City Council Minutes 05-08-2002 Joint Board of Review . . . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL BOARD OF REVIEW Wednesday, May 8, 2002 - 7 p.m. Memhers Present: Roger Belsaas, Clint Ilerhst and Brian Stumpf Members Absent: Roger Carlson and Bruce Thielen 1. Call to Order. The Board of Review was called to order by Mayor Belsaas at 7:05 p.m. Greg Kramber and Dan Wieber from the Wright County Assessor's Office werepresent. 2. Board of Review. Greg Kramber. Wright County Assessor eXplained the purpose of the meeting and noted that there was approximately a 10% increase in residential building value (closer to a 9% increase when figuring depreciation) and a $3,000 increase in lot value across the board. Based on 174 sales the assessed value was within 86%-88% of the selling price. Commercial property saw a huilding value increase of 5% and land increase of 20% with the assessor noting that the TII 25 area saw quite a big increase. Apartments of 18 units and less had an increase or 10%. Apartments in excess of 18 units had a 5% increase. lie also informed the Council of those properties that were going to tax court on their valuation. Thc valuation for individual properties were reviewed: 155-066-001010: Lot I, Block I, Remmle Addition. The Assessor did not recOlnmend making any change in the valuation. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO MAKE NO CHANGE IN THE V ALlJATION ESTABLISHED FOR PARCEL 155-066-001010. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 155-031-001080: 147 Hedman Lane. The property owner had hired a contractor to do some work on the house and replace the siding. There were problems with the quality of the work that was done. Originally the property was valued 'at $122.400 but after reviewing the property the assessor was recommending reducing the value to $102.400 until such time as the work was properly completed. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO REDUCE Till.: V AUJA TION FOR PARCEL, 155-031-00 I 080 FROM $122.400 TO $102.400 UNTIL SUCII TIME AS THE REPAIR WORK IS COMPLETED. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSI.,Y. Hoard of Review Minutes - 5/1\/02 . 155-110-001080: 9382 ].:agle Court. The assessor had included in the valuation $2,500 for a fire place. The fireplace had heen removed and the assessor was rccommending that the valuation he reduced to reflect that. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO REDUCE THE VALUATION FOR 155-110-00 I 080 FROM $149200 TO $146.700. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIE/) UN A N I M OUS I. Y. 155-105-004130: 4708 Pebb1ebrook Drive. Thc property owner had pulled a building permit to finish off space in thc two story structure. In talking to the property owner, the assessor was informed that the work was not completed. The assessor was recommending a reduction in valuation from $174,800 to $162,100. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO REDUCE THE VALUATION FOR 155-105-004130 FROM $174,800 TO $162JOO. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION WITH DISCUSSION. BRIAN STUMPF ASKED IF THE ASSESSOR HAD VERIFIED TI-IA T THE WORK WAS NOT COMPLETED. TilE ASSESSOR STATED THAT THE WORK HAD BEEN STARTED BUT WAS NOT COMPLETED AS OF 1/02/02 MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . 155-080-0070tO: 1610 Oak Ridge Circle. Bob Grabinski questioned the increase in valuation as he was of the understanding that the increase couldn't cxceed 5%. Grcg Kramher clarified that the assessor establishes the estimated markct value. 'rhe limited market value is what the tax is calculated on. Thc limited market value cannot incrcase in excess of 10% or 15% of the difference betwecn the estimated market value and the limited market value. The assessor noted that part of the increase in value was due to construction. Bob Grabinski indicated that he had an increase in value of $12.000 and was told when the work was completed another $6,000 in value would hc adeled. He stated that because of water prohlems, the work has not heen cOlnpIeted. Greg Kramber indicated that $6,700 of value had been added but since the work was not finished, he would recommend reducing it by that amount until such time as the work is completed. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO REDUCE THE VALUATION FOR PARCEL 155-080-007010 BY $6,700 UNTIL SUCII TIME AS THE BASEMENT WORK IS COMPLETED. CLINT llERBST SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . 155-099-00 1U60: 511 Wright Street. Lowell Mortenson questioned the $11.000 increase for the one unit of a to\snhouse. lIe was inl()J'med that city wide residential property increased by $3,000 t()I' lot costs and (/% l()r building. In addition the state requires that the assessed valuation be within 90(%-105%) of the selling price. The proposed change in valuation for his property from 2001 to 2002 went from $120,500 to $129,900. He questioned the ditlerence in valuation for identical units. The assessor noted that some of the units werc shown as having finished basemcnts and some did not and that was the reason for the difference in valuation amounts. 2 Board of Review M inlltes - 5/8/02 . Mr. Mortenson also mentioned concerns about an unfinished driveway on 7th Street and snow removal from the pathway in that area. 155-040-00Hl20: 225 East River Street. Michael Pelarski stated that he did not have a question about the value established ror his property but rather why other properties in the satne area were valued so much lower. 