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City Council Agenda Packet 03-10-2008
AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday March 10, 200$ -'~ p.m. Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Tam Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2. Approve minutes of February 2S, 2008 Regular Council meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. S. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying new hires and departures (Admin) B. Consideration of adding liquor provider to MCC list of providers for 2008-2009. (MCC) C. Consideration of approval of a resolution updating Municipal State Aid Street (MSAS) system for the City of Monticello. (BW) D. Consideration of acceptance of work and approving final payment for River Mill Pathway lmpravements, City Project Na. 2006-30C (WSB) E. Consideration of approving contribution from VFW Post 8731. (Admin) F. Consideration of approving transfer of liquor license for Jala Peno Bar and Grill. (Admin) G. Consideration of approval of a resolution requesting a speed study on Broadway Street East of CSAH 18. (BW) 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Consideration of waiving all or a portion of the City's fees for the Habitat for Humanity home. (Fin) 8. Consideration of awarding bids on the 2008 G. O. Sewer Revenue Refunding Bonds. (Fin) 9. Consideration of approving Change Order No. 1 far Chelsea Road Reconstruction Project, City Project No. 2005-31 C (WSB) 10. Consideration of replacing 1985 MT Trackless versatile sidewalk/pathway machine. (Parks) Agenda Monticello City Council March 10, 2008 Page Two 11. Consideration to approve a request for final plat and a request for rezoning from B-3 (Highway Business) to B-4 (Regional Business) District for the proposed Jerry Hartung Addition and consideration of related assessment agreement and resolution. Applicant: SB 22, LLC/Mike Krutzig. (Comm Dev) 12. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for concept stage planned unit development for a retail commercial development in the Central Community District. Applicant: Lags Tire, Inc. (Coixam Dev) 13. Consideration to review and authorize remodeling of front reception area as related to customer service improvements. 14. Cansideration of a request far amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance for the regulation of grading, erosion and sediment control. Applicant: City of Monticello (Comm Dev) 15. Consideration to review for recommendation proceeding with a Request for Proposal for the completion of a comprehensive update to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. (Comm Dev) 16. Consideration of reviewing proposals and awarding a contract for the removal, repair and reinstallation of deep well turbine pump #4 and appurtenant work, City Project No. 2008-1C. (Public Works) 17. Consideration of approving payment of bills for March. 1$. Adjourn. Council Minutes: 2/25/08 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday February 25, 200$ - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault and Susie Wojchouski. Members Absent: Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. A rove minutes of Februa 11 200$ Re ular Council meetin . SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 11, 2008 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2B. Approve minutes of February 11, 200$ Special Council meeting. Wayne Mayer made a correction on page twa Hating that he said that any duplicated cost of the quiet title action should be picked up by the City. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 11, 200$ SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING WITH THE CORRECTION NOTED. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Tom Perrault added a discussion of the dag ordinance. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and_concerns. No one spoke under citizens comments. S. Consent Agenda; A. Consideration of ratifying new hires and departures MCC, Finance and Liquar. Recommendatian: Ratify the hires and departures as identified. B. Consideration of approving renewal of charitable gambling license for Land of Lakes Choirboys. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to approve the renewal of the charitable gambling license for Land of Lakes Choirboys to conduct charitable gambling activities at Jala Peno Bar and Grill. Resolution #200$-19. C. Consideration of approving final plat for Unian Crossings Third Addition, a commercial subdivision in a B-4 (Regional Business) District. Applicant: Ryan Companies US, Inc. Council Minutes: 2/25/08 Recommendation: Approve preliminary and final plat of Union Crossings Third Addition subject to a finding that the proposed plan is consistent with the intent of the B-4 Regional Business District and Comprehensive Plan. Resolution #2008-22. D. Consideration of approving a request for simple subdivision and a request for conditional use permit for joint access in a B-4 (Regional Business) District. Applicant: Premier Bank. Recommendation: Move to approve the request for a simple subdivision of Lot 2, Block 1, Frairie Ponds 2"d Addition and approve a conditional use permit for shared access based on a finding that the proposed arrangement is consistent with the intent of the B-4 Regional Business District and the Comprehensive Plan subject to the following conditions: 1) Future development of Parcel A shall require full conditional use permit review to ensure compliance with the proposed conditional use permit for shared access; 2) The applicant shall provide a six foot drainage and utility easement along the interior property lines of both parcels; 3) The restoration of any private facilities disrupted due to work within the drainage and utility easement shall be at the expense of the property owner; 4) The applicant shall provide a shared access and maintenance agreement and record it against all subject properties; and 5) The subdivision and all necessary easements shall be recorded with the Wright County Recorder's Office within 100 days of approval. E. Consideration of approving a one day charitable gambling license for Monticello Youth Hockey program ATV raffle on March 14, 2008. Recommendation: Adapt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue a charitable gambling license to Monticello Youth Programs, Inc. to conduct charitable gambling activities at River City Extreme, 3875 School Boulevard on March 14, 2008. Resolution #2008-20. F. Consideration of approving a one day charitable gambling license far Wright County Ducks Unlimited on May 5, 2008 at River City Extreme at 3875 School Boulevard. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue a charitable gambling license to Wright County Ducks Unlimited to conduct charitable gambling activities at River City Extreme, 3875 School Boulevard on May 5, 2008. Resolution #2008-21 G. Consideration of approving credit card application for Holiday Gas Station. Recommendation: Approve the credit card application for MCC with Holiday Station. Items #SB, #SE, #SF and #5G were pulled from the consent agenda. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS #SB, #SE, #SF AND #SG. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent a enda for discussion. #SB Charitable Gambling license for Land of Lakes Choirboys Wayne Mayer stated he pulled this item to draw awareness of how much regulated gambling is taking place in the City and to commend the Land Of Lakes Choirboys on their charitable donations. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ADOFT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE STATE GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD TO APPROVE THE RENEWAL OF THE CHARITABLE 2 Council Minutes: 2/25/08 GAMBLING LICENSE FOR LAND OF LAKES CHOIRBOYS TO CONDUCT CHARITABLE GAMBLING ACTIVITIES AT JALA PENO BAR AND GRILL. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Resolution #2008-19. #SE Temporary charitable gambling license for Monticello Youth Program, Xnc.: Wayne Mayer expressed concern that the financial information submitted with the application by the organization was not current. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE STATE GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD TO ISSUE A ONE DAY CHARITABLE GAMBLING LICENSE TO MONTICELLO YOUTH PROGRAMS, INC. TO CONDUCT CHARITABLE GAMBLING ACTIVITIES AT RIVER CITY EXTREME, 3875 SCHOOL BOULEVARD ON MARCH 14, 2008. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Resolution #200$-20. #SF Temporary charitable gambling license for Wright County Ducks Unlimited: Wayne Mayer stated he was disappointed in the financial paperwork that was submitted and wished it had included more detail. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE STATE GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD TO ISSUE THE CHARITABLE GAMBLING LICENSE TO WRIGHT COUNTY DUCKS UNLIMITED TO CONDUCT CHARITABLE GAMBLING ACTIVITIES AT RIVER CITY EXTREME, 3875 SCHOOL BOULEVARD ON MAY 5, 2008. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Resolution #2008-21. #SG Credit card application for Holiday Gas Station. Wayne Mayer stated the agenda item was drawing similarities between the Fire Department's use of the credit card and MCC staff use of a credit card. Since the Fire Department has emergency vehicles they need to be able to purchase their fue124 hours a day. He questioned how MCC staff would be utilizing the credit card. Kitty Baltos, MCC Director informed the Council that the custodians would be the only ones using the card and it would be used primarily for their snow removal equipment. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APFROVE THE CREDIT CARD APPLICATION FOR MCC WITH HOLIDAY STATION. TOM FERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Public Hearin on ro osed amendment makin revisions to the 2008 fee schedule and a royal of increase in sewer/water rates and ancillary fees. Clint Herbst asked why the fee increase far sewer and water was not included in the previous Council approval of fees. It was noted that Public Works Director, John Simola was on vacation when the Council approved the 2008 fee schedule. John Simola thought these fees had been included in the original schedule but they were not. Finance Director Tom Kelly explained the water and sewer are enterprise funds and the costs of providing utility services are paid for by fees generated by the utility users. In the past the sewer and water rates had not been increased an a regular basis so that the user fees covered the cost of services. Council Minutes: 2/25/08 In the budget setting process it was determined to increase the fees in 2007 and 2008. Even with the proposed 15% increase, the funds will still show a negative balance because of depreciation of assets. Tam Perrault questioned whether the cost savings the City realized in refinancing a number of bond issues, and the low bids received on the vehicle storage building and the digester mixers, had been taken into consideration when determining the rate increase. Tom Kelly noted in the 2008 budget for sanitary sewer the City had $237,000 which covered the digester mixers and the vehicle storage building. Even with funds for those improvements the sewer funds was low by $183,000. Tom Kelly stated the sewer and water rates were not adjusted to reflect the costs savings on the bond refinancing or the lower bids. Tom Perrault felt maybe these savings should be passed along to the residents. Clint Herbst stated that one time John Simola had presented a list of utility rates for communities in the area and Monticello's ranking on the list was close to the bottom. It was felt that the City needed to increase utility fees at least enough to cover their costs. Tom Perrault questioned why the cost per cubic foot increased to $.$4/100 cubic feet once the user reached 4,000 cubic feet when the cost to produce the water would stay the same. Tom Kelly said the idea for increasing the rate for higher users is to encourage water conservation. He agreed the cost to produce the water doesn't increase because of higher usage but the greater demand does tax the system. The state encourages cities to adopt increased rates for water as a means to encourage conservation. Clint Herbst noted the City was trying to put the cost for the service on the people who actually use it rather than on a tax levy. Tom Perrault indicated that he would like to have more information about the fund balances for the enterprise funds. In the budget sessions it was the consensus of the Council to increase the fees to bring the funds into a healthy balance. Tom Kelly provided some budget information regarding the water fund. For 2008 with the increase rates, $841,000 was projected for revenues and expenditures were estimated at $1,195,843 so the fund would be short $354,843. $200,000 was budgeted for capital improvements. Tom Kelly noted that depreciation was a considerable item. The regular sewer fund was projected to have $816,000 in revenue and expenditures of $999,910 which would reduce the fund balance by $183,910. Tom Kelly noted that $515,750 in expenditures is for depreciation. Capital outlays of $237,000 for the digester mixers and vehicle storage building was also included in expenditures. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE 1 S% INCREASE IN SEWER AND WATER USER RATES INCLUDING CHANGES TO SOME ANCILLARY CHARGES. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Wright County Sheriff s Department 2007 Year-End~Report Gary Miller, Wright County Sheriff was present to review the annual report with the Council. City Engineer, Bruce Westby noted the Council had approved the police protection contract for 2008-2009 but the adding of the additional 4 hours of service per day was tabled. City staff had internal discussions about utilizing a CSO (Community Service Officer) to help take the load off the Sheriffs Department. The CSO could be utilized on a part-time basis to start. 4 Council Minutes: 2/25/08 Sheriff Miller then reviewed the year end report for 2007. He noted that they look at a five year time span so they can determine the difference between a trend and a blip on the radar screen.. Calls For service have increased but there was no one specific area that stood out for the increase in number of calls. Wayne Mayer asked about the number of false alarm calls and if false alarms are chazged back. Sheriff Miller indicated the number of false alarm calls did increase. He added that Wright Caunty does nat bill back far false alarms. Otsego charges back based on names and addresses submitted by the Sheriffls Department. Traffic enforcement calls remained steady with the afternoon being the high time for service calls. Sheriff Miller explained haw same code changes made a difference in how certain violations such as no proof of insurance were recorded and how that impacted certain figures. Sheriff Miller stated the Monticello Police Commission emphasized traffic enforcement as the major issue the Sheriffls Department should concentrate on. Sheriff Miller then went on to review the Fart I and Part II crime categories. Most of the increases in the Part I crimes were in larceny and theft. He pointed aut that the Monticello has a vibrant business area and being along the I-94 corridor it is often people outside the azea who commit these crimes. He didn't feel what was happening was anything unique to Monticello. He felt larceny was increasing statewide. Wayne Mayer asked about the Fart II crimes as compared to Part I crimes. Sheriff Miller explained that Part I crimes would be of a felony nature and Part II crimes would be less severe. Usually value determines if it is a Part I crime or Part II crime. Wayne Mayer asked how Monticello compared with other communities as far as crime. Sheriff Miller responded that it varies from city to city but he felt Monticello was average as far as crime. He noted that having a number of businesses open 24 hours a day is kind of an inherent attraction for crime. He talked about "immigrant" crime which is committed by people who dan't live in the area and aze against people who don't live in the area. There is also "neighborhood" crime which is perpetuated against the residents by other residents. He felt that the Sheriffls Department is a very visible presence in the community which may discourage some types of criminal activity. Clint Herbst asked about the methamphetamines issue. Sheriff Miller responded that the number of meth labs is declining but there continues to be problems with crimes committed by addicted meth users. He felt the drug education aspect was very important in keeping the number of new users down. He added that over the counter drugs is becoming a problem. On March 1 1, 2008 there is a drug awareness event that will focus on over the counter drug use. Tom Perrault asked about the increase in the number of medical calls. Sheriff Mill stated the population numbers are increasing and the population is getting older which he felt accounted for the increase. Sheriff Miller indicated that with the number of big box stares in the community it is expected that there would be some shoplifting crimes but he stated many of these business have good internal security. He felt working with the corporate enterprises and tough prosecution of criminals makes for a hostile environment in which to commit crime. He recognizes that law enforcement and businesses have to work together. 5 Council Minutes: 2/25/08 Wayne Mayer asked about the Community Service Office and the administrative duties that position would handle. He asked if the CSO would be an employee of Wright County or the City. Sheriff Miller stated that Wright County does not have any CSOs and there were a number of reasons for that which there wasn't time to go into. Sheriff Miller stated he is not sold on the concept of a CSO but he is not opposed to it. Sherriff Miller stated the police reserves do a number of administrative tasks for the Sheriff's Department such as controlling traffic at parades and other functions. There was some discussion on what duties the CSO would undertake and how that would impact the number of hours of patrol needed from Wright County. Clint Herbst felt residents would like someone to show up with the ability to respond to whatever the incident maybe. Clint Herbst asked about the time frame to notify the Sheriffs department on an increase in hours. Sheriff Miller felt it was important to take into consideration what the residents want to see and what the feedback is from businesses. The Sheriff s Department will let the City know when it is critical to increase the hours of service. He didn't think a CSO would relieve the City of law enforcement needs. He felt, looking at the trends, it is getting close to the time for additional coverage. Wayne Mayer noted that a lot of the feedback from residents is about speeding violations and he felt that was something that should be pursued. Sheriff Miller noted that two years ago the County Board authorized one full-time traffic enforcement officer. Sheriff Miller will meet with the Police Commission to discuss the CSO. Clint Herbst requested that the Police Commission study the issue and present a recommendation to the City Council. The Police Commission had recommended adding an additional 4 hours a day of police protection and this was included in the 2008 budget to start in July. The Sheriff s Department can let the City know if they have staffing to handle an additional 4 hours a day beginning July 1. Wayne Mayer asked how the 4 hours of additional coverage would be split. Sheriff Miller said that the Police Commission had directed that the 4 hours be split between traffic enforcement and neighborhood patrols. Sheriff Miller said his office can shift the 4 hours. If, for example, a shift is normally 2 p.m.-6 p.m. but the need is greater from 6 p.m.-10 p.m. they can shift those 4 hours to when they are needed most. Susie Wojchouski felt the CSO position didn't have the expertise to handle very much of what a patrol officer would do, would require training and would need a vehicle. In all she felt a CSO could be a costly route. Clint Herbst felt the CSO did not take any of the work load off the Sheriff s Department. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO INCREASE THE WRIGHT COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT CONTRACT HOURS FOR THE 2008-2009 CONTRACT PERIOD BY 4 HOURS PER DAY EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 200$. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. n of request from Habitat for Humanity for waiver of fees. 9. Cansideratio _,,._.,,_ Staff reported that the Building Department had reviewed the plans for Habitat for Humanity Home proposed to be built in the Sunset Ponds area and came up with a fee total. The fees that are passed through such as the state surcharge are not proposed to be waived. The permit fees, plan 5 Council Minutes: 2/25/08 review, SAC and WAC charges come to about $7,820. Jeff O'Neill stated that the City Attorney indicated that if the City does waive the fees they should have a finding for doing so such as the waiver is necessary to provide decent housing for all income levels. It was also noted that the Sunset Ponds is covered by a FUD and the house would have to meet those standards. Gary Anderson, Building Official said he has reviewed the plans and they meet or exceed the standards with the exception of the 15% brick requirement on the front. Clint Herbst asked how the house would compare to others in the area. Gary Anderson said the Habitat for Humanity House is equal in dollar value to other homes in the area. Clint Herbst said he didn't have a problem with waiving the fee but he expected the house to complement other homes in the neighborhood. Susan Biasco for Habitat for Humanity stated the family who receives the house must commit to 400 hours of work on the house and they must be able to pay back the cost of the loan. It is an interest free mortgage running for 30 years. Habitat for Humanity houses have certain standards they have to follow. They are not custom built homes. Brick ar ornamental facade is not something that is in the Habitat for Humanity's building plan. Clint Herbst said the City has standards in the area where the house is being built and he asked if there was anyway they could change their house plan. Wayne Mayer felt the City has to be sensitive to the other homes around it. Susan Biasco said they have some flexibility to change the house plan. Gary Anderson stated in the R-1 district house size must be 1,050 square feet of finished floor space. This house will be approximately 1,068 square feet. Wayne Mayer said the cause is fantastic and they can assure the City that the house meets the requirements of the PUD he would have no problem waiving the fees. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO AUTHORIZE A WAIVER OF CITY BUILDING PERMIT FEES FOR THE PROPOSED HABITAT FOR HUMANITY HOME UP TO $7,648.74 BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE WAIVER SUFFORTS THE COMMON IDEAL OF DECENT AFFORDABLE SHELTER FOR ALL AND THAT THE BUILDING CONFORMS TO THE STANDARDS FOR THAT AREA. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. Tom Perrault stated that while he personally supported the project he feels the fees should not be picked up by the taxpayers. Susie Wojchouski didn't feel the City could write off $8,000 every year and suggested that the City place a limit on the number of homes such as one per five years or same other limit. Susan Biasco stated that most of the communities do not waive a 100% of the fees but rather same portion of them. She stated that Habitat for Humanity realizes the Council has to be understanding of the taxpayer. There was same discussion on where other Habitat for Humanity homes have been built. Susie Wojchouski asked if this could be tabled sa the City Council could find out what other cities contributed. Susan Biasco stated that off hand she didn't know the contribution amounts from other cities. She stated Habitat far Humanity needs the additional $30,000 by April and she felt they could make the $30,000 with or without the City's contribution. Tom Perrault stated he would be against any city donation. Susie Wojchouski felt if the City researches this they might feel more comfortable as far as a donation. WAYNE MAYER WITHDREW HIS MOTION AND CLINT HERBST WITHDREW HIS SECOND TO THE MOTION. