City Council Minutes 03-24-2008Council Minutes:3/24/08 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday March 24, 200$ - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski. Members Absent: None. 1. Cali to Order and Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance. 2A. Approve minutes of February 25 200$ Regular Council meeting. TOM FERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 25, 2008 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF ABSTAINING. 2B. A rove minutes of March 10 200$ Re ular Council meetin . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 10, 2008 REGULAR MEETING. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM FERRAULT AND SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI ABSTAINING. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. The award of the bid for the sale of $9,2"10,000 General Obligation Sewer Revenue Refitnding Bonds was added to the agenda. Brian Stumpf requested that agenda items #12 and #15 be added to the consent agenda. Wayne Mayer asked that item #12 be discussed. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. (A) Introduction of Karri Thorsten, Senior Accountant. -Tom Kelly introduced Karri Thorsten who is filling the position of senior accountant for the City of Monticello and will be starting March 31, 2008. No one else spoke under citizen comments. 5. Consent Agenda: A, Consideration of ratifying new hires and departures MCC, Parks and Liquor. Recommendation: Ratify the hires and departures as identified. B. Consideration of appointment of Mark Larson to fill vacancy on the Farks Commission. Recommendation: Appoint Mark Larsan to fill the vacancy on the Farks Commission with his term to run through December 31, 2010. Council Minutes:3/24/08 C. Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for development stage planned unit development approval and a Conditional Use Permit for a drive through lane at Lot 2, Block 1 of Union Crossings Third Addition. Applicant: IvlcDonald's USA, LLC. Recommendation: Decision #1: Move to approve a Conditional Use Permit for development stage planned unit development based on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the intent of the existing PUD and the B-4 District subject to the following conditions: 1) The parking stalls on the east side of the site adjacent to the drive through lane shall be designated for employee parking only; 2) The applicant shall provide a separate sign plan for all directional signage; 3) The applicant shall overlay turning radii for emergency anal delivery vehicles at the entrance to the site and through the drive through lane to ensure that these vehicles can circulate properly; 4) The photometric plan shall be revised to illustrate lighting produced from the site only. All lighting must be shielded, full cut-off fixtures. No readings may exceed one footcandle as measured from the centerline of adjacent rights-of--way; 5) The applicant shall revise the non-drive through (west) building elevation to add vertical elements similar to those provided on the south and east elevations; 6) The applicant shall provide pedestrian striping across 7th Street; and 7) The applicant shall submit turning radii for trucks and emergency vehicles demonstrating that turning movements may be made on the subject site only. Decision #2: Move to approve a Conditional Use Permit for a drive through facility based an a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the intent of the PUD and the use satisfies the conditions of approval. D. Consideration of approval of the special assessment agreement and adopting special assessments for Cedar Street Improvements for the Jerry Hartung Addition. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution approving the special assessment agreement and adopting the special assessments for the Cedar Street Improvements for the Jerry Hartung Addition. E. Consideration of a request for amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 3-9 regulating address number signs. Applicant: City of Monticello. Recommendation: Approve the amendment to Monticello Zoning Ordinance 3-9[E]5 repealing the regulation of address signs and amendment to Title 4 of the City Code Ordinance relating to Building Code. F. Consideration of authorizing the purchase of ball field concession and rental equipment for the Monticello Community Center. Recommendation: Approve the purchase of the concession stand equipment and the silverware from the vendor chosen by the community center for best service not to exceed $14,42p before tax and handling. Item #SC and #SF were pulled for discussion and #SD was requested to be tabled. BRIAN STUMFF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA OF ITEMS #SA, #SB AND #SE WITH AGENDA ITEM #12 ADDED AS #SG, WITH #SD BEING TABLED AND #SC AND #SF BEING PULLED FOR DISCUSSION. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. b. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. #SC ConditionaX Use Permit - McDonald's USA LLC: Tom Perrault questioned the traffic flow for the site. Kimberly Holier, consulting planner, indicated staff had also expressed concerns whether 2 Council Minutes:3/24/08 there was sufficient turning radii for commercial vehicles. Staff felt the vehicles should be able maneuver on their own site and not encroach onto the adjacent property. Tom Perrault noted that you can't bypass the drive through area. City Engineer Bntce Westby said the plan is for people parking on the west side of the building to egress the same way they came in. The City asked the applicant for a turn template that would show how emergency vehicles would maneuver through and circulate around the entire building. Another question is whether delivery vehicles could make the turn from the 7th Street to get into the site or leave the site. Staff felt that all emergency or delivery vehicles should be able to maneuver through the site without going onto adjacent property and they also suggested possibly shifting the building up a little to allow for better emergency vehicle circulation. Jim Heileman representing McDonalds stated that they had provided templates showing how emergency vehicles could circumnavigate the site. They have an agreement with the developer for cross access. Delivery vehicles come every five days. The template shows how the vehicles could leave the parking area while still staying on their property. McDonald's has put in two order paints which will allow faster service and thereby get vehicles out quicker. Mr. Heileman noted that if a customer can't circumnavigate the site, they won't come back. The delivery door is on the west side of the building and that is where the delivery vehicle would be parked. McDonald's doesn't feel there is customer inconvenience by not having a bypass lane for the drive through area. Vehicles will have to go through the drive through to get to the parking on the east side. The area on the east is meant for staff parking. With both drive through lanes there is room for 12-15 cars sa there is significant stacking space on the site. Only the parking stalls on the east side of the building would have encumbered access. Bruce Westby said the template he has is from several weeks ago and he has not seen a revised one. Bruce Westby said they had discussed curbing so vehicles couldn't leave the site and come back. His concern was about safety at the intersection with 7th Street and traffic circulation around the building. Jim Heileman said the latest plan had shown modifications to the curb lines. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR DEVELOPMENT STAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED USE IS CONSISTENT WITH THE INTENT OF THE EXISTING PUD AND THE B-4 DISTRICT SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1) The parking stalls on the east side of the site adjacent to the drive through lane shall be designated for employee parking only; 2) The applicant shall provide a separate sign plan for all directional signage; 3) The applicant shall overlay turning radii for emergency and delivery vehicles at the entrance to the site and through the drive through lane to ensure that these vehicles can circulate properly; 4) The photometric plan shall be revised to illustrate lighting produced from the site only. All lighting must be shielded, full cut-off fixtures. No readings may exceed one footcandle as measured from the centerline of adjacent rights-of--way; 5) The applicant shall revise the non-drive through (west) building elevation to add vertical elements similar to those provided on the south and east elevations; 6) The applicant shall provide pedestrian striping across 7~` Street; and 7) The applicant shall submit turning radii for trucks and emergency vehicles demonstrating that turning movements maybe made on the subject site only. AND TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A DRIVE THROUGH FACILITY BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED USE IS CONSISTENT WITH THE INTENT OF THE PUD AND THE USE SATISFIES THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #SF Purchase of ball field concession equipment and rental equipment far the community center. Wayne Mayer noted that the wording on the agenda item didn't say that they would be taking the 3 Council Minutes:3/24/08 lowest bid. Kitty Baltos, MCC Director, stated that there was only $50 difference between the bids and they felt because of that they could go with the vendor that they had the best working relationship with. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF THE CONCESSION STAND EQUIPMENT AND THE SILVERWARE FROM THE VENDOR CHOSEN BY THE COMMUNITY CENTER STAFF BASED ON BEST SERVICE AT A PRICE NOT TO EXCEED $14,420 BEFORE TAX AND HANDLING. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Consideration of comments from the Vine Place Homeowner's Association and corres ondin staff action summary. Community Development Coordinator, Angela Schumann provided background information outlining action staff took relating the concerns brought up the Vine Place Homeowner's Association. Staff pointed out that the City could only act on those issues covered in the development agreement. Other issues, such as the quality of the workmanship on individual units were matters that had to be resolved between the homeowners and the developer. Clint Herbst asked if the items listed on the September 2006 memo had all been addressed. The landscaping was reviewed by the Building Department and also the homeowner's association and Mike Cyr had come to an agreement as to the kind of Fencing that would be acceptable. Staff noted that the change in fencing would require an amendment to the PUD. The concerns raised about grading and drainage will be reviewed by the engineer in the spring. Staff pointed out that the construction of the units met the building code requirements. The code requirements are minimum standards for construction so meeting the code wouldn't necessarily mean it was top quality workmanship. Clint Herbst said when the city allows a FUD (Planned Unit Development) they need to make sure they are getting a superior product. Joel Jamnik reiterated that the City can only enforce those items that are in the development agreement between the City and the developer. They cannot bind the developer to items outside that. The items that are the City's responsibility will be reviewed by city staff. Items that are covered in the covenants are the responsibility of the homeowner's association to enforce. Jim Wimmer 628 6 1/~ Street spoke representing the Homeowner's Association. He stated the legal documents of the development have been recorded and appear in the abstract and he questioned why those items listed in the documents have not been completed. The residents of the development feel very strongly that the quality of workmanship on the units was poor. The homeowners didn't create the problems and shouldn't have to be the ones to correct it. Clint Herbst said he could understand the homeowners frustration because the purchase of a home is a big investment and you want everything to be perfect. The homeowners however have to realize the City can only correct those items that are covered in the development agreement. This will include: l) Looking at the grading and drainage in the spring; 2) Checking the condition of the sidewalk; 3) irrigation; and 4) Completing punch list items and landscaping. Jim Wimmer asked about the security deposits of the developer and if the City could hold those until all the issues were resolved. Joel Jamnik said the deposits could only be used to correct those item covered by the deposit. 4 Council Minutes:3/24/08 8. De artment Head Re art -Ann Johnson De u Re istrar's Office. Ann Johnson, Deputy Registrar Manager, reported that they had passed the state audit with flying colors and had received above average marks from the state for their paperwork. Initially they had looked at issuing passports but they were denied a permit to be a passport agency. Their office is issuing duplicate drivers license and it is hoped when the state gets the funding to provide cameras for the driver license sites, Monticello DMV would be a full driver's licensing facility. In March the Deputy Registrar's Office started having office hours an Saturday which has been very successful. Staff has been warking on building needs and getting cost estimates for repair of the existing building and relocation to another site. She also reported that the DMV office is back to full staff with the return of the employee who was injured in a car accident. 9. Consideration of authorizing the Monticello Fire Department to prepare plans and specifications for a fire truck and appoint one or two members of the City Council to sit on the design committee. Steve Joerg and Brad Fyle representing the Fire Department were present to discuss with the Council the proposal for a new fire truck. Funds for the truck have been budgeted over a number of years. They estimate the cost of the truck to be about $450,000 and they believe that thus far $375,000 has been budgeted and there maybe $75,000 left from the purchase of the previous truck. Most of the design work has been done by the Fire Department but they would like one or two members of the Council to sit on the final design phase. Wayne Mayer felt it maybe premature to finish up the design work ifthe budgeted funds were not adequate to cover the cost of the truck. Tom Kelly said that without looking at the fund balances, he didn't feel comfortable stating whether or not sufficient funds were budgeted. Brian Stumpf said it is not a matter of wants but a matter of needs. The age of this piece of equipment is a problem. Clint Herbst asked if there was any value in the old truck if it was sold. Steve Joerg said it was