Planning Commission Minutes 03-02-1999 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING-MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, March 2, 1999 Members: Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, Dick Frie, Roy Popilek and Robbie Smith. Council Liaison: Clint Herbst Staff: Steve Grittman, Jeff O'Neill and Fred Patch. 1. Chair Frie called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Consideration of approval of minutes of the regular meeting held on February 2, 1999, and special meeting held on Februarv 8,1999. ROY POPILEK MOVED AND ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 2, 1999 REGULAR MEETING. Motion carried with Dick Fric abstaining. Chair Frie asked for clarification on the minutes for the special meeting of February 8, 1999 as it pertained to thc Chadwick/Bohanon property. It was the position of the MOAA Board that this property should be residential while the Planning Commission felt it was better suited for light industrial. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED AND RICHARD CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 8, 1999 SPECIAL MEETING. Motion carried with Dick Frie abstaining. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Chair Frie asked that Council Liaison Clint Herbst update the Planning Commission on the MOAA Board action on the following: 1) Gravel pit; 2) Designation of residential -YS- industrial and 3) Where the MOAA Board is on the land use plan. Clint Herbst responded that the yote was 4-1 to allow the gravel pit operation on the Chadwick property to go in at such time as Chelsea Road is in. With no gravel hauling allowed on County Road 39 or on the township road it is necessary to wait until Chelsea Road is in. He noted that MOAA Board was unanimous in their designation of the gravel pit site as residential with the side close to the freeway being light industrial. The Gold Nugget property was determined to be designated industrial and the Bohanon property was designated as residential. At the present time there is no consensus of the City Council on the land use plan proposed by the MOAA Board. -1- . . . Planning Commission Minutes-3/2/99 Fred Patch asked that the simple subdivision for Greg Ebert/Russ Martie be added to the agenda. This was added to the agenda as item # 11. 4. Citizen Comments. There was no citizen comment. 5. Continued Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for a Zoning District amendment from A-O to R-4 to allow the expansion ofKiellbenz's West Mobile Home Park. Steve Grittman gave the staff report reviewing with the Planning Commission the site plan for the expansion of the park that was submitted by the applicant in response to comments made at the February Planning Commission meeting. Steye Grittman noted that an R-4 designation does not require a preliminary plat but does require a site review. The Planning Commission needs to review the site plan so that it can be passed on to the MOAA Board for their review prior to annexation. Steve Grittman listed a number of items that Planning Commission should be aware of. The primary one being a land use issue. The Comprehensive Plan calls for this area to be medium to high density housing (4-8 units per acre). The plan submitted by the applicant for the mobile home park is more typieal of a single family development (3 units per acre) and therefore would be considered low density. If the Planning Commission felt that the lot density was acceptable the following design issues should be reviewed. 1. Access: The staff wanted two additional access points one ofwhich would connect to School Boulevard. The applicant is asking that only one access point be constructed. 2. Park Dedication: The R-4 district requires a 10% park dedication and does not allow for cash in lieu of land. The original site plan did not meet this requirement but the applicant indicated his willingness to work with the City on this point. 3. Pathway Connection: There is a pathway connection from the residential area to the south into the mobile home park. The stafffclt that additional pedestrian access would be beneficial. 4. Location of School Boulevard: School Bouleyard is proposed to extend to T.H. #25 and the proposed alignment would loop through the corner of the plat. There has also been discussion of aligning School Boulevard to run north of the plat. Chair Frie asked if the City Engineer had soil and topography information on the two alignment options. 5. Public Safety Comments: The applicant submitted a summary of police calls that were made to the mobile home park and how they compared to thc number of calls in the City overall. -2- . Planning Commission Minutes-3/2/99 Chair Frie opened the public hearing on thc zoning amcndment. Kirk Kjellberg spoke briefly regarding thcir request and submitted picturcs of the types of housing in the mobile home park. Jeff O'Ncill asked what the typical density is for a mobile home park. Normally the density would be 5-6 units per acre but in the proposed expansion the dcnsity would be 3 units per acre. Bill I Iolland 3407 88th Strect NE statcd that the pathway referred to by the Planning Commission was not a public pathway but was located on private property. Mike Quinn, 3485 88th Street NE noted that there are 200+ homes in thc west park, 100+ homes in thc east park and a proposal to add approximately 134 additional homcs. He was concerncd about thc traffic gencrated by this development. "rom Wolfgrmn, 3424 88th Street raised a question about the proposed access to the south. . Chair Fric then closed the public hearing. Robbie Smith questioned what part of the park currently is in the City. He was informed that Kjellberg's