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THIS UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7 Council Minutes: 2/25/08 10. Consideration of ro osal from Wri t-Henna in Electric to u date residential li htin ss sue, teen. Wayne Mayer asked about the franchise agreement with Xcel Energy and wondered why the City didn't have a similar agreement with Wright-Hennepin. Tom Moores reviewed the proposal for street lighting. This proposal was from Wright-Hennepin to upgrade the existing lighting system. In 2005 modifications were made to the City's street lighting policy changing the spacing from 700 feet to 350 feet. The purpose of the upgrade was to develop a more uniform lighting system Tom Moores reviewed the modifications to the policy noting these changes covered any street light installed after May 2005. At this point John Simola has not been able to get a proposal from Xcel Energy. The City did upgrades to the street lights as part of the street reconstruction projects. Wright-Hennepin covers just a small area of the City so it was decided to do this project first. The Wright-Hennepin coverage area includes part of the River Mill area, River Forest Addition, Sandberg East Addition and Sunset Fonds. The cost to upgrade the 26 light fixtures is $595/fixture. Tom Moores noted that two of the new lights have been installed on River Forest Drive. Clint Herbst asked if there was a cost efficiency in have the new lights. Tom Moores indicated that he couldn't answer that but believed John Simola who was not able to be present at this meeting had researched it. Finance Director Tom Kelly believed John Simola had indicated the new lights would cost half as much to operate. It was felt that residents would like to see more lighting in the neighborhood. Tom Moores stated that this project was budgeted in 2007 and if the City authorizes the project it could be done this spring. Susie Wojchouski asked why this area was selected since there are other areas where the lighting is much worse and she felt the City could hold off on this project for a few years. Tom Moores said since they were unable to come up with an agreement with Xcel it was decided to do the Wright-Hennepin coverage area first. The Council discussed some other street lighting project areas and how the franchise fee could be utilized for funding these projects. Susie Wojchouski felt that some of the franchise fee would go towards Chelsea Road lighting improvements. John Simola is going to prepare a CIP program for the street lighting work which would outline the casts for the project. Tom Kelly stated the City has collected approximately $80,040 in franchise fees which was used to balance the general fund in 2007. The franchise fee was not part of the $100,000 set aside in the 2007 budget for street lighting. Susie Wojchouski asked if there was any energy efficiency information. Wayne Mayer said something else to look at is the fact that the City raised taxes this year and residents are expecting to see something from that increase. He thought this was a good value for the city. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE FIXTURE UPGRADE FOR 26 LIGHTS AND ADD 21 NEW STREET LIGHTS INCLUDING POLIES AND FIXTURES IN THE RIVER MILL ADDITION, RIVER FOREST ADDITION, SANDBERG EAST ADDITION INCLUDING GILLARD AVENUE NE AND SUNSET PONDS WITH THE WORK TO BE COMPLETED BY WRIGHT HENNEPIN ELECTRIC AT AN ESTIMATED COST OF $57,937.80 AND WOULD BE COMPLETED UNDER CITY PROJECT NO. 20084-04C WITH THE WORK TO START IN SPRING AND BE COMPLETED 1N EARLY SUMMER. Tom Perrault noted the corrected cost on the fixtures which would alter the total cost figure. Tom Moores said the cost difference would less than the cost of 1 light fixture. 8 Council Minutes: 2/25/08 WAYNE MAYER AMENDED HIS MOTION TO REFLECT THAT THE TOTAL COST WOULD BE $57,342.80. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Susie Wojchouski questioned why fixtures that were only 3 years old had to be replaced. Tom Moores stated that in Sunset Ponds the lights are five years old and in the River Forest area they are ten years old. 11. Cansideration of re-sale re ort: G.O. Sewer Revenue Refundin Bonds. Finance Director, Tom Kelly reviewed the pre-sale report on the refinancing of the WWTF plant note which runs another 10 years before being paid off. The current interest rate on the note is 4.08%. Ehlers and Associates, the City's financial consultants estimated that City could issue new bonds at art interest rate of 3.325%. This results in a savings of $380,000 aver the remaining ten years. Clint Herbst asked why this refinancing was not included with the refinancing of the 2002A series and the MCC revenue bonds. Tom Kelly indicated they had looked at refinancing this note at that time but the interest rate didn't generate the savings needed justify refinancing it. Tom Kelly said the refinancing is good because it lowers the debt per capita and increases the amount of the City's short term debt rather than long term debt. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ACCEPT THE PRE-SALE REPORT AS SUPPORT FOR REFINANCING THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT NOTE. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Added Item: Tom Perrault stated a resident felt they were getting a run around about what could be done with dogs barking at all hours of the day. Gary Anderson explained the process for handling dog complaints. Clint Herbst felt it was something that should be discussed by the Folice Commission at a future meeting and suggested getting information out on Channel 12. Jeff O'Neill felt the Council should funnel all requests through him as he felt information coming from one source would be better. Clint Herbst noted that a special meeting had been called by two Councilmembers on Feburary 19tH regarding action with Kjellberg which is currently under litigation. He stated he would have na problem signing the special meeting notice. He said he would appreciate it if this type of thing comes up at a meeting and not outside the public forum. 12. Consideration of a rovin a ment of bills far Februar . Wayne Mayer questioned a $5000 bill from NAC in which 34% of the bill was identified as general and wondered why greater detail couldn't be provided about this general work. Steve Grittman indicated "general" covered things such as attendance at meetings or unspecified projects. Wayne Mayer also questioned a $126 pizza party bill. Tom Moores explained this was in recognition of an employee's 20 years with the City. Jeff O'Neill said there is a fund to cover employee recognition events or retirement. Tom Kelly clarified that the City does not have a true employee recognition fund. The finance department had questioned the bill. 9 Council Minutes: 2/25/08 Wayne Mayer asked about a statement of $1 SO for a creative fee. Susie Wojchouski thought the creative fee was for creating a logo or layout of a design. Lastly Wayne Mayer stated that the bill for CCG Consulting listed miscellaneous professional services for $12,906 and he felt this bill too should have been itemized more fully. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO PAY THE BILLS. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 13. Adjourn. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 9:40 P.M. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 10 • t ow a c~ a~ wa U CY, i--I W F~ zo OU ~, a w ~ en o ~ a F u ~ H I U~nG~ ~a 0 o W ,~ L/1 d~ U o ui w7 ~-l N C?C7 v~ ~~ -~ o a 0 ~ H v ~ ~~ ,-~ ~ a s~ m ro ~, m v t0 ,'~, U W U b (n w a m ~ m ~ U ~ i b •~ a ~ ~ ca . ~ o z ~ ~ x o ~ ~+ v m ~ m ,~ rl I 4 F', ~ ~+ i ~ -~ b Z i lD FJ N W ~ ~ C4 ~ u ~ ~ ~ E ~n O W I ~n N u ~ x o ~ I U [S.i of w UI ~ ~ m I U Q1 W d~ O r~ I •.~ ,-~ ~ M lp [~ I ~ Q.~O ~~qq o ry' I ~ O r~ m r+t fa I KC ~ ~ U ~-I d~ q o m ~ •• o ~ ~ q Cn U I i 1J ~ Gl i...7 O N Q f O S-I f~ O o U] fx W ~ N JJ pq CJ N C7 ~7 ~ ~D CI] U~ iJ 1 1 O [.' ~' ~ ~ H ~ o O F+I o 0 m. a a ~~ I ~h U r, v Q I ~ ~ r~ o a a o~ a W U M [x] E C7 ~~ oa w~ o~ ~i d H~ H I Ua d w u~ a v r-i A ro tC1 a ma rl ~ rl A,' wo ww 0 v b v U rl N 1~a9~4Mtll Lfl ~p rl Cl dlN lfl~[~O]Q~O r-IN f'1C Lf1 ~D l~aO ~ O W 4 O OOdr-IOOdO rl rlr-I r-i r-I r-I r1 '-I riN NNNNNNNN N Cl ,7., O O 9 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 d d d 4 O O O O O 6 0 0 d d O O 0 4 4 O M O O d 0 0 0 0 4 d d O 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d O a d 4 O O O d d d d d O 4 4 4 O O d d d O O d 0 0 4 4 4 4 O O Q dl d~ dl CI c}' a' W dl CI dl dl dl VI ~ C ~' dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl tll VI C dl CI d' V~ dl dl dl dl dl dl dl ~ C c a dl dl dl dl dl dl dI W dl VI tll VI C ~' dl dl a a a aaawwwww a aala awwwwaaaaaaaaa a al w z~ 0 P, ~o~o~o~o~~o~olnlnlnlnGnlnln ~nww~nwwwlnlnu-Ilnlnlnln W rnrnrnrnmrnrnt•t•i-i-[-[-[- ~--~ ~ l~[~[~t~[~[~C~NNNNNNN rl W HHrlH ri '-1r-I f-i NNNNNN NfnM Mr+l r+l rn (n N U ~ i- dltr~d'rimr~r~ wwrn ~rc~me~e~e~d~~rdlaldldldlw In H W [~ (AWmo7 Mr+1 C1 r+1 C NNN ID ~D ~D Ip ~D Ip ~O ~O ~~D lO ID lD ~O O ~D O a-~ a C. ~ [~ [~ ~~ lfl In L(1 In 01 f~ M Ql I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I ~ r- H O ~O ~O ~D l01D ~D ~-1O W NNE G1 O1 d1 O~Q~Q~Q~OI Q~Q~01 Q~Q1~ l~ Lf1 w u1 dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl r+1 Hr-Id NNNNNNNNNNNNNN ~D a1 H a', rl Vl U]U]U1 U]Cla~Cn ~D 014 ~W~~~~~~1010 ~D ~D ~D ~D dl N O 4 L~ [~ [~ [~ CO CD aD pJ L/l lD ~D rl tb W 00 07 00 CO aD ~ Q1 Ql Q1 Rl B1 41 C~ tT ",~,' OJ lD M ('~1 M Cl ('~1 C1 M M O~ C CI lfl L(1 lIl Lfl l.(1 Ul L(1 tf1 Lf1 L!1 lf1 Lf1 111 Lfl Lfl N d H Q1 L~ 0~ O1 O~ Q~ Ql Q1 Q1 Q1 01 41 d1 O~ [~ [~ (~ [~ [~ (~ C~ C~ C~ (~ C~ C~ C- l~ l~ Q~ rl r-i r-I rl H H r-1 rl rri rl rl r~ r-1 ri rl H H H r-i '-i f-•I r•-I rl rl rl ri rl rl r•I r-I d' dl dl dl 'cM dl ~ ~ CI dl dl dl dl dl dl dl dl tll VI d' CI dl CI ~ ~ ~ d' d' dl dl U rl rl H H H r-I rl ~1 f-i r-i rl r-I ri r-1 rl H H H H H ri ~i r-1 rl rl rl r-I rl H r-I ~ ~ O Or-Ir-Ir-ir-Id rl r-I 4 rI ~A .--I 0000OOO1ddOd0001 O O d' H L~ rl L• rl rl [~ ,-I !• N d' d' d' L~ !• !• t• [~ [~ d1 !• ~ ~ [~ [~ (~ ~ Lf1 ri N N rl rl r-I H H H H r-I M t.() rl Lf) rl rl r-i r-I r-1 rl rl ri H H H r-I rl H Ln 4 Q N N dl ('rt dlM Cl dlM dl f+l NNN d'dl dl dl dl dlN dl dl dl d~tll~N N d' U U l11 (~ NNNNNNNN rl [~[~[~ r-10U10001~r10Lf1440[~ O d' d, N N NNNNNNNN O NNN 4rl r-I OI tlINNOr-Ir-I Q~~NN Lfl Lfl rl r-1 Hr-IHH~HHe-i N rl rl ri NHHd'd'H HNHHd'dl rl rl [~ [~ I.27 f'~1 M Lfl L(1 lf) Lfl Lfl Lfl L(1 LI'1 Lf1 Lll L!1 Lf1 Lfl M M tll O~ M M Ltl M r'r1 Q1 ~ f~l M Q1 91 'c!' dl dl d' dl dl d' dl dl dl dl Vl tll CI dl d' C dl d' d' cl' dl dl dl dl dl dl dl VI dl Q ~ . rl ri lO ID ~D lO ID ~D ~D ~D rl ~~~ r-IH HNHr-IH~Hf-iN rl rl rl ~ ~ p Q NN ryN NNNN d NNN 44040000000004 d 4 w rl r-I NNNNNNNN rl NNN r-IH HID ~D rI riH He-i ~D ~Ll rl rl ~ ~ ~ a F ~ m m a m ca ca a a Q ~ a o ° w a w a ~+ ~+ ~ ~+ x a rx w p A ~ a cn ~ w co a ~ ~ ~~~~ m oao a ~ a aaar~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ `~ I ~a aa~a ~ d ~ ~ z a~ ~~~z w a w ~ ~ ~ v i a FE+FFE-iFHC-+E-+C-i Ha ~~~E ~ U ~ a ~I~II I ~ w z~z~ www ~ wwwwww ~+ ~ z a ~ a ooao aaaaaa~aalxaxx~~ ~ ~ UwUU U H ~ ~ ~ z ~ x ~ n n~cncn~r ~c o w wo w ~oo ~~~~~~o~~~~ z ~ a y+ o o ~ H wwwwwwwwQ w U HUQ wwwwwwUwwwwwwUQ ~? r.~ a o ~ czn w pa,Qoa.a~a~~ v uwc i~ ~~~~~~~~a~~~~a~~5 ~ a + ~ ~ ~D M Q1 r-i Q1 dl dl a1 H Q1 ~O 4 (~ O O L~ rl M dl W aD r-I Cl Cl 0 H f~l f'1 CO C~ ('1 L~ O N ~ M1~0~010 f'1 [~O10 d X14401 rINN0001 ~O NOlM OOQ14~ cr 4 O N lIt ll1 ~0 Lf1 d O If1 ~D l.(1 l(1 01 l~ 01 M 01 Ltl (°1 [~ f+) Cl lfl CO N f~l C~ d' dl I.!'1 01 M dl I~ rl H rl N NNN rl N N [~ CO ~0 Lf1 Lf1 C~ N r-i ~-i dl r1 C'I rl rI dl rl ~ dl N r-i ~D l~ N dl H ~ cn ~ w W z w a ~~ U H EI ao a w I H ~ ~ ~ ~~qq ~ ~ cf z x r~co W I-aN U H i I-I Kt W a a w z ~ w ~ m 3 w x [7~ 4 z n, Sao H UO m o w z cn o w r•C ~ ~ H. 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G4 U Ix W 'A HNMQ100HlDWWH ',~' 6~6>, L.LOOrnooC4o~-I~ ~ WHWOr•Caarnoor.~o~w I--I [7i-]AUUNNr-IN NC.I N,'~C!)R: HHI~~D OID I~MLfl l04 OOH NOSH S? rl r-I N d~ f~l (•'1 lO ~0 ~Ci C7 Q~ O O O Lf1 r-INNNNMMMMMd~d~~D ~D ~D ~D m u ~1 ~ Fy' ~ [•y O ~ . CL r.~ U W~ x ~ W I I I W i ~ I ~. i x~ ~ ~ I W I ~ w C7 a ~. W U ~ a a ~7 Q'i ~ E-I O E-I h w 6L O w A a rx w a A Q • .~{ W 6L' ~ ~ A W w a ~ °x ~+ a a ~ a a H P4 G4 d ~ ' M H a o H • ca W U W L2»' a w x ~ H A .7 • • Council Agenda: 3/10/08 5A. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for MCC.. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. A.1 BUDGET IMPACT: None A.2 STAFF WORK LOAD IMPACT: Until the positions are filled again, existing staff would pick up those hours. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Ratify the hire/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. C. RECOMMENDATION: By statute the City Council has the authority to approve all hires/departures. There is no other recommendation but for the Council to exercise the authority given to them by state statute. D. SUPPORTING DATA: List of new employees. NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Kraemer, Karly Climbing Wall Att MCC Name Chavez-Rivas, Alejandra TERMINATING EMPLOYEES 2/23/08 P7 Reason Department Last Day Class involunta MCC 2118/08 PT council employee list.xls: 3/6/2008 Council Agenda: 3/10/08 SB. Consideration of addin li uor rovider to MCC list of roviders for 2008-2009. (KB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the January 28, 2008 meeting the Council approved a list of liquor providers for the Community Center covering a two year period (2008-2009). At that time it was noted that the MCC Event Coordinator tracks the catering license, liquor license and required insurance for all providers. At this time the MCC is requesting to add Red's Cafe, Larry Miller, Montrose Minnesota to the list of approved liquor providers. Mr. Miller had requested to be included on our preferred list, however, his liquor license was pending in January. He was advised that he would be approved once his liquor license had been approved. Budget Impact: None. Staff Workload: The tracking of one additional liquor provider will not significantly increase the work load for the Event Coordinator. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Approve Red.'s Cafe as an approved provider for the MCC for 2008-2009. 2. Do not approve an additional liquor provider for the MCC. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The addition of another liquor provider will provide a greater selection of caterers for users of the facility to choose from. Staff recommends approving the additional liquor provider. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. Council Agenda: 3/10/08 SC. Consideration of adopting a resoluto_n_uQdatin Munici al State Aid Street (MSAS) system for the City of Monticello (B.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Municipal State Aid Street (MSAS) system allows cities with a population over 5,000 to be eligible to receive funding for roadway construction, improvements and maintenance from the State Highway Users Fund. The City can designate up to 20% of its local streets to receive MSAS funding. With the residential and commercial growth that occurred within the City over the past few years, the mileage of our system increased and therefore additional mileage is available for designation an the MSAS. In fact, by the end of 2007 an additional 0.78 miles were available for MSAS designation. In order to maximize funding for our MSAS system the City should designate as much mileage as possible. Staff is therefore proposing the following modifications to our MSAS system designations: • Remove Highland Way (0.20 miles) • Add Cedar Street from CSAH 75 to 7th Street (0.39 miles) • Add 4th Street from TH 25 to Washington Street (0.56 miles) After the proposed changes only 0.03 miles of undesignated Municipal State Aid Streets will remain (0.78 + 0.20 - 0.39 - 0.56 = 0.03). It should be noted that streets designated in the MSAS system must connect to other MSAS system streets on either end, or connect to streets of a higher designation such as county roads or state highways. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. 1Vlatian to adapt Resolution 2008-24 removing Highland Way from the MSAS system and designating a portion of Cedar Street and 4th Street as MSAS additions for the year 2408. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution 2008-24. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative Action No. 1. Upon adopting the resolution the City Administrator/Clerk shall provide a certified copy of the resolution by May 1, 2008 for transmittal to the Commissioner of the Department of Transportation. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Resolution 2008-24 Proposed 2008 MSAS Designation drawing CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO.2008-24 A RESOLUTION UPDATING MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREET SYSTEM FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO WHEREAS, as a requisite to qualify for state aid, it is necessary that the City Council designate certain streets within the City of Monticello to comprise a Municipal State Aid Street system; and WHEREAS, the Council has reviewed the recommendation of the City Engineer and has approved certain streets within the City to be removed or to became a part of said system; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Highland Way shall be removed fram the City of Manticello MSAS System. 2. That Cedaz Street from CSAH 75 to 7th Street shall be included as part of the Gity of Monticello MSAS system. 3. That 4th Street from TH 25 to Washington Street shall be included as part of the City of Monticello MSAS system. 4. That the City Administrator/Clerk provide a certified copy of this resolution by May 1, 2008 for transmittal to the Commissioner of the Department of Transportation. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this l Qth day of March, 2008. Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Council Agenda: 3/10/08 5D. Consideration of acce tance of work and a rovin final a went for River Mill Pathwa Im rovements Ci Pro'ect Na. 200d-30C (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This project included paving the River Mill Pathway between Mill Run Road and River Forest Drive. The project also included some minor drainage improvements to alleviate ponding along the pathway. The pathway was paved in the late fall of 2006. Concrete pedestrian ramps were installed in the summer of 2007, completing the project. The Council is being requested to accept the project as complete and approve final payment to Knife River in the amount of $4,984.74. The following paperwork has been recently submitted far final payment to be released: 1. Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax. 2. Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured. 3. Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. 4. Two-year maintenance bond. It should be noted that the maintenance bond will start and extend two years from the date of final acceptance of the project by the City Council. The final payment request represents the final quantities completed on the contract and the release of the retainage on the contract. All punchlist items assembled for this project have been completed, and WSB & Associates, Inc. is indicating the project is complete and ready for final payment in accordance with the contract and City of Monticello Engineering and Construction Standards. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Accept the improvements and approve the final payment of $4,984.74 to Knife River contingent upon receipt of the final paperwork. 2. Do not accept the improvements and approve final payment. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends selecting Alternative No. 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Letter of Recommendation from WSB & Associates, Inc. Copy of Construction Pay Voucher No. 2 (Final) ~~~ & Associates, Inc. Infrastructure 1 Engineering 1 Planning 1 Construction March 4, 2008 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello SOS Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Construction Pay Voucher Na. 2 (Final) River Mill Bituminous Pathway Improvements City of Monticello Project No. 2006-30C WSB Project No. 1627-35 Dear Mayor and Council Members: 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax:763-541-1700 Please find enclosed the final Construction Pay Voucher No. 2 for the above-referenced project in the amount of $4,9$4.74. We recommend final payment subject to receipt of the following items: 1. Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax. 2. Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured. 3. Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. 4. Two-year maintenance bond. It should be noted that the maintenance bond will start and extend two years Pram the date of final acceptance of the project by the City Council. Please make payment in this amount to Knife River at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Sincerely, WSB & Assvciales, Iric. /~~,N,~ k. ~ss~ Shibani K. Bisson, PE Project Manager Enclosures cc: Tam Kelly, City of Monticello Jeff O'Neill, City of Monticello Bruce Westby, City of Monticello Julie Hennessey, Knife River Harry Klatt, Knife River srb Minneapolis 1St. Cbud ti: ~o1617-3J41dmInlCwrn,uNlwrAdminV.7R lm7FN1. (,'TY~krrrmn30J08.rhw Equal Opportunity Employer 01627-35 -1'ay Voucher 2 .i~~. ~ dssnctate~, Gam. Monday, February 18, 2008 Pay Voucher River Mill Pathway Client Contract No.: Project No.: 01627-35 Client Project No.: Date: 2!1812008 Request No.: 2 & FINAL Proiect Summarv_ 1 Original Contract Amount $47,208.75 2 Contract Changes -Addition $746.25 3 Contract Changes -Deduction ($1,330.00) 4 Revised Contract Amount $46,625.00 5 Value Completed to Date $43,264.79 6 Material on Hand $0.00 7 Amount Earned $43,264.79 8 Less Retainage $0.00 9 Subtotal $43,264.79 10 Less Amount Paid Previously $38,280.05 11 Liquidated Damages $0.00 12 AMOUNT DUE THIS PAY VOUCHER N0.2 & FINAL $4,984.74 1 HEREBY CERTIFY TWAT A FINAL EXAMINATION HAS BEEN MADE OF THE ABOVE NOTED CONTRACT, THAT THE CONTRACT HAS BEEN COMPLETED, THAT THE ENTIRE AMOUNT OF WORK SHOWN IN THE FINAL VOUCHER HAS BEEN PERFORMED AND TWE TOTAL VALUE OF THE WORK PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH, AND PURSUANT TO, THE TERMS OF THE CONTRACT IS AS SHOWN tN THIS FINAL VOUCHER. Recommended for Approval by: WSB & Ass ' tes Inc. L • i'~tssM Approved by Contractor: ffa Bituminous, Inc. • ~ Specified Contract Completion Date: 12/313 Comment: Qwner: City of Monticello 505 Walnut St Monticello, MN 553fi2-1147' For Period: 11!1!2006 to 2118!2008 Contractor: Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. 2852 County Road 12 North Buffalo, MN 55313 Construction Observer: Approved by Owner: City of Monticello Date: 1 of 3 01627-35 -Pay Voucher 2 Project Material Status Monday, February 18, 2008 Item Np. Item Description Units Unlt Price Contract Quantity Quantity to Date Currant Quantity Amount to Date SCHEDULE A - SURFAGE IMPROVEMENTS 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM $1,8DD.00 1 1 D $1,800.00 2 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQ YD $5.50 270 270 0 $1,485.00 3 2104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) LIN FT $10.pD 8 0 0 $0.00 4 2112,501 SUBGRADE PREPARATION ROAD STA $180.00 21.5 21.5 0 $3,870.QD 5 92282 TYPE 41A BITUMINOUS WEAR GOURSE (2") TON $88.25 235 206.86 0 $14,118.20 6 2211.501 AGGREGATE BA5E CLASS 5 MOD TON $15.25 340 187 0 $2,851,75 7 2105.507 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION GU YD $14.75 280 237.04 0 $3,496.34 8 2105.522 SELECT GRANULAR 80RROW (CV) CU YD $28.75 380 380 D $10,165.00 9 2521,602 TRUNCATED DOME PEDESTRIAN RAMP EACH $1,485,OD 3 2 2 $2,970.pp Totals For Section SGHEDULE A -SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS: $4D,756.29 Change Order 1 10 21D5,522 SELECT GRANULAR 80RROW (CV) CU YD $26.75 -380 -380 D ($10,165.D0) 11 2105.522 SELECT GRANULAR t30RROW (CV) CU YD $23.25 380 513 0 $11,927.25 Totals For Changa Ordeal: $1,762.25 Change Order 2 12 92283 1.5" RIVER ROCK CU YD $49.75 15 15 0 $746,25 Totals For Change Order 2: $746,25 Project Totals: $43,264.79 2Of~ _ . 