Parks Commission Agenda Packet 03-06-2008AGENDA PARKS COMMISSION March 6 2008 - 4:30 p.m. 'To enhance community pride through developing and maintaining city parks with a high standard of quality" 1. Call to Order. 2. Approve minutes of January 24, 200$ Parks Commission meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments and requests. 5. Spring tree planting proposal. 6. Consideration of ball~eld agreement. 7. Advertisement on fencing. 8. Landscaping for roundabout/interchange area 9. Consideration of a shelter/storage shed for East Bridge Park 10. Consideration of appointing a representative from the Parks Commission to serve on ad hoc committee to review the responses to the RFP's for a Natural Resources Inventory. 11. Introduction of Mark Larson 12. Consideration of quotes for the play structure at Sunset Ponds. 13. Park Maintenance 14. Adjourn Park Commission Minutes: 1/24/08 MINUTES PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, January 24, 2008 - 4:30 p.m. "To enhance community pride through developing maintaining City parks with a standard of quality." Members Fresent: Gene Emanuel, Nancy McCaffrey, Larry Nolan, Rick Traver and Council Liaison, Brian Stumpf. Members Absent: None Others Present: Tom Pawelk, Park Superintendent l.. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. Brian Stumpf the Council liaison to the Parks Commission was introduced. 2. A rove rnix-utes of November 29 2007 re ular Parks Commission meetin . RICK TRAVER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 29, 2007 REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION MEETING. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of adding items to the a>:enda. None. 4. Citizens comments and requests. There was no one who spoke under citizens comments or requests. The Forks Department staff was complimented for good condition of the sliding hills. Tam Pawelk thanked Wright County for the use of their trail groomer an the sliding hills. 5. Park Maintenance. Park Superintendent, Tom Pawelk submitted a list of the work completed. The parks staff was busy with snow removal noting that their policy requires they remove snow from the sidewalk when there is an accumulation of %a inch or mare. He explained they had a number of equipment breakdowns same of which required major repairs. A new staff member was added to the Parks Department, Derek Wipper whose work experience includes carpentry among other skills. Larry Nolan asked about the snowmobile activity. Tom Pawelk felt that it was going well and he was not aware of any major incidents. Gene Emanuel felt the snowmobile route was laid out better than in previous years. Pazk Commission Minutes: 1/24/08 Tom Pawelk reported that new windows were installed at West Bridge Park. The skating numbers at the West Bridge Park have been increasing which could be due to the larger rink, the more conducive skating weather or the fact that the lights at the park make for better visibility for people using the facility. There was some discussion on whether the skating rink could be enlarged and if so what it would entail. The heaters went out at some of the parks including West Bridge Park. Gene Emanuel asked if anyone from the school had contacted Tom Pawelk about the working on The sign at Ellison Park. Tom Pawelk has not been in contact with anyone from the school regarding the matter. Other items discussed included activity at Swan Pazk which has been busy during the viewing season. At