City Council Minutes 08-26-2002 SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday August 26, 2002 - 5 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger Carlson, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: Clint Herbst 1. Call the meeting to order. Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 5 p.m. Staff present included: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator; Jeff O'Neill, Deputy City Administrator; John Simola, Public Works Director; Adam Hawkinson, Park Superintendent, 011ie Koropchak, Economic Development Director; and Kitty Baltos, Community Center Director. 2. Review of Preliminary 2003 Budget and Tax Levy. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller reviewed the preliminary 2003 budget with Council and staff. He noted that based on levy limits, it was the maximum budget amount allowed. The preliminary budget does include $500,000 for the street reconstruction fiend and $88,000 in the capital outlay fund. The proposed levy is $97,000 more than last years levy. Rick Wolfsteller also noted that to the maximum levy amount the City can add the levy necessary for covering the City's bond debt. The City's levy amount needed for the bond debt is down over $200,000 from last year because of some bonds being paid off and some bond issues being refinanced. However, Rick Wolfstelle stated that in the near future the City will be looking at issuing bonds to finance projects such as the CSAR 75 project, 7t" Street extension, etc. He estimated the bond issue to be approximately $2,500,000. In discussing the bond issue with Mark Ruff of Ehlers & Associates, Mark Ruff noted that the City could structure the bond issue so that it would start in 2004 or the City could use an estimate and start it in 2003. If the bond levy was added to the 2003 budget the overall levy increase would be closer to 4% instead of 1.5%. The City's budget could go to $6,800,000 if this bond levy is added. The financial consultant thought that since the City's increase was estimated at 1.49% for 2003 it might be easier to add the bond debt levy with this budget. The general feeling of the Council was to include the bond debt levy for the proposed bond sale as part of the 2003 budget. The Council discussed the street core construction project and the extension of 7th Street as well as other street projects such as the interchange. It was noted that the interchange project has been pushed back to the year 2007-2008. However, there is nothing in the proposed 2003 budget that covers these projects. Rick Wolfsteller stated that the tax capacity rates for the various types of property are not being changed. Although the City didn't have exact figures it was felt there would be an increase in value from 4%-8%. It was pointed out that the school district will be coming back with a referendum but it was uncertain how that would impact the City. Special Meeting Minutes - 8/26/02 Rick Wolfsteller summarized some of the changes in the general fund budget. These include a 4% increase in the hourly rate for police protection in addition to adding 4 more hours a day in coverage. It is the goal to get to 48 hours of coverage a day. The addition of these four hours should bring the City to 44 hours a day. Bruce Thielen asked about the aerial mapping of the City which is estimated at $17,000. He believed the County had done this just a year ago and asked if this is something that would be available to the City through the County. Rick Wolfsteller stated he would look into this. Bruce Thielen also questioned the increases in the Street Department budget and asked how many miles of streets the City maintains. John Simola stated that there is approximately 34 miles of streets that are being maintained. Currently there are four employees in the Street Department and a mechanic. Bruce Thielen indicated that Coon Rapids had 260 miles of street and 12 employees. He questioned whether there was need for another employee or if it was more an issue of how work was being done. John Simola stated that the mechanic is also working on the cracksealing crew and added that until the street core reconstruction project is done the Street Department staff will continue to see much of their time spent in patching, cracksealing, etc. The Council discussed various options such as contracting some of the work out or going with more overtime with the Council preference being to contract the work out if feasible. John Simola also pointed out that the maintenance of the additional sidewalks and pathways adds to the work load of the staff. Rick Wolfsteller said that even if work was contracted out the City would still need to budget for the contract work. The vehicles requested were also discussed. John Simola stated that some of the vehicles in use are 88' or 89' models and are in need of replacement. When equipment gets to that age there is usually higher maintenance expense and he felt with purchasing under the state contract the City was able to get good prices on new vehicles. There was discussion on how the existing vehicles are used and where the departments are short as far as equipment. Adam Hawkinson added that with some equipment it is also a safety issue as the older models do not have all the needed safety features . Also with some of the streets and pathways being narrow it makes it difficult to use the City's present equipment. The Council discussed leasing equipment or contracting work out as alternatives to the purchase of additional equipment and requested that the Public Works Department check out costs for leasing a loader. The Council also felt a vehicle replacement schedule should be utilized so that vehicles are replaced in a timely manner. By contracting out the work or leasing equipment the City may find it could save some funds. John Simola will check into the options discussed. The Council discussed the Park Department budget and noted some of the same issues with vehicles. Adam Hawkinson explained what vehicles were being requested and how they would be used by the department. Adam Hawkinson stated that by having more versatile, multi -use equipment it would make for more efficiency within the department. Brian Stumpf asked about land for future athletic complex. Adam Hawkinson stated they have four different associations using the fields and there is a demand for more fields. The Parks Commission was looking down the road to develop more fields to meet the need. ON Special Meeting Minutes - 8/26/02 Brian Stumpf questioned the amount under the OAA and it was felt it should be left there. It is anticipated that even though the hearing before the judge is scheduled in September it is unlikely the City would get the ruling prior to setting the 2003 budget. John Simla stated that the Riverside Cemetery is barely meeting expenses based on the grave sales and other fees collected. It is at the point where the cemetery is no longer being self sufficient. Bruce Thielen suggested looking at the fencing at the cemetery and John Simla felt the some paving work needs to be done in the area as well. Temporary solutions to extend the life of the fence until such time as it could be replaced were discussed. The Council discussed the proposed outlays for the Community Center. Kitty Baltos reviewed the equipment and capital outlays being requested. Rick Wolfsteller noted that there were no funds set aside for building replacement items such as carpeting, etc. Last year $12,000 was budgeted and for 2003 Kitty Baltos would like to see $30,000 set aside. Rick Wolfsteller pointed out that because the City is at the maximum levy limit they couldn't just add the $30,000 but would have to take from someplace else instead. Also discussed were parking needs for the MCC. Brian Stumpf did not feel additional parking was required because the parking in the back is not being utilized. It was suggested that at year end any surplus within the budget should be brought up to the Council and they could make a determination where the surplus funds could be utilized. { The Council briefly discussed the land exchange for the library site. Bruce Thielen questioned whether a referendum would be needed to fund the library expansion. An architect is currently working on a feasibility study for the library space. The expansion of the motor vehicle building was also discussed. The City are looking to take 600-700 feet of the clothing part of the building for expansion needs. Rick Wolfsteller discussed the reserve funds and their uses. He noted that while there is $1,000,000 in the capital outlay fund, $600,000 is committed which leaves for $400,000 available for use for items such as the library expansion. He also pointed out that a certain level of reserves in the general fund is needed for operating capital plus 10-15% for contingencies but anything in excess could be use for other purposes. The Council asked whether any of the equipment purchases could be funded from utility fund reserves. For example if vehicle was used 20% of the time by the sewer department then 20% of the cost of the vehicle could be taken from the sewer fund reserves. The Council felt that the City should levy the maximum allowed and to add to the 2003 levy for the proposed bond sale to the 2003 budget. The adoption of the preliminary budget and tax levy would take place at the September 9, 2002 meeting. Mayor Belsaas closed the meeting at 6:45 p.m. Recording Secretary