01627-35 -Pay Voucher 2 Project Payment Status Owner: City of Monticello Client Project No.: Client Contract No.: Project Na.: 01627-35 Contractor: Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. r:nntrar~t r:hannac Monday, February 18, 2008 No. Type Date Description Amount. C01 Change C7rder 11/10/2006 Revised contract item. ($1,330:00) C02 Change Order 11/10/20D6 Additional contract item. $74fi.25 Change Order Totals: ($583.75) Payment Summary No. From Date To Date Payment Total Payment Retainage Per Payment Totaf Retainage Completed 1 10/9/2006 10!31/2006 $38,280.05 $38,280.05 $2,014.74 $2,014.74 $40,294.79 2 & FINAL 11/1/2006 2/18/2008 $4,984.74 $43,264.79 ($2,014.74) $0.00 $43,264.79 Payment Totals: $43,264.79 $0.00 $43,264.79 P~gj~rt ~umma.~ Material On Hand: Total Payment to Date: Total Retainage: Total Amount Barned: $0.00 $43,264.79 original Contract: $0.00 Contract Changes: $43,264.79 Revised Contract: $47,208.75 ($583.75) $46,625.00 3 of 3 -- __ Council Agenda: 3/10/08 SE. Consideration of auurovin~ contributions. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City has received donations totaling $500.00 from VFW Post 8731 The use of these funds will go towards defraying the cost of a flag pole at Hillside Cemetery. As required by state statute, if the City accepts the donation of funds, the City Council needs to adopt a resolution specifying the amount of the donation and its use. A.1. BudEet Impact: The donation has negligible impact. A.2 Staff Workload Impact: None B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the contribution and authorize use of funds as specified. 2. Do not approve the contributions and return the funds to the donors. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommendation is to adopt the resolution accepting the contributions. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution No. 2008-23 City of Manticello RESOLUTION N0.2008-23 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributians of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property far the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts maybe limited under provisions of MN Statutes Section 4T1.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and ar entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY DESCRIPTION VALUE VFW Post 8731 Cash $500 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city's jurisdiction either alone or in caaperation with others, as allowed bylaw; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello as follows: 1. The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. 2. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose: DONOR/ENTITY RECIPIENT PURPOSE VFW Post $731 Parks De t Fla ole -Hillside Cemete Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 10th day of March, 2008. Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator contributions MASTER resolution (2).doc: 3/3/2008 Council Agenda: 3/10/08 5F. Consideration of transfer of intoxicating liquor license far Jala Penos. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Jala Penos will be re-locating the business from 530 Cedar Street to their new location at 512 Highway 25 South (Former Maus Foods building) and is requesting that the liquor license be transferred to the new site. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTION: l . Approve the transfer of the on-sale liquor license for Jala Fenos from 530 Cedar Street to 512 Highway 25 South. 2. Do not approve the license transfer. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that license for Jala Penos be transferred for their new location contingent upon the City receiving a revised certificate of insurance reflecting the address change. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. Council Agenda: 3/10/08 S:G, Consideration of ado tin a resolution re uestin a s eed stud on Broadwa Street East from CSAH 18 to Meadow Oak Avenue. (B.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Following the substantial completion of the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange, Wright County turned back CSAH 75 (Broadway Street East) between CSAH 18 and Meadow Oak. Avenue to the City. With the opening of the new interchange the I-94 ramps to and from CSAH 75 were closed to traffic resulting in substantial changes to pedestrian and traffic patterns on Broadway Street East. As such, City staff would like to request that Mn/DOT perform a speed study to ensure that the reasonable and safe speed is posted on this road. Currently Broadway Street East is posted at 55 mph frarn CSAH 18 to Meadow Oak Drive, whereas CSAH 75 is posted at 45 mph from CSAH 18 to just east of the Middle School entrance an CSAH 75. City staff has contacted Mn/DOT and this speed study would likely be performed at the same time that Mn/DOT performs their speed study on Fenning Avenue from School Boulevard to $Sth Street, which is currently scheduled to be completed by May 28, 2008. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2008-25. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution 2008-25. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approving Alternative Action No. 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Resolution 2008-25. CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION N0.200$-25 REQUESTING MN/DOT TO CONDUCT A SPEED STUDY ON BROADWAY STREET EAST FROM CSAH 1$ TO MEADOW OAK AVENUE WHEREAS, THIS RESOLUTION, was made this 10t~' day of March, 2008 by the City of Monticello in Wright County, Minnesota. The Municipal Corporation shall hereinafter be called the "City," WHEREAS, per MN Statute 169.14, the authority to determine reasonable and safe speeds on a City Street resides with the Minnesota Commissioner of Transportation; WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of all parties to have reasonable and safe speeds posted on City Streets; WHEREAS, the traffic and pedestrian characteristics of Broadway Street East (CSAH 75 turn- back) have changed with the opening of the new interchange at I-94 &CSAH 18 and the closing of the ramps to and from I-94 at CSAH 75, and; WHEREAS, the "City" has contacted the State of Minnesota (Mn/DOT), who has agreed to complete the study. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBYRESOLVED, that the "City" is requesting the State of Minnesota (Mn/DOT) to conduct a speed study on Broadway Street East from CSAH 18 to Meadow Oak Avenue. Adopted by the City of Monticello City Council this 10~' day of March, 2008. Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Jr!BrpceiClry n(M nncellniC.nuncils & Cummirrioru~IClry CaunNlUxereen lremsi9-t 0.08i6ruudrwy E Speed S/wfv l+ernlu~inn 2M1R-02.doc Council Agenda: 03/10/08 5~ . A rove Hirin of Part-Nme Pa roWFinance Clerk. (TK) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City advertised internally for the position of part-time Payroll/Finance Clerk and received one applicant, who is very well qualified to fill the position. It is my belief that the City would not receive any better applications by advertising the position externally. Therefore, staff is recommending the hiring of Heidi Eckerman to fill the part-time payroll/finance clerk position. Heidi is currently working part-time at the City's DMV as a clerk, however the position in the finance department fits Heidi's education and past work experience better than the works she is currently performing at the DMV. Heidi has past experience performing payroll, accounts payable and receivables, which fits the duties of the new position. She was offered $14.39 which she has accepted dependant of City Council approval. A1. Budget Impact: The position was not included in the 2008 budget, however will be funded by funds saved by reducing overtime within the finance department. A2. Staff Workload Impact: The filling of this position will reduce the work load of the Finance Assistant/Accaunts Payable and Senior Finance Officer who have worked excess overtime in the last year due to work loads. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Approve the hiring of Heidi Eckerrnan for the part-time Payroll/Finance Clerk position. 2. Do not approve the hiring of Heidi Eckerman for the part-time Payroll/Finance Clerk position. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff and personnel committee support, Alternative 1, to approve hiring of Heidi Eckern~an far the part-time Fayroll/Finance Clerk position. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. If you wish to view ar discuss any of the background data an the candidate, please contact me directly. • Council Agenda: 03/10/08 5F4 . Approve Hiring of Part-time PayrolUFinance Clerk. (TK) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City advertised internally for the position ofpart-time Payroll/Finance Clerk and received one applicant, who is very well qualified to fill the position. It is my belief that the City would not receive any better applications by advertising the position externally. Therefore, staff is recommending the hiring of Heidi Eckerman to fill the part-time payroll/finance clerk position. Heidi is currently working part-time at the City's DMV as a clerk, however the position in the finance department fits Heidi's education and past work experience better than the works she is currently performing at the DMV. Heidi has past experience performing payroll, accounts payable and receivables, which fits the duties of the new position. She was offered $14.39 which she has accepted dependant of City Council approval. Al. Budget Impact: The position was not included in the 2008 budget, however will be funded by funds saved by reducing overtime within the finance department. A2. Staff Workload Impact: The filling of this position will reduce the work load of the Finance Assistant/Accounts Payable and Senior Finance Officer who have worked excess overtime in the last year due to work loads. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Approve the hiring of Heidi Eckerman for the part-time Payroll/Finance Clerk position. 2. Do not approve the hiring of Heidi Eckerman for the part-time Fayroll/Finance Clerk position. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff and personnel committee support, Alternative 1, to approve hiring of Heidi Eckerman for the part-time Payroll/Finance Clerk position. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. If you wish to view ar discuss any of the background data on the candidate, please contact me directly. • 7. Consideration of Waiving of Permit Fees far Habitat for_Humanity (TK) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council requested staff to research what other communities collect or waive for building permit fees for Habitat for Humanity homes. I did a list serve of the Minnesota GFOA members and received various responses with no clear cut direction. The City of Anoka and Brooklyn Park stated it was their understanding waiving of fees was not allowed by state code or statutes, while the City of Marshall thinks state statutes exempt Habitat for Humanity from permit fees. The Bloomington City Attorney has opined the council does not have the authority to waive fees, so they have used their HRA to write down land casts. Many cities claim they won't waive fees, but have never had requests to waive these fees. The City of Robbinsdale waived the building permit fees for an affordable housing project constructed by the City EDA. Those cities that have waived fees vary greatly in the fees they have waived. Below is the list of city responses: Does Not Waive Fees: Andover, Anoka, Bloomington (Bloomington HRA assisted in land write-downs), Brooklyn Park (claims bldg code does not allow exemptions, provides pass through grant for land acquisition), Burnsville, Chaska, Circle Pines (no requests), Cottage Grove, Golden Valley, Ham Lake (no requests), Moorhead (no requests), Rockville (no requests), Roseville, Shakopee, St Anthony, St. Joseph (city claims they don't), St. Michael (no requests), St Faul Park Fees Waived: Annandale (Bldg Permit $733), Bemidji (entire permit fee except surcharge), Brainerd (SAC & WAC Fees for 4 units), Crookston (waived bldg. permit fee (has done 1 yr for last 10 yrs)), Delano (permit fee far a veteran) Deer River (all permit fees except surcharge), Elk River ($1,677.54), Forest Lake (1/2 bldg. permit fee), Inver Grove Heights (waived plan check fee and lowered bldg permit fee, not free), Kenyan (waive connection fees), Marshall (thinks they are exempt from fees), Minnetonka (permit fees and SAC fees, charged extra for Extreme Home Makeover), Northfield (all fees except surcharge), North Mankato (waive permit fee), Robbinsdale (waived fee far City EDA to building affordable home project), St. JaseRh ($700 is what Habitat claims), White Bear Lake (refers to County for CDBG), Zurnbrata (waived access charges $1,650) Provided by Habitat for Humanity. B. RECOMMENDATION: Based on the information gathered from various communities, the City Council has a number of options available to them. They can: 1) Not waive any of the fees; 2) Waive a portion of the fees based on what the Council feels is in line with what other cities have done; or 3) Waive the fees in their entirety based on the finding that affordable housing should be available to all. Staff makes no recommendation on this item leaving it to the discretion of the Council. CITY OF MONTICELLO PERMIT No.: Zoos-ooa6~ 505 WALNUT STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362- DATE ISSUED: 3 295-30SQ FAX: 763 295-4404 PRIlYTED WITHOUT ISSUING 7.121/2008 ADDRESS 112 3RD ST E ,PIN 1SS01003307D LEGAI: DESC ORIGINAL PLAT LOT OD8 BLOCK 033 PERMIT TYPE BUILDING PROPERTY TYPE ; SINGLE FAMILY-DETACHED CONSTRUCTION TYPE NEW CONSTRUCTION VALUATION $ 166,6b7.86 WATER ACCESS CHARGE, RESI SAC UNIT'S APPLICANT ~._:.a~E BAUER CONSTRUCTION 313 WEST BRDADWAY P.Q. BOX 728 MONTICELLO, MN 55362- (743) 293-5970 OWNER SPENCE,DAVID N &NANCY SCHERBER 1123RDSTE MONTICELLO, MN 55342 AGREEMENT AND SWORN STATEMENT I agree that the work will be conducted in conformance with the ordinances of the City of Monticello and with the Minnesota State Building Cade. I understand that the work will be in accordance with the plan that has been approved by the Building DfficiaL I agree that acry damage caused to public property including but not linited to curb, sidewallc, public utilities and signs will be repaired at my expense. Applicant pate Official. Date 1 WATER MET&R 1 1 1 BUII.,DIhiG PERMIT' FEE 1,451.36 PLAN REVIEW FEE 943.38 STATE SURCHARGE, BLDG VAL 83.33 SAC FEE 3D% 1,2D9.00 SAC FEE 7D% 2,821.00 WATER ACCESS CHARGE, RESI 801.OD COMB CONNECTION FEE /REST 11 D.00 EXCAVATION FEE 30.D0 CONTRACTOR LICENSE VERIFICATION FEE 25.00 ASSESSMENT SEARCH FEE 25.00 UTILITY LOCATE FEE, RESI 35,00 MN STATE SALES TAX (MTRl) 17.42 WATER M1;TER 1 2b8.00 TOTAL 7,819.49 SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FDR WORK OTHER THAN I]E$GRIBED AI30VE. CITY 4F MpNTICELLO r~RMIT NO.: coos-oao~~ 505 WALNUT STREET MONTICELLU, MN 55362- DATE ISSUED: Z'JS-3U6U FAX: PRINTED WITHOUT ISSUING 2/.21/20D8 ADDRESS ; 112 3RD ST ) PIN 1SSD10033070 LEGAL DESC ORIGINAL PLAT LQT 008 BLOCK 033 PERMIT TYPE PLUMBING PROPERTY TYPE SINGLE FAMILY-DETACHED CONSTRUCTION TYPE NEW CONSTRUCTION NUMBER OF PLUMBING FIXTURES APPLICANT GEl+1E BAUER CONSTRUCTION 313 WEST BROADWAY P.O. BOX 728 MONTICELLO, IV1N 55362- (763) 295-5970 OWNCR SPENCE,bAVID N &NANCY SCHERBER 1123RDSTE MONTICELLO, MN 55362 AGREEMENT AND SWORN STATEMENT I egret that the work will be conducted in conformance with the ordinances of the City of Monticello and with the Minnesota State Building Cade. I understand that the work will be in accordance with the plan that has been approved by the Building Official. I agree that any damage caused to public property including but not limited to curb, sidewalk, public utilities and signs will be repaired at my expense. Applicant Date Bldg Official Date PLUMBING BASE FEE, RESI PLUMBING FIXTURES STATE SURCHARGIJ, PLBG FDC TOTAL 45.00 126 AO 0.50 171.50 14 SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIR)rD FOR WORK OTHER THAN DESCRIBED ABOVE. CITY OF MONTICELLO PERMIT No.: Z0~&00063 SUS WALNUT STREET MONTICELLQ, MIV 55362- DATE ISSUED: "l9~-:3UbU P'.AX: (7b3) 295-44Ua PRINTED WITHOUT ISSilIIVG 2/21/2008 ADDRESS 112 3RD ST E PIN 155010033070 LEGAL DESC ORIGINAL PLAT LOT 008 BLOCK 033 PERMIT TYPE ; MECHANICAL PROPERTY TYPE SINGLE FAMII.Y-DETACHED C~N5TRUCTIQN TYPE NEW CONS'T'RUCTION NUMBER OF MECHANICAL FIXTURES APPLICANT _aE BAUER CONSTRUCTION 313 WFST BROADWAY P.O. BOX 728 MONTIGELLO, MN 55362- (763) 295-5970 OWNER SPI;NCI~,DAVID N &NANCY SCFl1aRBER 112 3RD ST E MONTICELLO, MN 55362 AGREEMENT AND SWORN STAT?'/MENT [ agree that the work will be conducted in conformance with the ordinances of the City of Monticello and with the Minnesota State Building Code. I understand that the work will be in accordance with the plan that has been approved by the Building Official. I agree that any damage caused to public property including but not limited to curb, sidewalk, public utilities and signs will be repaired at my expense. Applicant Date Official, Date 8 MECHAMCAL BASE FEE, RESI MECHANICAL FIXTURES STATE SURCHARGE, MECH FIX TOTAL 45.00 72.00 0.50 117.50 SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR WORK OTHER THAN DESCRIBED ABOVE. Council Agenda: 3/10/08 $. Consideration of awardin bids on the 200$ G.O. Sewer Revenge Refundin Bonds. TK A representative from Ehlers and Associates will be present at the meeting to discuss the bids received. Council Agenda: 3/10/08 9. Consideration of apuroving Change Order No. 1 for Chelsea Road Recon_ struction Project, City Project No. 2006-31C (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Chelsea Road Reconstruction Project includes the reconstruction of Chelsea Road from CSAH 18 to west of Fallon Avenue and realigning the Chelsea Road/Fallon Avenue intersection. This agenda item includes consideration of approving a change order to the construction contract related to the addition of turn lanes and utility connections associated with the Mills Fleet Farm development and changes in construction due to conflicts with the existing watermain. Staff reported to the Council at the assessment hearing for this project that this item would be forthcoming and included all of the costs in the information provided at the meeting. A description of the change order items is detailed below: Mills Fleet Farm and "C" Stare Revisions: After the completion of the plans and specifications for the project, changes in the plan became necessary to accommodate the Mills Fleet Farm and "C" Store projects. These changes included adding turn lanes, storm sewer crossings, additional curb, and commercial driveway entrances. The estimated construction cost for these changes total $69,409.60. The engineer for Mills Fleet Farm has reviewed and approved these costs. Because these changes were identified early in the construction project, the change in the overall project construction casts were anticipated and incorporated into the adopted assessment roll for the project. Item numbers 127 through 156 on the attached Change Order No.l Detail reflect the increase in quantities and additional construction items associated with the Fleet Farm changes. The original construction contract amount for the Chelsea Road project was $1,793,671.98. With the $69,409.60 in changes associated with the Fleet Farm site, the contract amount increased to $1,863,081.58. _Additional Change Order Xtems The location of the existing 21-inch watermain under Chelsea Road, which was constructed in 1984, did not correlate to the City's record drawings of its depth or distance from the center of the road. This unexpected change resulted in the stopping of work, alteration of the storm sewer construction, and the contractor spending several hours exposing the watermain in three separate locations to identify potential conflicts. In addition, there was a conflict with a sanitary sewer service line which was at a higher elevation than the record drawings showed. Item numbers 152, 153, 154, and 156 on the attached Change Order No.l Detail represent changes incurred due to the location of the watermain. In addition, item number 155 included the cost of relocating the mailbox at WCG Building Partners. These items add an additional $19,085.78 to the construction contract resulting in a total contract amount of $1,882,167.36. Council Agenda: 3/1 ~/0$ The cost of these change order items is based on an hourly rate which was established prior to construction after negotiating with the contractor. The hourly rate depends on the size of the crew necessary and any additional materials not covered in the original contract. A detailed work description and the contractors' rates are attached. This project is scheduled to be completed in the spring of 2008 with the placement of wear course pavement, signing, striping, and turf establishment along Chelsea Road. The contractor will also complete the construction at the Fallon Avenue intersection including grading and placement of curb and gutter and pavement. The completion date of this project is July 1, 2008. It is anticipated that construction will begin in the spring once road restrictions are lifted. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Approve Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $88,495.38 for LaTour Construction, Inc. 2. Do not approve Change Order No. 1. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends selecting Alternative No. 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Letter of Recommendation from WSB & Associates, Inc. Copy of Change Order No. 1 Detailed Work Description ~~~ 8c A.ccaciu~es. lnc•. Infrastructu~~ 1 Engineering 1 Planning 1 Construction March S, 2008 Mr. Tom Kelly Finance Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Dawn Grossinger, Deputy City Clexk Re: Change Order No. 1 Chelsea Road Reconstruction From CSAH 18 to Fallon Avenue Stxeet, Utilities, and Appurtenant Work City of Monticello Project No. 2006-31 C WSB Project No. 1627-63 Dear Mr. Kelly: 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel:7fi3-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 Please find enclosed Change Order No. 1 (in triplicate) for the above-referenced project for your review and approval. The net increase to the contract amount is $88,495.38, resulting in a revised contract total of $1,882,167.36. We hereby recommend that the City of Monticello approve Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $88,495.38 for LaToux Construction, Inc. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact xx1.e at 763-287-8313. Sincerely, WS & Associates, Inc. Phillip A. Elkin, PE Project Manager Enclosures cc: Steve LaTour, LaTour Construction, Inc. srb MinneapolislSt.Cloud ~~,,,,,,~-6,~.,~„H,~,.