Planning Commission Minutes 11-08-2000 . . . MINUTES RE(;l)LAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Wednesday, November 8, lOOO 7:00 P.M. Members Present: Dick Frie, Rohbie Smith, Roy Popilek. Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten and Council Liaison Clint llerbst Staff Present: Jeff O'NeilL Freel Patch. Steve Grittman and Lori Kraen1er 1 . Call to order. Chair Frie called the meeting to order at 7 PM. 2. ^pproval of minutes of the regular meeting held October 3. 2000. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROY POPILEK AND SECONDED BY RICH^RD CARLSON TO ^PPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER ],2000 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. Motion carried 4 to 0, with Chair Frie abstaining. ., -) . Consideration of addine items to theaeenda. Rod Dragsten asked to add discussion to item 10 regarding house sizc standards. RoyPopilek asked Ii)!' an update regarding the Jay Morrell truck site violations. This \vas placed as item 12A. Roy Popilek asked 1i.)r an update on the audio/visual problems in the council chambers. Building Official Fred Patch addressed this issue stating that they have been working with Bose who is in the process of coming up with a solution to this problem. Patch stated something should be accomplished within the next 30 days and that the time frame fell' correcting this problem would be spread out between now and aner the Ilrst of the year due to budget constraints. Chair Frie asked for discussion regarding the procedure for the appeal process, noting the Automaxx denial for a variance by the Planning Commission and the City Council denying the Planning Commissions recommendation. This was placed as iten1 128. · Chair Frie asked for discussion regarding procedure of commission members and applicants prior to pubic hearings. 'fhis was placed as item 12C. 4. Citizens con1lnents. None 5. Public Ilearing ~ Consideration of an application for a conditional use permit to allow a second accessory building on a single family lot. Applicant: John & Kim Carlson. Fred Patch, Building Official, addressed the commission noting that this item was - 1- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 11/08/00 withdrawn. Undcr our code, a second accessory building can not be constructed without a conditional use permit unless the second accessory building is less than 120 square fcet. If the second accessory building is less than 120 feet it does not necd a CUP. In thc Carlson case, the second accessory building was greatcr than 120 squarc feet so a CUP process was initiated. It was later discovered that the first accessory building on the Carlson property was 120 square feet. Staff determined that a conditional use permit was not necessary because it was the intcnt of the ordinance to allow two accessory buildings without a conditional use permit so long as one of them is 120 square feet or less. It really does not matter in which order they are constructed. The Carlson's application is in thc process of being refunded. 6. Public Hearing - Consideration of an application for a variance to a side yard setback frontine on a puhlic street, in the R-l, singlc f~lmily residential district at 9336 Homestead Circle, to allow eonstruction of a detached garaQe. Applicant: City of Monticello Fred Patch, Building OHicial, addressed the planning commission and noted an error made on the part of the City in regard to scthack requirements at this particular adelress. Mr. Stacy Braun rcsiding at 9336 Ilomestead Circle had been issued a building permit fc.)r a detached garage that is facing upon l~omestead Drive. When the building permit was issLled for this garage. the building inspector refcrenced Section 3-2[D]3 of the Zoning Codc: "Detaclledacce.nory huildillg.~ .\lIallllot exceed.f!fteell (/5) feet illlleiKht and.\'lIall he ten (10) .feet or more from all side lot lilies of (u(joininK lot\',fil'e (5) .feet or morefrom tile rear lot line, sllall he tell (10) .feet or morefroll/any otller huildillg or structure Oil tile same lot, and sllall not be IO('(lted lVitllilla utili(I' easement. '. Because that section of the code docs not refer to side yards fronting public streets, the huilding inspector determined that all side yard setbacks for the accessory structure are ten (10) feet. In the opinion of the Zoning Administrator, even though those setback requirements for acccssory structures are more specific, Section 3-2[D J3 provides only for "side lot lines of adioining lots", and did not intenel to supereede Seetion 3-3 IC12 of thc Zoning Code which requires a 20 foot side yard setback f(n buildings fronting on a public streets: "/n R- /, R-2, B- /, and B-2 districts, ~llot is a corner lot, tlte side yard setback .