the present time there is not a problem with geese on the banks. At the paint where it becomes a problem at any of the parks, staff will put up fencing. The condition of the ISTEA funded pedestrian bridge along CSAH was discussed. There appears to be some corrosion and damage along the bottom. The state has been made aware of the damage. Tom Pawelk explained that due to improper electrical work the lights in the area were not working. Brian Stumpf asked about the damage to the northeast carnet of Hillside Cemetery fencing that had been knocked down as a result of a car accident. The City did get reimbursed by the insurance company. 6. Youth Hacker Association A~reernent. The Parks Commission reviewed a draft of an agreement with the Monticello Youth Hockey Association relating to the use of the rinks. The last the time the agreement was updated was in 2001. Tom Pawelk stated that since the association is not playing any games at the facilities the City can't charge there far use of the rinks. However if their activity at the rink results in abnormal were or if there is damage, the association will be charged for that. Tom Pawelk reported that before the rinks were even opened for use the association had used the facility and left a mess which required several hours of clean up. The hockey association has use of the back storage area and at one time had keys for it. Now the association has to check out a key from Public Works. The agreement also covers adult supervision when the hockey association is using the Facility. The hockey association will be considered the agreement at their meeting which is being held tonight. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGREEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE MONTICELLO YOUTH HOCKEY ASSOCIATION. GENE EMANUEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Update on filling Park Commission vacancy: Tom Pawelk had received an application from Mark Larson at 1128 Sandy Lane. Mr. Larson will be invited to attend the next Parks Commission meeting. 8. Other business, if an_y. Tom Pawelk will be getting additional quotes from three vendors for the play structure for Sunset Ponds. The Parks Commission is planning to have a neighborhood meeting regarding the development of the Sunset Fonds Park sometime in March. 2 Park Commission Minutes: 1/24/08 Infarmatian relating to the tree planting program will be going out soon. Some of the area being considered for planting include along the boulevard area by St. Henry's, along Chelsea Road and along the pathway by Sunset Farads. There maybe some additional trees planted in the Groveland area. Larry Nolan suggested that information on the tree planting program be put on the MCC channel. Homeowners will have the opportunity to purchase two trees with the City picking up half of the cost. Gene Emanuel who participated in the program last year stated the nursery stock was excellent. Nancy McCaffrey noted that in the comprehensive plan the section relating to the parks was incomplete. She gave Tam Pawelk as list of items she had noted and he will discuss with the Community Development Director. Nancy McCaffrey and Brian Stumpf will not be at the February meeting. 9. Ad_jaurn. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 5 P.M. RICK TRAVER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 3 CITY OF MONTICELLO 2008 BASEBALL ASSOCIATION AGREEMENT MONTICELLO I. CITY OF MONTICELLO RESPONSIBILITIES: A. Mow and maintain grass and irrigation system. B. Clean restrooms daily; provide paper and hand soap. C. Provide electricity (Reimbursement to City by Softball and Baseball Associations). D. Provide rubbish removal from dumpster twice per week. When an extra durnpster or additional pickup is required, the appropriate association will be billed for the charge. E. Provide bases. F. Frovide chalk*. G. Provide lime for infields. H. Grade and drag fields 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday (except Holidays)*. I. Open/close restrooms on days when no events are scheduled. J. Establish rules for use of the facilities by the public and post them. K. Schedule use of the facilities. L. Establish seasonal light fees and maintenance fees. M. The City is not be responsible for any loss of goods or supplies due to a break-in, etc. N. Building care and maintenance, including fence. O. Provide set of keys to each association along with security system codes. P. City will be responsible for seasonal installation of a telephone. Q. City will be responsible for operation of concessions. R. City will be responsible for notifying the Sheriff s Department of any rule violations at the facility. *NOTE: Partial reimbursement by youth baseball association payment of $Y, 750/year. F:~pAWELK\5pvrta apraemnatsl2o08 Sports Agreemen[et2008 Beae6all AgreemenLwpd -PAGE 1 OP 2 - II. USER RESPONSIBILITIES: A. All trash and litter shall be picked up inside the fence and the parking lot and placed in the dumpster by the associations using the fields. All trash containers on site shall be emptied into dumpster. B. League or teams shall provide umpires, balls and enforce the facilityrules and regulations as outlined by the City of Monticello. C. Leagues/teams shall provide a minimum of $300,000 liability insurance and shall submit a certificate of insurance to the City, with the City named as certificate holder. D. The City shall be notified immediately at (763) 271-3276 of any damage that occurs to the building ar grounds. In cases of emergency contact the Wright County Sheriff s Department Dispatch at (763) 682-1162 or the Monticello Park Superintendent at (612) 221-7530. E. Leagues or teams using the facilities shall be responsible for any damage that occurs to buildings, grounds, and improvements because of negligence. F. No vehicles shall be allowed beyond the main gate except fox delivery ar maintenance purposes. III. FEES AND CHARGES: A. The Youth Baseball Association shall pay an annual maintenance fee of 1750 to the City of Monticello by October 1st. B. Baseball Association shall pay40%fortheuseoflightingatballfields. Baseball Association shall pay four payments of 320.00 due to the city by the 1 s` of each month beginning July 1 S` and ending October 15t. Light fee is set at $3,200 far April through October of 2008. C. Sale tax will be added to bills. D. Bills submitted to Associations shall be due and payable within 30 days of date of invoice. E. Tournaments (See Tournament Policy). CITY OF MONTICELLO BASEBALL ASSOCIATION By: By: Its: Its: Date: Date: F:\PAWEL.KISporta egraemneta\2008 Sports Agreementa\20D8 Baseball Agreement.wpd P/4C7E 2 ~F 2 ~~oa t MONT[CELLO February 20, 2008 VFW POST #8731 713 Cedar Street Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Fdagpole Dvnatian Request To Whom It May Concern: The Monticello Parks Department has been inspecting flagpoles throughout our city park system. Through this inspection process we have become aware of