~..,~~,K,~,,,..,..r-,H,~~,<•„-,w.nw,,,,,,,,x,ti„ Equal Opportunity Employer CHANGE ORDER N0.1 ansixaas CHELSEA ROAD RECONSTRUCTION FROM GSAH 7a TO FALLDN AVENUE STRJrET, UTU.ITtES, AND APPURTENANT WORK G[TY DF MONTICELLO PROJECT N0.2005.91G WSB PROJECT N0.187,7;7 OWNER: CnY OF MONTICELLO 50S WALNUT STREtT, SUITt: 7 MONTICELLO, MN '55782 GoNnRACCDR: I.ATOUR CONSTRU~ON, INC• x134 COUNTY ROAD 8 NW MAPLE LAKE, MN 55Y58 YOU ARE DIRECTED TO MAKE THE FQLI,DWING CW-NGES IN 7H$ CONTRACT DDCUMii:M' DESCRIPTION; AddNional items due to the location of the watermain and the addition of tum Lanes and uti{ices associated with the Mills Fleet Farm site. IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT TH1S CHANGE ORDER INCLUDES ALL ADDITIONAL COST5 AND TIME ~CTEh1510NS WHICW ARE IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM A55pC1ATEU WITH THE WORK ELEMENTS DESCRIBER AEOVE GRANDE IN CONTRACT PRICE: Cf/ANGts IN CONTRACT TIME: ORIGINAL CONTRACT PRICE. PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDER6: WA CONTRACT PRICE PRIOR TO THI5 CHANGE ORDER: NET DDNTRACT INCREASE WITH THIS CHANGlS ORDER: coNTRAC7 PRICE wrrw ALL APPROvtn CHANGE DRD~RS: 51,793,B71,pB ORIGINAL CONTRACT' TIME: 7hr100B RECDMMENpED i PHILLIP K1N. PE, PROJECT MANAGE4t W58 8 AS60C1ATE8, iNC. ENGINEER i~~~ NpT CHANGE FROM PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS: -~ 11,199,671,98 CONTRACT TIME PRIOR TO THIS CI1,4NGH ORDER 7l1F~Oae SBB,495.39 NE7 INCREASE WITH CHANGE ORDER: 0 GAYS 51,882,167.36 CONTRACTf TIME WITH APPROVED CHANGE ORD@R~ 7I1/Z009 APPROVED 8Y: I ~' ~~,...,n CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE ' LAT04R CONSTRUCTION, INC. CONTRACTOR APPROVED t3Y; CI"fY ENGINEER CITY ADMINISTRATOR DATE DATE CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 DETAIL CHELSEA ROAD RECONSTRUCTION 2I25I2008 FROM CSAH 18 TO FALCON AVENUE STREET, UTILITIES, AND APPURTENANT WORK CITY OF MONTICELLO PROJECT NO. 2006.31C WSB PROJECT NO. 1627-63 ADDED ITEMS Item No. Mat. No. Descri tion Q Unit Price Extended Amount MILLS FLEET FARM 127 2021.501 MOBILIZATION 0.02 LUMP SUM $17,000.00 $340.D0 128 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION (EV) (P) 580 GU YD $4.40 $2,552.00 129 2105.515 UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION 1 CU Yp $1,417.00 $1,417.00 130 21D5.601 DEWATERING 0.02 LUMP SUM $81,000.00 $1,620.00 131 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 MOD 750 TON $9.65 $7,237.50 132 2350.501 TYPE MV 3 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (B) 141 TON $43.00 $6,063.00 133 2350.502 TYPE MV 2 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (B) 173.1 TON $41.00 $7,097.10 134 2350.502 TYPE MV 3 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (B) 173.1 TON $41.00 $7,097.10 135 2531.6D2 COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE 181.3 SY $47.00 $8,521.10 136 2582.502 4" SOLID LINE WHITE-EPOXY 420 LIN FT $0.25 $105.00 137 2503.602 CONNECT 70 EXISTING SANITARY SEWER 2 EACH $1,480.00 $2,960.00 138 250fi.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY 1 EACH $800.00 $800.00 139 2506.602 CONSTRUCT SANITARY MANHOLE 2 EACH $500.00 $1,pD0.00 140 2506.603 CONST 48" DIA SAN SEWER MANHOLE 24.5 LIN FT $103.00 $2,523.50 141 2104.501 REMOVE WATER MAIN 75 LIN FT $4.70 $352.50 142 2104.509 REMOVE VALVE & BOX 1 EACH $115.00 $115.00 143 2504.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER MAIN 1 EACH $590.D0 $590.00 144 2504.602 RELOCATE HYDRANT AND VALVE 1 EACH $1,120.OD $1,120.00 145 2504.602 B" GATE VALVE AND BOX 2 EACH $1,205.OD $2,410.00 146 2504.602 24"X8" WET TAP 1 EACH $3,030.00 $3,030.OD 147 2504.603 8" WATER MAIN-DUCT IRON CL 52 80 LIN FT $26.50 $2,120.00 148 2504.604 4" POLYSTYRENE INSULATION 14 SQ YD $31.20 $436.80 149 2506.602 ADJUST CATCH BASIN 1 EACH $1,670.DD $1,670.00 150 2550.602 CORE DRILLED HOLE 2 EACH $500.00 $1,DOO.DO 151 2503.541 15" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS V 32D LIN FT $22.60 $7,232.00 ADDITIONAL WORK 152 2504.601 EXPLORATORY EXCAVATION 1 LUMP SUM $3,556.50 $3,556.50 153 2504.601 WATERMAIN REPAIR 1 LUMP SUM $6,440.00 $6,440.OD 154 2506.511 RECONSTRUCT SANITARY MANHOLES 10 LIN FT $777.4D $7,774.00 155 254D.602 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL MAIL BOX 1 EACH $253.28 $253.28 156 2504,602 12" GATE VALVE 2 EACH $531.00 $1,062.00 TOTAL ADDED ITEMS CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 $88,495.38 DELETED ITEMS Item No. Mat. No. Descriptipn Qty Unit Prlce Extended Amount TOTAL DELETED ITEMS CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 $0.00 TOTAL ADJUSTMENT TO ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $88,495.38 K:101647-831Admin\ConemrcdOn Adm/n\1847-63 Changs Ordrr tx/sC01 datall Detailed Work Description Item 1 S2 Exploratory Excavation 7-16-07 -While the contractors was installing the 60" storm sewer pipe, the water main was found to be at an elevation much lower than the record plan indicated. Crews exposed water main at three different spots and exposed one water service to determine if storm sewer adjustments would be needed. After shots were taken, the 60" storm sewer pipe was lowered approximately 4 feet. The crews were forced to stop laying pipe until the conflicts were identified. Exc. 800 Hitachi & Crew 3 HRS x $920.00 = $2,760.00 Item 152 Exploratory Excavation 8-15-07 -Contractor performed exploratory excavation of existing water services along Chelsea Road east of the Fallon Avenue intersection. This work was to identify any potential conflicts with the as-built drawing and the new design. The contractor had planned this effort so the costs are less than item 1. Exc. 300 Komatsu & Operator 1.5 HRS x $218.00 $327.00 Bobcat T-250 & Operator 1.5 HRS x $99.00 $148.50 Foreman & Tools 1.S HRS x $84.00 $126.00 Laborers (2 ea. at $65.00 ea.) 1.5 HRS x $130.00 $195.00 Total $796.Sp Item 153 Watermain Repairs 7-17-07 -While working at the intersection of Chelsea and Fallon, a 90-degree bend in the existing watermain was exposed to determine the lateral location of the line. The 12" water main, which had not been properly supported with its original construction, began leaking and came apart at bath bends. Extra for crew tithe to repair pipe and add reconstruct the joint with proper constraints. Exc. 800 Hitachi & Crew 7 HRS x $920.00 = $6,440.00 Item 1 S4 Reconstruct Sanitary Manhole 9-7-07 -Reconstructed manhole at Sta. 43+41. While the City record drawings identified a sanitary sewer service at this location, it did not indicate at the correct elevation. As a result, the manhole had to be unassembled and then re-construction with an outside drop which would not conflict with the storm sewer service. Exc. 800 Hitachi & Crew 8.45 HRS x $920.00 = $7,774.00 Ttem 155 Salvage and Replace Mail Box Replace the mailbox in front of WCG Building Partners. The existing mailbox had a long extension arm which is incompatible with Chelsea Road from the site. With the addition of the turn lanes and widened street section, this mailbox needed to be replaced. Foreman & Tools 2 HR $84.00 - $168.00 Mailbox Past 1 EA $31.45 = $31.45 Mailbox Letters 1 EA $3.84 = $3.84 Mailbox 1 EA $49.99 = $49.99 Total $253.28 Detailed Work Description Page 2 Item 156 12" Gate Valve The as-built plans and City drawings identified two 10" gate valves. When the contractor exposed the gate valves for replacement, they discovered that they were, in fact, 12" valves. This change order item is compensate the contractor for the difference in material costs between 10" valves and 12" valves. 12" gate valves 2 $2,135.00 = 10" gate valve 2 $1,604.00 - $4,270.00 3 249.00 $1,062.00 A'.'.11M27.5.i.l~xinVAK'x'..Vrxrc.r pl:llq, Jrx. FEB-14-2008 14 06 WSB & AS5OCIATES 7635411700 P.02r02 FEB-14-2009 02:41 PM FRDM-LATOUR CDN5T INC 320 963 6017 T-503 P.002/D02 F-940 Tc L.aTa~~ ~awr~vrr~n- ~~r~. ""'~'~ Lake MN 55358 320) 963993 Fax (32U) 9B3-BU77 2734 r~o_ Ral. 8 NW Maple MON7'ICELLO -CHELSEA ROAD ~REAKI~OWN OF CREW COSTS FOR ESC. 800 I-~XTACHI CRFW E~. S00 INT. & QPERATOR $~9 ~ .00 CAT 96d LOADER & OPERATOR $164.00 ~{OM~1.'~S~U D-65 8c OPERATOR $154.00 SELF PROPELLED COMPACTOR $ 58.00 FOREMAN & TOOLS $ 76.00 LABORERS (3EA AT $59A0) 5177.00 TOTAL $920.OU "Equal Opportunity Gvn#racror" TOTAL P.02 ~~~ & A.vcociutea•. /nc. Infrastruct~.n ~ 1 Engine ,ring i Planning 1 Co istructinn March 5, 2008 Mr. Tom Kelly Finance Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 553b2 Attn: Dawn Grossinger, Deputy City Clerk Re: Change Order No. 1 Chelsea Road Reconstruction Pram CSAH 18 to Fallon Avenue Street, Utilities, and Appurtenant Work City of Monticello Project No. 2006-31 C WSB Project No. 1627-63 Dear Mr. Kelly: 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel:7fi3-541-4800 Fax:7fi3-541-1700 Please find enclosed Change Order No. I (in triplicate) for the above-referenced project for your review and approval. The net increase to the contract amount is $88,495.38, resulting in a revised contract total of $1,882,167.36. We hereby recommend that the City of Monticello approve Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $88,495.38 for LaTour Construction, Inc. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me at 7b3-287-8313. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Phillip A. Elkin, PE Project Manager Enclosures cc: Steve LaTour, LaTour Construction, Inc. srb MinneapolislSt. Cloud Ay)/A.Z63'.idu/e1'nnre.vrlHni.ldnwil.71<('!)IC7T-!Rrl({••OJlLiiu'Jw Equal Opportunity Employer CHANGE ORDER N0.1 2/zs~zoal Ct1E1 SEA ROAD ~CONSTRUG'T-ON FRO>VI CSAH 11t TO PALLON AVENUE STR>wBT, UTILITIES, MID APPURTENANT WdRK crrY OP MONTICEtLt7 PROJeCT N0.2aoBS~c WSB PRQJECT NQ 16372 CONTRACTOR OWNER: CI1Y OF MONTICF_LLO LATOUR GON$TRUGTION, INC. i05 WALNIJt' $TRlrEf, SUIt"E 7 2134 COUNTY ROM 1 NW MONTICELLO. MN 55382 MAPLE LAKE, MN 55958 YOU ARt? b{REGTED TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING CHANGES IN THE CONTRACT OOCUMHN7 DESCRIPTION: Additional items due to the bcation of th0 watermain and the addition of turn Ianes and utilities associated with the Mills Fleet Farm site, IT 15 UNDERSTOOD Tw-T TWIS CHANGE ORpER INCLUDES AL4 ADC7ITIONAL COSTS AND T1ME EXrENS10NS WHICH ARE IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM AS50CIATEp tlyfT}{ THE WORK ELEMENTS DESCRIBED ABOVE CHANCE IN CONTRACT PRICE: C-uwGE IN CONTRACT TIME: ORIGINAL CONTRACT PRICE: 51,799,671.98 PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS: NIA ~'~ CONTRACT PRICE PR10R TO TH15 CHANGE pRDER: 51,79!,671.98 NET OONTRACT INCREASE WITH THIS CHANG7~ ORDER: 588,495.38 CONTRACT PRICE WITH ALL AAPROVEO CHANGE ORDERS: g1,ee2,167.36 ORIGINAL CONTRACT TIME: 711 r200B NET CHANGE FROM PF1.~-IOUS GRANGE ORDERS: N/.o. CONTRACT TIME PRIOR TO TIilS CHANGE ORDER: 711/2008 NET INCREASE WtTN CHANGE ORDER: 0 DAYS CONTpAC7T1ME WITH APPROVt90 CHANGE ORDERS 717/'2608 RECOMM(=NpEp i PHILlJP KUV, PE, PROOECT MANAGER WSB d AS50C1AT7:8, iNC. ENGINEER MPROVED 6Y: '~ ~ ~' ~q.+n~1 CONTRACTOR 51GNATURE ' LATOUR CONSTRUCTION, INC. CONTRACTOR APPROVED BY: CITY ENGINEER G1TY ADMINISTRATOR DATE DATE CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 DETAIL CHELSEA ROAD RECONSTRUCTION 2/2512008 FROM CSAH 18 TO FALCON AVENUE STREET, UTILITIES, AND APPURTENANT WORK CITY OF MONTICELLO PROJECT NO. 2006-31C WSB PROJECT NO. 1627-63 ADDED ITEMS Item No. Mat. No. Descri lion MILLS FLEET FARM 127 2021.501 MOBILIZATION 128 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION (EV) (P) 129 2105.515 UNCLASSIFIEp EXCAVATION 130 2105.BD1 DEWATERING 131 2211.SD1 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 MOD 132 2350.501 TYPE MV 3 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (B) 133 2350.502 TYPE MV 2 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (B) 134 2350.502 TYPE MV 3 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (B) 135 2531.602 COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE 136 2582.502 4" SOLID LINE WHITE-EPOXY 137 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER 138 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY 139 2506.6D2 CONSTRUCT SANITARY MANHOLE 140 2506.603 CONST 48" DIA SAN SEWER MANHOLE 141 2104.501 REMOVE WATER MAIN 142 2104.509 REMOVE VALVE 8 BOX 143 2504.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER MAIN 144 2504.602 RELOCATE HYDRANT AND VALVE 145 2504.602 8" GATE VALVE AND BOX 146 2504.602 24"X8" WET TAP 147 2504.603 8" WATER MAIN-DUCT IRON GL 52 148 2504.604 4" POLYSTYRENE INSULATION 149 2506.602 ADJUST CATCH BASIN 150 255D.602 CORE DRILLED MOLE 151 2503.541 15" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 GLASS V ADDITIONAL WORK 152 2504.601 EXPLORATORY EXCAVATION 153 2504.fiD1 WATERMAIN REPAIR 154 2506.511 RECONSTRUCT SANITARY MANHOLES 155 2540.602 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL MAIL BOX 156 2504.602 12" GATE VALVE Unit Prlce Extended Amount 0.02 LUMP SUM $17,000.00 $340.00 580 CU YD $4.40 $2,552.00 1 CU YD $1,417.00 $1,417.00 0.02 LUMP SUM $81,000.00 $1,620.00 750 TON $9.65 $7,237.50 141 TON $43.00 $6,063.00 173.1 TON $41.00 $7,097.10 173.1 TON $41.00 $7,097.10 181.3 SY $47.00 $8,521.10 420 LIN FT $0.25 $105.00 2 EACH $1,480.00 $2,960.00 1 EACH $800.00 $800.00 2 EACH $500.00 $1,000.00 24.5 LIN FT $103.00 $2,523.50 75 LIN FT $4.70 $352.50 1 EACH $115.OD $115.00 1 EACH $590.00 $590.00 1 EACH $1,120.00 $1,120.00 2 EACH $1,205.00 $2,410.00 1 EACH $3,030.00 $3,030.00 80 LIN FT $26.50 $2,120.OD 14 SQ YD $31.20 $436.80 1 EACH $1,670.DD $1,670.00 2 EACH $500.00 $1,000.00 320 LIN FT $22.60 $7,232.D0 1 LUMP SUM $3,556.50 $3,556.50 1 LUMP SUM $6,440.00 $6,440.00 10 LIN FT $777.40 $7,774.00 1 EACH $253.2$ $253.28 2 EACH $531.00 $1,062.00 TOTAL ADDED ITEMS CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 $88,495.38 DELETED ITEMS Item No. Mat. No. Descrl Unlt Price Extended Amount TOTAL DELETED ITEMS CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 TOTAL ADJUSTMENT TO ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $0.00 $88,495.38 K:\01827.89Wdm/n\Canstructlon Admin11B17-83 Change Ober 1.x/sC01 Oatell Detailed Work Description Item 152 Exploratory Excavation 7-16-07 -While the contractors was installing the 60" storm sewer pipe, the water main was found to be at an elevation much lower than the record plan indicated. Crews exposed water main at three different spots and exposed one water service to determine if storm sewer adjustments would be needed. After shots were taken, the 60" storm sewer pipe was lowered approximately 4 feet. The crews were forced to stop laying pipe until the conflicts were identified. Exc. 800 Hitachi & Crew 3 HRS x $920.00 = $2,760.00 Ttem 152 Exploratory Excavation 8-15-07 -Contractor performed exploratory excavation of existing water services along Chelsea Road east of the Fallon Avenue intersection. This work was tv identify any potential conflicts with the as-built drawing and the new design. The contractor had planned this effort so the costs are less than item 1. Exc. 300 Komatsu & Operator 1.5 HRS x $218.00 $327.00 Bobcat T-250 & Operator 1.5 HRS x $99.00 $148.50 Foreman & Tools 1.5 HRS x $84.00 $124.00 Laborers (2 ea. at $65.00 ea.) 1.5 HRS x $130.00 $195.00 Total $796.50 Item 153 Watermain Repairs 7-17-07 -While working at the intersection of Chelsea and Fallon, a 90-degree bend in the existing watermain was exposed to determine the lateral location of the line. The 12" water main, which had not been properly supported with its original construction, began leaking and came apart at both bends. Extra for crew time to repair pipe and add reconstruct the joint with proper constraints. Exc. 800 Hitachi & Crew 7 HRS x $920.00 = $6,440.00 Item 154 Reconstruct Sanitary Manhole 9-7-07 -Reconstructed manhole at Sta. 43-+41. While the City record drawings identified a sanitary sewer service at this location, it did not indicate at the correct elevation. As a result, the manhole had to be unassembled and then re-construction with an outside drop which would not conflict with the storm sewer service. Exc. 800 Hitachi & Crew 8.45 HRS x $920.00 = $7,774.00 Item 155 Salvage and Replace Mail Box Replace the mailbox in front of WCG Building Partners. The existing mailbox had a long extension arm which is incompatible with Chelsea Road from the site. With the addition of the turn lanes and widened street section, this mailbox needed to be replaced. Foreman & Tools 2 HR $84.00 = $168A0 Mailbox Past 1 EA $31.45 = $31.45 Mailbox Letters 1 EA $3.84 = $3.84 Mailbox 1 EA $49.99 = $49.99 Total $253.28 Detailed Work Description Page 2 Item 156 12" Gate Valve The as-built plans and City drawings identified two 10" gate valves. When the contractor exposed the gate valves far replacement, they discovered that they were, in fact, 12" valves. This change order item is compensate the contractor for the difference in material costs between 10" valves and 12" valves. 12" gate valves 2 $2,135.00 10" gate valve 2 $1,604.00 -- $4,270.00 3 209.00 $1,062.00 A': v11h17.6i'.I~.m''~lN.c'xLVmn.. 011 )lq..l.~. FEB-14-2008 14 06 ~JSB & RSSpCIATES 7635411770 P.02~02 FEB-14-2008 02:41 PM FROM-LATOl1R CONST INC 320 963 801T T-503 P.002/002 F-940 L~ T~[~R ~DN~T~~I~~~~N /IVY. ~~ Mlv ~s 3~ ss~ ~ ~~~~ s~o97 2934 C'o. Rd. ~' NI/V Maple ( ~ MorlTrcELLa ^ CHELSEA. ROAR ~3REAKDO'~VN OF CREW CASTS FOR EXC. 80Q I~TACHI CR~'W EX. 800 INT. & OPERATOR $291 AO CAT 96G LOADER & OPERATOR $164.00 ~OMATSU I7-65 ~ OPERATOR $154.00 SELF PRO~'ELLED COMPACTOI{. $ 58.00 FOREIVIAN & TOOLS ~ 76.00 LABORERS (3EA AT $59.00) $ TOTAL $920.00 "Equal ~ppartunity Contractor" T^TAL P.02 Council Meeting - 03/10/2008 10. Consideration of re lacin 1985 MT Trackless versatile sidewalk/ athwa machine. (T.P.) A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: This agenda item involves the replacement of 19$5 MT 3 Trackless sidewalk/pathway snow machine. We purchased the MT 3 as a used machine in1999, having the understanding that eventually we would upgrade to another new or used MT. Currently the machine is unsafe to operate due to the hydraulic drive system, and is in need of a lot of work. The estimated cost to repair the 1985 MT 3 is $21,62'7.00. We now are looking at purchasing a used 1999 MT 5 Trackless from MacQueen Equipment. This used/refurbished piece of equipment has been very well maintained with very low hours. Our lead shop mechanic also performed an inspection on this piece of equipment. This MT Trackless sidewalk machine is designed to remove the wet heavy snow and very deep snow. The MT has a road speed of 20 mph so it gets you from point A to B fairly fast. We will also be retrofitting an angle plow that we have not been using to fit on this piece of equipment so we can use this to plow pathways. The Parks Department will be keeping the existing V-plow from the 1985 MT 3. Currently we have to use our summer lawn mowing equipment to remove snow from sidewalks and the equipment is not designed far winter commercial snow removal. Now we are having problems with our summer equipment. Example, gear boxes, bearings, reinforcing blowers and etc. a. Budget Impact: In preparation for the purchase we have placed an amount of $30,000.00 in the 2008 Park Budget for the replacement of the 1985 MT 3 Trackless. Although we still have to come up with the sales tax for the purchase which would bring the total to $31,950.00. We are expecting to get more than $1,950 from the sale of the 1985 MT 3 to recover the cost of sales tax. b. Staff Workload Impact: Purchasing the MT Trackless will allow our job of removing snaw to be more efficient, in-turn cutting employee fatigue and hours This will also cut back on putting hours on our summer equipment. B. ALTERNATIVES: 1. The first alternative is to purchase the used 1999 MT Trackless from MacQueen Equipment for the sum of $31,950.00 (including sales tax), and to sell the 1985 MT 3 outright to recover the cost of sales tax. 2. The second alternative is to wait two more years, place more funds in the budget and purchase a new MT Trackless for the retail price of $100,000.00. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of staff including the Fublic Works Director, Park Superintendent, Street Superintendent and Shop Mechanic that the City Council approve the purchase of the used 1999 MT Trackless from MacQueen Equipment as outlined in alternative A. Council Meeting - 03/10/2008 D. SUPPORTING DATA: Pictures of the old 1985 MT 3; Pictures of used 1999 MT S; Quote from MacQueen for the used 1999 MT 5; Frices of similar used MT's; State Bid for new MT Trackless; Repair list for 1985 MT 3. I L - *--, -a ,IN ,.r• s� • � ,'` zit s _ f - r - I Alro� am�Lti`+ L ---j P A, ORDER:USN05647 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT, INC. S U P P C~ RTIN G DATA DATE: 02/20/08 595 ALDINE STREET ST, PAUL, MN 55104 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT, INC, SHIP Tb: CITY QF MQNTICELLp Customer P.Q.: Customer Phone: TERMS: N SALES REP.:HQUSE ACCOUNT M/Q PO: QTY. DESCRIPTION EACH EXTENDED PRICE xxxs-assaaxxx3=aaaaaxxa-~ :aaxx.=x___a_:...__cxzaaxx _xaaass-saaaa~,-aaaxxyx~axxsxsexxaxa 1.qp *1999 TRACKLESS 30,Oaa.aa 3a,Q0a.gq 1999 MTV TRACKLESS TRACTbR 1qq H.P. CUMMINS AIR RIDE SEAT TWO STAGE SNOW BLQWER S/N 1536 HQURS: 12a0 RECQNDITTQNED DELIVERY AND TRAINING INCLUDED. mss: sus.TQT. sa,aaq.oa SHIP VIA: 0 SALES TAX 1,95a.gq EQ. ARR: F.E.T. a.aq TRK. ARR. FREIGHT TOTAL 31,85a.aa Applicable sales tax and F.E.T will be added, unless tax exesption certificate is provided. ac ueen E ui merit Inc. M .~. Q ....~ _ ~. _.. ~... 393 AWiaa St Seim Paat. MN. 311d{ ~OO•ES2.6L17 bSi-643rST16 b31~615.666; Fax aia~ribatur nr aw~~- ~ c ~ 1997 Trackless MTS tractor.. l00 HP Cummins turbo charged diesel engine 11.00 hours Rear sliding window Strobe light with limb guard Radial tires Additional kick out hydraulic pump for high flow RCCU~[ldltloned Price $29,.550.00 New Trackless 51" two stage snow blower $,350.00 TOTAL X37,900.00 Municipal Tractors .. ............ These unit are cx~mpacE and versatile attemative to buying several different kinds of machines to do a variety of jobs. These machines are made in North America using many common off the shelf parts. The cabs are spacious and comfortable far operators. Four wheel drive and articulation make these machines easy to maneuver. Easy to service and maintain these units can provide year round ail weather service allowing you to da many tasks with one unit and different attachments. Here are some of the more common attachments far these municipal tractors. Other attachments are also available. 198ff ~'~ Y~''x, Four xeF cidare mun~ ~ 11 ~'t'tt~1R~ f ,6?'"CtWi; ill k ~ ~'~ new p1t Tk~lcl M"i'9<, Maur wheel dt'iwe r trac~;1 QhP ~ dial; front FAO; h~rdrostatfc drive.; k~r hcwrs; +/4"w~WV.tI4 Attachments: 50" snow bknmer S~d0a.pp 60" snow blower ~~ Oa ti0" angling blade, heavy duty ~~~ pp BO" angling broom, PTO drive ~~ pap pp GO" flail mower ~~p~Oll.ap 10' (120") grooming mower ~~~pp~ pp 14' (1B$") grooming mower pap. pp Category 1, 3 paint hitch adapter SBap pp ~~Y~-~ blip:// _ca 0RDER:108015i MAGQUEEN EQUIPMENT, INC. DATE: 02/20/08 595 ALDINE STREET 5T. PAUL, MN 55164 GITY OF MONTICELLO SHIP T0: CITY OF MONTICELLO ATTN: ACGOUNTS PAYABLE ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT STREET, SUITE i 505 WALNUT STREET, SUITE i MONTICELLO MN 55362 MONTIGELLO MN 55362 Custotper P.0.: Customer Phone; 612.295.2711 TERMS: N30 SALES REP.:MC CAFtTHY, SILL M/Q PO: QTY. DESCRIPTION EACH EXTENDED PRICE 1.00 *1.0 TRACKLESS MTV TPiACTOR 82,82p.00 82,820.p0 i.00 *2 .12 ADDITIONAL HYDRAULICS 3,p76.0p 3,076.00 1.00 *4 .i 51' SNOW BLOWER 7,782.00 7,782.00 TRACKLESS MN TRACTOR WITH ALL STANDARD EQUIPMENT INCUmrtur, n~aTTnN~ HOURS: SUB.TOT, 93,678.00 SHIP VIA:. SALES 7AX 6,089.07 Ed. ARR: F.E.T. 0.00 TRK. ARR. FREIt~'1' TOTAL 99.767..07 Applicable sales tax and F.E.T will be added, unless tax exemption certificate is pravidetl. 5EQ # 725-606 ,, ~ /~ i~ STATE OF MINNESOTA PRICING pAGI= - METHOD # 1 (Typed. Responses Required} Priae quote rar: Municipal Tractor Vender Name: MacQueen Equipment, Inc. Gantact Person; Qan Gage Street Address' S95 Aldine 5traet P.O. Box: City, State, Zip $t. Paul, MN 55104 Phone #; 651.543-5T2fi Tol! Free #: 130p-832-841 T Fax #: 651-643-6658 Email Address: ~.pc9~t~eneq,com Versr'an a~'i=xce! used: 20p3 f..___.„.....__..__..___._._....._.._.._...._...__...._.__._......._._ ...~.........__.__..__..........__,--....M,.... :..,.~...._..P..ec #._._.__..._.._...__M...___Information Requested.... _.. ~ ,........ Answer 1.0 [stake b,Mpdgl T ckiess Pr1ce for base unit: _.. _._ __.._ ,.~. _ T.._ , ~. 