Planning Commission Minutes 02-01-2000 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 02/0] 100 MIN UTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, February 1,2000 Members Present: Dick Frie, Robbie Smith, Roy Popilek, and Rod Dragsten Council Liaison Clint Herbst arrived at 7:30 p.m. Absent: Richard Carlson and JefT O'Neill Staff Present: Fred Patch, Dan Licht and Lori Kraemer 1. Call to order. Chair Frie called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held Januarv 4. 2000. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 4, 2000 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. ROY POPILEK SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion carried. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Roy Popilck asked to update the Planning Commission regarding MCP. This was placed as the fourth item under item 8. 4. Citizens comments. None. Sa. Consideration of a Zonin!! Text Amendment to allow accessory storage in an R-4, Mobile Home Park District, and a Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of a stora!!e buiIdin!! in an R-4 Zonin!! District. Aoolicant: Kiellberg's Inc. Dan Licht, City Planner, provided the report noting Kjellberg's wishes to provide an additional storage building for the use of park tenants adjacent to the existing storage building in Kjellberg's East Mobile Home Park. This would be a 5300 sq. ft. building which is in addition to the one they already have. To accomplish this, the R-4, Mobile Home Park District needs to be amended to specifically refer to this use. Mr. Licht noted that except for the relocated fence, the plan docs not show any other site improvements proposed in conjunction with the new building. He also noted the Zoning -1- Planning Commission Minutes - 02/0]/00 . Ordinance does not specify a surfacing requirement for anything other than roadways and driveways in Mobile Home Parks, except to require that other areas be surfaced to control dust and drainage. While paved surfacing would be the most durable and least likely to result in an unsightly property condition, a gravel surface would serve the requircments of the ordinance. Mr. Licht stated the City should require that it be paved or surfaccd with gravel, and not left. in grass or exposed soil. The new building will result in ehanging the fence location, screening most of the enclosed portion from mobile homes to the south. However, the open yard area will be more visible to mobilc homcs to the north. It would be worthwhile to consider a row of evergreen shrubs along the new fcnce line which will help sereen the open storage yard from views into the enclosure. The screening in question would not affect views from the roadway, and should not reduce security. Chair Frie opened the public hearing. Mr. Rich Rothstein, Morton Buildings, added that this area is currently being used for storage and has been for many years. They now want to put up a structure to enclose, it is fenced right now and they are using an older storage building at this time. Chair Frie closed the public hearing. . The members asked Mr. Rothstein about the type of building materials to be used and Mr. Rothstein stated they would not be the same as the existing building as it dates back to the 1950's and is in poor condition, but it will be a typieal mini-storage building. Mr. Rothstein did note, however, that there are plans to upgrade the existing storage building in the future. There were also concerns by the members of previous problems the City has had with Kjellberg's. Fred Patch stated that most of the previous issues relate more to land use issues in the Kjellberg West Park whieh is in the OAA district, not the City. Another concern was the placement of the storage building and it's closeness to four of the mobile homes. Fred Patch stated the City would look at land use and anticipates that Kjellberg's would work with their tenants on any concerns. Mr. Rothstein stated the chain link fence would be removed and the storage building would be placed approximately 15 feet further baek, the doors would face the existing storage building. Fred Patch stated that the City may require a drainage plan and Mr. Rothstein stated he would provide this, although he did question the need for it stating that iftherc would be a drainage issue it would affect Mr. Kjcllberg's property alone and he was sure that Mr. Kjellberg would not Wffilt this to happen. . ROY POPILEK MOVED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE TEXT AMENDMENT, BASED ON A FINDING THAT STORAGE BUILDINGS IN MOBILE HOME PARKS WOULD HELP TO MINIMIZE UNSIGHTLY OUTDOOR STORAGE OF PRIV A TEL Y OWNED PROPERTY. ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION. There was further discussion on the conditions of the Conditional Use Permit and it was noted by Dan Licht that these items were covered under the building provisions. Motion Carried. -2- . . . Sb. 6. Planning Commission Minutes - 02/01/00 Public HeariDl! - Consideration of a request for a conditional use Dermit allowing an accessory storage building in a mobile home park. Applicant: Morton Buildings Inc. for Kjellberg's Mobile Home Park. Dan Licht provided the report noting the request by Kjellberg's Mobile Horne Park for a conditional use permit allowing for an accessory storage building and noting that the only additional information on this item is that this "specific use" would continue for a long period of time and zoning would be the issue. He also provided a list of conditions for approval; Conditions of Conditional Use Permit Approval for Kjellberg East Storage Building 1. SlIrl~lCing of the storage area within the fenced enclosure to control dust and drainage. This may be accomplished by either gravel surface or paved surface, to be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. 2. Screening of the storage area from view of the mobile home units to the north. This may be accomplished by a continuous evergreen shrub planting along the fence line Lo the east and north of the storage area. 3. Storage area is for the private use of residents of the mobile home park and will not be made available for rent to non-mobile home park residents. 