one bid was received on Tuesday, January 6, which was from Vic Hellman Construction for the purchase of all 131ots at a total cash price of $225,000. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO AWARD THE SALE OF THE 13 LOTS TO VIC HELLMAN CONSTRUCTION IN THE AMOUNT OF $225,000 WITH CLOSING SET FOR APRIL 1, 1998, CONTINGENT ON THE CITY OBTAINING THE NECESSARY DRAINAGE EASEMENTS FOR LOTS ABUTTING THE MEADOW OAK POND PRIOR TO THE CLOSING AND SUBJECT TO THE RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS OUTLINED IN THE BID PACKAGE. Motion carried unanimously. 1 10A. E,],~~y School on January 20; 1998. Assistant Administrator Jeff O'Neill reported that only items far presentation to the community at the meeting scheduled for January 20 would be reviewed at this time. No decision by Council regarding the community Page 9 Council Minutes - 1/12/98 center was requested other than authorizing the community presentation on January 20. O'Neill then reviewed the history behind development of a community center. Mr. Robbie Smith, a member of the task force, noted that after touring other community centers, it became apparent that those with a water park were much more active than those without. Since the purpose of the center would be to bring the community together, it was recommended by the task force that a water park be added to the core facility. It was also recommended that the center be funded with lease revenue bonds and a 1%n targeted sales tax. Although the lease revenue bonds would not allow a referendum, they would help keep the cost down for home owners, whereas the general obligation bonds would require a referendum but would also mare than double the cast to residents. The sales tax option was recommended because non-city residents who shop in Monticello would help relieve some of the burden from the city residents. Operating costs of the facility were also discussed, which showed an operating deficit of approximately $40,000 if the core facility included the water park. The operating deficit was estimated to be $189,757 if the core facility was built without the water park because activities in the original core facility would not generate much revenue. It was also noted that city hall and senior center operating costs are currently covered and could be deducted from the community center operating cost. Ron Ankeny of Ankeny Kell Architects reviewed the estimated construction cost of $10.5 million and noted that in addition to adding the water park, the size of the locker rooms was increased, and an exercise/fitness area, aerobic room, and walking/running track were added. It was felt that these items would be necessary to sell memberships. Mark Wentzel of AKA presented two possible designs for the community center, noting that both schemes would allow for purchasing same of the land at a later date for additional parking and a possible ice sheet. Mark Ruff of Ehlers & Associates reviewed the finance plan as recommended by the task force. He explained that the lease revenue bond option means that the HRA would own the facility except for the portion dedicated to the National Guard. The City would then lease the facility from the HRA on an annual appropriation basis. Councilmember Clint Herbst noted his surprise that the City's portion of the cast had increased 2.5 times that of the original estimate. He also noted his concern about the operating costs of the facility. Page 10 Council Minutes - 1/12/98 Councilmember Roger Carlson stated that he had received comments regarding his participation in voting on community center issues, and after researching the issue, experts had advised him that at this point in time, there was no conflict of interest; however, he stated that he would be abstaining from voting on community center issues at this meeting and would have additional information in the future. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO AUTHORIZE THE COMMUNITY CENTER PRESENTATION TO THE PUBLIC ON JANUARY 20, 1998, AT 7 P.M., AT LITTLE MOUNTAIN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Voting in favor: Brian Stumpf, Bruce Thielen, Bill Fair, Clint Herbst. Abstaining: Roger Carlson. Motion carried. 10B. of a sales tax. Assistant Administrator Jeff O'Neill suggested that this item be tabled until after the community meeting on January 20. ~] Representative Mark Olson reported that initially he was willing to sponsor a bill allowing the City of Monticello to conduct a referendum on establishment of a sales tax; however, further study raised some concerns. He explained that the City may have to use general obligation bonds if using a local sales tax, as the legislature's view has changed on this subject somewhat in that they want to ensure that there is accountability at the local level. For that reason, it was his view that the legislature may not approval a local option sales tax used to pay off revenue bonds. He will investigate the issue further. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRIAN STUMPF AND SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN TO TABLE THE REQUEST THAT MARK OLSON SPONSOR A BILL ALLOWING THE CITY TO CONDUCT A REFERENDUM ON ESTABLISHMENT OF A SALES TAX UNTIL FURTHER INFORMATION IS RECEIVED. Voting in favor: Brian Stumpf, Bruce Thielen, Bill Fair, Clint Herbst. Abstaining: Roger Carlson. Motion carried. 11. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO APPROVE THE FOLLOWING APPOINTMENTS FOR 1998: Official Depositories: Marquette Bank Monticello First Bank First National Bank of Monticello Page 11 Council Minutes - 1/12/98 Official Depositories: Chief Financial Officer - authorixed to designate other depositaries for investment purposes only. Newspaper: Housing and Redevelopment Authority: (5-year staggered terms) Planning Commission: Health Officer (1 year): Acting Mayor (1 year): Joint Commissions: Community Education Fire Board OAA Library Board: (3-year staggered) Attorney: Planner: Auditor: Monticello Times 1. Bab Murray 12/2001 2. Darrin Lahr 12/2000 3. Brad Barger 12/99 4. Dan Frie 12/98 5. Steve Andrews 12/97 1. Richard Carlson 2. Robbie Smith 3. Dick Frie 4. Richard Martie 5. Rod Dragsten Dr. Donald Maus Clint Herbst Bill Fair Rick Wolfsteller & Brian Stumpf Bill Fair 1, vacant 12/99 2. Duff Davidson 12/97 3. Jeanette Lukowski 12/99 4. Ruby Bensen 12/97 5. Diane Herbst 12/98 Paul Weingarden Northwest Associated Consultants (Steve Gri.ttman) Grays, Borden, Carlson & Assoc. Recycling Committee: Bruce Thielen Page 12 Cauncil Minutes - 1/12/98 Economic Development Authority: 1. Roger Carlson, Council 12/2001 (5-year staggered terms) 2. Clint Herbst, Council 12/98 3. Ken Maus* 12/2001 4. Darrin Lahr 12/97 5. Barb Schwientek 12/98 6. Bill Demeules 12/99 7. Ron Hoglund* 12/2000 Engineer: WSB & Associates Police Advisory Commission: 1. Brian Stumpf, Council 12/98 (3-yr staggered terms) 2. Bridget Baldwin 12/97 3. David Gerads 12/97 4. Brad Fyle 12/98 5. Liz DeMarais 12/99 Parks Commission: 1. Earl Smith 12/98 (3-yr staggered terms) 2. Larry Nolan 12/99 3. Fran Fair 12/97 4. Rick Traver 12/98 5. vac nt 12/99 Motion carried unanimously. Council then discussed appointment of Council liaisons to city commissions. Mayor Fair noted that he felt it was important that the Council members rotate in order to have a better understanding of each commission. In addition, he suggested that it may be helpful to Councilmember Carlson if he were the liaison for a commission other than the HRA since there have been comments regarding conflict of interest on the community center issue. However, it was the view of Councilmember Herbst that the liaisons should not be rotated every year since experience made them well-suited for specific commissions. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST THAT THE COUNCIL LIAISONS REMAIN THE SAME FOR 1998. MOTION WAS AMENDED BY BRUCE THIELEN THAT HE WOULD AGREE TO BE THE LIAISON FOR THE HRA AND COUNCILMEMBER ROGER CARLSON COULD BE THE LIAISON TO THE PARKS COMMISSION. Voting in favor: Bruce Thielen, Clint Herbst, Roger Carlson. Opposed: Bill Fair, Brian Stumpf. Motion carried. Page 13 Council Minutes - 1/12/9$ Council liaisons are as follows far 199$: HRA: Bruce Thielen Planning Commission: Clint Herbst Parks Commission: Roger Carlson Police Commission: Brian Stumpf Library Board: Bruce Thielen MCP: Brian Stumpf Councilmember Brian Stumpf nated that he will need to find a replacement for his position on the MCP Board, as he is unable to meet twice a month. 12. Assistant Administrator Jeff O'Neill noted that the City Council previously reviewed proposals by the Monticello Times and Steve Andrews on development and maintenance of an Internet home page; however, the decision was tabled pending additional information and insertion of the item in the 1998 budget. After further review, staff recommended that Council select the Monticello Times due to the fact that almost all of the information that staff distributes to the public is through the Monticello Times. In addition, they have a good track record as a home page service provider, and the cost is reasonable. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STUMPF TO SELECT THE MONTICELLO TIMES AS THE CITY'S INTERNET HOME PAGE SERVICE PROVIDER AS OUTLINED IN THEIR PROPOSAL. Motion carried unanimously. 13. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPROVE THE BILLS FOR THE FIRST HALF OF JANUARY, 1998, AS PRESENTED. Motion carried unanimously. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRUCE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY ROGER CARLSON TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Motion carried unanimously. c;~/~~~Li' 1--- Karen Doty -, Office Manager Page 14 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 26, 1998 - 5:30 p.m. Members Present: Bill Fair, Brian Stumpf, Bruce Thielen, Roger Carlson Members Absent: Clint Herbst A special meeting of the City Council was held for the purpose of discussing general items as brought forward by Council members. Items discussed were as follows: 1. Cauncilmember Bruce Thielen noted that he and Councilmember Brian Stumpf switched commissions as Council liaisons. Cauncilmember Thielen will be the liaison to the MCP, and Councilmember Stumpf will be the liaison to the HRA. 2. Project priority list. Council reviewed the "A" and "B" priorities and noted which items had been completed, were in progress, or were budgeted for 1998. The meeting was for discussion purposes only. No action was taken by the Council. ,• ' i _ C1 ar "Doty Office Manager