2 820 En-- iL. Cummins Number of Cylinders 46T 3.9 Type of Fuel Diesel Horse Power 110 HP 250Q RPM Air ar Liquid Cooled _ _ Li uq~id__Auto Shutdown l~Ya Front Size _ ~ 1318 6 spline 540 RPM Rear Size _ 1 318 8 spline 54A Optional tch s Front (tilt capacity & type) Trackless Quick Hitch Rear (lift capacity & type) Gat 1 - 3 Point Transmission Type _ Eaton Hydrostatic Number of Speeds _ Two Speed Mechanical Control Type Foot Controlled H d.,Y_rautics GPM 18 GPM Number of Spaals 5 The City of IVtoaticello Trackicss h~1T3 Repair 1.9351viT3 semi blT3-311 V. %3~x i Most of the parts an this vintage are ND L4Nt3ER AVAILABAL and newer tractor parts or salvaga pate will --seecd to be used sad modified and is aot reflected in the prices below. Actual price of repairs will be based on final inspectiva, total parts and time and materials for installation and modification of parts. Parts Lobar Split tractor and remove sheet metal fnr repairs 15 hours Replace center frame hinge section 15 $7.43 20 hours Replace hinge section pins 3x5.00 Replace bushings 175.00 ~Neld in rear frame supports 940.00 12 hours Remove hydrostatic pump for rebuild 6 hours (Hydrostatic pump sad hydro motor no longer available) Rebuild pump (estimated) 3,500.00 Rcrnovc hydrostatic motor 5 hours ReFnn7d hydrostatic motor (estimated) 3.500.00 Reinstall puaatp ti hours Replace wiring (hairless ao !anger available) 200.00 tz hours Replace Harris control cables 29$.00 4 hours Replace tmeutral safety system 322.00 3 hours Replace park brake cable and mechanism 234.00 3 hours Replace wheel drum brake shoes, cables ECT. 1,300.40 T hours PARTS 312,451.43 LAaaR s,s36.oo SHQP SUPPLIES 340.00 TOTAL 521,627.43 12,451.43 94hrs (a~ 94.D0 - 6,836.00 Council Agenda: 3/10/08 11. Consideration of a request far a Final Plat/Replat of Monticello Business Center Second Addition and Rezonin from B-3 Hi hwa Business to B-4 Re tonal Business) to accommodate a commercial plat to be known as the Jerry Hartung Addition. Auulicant: Mike Krutzi~. (NAC) The Planning Commission heard thfs item at their February 6, 2007 regular meeting and recommended approval of the Final Plat and Rezoning. Since the time of the Commission's approval, the applicant and staff have to develop aright-of--way configuration that accommodates the future alignment of Cedar Street and maximized the applicant's developable property. The City Engineer believes is a more accurate scenario far Cedar Street. The applicant has also revised the plat to include a storm sewer easement, satisfying condition number one of Exhibit Z. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Mike Krutzig has submitted an application for Final Plat/Replat of Monticello Business Center Second Addition. The applicant is also requesting rezoning from B-3, Regional Business to B-4, Highway Business. The subject site is approximately 3.63 acres in area and. is located east of Highway 25 and west of Cedar Street. The applicant is proposing to plat the site as the Jerry Hartung Addition. Comprehensive Plan. The subject site is guided for commercial land uses in the Comprehensive Plan. Zoning. The applicant is requesting rezoning to B-4, Regional Business. The purpose of the B-4 regional business district is to provide for and limit the establishment of motor vehicle oriented ar dependent commercial and service activities. The site is currently zoned B-3, Highway Business. The purpose of the B-3 District is also to provide for and limit the establishment of motor vehicle oriented or dependent commercial and service activities. ANALYSIS The applicant is requesting Final Flat and rezoning approval For a commercial subdivision. consisting of two lots. The site is currently platted as Outlot A of the Monticello Business Center Second Addition. The applicant is proposing to plat the site as Block 1, Lots 1 and 2 of the Jerry Hartung Addition. To accommodate the proposed uses, the applicant is also requesting rezoning from B-3, Highway Business, to B-4, Regional Business. An additional application for a CUP For joint access and joint parking was submitted, but has been deemed incomplete. Staff expects that the CUP application will come forward at a later date. As such, the final plat and rezoning are to be considered independent of any Conditional Use Permits for future site development. Rezoning. The applicant is requesting rezoning from B-3, Highway Business to B-4, Regional Business. The Comprehensive Plan designates the site for commercial land uses, and the requested B-4 designation is generally consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. While the purpose of the B-3 and B-4 Districts are identical, the B-4 Zoning District allows for a wider variety of commercial uses. All uses allowed in the B-4 District would again be consistent with the Comprehensive Flan designation far the site. City Council Agenda _ 03/10/2008 The property directly east of the site is zoned B-4. Land to the north of the site and west across Highway 25 is zoned B-3. Lot Requirements and Setbacks. The applicant is requesting rezoning from B-3 to B-4. No minimum lot width, lot area, or setback requirements apply to the B-4 District. For references purposes, the following chart illustrates the proposed. lot areas for the site: Area Lot 1 49,46$ s uare feet (1.14 acres) Lot 2 113,769 s uare feet 2.G1 acres) Cedar Street ri ht-of-wa 2,557 s uare feet (0.05$ acres) Site Total 1.65,795 s uare feet (3.$1 acres) The proposed lot sizes appear large enough to support commercial uses, as well as the required landscaping, parking, and drive aisles to accommodate said uses. Access. Curb cut locations have not been illustrated on the proposed plat, but have been shown on the site plan submitted with the CUP application. The applicant is proposing two curb cuts on the east side of the site, off Cedar Street. The first curb cut is located approximately 160 feet north of the south lot line and will provide access to Lot 2. The second is proposing approximately 480 feet north of the south lot line and will provide access to Lot 1. Each curb cut is proposed at a width of approximately 30 feet. These access locations comply with the minimum setback requirements. Internal traffic circulation will be evaluated as part of a future CUP application. As part of the plat, the applicant has provided right-of--way to accommodate a potential expansion of Cedar Street on the south side of the property, as it extends to the south past Kjellberg's East. As noted on the above chart, the applicant is dedicating 2.557 square feet ofright-of--way for Cedar Street in the southeast corner of the site. Grading, Drainage, and Utilities. Per the request of the City Engineer, the applicant has provided an easement through the center of the site, over the existing storm sewer. Additionally, with the proposed lot split, the applicant shall. be required to extend mainline sewer and water through the site with services to each future building. As a condition of approval, a drainage and utility easement will be required over the mainline. The applicant shall be required to revise the plat accordingly. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission recommends alternative 1 below. Regarding the request a Final Plat/Replat of Monticello Business Center Second Addition and Rezoning from B-3 (Highway Business) to B-4 (Regional Business) to accommodate a commercial plat to be known as the Jerry Hartung Addition, the City has the following options: 1. Approve the request for Final Plat and Rezoning from B-3 (Highway Business) to B-4 (Regional Business), based on a finding that the proposed plat is consistent with the 2 City Council Agenda - 03/10/2008 performance requirements for the B-4 District, the character of the surrounding properties, and the Comprehensive Plan, subject to the conditions in Exhibit Z. 2. Deny the request far Final Plat and Rezoning from B-3 (Highway Business) to B-4 (Regional Business), based on a finding that the proposed plat is not consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan, and will have a detrimental affect on neighboring properties. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat and Rezoning as presented. The subject request is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan, and it not expected to have a detrimental effect on surrounding properties. Upon review of the proposed plat, staff finds that it is consistent with the performance requirements of B-4 District, and will adequately support commercial development on the site. Therefore, staff recommends approval, subject to the conditions identified in Exhibit Z D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Final Plat B. Architectural Site plan Z. Conditions of Approval. 3 d a N d~CC~ r, N D~ ,d C I B~~ v rr." ~ p ~ 2 .t. ~ryW u 61~ N ~ ZI u'SN oa 60 Ecv E ~~' ~ 6SB ~ #~~ ~ o Ez Ec Fz _ __J ~~~g~ ~rO ~ ~~ O ~~ ~~f t 4~ VI V d~ ~ z LNG 31-2 ~ `TWl ~OF~ N ~ ~~ d ~~ iLl WWW~ ^~i-!! $>aa WWN O V 1 ~/] I~ _ G O ~O~ ~ Q Z ~ J ~ _ ,~...., _ {'~i~ ~('> ..:1~~: ; ~1 .. / . ~ ~B'/bs cal/,_ ~ / ~ ri ... _ ~ "? / ~~__ MSS {,.Y.., ~ ~ / ..~J,.~..., k ~ ~ ~,•~ ~ ~~ ~z ~ ;~ / Tµ`..1,, __7 ~ _ / / > o. ~ 6a / / / / fi ~/r~_ a .[~~6 / _~ ~ " / / ~;/ ~~ d d / / 5 / / ``°9y9 b0~~ ~.~ • ~ ~ . ri' / / se <n ~ I / / ! /g~ / ~a 1~~ \~~ y / - / / / ~./ °J s~9 n, / / Rf /__ io } icy, ~~N ~me~v/ / ~ -_ % ~ 7 vv ~ ~~ ~ ~' ~/ ~f; :. ~ 2~ 3,.60 .Ob,00i L['SSfI ~ ~ ST 'N '!C! 'du1 'yl--'gas 'b/! M.S a47 Jv au!1 is M ~:~~/,. ` $Z 69~ ~.~BQ~QboQQ.s li%. ~,.. _ 'nj __ / ~ $ g s E ~~ g~ ~ ~ ~~ h ~ Vh„ ~ d h ° m - bi~ ~ 5 g o ~ ~ d 7 ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ 6 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S~ ~ ~~~d ~~ ~ 5 D ~ o w N ~ ~ z ~ ~-s_ ~~ ~ z s•a ~ •e ~ ~ ~ w ~ s ~" ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ o cg's b r $ ~ ~ 3 '~ U .~ ~O ~ ~ ~ _~po w ~ _ $ E~ ~ $o E amg~ $ ~ n F b v 8 ~' gR E ~'$6 ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ a a ~>s~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ t r _ ~ E ~ ~6 8~sv ~ ~N $~ ~ o ~ ~ 3 o ~ b >g ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ Q o ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~. ~ a~ ~ a~~ $m ~ ~ ~ ~ $ ~ :° ffi `a ~~ ~ e ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s ~ ~{ ~ ~ ~~R o~~~ '°" r S g a o ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~rE ~~ ~~ F~ ~' ~ ~ ~ s a S g u 3~ ~~ ~~o~ ~~ ~ ~$ ~ tl ti 5 .. a B ~_-~ ~ ° ~" y"g` ~~ ~ ~ s ~3~E ~~~~ ~,~~~ ~~ ~S `~ ~ ~ ~ ~ R • • • ~.. ~ ~. r~r~r. l:a~=ani.~~~~~ o~~_ ~~1 S00'40'OB"E 169.28 S~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ ,,~ N y H ~ ~ : j ~ Q~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ u ~` ~ ~ n ~, • „ a 1 N ~~ ~ N ~ i ~ ~ F ~ In y ? '9Y ~~ ~~ ~~~~ • • • City Council Agenda - 03/10/2008 Exhibit Z Conditions of Approval 1. The applicant shall be required to provide a storm sewer easement through the center of the property, as determined by the City Engineer. No permanent structures maybe located within said easement. Satisfied. 2. The applicant shall be required to extend mainline sewer and water through the site with services to each future building. A drainage and utility easement will be required over the mainline. 3. No permanent structures maybe located within any drainage and utility easements. 4. The applicant shall enter into an agreement with the City addressing the future extension of Cedar Street and associated assessments. S. Plat is contingent on review and comment by MnDOT. 4 Council Agenda: 3/10/08 12. Consideration of a re uest for a Conditional Use Permit for Conce t Sta a Planned Unit Develo meat for a retail commercial develo meat in the Central Cornmunit District. A~plcant_ La;~s Tires, Inc (NAC) The Planning Commission heard this item at their March 4, 200$ regular meeting, and recommended approval of the Concept Stage PUD with the conditions as noted in Exhibit Z. The Planning Commission cited specific concern regarding the parking plan proposed. The Commission indicated to the applicant that the issue would be reviewed in great depth as part of the subsequent development stage application. The purpose of the Concept Stage review is to provide an opportunity for the applicant to submit a plan at the City showing the basic intent and the general nature of the entire development as the basis far the public hearing. The concept stage allows a public review at an early stage and is intended to provide the applicant with direction for future applications. One of the conditions of the concept approval recommended by the Commission pertains to the requirement for a license agreement for parking within the City right-of--way. The applicant is proposing to use right-of--way along Cedar Street, St" Street and 6t" Street. The parking consists of approximately 16 stalls within the City right-of--way, some of which today are existing along 6`" Street and the S`" Street right of way (within the railroad easement). In reviewing the application request, City staff has raised concerns with establishing license agreements allowing parking in the rights of way due to the potential need for future Highway 25 Corridor transportation improvements. No license agreements for the existing parking arrangements have been found in City records. While the applicant has applied for concept review only at this stage, any changes to parking in the right-of--way may significantly affect the plan. Direction from the City Council on this matter will be important as the applicant's next step will be the preparation of detailed preliminary plat and development stage PUD drawings. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Lags Tires, Inc is requesting a Conditional Use Permit for Concept Stage Planned Unit Development for a commercial development to be known as Sixth Street Station. The applicant is proposing a commercial strip center with seven tenant spaces and a pad site containing a Tires Plus use. The subject site is located at 508 State Highway 25 S and is zoned CCD, Central Community District. The City previously approved a Conditional Use Permit for a Comprehensive Sign Plan for the retail center portion of the site in 2007. Comprehensive Plan : Monticello's Comprehensive Plan designates this area for a mix of land. uses. ZoninS~ The subject site is zoned CCD, Central Community District. The purpose of the CCD District is to implement the plans and policies of the Monticello Downtown Revitalization Plan as that Plan is designed to provide for the establishment and continuation of a traditional downtown area in Monticello's primary commercial care. The district will contain a mix of land uses which can compatibly coexist with requirements based upon enhancement of the district's natural features and mitigation of land use conflicts between differing uses. All proposed uses in the CCD District will be evaluated against the goals and objectives of the Monticello Downtown Revitalization Plan as adapted and as maybe amended by the City Council. Analysis The applicant is proposing a pad site in the south portion of the site to contain a Tires Flus building, approximately 7,222 square feet in area. The site currently contains a commercial strip center consisting of 7 tenant spaces and accessory parking. Planned Unit Development has been requested to accommodate shared parking, shared access and parking flexibility. Upon any approval for Concept Stage Planned Unit Development, the applicant shall be required to submit applications For Preliminary and Final Plat, and a Conditional Use Permit for Development Stage PUD. Conditional Use Permit. The applicant is proposing a Tires Plus on the site's pad location, which can be classified as a minor auto repair use. Minor automobile repair is allowed in the CCD, Central Community, District by Conditional Use Permit, provided the following conditions are met: The entire site other than that taken up by a building structure or plantings shall be surfaced with a material to control dust and drainage which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 2. A drainage system subject to the approval of the City Engineer shall be installed. The lighting shall be accomplished in such away as to have no direct source of light visible from adjacent land in residential use or from the public right-of--way and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 2 H of this ordinance. 4. At the baundaries of a residential district a strip of not less than five (5) feet shall be landscaped and screened in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 7 G of this ordinance. 5. Parking or car magazine storage space shall be screened from view of abutting residential districts in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 2 G of this ordinance. 6. All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be minimized and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 9 of this ordinance. 7. Provisions are made to control and reduce noise. 8. No outside storage except as allowed in compliance with Chapter 13 Section 4 of this ordinance. 9. All conditions pertaining to a specific site are subject to change when the Council upon investigation in relation to a formal request finds that the general welfare and public betterment can. be served as well or better by modifying the conditions. Parking. The proposed building on the pad site is approximately x,222 square feet in area. This building is proposed to house a Tires Plus, which maybe classified as an auto repair use. The parking requirement for auto repair uses is $ spaces plus one additional space for each $00 square feet of floor area over 1,000 square feet. The existing retail commercial building is 35,512 square feet in area. The site plan indicates that the proposed uses for the structure will be a variety of commercial retail/office tenants. The applicant has provided a breakdown of storage space versus 2 usable space, which is illustrated below. The parking requirement for such. uses is one space for each 200 square feet of floor area. The applicant has been in contact with the City's Building Department regarding a potential restaurant use, estimated to be 10,000 square feet in area. A floor plan has been submitted, illustrating approximately 4,000 square feet of dining space and 800 square feet of kitchen space. In determining the parking requirement, 10% of the remaining building is presumed to be reserved far utilities, hallways, bathrooms, and other facilities. As such, the estimated parking requirement is as follows: Tenant Floor Area Floor Area at 90% Re aired Parkin Stalls Auto Re air 7,222 s uare feet 6,500 s uare feet 15 stalls Office/Retail 17,920 s ware feet N/A 90 stalls Restaurant Kitchen: 800 square feet Dining: 4,000 square feet N/A N/A 10 stalls 100 stalls Total Re aired 215 stalls The applicant is providing 158 of the 215 parking stalls required. As part of the PUD and shared parking arrangement, a reduction in parking may be permitted. With a mix of uses on the site, some overlap in peak hours is expected. However, the proposed parking reduction is significant. The insufficient parking maybe further amplified by the lack of on-street parking surrounding the site. Due to the number of curb cuts along 6th Street and the adjacent railroad tracks, feasible locations far an-street parking are limited to Cedar Street. The City shall determine if the proposed parking arrangement is appropriate. The applicant is proposing five parking stalls parallel to 6th Street, within the right-of--way. The applicant is also proposing five parking stalls within the drainage and utility easement on the north side of the property, and a building addition to accommodate indoor parking stalls in the northeast corner of the site. License agreements shall be required for any parking within the right-of--way or easements. Additionally, no permanent structures are allowed within the drainage and utility easements, as it proposed in the northeast corner. The applicant shall be required to address these concerns as part of any application for Development Stage PUD. Access and Circulation. Access to the site is provided via the existing curb cut off Highway 25, and three existing curb cuts off 6th Street. The applicant is proposing to close one curb cut along 6th Street, to provide additional parking. No new access points are proposed as part of the concept plan. Due to the fact that the property fronts on Highway 25, the plat must also be reviewed by MnDOT. Internal access will be accommodated by a series of drive lanes a minimum of 23 feet in width. Typically the City required drive lanes at a width of 24 feet when intended to accommodate two- way traffic. However, the proposed arrangement is existing, and therefore maybe appropriate for the site. Additional drive lanes proposed as part of the project are 24 feet in width. The applicant is proposing a series of service bays on the south side of the Tires Plus building, facing Sixth Street. While not illustrated on the site plan, it appears as though these bays will contain overhead garage doors. The Zoning Ordinance does not prohibit this arrangement. 3 However, staff recommends that the applicant screen this area from Sixth Street with dense vegetation as part of the landscape plan required at Development Stage PUD. Signage. No sign plan has been submitted as part of the application. A Comprehensive Sign plan for the existing building was approved for the site in 2007. However, any Signage far the Tires Plus use must reviewed on its own merit. Landscaping. The application is showing 15 Ash trees and one evergreen tree on the site plan. The details of the landscape plan have not been provided, but will be required as part of any application for Development Stage PUD. The applicant is required to provide one landscaped island within the parking lot for each 5,000 square feet of parking area in excess of the first 5,000 square feet. Under this calculation, the applicant is required to provide a minimum of 8 island delineators. It appears as though nine islands have been provided. However, not all of them are proposed to be landscaped. The applicant shall be required to address this requirement on the landscape plan at Development Stage. Lighting. No lighting details have been submitted as part of the application. A photometric plan shall be required. as part of any application for Development Stage Planned Unit Development. Grading, Drainage and Utilities. All grading, drainage, anal utility plans will be reviewed by the City Engineer as part of any application for Development Stage PUD. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission recommends alternative 1 below, but did so with a note of concern regarding the applicant's ability to meet conditions 2 and 3. Regarding the request for a Conditional Use Permit for Concept Stage Planned Unit Development, the City has the following options: 1. Motion to approve the request for a Conditional Use Permit for Concept Stage Planned Unit Development as presented with the Conditions noted in Exhibit Z, based on a finding that the proposed use justifies the use of PUD and is consistent with the intent of the CCD, Central Community District. 2. Motion to deny the request for a Conditional Use Permit for Concept Stage Planned Unit Development approval, based on a finding that the proposed use is not consistent with the intent of the CCD, Central Community District. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The applicant is requesting approval of a CUP for Concept Stage Planned Unit Development, joint parking and joint access, and a minor auto repair use in the CCD District. The purpose of the Concept Stage review is to provide an opportunity for the applicant to submit a plan at the City showing his basic intent and the general nature of the entire development as the basis for the public hearing so that the proposal maybe publicly considered at an early stage. This review does not provide the applicant with any development rights. In that regard, staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit for Concept Stage PUD, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. Staff's recommendation is made with a similar notation as the Planning Commission regarding parking an the site. In summary, the concept is fine, but the practical ability to provide sufficient parking on site is questionable. Allowing parking an the right of way on 6`" street years ago when the grocery store was built might have made sense at that time. The grocery store needed the parking spaces, and congestion in the corridor was not as intense as it is today. The present new owner points to this decision made years ago as the precedent for asking for a license to continue to use 6`" street for parking and as a precedent far obtaining a license for parking on the Cedar Street right of way. However, traffic patterns have changed and there are circulation problems in the corridor today that did not exist in 1986 when permission was granted to use the 6`" street right of way for parking. Staff is concerned about issuing additional long term permission for parking on the right of way in this vicinity due to potential for interference with future transportation improvements in the area. It is our view that an updated transportation circulation plan along the Highway 25 Corridor between Walnut and Cedar needs to be in place before the City gives up rights of way for parking purposes. In addition, if the City allows use of the right of way as requested, other property owners in the area will be able to use this action as a precedent supporting their requests to use the right of way etc. Finally, allowing the developments to use City property at low cost put this development at a competitive advantage relative to other properties. Addressing this issue is a critical part of the conceptual stage approval, as the applicant's future plans will reflect Council's determination on parking. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Site Plan B. Applicant Narrative C. Parking Calculations D. Conceptual Elevations -Tires Plus Z. Conditions of Approval 5 ~ ~ ~'d ~ ~ a ~ ° ~~~ ~'m~~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~ '~-~ ~~ O ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~ L~ m N y~j ~ pp ~ {L~~~ ~ ~ o ~ P ° ~ ~ O a ~ mm 1A y~ ~ ~ W Z `F~.' ~ ~ ~ ~ C~ ~ ^ ~y m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p ~Qd/1 V y ~. 1.331.15 ~b4~~ W W L!) 2 x v~ Q~~ N ~~ W ~- Jlb'MH~IH 31b1S • • • SIXTH STREET STATION Pad Site Development of 500 to 524 State Hwy 25 South (Formerly Maus Foods) Narrative Descri tion of Request It is Seluemed, LLP's (Fee Property Owner) desire to sell the Southwest corner of the Sixth Street Statian development to Lags Tire, Inc., for the purpose of canstructing a Tires Plus tire and automotive retail store. Tires Plus is a premium automotive retail specialist, focusing on maintaining a clean bright image for upscale customers, and is looking forward to serving the market of Monticello and surrounding communities. The Sixth Street Station development is currently in a "place to shop" land use. Tires Plus will blend well into a shopping district. Appearance of the building will be consistent with other retail establishments. We will use premium construction materials such as brick and split face rock. Signage will be~onsistent with Monticello city codes and other Sixth Street Station businesses. ~"he pad site will be fot~ building and sidewalk around the building only, with all parking and green areas being maintained by Seluemed, LLP. Parking will. be shared with other Sixth Street Station tenants through a cross parking agreement. Three existing entrances will be closed to better the tratTic flows and ensure pad site traffic is not using city streets to access service area. Review of Application Reguirennents Legal Descriptir~n: see attached. Properties within 1000 feet: see attacher~ 5/~ Site Conditions: proposed pad site and removal of 3 entrances will have minimal effect on site drainage and no effect on street drainage. The specifics of these modifications will be engineered in the development and final stages of the PVP. ) Timeline of Pad ~S'ite Development: 1. Final approval of Pad Site Development by Crty of Monticello May, 2008 2. Lags Tire, Inc. purchase of site June, 2008 3. Acquire building permits and begin construction July, 2008 4. Tires Plus of Monticello opens for business November, 2008 February 7, 2008 ~~ • m .~ n 0 • wv ~` ~ ° ~ 47 ~ w a a O ~ ~ ~ ~ R ~ 7 fA 2 0 p a ~ .,.. N .. . W m ppp ~w aP.~r p1 O © C1 C? O W ~ N O ~ ~! C7 ~ `1'1 ~ rt ~v ~~ ~ N~_ o ~ ~ a~x o ~ ~ o ~ z ~ O J ~ N ~ p~ytp~ ~ ~lC~7~ W O ~ T~ W W CT1 -~- C11 N ~ rt ~ ..- s W ~ ~ ~ ..i N ApU~07tONaD~'71 1D ~ W ~ ~ C~T~ N ~ ~ fi W W Cl~ p1 ~ A C W ~. ~,, a ~-~N -+~ acs~aaorncn m ~~ •rr arnu,cNi,a~cn~ m ~ mm ~ s m ~ a ~.., ~~ ~ v a cr o cn w c~ b 5 Al a1 0~ H ca m m m d. n~ a': `L' ~? o n o N ~ ~~~' '~ ~. .~-. r ~ 1 1 ~1 ._ ii f i e ~ ;;" r . ~ 7''. .y a i. 1, 1 ~ ~. j~ 1 -~~ , , 1 /;~ ~+ T r; N~ It `1~... . 1~ - f 1 ~ ~:~ 7 i~` ~ ~~ ;. 'r .7 v;> ~: . ~' ~~. t° r r t +~, r ' ~~r ~I+~'~i i,~~f~ ~ i~!~ ,. !~.~ ~ ~; r~ . ;~ ~.~ ,, .~ f {~/1 ~ w~ f r 7,_ ~. ~ J n ~~ Exhibit Z Conditions of Approval 1. The applicant shall be required to revise the site plan, removing all permanent structures from the drainage and utility easements. 2. The applicant shall be required to enter into a license agreement with the City far any parking on the right-of--way. 3. The applicant shall supply a floor plan far the existing building so that a detailed parking analysis maybe performed. 4. A landscape plan shall be provided, illustrating additional plantings along 6t" Street to screen the overhead doors and providing the proper number of landscaped islands. 5. The applicant shall submit a detailed signage plan far the Tires Plus use. 6 Council Agenda: 3/10/08 13. Consideration to review and authorize remodeling of front reception area a_s re_lated to customer service irn rovements. AS A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND In an effort to improve customer service and efficiency, staff is proposing that the City Council consider authorizing a minor remodeling of the City Hall reception area. The concept for making adjustments to the reception area stemmed from the need to better coordinate staff efforts and to enhance responsiveness to customer needs for information. At the City Administrator's direction, the Community Development Coordinator obtained staff input in terms of identifying problems and developing options for improving both the City Hall and Building Department receptionist function. The proposed remodeling plan is proposed as an economical improvement that will result in better utilization of staff resources and improved customer service. Following are the details. In reviewing the amount and type of traffic accessing the reception desk, it was determined that a large share ofwalk-in customers require service from the Building Department for either building or zoning related issues. Ta be able to serve these customers more efficiently, staff is proposing to add a new "window" area specific to the Building Department in the front reception area. The new Building Department window will allow customers immediate access to the Building Department Technician, who can answer questions, provide the appropriate paperwork and fortes, distribute approved permits and CO's, and direct further assistance from other staff. The new configuration will support more timely customer service and distribution of accurate information. The move is also aimed at improving general workflow in the reception area. By funneling building traffic directly to the Building Technician, the receptionist has more time available to assist other customers and less time away from the front reception area. The move will also allow better management of scheduled breaks, absences, etc. for both positions. The remodeling project itself is minor, with construction and finishing of 3/4 partition walls to create the effect of a Building Department "window" and a workspace at the far left end of the current counter area (directly across from the West Prairie conference room). Electrical and telephone service is already available to the area, and the remodeling concept has been developed in such a way as to minimize any impact to the existing counter structure and cabinetry. A drawing of the proposed project is attached as supporting data. As per City purchasing policy, staff requested initial estimates from three qualified local contractors to determine feasibility of the project. They are all in the range of $2,700 - $4,000, well. under the amount required far formal advertisement. At this time, staff is seeking to proceed with the project based on the lowest estimate obtained. However, if Council would like to obtain additional quotes, staff is prepared to proceed in that direction. A.1 BUDGET IMPACT As noted, the estimates provided for this project indicate that the total expense would not exceed $4,000. Council Agenda: 3/1Q/Q8 Although this expense was not specifically budgeted, there are funds available within the Building Department, City Hall and Planning and Zoning budgets to accommodate the expenditure. A.2 STAFF IMPACT Overall, staff believes this proposal would improve staffs ability to handle additional. workload. This is due to better division of responsibilities and management of workload. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Motion to authorize staff to proceed with remodeling of front reception area as related to customer service improvements, based on the lowest estimate provided with the initial. estimate process, not to exceed $4,000. 2. Motion to deny proceeding further an the proposed remodeling of front reception area as related to customer service improvements. 3. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends alternative 1 above, as these changes are proposed. to improve the means and speed by which City staff provides information to customers. This move is intended to strengthen City Hall's relationship with the public. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Proposed Project Sketch l~7 J w (l. tllc~. G 1~ z ~ll~ Y_.. .~. ,, .:;a:.. ..:~ C~ Z7` J~A/ ti,~; ..... J i ~ ` ! ... ~ .... .. <. __ ~~_... .. . . .. «~ . ._.. ~ A ,. .~ ra ~, i t _ :, ~° ~„. r ;;., ''a . .. .. ~. ` µ ~ ~ ~„ ~ ~. ~ .. ~ I '~ .~ , ~• _ ._ . ..~;,. .. .:. ~_.rd..-. . ----._._. ~ ....a ~' ~..,f, i ~ ,_ t ~ y~ i ., r i .- ~, "' ~ i t . .. 14. Consideration of a re uest to a rove an Amendment to the Monticello Zonin Ordinance for the regulation of Grading & Erosion Control. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND At its February 10`" meeting, the City Council was asked to remove this item for consideration due to staff s desire to further refine the proposed ordinance. Prior to bringing the amendment to the City Council for final review and approval, staff held a meeting to review the ordinance in terms of implementation and enforcement. Representatives Pram Community Development, Engineering, Public Works and the Building Department were present at the meeting and determined that revisions within the enforcement portion of the ordinance were needed to make the document read more clearly for both the development community and City staff. As a result of discussion at that meeting, the ordinance has been revised. The revisions warranted a second review of the proposed ordinance by the Planning Commission. At their March 4`" meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed the revised ordinance and recommended approval unanimously. The latest revisions to the ordinance exist primarily within the enforcement portions of the ordinance, Section 33-9. The previous ordinance language was somewhat redundant and inconsistent in terms of violations of the ordinance and remedy to violations. Other revisions to the ordinance are minor in nature and are related to providing clarity in the Definitions portion of the ordinance. Staff s report from December 2007 is provided below for further reference. At this time, the City Council is asked to review and approve the adoption of the proposed ordinance, as well as a corresponding summary (for publication purposes) and related amendments striking redundant language from the current Zoning Ordinance. Planning Commission is asked to consider an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance for the regulation of grading and erosion control. The ordinance amendment proposed consists of a new chapter specific to the regulation of grading and erosion control, as well as amendments to the current ordinance for consistency with the new chapter. The purpose of the ordinance is to consolidate existing practices in order to better address the environmental issues created by the disturbance of soil. The ordinance is intended to safeguard water quality and aid in the preservation and maintenance of land cover as appropriate during development. The ordinance also brings the City in line with state and federal regulations. Development of this ordinance is one of the requirements identified in the City's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWFPP) for Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control. The development of this ordinance has been ayear-long process of research and development, which has included both staff and the development community. To date, Monticello's regulation of grading and erosion has been contained in various documents and policies. Current regulations are also somewhat inconsistent, due to lack of uniform definitions of control measures and implementation. The City is seeking to condense current practice into one standard, making regulation more practical for both the City and the development community. The ordinance covers the following areas: + Application • Application requirements • General standards • Inspection • Enforcement measures For the most part, the ordinance proposed represents current City policy, with some exceptions. Perhaps the most notable change is related to the standard for permit. Currently, the City requires no permit for grading under 400 cubic yards of material. For reference, 400 cubic yards is approximately equivalent of 40 dump trucks of material. In developing the ordinance, City staff felt some circumstances would require the review of projects which may disturb less ground cover than this previous standard. This is particularly true for developed areas. As such, the proposed permit criteria include bath volume and area triggers, as well as a requirement for disturbances adjacent to waterways. Grading development in these areas may currently fall below under either the valurne or area requirement. Other modifications to current practice include the requirement for individual site developers (most often general contractors builders) to supply a security guaranteeing maintenance of on-site prevention measures and clean-up during construction. While the City has and will continue to hold a security with an overall site developer, it is critical to be able to handle on-site issues as quickly as possible. An individual security makes that communication possible. For example, the City holds a letter of credit from a developer, guaranteeing development-wide erosion control and conformance to the grading plan far residential projects such as Hunters Crossing. However, to-date the City has held no security from an individual lot developer. If a subcontractor for a home project within Hunters Crossing destroys silt fence or drags silt onto the street, the City had to contact the developer, and then in turn the developer contacted the builder. To streamline the process, the securities are held with both to ensure compliance and direct communication. The ordinance refers in many locations to the Plan Requirements and Design Guidelines (aka the Design Manual). The ordinance does not provide detailed specification information for erasion and grading measures, as those requirements are covered in the Plan Requirements and Design Guidelines, which reference the City Specifications For Street and Utility Construction, a specifications book published by the City of Monticello. The City specifications are provided to all contractors working on projects within the City. The inclusion of detailed specifications within that document, rather than the ordinance, serves two purposes. First, because the City specifications are updated annually, they are current and consistent with new development practices and state anal federal regulations. Second, it eliminates the need for the ordinance to be continually updated in response to those changes. The City will be completing updates to the Plan Requirements and Design Guidelines in support of this ordinance. In meetings with builders, many ideas came forward on modifications needed to support best management practices for grading and erosion control. Those are very detailed specifications that are better suited to the manual for reasons noted above. Other practices and requirements outlined within the ordinance are those currently being used by the City of Monticello at various stages of the development process. The items being deleted from the current ordinance are incorporated into the proposed ordinance, or will be incorporated into the Design Manual as part of the revisions associated with the addition of the Grading and Erosion Control ordinance. 2 In summary, the proposed ordinance changes help formalize current practice so that the development community has a clear guideline for what to expect, and what expectations are, for grading and erasion control within the City. Ultimately, the goal of the ordinance is better communication regarding grading and erasion control at all levels of the development process. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Motion to approve an ordinance amendment adapting Chapter 33 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance for Grading and Erosion Control and corresponding amendments, based on a finding that the proposed ordinance is consistent with current City policies and strategies for the protection of Manticello's water and soil resources. Motion to approve an ordinance amendment adopting Chapter 33 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance for Grading and Erosion Control and corresponding amendments, based on a finding that the proposed ordinance is consistent with current City policies and strategies for the protection of Monticello's water and soil resources, subject to the following modifications (to be made by the City Council). Motion to recommend denial of Chapter 33 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance far Grading and Erosion Control and corresponding amendments, based on a finding to be made by the City Council). 4. Motion to table action. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends alternative 1 above. The revisions made to the proposed ordinance reinforce the goal of providing s document that is clear for all parties in its application and implementation. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Ordinance Resolution -Full B. Ordinance Resolution -Summary (for publication) C. Ordinance Resolution -Amendments to Existing Ordinance ORDINANCE NO. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE REGULATING CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT, REQUIRING GRADING, DRAINAGE AND EROSION PLANS, CONTROLS AND PERMITS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ORDAINS: SECTION ~.. The City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance is amended by adding the following Chapter: CHAPTER 33 Grading and Erosion Control 33-1: PURPOSE During the construction process, soil is highly vulnerable to erosion by wind and water. Eroded soil endangers water resources by reducing water quality and causing the siltation of aquatic habitat for fish and other desirable species. Eroded soil also necessitates the maintenance of sewers and ditches and the dredging of lakes and ponds. As a result, the purpose of this local regulation is to safeguard persons, protect property, and prevent damage to the environment in Monticello. This ordinance will also promote the public welfare by guiding, regulating, and controlling the design, construction, use, and maintenance of any development or other activity that disturbs or breaks the topsoil or results in the movement of earth an land in Monticello. This ordinance is to be used in supplement to any other regulations as required by state agencies. 33-2: DEFINITIONS [AA] As-Built Plans Record drawings of approved and as constructed improvements. [Al3] Best Management Practices (BMPs) Erosion and sediment control and water quality management practices that are the most effective and practicable means of controlling, preventing, and minimizing degradation of surface water, including avoidance of impacts, construction-phasing, minimizing the length of time soil areas are exposed, prohibitions, and other management practices published by state or designated area-wide planning agencies. [AC] City Engineer A person who has received training and is given authority by the City of Monticello to design, review, authorize, approve, inspect, and maintain erosion and sediment control plans and practices. [AD] Clearing Any activity that removes the vegetative surface cover. [AE] Conservation Easement A conservation easement is legal land preservation agreement between a landowner and a municipality or a qualified land protection organization. The easement confers the transfer of usage rights from one party to another. [AF] Construction Activity A disturbance to the land that results in a change in the topography, or the existing soil cover (both vegetative and non-vegetative). Examples of construction activity may include clearing, grading, filling and excavating. [AG] Developed Land For the purposes of grading and erosion control permitting, property on which permanent structures have been built or placed. [AH] Dewatering The removal of water far construction activity. It can be a discharge of appropriated surface or groundwater to dry and/or solidify a construction site. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources permits are required to be appropriated and if contaminated may require other MPCA permits to be discharged. [Al] Erosion Control A measure that prevents erosion including but not limited to: soil stabilization practices, limited grading, mulch, temporary or permanent cover, and construction phasing. [AJ] Erosion Control Inspector A designated agent given authority by the City of Monticello to inspect and maintain erosion and sediment control practices. [AK] Final Grade Excavation or fill of material to final plan elevation. Final grade completed as part of individual site development. [AL] Final Stabilization: a. All soil disturbing activities at the site have been completed and a uniform (e.g., evenly distributed, without large bare areas) perennial vegetative cover with a minimum density of 70% of approved vegetative cover for the area has been established on all unpaved areas and areas not covered by permanent structures, or equivalent permanent stabilization measures have been employed; b. For construction projects on land used for agricultural purposes (e.g., pipelines across crop or range land) final stabilization may be accomplished by returning the disturbed land to its preconstruction agricultural use. Areas disturbed that were not previously used for agricultural activities, such as buffer strips immediately adjacent to surface waters and 2 drainage systems, and areas which are not being returned to their preconstruction agricultural use must meet the final stabilization criteria in (a) above. [AM] Grading Excavation or fill of material, including the resulting conditions thereof. [AN] Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Permit A permit issued by the municipality for the construction or alteration of the ground and for the improvements and structures for the control of erosion, runoff, and grading. Herein after referred to as "Grading Permit". [AO] Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plans A set of plans prepared by or under the direction of a licensed professional engineer. Plans are required to indicate the specific measures and sequencing to be used to control grading, sediment and erosion on a development site during and after construction as detailed in the City of Monticello "Plan Requirements and Design Guidelines". [AP] Impervious Surface A constructed hard surface that either prevents or retards the entry of water into the soil and causes water to run off the surface in greater quantities and at an increased rate of flow than prior to development. Examples include rooftops, sidewalks, patios, driveways, parking lots, storage areas, and concrete, asphalt, or gravel roads. [AQ] National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) The program for issuing, modifying, revoking, reissuing, terminating, monitoring, and enforcing permits under the Clean Water Act (Sections 301, 318, 402, and 405) and United States Cade of Federal Regulations Title 33, Sections 1317, 1328, 1342, and 1345. [AR] Perimeter Sediment Control A baarrier that prevents sediment from leaving a site by filtering sediment-laden runoff or diverting it to a sediment trap or basin. [AS] Permanent Cover Final site stabilization. Examples include grass, gravel, asphalt, and concrete. [AT] Permittee Applicant for and recipient of approved Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Fermit. [AU] Phasing Clearing a parcel of land in distinct phases, with the stabilization of each phase completed before the clearing of the next. [AV] Plan Requirements and Design Guidelines Manual detailing City specifications for all plan requirements. [AW] Public Waterway Any body of water, including, but not limited to lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, and bodies of water delineated by the City of Monticello or other state or federal agencies. 