City Council Minutes 02-25-2008Council Minutes: 2/25/08 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday February 25, 200$ -'1 p.m. Members Fresent: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault and Susie Wajchouski. Members Absent: Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. Approve minutes of February 11, 200$ Regular Council meeting. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 11, 2008 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2B. Apprav_e minutes of February 11,.200$ Special Council meeting. Wayne Mayer made a correction on page two noting that he said that any duplicated cost of the quiet title action should be picked up by the City. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 11, 2008 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING WITH THE CORRECTION NOTED. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a enda. Tom Perrault added a discussion of the dog ordinance. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. No one spoke under citizens comments. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying new hires and departures MCC, Finance and Liquor. Recommendation: Ratify the hires and departures as identified. B. Consideration of approving renewal of charitable gambling license far Land of Lakes Choirboys. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to approve the renewal of the charitable gambling license for Land of Lakes Choirboys to conduct charitable gambling activities at Jala Pena Bar and Grill. Resolution #200$-19. C. Consideration of approving final plat for Union Crossings Third Addition, a commercial subdivision in a B-4 (Regional Business) District. Applicant: Ryan Companies US, Inc. Council Minutes: 2/25/08 Recommendation: Approve preliminary and final plat of Union Crossings Third Addition subject to a finding that the proposed plan is consistent with the intent of the B-4 Regional Business District and Comprehensive Plan. Resolution #2008-22. D. Consideration of approving a request for simple subdivision and a request for conditional use permit for joint access in a B-4 (Regional Business) District. Applicant: Premier Bank. Recommendation: Move to approve the request for a simple subdivision of Lot 2, Block 1, Prairie Ponds 2°d Addition and approve a conditional use permit for shared access based on a finding that the proposed arrangement is consistent with the intent of the B-4 Regional Business District and the Comprehensive Flan subject to the following conditions: 1) Future development of Parcel A shall require full conditional use permit review to ensure compliance with the proposed conditional use permit for shared access; 2) The applicant shall provide a six foot drainage and utility easement along the interior property lines of both parcels; 3) The restoration of any private Facilities disrupted due to work within the drainage and utility easement shall be at the expense of the property owner; 4) The applicant shall provide a shared access and maintenance agreement and record it against all subject properties; and 5) The subdivision and all necessary easements shall be recorded with the Wright County Recorder's Office within 100 days of approval. E. Consideration of approving a one day charitable gambling license for Monticello Youth Hockey program ATV raffle on March 14, 2008. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue a charitable gambling license to Monticello Youth Programs, Inc. to conduct charitable gambling activities at River City Extreme, 3875 School Boulevard on March 14, 2008. Resolution #2008-20. F. Consideration of approving a one day charitable gambling license for Wright County Ducks Unlimited on May 5, 2008 at River City Extreme at 3875 School Boulevard. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue a charitable gambling license to Wright County Ducks Unlimited to conduct charitable gambling activities at River City Extreme, 3875 School Boulevard on May 5, 2008. Resolution #2008-21 G. Consideration of approving credit card application for Holiday Gas Station. Recommendation: Approve the credit card application for MCC with Holiday Station. Items #SB, #SE, #SF and #SG were pulled frarn the consent agenda. SUSIE WOTCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS #SB, #SE, #SF AND #SG. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. #SB Charitable Gambling license for Land of Lakes Choirboys. Wayne Mayer stated he pulled this item to draw awareness of how much regulated gambling is taking place in the City and to commend the Land Of Lakes Choirboys on their charitable donations. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE STATE GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD TO APPROVE THE RENEWAL OF THE CHARITABLE 2 Caunail Minutes: 2/2S/08 GAMBLING LICENSE FOR LAND OF LAKES CHOIRBOYS TO CONDUCT CHARITABLE GAMBLING ACTIVITIES AT JALA PENO BAR AND GRILL. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Resolution #2008-19. #SE Temporary charitable gambling license for Monticello Youth Program, Inc.: Wayne Mayer expressed concern that the financial information submitted with the application by the organization was not current. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE STATE GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD TO ISSUE A ONE DAY CHARITABLE GAMBLING LICENSE TO MONTICELLO YOUTH FROGRAMS, INC. TO CONDUCT CHARITABLE GAMBLING ACTIVITIES AT RIVER CITY EXTREME, 3875 SCHOOL BOULEVARD ON MARCH 14, 2008. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Resolution #2008-20. #SF Temporary charitable gambling license for Wright County Ducks Unlimited: Wayne Mayer stated he was disappointed in the financial paperwork that was submitted and wished it had included more detail. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE STATE GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD TO ISSUE THE CHARITABLE GAMBLING LICENSE TO WRIGHT COUNTY DUCKS UNLIMITED TO CONDUCT CHARITABLE GAMBLING ACTIVITIES AT RIVER CITY EXTREME, 3875 SCHOOL BOULEVARD ON MAY 5, 2008. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Resolution #2008-21. #SG Credit card application for Holiday Gas Station. Wayne Mayer stated the agenda item was drawing similarities between the Fire Department's use of the credit card and MCC staff use of a credit card. Since the Fire Department has emergency vehicles they need to be able to purchase their fue124 hours a day. He questioned how MCC staff would be utilizing the credit card. Kitty Baltos, MCC Director informed the Council that the custodians would be the only ones using the card and it would be used primarily for their snow removal equipment. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE CREDIT CARD APPLICATION FOR MCC WITH HOLIDAY STATION. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Public Hearing on proposed amendment making revisions to the 200$ fee schedule_ and approval of increase in sewer/water rates and ancillary fees. Clint Herbst asked why the fee increase far sewer and water was not included in the previous Cauncil approval of fees. It was noted that Fublic Works Director, John Simola was on vacation when the Council approved the 2008 fee schedule. John Simola thought these fees had been included in the original schedule but they were not. Finance Director Tom Kelly explained the water and sewer are enterprise funds and the costs of providing utility services are paid for by fees generated by the utility users. In the past the sewer and water rates had not been increased on a regular basis so that the user fees covered the cost of services. 3 Council Minutes: 2/25/08 In the budget setting process it was determined to increase the fees in 2007 and 2008. Even with the proposed 15% increase, the funds will still show a negative balance because of depreciation of assets. Tarn Perrault questioned whether the cost savings the City realized in refinancing a number of bond issues, and the low bids received on the vehicle storage building and the digester mixers, had been taken into consideration when determining the rate increase. Tom Kelly noted in the 2008 budget for sanitary sewer the City had $237,000 which covered the digester mixers and the vehicle storage building. Even with funds far those improvements the sewer funds was low by $183,000. Tom Kelly stated the sewer and water rates were not adjusted to reflect the costs savings on the bond refinancing or the lower bids. Tom Perrault felt maybe these savings should be passed along to the residents. Clint Herbst stated that one time John Simola had presented a list of utility rates fox communities in the area and Monticella's ranking on the list was close to the bottom. It was felt that the City needed to increase utility fees at least enough to cover their costs. Tom Perrault questioned why the cost per cubic foot increased to $.84/100 cubic feet once the user reached 4,000 cubic feet when the cost to produce the water would stay the same. Tom. Kelly said the idea far increasing the rate for higher users is to encourage water conservation. He agreed the cost to produce the water doesn't increase because of higher usage but the greater demand does tax the system. The state encourages cities to adopt increased rates for water as a means to encourage conservation. Clint Herbst noted the City was trying to put the cost for the service on the people who actually use it rather than on a tax levy. Tom Perrault indicated that he would like to have mare information about the fund balances for the enterprise funds. In the budget sessions it was the consensus of the Council to increase the fees to bring the funds into a healthy balance. Tom Kelly provided some budget information regarding the water fund. For 2008 with the increase rates, $841,000 was projected for revenues and expenditures were estimated at $1,195,843 so the fund would be short $354,843. $200,000 was budgeted for capital improvements. Tom Kelly noted that depreciation was a considerable item. The regular sewer fund was projected to have $816,000 in revenue and expenditures of $999,910 which would reduce the fund balance by $183,910. Tom Kelly noted that $515,750 in expenditures is for depreciation. Capital outlays of $237,000 for the digester mixers and vehicle storage building was also included in expenditures. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE 15% INCREASE IN SEWER AND WATER USER RATES INCLUDING CHANGES TO SOME ANCILLARY CHARGES. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Wri ht Coan Sheriff s De artment 2007 Year-End Re ort Gary Miller, Wright County Sheriff was present to review the annual report with the Council. City Engineer, Bruce Westby noted the Council had approved the police protection contract for 2008-2009 but the adding of the additional 4 hours of service per day was tabled. City staff had internal discussions about utilizing a CSO (Community Service Officer) to help take the load off the Sheriff s Department. The CSO could be utilized on a part-time basis to start. 4 Council Minutes: 2/25/08 Sheriff Miller then reviewed the year end report for 2007. He noted that they look at a five year time span so they can determine the difference between a trend and a blip on the radar screen. Calls for service have increased but there was no one specific area that stood out for the increase in number of calls. Wayne Mayer asked about the number of false alarm calls and if false alarms are charged back. Sheriff Miller indicated the number of false alarm calls did increase. He added that Wright County does not bill back for false alarms. Otsego charges back based on names and addresses submitted by the Sheriff s Department. Traffic enforcement calls remained steady with the afternoon being the high time for service calls. Sheriff Miller explained how some code changes made a difference in how certain violations such as no proof of insurance were recorded and how that impacted certain figures. Sheriff Miller stated the Monticello Police Carnmission emphasized traffic enforcement as the major issue the Sheriffs Department should concentrate on. Sheriff Miller then went on to review the Fart I and Part II crime categories. Most of the increases in the Part I crimes were in larceny and theft. He pointed out that the Monticello has a vibrant business area and being along the I-94 corridor it is often people outside the area who commit these crimes. He didn't feel what was happening was anything unique to Monticello. He felt larceny was increasing statewide. Wayne Mayer asked about the Part II crimes as compared to Fart I crimes. Sheriff Miller explained that Fart I crimes would be of a felony nature and Fart II crimes would be less severe. Usually value determines if it is a Part I crime or Part II crime. Wayne Mayer asked how Monticello compared with other communities as far as crime. Sheriff Miller responded that it varies from city to city but he felt Monticello was average as fax as crime. He noted that having a number of businesses open 24 hours a day is kind of an inherent attraction for crime. He talked about "immigrant" crime which is committed by people who don't live in the area and are against people who don't live in the area. There is also "neighborhood" crime which is perpetuated against the residents by other residents. He felt that the Sheriff's Department is a very visible presence in the community which may discourage some types of criminal activity. Clint Herbst asked about the methamphetamines issue. Sheriff Miller responded that the number of meth labs is declining but there continues to be problems with crimes committed by addicted meth users. He felt the drug education aspect was very important in keeping the number of new users down. He added that over the counter drugs is becoming a problem. On March 11, 2008 there is a drug awareness event that will focus on over the counter drug use. Tom Perrault asked about the increase in the number of medical calls. Sheriff Miller stated the population numbers are increasing and the population is getting older which he felt accounted for the increase. Sheriff Miller indicated that with the number of big box stores in the community it is expected that there would be some shoplifting crimes but he stated many of these business have good internal security. He felt working with the corporate enterprises and tough prosecution of criminals makes for a hostile environment in which to commit crime. He recognizes