1-1c felt singled out and he indicated that until the value of other properties in the area were adjusted so that all were comparable he should not be alone in paying on a higher value. Ill' would like his property value frozen until such time as all properties in the area were at comparable value. The assessor indicated that the valuations in this area were more difficult because of the character and uniqueness of the properties. Unlike ncwer developments that contained units basically the same in size and design, this residential area had diverse and unique structures so it was more difficult to compare one to another. The assessor concurred that perhaps some of the othcr properties in the area werc undervalued and that is something that would be adjusted. Since the value established for 225 East River Street was not over valued and could be supported, the assessor did not recommend any change to the valuation. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED THAT NO CHANGE BE MADE IN THE V ALlJATION FOR PARCEL 155-040-001020. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . 155-010-06901 and 155-023-001110: Doug Frank appeared coneerning the values established f(H his place of business as \vell as his residence. He stated when the improvements to CSAH 75 wcre being discussed hc had considered selling his home. Thc real estate tirm placed the value of his property at $159,000 and the assessor had it valued at $169,700. Hc pointed out that thc property at 1101 West Broadway is up for sale with an asking price of$159,000 and he felt that property was comparable to his. The assessor stated that with 9(1<) increase and $3,000 lot incrcase the value for this property went from $156,000 to $169,700. Mr. frank noted that the valuation for his business property increased from $55,900 to $62,100 which was in line with the incrcascs by other busi nesses. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO HA VE TI IE ASSESSOR VIEW THE PROPERTY AND MAKE A RECOMMENDATION TO TI IE COUNCIL AT THE RECONVENE)) BOAR)) OF REVIEW ON MAY 13. 2002 AT 6:30 P.M. BRIAN STlJMPf SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . 155-010-030021: 314 and 316 Linn Strcet. ROlnan Svoboda stated that the duplex was constructed in 1999 at a cost of $176.000 and is currently valued at $244.100. lie thought this value was too high considering thc properties in the arca. Cireg Krmnbcr stated that this was a dirticult property to set a value for. The duplex is approximatcly 1250 sq. ft. on each side which is larger than lnost units and there is also 22' x 24' garage. Thc assessor had taken ofT 10% of the total value because of its location. Sincc thc property has separate utility line. the units could be sold separately and would probably be in the range of $230.000 to $260,000. The assessor noted that a split level brings a little ~ .J . Board or Review Minutes - 5/8102 more than a rambler because of the basement. Greg Knunber suggested that the Counci I consider adjusting the value to $230,000. ROGER BELSAAS MOVED TO SET THE VALUATION AT $230,000 FOR PARCEL 155- 010-030021 (314 AND 316 LINN STREET). CLINT I-IERBST SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The Board of Review recessed for a brief time. The Board of Review reeonvencd at 8:45 p.m. 155-080-007090: 1450 Oak Ridge Circle. The property owner questioned the increase in valuation for this property. His property value was set at $238,000. He felt that was considerably higher than other properties in the area. The assessor reviewed with the propcrty owner the values set for other properties in the area. The assessor also reviewed limited market value and estimated market value with the property owner. The property owner had taken information from the County's website whieh the assessor thought might be inaecurate. The assessor stated that the value established for the property was appropriate but he was concerned about a possible diserepaney in the infonnation from the website. . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO REVIEW THE V ALUA '1'1 ON FOR PARCEL 155-080-007090 AT TilE RECONVl:NED BOARD OF REVIEW. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 15S-086-002130 and 002140: 6166 and 6144 Mill Run Road. The property owner stated that the value of these 800 sq. ft. units are atfected by the rapid turnover on the smaller units. The value was $129.300 for 2000, $142.000 for 200 I and $156.700 fiJr 2002. The Counci I reiterated that the assessed value has to be within the 90(%-1050;;) range of the sale price. The assessor noted that were 9 other sales in this area and the average of those sales was $128,600 but those were smaller units. Greg Kramber suggested that these units be looked at again. lie noted that there were finished hasen1ents fi)r these units but he didn't know if that would add $30,000 of value. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO IIA VE THE ASSESSOR REVIEW THE PROPERTIES AND CONSIDER THE VALUATION FOR THE PROPERTIES AT THE RECONVENED BOARD OF REVIEW ON MAY 13, 2002 AT 6;30 P.M. CLlNTIIERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. . 155-048-0040 I 0: 218 Jerry Liefert Drive. The property o\vner expressed her concern about the increasc in value which went from $138,800 last year to $154.700 this year. She felt because of their proxin1ity to the povver lines, the pedestrian pathway and the Par West Park. they could not get rnore than $150.000 for the property. She cited numerous ineidents of property damage and nuisanccs because of the pathvvay by their property. The assessor noted that the presence of a patl1\vay was not considered when establishing value. He also indicated that in his review of other parcels that had power lines, they were not l~lctors in establishing valuc. The sales have not shown 4 . . . Board of Review Mil1l1tes - 5/8/02 that the po\ver lines impact the sales. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO MAKE NO CHANGE IN THE VALUATION FOR 155-048- 0040 I O. CLINT I IERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UN A N I M 0 lJ S I. Y. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED AT 9;40 TO RECESS THE HOARD OF REVIEW AND RECONVENE ON MAY 13,2002 AT 6;30 P.M. CLINT HERHST SECONDED TI-IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ~-~~~-- Recording Secretary 5