4. Comments and recommendations of other City Staff. Chair Frie opencd the public hearing. Rich Rothstein, Morton Buildings, stated a concern with condition numbcr 2, that in speaking with Mr. Kjellberg it was stated his intent to screen and plant shrubs, and screening around the property or not is not going to have an impact on any private inclividualland owner, it will only impact Mr. Kjellberg's property and his rcntcrs. His motivation to screen or not would be betwccn Mr. Kjellberg and his renters. He also stated the closest mobile homes arc to the south and there is a 70 foot strip between the storage building and where the existing shrubs are. Dan Licht statcd that the interest by the City in serccning is to promote the highest quality development in the City. Chair Frie closed the public hearing. ROD DRAGSTEN MOVED TO RECOMMEND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPROVAL BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED BlJlLDING IS CONSISTENT WITH THE EXISTING AND FUTURE LAND lJSE OF THE AREA, CONTINGENT UPON COMPLIANCE WITH THE SURF ACING AND SCREENING RECOMMENDATIONS OF EXHIBIT Z. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion carried. Consideration of amendilll! Subdivision Ordinance bv acceptine: pre-certified survey data with each simple subdivision application. Fred Patch provided the report asking the Planning Commission to consider accepting simple subdivision applications containing information via an accurately drawn site plan. -3- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 02/01/00 He also noted that this a change in the wording previously submitted to the members in their agenda packet, the change being the accepting of "an accurately drawn site plan" versus "pre-certified survey". Our current ordinance requires submittal of a certified survey as part of the original application. The requirement to producc a ccrtified survey would come after City Council approval. There are four main rcasons for the proposed change. 1. An accurately drawn site plan contains sufIicient detail for dccision making. 2. Requiring certification prior to consideration by the Planning Commission adds significant cost without providing additional information for decision making. If the application is turn cd down, the dollars for the certillcation are wasted. 3. In thc past, City Staff and thc Planning Commission have accepted simple slJbdivision data without first having it certified. This amendment would result in the ordinance matching practice. 4. The certification requirement is important. Under the proposed amcndment certification of the survey data would occur after City Counci I approval and become the basis for recording the lot split. Chair Frie stated this was a long over-due change and notes the City and it's staff arc concerned with applicants paying out large anlounts of money that may not be necessary at the time. There was a concern with applicants coming in for a subdivision without a certified survey and not knowing where easements, powerlincs, etc. are in the subdivision. Fred Patch statcd that this was really an exception and that the City has the right to request a certificd survey at that time if they feel it is an issue. This amendmcnt allows the City thc opportunity for flexibility. Chair Frie also asked that the title of this item be reworded as follows: Consideration of amendine: Subdivision Ordinance by acceptin~ an accuratelv drawn site plan with each simple subdivision application. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO RECOMMEND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ACCEPTING AN ACCURA TEL Y DRAWN SITE PLAN WITH SIMPLE SUBDIVISION APPLICATIONS. ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion carried. 7. Discuss potential for video taping Planning Commission meetine:s. Chair Frie advised the members that he had prcviously spoken with Jeff O'Neill regarding the taping of future Planning Commission meetings. Frie's concerns being that when the Planning Commission takes a stand on certain issues and it is advanced to the Council, the end result is not always the samc. Thcre was a concern, however, with the possibility of the taping of meetings adding additional cost to the City which would be a negative aspect. -4- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 02/01100 Fred Patch stated the mai n issue is the loss of formality noting the Planning Commission needs to be somewhat informal in their discussions during public hearings when citizens are expressing their views. In terms of staffing, it would depend on how elaborate the commission would want it, in order to use the equipment we need to have someone manning it anyway. It could just consist ofa camera focused on the commission and stationary. Patch also advised of other equipment that will be availablc for the commission's use. Council Liaison Herbst stated he felt this was a positive move, as did the members. Their consensus was to recommend this to City Council for their recommendation. 8. Enforcement Action Update: ./' Morrell Trucking - Fred Patch stated thc Council authorized legal action and we have been given the authority to seck legal action. Staff will be meeting with the City Attorney. ./' Royal Tirc - Frcd Patch states Royal Tire cleaned up in front and they did get new management. The members noted that it does look better since moving the dumpster inside. ./' Weber Home Occupation - City Council asked the Planning Commission to look into this and monitor. Brian Stumpf had received complaints. It was noted that the business has moved to it's new facility in Big Lake and everything is cleaned up at this point. ./' Clint Herbst brought up the issue of a "blighted" house across from the funeral home on West Broadway. One of the members thought that this house was purchased to be renovated. ./' MCP update by Roy Popilek - The annual MCP meeting will bc held on February 22, 2000 at the Monticello Community Center with a potluck meal and presentation starting at 6:00 p.m. Chair Frie advised that he will not be at the March 7, 2000 meeting and Richard Carlson will act as Chair. He also reminded the members of the change in time for that meeting to 4:00 p.m. due to the precinct caucus. 9. Adjourn ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:00 P.M. ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion carried. ~m~ffiY -5-