that law enforcement and businesses have to work together. Council Minutes: 2/25/08 9. Wayne Mayer asked about the Community Service Office and the administrative duties that position would handle. He asked if the CSO would be an employee of Wright County or the City. Sheriff Miller stated that Wright County does not have any CSOs and there were a number of reasons for that which there wasn't time to go into. Sheriff Miller stated he is not sold on the concept of a CSO but he is not opposed to it. Sherriff Miller stated the police reserves do a number of administrative tasks for the Sheriffs Department such as controlling traffic at parades and other functions. There was some discussion on what duties the CSO would undertake and how that would impact the number of hours of patrol needed from Wright County. Clint Herbst felt residents would like someone to show up with the ability to respond to whatever the incident maybe. Clint Herbst asked about the time frame to notify the Sheriff's department an an increase in hours. Sheriff Miller felt it was important to take into consideration what the residents want to see and what the feedback is from businesses. The Sheriffs Department will let the City know when it is critical to increase the hours of service. He didn't think a CSO would relieve the City of law enforcement needs. He felt, looking at the trends, it is getting close to the time for additional coverage. Wayne Mayer noted that a lot of the feedback from residents is about speeding violations and he felt that was something that should be pursued. Sheriff Miller noted that two years ago the County Board authorized one full-time traffic enforcement officer. Sheriff Miller will meet with the Police Commission to discuss the CSO. Clint Herbst requested that the Folice Commission study the issue and present a recommendation to the City Council. The Folice Commission had recommended adding an additional 4 hours a day of police protection and this was included in the 2008 budget to start in July. The Sheriff's Department can let the City know if they have staff ng to handle an additional 4 hours a day beginning July 1. Wayne Mayer asked how the 4 hours of additional coverage would be split. Sheriff Miller said that the Police Commission had directed that the 4 hours be split between traffic enforcement and neighborhood patrols. Sheriff Miller said his office can shift the 4 hours. If, for example, a shift is normally 2 p.m.-C p.m. but the need is greater from 6 p.m.-10 p.m. they can shift those 4 hours to when they are needed most. could be a costly route. Clint Herbst felt the CSO did not take any of the work load off the Sheriff's Department. Susie Wojchouski felt the CSO position didn't have the expertise to handle very much of what a patrol officer would do, would require training and would need a vehicle. In all she felt a CSO SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO INCREASE THE WRIGHT COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT CONTRACT HOURS FOR THE 2008-2009 CONTRACT PERIOD BY 4 HOURS PER DAY EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2008. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Consideration of re uest from Habitat for Humani for waiver of fees. Staff reported that the Building Department had reviewed the plans for Habitat for Humanity Home proposed to be built in the Sunset Ponds area and came up with a fee total. The fees that are passed through such as the state surcharge are not proposed to be waived. The permit fees, plan 6 Council Minutes: 2/25/08 review, SAC and WAC charges come to about $7,820. Jeff O'Neill stated that the City Attorney indicated that if the City does waive the fees they should have a finding for doing so such as the waiver is necessary to provide decent housing for all income levels. It was also noted that the Sunset Ponds is covered by a PUD and the house would have to meet those standards. Gary Anderson, Building Official said he has reviewed the plans and they meet or exceed the standards with the exception of the 1 S% brick requirement on the front. Clint Herbst asked how the house would compare to others in the area. Gary Anderson said the Habitat for Humanity House is equal in dollar value to other homes in the area. Clint Herbst said he didn't have a problem with waiving the fee but he expected the house to complement other homes in the neighborhood. Susan Biasco for Habitat for Humanity stated the family who receives the house must commit to 400 hours of work on the house and they must be able to pay back the cost of the loan. It is an interest free mortgage running for 30 years. Habitat for Humanity houses have certain standards they have to follow. They are not custom built homes. Brick or ornamental facade is not something that is in the Habitat for Humanity's building plan. Clint Herbst said the City has standards in the area where the house is being built and he asked if there was anyway they could change their house plan. Wayne Mayer felt the City has to be sensitive to the other homes around it. Susan Biasco said they have some flexibility to change the house plan. Gary Anderson stated in the R-1 district house size must be 1,OS0 square feet of finished floor space. This house will be approximately 1,068 square feet. Wayne Mayer said the cause is fantastic and they can assure the City that the house meets the requirements of the PUD he would have no problem waiving the fees. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO AUTHORIZE A WAVER OF CITY BUILDING PERMIT FEES FOR THE PROPOSED HABITAT FOR HUMANITY HOME OF TO $7,648.74 BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE WAIVER SUPPORTS THE COMMON IDEAL OF DECENT AFFORDABLE SHELTER FOR ALL AND THAT THE BUILDING CONFORMS TO THE STANDARDS FOR THAT AREA. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. Tom Perrault stated that while he personally supported the project he feels the fees should not be picked up by the taxpayers. Susie Wojchouski didn't feel the City could write off $8,000 every year and suggested that the City place a limit on the number of homes such as one per five years or some other limit. Susan Biasco stated that most of the communities do not waive a 100% of the fees but rather some portion of them. She stated that Habitat for Humanity realizes the Council has to be understanding of the taxpayer. There was some discussion on where other Habitat fox Humanity homes have been built. Susie Wajchauski asked if this could be tabled so the City Council could find out what other cities contributed. Susan Bianco stated that off hand she didn't know the contribution amounts from other cities. She stated Habitat for Humanity needs the additional $30,000 by April and she felt they could make the $30,000 with or without the City's contribution. Tom Perrault stated he would be against any city donation. Susie Wojchauski felt if the City researches this they might feel more comfortable as far as a donation. WAYNE MAYER WITHDREW HIS MOTION AND CLINT HERBST WITHDREW HIS SECOND TO THE MOTION. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THIS UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7 Council Minutes: 2/25/08 10. Consideration of ro osal from Wri ht-Henna in Electric tau date residential li htin s sy tem• Wayne Mayer asked about the franchise agreement with Xcel Energy and wondered why the City didn't have a similar agreement with Wright-Hennepin. Tom Moores reviewed the proposal for street lighting. This proposal was from Wright-Hennepin to upgrade the existing lighting system. In 2005 modifications were made to the City's street lighting policy changing the spacing from 700 feet to 350 feet. The purpose of the upgrade was to develop a more uniform lighting system Tom Moores reviewed the modifications to the policy noting these changes covered any street light installed after May 2005. At this point John Simola has not been able to get a proposal from Xcel Energy. The City did upgrades to the street lights as part of the street reconstruction projects. Wright-Hennepin covers just a small area of the City so it was decided to do this project first. The Wright-Hennepin coverage area includes part of the River Mill area, River Forest Addition, Sandberg East Addition and Sunset Ponds. The cost to upgrade the 261ight fixtures is $595/fixture. Tam Moores Hated that two of the new lights have been installed on River Forest Drive. Clint Herbst asked if there was a cost efficiency in have the new lights. Tom Moores indicated that he couldn't answer that but believed John Simola who was not able to be present at this meeting had researched it. Finance Director Tom Kelly believed John Simola had indicated the new lights would cost half as much to operate. It was felt that residents would like to see more lighting in the neighborhood. Tam Moores stated that this project was budgeted in 2007 and if the City authorizes the project it could be done this spring. Susie Wojchouski asked why this area was selected since there are other areas where the lighting is much worse and she felt the City could hold off an this project for a few years. Tom Moores said since they were unable to come up with an agreement with Xcel it was decided to do the Wright-Hennepin coverage area first. The Council discussed some other street lighting project areas and how the franchise fee could be utilized for funding these projects. Susie Wojchouski felt that some of the franchise fee would go towards Chelsea Road lighting improvements. Jahn Simola is going to prepare a CIP program for the street lighting work which would outline the costs for the project. Tom Kelly stated the City has collected approximately $80,000 in franchise fees which was used to balance the general fund in 2007. The franchise fee was not part of the $100,000 set aside in the 2007 budget for street lighting. Susie Wojchouski asked if there was any energy efficiency information. Wayne Mayer said something else to look at is the fact that the City raised taxes this year and residents are expecting to see something from that increase. He thought this was a good value for the city. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE FIXTURE UPGRADE FOR 26 LIGHTS AND ADD 21 NEW STREET LIGHTS INCLUDING POLES AND FIXTURES IN THE RIVER MILL ADDITION, RIVER FOREST ADDITION, SANDBERG EAST ADDITION INCLUDING GILLARD AVENUE NE AND SUNSET PONDS WITH THE WORK TO BE COMPLETED BY WRIGHT HENNEPIN ELECTRIC AT AN ESTIMATED COST OF $57,937.80 AND WOULD BE COMPLETED UNDER CITY PROJECT NO. 20084-04C WITH THE WORK TO START IN SPRING AND BE COMPLETED IN EARLY SUMMER. Tom Perrault noted the corrected cost on the fixtures which would alter the total cost figure. Tom Moores said the cost difference would less than the cost of 1 light fixture. 8 Council Minutes: 2/25/08 WAYNE MAYER AMENDED HIS MOTION TO REFLECT THAT THE TOTAL COST WOULD BE $57,342.80. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Susie Wojchouski questioned why fixtures that were only 3 years old had to be replaced. Tom Moores stated that in Sunset Ponds the lights are five years old and in the River Forest area they are ten years old. 11. Consideration of re-sale re ort: G.O. Sewer Revenue Refundin Bonds. Finance Director, Tom Kelly reviewed the pre-sale report on the refinancing of the WWTP plant note which runs another 10 years before being paid off. The current interest rate on the note is 4.08%. Ehlers and Associates, the City's financial consultants estimated that City could issue new bonds at an interest rate of 3.325%. This results in a savings of $380,000 over the remaining ten years. Clint Herbst asked why this refinancing was not included with the refinancing of the 2002A series and the MCC revenue bands. Tom Kelly indicated they had looked at refinancing this note at that time but the interest rate didn't generate the savings needed justify refinancing it. Tom Kelly said the refinancing is good because it lowers the debt per capita and increases the amount of the City's sham term debt rather than long term debt. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ACCEPT THE PRE-SALE REPORT AS SUPPORT FOR REFINANCING THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT NOTE. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Added Item: Tom Perrault stated a resident felt they were getting a run around about what could be done with dogs barking at all hours of the day. Gary Anderson explained the process for handling dog complaints. Clint Herbst felt it was something that should be discussed by the Police Commission at a future meeting and suggested getting information out on Channel 12. Jeff O'Neill felt the Council should funnel all requests through him as he felt information. coming from one source would be better. Clint Herbst noted that a special meeting had been called by two Councilmembers on Feburary 19th regarding action with Kjellberg which is currently under litigation. He stated he would have no problem signing the special meeting notice. He said he would appreciate it if this type of thing comes up at a meeting and not outside the public forum. 12. Consideration of approving payment of bills for February. Wayne Mayer questioned a $5000 bill from NAC in which 34% of the bill was identified as general and wondered why greater detail couldn't be provided about this general work. Steve Grittman indicated "general" covered things such as attendance at meetings or unspecified projects. Wayne Mayer also questioned a $126 pizza party bill. Tom Moores explained this was in recognition of an employee's 20 years with the City. Jeff O'Neill said there is a fund to cover employee recognition events or retirement. Tom Kelly clarified that the City does not have a true employee recognition fund. The finance department had questioned the bill. 9 Council Minutes: 2/25/08 Wayne Mayer asked about a statement of $1$0 for a creative fee. Susie Wojchouski thought the creative fee was for creating a logo or layout of a design. Lastly Wayne Mayer stated that the bill for CCG Consulting listed miscellaneous professional services far $12,906 and he felt this bill too should have been itemized more fully. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO PAY THE BILLS. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 13. Adiourn. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 9:40 F.M. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. lJ .~.~ Recording Secretary 10