\lIall he not less titan twen(F (20) feetfrom tile lot line abuttinK tile street right-(~f-lVay line." Patch stated that clarification to the zoning code may be necessary to avoid this problem in the future. This problem was not discovered until the garage was entirely framed. The Planning Commission was asked to allow a variance to the side yard setback which will allow the garage to remain whcre it is constructed at 10 feet back from the propcrty line Cronting on l-Iornestead Drive. llardship is establisheel by the questionable application of the Zoning Code by the City. In addition, the Planning Commission may call for a public -2- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 11/08/00 hearing to amend the Zoning Code Section 3-2[0]3 to include accessory structure setbacks for side yards fronting on a public streets. Additional landscaping may soften the impact of the garage in its c10scness to Homestead Drive. Chair Frie opened the public hearing. Stacy Braun, the home owner, stated Patch had covered all issues in his report and that he discussed landscaping possibilities with him as well, Braun was receptive to the landscaping adding that he felt it is necessary as well for the integrity of the neighborhood. The public hearing was then closed. There was discussion among the members as to who would be responsible for the cost of the landscaping and they felt it should not be the homeowncr. Patch statcd stafl would work with Mr. Braun regarding landscaping. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROY POPILEK AND SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON TO APPROVE THE VARIANCE BASED ON TilE FINDING THAT THE VARIANCE IS NECESSARY DUE TO THE HARDSHIP IMPOSED BY TilE QUESTIONABLE INTERPRETATION OF TilE ZONING CODE BY TilE CITY. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Consideration of a Concept Stage Planned Unit Devclomnent to allow a mix of commercial uses. Applicant: Dan Mielke. Steve Grittman, City Planner, provided the report regarding thc applicant's request to develop property he owns between Trunk Highway 25, the new Chelsea Road (east) and Cedar Street south of the Tom Thumb. The appl icant is also seeking a vacation of a 16 foot wide portion of the Cedar Street right-of-way to accommodate the redcvelopment of the site. The proposed development would retain the Ultra Lube and Subway restaurant and in addition another fast-food restaurant, a car wash j~lcility, a convenience store with gas (with an additional 1,600 square feet of other retail space attached), and a full-service restaurant. The proposal relies on PUD f1exibility since much of the project would share parking between parcels and utilize common clriveways without separate landscaped areas between parking lots. Grittman advised that the assumption for any PLJD is that the sum of the process will create a project which is superior to a project which would adhere to the strict standards of the zoning ordinance. Such a finding is one of the requirements to issue a Conditional Use Permit for a PUD. Building front classification was discussed in detail as applicant devised site plan assuming TH 25 to be the front. A generalized discussion of signage was provided in the application letter, although the plans are not prepared to this level of detail at this stage. The site includes all uses which are permitted or conditional uses in the B-3 District. Each of the uses is a high-traffic generator and is automobile~ oriented, that is. there is -3- . Planning Commission Minutes - 11/08/00 likely to be little cross use of the site. As such, the design must accommodate access to the indi vidual uses for a sufficient number of visitors, and little intcraction between uses would be expected. The applicant states it is their feeling that there would be a great deal of cross traffic. The applicant's information includes an analysis that approximately 168 parking spaces would be required for the entire development. The site plan illustrates 186 spaces with the majority of those on the northern half of the site, with primary access to be via the main driveway off of Cedar Street. A central drive running north-south distributes traffic internally. There are a few design concerns with the site as presented on the plan, including concerns with exiting traffic from the fast-food restaurant, and acccss through the gas island arca to Cedar Street and the availability of parking next to the car wash along the main internal access drive. . Grittman stated that if a shopping center design, which would concentrate more meaningful open spaces, is not acceptable to the applicant, it may be that the proposal is too intense to qualify 1()[ PUD consideration. Because the buildings arc all separate concerns instead of an attached "shopping center" design, there is a need for additional drive way space, and the landscaping which is included is almost entirely found in narrow, live-foot wide planter areas or small tralTic islands. In planning slatT's view, this represents only thc minimum effort to break up the predominance of paved area. Grittman advised thal in pre-application meetings, the applicant's rcpresentatives indicated that neithcr the applicant or the proposed occupants of the project are amenable to a shopping center dcsign. Another concern from staff is general design/green srace/ reception from pcople driving by, and also arcas with a significant amount of traffic with I~lst food/convenicncc which would be a cont1ict between driveways and parking. Stall did suggcst a slightly less intense alternative, trying to reorient space so more landscaping could be added, avoid dircct access. with wider drives trying to idcntify circulation patterns. Chair Frie opened the public hearing. Dennis 7ylla, Northco Real Estate, displayed an enhanced drawing of the project tl1f thc mcmbers. He noted that back in April they approached the City with their plan