3 [AX] Rough Grade Excavation or fill of material to a condition suitable for general maintenance. [AY] Sediment Control Measures and methods employed to prevent sediment from leaving the site. [AZ] Site A parcel of land or a contiguous combination thereof, where grading work is performed as a single unified operation. [BA] Site Development Construction or alteration of ground. [BB] Stabilized The exposed ground surface has been covered by appropriate materials such as mulch, staked sod, riprap, wood fiber blanket, or other material that prevents erosion from occurring. Grass seeding is nat stabilization. [BC] Standard Plates General drawings having or showing similar characteristics or qualities that are representative of a construction practice or activity. [BD] Start of Construction The first land-disturbing activity associated with a development, including land preparation such as clearing, grading, excavation and filling; [BE] Storm Water Defined under Minn. R. 7077.0105, subp. 41(b), and includes precipitation runoff, storm water runoff, snow melt runoff, and any other surface runoff and drainage. [BF] Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP) A program for managing and reducing storm water discharge that includes erosion prevention measures and sediment controls that, when implemented, will decrease soil erosion on a parcel of land and decrease off-site nonpoint pollution. [BG] Surface Water or Waters All streams, lakes, ponds, marshes, wetlands, reservoirs, springs, rivers, drainage systems, waterways, watercourses, and irrigation systems whether natural or artificial, public or private. [BH] Temporary Erosion Control Methods employed to prevent erosion on a temporary basis. Examples of temporary cover include; straw, wood fiber blanket, wood chips, and erasion netting. [BI] Undeveloped Land For the purposes of grading and erosion control permitting, property on which no permanent structures have been built or placed. 4 [BJ] Waterway A channel that directs surface runoff to a watercourse or to the public storm drain. [BK] Water Conveyance System Any channel that conveys surface runoff throughout the site. [BL] Wetland or Wetlands Defined in Minn. R. 7050.0130, subp. F and includes those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface water or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas. Constructed wetlands designed for wastewater treatment are not waters of the state. 33-3: PERMITS [A] APFROVAL: No person shall be granted a Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Permit ("Grading Permit") for land-disturbing activity that would require the uncovering or distributing of material in excess of any of the following measurements without the approval of a Grading, Erosion and Sediment Control Plan by the City of Monticello. 1. 2000 square feet. 2. 400 cubic yards undeveloped land, or 40 cubic yards developed land. 3. Within 200 feet of a waterway or surface water(s). [B] EXCEPTION: No Grading Permit is required for land disturbances under the amounts specified above, or for the following activities: 1. Any emergency activity that is immediately necessary for the protection of life, property, or natural resources. 2. General establishment of new construction lawns, or the addition of four (4) or fewer inches of topsoil. 3. Existing nursery and agricultural operations conducted as a permitted main or accessory use. [C] APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: 1. Each application shall bear the name(s) and address(es) of the owner or developer of the site, and of any consulting firm retained by the applicant together with the name of the applicant's principal contact at such firm 2. A filing fee and security as outlined by City ordinance and paragraph [D] below. 3. A Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan meeting the requirements of this ordinance. Each application shall include the required number of plans and other required materials as specified on the application form. 4. The application form shall include a statement by the applicant that any land clearing, construction, or development involving the movement of earth shall be in accordance with the Approved Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan. 5. In the case of grading specific to and in conjunction with a single Building Permit, a separate Grading Permit is not required. The Building Permit shall be reviwed and serve as the Grading Permit. [D] SECURITY: 1. The permittee will be required to file with the City of Manticello an irrevocable, automatically renewing letter of credit, or other improvement security in the amount specified by the current City ordinance for fee schedule. This security shall be in addition to the required non-refundable filing fee as specified by City Ordinance, which shall be submitted under separate payment. The security shall cover all costs of engineering and inspection, site improvements, street sweeping, repairs to erosion control measures, and maintenance of improvements for such period as specified by the City of Monticello. Said security shall be provided prior to the release of the Grading Permit. b. Deposit shall be released after fmal stabilization is complete, erosion control measures have been removed and their removal area inspected. 2. Individual lot permittee shall be required to provide a bond or other improvement security with a building permit application. a. The security shall cover City costs for street sweeping, installation, maintenance and repairs to erosion control measures. The bond will be in an amount as specified by the current City ordinance for fee schedule. Said security shall be provided prior to the release of the Grading Permit. b. The security shall be released after turf is established as specified in the City Design Guidelines and Plan Requirements Manual. [E} PROCEDURE: The City of Monticello will review each application for Grading Permit to determine its conformance with the provisions of this regulation and other applicable requirements. The City of Monticello requires complete application no less than fifteen (15) working days in advance of the desired Grading Permit release date. Upon complete application, the City of Monticello shall, in writing: 1. Approve the permit application; 2. Approve the permit application subject to such reasonable conditions as may be 6 necessary to secure substantially the objectives of this regulation, and issue the permit subject to these conditions; or 3. Deny the permit application, indicating the reason(s) and procedure for submitting a revised application and/or submission; 4. Appeals of denial of permit shall be processed in accordance with Appeal to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. 33-4: GRADING, DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN REQUIREMENTS [A] PLAN REQUIREMENTS: Grading, erosion control practices, sediment control practices, and waterway crossings shall meet the design criteria set forth in the Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan, and shall be adequate to prevent transportation of sediment from the site to the satisfaction of the City of Monticello. The Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan shall comply with the NPDES General Storm Water Permit requirements and include the following, as applicable: 1. A natural resources map identifying soils, tree cover including size and type, significant native plant communities, and resources protected under other chapters of this code. 2. A sequence of construction of the development site, including stripping and clearing; rough grading; canstruction of utilities, infrastructure, and buildings; and final grading and landscaping. Sequencing shall identify the expected date on which clearing will begin, phasing of clearing or grading, the estimated duration of exposure of cleared areas, areas of clearing, installation of temporary erosion and sediment control measures, and establishment of permanent vegetation. 3. All erosion and sediment control measures necessary to meet the objectives of this local regulation throughout all phases of construction and after completion of development of the site. Depending upon the complexity of the project, the drafting of intermediate plans maybe required at the close of each season. 4. Seeding mixtures and rates, types of sod, method of seedbed preparation, expected seeding dates, type and rate of lime and fertilizer application, and kind and quantity of mulching for both temporary and permanent vegetative control measures. Required specifications are referenced in the City of Monticello Plan Requirements and Design Guidelines. 5. Provisions for maintenance of erosion and sediment plan, specifically in boulevards, easements and other public areas, and estimates of the cost of maintenance. 6. Provisions for regular permittee inspections of all control measures in accordance with the inspection schedule outlined on the approved Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan(s). 7 7. Modifications to the plan shall be processed and approved or disapproved in the same manner as 33-3 [E] of this regulation, maybe authorized by the City of Monticello by written authorization to the permittee, and shall include: a. Major amendments to the erosion and sediment control plan submitted to the City of Monticello. b. Field modifications of a minor nature. 33-5: CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS [A] CONSTRUCTION SFECIFICATIONS: 1. Grading, erosion and sediment controls as specified in the City's Plan Requirements and Design Guidelines. 2. Clearing and grading of natural resources, such as forests and wetlands, shall not be permitted, except when in compliance with all other chapters of this Code. Clearing techniques that retain natural vegetation and drainage patterns shall be recommended as necessary and used to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 3. Clearing, except that necessary to establish sediment control devices, shall not begin until all sediment control devices have been installed and have been stabilized. 4. Phasing maybe required on all sites based on site specifics, with the size of each phase to be established at plan review and as approved by the City Engineer/City of Monticello. 5. Soil stabilization shall be completed within 14 days of clearing or inactivity in construction. 6. Final stabilization on all sites shall become established within 6 months. The City of Monticello may require the site to be reseeded or a nonvegetative option employed. 7. Seeding shall be in accordance with the City's current seeding specification as detailed in the Plan Requirements and Design Guidelines. All seeded areas shall be fertilized, mulched, and disc anchored as necessary for seed retention. Special techniques that meet the design criteria outlined in Plan Requirements and Design Guidelines shall be in place on steep slopes or in drainage ways shall be used to ensure stabilization. 9. Soil stockpiles which shall be inactive for a period of 7 or more days shall include provisions for perimeter sediment controls. The placement of soil stockpiles adjacent to public rights-of--way or waterways is prohibited. 10. The entire site must be stabilized to a minimum of 70% coverage, using a heavy mulch layer or another method that does not require germination to control erosion, at the close of the construction season. 11. Techniques shall be employed to prevent the blowing of dust or sediment from the site. 12. Techniques that divert upland runoff past disturbed slopes shall be employed. [B] WATERWAY AND WATERCOURSE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS: The Permittee(s) shall implement the following waterway and watercourse measures on the site: 1. A temporary stream crossing installed and approved by the local government unit and regulating agency if a wet watercourse will be crossed regularly during construction. Stabilization of the watercourse channel before, during, and within 24 hours after any in-channel work. 3. All on-site stormwater conveyance channels designed according to the criteria outlined in the Plan Requirements and Design Guidelines. 4. Stabilization adequate to prevent erosion located at the outlets of all pipes and paved channels. [C] POLLUTION PREVENTION MANAGEMENT MEASURES: The Permittee(s) shall implement the following pollution prevention management measures on the site: 1. Solid Waste: Collected sediment, asphalt and concrete millings, floating debris, paper, plastic, fabric, construction and demolition debris and other wastes must be disposed of properly and must comply with MPCA disposal requirements. 2. Hazardous Materials: Oil, gasoline, paint and any hazardous substances must be properly stored, including secondary containment, to prevent spills, leaks or other discharge. Restricted access to storage areas must be provided to prevent vandalism. Storage and disposal of hazardous waste must be in compliance with MPCA regulations. 3. External washing of trucks and other construction vehicles must be limited to a defined area of the site. Runoff must be contained and waste properly disposed of. No engine degreasing is allowed on site. 33.6: INSPECTION [A] NOTIFICATION: The Erosion Control Inspector shall make inspections as hereinafter required and either shall approve that portion of the work completed or shall notify the permittee wherein the work fails to comply with the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan as approved. [B] PROCEDURE: The City shall inspect all permit sites once per week and within 24 hours after a rain event. The City shall also require inspections at other development benchmarks as follows and as applicable. To obtain inspections, the permittee shall notify the City of Monticello at least one working day before the following: 1. Installation of sediment and erosion control measures 9 2. Start of construction or site development 3. Close of the construction season 4. Completion of final stabilization/landscaping S. Removal of erosion control measures 6. Final project compliance and acceptance close-out [C] MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS: Seed tags should be submitted to the Erosion Control Inspector for approval prior to commencing work. Proof of application rates should be provided. [D] PERMITEE INSPECTION: The permittee or his/her agent shall also make regular inspections of all control measures in accordance with the inspection schedule outlined on the approved Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan(s). The purpose of such inspections will be to determine the overall effectiveness of the control plan and the need fnr additional control measures. All inspections shall be documented in written form and submitted to the City of Monticello at the time interval specified in the approved permit. [E] AUTHORIZATION: The City Engineer or Erosion Control Inspector shall enter the property of the applicant as deemed necessary to make regular inspections to ensure the validity of the reports filed under Section D. 33-T: SITE MAINTENANCE [A] RESFONSIBILITIES: Within 24 hours, the permittee shall clean dirt and debris from streets that hasresulted from construction work by the Developer, home builders, subcontractors, their agents or assigns. Prior to any construction in the plat, the Developer shall provide the City Engineer with a schedule for erosion and sediment control inspection, street cleaning, and street sweeping. [B]No development, utility or street construction will be allowed and no Building Permits will be issued unless the development is in full compliance with the requirements of this Ordinance. 33-8: CERTIFICATION [A] APPROVED GRADING, DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN: Plans for grading, stripping, excavating, and filling work bearing the stamp of approval of the City Engineer or Chief Building Official, as applicable, shall be maintained at the site during the progress of the work. [B} AS-BUILT GRADING PLAN AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN: Within thirty (30) days after completion of site development as per the approved Grading, Drainage and Erosion Plan, and prior to the approval of individual building permits, the Developer shall provide the City with an As Built Grading Plan and Development Plan as deEned in the City of Monticello Plan Requirements and Design Guidelines. [C] PROCEDURE: The City will withhold issuance of building permits until the approved certified As-Built Grading Plan and As-Built Development Plan are on file with the City, all securities as required by this ordinance are received, conservation easement posts are installed, and all erosion control measures are in place as determined by the City Engineer. 10 [D] REMOVAL OF EROSION CONTROL MEASURES: The above specified requirements will be authorized for removal upon the sodding of the rear yards, completion of punch list items involving ponds and slopes, fmal stabilization, completion of proper turf establishment and placement of the proper conservation easement posts and signs as specified. Inspection is required after the removal of erosion control measures to verify proper restoration. Please refer to City of Monticello Plan Requirements and Design Guidelines for specifications. 33-9: ENFORCEMENT [A] NOTICE OF VIOLATION If the Grading permittee fails to meet or maintain sediment and erosion control measures per the Approved Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan, the City shall issue a Notice of Violation. The Notice of Violation shall detail the default and prescribe a remedy and required schedule for compliance. [B] LAPSE AND ORDER FOR WORK 1. If the Grading permittee fails to meet or maintain sediment and erosion control measures per the Approved Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Flan, the City may, in its discretion, perform the work or contract to have the work completed and drawn down on the security to pay any casts. 2. The City will endeavor to notify the Developer in advance of any proposed action, but failure of the City to do so will not affect the Developer's and City's rights ar obligations hereunder. [C] STOP WORK ORDER/REVOCATION OF GRADING PERMIT. In the event that any person holding a Grading Permit pursuant to this ordinance violates the terms of the permit or implements site development in such a manner as to materially adversely affect the health, welfare, environment, or safety of persons residing or working in the neighborhood or development site so as to be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, the City of Monticello may suspend or revoke the GradingPermit through the issuance of a stop work order or the revocation of the Grading or Building Permit. [D] VIOLATION AND PENALTIES: No person shall construct, enlarge, alter, repair, or maintain any grading, excavation, or fill, or cause the same to be done, contrary to or in violation of any terms of this ordinance. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and each day during which any violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance is committed, continued, or permitted, shall constitute a separate offense. 11 2. Upon conviction. of any such violation, such person, partnership, or corporation shall be punished by a fine as specified by the City ordinance for fee schedule for each offense. In addition to any other penalty authorized by this section, any person, partnership, or corporation convicted of violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be required to bear the expense of such restoration. 33-10: SEPARABILITY The provisions and sections of this ordinance shall be deemed to be separable, and the invalidity of any portion of this ordinance shall not affect the validity of the remainder. SECTION 2. Section 3-2[E] of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance- DRAINAGE PLANS is hereby deleted. SECTION 3. Section 3-6A of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance- GRADING is hereby deleted. SECTION 4. Section ~, of Ordinance ,establishing fees and charges, is hereby amended to add or revise the following fees regarding Grading Permits: [Insert fee amendments here. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED by the Monticello City Council this ~ day of _ , 200$. CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Dawn Grossinger, City Clerk 12 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA SUMMARY ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT, REQUIRING GRADING, DRAINAGE AND EROSION PLANS, CONTROLS AND PERMITS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, on , 2008, Ordinance No. was adopted by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Due to the lengthy nature of Ordinance No. ,the following summary of the ordinance has been prepared for publication as authorized by state law. The ordinance adopted by the Council amends the City Zoning Ordinance by adding a new Chapter 33 to regulate construction and development activities. The ordinance specifically provides that any grading, excavating or other activities that uncovers or disturbs more than 2000 square feet, or deposits or distributes fill in excess of 400 cubic yards on undeveloped land or 40 cubic yards on developed land, or within 200 feet of a waterway or surface water would require a permit. A fee would be charged for the permit, and plans, controls and procedures as specified under the ordinance would be required. A printed copy of the whole ordinance is available for inspection by any person during the City's regular office hours. APPROVED for publication by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, this day of , 2008. CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill City Administrator 13 ORDINANCE NO. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE REGULATING DRAINAGE AND GRADING, AMENDING SECTION 3-2[E] and 3-6AOF THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 3-2[E] of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended as follows: cr w.....,s r..~. , Section 2. Section 3-5A of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended as follows: 9 ~e~el~tien~ ~'z~~^.%-rte, ° ~i Section 2. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. Adopted by the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota on the day of 200$. CITY OF MONTICELLO sy: Mayor Clint Herbst ATTEST By: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Council Agenda: 3/10/08 Consi eratiop to review for recommendation proceeding with a Request for Proposal for 15. d„ the completion of a comprehensive update to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission and City Council are in the final stages of the review of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan update, which lays the groundwork for land use policy for Monticello far the next twenty years. While the comprehensive plan presents the framework for land use, it is the City's codes and ordinances which control actual development. State law stipulates that zoning regulations are a critical tool for implementing the Comprehensive Plan. In fact, outside of the seven- county metropolitan area, zoning regulations control land use. Monticello has enacted a zoning ordinance, which is Title 10 of City Cade. As such, the Comprehensive Plan cites that "A priority should be given to the review and updating of zoning regulations. The vision and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan will not be achieved. unless zoning regulations are aligned with the Plan." In addition to the need for consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, the Planning Commission and City Council have often struggled with outdated portions of the ordinance, and have recommended amendments to make the document a more useful tool for the public. In response to the Council and Commission's specific concerns, and in order to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, staff is asking that the City consider moving forward with the process of completing a comprehensive review and redrafting of the current zoning ordinance. Rather than taking sections of the code piece by piece, a complete revision will allow the City to review not only the language of the document, but the purpose statement of each district in relationship to the changing patterns of development and strategies from growth management, and how each piece of the ordinance impacts another. Should the Council decide to move forward on a comprehensive revision to the zoning ordinance, it is recommended that a request far proposal (RFP) process occur, due to the scale and potential cost of this project. Developing a scope of work for the ordinance redrafting will be the largest component of the RFP. As a first step in the project's scope of work, and prior to any work on the detailed ordinance language itself, it would be staff's recommendation that a steering committee for the project be farmed.. The reasoning for forming the steering committee after the RFP is developed, rather than before, is to allow the full Planning Commission and Council the ability to review and comment on the RFP before it is released, and to take part in the review and selection of a consultant for the project. Once the consultant is selected and a steering committee is farmed, research and options can be presented in relationship to key policy areas which impact the final ordinance product. Council Agenda: 3/10/08 These decisions relate to the format of the ordinance, description and purpose statements for the land use categories, and the inclusion of new concepts. Understanding that these fundamental issues will need to be addressed prior to work on the actual ordinance language will allow the RFP respondents to prepare a more accurate proposal in terms of the project's time, process and budget. This structure allows for an independent consultant to guide the policy discussion, rather than staff. if the Council chooses to recommend that the RFP process move forward, the next steps will be to prepare the RFP for Commission and Council review and approval., then form a steering committee, and finally set a schedule for the review and selection of a proposal. A.1 BUDGET IMPACT An amount of $35,000 was included in the 2008 Planning and Zoning budget for a Zoning Ordinance review and amendment project. Due to the nature of the project, it is likely that an additional amount of funding would. be required to complete the project in 2009. The RFP process will assist the Council in determining the value of the project in terms of budget. A.2 STAFF IMPACT This project would require an intense amount of staff involvement in terms of research, preparation and administration. Staff believes that the project will take up to two years. However, off-setting the workload is the idea that because the Zoning Ordinance is already a critical component of staff's everyday workload, a revised and reorganized ordinance document could potentially decrease the number of amendments processed (at least initially) and the amount of time needed to review and analyze daily ordinance information requests. Additionally, the Planning Commission and Council have cited a number of zoning ordinance amendments that they would wish to proceed with in any case. Taken alone, those amendments would also involve significant staff time. Preliminarily, the update would mast likely require a series of workshops with the full Planning Commission, with representation by at least two City Council persons (perhaps a continuation of the steering committee). A series of public workshops and sessions with the full Council and other City commissions will beheld at appropriate points. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS l . Motion to approve proceeding with the development of a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a comprehensive update of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance as proposed. 2 Council Agenda: 3/10/08 2. Motion to deny proceeding with the development of a Request far Prapasal (RF'P) for a comprehensive update of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance and to recommend an alternative farm of action. 3. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff believes that a review of the zoning ordinance is consistent with the draft comprehensive plan, which specifically outlines this process as a next step in achieving the outcomes of the plan. Recent discussions on the outdated nature of the current ordinance also make this process crucial to planning for future growth and development. As this is a relatively quiet time in the development cycle for the City, this is also an ideal time to begin such a proj ect. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Excerpt -Draft, Monticello Comprehensive Plan Update 3 lD~ from the Planning Commission, or until 60 days have elapsed from the date of submission to the Planning Commission. Annual Updates A strategy far keeping the Comprehensive Plan up to date and relevant is through an annual review of the Plan and development trends. This annual review could include: - Development trends and projects from the current years. - Summary of amendments to Comprehensive Plan. - Discussion of current development issues and im- plications for the Comprehensive Plan. This approach keeps an active and current focus on achieving the vision for Monticello and the use of the Comprehensive Plan. Updating growth projections is an important part of an annual review. The City should lead an annual and collaborative approach to updating these projections. An annual update should be based on a discussion among key stakeholders including the City, developers, the business community and the School District. This approach ensures that the projections are based on the best possible information and that all stakeholders are using common assumptions about future growth. Another benefit of this approach is an ongoing forum for the discussion of recent trends and the future of Monticello. Modifying Land Use Controls State Law requires that the Comprehensive Plan contain guidelines far the timing and sequence of the adoption of official controls necessary to ensure planned, orderly, and staged development and redevelopment consistent with the land use plan. Official controls may include ordinances establishing zoning, subdivision controls, site plan regulations, sanitary codes, building codes and official maps. Zoning Regulations State Lawviews zoning regulations as a critical tool far implementing the Comprehensive Plan. Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.356 states: "...the planning agency [Planning Commission] shall study and propose to the governing body [City Coun- cil] reasonable and practicable means for putting the plan or sections of the plan into effect. Subject to the limitations of the fallowing sections, such means include, but are not limited to, zoning regulations, far the subdivision of land,-an official map..:' The City has adopted zoning regulations (Title 10 of the City Code) for the purpose of carrying out the policies and goals of the land use element of the Comprehensive Plan. The application of zoning districts and the specific regulations must support the objectives of the Com- prehensive Plan. Adopting an updated Comprehensive Plan should immediately be followed by a review and modification of the zoning ordinance. In a broad sense, this review of the zoning ordinance should examine the following items: - The regulations far each zoning district should be reviewed to determine if they fit with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. Zoning districts should be examined in relationship to land use designations. Changes in zoning districts will be needed to match zoning with land use. One of the policy decisions the City will need to make is how to implement the land use plan through the zoning district designations. In the Twin Cities metropolitan area, State Law (the Metropolitan Land Planning Act - Minnesota Statutes, Section 473) mandates consistency between the land use plan and zoning regulations. Out- side of the metropolitan area, there is not a statutory requirement far consistency. While the goal should be a clear and strong, connection between the land use plan and zoning, Monticello has flexibility on how and when to make changes. Strategies include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following: - Keep current zoning in place until such time as the use terminates or redevelopment is initiated. 2DD8 Camprehensi+fe Plan (ABAFT - Januar;~ 20D8} Planning Framework ~ 1-5 - Rezone property to a zoning district compatible with a land use plan category. - Develop an interim strategy to address current use situations as they relate to long term objectives. It is essential, however, to remember that zoning regula- tions control the use of land. If Monticello chooses a strategy that does not immediately create consistency, then the City must have a clear strategy for when changes are made. Nonconforming Uses Changes in Zoning districts may create nonconform- ing uses. Such uses occur when the existing land use is not allowed within the zoning district. In most cases, when these situations arise as the result of a new Comprehensive Plan, the goal is not to influence an im- mediate change in property use. Instead, the objective is to guide future investments to achieve the outcomes desired by the Comprehensive Plan. Nonconforming uses are controlled by Section 9.1.5 of the City Code. A review of the zoning regulations will provide the context for an evaluation of the noncon- formingprovisions. This evaluation, in turn, may point to Ordinance changes that will assist in the reasonable transition of nonconforming land uses. Subdivision fiegula#ions While the land use plan has direct implications far zon- ing,the Comprehensive Plan does not have comparable effects on the land subdivision and platting regulations. Changes in these regulations are not required for the immediate adoption of the Plan. Project Evaluation In adopting the Comprehensive flan, the City of Mon- ticellomakes acommitment to use the Plan as a means of evaluating a variety of private and public projects. This evaluation requires using a series of questions to consider the merits of a project: - Is the project consistent with the land use plan? - Does the project move Monticello towards its vi- sion for the future? - is the project consistent with the policies contained in the Plan? A negative answer to one or more of these questions may illustrate flaws in the proposed project. These flaws may be fundamental and require denial of the project, but modifications to the project that bring it into compliance with the Comprehensive Plan maybe possible. Negative answers to the questions listed above might, however, point to a need to amend the Plan (see Amending the Plan). In such situations in which a noncompliant project underscores a potential flaw in the Plan, then the project should be approved and an effort to properly amend the Plan should be initiated. Repeated failures to amend the Plan in order to allow worthy projects to move forward will eventually render the Comprehensive Plan useless. Wha# is a Projec#? To apply this process, it is helpful to define a "project" This definition has both practical and legal consider- ations. For the purposes of the Comprehensive Plan, the following items are considered projects: - Platting of land for private development - Rezoning of property - Acquisition and disposition of public lands - Construction of public improvements - Provision of financial assistance to private devel- opment The discussion that follows examines each type of project in greater detail. Platting The Land Platting and Subdivision Regulations of the City Cade do not require consistency with the Compre- hensive Plan as a prerequisite for approving a prelimi- nary and final plat. The regulations do tie back to the Comprehensive Plan far certain aspects of subdivision design, such as streets and parks. Rezoning Rezoning that changes the use of a parcel should not be undertaken without corresponding changes to the Land Use chapter of the Comprehensive Plan. The Plan 1.6 ~ Planning Framework City of tulonticello and the zoning regulations act in concert to manage land use. The zoning regulations do not specifically require the City Council or Planning Commission to consider relevant provisions of the Comprehensive Plan as part of the review of proposed amendments to zoning regulations. Acquisition and Disposition of Public Lands According to State Law (M.S. Section 462.356, Subd. 2), publicly owned land within the City cannot be ac- quired or disposed of until the Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal and reported in writing to the City Council as to the compliance of the proposed action with the Comprehensive Plan. The City Council may, by resolution adopted bytwo-thirds vote, dispense with this requirement when it finds that the proposed acquisition or disposal of real property has no relation- ship to the Comprehensive Plan. Construction of Public Improvements The Comprehensive Plan guides capital improvements by all political subdivisions. No capital improvements shall be authorized by the City (and its subordinate units) or any other political subdivision having jurisdic- tionwithin Monticello until the Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal and reported in writing to the City Council as to the compliance of the proposed action with the Comprehensive Plan (M.S. Section 462.356, Subd. 2). As with land transactions, this requirement can be dispensed by Council resolution if the capital improvement has no relationship to the Comprehensive Plan. Provision of Financial Assistance Tax increment financing is the only finance tool for- mally tied to the Comprehensive Plan. State Law requires that the City find that a TIF plan conforms with the Comprehensive Plan. As a matter of policy, similar evaluation should apply to other forms of public financial assistance. In agreeing to provide financial as- sistance toprivate development, it is reasonable that the City Council determines that the development furthers the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. Next Steps Updating the Comprehensive Plan is one step in the ongoing process of guiding development and public investments. The Comprehensive Plan identifies a series of next steps in this process. Zoning Ordinance A priority should be given to the review and updating of zoning regulations. This vision and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan will not be achieve unless zoning regulations are aligned with the Plan. Outside of the seven-county metropolitan area, zoning regulations control the use of land, regardless of their consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. Subdivision Regulations Subdivision regulations are another important land use management tool for the City. These regulations should be reviewed to identify anal adapt changes that enhance the ability to implement the Comprehensive Plan. In particular, the review of the subdivision regulations should focus on compliance with current State Law, support for zoning regulations, protection of natural resources, and dedication of park land. Park Dedication Ordinance The statutory power to require the dedication of park land is an essential tool for implementing the Compre- hensive Plan. The park dedication ordinance should be updated to provide consistency with the Comprehen- sive Plan and compliance with current State Law. Natural Resources Inventory A natural resources inventory (NRI) would identify the type, location and significance of natural features in Monticello and the orderly annexation area. Informa- tion from a NRI is invaluable in: - Identifying areas of environmental significance that need public protection. - Coordinating development proposals with the natural environment. - Planning for a greenway system around Monti- cello. 2008 Compreh?nive Plan (AR~1FT January x008) Planning FramerNOrk ~ 1-7 Council Agenda - 03/10/2008 16. Consideration of reviewing proposals and awarding a contract far the removal, repair and reinstallation of deep ,well turbine pump no. 4 and appurtenant work,City Proiect #2008-01 C. (J.S.) A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Well No. 4 is located out on Dundas Road on the City's property between the large drainage ditch through the Industrial Park and the Xcel Energy Maintenance Facility. Well Na. 4 sits alone without a purnphouse and can be recognized from Dundas Road as it sits outside along with a transformer and is fenced. This well is one. of .our best producing wells and pumps directly to Pumphouse No. 3 where the water is treated with fluoride and polyphosphates before discharging into our underground reservoir along Chelsea Road. The well was installed in 1989 and was last serviced in 2001. This well is currently on a 7-year duty cycle and is due to be pulled for maintenance. Often after a 7-year cycle several of the interior columns are eroded away and need replacement. The reusable columns will be sandblasted and painted with a special coating suitable far potable water. In addition, all the shafting for driving the pump, as the pump is located deep in the well, will be checked. and replaced if needed. The pump is checked for tolerances and wear plates are serviced and machining is done if needed. Lastly, the motor is checked against factory specifications and rebuilt as necessary. Specifications for this work were developed by the Public Works Director and the Water & Sewer Superintendent. Proposals for the project were due at 11 a.m. on Thursday, March 6, 2008. Attached as supporting data is a tabulation of those proposals. Based upon the attached proposal tabulation, the lowest responsible proposer is Thein Well Co. of Spicer, Minnesota for $14,921.00. Thein Well's proposal did not include Addendum No. 1; however, when contacted, Thein Well's Executive Vice President, Willard Greeley, acknowledged that he was aware of the changes in Addendum No. 1 and had based his proposal amounts on those changes. Addendum No. 1 was then faxed to him and he acknowledged receipt of the addendum, choosing not to amend his proposal. a. Budget Impact: In preparation for the refurbishment for Well No. 4 and maintenance on one of the four booster pumps in the water reservoir we placed an amount of $20,000 in the 2008 Budget. There are sufficient funds to complete the work. b. Staff Workload Impact: Staff workload for this project is relatively minor, approximately 25 hours were spent preparing the specifications, bid documents and request for proposals. Another 20 - 30 hours will be spent working with the contractor in inspecting the materials to be reinstalled in the well. B. ALTERNATLVES: 1. The first alternative would be to approve refurbishment of Well No. 4 by Thein Well Co. based upon. their low proposal of $14,921.00 as listed in the proposal tabulation. 2. The second alternative would be not to award the work at this time. Council Meeting - 03/10/2008 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Tt is a staff recommendation that the City Council authorize the work to be performed an Well No. 4 by Thein Well Co. as outlined in alternative A. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Capy of proposal tabulation; Copy of advertisement far proposals; Copy of acknowledgment of Addendum #1 from Thein Well. A complete set of specifications for the refurbishment of We11 No. 4 are available under separate cover if requested. SUPPORTING PROPOSAL TABULATION SUMMARY PROPOSALS REMOVE, REPAIR & REINSTALL DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMP N0.4 CITY PROJECT #2008-01C AND APPURTENANT WORK CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN PROPOSALS OPENED: THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 2008 AT 11:00 A.M. 5~0 ADDENDUMS PROPOSAL TOTAL CONTRACTOR RECEIVED SECURITY BASE PROPOSAL THEIN WELL CO. P.O. Box 778, 11355 Highway 71 NE X' X $14,921.00 S icer, MN 58288 TRAUT WELLS, INC. 141 28th Avenue South NO X $19,385.00 Waite Park, MN 56387 E.H. RENNER $~ SONS, INC. 15688 Jarvis Street NW NO X $20,125.00 Elk River, MN 55330 i BERGERSON-CASWELL, INC. 5115 Industrial Street X NO $20,150.00 Ma le Plain, MN 55359 '1"he/n Wel1's addendum acknowledgement was not Included with the proposal but rather Included after contacted by Public WorKs staRafter the opening of the proposals at 11 a.m. on 3/B/2gp8. I hereby certify that this is a true and correct tabulation of the proposals as received on March fi, 2008. Gr John E. Simola, Public Works Director, City of Monticello P:VAMIMWarclProcUONMBIOTABSIOEEP WELL N6{-PROJECT 2pp9-p7C-PROPOSAL TAB: 3IEIZ0(19 - P/~(~j~ ~ QF aUPPORTING ®T~ ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROPOSALS FOR REMOVAL, REPAIR AND REINSTALLATION OF DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMP N0.4 AND APPURTENANT WORK CITY PROJECT #2p08-01C FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN that sealed proposals will be received by the City ofMonticello at the Monticello Public Works Department, 909 Golf Course Road, Monticello, Minnesota SS362, unti111:00 a.m. on the 6`~ da of arch 20 , and will be publicly opened at said time and place by two or more designated officers or agents of the City of Monticello. Said proposals for the furnishing ofall labor and materials for the well refurbishment, complete and in place based upon estimated quantities for: Removal, Repair and Reinstallation of Deep Well Turbine Pump No. 4 and Appurtenant Work Proposals arriving after the designated time will be returned unopened. The proposals must be submitted on the proposal forms provided in accordance with contract documents, plans, and specifications as prepared by the City of Monticello, which are on file with the Public Works Director at 909 Golf Course Road, Monticello, Minnesota SS362. No proposals will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Public Works Director and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, certified check, orproposal bond payable to the City of Monticello, for five percent (S %) of the amount proposal; to be forfeited as liquidated damages in the event that the proposal be accepted and proposer shall fail to enter promptly into a written contract and furnish the required contract performance and payment bonds. No proposals may be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of opening of proposals. The City of Monticello reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. DATED: February 12, 2008 To Be Published in the Monticello Times: BY: John Simola, Fublic Works Director 02/14/2008 02/21/2008 F:UhOMIMWOrtlProc\WATER-SEWER DEP715PEC5 -PROJECT 2°°e-01C -WELL NO d -021208.wpd - P/d1C7~ 2 0~ 26 - MAR-06-2008 12:44 From:TMEIN WELL 3207962114 To:7632713272 P.2~2 r,o, aox TYB, 11SAA NWY. T1 NB IwCRpAS wROM prruQO LAKI;1 ~ -1 ~~ .~ YPIClR, MINN61i07A 607~A • 1'JT01 7AA•2111 www.thrinw~lt.nnm ~•mdl: tltdnw~llOtd~.n~t March 6, 200$ Monticello Public Works Dept, 909 4alf Course Road Monticello. IVIlV S53b2 Re: Addendum #1 -City Project #200$-O1C To Whom it May Concern: We acknowledge receipt of Addendum #l for Removal, Repair and Reinstal latian of Deep WcU Turbine Pump No. 4 and Appurtenant Work for the City of Monticello, MN. Our bid has already been submitted and the changes in specifications on Addendum #1 have already been taken inta consideration and therefore will not change our bid. $inccrely, Willard ec, Vice President CW1RA CITY, MN 6A2Z2 13201 647.3207 • MONTIC~~40, MN BBaA2 ITA91 2T1~200 • RpCHAATBR, MN 66A0A (6071 2AA•66W rKirrr.~q CE"WTIFIFD MASTER WATER WELL. CONipAC7(]a ~~Ir.~r.rr N~ W A Eque/ pppprruniry Employer ~ W W /~