West has been annexed but the expansion area has not becn annexed. Robbie Smith also asked the amount of the park land on the south portion of the parccl. Steve Grittman indicated that thcre was about one acre of land but the applicant had indicated that he was willing to acquire additional park land. Robbic Smith asked about the price of the homes in the existing park. Kirk Kjcllberg responded that they ranged in price from $9,000-$45,000. With the lower density in the cxpansion area they would expect to see homcs with a price range of $50,000-$75,000. Rod Dragstcn asked if the developcr would bc picking up the cost for improvements. Steve Grittman indicated that would be the case and pointed out that the mobile homc park had their own internal collcction system for the sewer. Roy Popilek stated that thc City's Comprehensive Plan call cd for mid-density housing and he did not feci comfortable with this proposal because it did not comply with the Comprchensive Plan. Richard Carlson asked how the existing strects in the west park would tie in with the streets proposcd in the expansion arca. Kirk Kjellberg indicated that there were no plans to improve the existing strects as they wcre designcd to handle the flow from the expansion area. Chair Frie asked if the Park Commission has had a chance to review the proposed park land area. Jeff O'Neill indicated the Park Commission has not reviewed the site plan. . Chair Frie stated that the Comprehensive Plan gives the Planning Commission direction and provides a guideline. He firmly believes in the purpose of the Comprehensive Plan and concurrcd with Roy Popilek that this proposal does not complement the Comprehensive Plan. Chair Frie felt that an R-2 land use was more appropriatc for this area. Chair Frie also commentcd on the condition and design of the streets in the existing park which he felt were inadequate. Chair Frie expressed his concern about thc impact the park would have on the value of the adjacent single fmnily homes and what amount of tax dollars the park generated. Kent Kjellberg responded that they had designed the expansion with the bel ief that less homes and Icss people would make it more desirable. He noted that they met with the highway dcpartment rcgarding the access and the -3- . . . Planning Commission Minutcs-3/2/99 highway department did not express concerns about the access. There was gcneral discussion on the street design and traffic issues. Kent Kjellberg pointed out that the streets in the park were 40 feet wide when the ordinance only required a width of24 feet. In response to the comment about tax revenue generatcd by the park, Mr. Kjellberg noted that the park maintained all their own streets including the snow removal, and took care of the costs for garbage pickup and street lighting as well. In addition $400,000 has been committed towards the cost of the sewer. Chris Scribner, 3456 88th Street NE stated his belief that the buffer did not provide adequate screening for the adjacent residential areas. There were additional resident comments about the traffic generated by the proposed expansion and whether any expansion should be allowed prior to School Boulevard access being constructed. CHAIR FRIE MOVED TO RECOMMEND DENIAL OF THE REZONING REQUEST FOR KJELLBERG'S MOBILE HOME PARK BASED ON THE FINDING THAT OTHER LAND USES WOULD BE MORE APPROPRIATE FOR THE AREA AND WOULD MORE CLOSELY CONFORM WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. ROY POPILEK SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Continued Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permit PUD and Preliminary Plat - Gold Nugget Development. Inc. Steve Grittman gave the staff report summarizing the issues that had been discussed in previous Planning Commission meetings on this item. The Planning Commission had tabled this item pending resolution of whether the property should be designated as residential or industrial. A joint meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission is scheduled for March 8, 1999 to further discuss the question. The Planning Commission discussed the position the IDC took that part of the Gold Nugget land should be designated as commerciallindustrial and whether the Mayor took a position on this at the IDC meeting. The IDC felt that land south of Chelsea Road should be residential and north of Chelsea Road should be for light industrial. Chair Frie opened the public hearing. Mike Quinn felt it was ridiculous to put industrial land that far off the freeway and felt the area should be residential. Horst Graser spoke to the Planning Commission about some of the issues that were raised at the last meeting and were addressed in his memo of February 17, 1999. One of the items that was discllssed was the storm water management ponds. Mr. Graser stated that he envisioned the wetland area as something that would be ml amenity to the development. He noted that the elevation of the pond had been changed and it was proposed to include plantings of native grasses in the area. Jeff O'Neill questioned what assurances the developer could give to make sure the storm water ponding improvements were implemented. Mr. Graser indicated they would have a landscape firm do the plantings and maintain them for at -4- . Planning Commission Minutes-3/2/99 least three years. A more detailed landscape plan will be submitted at a later date. Horst Graser noted that there will be entry features that will include plantings as well as signage identifying the development. Maintenance of the entry monuments was diseussed. It is the intent of Gold Nugget to maintain the plantings for at least 10 years but after that it was not ccrtain who would be rcsponsible