and felt at that time the City was intcrcstcd in their site plan. 7ylla also noted the consulting of Kraus Anderson in regard to this site plan and slates a rcgional siH:lown restaurant is committcd to this property as well as a national fast food restaurant. a family owned C- store. additional retail as well as a car wash. I Ie also stated that they chose this plan in accordance with the City code. . /ylla discussed setbacks noting there are limited setbacks and minor driveway setbacks, which in affect are partly unique to the property. A setback variance is required due to an odd configuration. He also noted that the landscaped islands are 7 ft., and the coverage is 18% above what is rcquired by the City. He also noted that the applicant has offered to -4- . Planning Commission Minutes - 11/08/00 plant in the publie ROW as there is an abundance of ROWand felt this would improve the site. ZyIla noted the wider I.) x 20 parking stalls as well. Lot coverage was discussed once again which staff suggested was too intense. Zylla maintains it is not. The applicant stated a proposed time frame of spring 2001. Frie also asked ifthere wcrc issues in the staff report that were not discussed at previous meetings and Zylla stated that landscaping was discussed at both meetings but not rcsolved. Clint Herbst, Council Liaison, discussed the recent IDC meeting with concerns that staff is not working well with applicants, and also he felt that the site plan proposed seemed to be a contained site plan and very workable. . JcffO'Neill, Dcputy City Administrator, stated that there had been a lot of homework down by the developer who madc major changes to the site plan with good ideas. Zylla concurred but did state that the second plan was a I ittle more difficult as to issues such as widening the drive isles and landscaping that could not be resolved. O'Neill stated that with a PUD, the City should get more out of the plan in order to grant a PlJD. Grittman also stated that the meetings were very construetive, but from staff standpoint these issues had to be brought fl1fward to the Planning Commission for their input and that front yard/side yard classification had to be determined by the Planning Commission as it is clearly stated in City code. It is the responsibility of staff and City Planncr to bring thesc issues forward to the Planning Commission. Mikc Knisley, l)istyle Design, explained the organization of this sitc again and that it was dcsigned to cncourage cross access. Knisley also stated they increased the width of drive isles to accommodate large vehicles and there1llre the encroachment on cxisting propcrty. Planning Commission ask cd how thc applicant would address the travel center as far as semi trucks and drive isles. Zylla advised that they feel they have general drive isles but it could be looked at and may nccd to bc changed to accommodate semi trucks. They purposely proposed double head-in parking to accommodate semis as well. It was also stated that there are 25 extra parking spaces to accommodate snow fall. Chair Fric c10scd the public hearing. . O'Neill noted there are utilities in the area of the 16 foot portion of Cedar Street that the applicant is asking llw vacation of and that the City Engineer would have to review and approve this rcquest. There was some discussion regarding the timc frame on improvements to Cedar Street and O'Neill stated the City is to be looking at this soon, but it is not ncccssary as htr as this applicant is concerned. It was stated howcvcr that it would make sense to look at the improvements along with this applicant's project. Chair Frie asked Herbst to bring this matter up to the City Council. -5- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 11/08/00 A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROD DRAGSTEN AND SECONDED BY ROBBlr;; SMITII TO RECOMMEND APPROV AI, OF THE PUD CONCEPT STAGE BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE DESIGN OF TI-IE SITE IS APPROPRIATE FOR TIlE LOCATION AND PROPOSED USES, AND THAT THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS QUALIFY FOR pun CONSIDERA nON UNDER THE CITY'S pun ORDINANCE, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITION THAT ALL SITE IMPROVEMENTS MEET THE REQUIRED ST"ANDARDS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCI':, AND RECOMMENDS "fIlAT IIIGI-IW A Y 25 BE TREATED AS THE FRONT YARD FOR PURPOSES OF BUILDING SETBACKS. Motion carried unanimously. .& Public Hearing - Consideration of an amendment to the zoning ordinance establishing building material standards in the business districts. Applicant: Citv of Monticello (NAC) Steve Grittman provided the staff report noting previous discussions by the Planning Commission regarding this issue. Planning Commission is asked to conduct the public hearing and consider adoption of the ordinance alnendment governing building and design standards in the Business Districts. Jeff O'Neill noted that there are certain buildings that would not mect this code and staff would be creating a situation Il)f existing buildings that may deal with this issuc at a later date. Danner trucking was one example. Again it was suggested that existing buildings could be grand-fathered in and that the 250/c) of the building clause would apply as a one- time expansion clause. It was discussed that this clause could be added to the language. Chair Frie opened the public hearing and hearing no response, the public hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROY POPILEK AND SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN TO RECOMMEND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE AMENDMENT GOVERNING BUILDING AND DESIGN STANDARDS IN THE BUSINESS DISTRICT BASED ON FINDINGS OUTLINED IN TIlE PLANNERS REPORT AND BASED ON TilE FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT IS CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. EXISTING BUILDINGS WOULD BE ALLOWED TO EXPAND, UP TO 25%, UNDER A CONDITIONAL USE PERM!'r. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Consideration of approval of a revised final plat and review final plans for development of the Dodge Dealership Jeff O'Neill stated that this is a request by the applicant t<.n approval of a revision to thc original plat. Subsequent to Planning Commission and Council Approval of the applicant's Conditional use permit, the developer rnadc a revision to thc plans. Under the -6- Planning COIl1Il1 ission M inlltcs - 11/08/00 . new plan, the parking and display area is larger and the cntirc 1-94 frontage is occupied by the dealership. Planning Commission is asked to consider allowing the original CUP approval to apply to the reviscd plan. Also, although the Planning Commission does not normally make recommcndations on thc final piaL the new layout represcnts the basic layout of the reviscd final plat and the Planning Commission was asked to review it. There was some thought of establishing the two parcels via simple subdivision, however, after revicwing the plan and the complications associated with combining various lots via simple subdivision, it is recommended that the final plat simply bc revised to reflect the actual developmcnt pattern. Staff did not receive the updatcd plan until late in the week theref()re a full site revicw was not available. However, thc site plan was reviewed t(n adherencc to the 15% rule and it does comply. . Steve Grittman noted a primary issue that arosc was that thc length of property along 1-94 and the northwcst propcrty line there are City drainage and utility cascments, and he advised that to move curb/parking ofT the easements and placing util ities there would require extensivc obstruction; therefore, the applicant is rcqucsting this be moved back off the easement. It was noted that if 7 feet were to he taken off they may lose some interior short parking segments instead of losing a long parking arca, possibly up to 6 or 7 spaces. which is a minimal impact. It was also noted that City Engincer and Public Works are requesting that the Planning Commission adopt an ordinance for casement requircl11cnts on perimeters. Also noted was that the City regularly allows curh within 5 ft., although the easement is 12 feet. 'fhe problem would be that if the City has to tcar up curh for uti I ities, thc City is responsi hie for that cost. Decision I. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROBBIE SMITII AND SECONDED BY ROD DRAGS'rEN TO APPROVE THE REVISED PLAT BASED ON THE FINDING THAT THE SUBDIVISION WILL RESULT IN TWO LOTS THAT CONFORM TO ORDINANCES. Motion carried unanimously. Decision 2. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROD DRAGSTEN AND SECONDED BY RICJ-lARD CARLSON TO ACCEPT THE REVISED PLAN WITHOUT REQUIRING THE APPLICANT TO PROCESS A NEW CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUES'I' CONTINGENT ON THE FOLLOWING: . a, Conditions noted in the initial CUI' approval. h, ('ompletion ofa revised/inal plat consistent with the site plan as prepared. c ('it,V Council granting ofa lease to occ'upY easement or approval olthe vacation o/utility easement along the northern edge ofl-ot 2. Rlock I. Motion carried unanimously. -7- . . . lL Planning Commission Minutes - 11/08/00 lQ., Discussion regarding garaQ:e size versus house size standards. There was a brief discussion regarding a possible issue with garage sizes exceeding house sizes in the City. Fred Patch, Huilding OfficiaL stated that thcre have been applicants who question how large their garage can be when coming in to apply for building permits. lie stated that some applicants want to maximize the size, City ordinance states up to 1000 sq. ft. combined, in all cases for garage space. Also noted was that the principle use has to be larger than the accessory use in Residential Districts. Steve Grittman gave examples of how other cities address this issue, stating that if garage sizes arc allowed to bc larger than houses, it would then become an issue. O'Neill stated that staff is looking fiJr direction from the Planning Commission regarding this issue and the members asked that Grittman provide inflmnation on what thc City's ordinance states, possibly adding language to it, and also information from other cities. Grittman will provide this information at the December meeting. Request for Planning Commission to Call For a Public HearinQ: - Consideration of an ordinance amending thc Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 3, Section 3-5, If) I 7, by adding subsections (a) and (h), establishing regulations for commercial vehicles in residcntial districts. Fred Patch, Building Official, advised the members that on September I 1 ,2000 the City Council