the fact that the veteran's flagpole in Monticello's Hillside Cemetery is in need of replacement. We feel that it is important to have this pole in good condition so as to honor our veteran pioneer forefathers in Monticello, as well as for the current and future visitors to this historical cemetery. Please consider this our formal request of VFW Post #8731 for the donation of a new flagpole to be installed in Monticello's Hillside Cemetery. Ifyou have any questions or need to contact me in regard to this donation, please call meat 763-271-3276. Your generosity is appreciated and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, CITY OF MO ICELLO ~~ ~~~ Tom Pawelk Pazk Superintendent TP/bg City of Monticello, Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Road,lVlonticello, SIN 55362 Telephone: (763) 29~-3X70 Fax: (763) Z71-3272 City of Monticello ~'~ ~~ ~ ~. Lmdxoped crtfe a grow alrp l0 twr d' a6ow M' rirar! grad SwREDDED CEDAR 4ULCN CSAH 18 Roundabout Landscape Plan ~~ CONCRETE. BRIOt DR NAYt1R STdiE PAVERS \ (Pattern and color to dillp k aunaundlaq wdkrroralialanA~ to del pedplrian~) 1' Eltp(~EB RSA-LOK RETAINING wig atrengl lm mix deakM d ' BUFFALO fRA5S STRI BLACK STEEL OpNC ` (1/D" a a" .it IS" ~tak+nq. inyhed ~ r I/2" aDow tlniWed grade) SwREDOED DAR wtuLCw ` r~ `LPG /~ ~1 ~) U L/ .% G , ") 'LAS {~r ~ ~ . L ~ . 0 O ~ .~ BLACIf 5TEEL C edge reread 1/2" IlnMned grade) .~ MINNESOTA VER ROCK ` ($-a' and 1, mixep) - - . DLApc STEEL OCINC c:,I.n.d edge ahad I/Y a6ow r„~w,.d grade) _ ~ ~a ~~ ~~ -~ -~ Q Annual Plantings 1 - quercus macrocarpo - Bur oak 12 - Cornus seriGeo - Red-osier dogwood Prepared by Northwest Associated Consultants 11/9/06 24 - Rasa 'Nearly Wild' - Prairie Rose 10 - Coryius americano - American halzelnut ~~SF ~ ~ 5~ t ~ ~, P~ PARK EMPLOYEES WORK LIST JANUARY -MARCH 2008 DIUNTICELLO ~~~ I~ • A DEREK W/PPER 1/24/2008 FINISH DOOR BACK SHOP/ PUT HANGERS IN SHOP/ FINISH AIR LINE PLAN 1/25/20D8 BACK SHOP PIPE FITTINGS 1/28/2008 PARKING LOTS/SIDEWALKS 1/30/2008 LIGHTS/AIR LINE 1/31/2008 PICK UP LUMBER, BACK SHOP 2/1/2008 RINKS, LEFT AT 9:OOAM 2/4/2008 SNOW DAY 2/5/2008 SNOW CLEAN UP, RINKS 2/6/2008 PATHWAY GATES 2/7/2008 PATHWAY GATES 2/8/2008 PATHWAY GATES 2/11/2008 SNOW DAY 2/13/2008 RINKS, SAND 8LA5T GATES 2/14/2008 5:00 START TIME SNOW DAY ` 2/18/2008 HOLIDAY 2/19/2008 CDLTEST NEW HOLLAND TRACKTOR 2/22/2008 RINKS, MT BRING ELLISON DOCK SECTION INTO SHOP, GREASE TORO 2/25/2008 RINKS, SIDEWALKS 2/26/2008 RINKS INSTALL GATES 2/27/2008 SCHOOL, GATE INSTALL 2/28/2008 RINKS, EXEL 2/29/2008 SNOW REMOVAL PATHWAYS 3/3/2008 RINKS, EXEL 3/4/2008 RINKS EXEL 3/5/2008 6:30 START SNOW DAY 3/6/2008 SIDEWALKS,RINKS, EXEL NEW HOLLAND TRACKTOR REPAIR lUHN LUKACH Thursday, March 06, 2008 1/24/2008 PICNIC TABLES,RINKS,HOCKEYGDAL 1/25/200$ RINKS BACK SHOP 1/28/2008 SIDEWALKS 1/29/2008 SIDEWALKS 1/30/2008 PARK INVENTORY BOLTS EUIPMENT ETC Page 1 of 5 Thug Page 2 of 5 ~ ~1 1/31/2008 BACK SHOP LIGHTING 2/1/2008 RINKS, PICNIC TABLES 2/4/2008 SNOW DAY 2/6/2008 JOHN DEERE L.O.F, TOOL CRIB 2/7/2008 JOHN DEERE SANDER REPAIR 2/8/2008 RINKS 2/11/2008 SNOW DAY 2/12/2008 PARK SIGN 2/13/2008 TAKE PICTURES OF PIONEER PARK STOVE, JOHN DEERE SWEEPER MAIN 2/14/2008 5:00 START TIME SNOW DAY 2/15/2008 4:00 START TIME STREET DEPT 2/18/2008 HOLIDAY 2/19/2008 51DEWALK55NOW 2/20/2008 SIGN WORK SWAN PARK 2/21/2008 SWAN PARK SIGN 2/22/2008 SIGN WORK BATH TRASH 2/25/2008 ABSENT 2/26/2008 SIGN WORK 2/27/2008 SIDEWALK SNOW 2/28/2008 ABSENT 2/29/2008 ABSENT 