for the entry monuments. Chair Frie closed the public hearing. . Rod Dragsten stated that in Horst Graser's memo on development controls they proposc a range of house values. He indicated that he would prefer to see a square footage minimum used rather than just a value. Horst Graser said his firm stayed away from square footage minimums but stated that the homes would exceed the minimum requirements set forth in the City's ordinance. Roy Popilek asked about the Architectural Control Committee and how it would work. Mr. Graser rcsponded that the Committee would be made up of representatives from the firm who would review the applicant's information and determine whether it met the guidelines. There was some discussion on outside storage and Mr. Graser stated the restrictive covenants did not address the issue of recreational vehicles. Chair Frie asked the staff if the design standards set forth in the February 17th memo complied with city ordinances. It was noted that the Architectural Control Committee would provide thc private effort for enforcement of the restrictive covcnants. Thc was some additional discussion on when the land use issues with the MOAA would be resolved and whether the Planning Commission would make a recommendation at some point in the interim or wait until the land use plan was adopted. ROD DRAGSTEN MOVED AND ROY POPILEK SECONDED THE MOTION TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS IN THE STAFF REPORT OF JANUARY 5,1999 AS FOLLOWS AND THE DEVELOPMENT CONTROLS AS OUTLINED IN THE FEBRUARY 7, 1999 MEMO WITH SQUARE FOOTAGE MINIMUMS TO BE USED IN LIEU OF HOME VALUES: . I. Rezoning of Phase I to R-l, Single Family Residential upon approval of annexation and submission of final plat. 2. Division of blocks within the Preliminary Plat to meet the maximum 1,320 block length and required pedestrian access through blocks of more than 800 feet. 3. Verification that all lots meet or exceed the minimum standards of 12,000 square feet in area and 80 feet in width. 4. Street connections are added to the northwest and southwest portions of the plat to provide greater traffic dispersal. 5. Submission ofa revised plat showing a change to the long parallel street pattern in the southwest portion of the plat. 6. Additional access is provided to Trunk Highway 25 if approved by MnDot. 7. Consideration is given to the provision of a frontage road connection to the north from the northwest corner of the plat. -5- . . . Planning Commission Minutes-3/2/99 8. The street pattern is altered to comply with the standards for street width construction as mentioned in this report 9. Access is provided to Outlot C. 10. Approval of the landscaped island in Red Pine Way by staff. 11. Park areas are graded and seeded as shown in the Grading Plan. ] 2. Sidewalks and pathways arc constructed in coordination with the development of the plat. 13. Pathway is added to the Preliminary Plat along County Road 117 between Red Pine Way and the northeast corner of the plat. 14. Pathway is added to the Prcliminary Plat along 85th Street NE between Red Pine way and the southwcst corner of the plat. 15. Pathway is added to create a parallel pathway connection along Trunk Highway 25, either in the TH 25 right-of-way or within the plat close to TH 25. 16. Submission of a preliminary phasing plan. 17. Additional landscaping is provided along the northern boundary to strengthen and diversify the buffer. 18. A landscape plan is provided for Outlots A and C to provide a low maintenance natural wetland environment. 19. City Enginecr approval of grading and utility plans. 20. Consideration or architectural control measures with the objective of limiting monotony in the building layout. 21. Submission of additional details for the townhouse portions of the project including building plans and, whcre appropriate, intensified landscaping. There was some additional discussion on the merits of using square footage minimums or home value range. Horst Graser stated that the developer was not in agreement with items #14 and #15 as they did not fecI they could be responsible for development of pathways outside their property. Steve Grittman addressed this stating that the least the City could look at was having the pathways extended to the end of the property. There was discussion on future connections to the trails. ROD DRAGSTEN AMENDED HIS MOTION TO STATE THE ISSUE OF 1-l0ME VALUE RANGE/SQUARE FOOTAGE MINIMUM WOULD BE ADDRESSED BY THE STAFF AND GOLD NUGGET; THAT ITEMS #14 AND #15 WOULD BE WORKED OUT BETWEEN 'rHE STAFF AND THE DEVELOPER AND THAT A DETAILED LANDSCAPE PLAN WILL BE SUBMITTED BY THE DEVELOPER. ROY POPILEK SECONDED THE AMENDED MO'rION. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit PUD and variance from the lot area per unit standards within the R-3 Zoning District to allow a subdivision and development of a two family dwelling. The applicant had requested that this matter be considered at the April meeting. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED AND ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON A REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE -6- . 11. ...