did not 1'i.)lIow thc recommendations of thc Planning Commission and dcnied the Zoning Ordinance amendment to allow enforcement of ordinanccs restricting commercial vehicles from rcsidential districts. Thc Council directed stail to look into allowances for emergency vehicles, tow trucks, and the like. The current ordinances intend to disallow commercial vehicles in residential districts (with some exceptions); however, alone the 9J)00 lb. gross vehicle weight restriction is insutTicient to enable enforcement. This ordinance amendment along with amendments to the traffic ordinances (on-street parking ordinances) will help to preserve the character of our residential districts while not lilniting nccessary commercial vehicle traffic serving those districts. JelT O'Neill stated that City Council lookcd at the draft ordinance preparcd, which was intended to enfl1rcc the code, but City Council stated they did not want to adopt that particular code but was not against an amcndment of some kind. It was noted that there continues to be a problem with enforcement and this needs to be addresscd. Chair Frie stated his frustration over council member Stumpf speaking as a taxpayer at the City Council meeting without excusing himsclffrom his council seat. It was also stated that Stumpf had the opportunity to attend the publ ic hcaring when it was held and he did not. It was stated that this will give Stumpfanothcr chance to attend the public hearing when it is hcld at the December mccting. -8- . 12A. . 1213. 12C. Planning Comlllission Minutcs - 11/08/00 The ordinance suhmitted addresses commercial vehicles on private propeliy, not on the street. The Planning Commission did ask that the language stating "vehicles owned and/or operated hy a governmental agency" be removed from the proposed ordinance amendment. It was again stated that emergency vehicles could be added to this amendment, but Council Liaison llerhst stated that it may not have to be added if there are no comments at the next public hearing. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROY POPILEK AND SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN TO CALL FOR A PUBLIC IIEARING FOR AN ORDINANCE AMI':NDlNG MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE, CHAPTER 3, SECTION 3-5, [DJ 7, BY ADDING SUBSECTIONS (A) AND (B), ESTABLlSIIING REGULATIONS FOR COMMERCIAL VElIICLES IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS. Motion carried unanimously. Update on Morrell Trucking violations. .lefT O'Neill stated that nothing has happened at this time. He does have the status of the violations which he will provide in the next planning commission agenda packet. He also noted that the Planning Tech position has heen approved and they will be looking at taking applications. 'I'his may aid in t(Jllow-up of these types of violations. He also noted that the City Attorney does have the inflmllation on this matter but it is hack in staff's hands. Dick Frie stated his concern with the City C'ouncil denying the Planning Commission's decision to deny Automaxx's request for a variance. Frie asked the members if discussion at the previous Planning Commission meeting was different than the discussion held at the City Council meeting, as the Council Liaison, Clint I [erhst motioned to deny the Planning Commission's request to deny this variance. lIerhst stated that he agreed with the applicant that visihility was not good at that site and stated that the City is trying to work hetter with property owners regarding these matters. Also stated was the fact that access to the Automaxx site had changed with the ilnprovements made to Highway 25, and Automaxx actually sits higher than General Rental. It was noted that the issue may he Inore that the site was not as easily accessed once Highway 25 was completed. It was also noted that the husiness has now relocated to out of town. Dick frie states that agenda items should be dealt with at the public hearings and not commission memhers meeting with applicants on their personal time. They discussed pros and cons of this. Frie also stated that council memhers, who are elected officials, should he available to meet with applicants. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission memhers that it is up to the individual member as to whether they want to or not. . 12D. .lefT O'Neill advised that Dave Peterson Ford had provided a revised site plan, but now they have expanded their storage area which is increased hy 1/4 to ] /3, and that the owner has requested this without going through a formal amendment process. O'Neill noted -9- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 11/08/00 that initially there was an 80 foot setback, now they are within 5 ft. of Marvin Road, noting that height relative to location needs Some setback. O'Neill noted that storage areas can come no closer than 30' Ji'om the ROW. O'Neill asked for direction from the Planning Commission and it was the consensus that as long as Ford meets the setbacks they will accept this relatively minor modification. O'Neill stated he would address this item via letter to Peterson Ford. 12. Adiourn. A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROY POPILEK AND SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN TO ADJOURN THE MEr-:TING AT 10 PM. Motion earried unanimously. (~.~- -10-