3/3/2008 ABSENT 3/4/2008 ABSENT 3/5/2008 ABSENT 3/6/2008 ABSENT JOSH BERTH/ UME 1/24/2008 RINKS AM, GO TO FASTENAL PICKUP PARTS, TABLES 1/25/2008 SWEEP RINKS, PICNIC TABLES 1/28/2008 RINKS SIDEWALKS 1/29/2008 RINK5,51DEWALK5 1/30/2008 BACK SHOP PICNIC TABLES 1/31/2008 RINKS, SAND TABLES 2/1/2008 CEMETERY LOCATE, CUT BOARDS TO LENGTH 2/4/2008 SNOW DAY 2/5/2008 SNOW CLEAN UP 2/6/2008 MEASURE ICE -T BRIDGE, TABLES Thursday, March 06, 2008 Page 2 of 5 ~ ~. ' 2/7/20p$ RINKS, LIGHT REPLACEMENT WB, SLEDDING INSPECTION, PICNIC INVENTORY 2/$/2008 SIDEWALKS SNOW 2/11/2008 RINKS, SIDEWALKS 2/12/2008 TABLES 2/13/2008 RINKS, CLEAN WEST BRIDGE 2/14/2008 5:00 START TIME SNOW DAY 2/15/2008 6:00 START TIME SNOW CLEAN UP 2/18/2008 HOLIDAY 2/19/2008 SIDEWALKS SNOW 2/20/2008 PAINT PICNIC TABLES 2/21/2008 RINKS,ONE MORE COAT ON TABLES 2/22/2008 WASH ALL TRUCKS, FILL UP, HELP LEO MOVE TABLES 2/25/2008 RINKS, HELP LEO 2/26/2008 SAND WEST BRIDGE, INSTALL LIGHT FIXTURE 2/27/2008 SCHOOL, RINKS 2/28/20D8 SAND WEST BRIDE PARK, RINKS EXEL 2/29/2008 SIDEWALKS 3/3/2008 RINKS SLEDDING HILL INSPECTION, BATH TRASH,EXEL 3/4/2008 OPEN UP WB FOR NEW SECURITY SYSTEM 3/5/2008 6:00 START TIME SNOW DAY 3/6/2D08 RUN W/DEREK, RINKS, EXEL CLEAN UP LEO SCHRODEN 1/24/2008 A.M. APPT, WORKED ON TRACTOR 1/25/2008 BATH/TRASH RUN, EXEL FENCE MEASUREMENT, INVENTORY BROKEN TABLES 1/28/2008 PATHWAYS 1/29/2008 PATHWAYS TRACKTOR MAIN, CITY HALL SIDEWALKS 1/30/2008 DIMANTLE LIGHTS FROM BACK SHOP, TORO MAIN, TABLES 1/31/2008 DOCTOR 2/1/200$ CEMETERY LOCATE, BATH TRASH RUN, SLEDDING HILL INSPECTION 2/4/2008 SNOW DAY 2/5/2008 SNOW CLEAN UP 2/6/2008 PAINT ROOM, WATER DEPT TRUCKS 2/7/200$ PAINT ROOM 2/8/2008 FILTERS WB, PAINT ROOM 2/11/2008 SNOW DAY 1/2 DAY DOCTOR 2/12/2008 PAINT ROOM Thursday, March 06, 2008 Page 3 of 5 2/13/2008 PAINT ROOOM, PAINT ATBLES, SNOW EQUIPMENT 2/14/2008 5:00 START SNOW 2/15/2008 6:00 START TIME SNOW CLAEN UP 2/18/2008 HOLIDAY 2/19/2008 PLOWING PAINT ROOM 2/20/200$ TABLES PAINT, GATE 2/21/2008 CEMETERY SNOW REMOVAL 2/22/2008 LEAD PAY PUT NEW TABLES ACR05S ROAD, PAINT GATES, PICKUP FALL CLEAN UP SIGNS, PL 2/25/2008 CEMETERY LOCATE, PAINT ROOM 2/26/2008 PAINT 800TH CLEAN UP 2/27/2008 SCHOOL, GREASE EQUIPMENT 2/28/2008 SIDEWALK SANDING 2/29/2008 SNOW, PUT SIGN OUT FOR RINKS 3/3/2008 SIDEWALK SANDING WB UNDER BRIDGE 3/4/2008 TREE TRIMMING INSPECTION FOR SIDEWALK5 PATHWAYS 3/5/2008 6:15 START SNOW DAY 3/6/2008 PLAYGROUND SPECS, PATHWAYS,CEMETERY RUN, SIGN WORK TOM GRQSSNlCKLE 1/24/2008 RINKS, HELP DEREK IN BACK SHOP 1/25/2008 RINKS AM, BACK SHOP CONSTRUCTION 1/28/2008 PARKING LOTS SNOW REMOVAL 1/29/2008 CITY LOTS SNOW REMOVALE 1/30/2008 INSTALL NEW LIGHTS 1/31/2D08 FLOODING ALL DAY 2/1/2008 RINKS, TABLES/AIR 2/4/2008 SNOW DAY 2/5/2008 SNOW CLEAN UP 2/6/2008 RINKS, TABLES 2/7/2008 RINKS, TABLES 2/$/2008 RINKS,BATH TRASH 2/11/200$ SNOW DAY 2/12/2008 VAC 2/13/2008 RINKS, BACK SHOP, GREASE EQUIPMENT 2/14/2008 5:00 START SNOW DAY 2/15/2008 6:00 START TIME SNOW CLEAN UP 2/18/2008 HOLIDAY Thursday, March 06, 2008 Page 4 of 5 Iq\~i1J~~~1~~-~Ie1Pii~ ~~1_\1~ . 2/19/2008 PLOWING RINKS 2/20/200$ VAC 2/21/2008 EDGE RINKS, FIX DOOR AT WEST BRIDGE 2/22/2008 RINKS, FINISH W8 DOOR/ BRING MT FROM FARM 2/25/2008 EXEL REMOVAL OF COLLER, RINKS Z/26/20D8 VAC 2/27/2D08 SCHOOL, RINKS 2/28/2008 RINKS, EXEL 2/29/2008 SNOW 3/3/2008 RINKS,EXEL 3/4/200$ RINKS, EXEL 3/5/2008 6:00 STARTTIME SNOW DAY 3/6/200$ CLEAN UP DOWN TOWN PARKING AREAS, RINKS, EXEL CLEAN UP Thursday, March p6, 2008 Page 5 of 5