not their intent to sell the old vehicle but use it as a backup. It takes 9-10 months to build a new truck so that is why they are doing the design now so that they can have the vehicle an hand by January 2009. Brad Fyle said they would nat get much of a trade in value on the old vehicle. Tom Ke11y said that he would have the budgeted amount for the next meeting. Steve Joerg said they are trying to get to a 15 year replacement schedule. Another issue is the need for different extricating equipment because the cars are made differently with hybrids cars having electrical wires to be worked around. Steve Joerg thought this was a public safety issue. As far as Council representation on the design committee, Brian Stumpf felt it should be a Councilmember who was outside the Fire Department. Tom. Perrault will serve on the Engine Design Committee with Susie Wojchouski as a backup. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPOINT TOM PERRAULT TO THE FIRE DEPARTMENT ENGINE DESIGN COMMITTTEE. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5 Council Minutes:3/24/08 10. Consideration of authorizing the uregaration of clans and obtaining quotes for the reali ument of Territorial Road and a rovin the easement a reement for the Busch ro er Shibani Bisson stated that when the new railroad crossing at Highland Way was approved, the City had agreed to close the crossing at Territorial Road by June 30,2008. Part of this agreement calls for the City to provide access to the property owners who had access to Territorial Road. At the present time Territorial Road is a 12' gravel road. The Busch's were consider developing their property but the current market conditions have kept them from moving forward. Staff has looked at various options including the purchase of the Jameson property. The railroad has denied a request for an extension to continue the crossing. Shibani Bisson pointed out that the City is only obligated to replicate the current access. This would be a temporary access until the property develops. Wayne Mayer asked once the new driveway is in place is the City doing anything for the area between the tracks and Washington Street and wondered who awned the area. John Simola indicated the area was owned by the School District. Shibani said they don't have plans to remove this section of the road. Clint Herbst expressed frustration about the difficulty of working with the railroad. He questioned the value of putting a temporary road in now when it is possible in a few years that the road alignment would change. He felt the City should see what the railroad would do if the road was not constructed by the June 30, 2008 deadline. When development takes place is the time to look more closely at the road and its alignment. John Simola expressed the view that if the railroad wanted to take the crossing out at any time they could and then the City would have to put the road in immediately. Joel Jamnik said the City does have an agreement with the railroad that the crossing would be removed and if challenged the courts would require the City to live up to the terms of the agreement. Merrill Busch indicated that this road is the primary access to the Rand House. If this road closes there is no access to the Jameson property. Clint Herbst suggested that the crossing at Linn Street could be considered a trading point for resolving the Territorial Raad crossing. Merrill Busch said the problem for them is that they have been dealing for the past four years with the question of whether or not they have access. He felt the proposed gravel road was the best deal far them, the City and the Jamesons. Susie Wojchouski asked who was going to be the force to see that this was done. Shibani Bisson said their office would set up the meeting with the railroad but noted the railroad was not receptive to extending the agreement. John Simola said before the City starts a war with the railroad they should they get the fiber optic cable in. Tom Perrault asked about the cost which is estimated at $40,000. Brian Stumpf asked if it would create a hardship for Merrill Busch if the City holds off a decision far several months. Merrill Busch felt if the City wanted to use this approach with the railroad they should have done it a few years ago. Brian Stumpf said if the City doesn't have some kind of commitment from the railroad on Territorial Road by June 1, 2008 the City would proceed with the road installation. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED THAT IF THE CITY DOES NOT RECEIVE A COMMITMENT FROM THE RAILROAD REGARDING THE TERRITORIAL ROAD CROSSING BY JUNE 1, 2008 THE CITY WOULD MOVE AHEAD WITH THE INSTALLATION OF THE ROAD. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6 Council Minutes:3/24/08 11. Consideration of a request for amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chaster 3- 5 Off Street Parkin Re uirements as related to the re ulation of the size and wei t of vehicles_parked in residential districts. Applicant: City of Monticello. Clint Herbst stated that the City Council had discussed this about a year or so ago and he wondered who brought it back before the Council. Kimberly Holien said the issue was brought up by the Building Department. The amendment that was approved last year was limited to recreational vehicles. In answer to Mayor's Herbst question about the item Gaming back to Council again, Joel Jamnik stated there is no restriction on when an initiative from the Planning Commission or staff can come back before Council. Staff indicated that complaints from residents were what initiated the item. Wayne Mayer asked why the complaints hadn't been forwarded to the Council. Wayne Mayer questioned how allowing a tow truck without specifying a size limit would be any more appropriate than allowing a tractor trailer. He said there was nothing in the amendment limiting the size of a tow truck. Wayne Mayer felt this was contrived to come back before the Council Wayne Mayer suggested that Jeff O'Neill should get this information to the Council in the form of a workshap rather than bring it befare the Council in this manner. Kimberly Holien said the ordinance amendment has two components. The current ordinance prohibits vehicles in excess of 9,000 pounds in residential areas. Since many SUV's are in the range of 12,000 pounds, it was felt that weight should be changed. Wayne Mayer also questioned the alternative parking areas for restricted vehicles. Joel Jarnnik noted that was covered in Sections 8 and 9 of the second ordinance amendment. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THIS ITEM UNTIL THE CITY COULD SCHEDULE A WORKSHOP TO DISCUSS FULLY THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. There was some discussion on whether the City should designate parking places for those vehicles not allowed in residential areas or if that was the responsibility of the vehicle owner. 12. Consideration to prepare an amendment to City Code for the waiver of building permit fees for residential remodeling proiects or building modifications for Veterans of the United States Armed Forces. The Planning Commission asked that the City Council consider an amendment that would allow far waiving of building permit fees for veterans. A model amendment from the City of Delano was provided for Council review. Wayne Mayer felt that there needed to be clarification that the waiving of the fees was for a veteran who had actually suffered an injury in service. He suggested specifically identifying a disability amount such as a 50% disability. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO FROCEED WITH THE FREPARATION OF A CITY ORDINANCE FOR THE PURPOSE OF WAIVING BUILDING PERMIT FEES 1~'OR RESIDENTIAL REMODELING OR BUILDING PROJECTS FOR VETERANS HAVING SUSTAINED A DISABILITY WHILE ACTIVELY SERVING IN THE UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES. TOM FERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7 Council Minutes:3/24/08 13. Consideration of purchasing crackfilling machine for Street Department. Street Supt Tom Moores provided information relating to the existing crackfilling machine and its proposed replacement. The existing 1993 Crafco Melting Pot was purchased jointly by the cities of Buffalo, Elk River and Monticello. Buffalo and Elk River have since purchased their own equipment. Crafco and Cimline were the two machines looked at and the Public Works Department felt the Cimline was a better machine of the two. The estimated cost for the Cimline Magma was $39,220.75 including tax. Public Works was also requesting approval to purchase a heat lance gun for $2,128.93 making a total cost of $41,349.68. The old Crafco would be sold and the proceeds split between the three cities. Clint Herbst suggested refurbishing the old equipment and use it for a couple of years. Tom Moores said the new equipment has more safety features. Susie Wojchouski suggesting renting the equipment noting that over 13 years there was only 1700 hours on the machine. It didn't seem to her that it was used that many hours and that renting maybe an option. Torn Moores said the cost to rent the machined is $1,350 a week. The City does crack filling over a period of 5-6 weeks so renting is a costly option. Tom Moores felt the new machine should last the city 15 years. Tom Perrault said it was the safety issue that concerned him. He added that as the city continues to grow the use of the equipment would increase. Tom Moores said the new equipment would allow them to work more efficiently and more safely. He estimated they would save 150 hours. John Simola strongly advised getting rid of the old equipment because of safety issues. Clint Herbst responded if it is a safety issue maybe the City should look at contracting the crackfilling work out. Tom Moores noted that to schedule a contractor to the work it would have to be set up six months in advance. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO REFAIR THE EXISTING 1993 CRAfCO MELTLING POT AND TO AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF THE HEAT LANCE GUN. GLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION., UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN WAYNE MAYER AND GLINT HERBST VOTED IN FAVOR THEREOF AND BRIAN STUMFF, TOM PERRAULT AND SUSIE WOCHOUSKI VOTING AGAINST. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF A 2008 CIMLINE MAGMA 110D MELTER FROM MIDSTATES EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY FOR $39,220.75 INCLUDING TAX AND A CIMLINE HEATLANCE GUN WITH 40' HOSE KIT FOR $2,12$.9$3 INCLUDING TAX FOR A TOTAL FURCHASE PRICE OF $41,349.68 AND AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF THE OLD MELTER IN AS-lS CONDITION FOR $1,500.00 SPLITING THE FROCEEDS WITH THE CITIES OF ELK RIVER AND BUFFALO. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH WAYNE MAYER AND GLINT HERBST VOTING IN OFFOSITION. 14. Consideration of a royal of new safe manual for Public Works Hi-Wa Li nor Ci Hall and Motor Vehicle. John Simola submitted the new employee safety manual and provided background on the work that went into the new manual. Since the City does not have a Safety Coordinator, department heads have carried the responsibility far training their employees. He reviewed the contents of the manual briefly noting that changes in OSHA, AWAIR and other laws have been reflected in the manual. He explained that they have used Safety Train Inc. to provide training. The manual 8 Council Minutes:3/24/08 allows documenting of training and any changes in the safety laws. There were some questions on the cost for training. The MCC whose staff has various shifts rely more on videos for training whereas the Public Works has relied on Safety Train, Inc.. Clint Herbst felt training was expensive and he had a little problem with what the City all had to go through to meet requirements. Wayne Mayer asked if the City was exposed to any liability by something being omitted from the safety manual. The Council suggested that if the manual is meant to be used by the employees it would be better to go with the full manual rather than a summary manual for the employees. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE NEW SAFETY MANUAL IN ITS CURRENT FORM AND BEGIN IMMEDIATE IMPLEMENTATION WITH THE FULL SAFETY MANUAL BEING PREPARED FOR HANDOUT TO EMPLOYEES. THE TNCREASE 1N COST 1N HARD DOLLARS WILL BE APPROXIMATELY $1,200 FOR ADDITONAL CONTRACT WORK WITH SAFETY TRAIN, INC. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 15. Consideration of a royal of 3 ear contract extension with Elk River Landfill ante Management for disposal of mixed municipal waste. Moved to the consent agenda. Added Item: Tom Kelly indicated that a few weeks ago the Council had considered sale of the revenue bonds but at that time the uncertainty of the market made the potential saving by refinancing disappear. At that the Council authorized the Mayor and Finance Director to proceed with the bond sale when the interest rates were at a point where the City could generate $300,000 in savings by refinancing the original bond issue. The sale of bonds took place at a true interest cast of 3.400% SUSIE WOCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE RESOLUTION AWARDING THE BIDS FOR THE SALE OF $9,270,000 IN GENERAL OBLIGATION SEWER REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 200$A. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 16. Consideration of approving payment of bills for March, 2008. Wayne Mayer questioned the reimbursement for cell phone usage. Torn Kelly explained that for certain employees it is deemed necessary to carry a cell phone. They are given so many minutes an the city plan or they can use their personal cell phone and get reimbursed for the minutes they use the phone for work based on the rate of the City's plan. Wayne Mayer would like the City to consider issuing city-owned cell phones and restrict the use of the personal cell phone. Wayne Mayer would recommend that for Public Works they look at a company that could give them 2-way service. Tom Kelly indicated there 20-25 employees who are required to carry cell phones. Wayne Mayer asked about a cell phone policy. Tom Perrault asked about the check for the Rotary Club. Tom Kelly indicated that unless the Council approves the check for membership dues it would be voided. Wayne Mayer felt the Rotary Club was 9 Council Minutes:3/24/08 too exclusive and that the taxpayers didn't get anything from the City being a member of that organization. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS EXCLUDING THE ONE FOR THE ROTARY CLUB. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 17. Adiourn. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 9:55 P.M. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ~Jca-~~ ~.~,~5~ Recording Secretary ~~~ 10