-.. . . Planning Commission Minutes-3/2/99 PERMIT PUD AND VARIANCE FROM THE LOT AREA PER UNIT STANDARDS WITHIN THE R-3 ZONING DISTRICT UNTIL THE APRIL 6, 1999 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. Motion carried unanimously. Consideration of a request for a Simple Subdivision within the 1-2 Zoning District to allow the subdivision of an industrial parcel into two lots. Fred Patch gave the staff report on this item which was considered at the last meeting and added as agenda item #11. The Planning Commission denied the simple subdivision request based on finding that it did not meet the setback requirements of the 1-2 district. Rich Rothstein from Morton Buildings has submitted a revised drawing that would not require variance in order to develop the parcel. It is proposed that well drilling equipment would be moved onto the south half of the parcel. The southerly portion of the parcel would have a gravel surface and the northerly portion would be paved. Since the Planning Commission had requested that any simple subdivision mect setback requirements, the applicant was now requesting consideration of request for a simple subdivision as the redrawn plan met setback requirements. It was the staff s recommendation that the north/south lot line be kept as straight as possible. The applicant's drawing showed the lot line jogging out in the area of the auger equipment and then jogging back in. The staff felt that the fewer the jogs in thc lot line the less chance there would be of future problems. It was noted that when the current building is gone the lot line configuration would remain. Chair Frie noted that the Planning Commission did not have an opportunity to revicw the revised plan prior to the meeting. There was lengthy discussion on alternative lot line configurations. The feeling of the Planning Commission was that the Planning Commission was being asked to bend the rules to accommodate the fact that the building was placed incorrectly to begin with. The problem with the development of the property was duc to the property owner's error because hc treated the property as a single parcel when placing the structure on it. Greg Hayes statcd that the property owner did not own both parcels at thc time the building was constructed. ROD DRAGSTEN MOVED AND RICHARD CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION TO RECOMMEND ACCEPTANCE OF THE LOT LINE CONFIGURATION RECOMMENDED BY CITY STAFF WHICH WOULD ALLOW ONE LINE JOG APPROXIMA TEL Y 378 FEET FROM THE NORTH LOT LINE. Motion carried with Robbie Smith voting in opposition. 8. Public Hearing - Consideration of a requcst for an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to establish zero lot line subdivision for twin home development. Steve Grittman presented the staff report. The current zoning ordinance does not provide for a convenient way to build twin homes on a lot that allows for individual ownership of -7- Planning Commission Minutes - 3/2/99 the units. The staff was requesting a provision for a zero lot line subdivision where the twin units and the lots they are situated on could be individually owned. Chair Frie opened the public hearing. No one was present to speak on the proposed amendment. Chair Frie then closed the public hearing. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED AND RICHARD CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH ZERO LOT LINE SUBDIVISION FOR TWIN HOME DEVELOPMENT. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Discussion on five of the most important items to be considered for the North AnchorBrid e Jeff O'Neill submitted a list of the items that were previously discussed by the Planning Commission. Chair Frie noted that he had been absent when the Planning Commission set forth their items and that he had prepared a list of items that he felt were priorities. He will submit these to Jeff O'Neill who will incorporate them in with the list. There was some discussion on restraining the impulse to do something immediately in the North Anchor /Bridge Park area just because that is what has been discussed. Good planning takes time and the City needs to plan this area realizing that the City could change drastically over the next few years. 10. Continued discussion on length of terms for Planning Commission Members. This had been discussed previously by the Planning Commission. Chair Frie asked Council Liaison, Clint Herbst, if it was the Council's intent to evaluate all Planning Commission members each year or only those whose terms were up. Clint Herbst responded that the Council would be evaluating only those whose terms were up. CHAIR FRIE MOVED TO HAVE STAGGERED TERMS FOR THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS AS FOLLOWS: TWO MEMBERS FOR THREE YEARS, TWO MEMBERS FOR TWO YEARS AND ONE MEMBER FOR ONE YEAR EFFECTIVE FOR 1999 WITH DICK FRIE AND ROD DRAGSTEN SERVING THREE YEAR TERMS; ROY POPILEK AND RICHARD CARLSON SERVING TWO YEAR TERMS AND ROBBIE SMITH SERVING A ONE YEAR TERM. ROY POPILEK SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion carried unanimously. Fred Patch indicated that there are two pieces of property that are moving toward development and the staff was requesting setting a public hearing to consider the in . . . Planning Commission Minutes-3/2/99 rezoning of these two areas. One property is located on the north side of 1-94 just to the east of Fufillment Systems, Inc. and it was suggested that this be rezoned to 11 A. The other parcel is located just to the south of Ruff s Auto and is the north half of the Brennan property. It is currently in a PZM zone and it is proposed to rezone it to IlA. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED AND ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION TO CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AT THE APRIL 6, 1999 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING FOR REZONING OF THE PROPERTIES IDENTIFIED AS LOTS 9-13, BLOCK 2, LAURING HILLSIDE TERRACE AND UNPLATTED PROPERTY 155-500-104101 AND 155-500-104103. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 10:30 P.M. AND ROY POPILEK SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion carried unanimously. (J c1.J..-0'r-' ~~J..J=> ~) ~ ,?-- Recording Secretary ~ -9-